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J . Cumin, B . Grizelj, R . Scitovski Numeričko rješavanje balističkih jednadžbi za zračnu pušku velikog kalibra ISSN 1330-3651 UDC/UDK 531.555 : 623.442 NUMERICALSOLVING OF BALLISTIC FLIGHT EQUATIONS FOR BIG BOREAIR RIFLE Josip Cumin, Branko Grizelj, Rudolf Scitovski Subject review Thispaperisaboutsolvingballisticequationsbymeansofnumericalmathematics.Ballisticflightequationsareappliedformodernbigboreairrifles,operated withhighpressurecarbon-dioxide(CO )gas.Ballisticequationsuseairdragfunctionforobtainingresults.Todaytherearemanycomplexcommercialballistic 2 programsonmarket,basedonmodifiedmasspointmodel–"MPMM"or"6DOF"model.Bigboreairriflecommonlyusesballprojectiles,andvelocitiesofthe projectilesarelowerthanthespeedofsound.Thereforesimplifiedmodelsforquickcalculationsofballistictrajectoriesandprojectilevelocitiescanbeused. Key words:ballistic equations, big bore air rifle, air drag Numeričko rješavanje balističkih jednadžbi za zračnu pušku velikog kalibra Pregledničlanak Temaovogradajerješavanjebalističkihjednadžbiuzpomoćnumeričkematematike.Balističkejednadžbesuprimijenjenezamodernezračnepuškevelikog kalibra,punjenesugljik-dioksid(CO )plinom.Balističkejednadžbekoristeotporzrakomispunjenogprostorapriizračunurezultata.Danaspostojeraznovrsni 2 kompliciranikomercijalnibalističkiprograminatržištu,kojisubaziranina"modifiedpointmass–MPMM"modelu,ilipakna"6DegreesofFreedom" modelu. Zračna puška velikog kalibra koristi kuglu kao projektil, i brzine projektila su uglavnom manje od brzine zvuka. Stoga se mogu koristiti pojednostavnjenimodelizabrzoizračunavanjebalističkihputanjaibrzinaprojektila. Ključne riječi:balističke jednadžbe, zračna puška velikog kalibra, otpor zraka 1 T–thermodynamic temperature, K Introduction R 8314 Uvod R (cid:2) m (cid:2) (cid:2)286,987 J/(kg (cid:4)K) (3) air M 28,97 Today on the world market one can find various R –gas constant(cid:2)R =8314J/(kmol(cid:4)K) m m commercialballisticsoftware,whichcancalculateballistic M–molecularmassof air(cid:2)M=28,97 kg/kmol trajectories,andprojectilespeedlossduringaflight.Allof Forthe givendata,and temperature(cid:5)=20 °C, these programs use database with significant projectile T=293,15 K characteristics, needed for ballistic calculations. Main characteristics of the projectiles are given by v (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:4)R (cid:4)T (cid:2) 1,4 (cid:4) 286,987 (cid:4) 293,15 (cid:2) 343,2 m/s manufacturers,andthisdataisobtainedbymeasurements s air or numeric simulations. These programs are complex Forbigboreairriflemodel,velocityofaprojectileis because they also take into account a change of drag highest when projectile is leaving bore, and it is getting coefficientduringflightofprojectileasavariable.Thedrag smallerwitheveryshotbecauseCO tankpressurereduces. coefficient C is a function of projectile velocity among 2 d Even with the first shot, maximal velocity of projectile is other variables. It is also measured or obtained by smallerthanthespeedofsound. simulations. If velocity of projectile is smaller than the Drag function can be calculated by using: speedofsoundintheair,thedragcoefficientisassumedto beconstant.Thereforeforvelocitiesairriflecanproduce,C d 1 is constant. By raising projectile velocity over speed of F (cid:2) (cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:4)A(cid:4)v2(cid:4)C , N (4) sound,dragcoefficientchanges.GenerallyMachnumberis d 2 d ratiobetweenprojectilevelocity(v)atsomemomentduring where : flight,andthespeedofsoundintheair(v),[1]: s (cid:6)–air density, kg/m3 v A–cross section of projectile, m2 M (cid:2) (1) a v v–projectile velocity, m/s s C –drag coefficient. d IfM <1, it is subsonic region a C isthevaluethatisdeterminedforeveryshapeofthe ifM >1, it is supersonic region d a projectile. If C is small, then the drag force on ifM = 1, it is transitional region. d a body/projectile is small and vice-versa. C depends on d dimension of projectile, shape of projectile, surface Speed of sound in the air can be calculated by [2]: roughness and Reynold’s number. For this model approximatevalueforsmallsphereC =0,45willbeused v (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:4)R(cid:4)T m/s, (2) [3]. d s Also for calculating trajectories commercial software Where: usesotherfactorslikeprojectile/bulletspin,whichaffects (cid:2)- ratio of specific heat capacitiesc/c, for air (cid:2)=1,4 dynamical stabilization. So if projectile has a high p v R -individual gas constant, J/(kg(cid:4) K) frequency of rotation it is over stabilized and vice-versa. air Technical Gazette 16,1(2009), 41-46 41 Numerical solving of ballistic flight equations for big bore air rifle J . Cumin, B . Grizelj, R . Scitovski Figure 1 illustrates: a) perfectly stabilized projectile, b) Coordinatesystemforthisproblemiscalled–carriedlocal (cid:2) understabilizedprojectile,c)overstabilizedprojectile.The coordinatesystem,andvelocityismarkedas v. variablewhichdescribesthisphenomenoniscalledyawof angle and it represents the angle between projectile 2.1 principalaxisandtangentonballistictrajectory. Euler model without wind Inthecaseofairrifle,aballisusedasaprojectile,and Eulerov model putanje zrna -bez bočnog vjetra for its symmetry this phenomenon of stabilized projectile can be ignored. In order to determine the yaw of angle in AccordingtoFigure2,onecanseeforcesactingupon everymomentoftime,complexmathematicalsolutionslike projectile. Force of air drag is trying to slow down the MPMM(modifiedmasspointmodel),or6DOF(6degrees projectile,andtheforceofgravityispullingtheprojectile offreedom)aretobeused. down.Vectorequationcanbewrittenas[4]: dv (cid:3)(cid:4) (cid:6)(cid:4)v2 v m(cid:4) (cid:2)m(cid:4)g(cid:7) (cid:4)A(cid:4)C (cid:4) . (5) dt 2 d v Figure 2Drag force, and Earth gravity on the projectile Slika 2Sila otpora zrakom ispunjenog prostora i ubrzanje Zemljine sile teže koje djeluju na projektil The term v v (cid:4) v (cid:4) v (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:2) x i (cid:11) y j(cid:11) z k (cid:2)(cos(cid:8) ) i (cid:11) (cos (cid:9) ) j (cid:11) (cos (cid:10) )k Figure 1Various cases of projectile stabilization v v v v Slika 1Različiti slučajevi stabilizacije projektila representsdirectioncosinesoftrajectorytangent. Vectorofvelocityisbydefinition,derivationofradii- For comparison of cases, in literature [8, 9], one can vectorintime.Radii-vectordescribespositionofprojectile find expressions for ballistic equations in vacuum ("in fromtheoriginofthecoordinatesystem. vacuo")model. (cid:4) dr 2 (cid:2)v (6) Ballistic equations including wind drag dt Balističke jednadžbe s obzirom na otpor zrakom First vector equation (5) is projected on tangent and ispunjenog prostora normal of trajectory. Equation (6) is projected on axes of localcoordinatesystem[4]. As already mentioned(4), drag function can be expressedas: dv (cid:6)(cid:4)v2 (cid:2)(cid:7)g(cid:4)sin(cid:10)(cid:7) (cid:4)A(cid:4)C , 1 dt 2m d F (cid:2) (cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:4)A(cid:4)v2(cid:4)C , N. d 2 d d(cid:10) (cid:2) (cid:7)g(cid:4)cos(cid:10), dt v (7) Itisassumedthatprojectileisflyinginx-ycoordinate dx (cid:2)v(cid:4)cos(cid:10) , system, with x coordinate representing the range, and y dt coordinaterepresentingtheheightofflight.Thedragforce dy canbeprojectedonaxes–forcedividedtocomponents.In (cid:2)v(cid:4)sin(cid:10) , thecaseofsidewind,theprojectiledriftssideways,andthis dt isprojectedonzaxis.Therecanalsoberangewind(blowing inpositiveornegativedirectionofxaxis),andverticalwind, where(cid:3)isanglebetweenvelocityvectorv,andpositivex butitisveryrare.Verticalwindhasalmostnoeffectonthe axis. projectile height, so it is neglected in equations. While Solvingtheseequationsinclassicalwaywouldbevery calculating with side and range wind, components of difficult, but they can be approximated by means of velocity change, and velocity vector composed of those numericalmathematics. components also changes. This motion is complex. Withtheinitialconditionssetas:v =183m/s,massof 0 42 Tehnički vjesnik16,1(2009), 41-46 J . Cumin, B . Grizelj, R . Scitovski Numeričko rješavanje balističkih jednadžbi za zračnu pušku velikog kalibra bulletm=14,6grams,angleofdeparturemeasuredfromx axis(cid:3)=3°,bulletdiameterd=12,7mm(0,50inch),ambient pressurep =101325Pa,thermodynamictemperatureT= 0 293,15K,densityofaircanbecalculatedasfollows: p 101325 (cid:6)(cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2)1,2044 kg/m3 (8) R (cid:4)T 286,987 (cid:4) 293,15 air Withdt=0,02s,andapplyingRunge-Kuttamethodon equations (7), discrete values for the variables are calculated.FourthorderRunge-Kuttamethodisappliedon equations (7) in such a way that first the velocity v is calculated. Next step is calculation of dv, d(cid:3), dx and dy. Figure 5Velocity of projectile as a function of time t Thesevaluesareaddedtovaluesofv,(cid:3),x,y,respectively. Slika 5Brzina projektila kao funkcija vremena t Valuesv,(cid:3),x,yaresetatthebeginningofprogramfromthe initialconditions.Ifconditionismet,programisinstructed 2.2 tostop,anddisplayresults.Ifconditionisnotmet,bythe Euler model with side wind iterativeprocedureprogramcalculatesnewvaluesofdv,d(cid:3), Eulerov model putanje zrna - sbočnim vjetrom dx,dy,andaddsthemtothevaluesv,(cid:3),x,y,untilconditionis met. In this way for each value of time t, values v, (cid:3), x, y This model is actually just a minor modification of a numericallyapproximateanalyticalsolution.Programming classicalEulermodel.Ituseswindvelocitycomponentsto was done in Mathematica 5.2 for students. Programming change the projectile velocity components, and thus the canbedoneinC++,Fortranorothersoftware.Following projectilevelocityvector.Accordingto[4]modifiedEuler's diagramswereconstructedfromresults. equationsareasfollows: dv (cid:3)(cid:4) (cid:6)(cid:4)v2 v m (cid:2)m(cid:4)g(cid:7) (cid:4)A(cid:4)C (cid:4) (9) dt 2 d v Equation of radii vector: (cid:4) Figure 3Ballistic trajectory solved by Euler's equations dr (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:4) (cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:4) Slika 3Balistička putanja riješenaEulerovim jednadžbama (cid:2)v , v (cid:2) v (cid:11) v , dt k w (cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:4) v (cid:2)u i(cid:11)h j(cid:11)w k, (10) (cid:3)(cid:3)k(cid:3)(cid:4) k (cid:4) k(cid:3)(cid:4) k (cid:4) w (cid:2)u i(cid:11)0(cid:4)j(cid:11)w k, w w w wherev iswindvelocity,v projectilevelocityaccording w k toclassicalEuler'smodel. Fromequations(9),(10)componentscanbewrittenas: du (cid:12)u (cid:7)u (cid:13) dx (cid:2)(cid:7)E(cid:4)C (cid:4) k w , (cid:2)u, dt d v dt dh h dy (cid:2)(cid:7)E(cid:4)C (cid:4) k (cid:7)g, (cid:2)h, (11) dt d v dt SliFkaig 4urKeu 4tA(cid:3)nizgrlaež(cid:3)ena sk aao f ufunnckticoinja o vfr teimmeen ta t dw (cid:2)(cid:7)E(cid:4)C (cid:4)(cid:12)wk (cid:7)ww(cid:13), dz (cid:2)w, dt d v dt From Figure 3, one can see that trajectory is more curvedattheend,andthisisclearlyvisibleeffectoftheair where: drag. Figure 4 represents the angle between the velocity (cid:6)(cid:4)v2(cid:4)A vectorandxaxis.Theangleofdeparture atthebeginning E (cid:2) 2(cid:4)m was set as 3°, and in the moment when projectile hit the ground, calculated angle was (cid:3)=(cid:4)4,4°. In vacuum model v(cid:2) (cid:12)u (cid:7)u (cid:13)2(cid:11)h2(cid:11)(cid:12)w (cid:7)w (cid:13)2 (seeFigure 6) (withoutairdrag)thereisnodifferencebetweentheangleof k w k k w departure and the angle (cid:3) when projectile hits the ground (flat). Assuminginitialconditionsas:v =183m/s,massof 0 Figure 5 shows scalar value of velocity vector bulletm=14,6grams,theangleofdeparturemeasuredfrom decreasingthroughtimebecauseofairdrag. x axis (cid:3) = 3°, bullet diameter d = 12,7 mm (0,50 inch), Initial velocity was set as v = 183 m/s. Calculated densityofair (cid:5)=1,2044kg/m3 ,withambientpressurep = 0 0 velocityinthemomentwhenbullethitsthegroundisv= 101325 Pa, thermodynamic temperature T = 293,15 K, 105,3m/s. componentsofwindvelocityvectoru =5m/s,w =15m/s, w w dt=0,02s,andapplyingRunge-Kuttamethodonequations Technical Gazette 16,1(2009), 41-46 43 Numerical solving of ballistic flight equations for big bore air rifle J . Cumin, B . Grizelj, R . Scitovski (11), discrete values for variables are calculated, and followingdiagramsconstructed(Figures7,8,9and10). Figure 10Projectile side drift as a function of range Slika 10Bočno zanošenje projektila kao funkcija dometa Difference from previous results (Euler's equations withoutwind),canbeseeninFigure10. Astheinitialspeedwassetrathersmall,theeffectofair dragisnotquiteasvisibleinFigure3andFigure7.Results obtainedbynumericallysolvingequations(7),(11)would havebeendifferent,iftheinitialspeedwassethigher,likev 0 = 300 m/s. Limit is that the initial speed must not be set higherthanthespeedofsound. Airriflewithsmallercaliberprojectilethan12,7mm, Figure 6Ballistic trajectory in space, with components of velocity vector shown has higher initial velocity than 183 m/s, and the results Slika 6Balistička putanja u prostoru, s prikazanim calculatedforthatcaseshowhigherexpressedappearance komponentama vektora brzine oftheairdrag,inthemeansofballistictrajectories. 2.3 Flat fire model Flat fire model This is a bit different way of determining ballistic Figure 7Ballistic trajectory in x-y coordinate system, solved by Euler's equations including wind trajectories. It uses the same equations from the classic Slika 7Balistička putanja u x-y koordinatnom sustavu, Euler'smodel.Maindifferenceinthiswayofsolvingisthat riješen pomoću Eulerovih jednadžbi uzimajući u obzir i bočni vjetar velocity vector v is divided on v and v components. x y Becauseofthisseparation,variablesv andv havecertain x y limitations. This model was developed during World War One,andinthattimeriflesweremadewithsmoothbores. Projectileshadsmallexitvelocitiesatboreend,andsmall range. The army still uses this model for calculating ballisticsofhighcaliberguns,withsmallbulletvelocities. Theseconditionsaresimilartotheproblemofbigboreair rifle, therefore this model can be used. Assumptions are following:therearenoCoriolisacceleration,Magnusforce andforceofaerodynamiclift. Equations are [5]: (cid:4) dv v i (cid:11) v j (cid:11) v k A(cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:4)C (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:2) x y z (cid:2)(cid:7) d (cid:4)v (cid:4) v (cid:7) g (cid:4) j (12) dt dt 2m Figure 8Total velocity of projectile as a function of time Slika 8Ukupna brzina projektila kao funkcija vremena Components can be written: dv v(cid:5) (cid:2) x (cid:2)(cid:7)C*(cid:4)v(cid:4)v , x dt d x dv v(cid:5) (cid:2) y (cid:2)(cid:7)C*(cid:4)v(cid:4)v (cid:7)g, y dt d y (13) dv v(cid:5) (cid:2) z (cid:2)(cid:7)C*(cid:4)v(cid:4)v , z dt d z v(cid:2) v2(cid:11)v2(cid:11)v2, x y z where: Figure 9Ballistic trajectory in 3D, solved by Euler's A(cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:4)C Slika 9Prostorni prikeaqz ubaatliiosntisč kinec kluridviunlgje w riinjedšene prema Eulerovim Cd* (cid:2) 2m d (cid:4) jednadžbama uključujući i bočni vjetar Assumptions: v = 0(there is no side wind) z From initial velocity 183 m/s, because of wind drag, |v/v | =tan(cid:10)< 0,1(cid:2)(cid:10)<5,7° velocity drops to v = 104 m/s, when projectile hits the y x v/v< 0,5 %. ground. x 44 Tehnički vjesnik16,1(2009), 41-46 J . Cumin, B . Grizelj, R . Scitovski Numeričko rješavanje balističkih jednadžbi za zračnu pušku velikog kalibra According to [5] equations (13) can be transformed to (cid:22) (cid:16)v (cid:17)(cid:23) use variable of rangex,instead of variable of timet. g (cid:4) t (cid:24)(cid:24) v x 0 (cid:4) (cid:29)t(cid:29)(cid:4)ln(cid:18)(cid:20) vx0(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:25) tan(cid:10)(cid:2)tan(cid:10) (cid:7) 1(cid:11) x (17) 0 (cid:24) (cid:25) v 2x dv dx x0 (cid:24) (cid:25) dxx (cid:4) d t(cid:2)(cid:7)Cd*(cid:4)vx(cid:4)vx(cid:14)vx’(cid:2)(cid:7)Cd*(cid:4)vx, (14a) (cid:24)(cid:26) (cid:25)(cid:27) dvy (cid:4)dx (cid:2)(cid:7)C*(cid:4)v (cid:4)v (cid:7)g(cid:14) dvy (cid:2)(cid:7)C*(cid:4)v (cid:7) g . (14b) Equation for describing projectile height y[5]: dx dt d x y dx d y vx (cid:22) (cid:23) projeIfcttihleesamiradlrlaegrtchoaenffsipceieendtoCfdsiosucnodn)s,ttahnatn(evqeuloactiiotyno(1f4thae) y(cid:2)y0(cid:11)x(cid:4)tan(cid:10)0(cid:7)g2 (cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24) v xx0(cid:4)ln(cid:16)(cid:18)1vx0(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:25)(cid:25)(cid:25)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:26)(cid:22)12(cid:18)(cid:20)(cid:16)vvxx0(cid:7)1(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:17)2(cid:11)(cid:18)(cid:20)(cid:16)vvxx0(cid:7)1(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:7)ln(cid:18)(cid:20)(cid:16)vvxx0(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:25)(cid:25)(cid:27)(cid:23) canbesolvedasfollows: (cid:24)(cid:26) (cid:20) vx (cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:27) (18) x Assuminginitialconditionsas:v =183m/s,massof (cid:7)Cd* (cid:15) d x 1 bulletm=14,6grams,angleofdepart0uremeasuredfromx vx (cid:2)vx0(cid:4)e 0 axis (cid:3)=3°,bulletdiameterd=12,7mm(0,50inch),density ofair(cid:5)=1,2044kg/m3 ,withambientpressurep =101325 and applying 0 Pa,thermodynamictemperatureT=293,15K,dt=0,02s, k (cid:2)C*(cid:14)v (cid:2)v (cid:4)e(cid:7)k1 (cid:4) x andapplyingRunge-Kuttamethodonequations(14-18), 1 d x x0 discretevaluesforvariablesarecalculated,andfollowing diagramsconstructed(Figure11,12,13,14and15). Expression for timetis calculated as: x dx (cid:7)(cid:15)Cd* d x 1 dt(cid:2) , v (cid:2)v (cid:4)e 0 v x x0 x x2 (cid:15)Cd * d x 1 x dx xe0 t(cid:2)(cid:15) 2 (cid:2)(cid:15) dx (cid:16) x2 (cid:17) v 2 0(cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:7)(cid:15)Cd * d x 1 (cid:19)(cid:19) 0 x0 (15) (cid:18)v (cid:4)e 0 (cid:19) (cid:18) x0 (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 x t(cid:2) (cid:15)ek1 x 2dx v 2 x0 0 Figure 11Component vxof velocity as a function of time Slika 11Komponenta v brzine kao funkcija vremena t(cid:2) 1 (ek1(cid:4)x (cid:7)e0((cid:2) 1 (ek1(cid:4)x (cid:7)1( x v (cid:4)k v (cid:4)k x0 1 x0 1 Equation(14b): dv g y (cid:11)C * (cid:4) v (cid:2)(cid:7) , dx d y v x is linear differential equation of first order, and with the initialconditions,v =v ,t=0andx=0,itissolvedas: y y0 v (cid:2)v (cid:22)(cid:24)tan(cid:10) (cid:7) g (cid:4) t(cid:16)(cid:18)1(cid:11)v x 0 (cid:4) k 1 (cid:4) t(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:25), Figure 12Component vyof velocity as a function of time y x(cid:26) 0 vx0 (cid:20) 2 (cid:21)(cid:27) Slika 12Komponenta vybrzine kao funkcija vremena v y (cid:2)tan (cid:10) , v x From: v (cid:2)v (cid:4)e(cid:7)k1 (cid:4) x (cid:28)k (cid:2) 1(cid:4)ln(cid:16)(cid:18) vx (cid:17)(cid:19), x x0 1 x (cid:20)v (cid:21) x0 follows: (cid:22) (cid:16) 1 (cid:16)v (cid:17) (cid:17)(cid:23) (cid:24) (cid:18) v (cid:4) (cid:4)ln(cid:18) x0 (cid:19)(cid:4)t(cid:19)(cid:25) (cid:24) g (cid:4) t(cid:18) x0 x (cid:20) v (cid:21) (cid:19)(cid:25) vy (cid:2)vx(cid:24)tan(cid:10)0(cid:7) (cid:18)1(cid:11) x (cid:19)(cid:25) (16) v 2 (cid:24) x0 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:25) (cid:24)(cid:26) (cid:18)(cid:20) (cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:27) Figure 13Total velocity v as a function of time Slika 13Ukupna brzina v kao funkcija vremena Technical Gazette 16,1(2009), 41-46 45 Numerical solving of ballistic flight equations for big bore air rifle J . Cumin, B . Grizelj, R . Scitovski m. Converted it is 0,332 mm. Calculated velocity of projectileattargetimpactv=144,2m/s.Kineticenergyis calculatedasfollows: m (cid:4) v2 14,6 (cid:4) 144,22 E (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2)151,8 J k 2 2000 Calculated time of flightt= 0,62 s. 4 Figure 14Angle(cid:3)as a function of time Slika 14Kut(cid:3)kao funkcija vremena Conclusion Zaključak This paper is about utilizing numerical mathematic methodfornumericalapproximationofballistictrajectories foraspecificproblem.Itisshownhowsimplifiedballistic models can be applied for quick ballistic calculations. Figure 15Ballistic trajectory in x-y coordinate system Slika 15Balistička putanja u x-y koordinatnom sustavu Modelswereappliedformodernhighpressureairrifles.Itis shown that new design of air rifles is quite advanced. 3 Today'smodernhighpressureairriflescanproducekinetic powerofprojectileleavingboreexitequivalenttosomelow Projectile kinetic energy calculations at different power fire weapons. For some European countries legal ranges projectileenergylimitforairriflesislimitedto17J. Računanje kinetičke energije hica na različitim udaljenostima 5 References Forsameinitialconditionsasbefore,valueofdeparture Literatura angle canbevaried,insuchwaythatprojectilehitstargetat defined range. With small ranges angle of departure is [1] NASA. Mach Number. URL: small,andtrajectoryitselfisalmostflat.Withlongrangesit http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/mach.html, isnecessarytoincreasetheangleofdepartureinorderfor (26.11.2008). projectiletohitthetargetatdesiredrange.Forthispurpose, [2] NASA. Speed of sound. URL: aclassicalEuler'smodelwasused(7). http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/sound.htm, Example 1: For distance x = 10 m, angle of departure (26.11.2008). calculatedis(cid:3)=0,085°.Applyingvaluesofvariablesfrom [3] Dirac Delta science & engineering encyclopedia. Drag the initial conditions, and Runge-Kutta method on coefficient. URL:http://www.diracdelta.co.uk/science/source/d/r/drag% equations (7), with range set as x = 10 m, as a result 20coefficient/source.html, (26.11.2008). calculatedheightamountsy=0,0000368m.Transformedit [4] Janković, S. Mehanika leta projektila. Sveučilište u is 0,0368 mm deviation from gun's line of sight, and it is Zagrebu,Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 1998. satisfactory solution. As bullet diameter is 12,7 mm, [5] Carlucci, D.; Jacobson, S.Theory of design of guns and deviation from aimed target at range 10 m is 0,0368 mm, ammunition.Taylor and Francis group, 2007. which is precise enough. Calculated velocity of projectile [6] Molitz, H.; Strobel, R. Äußsere Ballistik. Springer-Verlag according to these initial conditions is 178,7 m/s. Now GmbH, Berlin, 1963. projectile kinetic energy can be calculated according to [7] Matejiček, F. Primijenjena mehanika-KINEMATIKA. expression: URL:http://www.sfsb.hr/ksk/statika/kinematika/3_sadržaj/i ndex.htm. (02.12.2008). 14,6 [8] Matejiček, F. Primijenjena mehanika-KINETIKA. m(cid:2) kg URL:http://www.sfsb.hr/ks/statika/kinetika/3_sadržaj/index 1000 .htm. (02.12.2008). m (cid:4) v2 14,6 (cid:4) 178,72 [9] Scitovski, R.Numerička matematika. Odjel za matematiku E (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2)232,12 J k 2 2000 Sveučilišta u Osijeku, Osijek, 2004. Calculated time of flight ist= 0,055 s. Authors' addresses Example 2: For target at range x = 50 m, calculated Adrese autora angleofdepartureis(cid:3)=0,455°,andvalueofheightamounts y=0,000278m.Converteditis0,278mm,andthisisalso Cumin Josip, dipl. ing. stroj. small deviation from aimed point at target. Calculated Mechanical engineering faculty, University of Osijek Trg I. Brlić-Mažuranić, 35000 Slavonski Brod, Croatia velocityofprojectileatimpactv=162,4m/s.Kineticenergy www.sfsb.hr, e-mail:[email protected] iscalculatedasfollows: Dr. sc. Grizelj Branko, full professor m (cid:4) v2 14,6 (cid:4) 162,42 Mechanical engineering faculty, University of Osijek E (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2)192,53 J Trg I. Brlić-Mažuranić, 35000 Slavonski Brod, Croatia k 2 2000 www.sfsb.hr,e-mail:[email protected] Calculated time of flightt= 0,291 s. Dr. sc Scitovski Rudolf, full professor Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek Example3:Fortargetatrange100m,calculatedangle Trg Lj. Gaja 6, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia. ofdepartureis (cid:3)=0,988°,andvalueofheighty=0,000332 www.mathos.hr,e-mail:[email protected] 46 Tehnički vjesnik16,1(2009), 41-46

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