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Numericalsolutionsofthetime-dependentSchro¨dingerequationintwodimensions Wytse van Dijk,1,2 Trevor Vanderwoerd,1 and Sjirk-Jan Prins1 1DepartmentofPhysics, RedeemerUniversityCollege, Ancaster, Ontario L9K1J4, Canada 2DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,McMasterUniversity,Hamilton,OntarioL8S4M1,Canada∗ (Dated:January30,2017) ThegeneralizedCrank-Nicolsonmethodisemployedtoobtainnumericalsolutionsofthetwo-dimensional time-dependentSchro¨dingerequation. Anadaptedalternating-directionimplicitmethodisused,alongwitha high-orderfinitedifferenceschemeinspace. Extracarehastobetakenfortheneededprecisionofthetime development. Themethodpermitsasystematicstudyoftheaccuracyandefficiencyintermsofpowersofthe spatialandtemporalstepsizes.Toillustrateitsutilitythemethodisappliedtoseveraltwo-dimensionalsystems. 7 1 0 I. INTRODUCTION cision rapidly with increasing M. Besides these three ap- 2 proachesthereareotherapproximationsofthetime-evolution n operator, e.g., the exponential split-operator method [13] or The determination of accurate numerical solutions of the a the iterative Lanczos reduction [14]. Like time development J time-dependent Schro¨dinger equation is an ongoing enter- 7 prise. Thequantumwaveequationisfundamentaltotheun- thespatialintegrationcanbeachievedindifferentways,e.g., bydifferenttypesoffinitedifferencingorbythepseudospec- 2 derstanding of nonrelativistic atomic and subatomic systems andphenomena.Consequentlyitoccursinadiversityofphys- tralfastFouriertransformapproach. ] icalsystems. Ideallyanalyticsolutionsareavailable,butmost Sincemany ofthecalculations referredtohave beendone h inonespatialdimension,inthispaperweconsiderthegener- realisticsituationsaretoocomplextoyieldsuchsolutions. p alized Crank-Nicolson with two spatial dimensions. A num- - Inthelastfewyearsanumberofimprovementshavebeen p ber of articles have appeared recently that describe methods madetoyieldmoreaccuratesolutionswithgreaterefficiency. m of solving the two-dimensional time-dependent Schro¨dinger Thetypeofmethodoftendependsontheproblemathand,i.e., o dimensionality, time dependence of the interaction, short- or equation,includingthosewithtime-dependentpotentialsand c long-time behaviour, etc. The “method of choice” for some nonlinearterms. See,forexample,Refs.[15–20]. Anumber . oftheseusetheCayleyformforthetimeevolutionoperator. s years is the Chebyshev polynomial expansion of the time- c We wish to employ the higher order Pade´ form in order to evolution operator with (inverse) Fourier transformations to i enhance the efficiency of the approach. Given the two spa- s deal with the spatial development as time progresses [1, 2]. y tial dimensions, we pursue an alternating-direction implicit More recently the Pade´ approximant representation of the h schemewhichrequiresonlysolvingone-dimensionalimplicit time-evolution operator is exploited [3–7]. This approach is p problemsforeachtimestep. Differentapproacheshavebeen [ unitary,stable,andallowsforsystematicestimateoferrorsin terms of powers of the temporal and spatial step sizes. The suggested, such as the use of multigrid partitioning [21], but 1 it is our intention to present one that provides the user with two approaches have been shown to have comparable effi- v another efficient alternative. Clearly the method chosen will cacy [5, 8]. Gusev et al. [9–11] have recently given an im- 7 dependonthecontext. proved and extended application of the method discussed by 3 InsectionIIweformulatethetimedependenceoftheprob- 1 Puzyninetal.[3]. Theydealwiththemoregeneralproblem lem. Section IIIis adescriptionof thespatial integration. A 8 of a time-dependent Hamiltonian. Using a truncated Mag- 0 nus expansion with additional transformations, they are able number of applications are discussed in Sec. IV, and Sec. V 1. toobtainstableandefficientsolutionswhichareaccurateup presentsconclusionsandadiscussionofthework. 0 tosixth-orderinthetimestep. 7 Generally the various approaches involve time evolution II. ACCURATETIME-EVOLUTIONSCHEME 1 andintegrationoverspace. Thusthereareanumberofways : v of dealing with the time evolution. Crank-Nicolson approx- Wesolvethetwo-dimensionaltime-dependentSchro¨dinger i imates the exponential time-evolution operator by a Cayley X equation form which retains unitarity, but is correct only to low order r in time advance [12]. The Chebyshev polynomial expansion (cid:18) (cid:19) a ∂ canleadtohighaccuracyevenoversignificanttimeintervals. H(cid:98) −i(cid:126) Ψ(x,y,t)=0, (2.1) ∂t It is not explicitly unitary. The generalized Crank-Nicolson approximatestheevolutionoperatorwitha[M/M]Pade´ ap- where proximant, factorized into M factors of Cayley form. This (cid:126)2 ∂2 (cid:126)2 ∂2 form is unitary and has a truncation error of O[(∆t)2M+1], H(cid:98) =− − +V(cid:98)(x,y) where ∆t is the temporal step size. This improves the pre- 2m∂x2 2m∂y2 (2.2) =K(cid:98)x+K(cid:98)y+V(cid:98)(x,y), startingwithaninitialwavefunction ∗[email protected] Ψ(x,y,0)=Φ(x,y). (2.3) 2 Thetime-evolutionoperatorofthesystemgivesanexpres- DefiningΨ(n+s/M) ≡ Θ(cid:98)(sM)Ψ(n+(s−1)/M),wecansolvefor sionforthewavefunctionatatimeintermsofthewavefunc- Ψ(n+1)iterativelystartingwithΨ(n+1/M) =Θ(cid:98)(M)Ψ(n),then 1 tionatanearliertime,i.e., Ψ(n+2/M) =Θ(cid:98)(M)Ψ(n+1/M),andsoon. 2 Ψ(t+∆t)=e−iH(cid:98)∆t/(cid:126)Ψ(t), (2.4) Let us start with the basic substep of the procedure in go- ing from Ψ(n+(s−1)/M) to Ψ(n+s/M), which we label below genericallyasΨ0andΨ+,respectively. Wethenwrite where∆tisthetimeadvance,andwherewehavesuppressed thespatialcoordinatesxandy inthewavefunction. Wewill employ the factorized [M/M] Pade´ approximant along with (cid:32) (cid:33) 1+(iH(cid:98)∆t/(cid:126))/z the alternating-direction implicit method [22]. In keeping Ψ+ = Ψ0, (2.8) with the expansion of the time-evolution operator discussed 1−(iH(cid:98)∆t/(cid:126))/z¯ inRef.[4],theoperatoriswrittenas or M e−iH(cid:98)∆t/(cid:126) = (cid:89)Θ(cid:98)(M)+O[(∆t)2M+1], (2.5) s (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) s=1 1−(iH(cid:98)∆t/(cid:126))/z¯ Ψ+ = 1+(iH(cid:98)∆t/(cid:126))/z Ψ0, (2.9) where Θ(cid:98)(M) ≡ 1+(iH(cid:98)∆t/(cid:126))/zs(M), (2.6) wherez isthegenericzs(M). SinceH(cid:98) = K(cid:98)x +K(cid:98)y +V(cid:98),we s 1−(iH(cid:98)∆t/(cid:126))/z¯s(M) write andz(M),s = 1,...,M aretherootsofthenumeratorofthe (cid:20) ∆t(cid:21) [M/Ms]Pade´approximantofez;thez¯(M)arethecorrespond- 1−i(K(cid:98)x+K(cid:98)y+V(cid:98))(cid:126)z¯ Ψ+ s (2.10) ing complex conjugates. Since Ψ(n+1) = e−iH(cid:98)∆t/(cid:126)Ψ(n) (n (cid:20) ∆t(cid:21) referstothetimetn =n∆t,n=0,1,...),wewrite = 1+i(K(cid:98)x+K(cid:98)y+V(cid:98))(cid:126)z Ψ0 M (cid:89) Ψ(n+1) = Θ(cid:98)(M)Ψ(n). (2.7) sothat s s=1 (cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)(cid:18) ∆t(cid:19) (∆t)2 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ 1−iK(cid:98)y(cid:126)z¯ Ψ++K(cid:98)xK(cid:98)y (cid:126)2z¯2 Ψ+ (2.11) (cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)(cid:18) ∆t(cid:19) (∆t)2 ∆t ∆t = 1+iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ 1+iK(cid:98)y(cid:126)z¯ Ψ0+K(cid:98)xK(cid:98)y (cid:126)2z¯2 Ψ0+iV(cid:98) (cid:126)z¯Ψ++iV(cid:98) (cid:126)zΨ0. InkeepingwithPeacemanandRachford[22],wedefineΨ(cid:101) bytheequation (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ Ψ(cid:101) = 1+iK(cid:98)y(cid:126)z Ψ0+i 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ V(cid:98) (cid:126)zΨ0. (2.12) WeinsertthisexpressionintoEq.(2.11)toobtain (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ 1−iK(cid:98)y(cid:126)z¯ Ψ+ = 1+iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ Ψ(cid:101) − 1+iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ iV(cid:98) (cid:126)zΨ0 (2.13) (∆t)2 (∆t)2 ∆t ∆t −K(cid:98)xK(cid:98)y (cid:126)2z¯2 Ψ++K(cid:98)xK(cid:98)y (cid:126)2z2 Ψ0+iV (cid:126)z¯Ψ++iV(cid:98) (cid:126)zΨ0. (cid:18) (cid:19) ∆t OperatingonEq.(2.13)withtheinverseof 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ ,weget (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t 1−iK(cid:98)y(cid:126)z¯ Ψ+ = 1+iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z Ψ(cid:101) − 1+iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z iV(cid:98) (cid:126)zΨ0 (cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)−1 (∆t)2 (cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)−1 (∆t)2 − 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ K(cid:98)xK(cid:98)y (cid:126)2z¯2 Ψ++ 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ K(cid:98)xK(cid:98)y (cid:126)2z2 Ψ0 (2.14) (cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)−1 ∆t (cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)−1 ∆t + 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ iV(cid:98) (cid:126)z¯Ψ++ 1−iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ iV(cid:98) (cid:126)zΨ0. 3 The inverse operators are expanded, but we must make sure that the expansions are correct to O[(∆t)2M] since the overall expansion(2.5)isofthatorder. Simplifyingandkeepingtermsupto(∆t)2M andassumingM >1,weobtain (cid:18) ∆t ∆t(cid:19) (cid:18) ∆t(cid:19) (∆t)2 1−iKy(cid:126)z¯ −iV (cid:126)z¯ Ψ+ = 1+iKx(cid:126)z Ψ(cid:101) + (cid:126)2z2 KxVΨ0 2(M(cid:88)−1)(cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)l (∆t)2 2(M(cid:88)−1)(cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)l (∆t)2 − iKx(cid:126)z¯ KxKy (cid:126)2z¯2 Ψ++ iKx(cid:126)z¯ KxKy (cid:126)2z2 Ψ0 (2.15) l=0 l=0 +2M(cid:88)−1(cid:18)iK ∆t(cid:19)liV ∆tΨ++2M(cid:88)−1(cid:18)iK ∆t(cid:19)liV ∆tΨ0+O(cid:2)(∆t)2M+1(cid:3). x(cid:126)z¯ (cid:126)z¯ x(cid:126)z¯ (cid:126)z l=1 l=1 TheM =1case,forwhichz =−2,resultsintheequation (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) ∆t ∆t ∆t 1+iK(cid:98)y 2 +iV(cid:98) 2 Ψ+ = 1−iK(cid:98)x 2 Ψ(cid:101). (2.16) This equation is a typical implicit equation with the Cayley form. We solve Eq. (2.15) iteratively so that Ψσ+1 → Ψ+ as σ =0,1,2,... increasesintheequation (cid:18) ∆t ∆t(cid:19) (cid:18) ∆t(cid:19) (∆t)2 1−iK(cid:98)y(cid:126)z¯ −iV(cid:98) (cid:126)z¯ Ψσ+1 = 1+iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z Ψ(cid:101) + (cid:126)2z2 K(cid:98)xV(cid:98)Ψ0 2(M(cid:88)−1)(cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)l (∆t)2 2(M(cid:88)−1)(cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)l (∆t)2 − iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ K(cid:98)xK(cid:98)y (cid:126)2z¯2 Ψσ+ iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ K(cid:98)xK(cid:98)y (cid:126)2z2 Ψ0 (2.17) l=0 l=0 2M(cid:88)−1(cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)l ∆t 2M(cid:88)−1(cid:18) ∆t(cid:19)l ∆t + iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ iV(cid:98) (cid:126)z¯Ψσ+ iK(cid:98)x(cid:126)z¯ iV(cid:98) (cid:126)zΨ0. l=1 l=1 WestarttheiterationwithsettingΨσ=0 = Ψ0. WhenΨσ+1 orderdifferencingmethodisinprinciplefasterthanaspectral and Ψσ are sufficiently close we stop. Note that we need to methodsinceitscalesasthe’bandedness’timesthesizeofthe calculateΨ(cid:101) onlyonceforeachsequenceofiterations.Wefind grid,O(bN),ratherthanasO(NlogN)”. Inthecaseoftwo- thatthisapproachcangiveaccurateresults; typicallyaround dimensional systems using the alternating-direction implicit sixiterationsarerequiredforpreciseresults. Thisprocesshas approachN isreplacedbyN2,whereasbisunchanged. For toberepeatedforeachoftheM stepsneededtoachieveafull the purpose of this work we therefore use finite differences. timestepadvance. One could choose the traditional three-point expression for There is an alternative approach to solving Eq. (2.15) for the second-order partial derivative. There are however more Ψ+. ThetermsontherightsideinvolvingΨ+ canbemoved precisemethods. ForinstancetherecentNumerovrecentap- to the left side and one solves a linear system of equations proach[7]givesmuchhigheraccuracy,asdoesthehigh-order upon the discretization of the spatial variables. However, as compactfinitedifferenceapproachinRefs.[15,16]. Thetra- weshowinthenextsection, thekineticenergyoperatorsare ditional approach is O(h2), where h is the spatial step size, bandeddiagonalmatrices,andthoseoperatorsraisedtosome whereasthehigh-ordercompactmethodisO(h4),andtheNu- powerwouldresultinmatriceswiththesizeofthebandsin- merovalgorithmisO(h5).Theadvantageoftheseapproaches creased. Asaresultthegainsinefficiencyofabandedmatrix isthattheyleadtothree-pointformulaswhichmaybeconve- formulationarelost. nientwhencrossingadiscontinuityofthepotentialorconsid- eringanadaptivespatialgrid[7]. As in earlier work [4] we consider formulas which allows onetochooseanarbitraryorderofh.Foraspatialgrid(inone III. SPATIALINTEGRATION dimension)withstepsizeh, thesecondderivativeoff(x)is expandedas Thenumericalspatialintegrationofthepartialdifferential equation (2.17) can be done in a number of ways. Two ap- k=r proaches often considered are the spectral decomposition of f(cid:48)(cid:48)(x)= 1 (cid:88) c(r)f(x+kh)+O(h2r), (3.1) h2 k the spatial (kinetic energy) operator or the finite-difference k=−r representation of this operator. The relative merits are dis- cussedbytheauthorsofRef.[23]. Theypointoutthata“low- wherethec(r)arerealconstants,obtainedfrommakingseries k 4 expansions of the functions f(x±kh). A similar technique A. Errors isusedbyWangandShaoforthekineticenergyoperatoract- ingonthewavefunctionofatwo-dimensionalstationarystate The truncation error of the series expansion of the wave problem[24]. Inanotherarticlethesameauthorssuggestan functionintimeandspacecanbeexpressedas expansionoftheform[25] e=e(M)+e(r) =C (∆t)2M+1+C h2r, (4.1) k=r 1 2 f(cid:48)(cid:48)(x)= (cid:88) a(r)f(cid:48)(cid:48)(x+kh) k where we are considering the error of the real quantity k=−r |Ψ(x,y,t)| and C and C are real positive numbers related (k(cid:54)=0) (3.2) 1 2 tothe(2M +1)thpartialderivativewithrespecttotandthe k=r + 1 (cid:88) b(r)f(x+kh)+O(h4r). (2r)thderivativewithrespecttoxory,respectively. Forsim- h2 k plicity we assume h = h = h and a xy symmetry of the x y k=−r wavefunction. Ifexactanalyticsolutionsareavailabletheer- In one dimension the discretized kinetic energy is expressed ror can be calculated by comparison. If that is not the case, as a banded diagonal matrix with bandwidth of 2r +1, just a good estimate of the error can be made by comparing the likeinthecaseofEq.(3.1). Thusitseemsthatwithvirtually solutionforparticularM andrtotheoneobtainedwhenone the same effort the calculation gives much more accurate re- orbothoftheM andrareincreasedbyunity[5]. sults. Acomparisonofthetwoexpansions[5]showsthatfor Tomakecomparisonsofthenumericallyobtainedsolutions smallervaluesofr thecalculationisindeedmuchmoreeffi- to analytic solutions in cases where the latter are known, we cient,howeverforlargerrtheaccuracydecreases.Thekinetic definetheerrore2suchthat energyoperatorresultingfromEq.(3.1)canbemadestrictly (cid:90) xJ(cid:90) yM diagonallydominant,whereasthediagonaldominanceofthe e2 = |Ψ(x,y,T)−Ψ (x,y,T)|2 dydx. (4.2) 2 exact kinetic energy matrix from Eq. (3.2) becomes compromised x0 y0 whenrgoesbeyondten. Inthispaperweuseexpansion(3.1) Theerrore , whichisaEuclidean/(cid:96) -vectornorm, isamea- forthekineticenergyoperatorsK(cid:98)xandK(cid:98)y. sureofthea2ccuracyofthewavefunc2tionanditsphase. Alter- We consider a rectangular domain in space [x0,xJ] × nativelysomeauthorshaveusedthe(cid:96) -vectornorm [y0,yM] ⊂ R2, which we partition uniformly in each direc- ∞ tion,sothatwithhx =(xJ−x0)/Jandhy =(yM−y0)/M, e =max|Ψ −Ψ (x ,y ,t)| for t=T. (4.3) xj = x0 + jhx,j = 0,...,J and ym = y0 + mhy,m = ∞ j,m j,m exact j m 0,...,M. The time is also partitioned over the time interval In the case that no exact solution is available, one can make from0toT intoN subintervals, sothat∆t = T/N andthe anestimateoftheerrorbycomparingasolutionobtainedwith intermediate times are t = n∆t, where n = 0,1,...,N. n particular values of M and r to the solution obtained with The equations we need to solve are typically of the type M +1andr+1,e.g., Eqs. (2.12) and (2.17). If we let Ψ(x ,y ) = Ψ , then j m j,m (V(cid:98)Ψ)j,m =Vj,mΨj,mand (cid:90) x(cid:90)J yM η2 = |Ψ(M,r)(x,y,T)−Ψ(M+1,r+1)(x,y,T)|2 dydx. 2 (K(cid:98)xΨ)j,m =(cid:18)−2(cid:126)m2 (cid:19)h12 k(cid:88)=r c(kr)Ψj+k,m (3.3) Sinceitxt0uryn0soutthate andη areverysimilar,evaluatin(g4.η4) x k=−r 2 2 2 providesamethodtoestimatetheaccuracyintheabsenceof for 0≤j+k ≤J. ananalyticsolution[5,7]. Since in our applications the wave functions are zero near ThereisasimilarrelationforK(cid:98)yΨexceptthatthesummation theboundaryofthedomain,wecanusethesimplerectangle is over the second index of Ψ . Thus in Eq. (2.17), for j,m+k rule for integration. The corrections to higher order polyno- example,therightsideiscompletelyspecified,buttheΨσ+1 mialapproximationsareallintermsofevaluationsoftheinte- on the left side needs to be found. This equation is really a grandneartheendpoints,butsincethewavefunctioniszero linearsystemofequationswithabandeddiagonalcoefficient there,onegetsveryaccurateintegralswiththesimplequadra- matrixovertheindexm. Itcanbesolvedforeachj toobtain ture[26]. Ψσ+1. It is the strength of the alternating-direction implicit schemethatcalculationsarereducedtoone-dimensionalones. B. Example1:solvabletwo-dimensionalpotential IV. IMPLEMENTATION Considerthepotential In this section we consider four examples in which the (cid:126)2 method outlined previously is applied in order to investigate V(x,y)=− (3−2tanh2x−2tanh2y) (4.5) 2m its accuracy and efficiency. We will also demonstrate the feasibility of calculating wave functions with more complex with(cid:126)=2m=1,seeFig.1. Thispotentialhasbeenusedby structure(severalpeaksandvalleys)astheyevolveintime. severalauthorsasonewhichtestsnumericalmethods[15,16, 5 10-2 M = 1 M = 2 10-3 M = 3 M = 4 2 10-4 1 V(x,y) - 10 e2 1100--65 -2 -3 10-7 10 -5 x 0 5 -5 0 y5 10-8 10 -10 10-9 0 5 10 15 20 r FIG. 1. (Colour online) The potential function of example 1, FIG.2. (Colouronline)Theerrorse ofthenumericalwavefunc- 2 Eq.(4.5). tionsforpotential(4.2).TheparametersareT =1andN =100. 27]. We choose the domain [−20,20]×[−20,20] and solve In order to determine the efficiency of the calculation we theproblemfromt=0tot=T =1withthesolutiononthe obtaintheCPUtimewhentheerroriscloseto,butlessthan, boundaryequaltozero[27]. Theexactsolutionis 10−6. For a particular M we adjust the spatial step size by it choosing r until we reach a minimum CPU time. Similarly ie Ψ(x,y,t)= , (4.6) foraparticularr, wechoseM toyieldminimumCPUtime. 2coshxcoshy The results are listed in Tables I and II. In Ref. [4] we give which is also used to determine the initial wave function. It an estimate for the CPU time as a function of r for the one- shouldbenotedthatwavefunction(4.6)issquareintegrable dimensionalcalculation.Intwo-dimensionsweexpectthebe- and is an energy eigenstate with energy −(cid:126)2/(2m). It de- haviour to be similar since errors in x and y integrations are scribes a bound state at threshold; the energy spectrum at similarandadditive,especiallyinsymmetriccases. Thus, higher energies is a continuum and the corresponding wave functionsareunbound. (cid:16) (cid:17)−1/(2r) In our numerical calculation we allow M = 1,...,6 and CPUtime∝ e(r) r. (4.7) r = 1,...,20, with∆t = 0.01(or100timesteps)andwith J = M = 200. The e are plotted as a function of r for 2 ToobtainaformulafortheCPUtimeasafunctionofM when variousvaluesofM inFig.2. r andtheerrorareconstant, wetaketherelationoftheerror We compare this calculation to that of Ref. [27] since the andM tobe othertwocalculations[15,16]aredoneoveramuchsmaller spatialdomainwithmuchsmallertimeintervals.Inourcalcu- lationwefindgenerallythate (cid:38)e . InRef.[27]thequoted e(M) ∝(∆t/Mν)2M+1, (4.8) 2 ∞ errorsareapproximatelye ≈10−4. Figure2showsthatthe ∞ errorinthecalculationisreducedsignificantlywhenonegoes where ν is a number less than unity. In the one-dimensional fromM = 1toM = 2and3. WhenM > 3theresultsare case we showed that ν ≈ 1, but Table II shows that a better identical to those of M = 3. Given that earlier calculations relationship, especiallyforlargerM, hasν < 1. SinceT = referred to are basically M = 1 calculations with spatial er- N∆tisaconstantwewrite rorsoftheorderofh3orh5,thismethodresultsinsignificant improvementinaccuracy. (cid:16) (cid:17)−1/(2M+1) The errors of this example for M ≥ 3 saturate at e ≈ CPUtime∝NM2 ∝ e(M) M2+ν. (4.9) 2 1.5×10−9. Inthe“gullies”ofpotential(4.5)themagnitude ofthewavefunctionislargerthanelsewhere. Inthegulliesat the boundary of the computational space it is approximately The CPU times as a function of r and M are shown in 10−9. Thenumericalcalculationassumesthatthewavefunc- Fig.3.Theestimatesoftheerrorsareshownassolidlines.For tion is zero outside the computational domain. The discrep- theCPUtimeasafunctionofM wehaveestimatedν =1/2. ancybetweenthenumericalwavefunctionandtheexactone Such an estimate seems reasonable in light of the fact that outside the computational space is the source of the residual theiterativepartoftheprocedureincreasesthetime, andthe error. numberofiterationsvarywiththevalueofM. 6 TABLEI.SummaryofCPUtimeasrisvariedassumingaconstant errorforexample1. ThefixedparametersareM = 5, N = 100, 1000 and∆t=0.01. CPU(r)(numerical) r J h CPU(s) e2(10−7) 800 CPCUP(MU)((rn)(ufmoremriuclaal)) 3 290 0.1379 897 8.27 CPU(M)(formula) 4 200 0.1000 396 8.94 e (s) 600 5 165 0.2424 317 9.97 m 6 150 0.2667 302 9.27 PU ti 400 C 7 140 0.2587 306 9.63 8 135 0.2963 317 8.39 200 9 130 0.3077 331 9.96 10 130 0.3077 364 7.59 0 0 5 10 15 20 11 125 0.3200 353 8.27 r, M 12 123 0.3253 392 6.37 13 123 0.3253 424 4.98 14 123 0.3253 457 3.94 FIG.3.(Colouronline)CPUtimeasfunctionofrandM forcalcu- 15 122 0.3279 466 9.75 lationwithpotential(4.5). 16 122 0.3279 535 7.78 17 122 0.3279 577 7.14 18 120 0.3333 581 9.33 where 19 120 0.3333 629 8.62 (cid:18) α2β (cid:19)1/2 e−i(n+1/2)θ 20 120 0.3333 693 7.98 ψ (α,β;x,t)= √ n π2nn! f1/4 (4.12) −ξ2/2+iT ×H (ξ)e . TABLEII.SummaryofCPUtimewhenM isvariedforexample1. n Thefixedparametersarer=6,J =150,andh=0.2667. ThevariousquantitiesinEq.(4.12)aredefinedasfollows: M N ∆t CPU(s) e (10−7) 2 (cid:112) α= mω/(cid:126), f =α4cos2ωt+β4sin2ωt 1 2500 0.0004 398 10.00 2 130 0.0077 86.0 9.36 ξ =β[α2(x−Acosωt)−ksinωt]/f1/2 3 30 0.0333 76.8 9.74 T =α2/(2f)(cid:8)[(β4−α4)x2−k2+β4A2]sinωtcosωt 4 25 0.0400 78.4 9.35 +2[α4kxcosωt+β4A(ksinωt−α2x)sinωt](cid:9) 5 20 0.0500 92.6 9.27 (cid:18)β2sinωt(cid:19) (cid:18)ωt+π(cid:19) 6 18 0.0556 108 9.28 θ =arctan +2πν, ν =int . 7 15 0.0667 128 9.28 α2cosωt 2π (4.13) 8 14 0.0714 142 9.28 9 12 0.0833 153 9.27 Thewavefunction(4.12)isthepulsatingandoscillatingwave 10 11 0.0909 181 9.27 function of a particle subject to a one-dimensional harmonic 12 10 0.1000 215 9.27 oscillator characterized by ω or α. The initial (t = 0) wave 15 8 0.1250 266 9.27 function is the nth energy state of the particle subject to an 17 7 0.1429 303 9.27 oscillator characterized by β, rather than α, displaced from 20 6 0.1667 353 9.27 theoriginbyamountAandwithamomentum(cid:126)k. Thefunc- tion H (ξ) is the nth-order Hermite polynomial. This wave n function provides a wave packet with more fluctuation than C. Example2:oscillatingandpulsationharmonicoscillator thetraditionalcoherentwavepacket;forinstance,ithasnodes wavefunctions whichtravelwiththepacketandwhoseoccurrencespreadand contractintime. Consider the potential function for the two-dimensional As an initial study of the accuracy of the method we con- anisotropicharmonicoscillator, siderthesimplestcaseofanisotropicoscillatorwiththeinitial state the ground state. The values of the parameters are give V(x,y)= 1m(ω2x2+ω2y2). (4.10) inTableIII.InFig.4theerrorasafunctionofM, theorder 2 x y ofthediagonalPade´ approximant,isdisplayed. Notethatthe lowervaluesofM,especiallyforlargerr givenoresultsbe- Ananalyticsolutionforsuchapotentialis[28] cause the convergence of the iterative part of the calculation Ψ(x,y,t)=ψ (α ,β ;x,t)ψ (α ,β ;y,t), (4.11) is not achieved. By decreasing dt convergence can again be nx x x ny y y 7 TABLEIII.ParametersusedfortheerrorcalculationsofFigs.4and 5. 100 M = 30 (cid:126)=m=1, nx =ny =0 kx =ky =0 M = 15 x0 =y0 =−15, xJ =yM =15 αx =βx =αy =βy =1 10-2 MM == 54 t =2π, N =100, dt=2π/N A =A =2 M = 3 max x y 10-4 M = 2 J=M=100 M = 1 formula e2 10-6 attained, but in Fig. 4 we keep dt constant . The horizontal 10-8 plateauxarenotcompletedsincethereisnochangeintheer- rorasM isfurtherincreased. Thecalculationsaredonewith 10-10 double-precisionfloating-pointarithmetic. Weachieveaner- rorlessthan10−11 forr = 30andM ≥ 6. Theerrorscould 10-12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 befurtherreducedbyincreasedcomputationalprecision. r 100 r = 1 FIG.5. (Colouronline)Theerrorsofthenumericalwavefunctions r = 5 asafunctionofrfordifferentvaluesofM.Theparametersusedare 10-2 r = 10 listedinTableIII. r = 15 r = 20 10-4 r = 25 r = 30 whereξ issomevalueinthedomainofx. Wehaveassumed e2 10-6 that x dependence of the wave function of this example is a 10-8 Gaussianandthatthemaximumvalueofitanditseven-order derivativesoccurwhentheargumentiszero[29,p. 933],i.e., 10-10 (−1)r(2r)! 10-12 G(x)=e−x2/2, G(2r)(0)= 2r(r!) . (4.15) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 M ThelastfactorontherightsideofEq.(4.14)isanadjustment togivereasonableagreementwiththedata. Itamountstoan effectivespatialstepsizewhichissmallerbyafactorof2.5. FIG.4. (Colouronline)Theerrorsofthenumericalwavefunctions The shape of the solid curve is very sensitive to the form of astheyrelatetotheorderofthePade´approximantforvariousorders thisfactor. ofthespatialexpansion.TheparametersusedarelistedinTableIII. We plot the progression of the oscillating and pulsating wavepacketasnumericallydeterminedinFig.6. Theparam- Forthesamemodelweplottheerrorasafunctionofr in etersusedforthiscalculationarelistedinTableIV.Theerror Fig. 5 for a number of values of M. The lower pattern of e inthecalculationrangesfrom3×10−7afteronetimestep dotsisonethatisobtainedforeachM valueuptoaparticu- 2 larvalueofr,atwhichtheerrorisconstantasr isincreased further. These horizontal plateaux only extend to a certain TABLEIV.Parametersusedforcalculationoftheoscillating,pulsat- point after which the iterative procedure becomes unstable. ingwavefunctionshowninFig.6. TheplateauxareclearlyvisibleforM =4and5,andthebe- ginningscanbediscernedforM = 1,2,3. Theinstabilityof M =4, r=14, nx =2, ny =1 (cid:126)=m√=1, kx =0, ky =5 thecalculationdoesnotmeanthatwecannotobtainresultsin x0 =y0 =−15, xJ =yM =15 αx = 2, αy =1 those regions. In this calculation dt is the same in all cases; t =2π, N =557, dt=2π/N β =2α , β =2α max x x y y whereinstabilitysetsinasmallerdtwillrestorestability. The J=M=200 A =−5, A =0 x y factthatthecurvessuperimposeontheleftcanbeseenfrom Fig.4whereforeachM ≥ 6theerrorsconvergeforr suffi- to5×10−3after557steps.Notethattheoscillatingfrequency cientlylarge. isω = 2ω . Thismeansthatwhenthemotionhasexecuted OnFig.5wehaveplottedasolidlinewhichisanestimate x y a complete cycle in the x direction it has only gone through oftheerrorobtainedbyconsideringthetruncationerrorofthe halfacycleintheydirection. Thusthepacketstartsat(-5,0), expansioninxory,i.e., travelsalongaquarter-ellipticalpathto(5,5), thenbackto(- e2(r) =C2h2r ≈myax(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(21r)!∂∂x2r2rΨ(x,y,T)|x=ξ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)h2r×2.512r, 5fr,e0q),uetonc(i5e,s-5in),eaanchddtoiretchteioinniatiraelfpoouirnttim(-e5s,0th).ecTohrerepspuolsnadtiinngg (4.14) oscillatingfrequencies. 8 0.4 0.4 |Ψ| 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 |Ψ| 0.2 0 0 10 10 5 5 -10 -5 x 0 5 10-10-5 0 y -10 -5 x 0 5 10-10-5 0 y 0.4 0.4 |Ψ| 0.2 |Ψ| 0.2 0 0 10 10 5 5 -10 -5 x 0 5 10-10-5 0 y -10 -5 x 0 5 10-10-5 0 y FIG.6.(Colouronline)Oscillatingandpulsatingwavepacketintwodimensionsofexample2.Theplotintheupperleftpanelrepresentsthe wavefunctionattimet = 0,intheupperrightpanelatt = π/2,inthelowerleftpanelatt = π,andinthelowerrightpanelatt = 3π/2. Seeanimationhere. D. Example3:freewavepacket with ForthefreewavepacketweconsidertheHermite-Gaussian α[(z−A)−kτ] ξ = √ , θ =arctan(α2τ), wavefunctionofRef.[28], 1+α4τ2 (4.18) (cid:18) α (cid:19)1/2 N(α)= √ and τ =(cid:126)t/m. Ψ(x,y,t)=ψ(α ,n ;x,t)ψ(α ,n ;y,t), (4.16) π2nn! x x y y where The travelling wave packet will have nodes whose distribu- tion,ifthereismorethanonenode,spreadintime.Themodel issimilartothatofGalbraithetal.[30]inwhosecalculation ψ(α,n;z,t)=√Nn(α) exp(cid:18)i(z−A)2(cid:19)e−inθ nx =ny =0andαx =αy. Theparametersweusearegiven 1+iα2τ 2τ inTableV. (cid:18) ξ2 ξ2 (cid:19) Thefreewavepacketattimest=10−3andt=6.3×10−3 ×H (ξ)exp − −i n 2 2α2τ is shown in Fig. 7. The separation of the peaks of the wave (4.17) functionastimeprogressesisclearlyevident. 9 25 25 20 20 0 5 10 0 5 10 |Ψ| 15 |Ψ| 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 -2 2 -2 2 -1 1 -1 1 x 0 1 -1 0 y x 0 1 -1 0 y 2 -2 2 -2 FIG. 7. (Colour online) The movement and dispersion of a free wave packet in example 3 shown at t = 10−3 in the left panel and at t=6.3×10−3intherightpanel.Seeanimationhere. TABLEV.Parametersusedforthecalculationsofthefreepacketin TABLEVI.Parametersusedforthecalculationsofthewavepacket Fig.7. passingthroughasingleslitasshowninFigs.8and9. (cid:126)=2m=1, n =2, n =1 k =k =32 (cid:126)=2m=1, n =n =0 k =32,k =0 x y x y x y x y x0 =y0 =−2.5, xJ =yM =2.5 αx =αy x0 =y0 =−2, xJ =yM =2 αx =αy N =80, dt=10−4 A =A =0.25 N =79, dt=10−4 A =−0.25,A =0 x y √ x √ y J=M=200, r=20, M =10 α =12.5 2 J=M=200, r=14, M =6 α =12.5 2 x x E. Example4:single-slitdiffraction can study different slit configurations and shapes [31] using thismethod. Thewavenatureofelectronshasbeenstudiedandobserved insemiconductornanostructures. Endohetal.[31]havecon- siderednumericalsimulationsofthepassageofsuchelectrons through narrow constrictions. Recent experiments observed 3.5×10-10 controlledelectrondiffractionforbothsingle-anddouble-slit 3.0×10-10 configurations[32,33]. The single slit in the barrier is obtained by introducing a 2.5×10-10 potential 2y,t)| 2.0×10-10 V(x,y)=V0f(x)[f(0)−f(y)], (4.19) Ψ(x,0 1.5×10-10 | wheref(x)isthedifferenceoftwoFermifunctions 1.0×10-10 1 1 5.0×10-11 f(x)= − . (4.20) −µ(x+x ) −µ(x−x ) 1+e w 1+e w -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 In the calculation we choose µ = 100, x = 0.05, and w y V0 = 1000. Initially the free wave f√unction (4.16) (with n = n = 0 and α = α = 12.5 2) impinges on the x y x y slitanddiffracts. Theparametersofthesingle-slitcalculation aregiveninTableVI. FIG.8. (Colouronline)Theprobabilitydensityofthewavepacket Weplottheprobabilitydensity|Ψ(x0,y,t0)|2asafunction diffractedbyasingleslitontheplanewherex=x0 =1.25333ata timet=0.0057. of y when x = 1.253333 and t = 0.0057 in Fig. 8. The 0 0 graphhasaremarkablesimilaritytotheFraunhoferdiffraction intensity.Theslitisnotofuniformwidthandhencewecannot InFig.9weplottwosnapshotsofthewavepacketpassing compare parameters. The calculation does indicate that one throughtheslit. Sincemostofthepacketisreflected,wemul- 10 5 5 4 4 |Ψ| 3 1 2 3 |Ψ| 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 y 0 y -2 -1 x 0 1 2 -2-1 -2 -1 x 0 1 2 -2-1 FIG.9.Thediffractionofawavepacketpassingthroughasingleslit,indicatedbyframedoutlinesonthegraphs.Thetimeintheleftpanelis t=0.0040andinrightpanelist=0.0079.Seeanimationhere. tiplytheamplitudeofthediffractedpacketinthefigurebyten O(h2r+∆t2M+1)whereM andrarepositiveintegers. in order to make the packet’s shape in the region beyond the The examples demonstrate that this method is capable of slitmorevisible. accuratesolutionsevenwhenthereissignificantfluctuationof thewavefunction. Themethodsdescribedinthispaperallow onetoobtainarealistictheoreticalanalysisofthediffraction V. DISCUSSION experiments that have been done recently. Given the recent attentiontothetwo-dimensionalnonlinearSchro¨dingerequa- We have shown that the generalized Crank-Nicolson tionandthePitaevskiiequation,afutureprojectistoexpand methodcombinedwiththealternating-directionimplicitpro- themethodofthispapertosuchsystems,aswellasthosewith cedureisapracticalapproachtothedeterminationofnumer- time-dependentinteractionsorsourceterms. Thisineffectis ical solutions of the two-dimensional Schro¨dinger equation. ageneralizationoftheworkdoneearlieronone-dimensional The method allows one to study the efficiency and accuracy systems[28]. systematically as a functions of powers of the temporal and Furthermoreitremainstosystematicallyinvestigatetherel- spatial step sizes. Equation (2.15) is basic to the solution. It ativeefficiencyandaccuracyoftheapproachofthispaperto canbesolvedindifferentways,butwechoosetouseaniter- othermethodsthathavebeenusedorproposed. Ageneraliza- ativeapproachwhichmeansonemustfindsolutionsoflinear tiontothreeorhigherspatialdimensionsandtheintroduction systems of equations whose coefficients form banded diago- of transparent boundary conditions are further natural exten- nalmatrices. Sincethenumberofiterationsislow,thealter- sionsofthiswork. nativenoniterativeapproachleadstolesssparsematricesand acorrespondinglylessefficientprocedure. Anumberofauthors[15,16,34]haveconsideredalternat- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ingdirectionimplicitcompactfinitedifferenceschemeswhich giveerrorsoforderO(h5+∆t3).Althoughtheyincludenon- We are grateful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering linearequationsintheiranalysis,theydiscuss,amongothers, Research Council of Canada for the Undergraduate Student example1ofthispaperasatestcase.Ourschemegiveserrors ResearchAwardsgiventoS.-J.P.(2013)andT.V.(2016). [1] H.Tal-EzerandR.Kosloff,J.Chem.Phys.81,3967(1984). [6] W. van Dijk and F. M. Toyama, Phys. Rev. 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