Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Numerical Simulations of Hyperfine Transitions of Antihydrogen B. Kolbinger · A. Capon · M. Diermaier · S. Lehner · C. Malbrunot · O. Massiczek · C. Sauerzopf · M.C. Simon · E. Widmann 5 1 0 Received:date/Accepted:date 2 n Abstract OneoftheASACUSA(AtomicSpectroscopyAndCollisionsUsing a SlowAntiprotons)collaboration’sgoalsisthemeasurementofthegroundstate J hyperfine transition frequency in antihydrogen, the antimatter counterpart of 3 2 oneofthebestknownsystemsinphysics.Thishighprecisionexperimentyields a sensitive test of the fundamental symmetry of CPT. Numerical simulations ] ofhyperfinetransitionsofantihydrogenatomshavebeenperformedproviding h p information on the required antihydrogen events and the achievable precision. - m Keywords Antihydrogen · Hyperfine Transitions · Precision measurement o t a . 1 Introduction s c i Throughaprecisemeasurementofthehyperfinesplittingofantihydrogenand s y acomparisonwithhydrogen,theASACUSAcollaborationaimsattestingthe h CPT symmetry [1]. In ground state hydrogen the interaction between proton p and electron spin leads to a singlet state with quantum number F = 0 and a [ tripletstatewithF =1(seefigure1).Thetransitionfrequencybetweenthese 2 two levels is one of the most accurately measured quantities and is therefore v well suited to test CPT with very high precision [2,3]. In the presence of a 0 magnetic field the degenerated F = 1 level splits up (see figure 1) and the 2 4 energies of all four states shift. This is described by the Breit-Rabi formulae 1 0 B.Kolbinger·A.Capon·M.Diermaier·S.Lehner·O.Massiczek·C.Sauerzopf·M.C.Si- . mon·E.Widmann 1 StefanMeyerInstituteforSubatomicPhysics,AustrianAcademyofSciences, 0 Boltzmanngasse2,1090Vienna,Austria 5 Tel.:+43-(0)1-427729710 1 Fax:+43-(0)1-42779297 : E-mail:[email protected] v C.Malbrunot i X CERN1211,Geneva23,Switzerland r a 2 B.Kolbingeretal. Fig. 1 1sgroundstatelevelsofantihydrogenandlevelsplittinginamagneticfield,aswell as the two transitions π1 (F = 1,MF = −1) → (F = 0,MF = 0) and σ1 (F = 1,MF = 0)→(F =0,MF =0). [4]: 1 1 E = E − (g +g )µ B (1) (1,1) 4 0 2 J I B 1 1 (cid:112) E =− E + E 1+x2 (2) (1,0) 4 0 2 0 1 1 E = E − (g +g )µ B (3) (1,−1) 4 0 2 J I B 1 1 (cid:112) E =− E − E 1+x2 (4) (0,0) 4 0 2 0 where E = hν with the zero magnetic field transition frequency ν and the 0 0 0 shifted energies E etc. of the four hyperfine levels. B denotes the external (1,1) magnetic field, x = B/B and B = 2πν /((g −g )µ ) with the electron 0 0 0 J I B g-factor g =−2.0023193043718 [5] and g =g m /m =0.003042064412 [5] J I p e p with the proton g-factor g (both in units of the Bohr magneton µ ). Conse- p B quentlynotonlyonebutseveraltransitionscanbeobserved.Thesestatescan beclassifiedintolow-andhigh-fieldseekers(LFSandHFS)dependingontheir behaviourinaninhomogeneousmagneticfield.Dependingonthealignmentof their mangetic moment in a field, atoms with parallel magnentic moment will tendtomovetowardhigherfieldregions,forstateswithantiparalellmagnetic moment the opposite is the case. Relevant for the ASACUSA experiment are the σ and the π transition: 1 1 (cid:112) σ :(1,0)→(0,0): ν =ν 1+x2 (5) 1 σ1 0 1 1 1 (cid:112) π :(1,−1)→(0,0): ν = ν − (g +g )µ B/h+ ν 1+x2 (6) 1 π1 2 0 2 J I B 2 0 Numerical simulations of these transitions have been done in order to de- terminetheobtainableprecisionandwillbediscussedinthenextsection.The experimental resolution of the ground state hyperfine transitions is inversely proportional to the interaction time of the atoms with the microwave field in the cavity. The line width of a resonance scan can therefore be estimated by δν = 0.799/T [6] where T is the flight time of the atoms through the cavity. NumericalSimulationsofHyperfineTransitionsofAntihydrogen 3 Thelengthofthecavityis10cmandtheaveragebeamvelocityisexpectedto be1000m/swhichleadstoaestimatedFWHMof7×10−6.Withgoodenough statistics it should be possible to determine the center of the resonance spec- trum, which corresponds to the transition frequency, with a relative precision of 10−7. 2 Simulations The ASACUSA spectrometer line is built up of an antihydrogen source [7], a spin flip inducing microwave cavity, a spin analyzing sextupole magnet and a detector. The oscillating magnetic field B which induces the spin flips osc is provided by the double stripline resonator of the cavity placed inside a cylindricalvacuumtank[8].B isveryhomogeneousintheplaneorthogonal osc to the beam and has a sinusoidal distribution parallel to the beam [9]. As a consequence of this, the resonance spectra of a transition will have a double peak structure leading to zero signal (i.e. no induced spin flips) when the frequency of the oscillating field is on resonance. This can be seen in the plot of the simulated resonance scan as shown in figure 2. In the ASACUSA cavity two kinds of transitions are possible – the σ and 1 theπ –dependingontheanglebetweentheoscillatingmagneticfieldandthe 1 staticmagneticfield,B ,providedbyHelmholtzcoils.Fortheσ transition, stat 1 the two B-fields need to be parallel whereas for the π transition they have to 1 be orthogonal to each other. In the experiment a small static magnetic field is used. Between 0 and 10 Gauss the transition frequency of σ has a second 1 orderdependenceontheexternalfieldwhereastheπ transitionvarieslinearly 1 with the external field and is thus more sensitive to B-field inhomogeneities. Therearenowtwopossiblewaysofdeterminingthetransitionfrequencyat zerostaticmagneticfieldB .Firstly,bymeasuringtheresonancefrequency stat of the σ transition at different external B-fields Bi and then extrapolating 1 stat to zero field using the Breit-Rabi formula or secondly, by measuring a reso- nance scan of both the σ and π transition at the same B and using the 1 1 stat Breit-Rabi formulae in order to extract the hyperfine transition frequency: (cid:113) g g2ν2−4g2ν2 +4g2ν ν +g2(2ν −ν ) + + σ − π − π σ − π σ ν = (7) 0 g2 +g2 + − whereg =g ±g .Simulationsofthesetuparebeingdoneusingtheparticle ± I J physics toolkit Geant4. It is designed for high energy physics and therefore had to be modified in order to allow simulations of hyperfine transitions in a microwave field. The evolution of the spin state of the atoms for a certain time in the radiation field of the cavity is determinated by solving the op- tical Bloch equations using a Runge Kutta algorithm with adaptive stepsize control. One of the simulated resonance scans can be seen in figure 2. For rea- sons of simplicity two gaussians were used as a fit function to determine the center position which corresponds to the transition frequency. A comparison 4 B.Kolbingeretal. 15000 14000 13000 nts u co 12000 11000 10000 1420.38 1420.39 1420.4 1420.41 1420.42 1420.43 microwavefrequency(MHz) Fig. 2 Resonance scan of the σ1 transition: count rate on the detector in dependance of microwavefrequency.Abeamwith3.5×106detectedparticlesperscan,Maxwell-Boltzmann distributedvelocitywithatemperatureof50K,apolarizationof70%HFSstatesand30% LFSstatesandameasuredfieldmapwithBa1v =8.78×10−5 Twithrms1 =5.362×10−7 T. of this simple fit function with a more sophisticated fit algorithm showed no significantdifferenceinprecisionandvalueforthecenterfrequency,hencethe simpler fit is sufficient for the goal of the present study. The two possible ways of determining the zero field transition frequency havebeencompared.Whenonlyusingtheσ transition,scanshavebeensim- 1 ulated at three different static magnetic fields Bi using measured fieldmaps stat inside the cavity, in order to make the simulations as realistic as possible. The mean field strength and RMS of the measured fieldmaps used are: B1 = av 8.78×10−5 T with rms = 5.362×10−7 T, B2 = 2.194×10−4 T with rms = 1 av 2 1.414×10−6 T and B3 = 4.389×10−4 T with rms = 2.911×10−6 T. A beam av 3 with a Maxwell-Boltzmann distributed velocity of 50 K and a polarization of 70% LFS and 30% HFS has been used, since this is the expected polarization of ASACUSA’s antihydrogen source [10]. For the second method, the same beam properties were used. The angle be- tween B and B was changed to 45◦ in order to have a parallel and a stat osc orthogonal component to B and being able to drive both resonances in the osc same configuration. With very high statistics, (3.5×106 atoms per scan detected) as in figure 2, the method using only the σ transition showed a larger error by a factor of 1 ≈1.12. When using lower statistics the method using only the σ transition 1 becomes more favorable due to the sensitivity on inhomogeneities of the π 1 transition. Simulations with 2.1×105 particles per scan reaching the detector, whichistheparticlenumberwherethesensitiveπ transitionbecomesvisible, 1 have been done. Comparing the relative error of the two methods shows that the second one yields a higher relative error by a factor of ≈1.4 for the homo- NumericalSimulationsofHyperfineTransitionsofAntihydrogen 5 7.0×10−4 5.0×10−7 6.5×10−4 4.5×10−7 6.0×10−4 5.5×10−4 4.0×10−7 error 454...500×××111000−−−444 33..05××1100−−77 relativeerror 3.5×10−4 2.5×10−7 3.0×10−4 2.5×10−4 2.0×10−7 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 detectedantihydrogenatoms Fig. 3 Extrapolationto0fieldusingσ1 simulationsat3differentfieldsand35pointsper scan: Absolute (points) and relative errors (triangles) depending on particle number per scan.Twogaussianswereusedasafitfunction. geneity of the previously listed measured field maps. This can be improved by decreasing the inhomogeniety of B which is already planned. stat In figure 3 the achieved precision of the zero magnetic field HFS is plotted as a function of the number of detected particles. Here, the method of extrapo- lating three σ transitions at different Bi was used. 1 stat Simulations show that the lowest possible particle number at which the dou- ble peak structure is still visible is about 2800 detected atoms per scan when using 35 points yields a relative precision of ≈ 4.5×10−7. The relative error corresponding to 3.5×106 detected atoms per scan improves this by an order of magnitude. 3 Summary Resultsofnumericalsimulationsofhyperfinetransitionsofantihydrogenwithin theASACUSAcavityhavebeenpresented.Thezerostaticmagneticfieldtran- sition frequency has been determined by two different methods using the σ 1 and the π transition frequencies and the resulting precisions have been com- 1 pared. Simulations show that using both transitions only leads to a higher precision when using high statistics due to the sensitivity to magnetic field inhomogeneities of the π transition. The impact of particle numbers on the 1 determined hyperfine transition frequency and its relative error has been dis- cussed. Simulations show that the minimum particle number needed, in order toseethecharacteristicdoublepeakstructure,is2800atomsperscanandthe achievable relative error ≈ 4.5 ×10−7. 6 B.Kolbingeretal. 4 Acknowledgements This work is supported by the European Research Council grant no. 291242- HBAR-HFS and the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research. References 1. D.ColladayandV.AlanKostelecky,Lorentz-violatingextensionofthestandardmodel, PhysicalReviewD,58,1-23(1998) 2. B.Juhasz,E.Widmann,S.Federmann,Measurementoftheground-statehyperfinesplit- tingofantihydrogen,JournalofPhysics:ConferenceSeries,335,012059(2011) 3. 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