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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Meteorology Volume 2016, Article ID 6951942, 15 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6951942 Research Article Numerical Modeling of Topography-Modulated Dust Aerosol Distribution and Its Influence on the Onset of East Asian Summer Monsoon HuiSun1andXiaodongLiu1,2 1SKLLQG,InstituteofEarthEnvironment,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Xiโ€™an710061,China 2CASCenterforExcellenceinTibetanPlateauEarthSciences,Beijing100101,China CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoHuiSun;[email protected] Received29April2015;Revised1September2015;Accepted17September2015 AcademicEditor:SteffenMischke Copyrightยฉ2016H.SunandX.Liu.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. A regional climate model coupled with a dust module was used to simulate dust aerosol distribution and its effects on the atmosphericheatsourceovertheTP,EastAsiansummermonsoononset,andprecipitationinEastAsiamodulatedbytheupliftof thenorthernTP.Wecarriedoutfourexperiments,includingamodern(i.e.,high-mountain)experimentwith(HMD)andwithout (HM)themajordesertsinNorthwestChinaandalow-mountainexperimentwith(LMD)andwithout(LM)thedeserts.Theresults showthatdustgreatlyincreasesintheTaklamakanDesertaccompaniedwiththeupliftofthenorthernTP,andtheincreaseexceeds 150๐œ‡gkgโˆ’1inspring.AstrongcycloneintheTarimBasinproducedbytheupliftednorthernTPenhancesdustemissionsinthe TaklamakanDesertinsummer.Meanwhile,thedustloadingovertheTPalsoincreasesinducedbytheupliftofthenorthernTP, causingtheheatsourceovertheTPdecreased.UndertheconditionofthenorthernTPuplifttopresentaltitude,dustdelaysthe EastAsiasummermonsoononsetbytwopentadsandonepentad,respectively,inthesouthernandnorthernmonsoonregions andgreatlysuppressesprecipitationinEastAsiacomparedwithresultsinthelowterrainexperiments. 1.Introduction ThedistributionofdustaerosolinAsiaiscloselyrelatedtothe activityofstrongduststormswhichmainlyoccurinspringin Dust aerosol receives much attention due to its substantial EastAsia[21โ€“23]. effects on the environment and climate [1]. It not only Dustcaninfluencetheclimatethroughdirectandindi- adversely affects air quality and endangers human health rect effects [6โ€“8]. Dust aerosol can change atmospheric [2,3]butalsoimpactsbiogeochemicalcyclesandoceanCO2 temperatures via its direct radiative effects [24, 25] and, uptake [4, 5]. Additionally, it can change regional and even meanwhile, satellite observations show that the dust load globalclimatethroughmodifyingtheradiationbalanceand over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) can be transported from the cloud-precipitationphysics[6โ€“8]. TaklamakanDesert[26],meaningthattheheatsourceover Important progress focusing on the East Asian dust the TP can be influenced by such dust radiative effects. cycle,dustradiativeeffects,anditseffectsontheEastAsian Meanwhile, numerous studies have shown that variation in monsoon has been made recently using various global and the heat source over the TP bears a close relationship with regional climate models [9โ€“16]. The distribution of dust East Asian summer monsoon onset in late spring or early aerosol can directly determine its induced climatic effects, summer [27โ€“29]. Previous research shows that aerosol can and so some scientists have studied the impacts of various change the heat source over the TP and further influences factorsonthedistributionofdust,includingmeteorological the Asia summer monsoon [30]. Therefore, it is crucial to parameters [17], dust sources [18], and different underlying determine the distribution of dust over the TP, as it can surfaces [19]. There are two large deserts located in East indirectly impact upon East Asian summer monsoon onset Asia: the Taklamakan Desert and the Gobi Desert [20]. throughmodifyingtheheatsourceovertheTP. 2 AdvancesinMeteorology On the other hand, the uplift of the TP, as one of the mass flux is represented as a function of friction velocity most important geological events in Cenozoic era, has had [42].Finallytheverticalfluxcorrespondingtoeachemission profound influences on the Asian and global climate and mode is obtained. The dust particles in the dust module environmentevolutioningeologicalperiods[31].Presently, are divided to four size bins (or modes): the fine (0.01โ€“ moststudiesshowthattheTPupliftisphasedandprocess, 1.0๐œ‡m), accumulation (1.0โ€“2.5๐œ‡m), coarse (2.5โ€“5๐œ‡m), and andsomeresearchesshowthattheupliftofnorthernTPand giant(5.0โ€“20.0๐œ‡m).Dusttransport,deposition,andremoval itsnearbymountainshasmainlyoccurredsincetheMiocene processesaregivenbySolmonetal.[43],Qianetal.[44],and [31]. Meanwhile, the major Asian inland deserts may form QianandGiorgi[45].Thedustmixingratioisrepresentedby anddevelopwiththenorthernTPuplifting. thetracertransportequation: Recently,Shietal.[32]carriedoutanumericalsimulation ๐œ•๐œ’๐‘– of the impacts of the uplifting of the TP on the dust cycle =โˆ’๐‘‰โ‹…โˆ‡๐œ’๐‘–+๐น๐‘– +๐น๐‘– +๐น๐‘–+๐‘†๐‘–โˆ’๐‘…๐‘– โˆ’๐‘…๐‘– in Asia using a GCM, and their results showed that topog- ๐œ•๐‘ก H V c Wls Wc (1) raphyhasagreateffectondustsedimentationinEastAsia. โˆ’๐ท๐‘–, Liu et al. [33], using the latest version of RegCM4.1/Dust, d studied the impacts of the uplifting of the northern TP on whereโˆ’๐‘‰โ‹…โˆ‡๐œ’๐‘– isadvection,๐น๐‘– ishorizontalturbulentdif- regionalclimate,andtheirresearchindicatedthatupliftofthe H fusion,๐น๐‘– isverticalturbulentdiffusion,and๐น๐‘–isconvective northernTPiscloselyrelatedwithinlanddesertformation. V c However, they did not analyze how the northern TP uplift transport [43โ€“45]. ๐‘…W๐‘– ls and ๐‘…W๐‘– c are the wet removalterms modulatesthedistributionofdustinEastAsia,nordidthey represented by large-scale and convective rain [46, 47]. ๐ทd๐‘– discuss the effects of dust on the heat source over the TP is dry deposition represented by assuming fixed deposition andultimatelyhowitinducesanomaliesinEastAsiasummer velocitiesoverlandandwater. monsoononset. The๐›ฟ-EddingtonapproximationisemployedbyRegCM4 In this paper, therefore, we conduct a set of sensitivity for radiative flux calculations. The calculation of dust SW experiments under conditions of low and high orography radiationusesanasymmetryfactor,singlescatteringalbedo, in the northern TP using a regional climate model with andmassextinctioncoefficientbasedonMietheory.Thedust and without the dust module to further discuss two main LWradiationisaccountedforintroducingthedustemissivity issues: (1) How does the northern TP modulate the dust givenbyKiehletal.[36]. distribution in East Asia? (2) What are the impacts of dust effectsontheheatsourceovertheTPandEastAsiasummer 2.2. Model Sensitivity Tests. Four experiments were per- monsoon onset under different terrain settings? This study formed in this study (Table1), the first three of which will help to deep explore the modulation of topography followed the protocol of Liu et al. [33], while the fourth on dust-monsoon relationship and also to understand the was a newly designed experiment. The first is the modern paleoclimatechangeinEastAsia. (i.e., high-mountain) experiment, in which all of boundary conditions including terrain are set to the present-day state andthedustemissionsfromthemajordesertsinnorthwest 2.NumericalModel andExperimentDesign China(HMD)areopened.Thesecondisthehigh-mountain 2.1.NumericalModel. RegCM4.1/Dustisahydrostatic,sigma experimentwithmodernterrainstagebutanabsenceofEast vertical coordinate model, based on the major physical Asian inland deserts (HM). The third is the low-mountain parameterizations of RegCM3 [34]. The dynamical frame- experimentwithreducedtopographyinthenorthernTP(by work in RegCM4.1/Dust is similar to the mesoscale model as much as 2400m) and also an absence of deserts (LM). MM5 [35]and it adopts CCM3 [36] foratmosphericradia- Thefinaloneisthelow-mountainexperimentwiththesame tive transfer processes at solar (SW) and thermal (LW) terrain conditions as LM but with dust emissions from the wavelengths.Inaddition,theBiosphere-AtmosphereTransfer majordesertsofEastAsiaopenedup(LMD).Therefore,by Scheme (BATS1e) [37] is coupled in the model to diagnose comparingtheresultsofHMDminusHM(hereafterHMDโˆ’ thelandsurfaceprocesses.ThemassfluxschemeofGrellet HM)andthoseofLMDminusLM(hereafterLMDโˆ’LM), al. [38] and the subgrid explicit moisture scheme of Pal et we can determine the distribution of dust in East Asia and al.[39]areusedtodescribecumulusconvectiveprecipitation its related effects on East Asia summer monsoon onset as andnonconvectiveprecipitation,respectively. modulated by the uplift of the northern TP and its nearby ThecoupleddustmoduleofRegCM4.1basedonthedust majormountains. producing model of Marticorena and Bergametti [40] and Theinitialandlateralboundaryconditionsforthemodel Alfaro and Gomes [41], generally includes dust emission, wereextractedfromtheNationalCentersforEnvironmental transport,anddepositionprocesses.Parameterizationofthe Prediction, Department of Energy (NCEPโ€“DOE) Atmo- dustemissionprocessescomprisesfourcomponents[14,42]. sphericModelIntercomparisonProject(AMIP-II)reanalysis First, each model grid cell is classified either as desert or (R-2) [48], and the default land use types were based on as nondesert and the soil characteristics including texture, GlobalLandCoverCharacterization(GLCC)data[49].Soil particle size, and composition in each model grid cell are texturedatawerefromtheUSDAtextureclassification[50]. specifiedbasedontheUSDAtexturalclassification.Second, The sea surface temperature (SST) is from the National dust emission is represented as a function of a threshold Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration SST dataset [51]. value,surfaceroughness,andsoilmoisture.Third,horizontal Each simulation began on January 1, 1988, and ran until AdvancesinMeteorology 3 60โˆ˜N 60โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N ACltaiSayan 50โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N PTaiamnisrhsanAAltun B 40โˆ˜N Kunlun Qilian 30โˆ˜N Tibetan Plateau 30โˆ˜N 20โˆ˜N 20โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜E 60โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 140โˆ˜E 40โˆ˜E 60โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 140โˆ˜E 15002400 15002400 (a) (b) Figure1:(a)ModernterrainusedinHMDandHMandthelocationsofthemajormountainranges.Thedottedareasindicatethethreemajor desertsinChina.A=southernXinjiangintheTaklamakandesert;B=westernInnerMongoliaintheGobidesert;C=northernXinjiangin theGurbantunggutDesert.(b)LoweredterraindistributionusedinLMandLMD.Thelightestgreyregionin(a,b)isthemodeldomain. Table1:Informationonthetopographyanddustemissionsinthe (2.5โˆ˜ ร— 2.5โˆ˜) wind fields at 850hPa [48]. The third is the experiments. Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) aboard the NASA Earth Observation Systemโ€™s Terra satellite Level 3 Experiment Emissionsfromthe Topography monthly mean aerosol optical depth (AOD) from 2000 to name majordeserts 2009. Modern HMD Open (high-mountain) 3.Validation Modern HM Closed (high-mountain) Springandsummerarenotonlytheseasonsofstrongdust LMD Lowered Open emissionsinEastAsiabutalsotheseasonsofAsianmonsoon LM Lowered Closed onset and prevalence. So, model performance during this perioddirectlyaffectsthepredicationofdustclimaticeffects. The comparison between the CRU observed and HMD December 31, 2009; however, only the last 20 years is ana- simulatedsurfacetemperatureinspringandsummerisillus- lyzed,leavingthefirsttwoyearsasmodelspin-uptime.The tratedinFigure2.Bothspringandsummersurfacetempera- โˆ˜ โˆ˜ modelcenterislocatedat40 Nand90 E,with160gridcells tures simulated by HMD are consistent with those of CRU intheW-Edirectionand95intheN-Sdirection.Theinterval observation. In spring, the model successfully captures the of model integration time is 1 minute. Model horizontal major patterns of surface temperature distribution, includ- resolutionis50km.Itwasruninitsstandardconfiguration ing a reasonable northwest-southeast gradient, minimum of18vertical๐œŽ-layers,withthemodeltopat10hPa.Besides temperaturecenterintheTPandMongolia,andmaximum the change of terrain and deserts, all experiments used the temperaturecenterinsouthChinaandnorthIndia.However, sameconditions.Onlythedustdirecteffectisincludedinthis itsimulatesacoldbiasof1โ€“3โˆ˜CinnorthwestChina(Figures study. 2(a) and 2(b)). The simulation is better in summer than in The height of the lowered region in LMD and LM was spring, and the maximum temperature center in the Thar 1500mplus20%ofthemodernterrainaltitude.Thereduced DesertlocatedinnorthwestIndiaiswellcapturedcompared area was mainly located in the northern TP and its nearby withtheobservation(Figures2(c)and2(d)).Oursimulation mountains,includingthePamirPlateau,theTianshanMoun- only includes dust aerosol, and there are other kinds of tain,theKunlunMountain,theAltunMountain,theQilian aerosols in the atmosphere. However, the CRU observation Mountain, the Altai Mountains, and the Sayan Mountains includes comprehensive effects of all aerosols (dust, black (Figure1). In order to close the dust emissions in HM carbon, organic carbon, sulphate, and sea salt). Sandstorm and LM, the land cover types of the Taklamakan Desert, mainly outbreaks in spring in northwestern China, so the Gurbantunggut Desert, and Gobi Desert are replaced with coldbiasinnorthwestChinaisfromthedustcoolingeffect. nearbyvegetationtypes. Meanwhile,duststormactivitiesdecreaseinsummer,andthe cold bias weakens in summer. Therefore, the simulation is 2.3.ObservationData. Threedatasetsareusedinthisstudy betterinsummerthaninspring. for comparison with the RegCM4.1/Dust simulated results. The comparison between observed and simulated The first is monthly mean surface air temperature and 850hPa wind and precipitation in spring and summer is precipitation data, with a high resolution of 0.5โˆ˜ ร— 0.5โˆ˜, illustrated in Figure3. Southeasterly winds and southwest providedbytheClimateResearchUnit(CRU),Universityof wind prevail in south China and to the south of the TP in East Anglia [52]. The second is the NCEPโ€“DOE reanalysis spring, respectively. The region to the north of the Yangtze 4 AdvancesinMeteorology 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E โˆ’4 โˆ’2 0 4 6 8 10 13 16 22 25 30 โˆ’4 โˆ’2 0 4 6 8 10 13 16 22 25 30 (a) (b) 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 30 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 30 (c) (d) โˆ˜ Figure2:Observed(a,c)andsimulated(b,d)surfacemeantemperature(units: C)inspring(a,b)andsummer(c,d). river is affected by strong northwest wind (Figure3(a)). In is better than that in spring, in which there is a slight summer, northwest wind weakens in north China, and the overestimationintheTianshanMountains,northernTP,and southerly wind is enhanced in south China, accompanied south China (Figure3(b)). The terrain of the TP is quite by the outbreak of the East Asia summer monsoon. The complicated, and the cumulus convection parameterization southerly wind is divided into two branches: one moves applied in this extremely complex area has high sensitivity acrossthesoutheastcoastofChinaandeventuallyentersthe [53]. Therefore, the overestimated precipitation over the EastChinaSea,whiletheothercontinuestonorth,passing TP and its nearby mountains comes from the cumulus over central China, and then changes into a southwesterly parameterizationschemechoseninRegCM4.1/Dust,namely, wind before entering into north and northeast China theGrellschemewithFritsch-Chappellclosure.Ontheother (Figure3(c)). Compared with the NCEP observation, hand, the bias in south China mainly relates to the model RegCM4.1/Dust basically captures the above major features physics scheme applied in this area: for example, the Grell of 850hPa wind during spring and summer (Figures 3(b) massfluxschememaybemoresuitableforthemidlatitudes and3(d)). ratherthantropicalandsubtropicalareasofChina[54]. RegCM4.1/Dust also captures well the characteristics The rainy season in East Asia usually starts from late of the precipitation distribution in East Asia. In spring, spring to summer under the influences of the East Asia the maximum center of precipitation is mainly located in summermonsoonandtheIndianmonsoon.TheRegCM4.1 southChina,thesoutheastoftheHimalayaMountains,and simulated precipitation seasonal variation is well consistent the Pamirs Plateau (Figure3(a)). The precipitation rate is withthoseofCRUobservedinnorthernandsouthernChina, โˆ’1 less than 1.5mmday over the TP, northern India, and whichindicatesthatoursimulationisreliable(Figure4). the areas to the north of the Yangtze river. The model The distribution of MISR-observed aerosol AOD and results are consistent with the above precipitation distribu- model-simulated dust AOD is illustrated in Figure5. The tion, albeit an overestimation of precipitation is apparent comparisonshowsthatthepatternsofmodel-simulateddust in the Pamirs Plateau, Tianshan Mountains, and southeast AOD are consistent with those of the MISR observation Himalaya Mountains, and an underestimation in southeast in spring and summer. The model successfully captures the China(Figure3(b)).Thesimulationofsummerprecipitation maximumcenterofdustAODintheTaklamakanDesertin AdvancesinMeteorology 5 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 10 10 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 (a) (b) 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 10 10 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 (c) (d) โˆ’1 โˆ’1 Figure3:Observed(a,c)andsimulated(b,d)meanprecipitationrate(units:mmday )and850hPawind(units:ms )inspring(a,b)and summer(c,d).Theblacklinesaretheterraincontoursof2000m. 5 12 10 4 8 3 6 2 4 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Simulation Simulation Observation Observation (a) (b) Figure4:ComparisonbetweenRegCM4.1simulatedandCRUobservedannualcyclesofmonthlyprecipitation(mm/day)regionalaveraged โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ forthenorthChina(a)(38โ€“42N,110โ€“120E)andsouthChina(25โ€“30N,110โ€“115E). springandsummer.However,itoverestimatesthedustAOD simulation.OursimulationmightoverestimatetheAODin in the Gobi and Gurbantunggut Desert. The simulation of the three dust source centers; the possible reason comes dustAODinsummerisbetterthanthatinspring.Itshould from the overestimationof giant aerosol (5.0โ€“20.0๐œ‡m) and benotedthatonlydustaerosolisfeaturedinourexperiment, the uncertainty in characterizing soil property. Meanwhile, so the heavy MISR AOD in eastern and southwest China the model does not describe the presence of additional (left panels in Figure5) is not consistent with the model aerosoltypesaswellasbackgroundaerosols;thismayalsobe 6 AdvancesinMeteorology 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (a) (b) 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 45โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 35โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (c) (d) Figure5:MISR-observedaerosolopticaldepth(a,c)andsimulateddustAOD(b,d)averagedinspring(a,b)andsummer(c,d)during 2000โ€“2009. anindicationofrelativelyweaklongrangedispersalofdust (Figures6(c)and6(d)). Besides, uplift of the northern TP plumebythemodel[14].Besides,Sunetal.[15]havedetailed causes the dust mixing ratio to increase greatly in the andcomparedthesamemodel(RegCM4)simulatedresults northernTP(Figure6(e)),andthisenhancementisdiscussed ofcontrolrunwithvariousobservationsontheregionalscale further,indetail,below.Thedustmixingratioonlyincreases ofAsiaandfoundthattheperformanceofRegCM4isbasi- markedly in the Taklamakan Desert in summer between callygood.Overall,thecontrolsimulatedresultisreasonable HMDโˆ’HMandLMDโˆ’LM(Figure6(f)). whencomparedwithobservationsorothermodelresults. Theseasonalvariationoftheregionalmeandustcolumn burden averaged in the Taklamakan Desert in the four 4.ResultsandAnalyses different experiments is illustrated in Figure7. The dust sourcehasanimportanteffectonthemaintenanceofthedust 4.1. Impacts of Topography on the Distribution of Dust in cycleinEastAsia.BothHMDandLMDcapturethehighest East Asia. The uplifting of the northern TP and its nearby dustemissionsinspringintheTaklamakanDesert,butthe major mountains significantly influences the distribution experimentswithanabsenceofdesertsallmissedthisfeature. of dust in East Asia. The dust mixing ratio at 600hPa is Besides,itisinterestingtonotethatthedifferencesbetween higher in the Taklamakan and Gobi Desert in spring than HMDandHMaregreaterthanthedifferencesbetweenLMD insummerinHMDโˆ’HM,withtheircentervaluesgreater andLMinsummer(Figure7(a)).Theformationofcyclonic than 150๐œ‡g kgโˆ’1 (Figure6(a)). In summer, the dust mixing circulation in the Tarim Basin, induced by uplifting of the ratioisrelativelylowerthanthatinspringoverthetwodeserts northern TP and its nearby major mountains, may be a (Figure6(b)).However,inLMDโˆ’LM,thedustmixingratio reasonforthehigherdustproductionthereinsummer.This islowerintheabovetwodesertsinbothspringandsummer isdiscussedfurtherinSection4.3. AdvancesinMeteorology 7 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 0 1 5 10 15 20 25 50 75 100 150 0 1 5 10 15 20 25 50 75 100 150 (a) (b) 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 0 1 5 10 15 20 25 50 75 100 150 0 1 5 10 15 20 25 50 75 100 150 (c) (d) 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 60โˆ˜E 70โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 0 1 5 10 15 20 25 50 75 100 150 0 1 5 10 15 20 25 50 75 100 150 (e) (f) Figure6:Dustmixingratiochangesat600hPa(๐œ‡gkgโˆ’1)betweendifferentnumericalexperimentsinspring(a,c,e)andsummer(b,d,f): (a,b)HMDโˆ’HM;(c,d)LMDโˆ’LM;(e,f)(HMDโˆ’HM)minus(LMDโˆ’LM). As mentioned, Figure6 shows that the topography also ThedifferencesbetweenHMDโˆ’HMandLMDโˆ’LMshow significantly influences the dust distribution in the TP in that the uplifting of the northern TP and its nearby major spring.Therefore,wefurtheranalyzedthedifferencesinthe mountainsenhancesthedustloadovertheTP(Figure8(c)). dust vertical profile between the different experiments, as shown in Figure8. In HMD โˆ’ HM (Figure8(a)), the dust 4.2. Dust Effects on the Heat Source over the TP Modulated mixingratioishighestinthewesternTPandthecentervalues by Topography. The differences in dust load between HMD reach 40๐œ‡gkgโˆ’1. The values in the central and eastern TP andHMaregreaterthanthosebetweenLMDandLMover range from 20 to 30๐œ‡gkgโˆ’1 and the dust concentration is theTP(Figure8),anddustcandirectlymodifyatmosphere- higherbetween400hPaandthenear-surfacelayeroftheTP earthradiation[55,56].Therefore,thedusteffectsontheheat (Figure8(a)).InLMDโˆ’LM,thedustconcentrationislower sourceovertheTPmaydifferinthehigh-andlow-mountain overtheTPandthedustverticalmixingisweak(Figure8(b)). experiments. We use 600hPa atmospheric temperature to 8 AdvancesinMeteorology 700 350 500 250 600 300 400 200 500 250 300 150 400 200 300 150 200 100 200 100 100 50 100 50 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 HMD LMD HM LM (a) (b) Figure7:Annualcyclesofmonthlydustcolumnburden(mgmโˆ’2)regionallyaveragedfortheTaklamakanDesert(37โˆ˜โˆ’42โˆ˜N,78โˆ˜โˆ’87โˆ˜E)in (a)HMDandHMand(b)LMDandLM. 40 40 150 150 30 30 200 200 20 20 250 250 15 15 300 300 10 10 400 400 5 5 500 500 600 1 600 1 700 700 0 0 850 850 925 925 1000 1000 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 0 1 1 2 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (a) (b) 40 150 30 200 20 250 15 300 10 400 5 500 600 1 700 0 850 925 1000 E E E E E E E E E E E E E โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 โˆ˜5 โˆ˜0 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 (c) Figure8:Longitude-height(32โˆ˜โ€“37โˆ˜N)DMR(๐œ‡gkgโˆ’1)changesbetweendifferentexperimentsinspring:(a)HMDโˆ’HM;(b)LMDโˆ’LM; (c)HMDโˆ’HMminusLMDโˆ’LM. AdvancesinMeteorology 9 55โˆ˜N 55โˆ˜N โˆ’0.05 0.1 0.1 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N โˆ’0.05 โˆ’0.1โˆ’0.05 0 โˆ’0.05 โˆ’0.1 โˆ’0.05 0 โˆ’0.1 45โˆ˜N โˆ’0.2 โˆ’0.2 โˆ’0.05 45โˆ˜N โˆ’0.2 โˆ’0.05 โˆ’0.3 40โˆ˜N โˆ’0.1 40โˆ˜N โˆ’0.2 โˆ’0.2 โˆ’0.1 โˆ’0.1 โˆ’โˆ’0โˆ’0..053.4 โˆ’0.2 โˆ’0.1 โˆ’0.3 โˆ’0.2 35โˆ˜N โˆ’0.1 โˆ’0.โˆ’2โˆ’00..43 โˆ’0.2 โˆ’0.3 35โˆ˜N .05 โˆ’0.1โˆ’0.2 โˆ’0.2 โˆ’0.3 โˆ’0.05 โˆ’0.05 30โˆ˜N โˆ’0.05 โˆ’0.1 โˆ’0.4 30โˆ˜N โˆ’0.05 โˆ’0.1 โˆ’0.1 โˆ’0.4 โˆ’0.1 โˆ’0.05 โˆ’0.05 โˆ’0.5 โˆ’0.05 โˆ’0.5 25โˆ˜N 25โˆ˜N โˆ’0.05 โˆ’0.05 0 โˆ’0.6 โˆ’0.6 20โˆ˜N 20โˆ˜N 0 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E (a) (b) Figure9:Atmospherictemperaturechangesat600hPaovertheTPinspring(units:โˆ˜C)betweendifferentnumericalexperiments:(a)HMDโˆ’ HM;(b)LMDโˆ’LM. simply represent the heat source over the TP, following Liu โˆ’1 andWang[57]. โˆ’0.9 TheheatsourceovertheTPsubstantiallydecreasesinthe โˆ’0.8 northern TP due to the high dust load between HMD and โˆ’0.7 e HM(Figure9(a)),inwhichthedecreasecanexceed0.6โˆ˜C.It ur โˆ’0.6 at alsodecreasesbetweenLMDandLM,butthereductionisnot er โˆ’0.5 p significantcomparedwiththatbetweenHMDandHMdue m โˆ’0.4 Te tothelowdustload(Figure9(b)). โˆ’0.3 Wefurtheranalyzedthevariationintheheatsourceover โˆ’0.2 the northern TP (hereafter NTP-HT) during the period of โˆ’0.1 EastAsiasummermonsoononset(Figure10).TheNTP-HT 0 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 greatlydecreasesduetodustfromthe27thtothe48thpentad Pentad in both the high- and low-mountain experiments, but the decreasingeffectontheNTP-HTinHMDโˆ’HMisquitea HMD โˆ’ HM lot stronger than those in LMD โˆ’ LM due to the high dust LMD โˆ’ LM contentovertheTPwiththeupliftofthenorthernTP. โˆ˜ Figure10:Regionalmeanatmospherictemperature(C)changeat โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ 600hPaaveragedinthenorthernTP(34โ€“38E,90โ€“105N). 4.3. Dust Effects on the East Asia Summer Monsoon and Its Onset Modulated by Topography. In HMD, north and southChinaareaffectedbywesterlyandsouthwesterlywinds, thedusteffectsonEastAsiasummermonsoononsetunder respectively, and there is strong cyclonic circulation in the thehigh-andlow-mountainsettings.TheindexofEastAsia Tarim Basin (Figure11(a)). Without the major deserts of summermonsoononsetthatweusedfollowedthedefinition northwestChina,thecycloniccirculationandnorthwesterly ofWangandHo[59],asfollows: windsweaken(Figure11(b)).InHMDโˆ’HM,dustweakens theEast Asia summermonsoonandcauses strongcyclonic ๐‘…๐‘…๐‘– =๐‘…๐‘–โˆ’๐‘…JAN, ๐‘–=1,2,...,73, (2) circulation over the Tarim Basin. Therefore, dust emissions are still stronger in summer over the Taklamakan Desert where ๐‘…๐‘…๐‘– is the relative pentad mean rainfall rate. In the due to the strong updraft induced by the cyclonic activity Northern Hemisphere, ๐‘…๐‘– is the pentad mean rainfall rate (Figures 6(e) and 7(a)). Both LMD and LM capture the and๐‘…JAN isthepentadmeanrainfallrateofJanuary.If๐‘…๐‘…๐‘– โˆ’1 major features of the East Asia summer monsoon (Figures is greater than 6mmday , then the onset of the East Asia 11(b) and 11(d)), but there is no cyclonic circulation over summermonsoonbegins.Pentadisfivedays,andthereare6 the Tarim Basin. Therefore, the dust concentration is lower pentadsinonemonth. overtheTaklamakanDesert(Figure7(b)).Boththehigh-and FollowingLiuandYin[60],wechosetwokeymonsoon โˆ˜ โˆ˜ low-mountainexperimentsshowthatdustweakenstheEast regionsofEastAsia:asouthernmonsoonregion(22 โ€“30 N, โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ โˆ˜ Asiasummermonsoon,whichisinagreementwithprevious 105 โ€“120 E)andnorthernmonsoonregion(34 โ€“42 N,105 โ€“ โˆ˜ studies[15,58]. 120 E). Figure12 shows the variation in East Asia summer Becauseofthecloserelationshipbetweentheheatsource monsoon onset index averaged in the southern monsoon oftheTPandEastAsiasummermonsoononset,weanalyzed region. Onset of the East Asia summer monsoon begins in 10 AdvancesinMeteorology 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 10 10 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E (a) (b) 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 10 10 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E (c) (d) 50โˆ˜N 50โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 40โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 30โˆ˜N 2 2 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E 80โˆ˜E 90โˆ˜E 100โˆ˜E 110โˆ˜E 120โˆ˜E (e) (f) Figure11:700hPawindfieldaveragedinsummer(JunetoAugust)in(a)HMD,(b)HM,(c)LMD,(d)LM,(e)HMDโˆ’HM,and(f)LMDโˆ’LM. Thegreyarearepresentsthetopographybelow700hPa. the 29th pentad in HM but is two pentads later in HMD. thedust-inducedEastAsiasummermonsoononsetanoma- The onset of the East Asia summer monsoon begins in the lies to the topography change in the northern monsoon 31st pentad in LM but in the 32nd in LMD. The results regionislowerthanthatinthesouthernmonsoonregion. demonstrate that dust can delay the onset of the East Asia summermonsoon,butthedelayingeffectofdustinHMDโˆ’ 4.4. Impacts of the Effects of Dust on Precipitation Induced HMisstrongerthanthatinLMDโˆ’LM. by Topography Changes. The regional monthly mean of The dust effect on East Asia summer monsoon onset precipitation averaged in north and south China in the in the northern monsoon region is illustrated in Figure13. four experiments is illustrated in Figure14. Dust hinders TheonsetoftheEastAsiasummermonsooninthisregion precipitationovernorthandsouthChinaduetothedelaying starts in the 36th pentad in both HM and LM, while dust effect of dust on the onset of monsoon in both the high- delays the monsoon onset by one pentad in both HMD and low-mountain experiments. The suppression effects in and LMD compared with HM and LM. The sensitivity of HMD โˆ’ HM are much stronger than in LMD โˆ’ LM in

The dynamical frame- work in RegCM4.1/Dust is similar to the mesoscale model . SST dataset [51]. Each simulation began on January 1, 1988, and ran until tain, the Kunlun Mountain, the Altun Mountain, the Qilian. Mountain, the
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