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NUMERICALINVESTIGATIONOFFLOWCONTROL OVERANAIRFOILWITHSYNTHETICJETSANDITSOPTIMIZATION ATHESISSUBMITTEDTO THEGRADUATESCHOOLOFNATURALANDAPPLIEDSCIENCES OF MIDDLEEASTTECHNICALUNIVERSITY BY ERAYAKC¸AYO¨Z INPARTIALFULFILLMENTOFTHEREQUIREMENTS FOR THEDEGREEOFMASTEROFSCIENCE IN AEROSPACEENGINEERING SEPTEMBER2008 Approvalofthethesis: NUMERICALINVESTIGATIONOFFLOWCONTROL OVERANAIRFOILWITHSYNTHETICJETSANDITSOPTIMIZATION submitted by ERAYAKC¸AYO¨Z inpartialfulfillmentoftherequirements forthedegreeof Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering Department, Middle East Technical Uni- versity by, Prof. Dr. CananO¨zgen Dean,GraduteSchoolofNaturalandAppliedSciences Prof. Dr. ˙IsmailH.Tuncer HeadofDepartment, AerospaceEngineering Prof. Dr. ˙IsmailH.Tuncer Supervisor, AerospaceEngineeringDept.,METU ExaminingCommitteeMembers: Prof. Dr. CahitC¸ıray Aerospace Engineering Dept.,METU Prof. Dr. ˙IsmailH.Tuncer Aerospace Engineering Dept.,METU Prof. Dr. M.HalukAksel Mechanical Engineering Dept.,METU Assist. Prof. Dr. Og˘uzUzol Aerospace Engineering Dept.,METU Dr. SartukKarasoy Manager, ROKETSANA.S¸. Date: Iherebydeclare thatallinformation inthisdocumenthasbeenobtainedandpresented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. Ialso declare that, as required bytheserulesandconduct,Ihavefullycitedandreferencedallmaterialandresultsthat arenotoriginaltothiswork. Name,LastName: ErayAkc¸ayo¨z Signature : iii ABSTRACT NUMERICALINVESTIGATIONOFFLOWCONTROL OVERANAIRFOILWITHSYNTHETICJETSANDITSOPTIMIZATION Akc¸ayo¨z, Eray M.S.,DepartmentofAerospaceEngineering Supervisor : Prof. Dr. ˙IsmailH.Tuncer September2008,73pages Inthiswork,anactiveflowcontrolmethodisstudiednumericallybyusingasyntheticjetover a NACA 0015 airfoil. Unsteady, turbulent flows over the NACA 0015 airfoil are computed usingaNavier-Stokessolver. TheSpalart-Allmarasturbulencemodelisemployedinallcom- putations. Unsteady flow solutions are computed in parallel using Parallel Virtual Machine libraryroutinesinacomputercluster. Thesyntheticjetisimplementedtotheflowsolverasa boundarycondition. ResponseSurfaceMethodologyisemployedfortheoptimizationofsyn- theticjetparametersatvariousanglesofattack. Thesyntheticjetparameters;thejetvelocity, thejet location, thejetangle andthejet frequency areoptimized tomaximize thelift todrag ratio. The optimization study is performed for aconstant value of jet power coefficient. The jetslotsizeisusedasadependent parameterintheoptimization studies. The optimization study has shown that the jet velocity and the jet location are the dominant synthetic jet parameters. The optimum synthetic jet angle is observed to be increasing as the angle of attack increases. The optimum jet location is observed to be moving through the leading edge as angle of attack increases for the separated flows. It is observed that the iv application of the synthetic jet delays the flow separation on the suction side of the airfoil and increases the lift to drag ratio significantly especially at post stall angles of attack. The application ofthesynthetic jetisobserved tobelesseffectiveforattachedflows. Keywords: FlowControl,SyntheticJets,Optimization,ParallelProcessing,ResponseSurface Methodology v O¨ Z KANATKES˙ID˙IU¨ZER˙INEYERLES¸T˙IR˙ILEN SENTET˙IKJET˙INSAYISALOLARAK˙INCELENMES˙IVEOPT˙IM˙IZASYONU Akc¸ayo¨z, Eray Yu¨ksekLisans,HavacılıkveUzayMu¨hendislig˘i Bo¨lu¨mu¨ TezYo¨neticisi : Prof. Dr. ˙IsmailH.Tuncer Eylu¨l2008,73sayfa Bu c¸alıs¸mada, NACA 0015 kanat kesidi u¨zerine sentetik jet uygulanarak aktif akıs¸ kon- trolu¨ sayısal olarak incelenmis¸tir. NACA 0015 kanat kesidi u¨zerinde olus¸an zamana bag˘lı, tu¨rbu¨lanslı akıs¸ Navier-Stokes akıs¸ c¸o¨zu¨cu¨ kullanılarak hesaplanmıs¸tır. Tu¨mhesaplamalarda Spalart-Allmaras tu¨rbu¨lans modeli kullanılmıs¸tır. Zamana bag˘lı akıs¸ hesaplamaları, Parallel Virtual Machine ku¨tu¨phanesi kullanılarak paralel olarak yapılmıs¸tır. Sentetik jet, Navier- Stokesakıs¸c¸o¨zu¨cu¨su¨nebirsınırkos¸uluolarakeklenmis¸tir. Eniyiles¸tirmec¸alıs¸malarında,sen- tetik jete ait parametrelerin eniyiles¸tirilmesi sag˘lanarak kaldırma ve su¨ru¨klenme katsayıları oranının maksimum deg˘eri alması hedeflenmis¸tir. Sentetik jet parametrelerinin farklı hu¨cum ac¸ılarındaeniyiles¸tirilmesiic¸inYanıtYu¨zeyYo¨ntemikullanılmıs¸tır. Kaldırmavesu¨ru¨klenme katsayıları oranı sentetik jetin hızı, konumu, ac¸ısı ve frekansı kullanılarak eniyiles¸tirilmis¸tir. Eniyiles¸tirme c¸alıs¸maları jet gu¨c¸ katsayısının deg˘eri sabit tutularak gerc¸ekles¸tirilmis¸tir. Jet c¸ıkıs¸ınıngenis¸lig˘ibag˘ımlıbirparametreolarakkullanılmıs¸tır. Eniyiles¸tirmec¸alıs¸malarında, sentetik jetinhızıvekonumunun dig˘erjetparametrelerine go¨re daha baskın oldug˘u go¨ru¨lmu¨s¸tu¨r. En uygun sentetik jet ac¸ısının hu¨cum ac¸ısı arttıkc¸a arttıg˘ı vi go¨zlemlenmis¸tir. Akıs¸ ayrılmasının oldug˘u durumlarda, en uygun sentetik jet konumunun hu¨cum ac¸ısı arttıkc¸a kanat hu¨cum kenarına kaydıg˘ı go¨ru¨lmu¨s¸tu¨r. Eniyiles¸tirme c¸alıs¸maları, kanatu¨zerineuygulanan sentetikjetino¨zellikleperdo¨vites ac¸ısındanbu¨yu¨khu¨cumac¸ılarında akıs¸ ayrılmasını geciktirdig˘ini ve kaldırma ve su¨ru¨klenme katsayıları oranını o¨nemli o¨lc¸u¨de arttırdıg˘ını go¨stermis¸tir. Kanat u¨zerindeki akıs¸ın yu¨zeye yapıs¸ık oldug˘u durumlarda sentetik jetindahaazetkilioldug˘ugo¨zlemlenmis¸tir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Akıs¸ Kontro¨lu¨, Sentetik Jet, Eniyiles¸tirme, Paralel C¸o¨zu¨m, Yanıt Yu¨zey Yo¨ntemi vii Tomymarvelousfamily viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Iwouldliketothankmysupervisor,Prof. Dr. ˙IsmailH.Tuncerforhisgreatcareandguidance throughout mystudies. Iwouldliketothankalljurymembersfortheiradvicesandcorrections. IwouldalsoliketothankEnginErler,forherendlessfriendship andsupport. Forhisassistance, Iamgrateful tothank Dr. Mustafa Kaya. Thankyouforyoursupport and helpwithoutconcerning anytimelimitation. I want tostate mythanks to Hakan Tiftikc¸ifor reviewing my thesis and answering all of my questions. IalsowanttostatemythankstoYes¸imKubilayforherenglishcorrections. ThankstoMETU,AerospaceEngineeringDepartmentforprovidingmeaparallelcomputing environment. Ifinallywouldliketothankanyonewhohavesupported mythesiseffortinanyway. ix

OVER AN AIRFOIL WITH SYNTHETIC JETS AND ITS OPTIMIZATION .. Table 4.1 Number of computational evaluations required for BB and FF designs . For that purpose, a thick airfoil, NACA 0036 is chosen as baseline 2D . Leading edge blowing increases the lift by generating greater circulation, but at the
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