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Preview numerical analyses of rockfill dams, cut slopes and road embankments

5.4.1 Analysis During Construction . 86 5.4.2 Analysis During Impounding ..........................88 5.4.3 'Improved' Predictions ..............................89 5.5 CONCLUSIONS ......................................... 92 CHAPTER 6 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF WINSCAR DAM 6.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................ 134 6.2 DETERMINATION OF MODEL PARAMETERS ....................135 6.3 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS ...............................135 6.4 CONCLUSIONS ........................................ 138 CHAPTER 7 FIRST-TIME SLIDES IN STIFF PLASTIC CLAYS 7.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................ 150 7.2 DELAYED SLIDES AND PROCESSES INVOLVED .................. 151 7.2.1 Swelling ......................................151 7.2.2 Softening .....................................1 53 7.2.3 Progressive Failure ...............................1 55 7.3 METHODS OF ANALYSIS .................................157 7.3.1 Available Methods of Analysis .......................157 1 Limit Equilibrium Analysis ................... 158 Purpose Built Model .......................158 7.3.1 .3 Finite Element Analysis ..................... 158 7.3.2 Soil Model Used in the Thesis .......................1 60 7.4 RELEVANT AND ASSUMED SOIL PROPERTIES .................. 163 7.4.1 Cut Slopes .....................................164 Peak Strength ............................ 164 Residual Strength .........................165 Brittleness ..............................165 Pre-peak Stiffness .........................166 Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest ............ 166 Undrained Strength Profile ................... 167 Coefficient of Permeability ...................167 7.4.2 Fill Slopes ..................................... 169 Peak Strength ............................ 169 Residual Strength .........................170 Brittleness .............................. 170 Pro-peak Stiffness .........................170 Undrained Behaviour .......................171 Initial stresses due to Compaction ..............172 V Coefficient of Permeability ...................172 7.5 HYDRAULIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AND SURFACE EFFECTS ......173 CHAPTER 8 ANALYSIS OF CUT SLOPES 8.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................187 8.2 TYPICAL ANALYSIS .....................................188 8.3 PARAMETRIC STUDIES ..................................192 8.3.1 Effect of Residual Strength .........................192 8.3.2 Effect of Angle of Dilation ..........................193 8.3.3 Effect of Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest ............194 8.3.4 Effect of Rate of Softening ..........................197 8.3.5 Effect of Surface Boundary Suction ....................197 8.3.6 Effect of Slope Geometry ...........................199 Flatter and Deeper Slopes ...................199 Steeper and Lower Slopes ...................200 8.3.7 Effect of Dra nage at Base Boundary ...................201 8.4 DETERIORATION OF SURFACE CLAY .........................202 8.5 FURTHER DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ....................204 CHAPTER 9 ANALYSIS OF ROAD EMBANKMENTS 9.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................254 9.2 EMBANKMENT ON CLAY FOUNDATION .......................255 9.3 EMBANKMENT ON DRAINED FOUNDATION WITH AN IMPERMEABLE SURFACE BOUNDARY 257 9.4 EMBANKMENT ON DRAINED FOUNDATION ...... 258 9.5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ............. 259 CHAPTER 10 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................283 10.2 CONCLUSIONS .......................................283 10.2.1 Rockfill Dams ..................................283 10.2.2 Cut Slopes ....................................285 10.2.3 Road Embankments .............................287 10.3 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH ....................288 10.3.1 Rockfill Dams ..................................288 10.3.2 Cut Slopes and Road Embankments ..................288 REFERENCES..................................................290 APPENDIX....................................................309 vi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL The origin of rockfill dams can be traced back to California in about the middle of the 1 9th century. Since then this type of dam has had a long and turbulent history (Cooke, 1984). Two main types of rockfill dams have emerged, according to the nature and position of the watertight element, namely: (i) that containing a relatively impervious internal earth core, either thick or thin, central or inclined, and (ii) that with an upstream impervious membrane, either of concrete or asphalt. Nowadays rockfill dams are the most numerous and the most popular choice when constructing a new dam1 (Penman, 1986). In the search for hydroelectric power, heights and volumes of the rockfill dams have been increasing, reaching unprecedented heights (over 300m) in recent years. In the beginning their design and construction was largely empirical and based on past experience rather than on theory. With no intention of diminishing the important role of experience, the advances made in the theory of soil mechanics started to change their conception during the 1940's. In the past 30 years the major breakthrough in understanding stress-strain-strength relations, particularly for rockfills, together with the development of advanced numerical analyses has made it feasible to compute stresses, strains and displacements in dams during construction, first impounding and subsequent operation. Today finite element analysis using adequate constitutive laws is an essential tool to attain a good and safe design of a rockfill dam. Simulation of the rockfill behaviour in the field by laboratory tests is difficult and sometimes impossible. This arises due to the coarse nature of rockfill materials. Laboratory tests require large samples if representative behaviour is to be reproduced. The associated testing facilities needed to incorporate such samples must also be large, and consequently such tests are expansive and their number is usually limited. Because of this and the fact that a significant factor of safety usually operates in rockfill dams, the stress-strn behaviour of rockfill materials pre-peak has generally been modelled by a form of so-called the 'variable elasticity' 'If foundations allow and rockfill is available. 1 constitutive model in which elastic moduli change according to the magnitudes of the stresses (and strains). Problems have been experienced with this approach, both in deriving model parameters from available test data and predicting displacement patterns which agree with field measurements. It has been suspected that part of the problem lies in the failure to model the plastic behaviour of rockfiU materials pre-peak. Alternative constitutive models incorporating pre-peak plasticity are available in the literature, but only those based on the critical state concept have so far been used for the finite element analysis of rockfill dams. The first objective of this thesis was to see how good these alternative elasto-plastic models are at predicting the displacement patterns of existing rockfill dams using parameters derived from available laboratory test data. Bearing in mind that modelling of an earth core can create a source of uncertainty in an analysis, only rockfill dams with upstream asphaltic membrane2 have been considered. For comparison purposes analyses using the models based on elasticity theory are also included. The delayed sliding of slopes cut in stiff plastic clays has been a subject of considerable soil mechanics interest for a number of years. In Britain, studies of the problem have focused on London Clay for which there is a well established history of delayed deep-seated sliding in railway cuttings formed in 19th and early 20th centuries (see e.g. Skempton, 1977). More recently a major survey conducted by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory (Perry, 1989) revealed that both motorway embankments and cuttings in similar clay strata have suffered delayed superficial sliding. Deep-seated slips in cutting slopes have been studied extensively. It was recognised that the very slow rate of equilibration of depressed pore pressures following excavation played an important part in the explanation of delayed sliding (Vaughan and Walbancke, 1973). However, analyses of the slips by conventional limit equilibrium methods have shown that the average operational drained strength is significantly less than the peak strength as measured in the laboratory (Skempton, 1964). Two explanations have often been offered for this behaviour. The first is a reduction of the strength of stiff plastic clays to a 'fully softened' value (Skempton, 1970), sometimes attributed to softening on fissures (Terzaghi, 1936). The fully softened strength is often assumed to be that at critical state (Schofield and Wroth, 1968). This has lead to an empirical method of design in which the drained strength envelope measured in the laboratory is adjusted by reducing the cohesion intercept to a nearly zero value (Chandler and Skempton, 1974). 2An upstream membrane of asphaltic concrete is thin and flexble, and has a little bearing on rockfill deformation during first reservoir impounding and subsequent operation. 2 The second explanation involves progressive failure. When loaded, brittle soils generally reach a peak strength which reduces to a residual strength with further straining. At rupture involving progressive failure, strains along the f nal rupture surface are such that peak strength is not mobilised uniformly. At collapse, some of the soil has already 'failed' and its strength has dropped towards the residual strength, some of the soil has not yet reached peak strength, and only a small part of the soil along the rupture surface is at peak strength. Thus, the average operational strength mobilised along the eventual rupture surface at collapse is less than peak strength, although it must be greater than residual strength. Progressive failure has been suspected to play a part in slope failure for 25 years (Bjerrum, 1967; Turnbull and Hvorstev, 1967; Peck, 1967; Bishop 1967). The mechanism is complex and analysis is difficult. It has been analyzed for simple idealised situations by the finite element method at a surprisingly early date (Hoeg, 1972). Recent improvements in numerical techniques arid computing power now enable such analyses to be performed in realistic situations, as demonstrated by the analysis of the collapse of the Carsington embankment (Potts eta!, 1990). These and other analyses (Dounias eta!, 1988, 1989) have shown that the role of progressive failure can be significant. Thus progressive failure is the likely principal cause of a discrepancy between the operational strength on the rupture surface of a slip in a clay slope and the peak strength measured in the laboratory. The stability of clay embankments has been studied less extensively. Construction of an embankment typically generates excess pore water pressures in a saturated clay foundation, and as these dissipate with time stability improves (Bishop and Bjerrum, 1960). However, placement and compaction of plastic clays as fill can generate quite high pore water suctions (Vaughan et a!, 1978), and in embankments of modest height, typical for road works, long- term equilibrium pore water pressures are likely to be higher than those at the end of construction. As swelling occurs there is potential for the development of deep-seated delayed slides in road embankments of plastic clays similar to those occurring in cutting slopes. The behaviour of clay slopes is more complicated at shallow depth, where there are seasonal changes in soil suction and cyclic shrinkage and swelling. This may lead to cracking, increased permeability, softening and loss of strength in addition to that due to monotonic swelling. The depth of the slips so far observed in motorway slopes is typically close to or within the zone influenced by these effects. The purpose of the research program described in the second part of this thesis was to review the history of slides in both railway cutting and road embankment slopes formed in typical British plastic clays, and to examine the mechanisms involved using the finite element 3 techniques developed for the investigation of the Carsington collapse. However, in the present work improved simulation of a delayed collapse was modelled using coupled consolidation (swelling). As there is a better history of deep-seated delayed sliding for cutting slopes they were analyzed first, in order to calibrate the method of analysis against field experience. Particular aims were to: (i) review relevant material properties, and hydraulic boundary conditions, (ii) quantify the role of progressive failure in reducing the average operational strength of in-situ stiff plastic clays and clay fills, derived from them, at collapse for both railway and motorway slopes, (iii) examine the potential for the development of deeper seated, longer term slides in road embankment slopes, including those where shallow slides have already occurred and been repaired, and to reconcile the conclusions drawn with the history of failure in railway cutting slopes, (iii) indicate how the trends determined by the analyses might be monitored and controlled in the field. Representative slopes were analyzed on a parametric basis to examine these questions. 1.2 THESIS LAYOUT The work presented in this thesis is divided into the following chapters: Chapter 2 briefly describes the finite element method of analysis which has been used throughout the thesis. Some attention is given to those aspects of the method which are of interest to the research work presented here, and, in particular, manner in which the Imperial College Finite Element Program (ICFEP) deals with them. Chapter 3 discusses some factors of importance in the finite element analysis of embankment dams (layered analysis, stiffness of simulated layer and compaction stresses), considers typical stress paths occurring during dam construction and reservoir impounding, and reviews the constitutive models that have been used to describe the behaviour of fill materials. Chapter 4 describes two of Lade's elasto-p astic constitutive models that have been used here to characterize the behaviour of rockfills. The way they are implemented into ICFEP is outlined, their proper implementation is validated, and a preliminary appraisal of their capabilities to accurately capture the observed behaviour of granular material for various stress paths is given. Chapter 5 presents results from analyses of Roadford dam both during its construction and first reservoir impounding using three dfferent constitutive models. One of these was a 'simple' non-linear elastic perfectly plastic model. The others were 'complex' Lade's work- hardening (-softening) elasto-plastic models. Large diameter oedometer and triaxial tests for Roadford rockfill were available, and the procedures employed for determnation of the model 4 parameters are presented in some detail. The models are compared in terms of their capability of reproducing the full range of the observed rockfill behaviour in the laboratory and of predicting displacement patterns in agreement with field observations. Chapter 6 further checks the capabilities of both Lade's models by using them to analyze Winscar dam. For this rockfill dam adequate laboratory test data to derive model parameters were also available. Observed movements during dam construction and reservoir filling and predictions of these movements based on elastic finite element analysis enabled useful comparisons to be made. Chapter 7 deals with the processes involved in delayed sI des of cut and embankment slopes made in or of stiff plastic clays. It discusses the mechanism of progressive failure and the various parameters affecting it. It briefly reviews the available methods of analysis for progressive failure and outlines the soil model used during the course of this research. Finally, relevant and assumed soil properties are presented together with a discussion of hydraulic boundary conditions and surface effects. Chapter 8 presents a parametric study of progressive failure in cut slopes. Effects of residual strength, angle of dilation, coefficient of earth pressure at rest, rate of softening, surface boundary pore water suction, slope geometry and drainage at the base boundary are discussed in some detail. The chapter concludes with analyses in which a higher permeability layer due to deterioration of the surface clay is simulated in an attempt to model superficial sliding. Chapter 9 analyzes road embankments built on different types of foundation. The emphasis is on reproducing shallow slides by adopting a higher permeability zone near to the slope surface and by invoking progressive failure. The risk of longer term deep-seated sliding, even after a shallow slide has occurred and been repaired, is a so examined. Chapter 10 summarises the main conclusions that are drawn from the thesis and provides suggestions for further research. 5 CHAPTER 2 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS 2.1 INTRODUCTION The finite element method (FEM) is a numerical technique which can provide approximate solutions to a wide variety of real engineering problems including geotechnics. Its success, when analysing any boundary value problem, is due to the satisfaction of the basic solution requirements, namely: (i) equilibrium of forces, (ii) compatibility of displacements, (iii) continuity of flow (coupled consolidation analyses), (iv) material constitutive laws, and (v) the boundary conditions. The Imperial College Finite Element Program (ICFEP) has been used for all analyses reported in this thesis. ICFEP uses the displacement based FEM and is capable of handling two dimensional problems, namely plane stress and strain, and problems involving axisymmetric geometries. In the later case the material behaviour and/or boundary conditions need not be axisymmetric. The program deals with material and geometric non-linearities and has been developed specifically for geotechnical problems. In the current research only plane strain and full axisymmetric problems (geometry, soil properties and boundary conditions all axisymmetric) have been considered. This chapter briefly describes the general principles of FEM, the basics of the technique used in the present research for solution of the non-linear finite element equations and some aspects of the method when applied to geotechnical problems. Finally, the chapter concludes with the formulation and time integration of the finite element equations needed for a coupled consolidation analysis together with the results from a validation exercise. 2.2 FORMULATION OF FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Formulation of the FEM can be found in standard finite element textbooks (e.g. Zienkiewicz, 1977; Naylor eta!, 1981; Bathe, 1982). The basic steps in the FEM can be summarised as: Ii) element discretization, Cii) displacement approximation, (iii) formulation of element equations, (iv) assemblage of global equilibrium equations, Cv) boundary conditions, (vi) solution of global equilibrium equations, and (vii) interpretation of the results. 6 2.2.1 Element Discretization The first step in the analysis is the discretization of the problem domain into a number of simple elements connected at their nodes to form a mesh. The simplest shape of an element for plane strain or axisymmetric analyses is a triangular or quadrilateral with straight sides and nodes located at the element corners (Zienkiewicz, 1977). For problems involving non-linear material properties, curved boundaries and/or curved material interfaces higher order elements with mid-side nodes should be considered. ICFEP uses quadrilateral elements with either four or eight nodes. 2.2.2 Displacement Approximation In the displacement based finite element method the primary unknown quantity is the displacement field, df, which varies over the problem domain. In plane strain and full axisymmetric analyses the displacement field is characterized by the two global displacement components, u and v, in the x (r) and y (z) coordinate directions respectively. Over each element these displacement components are assumed to have a simple polynomial form which can be expressed as a function of the nodal displacements, d d1 = Ndde (2.1) where d =[u,v]T, de=EUi,ViIU2 V2,...UnVnJT and Nd is the element displacement interpolation matrix consisting of the shape functions, Nd,', whose polynomial order depends on the number of nodes, n, in the element (see e.g. Naylor eta!, 1991). The essential feature of the element approximation described above is that the variation of the unknown displacement field within an element, d, is expressed as a simple function of the displacements at the nodes, d1. The problem of determining the displacement field throughout the finite element mesh is therefore reduced to determining the displacement components at a finite number of nodes. These nodal displacements are oftenreferred to as the unknown degrees of freedom. The accuracy of a finite element analysis depends on the size of the elements and the nature of the displacement approximation. For the accuracy to increase as the elements become 'In an isoparametric finite element formulation, which is used by ICFEP, the element displacement field and element geometries are approximated using the same shape functions. This is achieved by using shape functions based on the natural coordinate system. A quadrilateral element in the global coordinate system (x,y) is mapped onto a square parent element in the natural coordinate system (,i)) of dimensions 2x2 units (see e.g. Naylor et a!, 1981). 7 smaller, the displacement approximation must satisfy certain compatibility conditions. In order to avoid gaps and overlaps occurring when the domain is loaded, the displacement components must vary continuously within each element and across each element side. This can be achieved by ensuring that the displacements of an element side depend only on the displacements of the nodes situated on that side. In addition, the displacement approximation must allow the element to undergo rigid body motions and constant straining if it so wishes. Use of a simple polynomial approximation satisfies these requirements. Stresses and strains are treated as secondary quantities and can be evaluated within each element using the definition of strains (see e.g. Zienkiewicz, 1977) and applying the material constitutive law2 e = Bd (2.2) 0 = D (2.3) where B is the element strain-displacement matrix and 0 is the constitutive matrix relating the stress vector, u, to the strain vector, €. 2.2.3 Element Equations To satisfy equilibrium and the constitutive behaviour, the principle of virtual work is invoked (see Zienkiewicz, 1977). For a single finite element of linear elastic material subjected to small (infinitesimal) strains3 this results in the following set of equations Kd1 = R (2.4) where K1= J (BT DB)dV is the element stiffness matrix, d is the vector of the corresponding nodal displacements (the primary unknown), and Re is the vector of the corresponding nodal forces. 2.2.4 Global Equations The next step in the formulation is the assembly of the separate element equilibrium equations to give the global equilibrium equations for the whole body 2To illustrate the method, a linear elastic material will be considered. 3Large (finite) strain formulation is present in ICFEP (see Dounias, 1987), but it is beyond the scope of this thesis. 8

a clay slope and the peak strength measured in the laboratory. The stability of clay embankments has been studied less extensively. Construction of an embankment typically generates excess pore water pressures in a saturated clay foundation, and as these dissipate with time stability improves (Bish
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