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Numbers of Broods Produced by the Crab Spider Misumena vatia (Araneae, Thomisidae) PDF

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Preview Numbers of Broods Produced by the Crab Spider Misumena vatia (Araneae, Thomisidae)

1994. TheJournal ofArachnology 22:195-199 NUMBERS OF BROODS PRODUCED BY THE CRAB SPIDER MISUMENA VATIA (ARANEAE, THOMISIDAE) Douglass H. Morse; Department ofEcology and Evolutionary Biology, Box G-W, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912 USA ABSTRACT. Incoastal Mainethecrab spiderMisumena vatiaproducesasinglebroodofeggs, butincipient signsofdouble-broodednessoccasionallyappear: 1)huntingafterguardingnestoffirstbrood;2)apparentlaying ofsecond brood by artificially provisioned individuals during an unusually warm summer; 3) and occasional production ofsecond nests without eggs, accompanied by guarding. To determine whether these spiders are capable ofproducing a successful second brood, I provisioned adult females to enhance early laying ofa first brood, removedthem fromtheirbroodafter 10 days, matedhalfofthema secondtime, andthenprovisioned themallagain. Nearlytwo-thirdslaidasecondbrood, whose successdidnotdifferfromthatofunmanipulated Misumena firstbroods in the study area. Numbers ofremated and non-remated females producingyoungdid notdiffer, indicatingthatrematingisnotnecessaryforasuccessfulsecondbrood. However, fivebroodsofnon- remated spiders had low hatching success, suggesting that sperm were sometimes limiting. Semelparity in this population is thus apparentlynormally maintained indirectlybythe length ofthe season. Most temperate-zone spiders are reproduc- notclearinMisumena,noristhedegreetowhich tively active for a single year, probably a con- its semelparity is genetically programmed. sequence ofthe adults’ inability to survive the Over this study (1977-present) I have ob- winter (Gertsch 1979). The reproductive effort tainedsomesuggestionsthatthesemelparityob- itselfmay be divided into one or more broods, served is environmentally determined. 1) Some the number varying with the species and, at an individuals resume hunting after leaving their intraspecific level, often with hunting success broods and gain considerable biomass, which (Turnbull 1962; Kessler 1971; Schaefer 1976). would be necessary to produce a second brood. Somespeciesguardtheirbroods(e.g.,Fink 1986), 2) In 1991, an unusually warm summer, two thereby facilitating success, but lowering their individuals I had provisioned in the laboratory opportunity for producing extra broods. Single- priortoegg-laying(firstbrood)inthefieldalmost broodedness (semelparity) would be most likely certainly produced second broods: nestbuilding expected among such species. In this context I (Morse 1985) was followed by a striking loss of define semelparity as the production ofa single biomass like thataccompanyingegg-laying. The brood (one egg mass), as opposed to producing artificial provisioningpermittedthese spiders to two or more broods at different times during a complete their first brood earlier than they oth- season (Fritz et al. 1982). erwise would have, facilitatingthe possibility of The crab spider Misumena vatia is generally laying second broods generated from naturally- considered to be semelparous (Gertsch 1939), gainedbiomass. However, Iwasunabletoverify andIhavenotobservedittoproducemorethan thattheseputativebroodsproducedyoung. One one successful, natural brood at a northerly site waspreyedon, andtheleafonwhich the second alongtheMainecoast(Morse 1979, 1988). Since nest was located fell offthe plant and could not members ofthis population have a short repro- befound. 3)I havealso occasionallyfoundnests ductiveseason,andtheireggmassesaverage65% without eggs (“pseudonests”) built by individu- ofthematernalprelayingbiomass(Fritz&Morse als that had already fledged a brood (12 out of 1985), the questionarises aboutwhatfactors re- 1434egg-layersobservedovernineyears=0.8%). strain these spiders from laying a second brood. This behavior demonstrates that previous egg- Either the season might be too short for more layersretainthebehavioraltraitsassociatedwith than one brood (Fink 1986), orthe brood might nestbuilding, although it need not be associated be too large to permit recovery fora second one with laying eggs. (see Roff 1992; Steams 1992). The cause-and- Thus, the question of facultative iteroparity effect relationship between these two factors is remained:eventhoughitishighlylikelythattwo 195 1 196 THEJOURNALOFARACHNOLOGY spiders laid a second set ofeggs, I do not know tercollection,one-halfofthesespidersweremat- whether the eggs were fertile. Although female ed with males thathad been retained in the lab- spiders may retain sperm for considerable peri- oratory for unrelated breeding experiments. All ods in viable form (Foelix 1982), it remains to the females were then provisioned further until bedeterminedwhetherthisholdsforMisumena, they again began to refuse prey. They were then orwhethertheyretainadequate spermfora sec- weighed and placed, as before, in screen cages, ond mating. These concerns may be important, in the fieldto lay theireggs iftheywere inclined because numbers ofadult males decline rapidly to do so. Those that laid a second brood were between the first mating of females and when again weighed and then returned to their nests. theycompletecaringfortheirbrood(Morse, un- At the end ofthe season all nests were collected published data). for analysis. Offspring emerge from their nests An opportunity to test several aspects ofthis in the second instar, leaving behind their first- problem arose inthe process ofan unrelatedex- instarcast skins, which provide an accurate rec- periment that required removal ofbroods from ord ofsuccess (Morse 1988). provisioned guarding female Misumena. I fed Weighingspidersimmediatelybeforeandafter theseindividualsbothbeforeandaftertheirfirst theylaypermitscalculationofthe size oftheegg broods, sotheresultswillnotdeterminewhether mass, and in turn, the reproductive effort (bio- Misumena can successfully produce more than massofeggs/biomassoffemaleimmediatelybe- onebroodinthestudyarea, buttheycananswer fore laying). Loss of biomass to production of % several questions about whether iteroparity is silkandotherfactorsatlayingis 1 orless(Fritz possible or likely. & Morse 1985), and thus is not further treated in these analyses. METHODS RESULTS Forty adult female Misumena were captured frommilkweed{Asdepiassyriaca)flowersduring The experiment demonstrated unequivocally early July of 1993 and provisioned in the labo- thatthespiderscanproduceaviablesecondbrood ratory with large flies (Syrphidae, Sarcophagi- (Table 1), as 23 of the 36 individuals (63.9%) dae), moths (Noctuidae, Geometridae), and reared at least a few young in a second brood. bumblebees (Apidae). These individuals had al- Success ofthose that laid eggs (23 of26: 88.5%) mostcertainlynotlaidbefore. Individualsinthe didnotdifferfromthatofunmanipulatedspiders study area only rarely produce broods before 1 thatlaideggs a firsttime in the same field(27 of July (5 of 1615 broods from 1982-93: Morse, 33: 81.8%) (G - 0.51, F > 0.8 in a G-test). It unpublisheddata), andthoseoccasionalindivid- must be emphasized, however, that the second- uals, easilyidentifiedbytheirextremelyshrunk- nesters had in each instance already produced a en abdomens, still guard theirnests atthis time. successful first brood. I also have no record ofindividuals that lay in Remated individuals did not differfrom non- one year surviving until the next (Morse, un- rematedonesinnumbersofnestsproducingsome published).Aftertheycommencedtorefuseprey, young (G = 1.09, P > 0.2, G-test: Table 1), in- the spiders were weighed and placed in screen dicating that many ofthem retain viable sperm cages (1.5 m X 1.5 m x 1.5 m, covered with from earlier matings. A partial exception is that standard metal window screening, open at the fivebroodsofnon-rematedfemaleshadlowsuc- bottom) in the field that covered a single milk- cess (7.8-37.4%, X = 21.0% ofthe eggs hatched) weed stem. Gravid females routinelyplace their (see Table 1), but none of those in which re- egg-sacs in nests fashioned from the enclosed matingtookplaceshowedthispattern(F=0.03 vegetation when placed in these cages (Morse inaone-tailedBinomialTest). [Forcomparison, 1985, 1990). All ofthe spiders laid on the milk- the four individuals with high but not complete weed after one to seven days. Screens were then successaveraged 88.4%(79.8-96.9%)(Table 1)]. removed, and parents were again weighed and However, three remated individuals produced then allowed to guard their broods until the completely unsuccessful broods, for unknown broods were collected 10 days later. reasons, although they all had apparently suc- At this time parents were again removed to cessful first broods (normal embryonic devel- the laboratory. As a result of losses from pre- opmenttookplace). Additionally,afewindivid- dationandhandling, 36adultswereavailablefor ualsfrombothgroupsdidnotlaysecondbroods, the experiment on semelparity. Within a dayaf- and a few from both groups died during provi- MORSE-CRAB SPIDER BROODNUMBER 197 Table L—Success ofremated and not-rematedspi- DISCUSSION ders{Misumenavatia)inproducingandrearingsecond Facultative semelparity.—Any change in fe- broodsto emergence from the nest. cundity,ageatmaturity,orage-specificmortality thatreducesthevalueofadultsandincreasesthe Remat- Not Success ed remated value ofjuvenileswill select forsemelparity and against iteroparity (Young 1990; Steams 1992). 100% successful eggs 7 7 Forinstance,failureofanadulttoacquireenough >50% successful eggs 3 1 resourcestobreedinaparticularyearwouldforce <50% successful eggs 0 5 Eggscompletely unsuccessful 3 0 it to endure an additional winter, entailing high Did not layagain 3 3 mortalityand strongselectionto shorten thelife Diedbefore layingagain 2 2 cycle. However,theinvestmentbyMisumenain a brood is extreme. Its extremely high repro- ductive effort, about two-thirds of body mass sioning for a second brood (Table 1). Overall, priortoegg-laying(Fritz&Morse 1985),exceeds similarities between the two groups greatly ex- that ofcoexisting hunting and sit-and-wait spi- ceededdifferences.Theprincipalpointofinterest ders [Xysticus emertoni, 45.0%; Metaphidippus is that the majority of these provisioned indi- insignis, 55.3%;Phidippusdarns, 63.5%(Morse, viduals laid second broods, and most of their unpublished data)]. Further, a substantial per- broods produced young. centageofguardingparentsdiebeforetheiryoung Although body mass ofthe spiders averaged emerge from their nests slightly less than four slightly larger after laying the first brood than weeks later (Morse 1987). after the second, this difference was not signifi- Ontheotherhand,remainingresourcespermit cant (P > 0.05 forboth remated and unremated survival for guarding a short time, and many ones:one-tailedWilcoxonmatched-pairs,signed- individuals do live until their young emerge ranks tests: Table 2). Assumingthat the average (Morse 1987). It may be that all the resources differencebetweenbodymassfollowingfirstand that can be exploited from the body at these secondbroodsrepresentedtheproportionofbody times are used, and that the spiders’ remaining mass not used for the first brood that was used resourcesmerelyhappentobeadequateforthem forthe secondbrood, over 95% ofthe resources to survive. Aperhapsrevealingresultrelativeto usedforthe secondbrood must have been gath- theargumentaboutmaximizingreproductiveef- ered between the two layings (Table 2). fortisthatindividualslayingtwoclutchesunder No relationship occurred between the repro- provisioned conditions registered a higher re- ductive effort ofthe first brood and whether a productive effort in the first brood than in the spider laid a second brood (P > 0.2 in a one- second, with over 95% ofthe resources for the tailedMann-Whitney UTest).Spidersproducing second brood coming from new food captured asecondbroodaveragedareproductiveeffortof after laying the first brood. Thus, the initial re- 65.6 ± 4.6%, n = 26, during their first brood; productive effort ofthese spiders appears to be those that did not lay a second brood, the pu- as high as possiblewithin theircurrent morpho- tative obligate semelparous individuals, aver- logical and ecological constraints; as noted, it aged 66.7 ± 4.7%, n= \0. Withinthe nonlaying exceeds that ofcoexisting spiders with compa- group, reproductiveeffortdidnotdifferbetween rable life styles. All ofthis information suggests those dying before others laid a second brood that it would require a major evolutionary in- (66.2 ± 2.7%, n = 4)andthose survivingaslong novation in Misumena to increase its reproduc- asthoselayingasecondbroodbutnotproducing tiveeffortsubstantively.Themachineryrequired one themselves (67.0 ± 5.8%, n = 6), forpredation, plusthelowmetabolicrateofspi- Table 2.—Biomass in mg, ±SD, (mg) ofspiders {Misumena vatia) followingfirstand secondclutches. Second clutch as a proportion of Treatment n Firstclutch Second clutch firstclutch Remated 11 71.6 ± 8.8 67.3 ± 7.0 94.0% Notremated 10 77.7 ± 17.7 74.9 ± 13.4 96.4% THEJOURNALOFARACHNOLOGY 198 ders (Foelix 1982), may account for the ability yopidae) exhibits increasing tendencies toward ofmost individuals to survive past this prodi- double-broodedness southward across central gious reproductive effort. Given these condi- Florida (Fink 1986). However, its behavior, in- tions, any opportunities that exist after the first cludinghuntingandconstructingsecondeggsacs brood are a bonus. There is no clear evidence while still guarding, changes concurrently, and thatthespidershavecompromisedthefirstbrood thusdiffersfromanytendenciesseeninguarding for the second; in fact, the relative reproductive Misumena.Althoughguarding some- efforts of the two broods counter the common times capture prey that visit their nest-sites, the prediction(Williams 1957)thatreproductiveef- sites at which they prefer to place their nests do fortwillincreasewithbrood,asreproductiveval- not attract many prey, and this food never sub- ue (potential volume offuture reproductiveout- stantially increases theirbiomass (Morse 1987). put) decreases. The strength of the egg-laying The lynx spider’s strategy would favor building response obtained in the experiment was there- nestsat sitesofactive flowers. The favorednest- fore somewhat surprising. ingsitesofMisumenaareonmilkweed,wellafter The presence ofthe machinery for iteroparity ithasceasedtoflower;further,theyusuallyselect wheretherehasbeenalmostcontinuousselection nonflowering stems (Morse 1985). Goldenrods for semelparity raises an interesting question (Solidago spp.) are the principal field flowers in about the retention ofvariability in life history bloomduringtheheightoftheMisumenaguard- traits. Heritability oflife history traits is on av- ingperiod,andmostofthelocalgoldenrodshave erage lower than that of most other traits, al- lanceolate leaves that would not provide satis- though some variance usually remains (Mous- factory nesting sites. Thus, a foraging and nest- seau & Roff1987). The retention ofvariation in productionshiftsimilartothatofdouble-brood- lifehistorytraitsshoulddependontheageofthe ed lynx spiders would additionally require a si- relationship, as well as the level ofongoing se- multaneousshiftinnest-siteselection(seeMorse lection. If the trait exacted little cost, at some 1990). pointselectiontowardobligatesemelparitywould beslowed, andvestigesofabilitiesforproducing ACKNOWLEDGMENTS second broods might remain. Although semel- I thankJ. D. Parrishforreadinga draftofthis parity is usually associated with big-bang repro- manuscript. Partially supportedby the National duction, iforganisms are often prevented from Science Foundation (BSR90-07722). I thank S. pfrooodduscuipnpglya:nFerxittrzem&elMyolrasrege1b9r8o5o)d,(see.lge.,ctliiomnitfeodr CahnidenJ.,OKl.soEnrifcokrsaosns,isAt.ancHeolidnstwhoerftihe,ld,Ea.nMdoEr.seB,. an extreme condition should decline. Noyce for permitting use ofthe study site. Predictions about neighboring populations.-- Theconditionfoundandthebehaviorassociated LITERATURECITED with it permit several predictions to be made aboutneighboringpopulations. Tothe souththe Dondale, C. D. &J. H. Redner. 1978. The crab spi- dersofCanadaandAlaska. ResearchBranch, Can- longerseason shouldpermit a secondbrood, ac- ada Department ofAgriculture Publication, 1663: companied by reduced care ofthe firstbrood. It 1-255. should favor such individuals to invest all re- Fink, L. S. 1986. Costs and benefits ofmaternalbe- maining resources, limited as they may be, into haviour in the green lynx spider (Oxyopidae, Peu- guardingthe secondbrood, althoughitwouldbe cetia viridans). Anim. Behav., 34:1051-1060. interestingtodeterminewhetherguarding,shown Foelix,R. F. 1982. Biologyofspiders. HarvardUni- in othercontextstobean extremelysimply-trig- versity Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. gered behavior (Morse 1989), will vary between Fritz, R. S., N. E. Stamp, & T. G. Halverson. 1982. broods. In populations to the north, one would Iteroparity and semelparity in insects. American not predict a striking change in behavior from Natur., 120:264-268. thatofmystudyarea,sinceaspidershouldguard Fritz, R. S. &D. H. Morse. 1985. Reproductivesuc- cess, growth rateandforagingdecisionsofthecrab itsbroodaslongaspossible.However,thelength Misumena vatia. Oecologia, 65:194-200. oftheguardingperiodmaybecurtailed, limiting Gertsch, W. J. 1939. A revision ofthe typical crab- itseffectiveness,althoughtherangeofMisumena spiders(Misumeninae)ofAmericanorthofMexico. extends as far north along the eastern seaboard Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist,, 76:277-442. as Labrador (Dondale & Redner 1978). Gertsch, W. J. 1979. American spiders, second edi- The green lynx spider Peucetia viridans (Ox- tion. Van Nostrand Reinhold, NewYork. MORSE-CRAB SPIDER BROODNUMBER 199 Kessler, A. 1971. Relation between egg production Mousseau, T. A. & D. A. Rolf. 1987. 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