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Number Theory Day: Proceedings of the Conference Held at Rockefeller University, New York 1976 PDF

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Preview Number Theory Day: Proceedings of the Conference Held at Rockefeller University, New York 1976

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold and .B Eckmann 626 rebmuN yroehT yaD Proceedings of the Conference Held ta Rockefeller ,ytisrevinU New York 1976 Edited by .M .B Nathanson galreV-regnirpS nilreB Heidelberg kroYweN 1977 Editor Melvyn B. Nathanson Department of Mathematics Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 62901/USA AM S Subject Classification s (1970): 01 D 15,10 E 20,10 L 05,10 L 10,12 A 70 ISBN 3-540-08529-7 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-08529-7 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright.A ll rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, re- printing, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies era made for other than private use, a fee is to payable the publisher, the amount of the fee to eb determined agreement by with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1977 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2140/3140-543210 On 4 March 1976 the l~ockefeller University hosted a one-day conference on number theory. The lectures were as follows: S. Chowla, "L-series and elliptic curves;" P. ErdSs, "Combinatorial problems in number theory;" P. X. Gallagher, "Primes and zeros in small intervals;" C. .J Moreno, "Explicit formulas in the theory of automorphic forms;" M. B. Nathanson, "Oscillations of additive bases;" and A. Selberg, "l~emarks on multiplicative functions. " The field fo number theory was thus fairly broadly represented. The papers in the present volume are accounts, several in expanded versions, of most of these lectures. M. B. Nathanson, who was the original instigator this of number theory day, has kindly offered ot serve as editor. We taket his opportunity to make record of our gratitude to our distinguished speakers for their participation. M. Schreiber 1 September 1977 TABLE OF CONTENTS .i .S Chowla, L-series and elliptic curves I .Z P. ErdBs, Problems and results on combinatorial number theory III 43 .3 C. .J Moreno, Explicit formulas in the theory of automorphic forms 73 .4 M. B. Nathanson, Oscillations of bases in number theory and combinatorics 217 .5 A. Selberg, Remarks on multiplicative functions 232 oC-series and elliptic curves S. Chowla Introduction A. Selherg and S. Chowla proved in Crelle s I Journal, 1965, that fi there were a tenth imaginary quadratic field Q(V/T-~, with class-number ,i then the corresponding ~-series [s d_ 1 o~s) = ~2 (d)n- ( is the Kronecher symbol] n n 1 1 would be negative at s = ~" , contradicting the "extended Riemann hypothesis". Subsequently, and independently, A. Baker and H. M. Stark solved an outstanding problem (already stated by Gauss). Namely, there are exactly 9 imaginary quadratic fields with class-number .1 Gauss used the language of binary quadratic forms instead of that of quadratic fields. The problem (still unsolved) of the existence (or, otherwise of rational points on a given elliptic curve Z 3 y =x +ax+b was considered by Euler, Poincar~, Mordell, Nagell and many others. Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, in most remarkable conjectures, related the order of the zero of certain Hecke ~-series (formed with"GrBssencharaktere") associated with certain elliptic curves to the "Mordell-Weil" rank of these curves. So, here 1 again, we see the importance of the point s = ~- for the values of Dirichlet and I Iecke o~- series ~(s). Let ~K(S) denote the Dedekind zeta function (N~) -s r27 where Z,z runs over all integral ideals of the algebraic number field K. tI is an almost unspoken conjecture - I believe implicit in the work of Selberg and Chowla mentioned above - that fi K is of degree Z (there is ample numerical evidence by l~osser, Low, Purdy). Serre ni( a letter to the author) made the surprising discovery that r~K(~) = o for a certain field K of degree .8 This field si a quadratic extension of Q(~'-, ~/~-). A proof, with a different example, was published by Armitage. All these examples show the special interest that attaches to the point 1 S =~ in the study of the ~-series of Dirichlet and Hecke. Another approach to the conjectured non-vanishing of Dirichlet ~-series o0 2> X )n( s 0;× (s> #×0 ) 1 n on the real line s > 0 is provided by a paper (also in Crelle s v Journal, volume dedicated to H. Hasse) by the author, M. .J de Leon and P. Hartung. Recent notes by John Friedlander and the author (Acta Arithmetica, Vol. Z8, Part 4, 1976 and Glasgow Math. Journal, Vol. ,71 1976) again show the import- 1 ance of the point s ~ = for ~-~-series, ni( the next line, X denotes a character (rood ))k o0 ~-~s) = 2> x(n)s [X ~X O] 1 n Z Let d be a prime of the form x + .i .S Chowla conjectured that the class- number h(d) of Q(~r'~), for x > Z6, si > .i In fact, for x = Z6, h(677) = I This is analogous to the Gauss conjecture that h(-d) > 1 for lla d > 163 (where d is square-free). Finally, recent unpublished work of M. Cowles on the Dedekind zeta function of cubic fields, seems to indicate that when K is a cubic field. Her work combines the results of special cases of ~K(S) studied in her Ph.D. thesis (Penn State University 1976) with the estimates l of Epsteinrs zeta function Z(s) at s =~ made by Selberg and Chowla in Crellets Journal, 1965, cited above. The rest of this paper is divided into five parts: Part .I Some remarks on the coefficients c in the expansion of n oo o0 x ,,TI (l-x n)Z(l-xHn)2 :Ec x n L l i 1 n Here, the problem of the parity of c is solved, as far as we know, n for the first time. This work si joint with M. Cowles. Part .Z The congruence e ~ ~(n)(mod 5) [ ,n( )ii = ]i n is studied. Here )n(-0 = ~ d. This work is joint with .J Cowles. din Part 3. l~temarks on Dedekind sums. A new expression is obtained for the class-number of imaginary quadratic fields. This is closely linked to recent work of Hirzebruch. Part 4. On Fermatls last theorem. This is an account of recent work with P. Chowla, linking the study of Fermat' s equation p + x yP p : z )5>_p( with the problem of "rational" points on y Z : xp +~ 1 Part .5 l~ecent unpublished work with D. Goldfeld on relations between Epstein's zeta functions and Dedekind zeta functions. 1. On the coefficients c in the expansion n co co x I[ (1-x n)z(1-x lln)z =2 c xn 1 1 n § .O Let p(n) be defined (Euler) by o0 p(n)x n - 1 1 co II (t-x n) l The problem of the parity of p(n) is still unsolved, but we will prove the following result concerning the value of c (rood Z). Let p be a prime, then n a) Z divides c if p ~ Z, 6,7,8,10 (mod )11 P Z b) If p ~ 1,3,4,5, 9 (rood 11), then Z divides c iff p = u + llv Z (u,v~Z). P An announcement of this result has recently appeared [ 1] . Ample support for this result is provided in Trotter's table for c (p<Z000) P in the classical paper of Shimura [ 3] . In the following (~), q an odd prime, is the Legendre symbol. We give two proofs of the foilowing coroliary. Corollary: The polynomial 4(x3-x )Z + I ha s n i) exactly one linear factor (mod p) if p ~ n (rood 11) when (~) = -1 . r ii) exactly 3 linear factors (mod p) if p ~ r (mod ll) when (~-) = +1, Z provided p = u + llv Z for some integers u and v. r iii) no linear factors (rood p) if p --- r (rood li) where (~) = +l, provided 3p = u Z + llv Z for some integers u and v. § I. Two power series in x are said to be congruent (mod )Z fi every coefficient of the difference is congruent to 0 (rood .)Z From co CO x ,,'' (I-x n) Z =Z c x n n 1 I follows oo Oc 32 c x n = x ( I I l-xZn)(l-xZZn)(m°d )Z . (i) n 1 1 Now 3uZ_u 3uZ+u cO oo Z [l (l-xn) + I = 32 (-l)U[ x Z +x ] )2( 1 1 Z So changing x to x oo 3uZ+u] I (l-xZn) + = 1 B~ (-l)U[ x 3uZ-u + x )3( 1 1 The right side of )3( can be written oo Ux3U2 )i-( +u -00 Thus II ~ (l-xZn) °c32= (-l)Ux3UZ+U--- °°S~ x3UZ+U (rood )Z . (4) i oo- oo- ii Changing x to x in (4), we obtain oo oc ll(3vZ+v) I [ (I-xZZn) -= 32 X (rood )Z , 1 Oc- and multiplying )4( by )5( produces o0 3uZ+u+ll(3vZ+v) I I (l-xZn)(l-xZZn) - 32 (rood )Z . )6( X 1 u, vc Z From )i( and )6( )l+u6( ll+Z )l+v6( Z oO iZ ~ c x n 32 x (rood )2 . (7) n 1 U~ VE Z Now )7( means the following: Theorem h =-d (rood )Z (8) c n n where d is the number of solutions of n 6( u+l) Z (6v+l) 2+ii (9) n = IZ § .g From Theorem 1 we shall deduce. Theorem :Z c ~0 (mod )Z n fi n --2 ,Z 6,7,8,10 (rood )iI Proof: The result will follow from Theorem 1 once ti is shown that when n - Z,6,7,8,10 (rood )ll (I0) we have (il) d = 0 . n Now by (9), )ii( follows immediately from (I0), since fi d were not 0 n IZn Z Z + ll(6v+l) = (6u+l) )zi( would have solutions. Since IZ --- 1 (rood )ll and iI "--- 0 (rood ii), (IZ) would imply that n Z E (6u+l) (rood )ll )zi( contradicting .)0I( 3. § Note that in the result of § ,Z n was not restricted to be a prime, thus Theorem Z is stronger than the result stated in the introduction. In this section n will be a prime p.

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