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Preview Nucleosynthesis in the Innermost Ejecta of Neutrino-Drive Supernova Explosions in Two Dimensions

Draft version January 25, 2017 TypesetusingLATEXtwocolumnstyleinAASTeX61 NUCLEOSYNTHESIS IN THE INNERMOST EJECTA OF NEUTRINO-DRIVEN SUPERNOVA EXPLOSIONS IN TWO DIMENSIONS Shinya Wanajo,1,2 Bernhard Mu¨ller,3,4 Hans-Thomas Janka,5 and Alexander Heger4,6,7 1Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia University, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan; [email protected] 7 2iTHES Research Group, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan 1 0 3Astrophysics Research Centre, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queens University Belfast, Belfast, BT7 1NN, United Kingdom 2 4Monash Centre for Astrophysics, School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia 5Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany n a 6University of Minnesota, School of Physics and Astronomy, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA J 7Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China 4 2 ABSTRACT Weexaminethenucleosynthesisintheinnermost, neutrino-processedejecta(afew10−3M )ofself-consistent, two- ] (cid:12) R dimensional explosion models of core-collapse supernovae for six progenitor stars with different initial masses. Three S models have initial masses near the low-mass end of the supernova range, 8.8M (e8.8; electron-capture supernova), (cid:12) h. 9.6M(cid:12) (z9.6), and 8.1M(cid:12) (u8.1), with initial metallicities of 1, 0, and 10−4 times the solar metallicity, respectively. p The other three are solar-metallicity models with initial masses of 11.2M (s11), 15M (s15), and 27M (s27). (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) - The low-mass models e8.8, z9.6, and u8.1 exhibit high production factors (nucleosynthetic abundances relative to o r the solar ones) of 100–200 for light trans-iron elements from Zn to Zr. This is associated with appreciable ejection t s of neutron-rich matter in these models. Remarkably, the nucleosynthetic outcomes for progenitors e8.8 and z9.6 are a almostidentical,includinginterestingproductionsof48Caand60Fe,irrespectiveoftheirquitedifferent(O-Ne-Mgand [ Fe)corespriortocollapse. Inthemoremassivemodelss11,s15,ands27,severalproton-richisotopesoflighttrans-iron 1 elements, including the p-isotope 92Mo (for s27) are made, up to production factors of ∼30. Both electron-capture v and core-collapse supernovae near the low-mass end can therefore be dominant contributors to the Galactic inventory 6 8 of light trans-iron elements from Zn to Zr and probably 48Ca and live 60Fe. The innermost ejecta of more massive 7 supernovae may have only sub-dominant contributions to the chemical enrichment of the Galaxy except for 92Mo. 6 0 Keywords: nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances — stars: abundances — stars: neutron — . 1 supernovae: general 0 7 1 : v i X r a 2 Wanajo et al. 1. INTRODUCTION did not include neutrino-heated (but just shock-heated) ejecta in their analysis. Core-collapsesupernovae(CCSNe),thedeathsofstars Oneofthefundamentalproblemsinsuch1Dmodelsis with initial masses heavier than about 8M , have long (cid:12) obviouslythelimitationofdimensionality. Amongother beensuggestedtobeimportantastrophysicalsourcesof things, they do not account for the spatial variations in trans-iron species as well as of intermediate-mass and electron fraction Y , entropy S, and ejection velocity iron-group elements. Traditionally, studies of CCSN e that is seen in multi-dimensional CCSN models. Two- nucleosynthesiswerebasedonartificialone-dimensional dimensional (2D) simulations with sophisticated neu- (1D) explosion models with free parameters such as trino transport therefore provide a much better basis the mass-cut (location of ejecta-remnant interface), forstudyingthenucleosynthesisintheinnermostCCSN the electron fraction (Y ; number of protons per nu- e ejecta. Pruet et al. (2005, 2006) used the hydrodynam- cleon) of the ejecta, and the explosion energy (e.g., ical trajectories of a 15M CCSN (Buras et al. 2006) Woosley&Weaver1995;Thielemann1996;Rauscheret (cid:12) fornucleosynthesisandshowedthatinterestingamounts al.2002;Limongi&Chieffi2006;Tominaga2007;Heger of Sc, Zn, and light p-nuclei were formed in the inner- & Woosley 2010; Nomoto et al. 2013). Nucleosynthetic most proton-rich ejecta (see also Fujimoto et al. 2011), abundances made near the mass-cut in the innermost while the contribution of neutron-rich ejecta appeared ejecta are, however, highly dependent on such free pa- to be subdominant (Hoffman et al. 2007). This was an rameters. Theapproachofreplacingthecomplexmulti- important step beyond previous CCSN nucleosynthe- dimensional dynamics of a neutrino-driven supernova sis studies, but the explosion, though neutrino-driven, (SN) with a piston or thermal bomb as an artificial ex- was still induced artificially like the piston-induced or plosion engine is likely to be problematic when it comes thermal-bombexplosionsoftheprevious1Dapproaches, to studying the innermost ejecta. The reason is that i.e., the 2D explosion was not obtained in a fully self- the time evolution of the thermal and kinetic energy of consistent manner. Moreover, based on the superior aneutrino-drivenexplosionmaynotberepresentedwell treatmentoftheneutrinotransportinourpresentmod- by any of these explosion approximations. This makes els we can re-investigate the question of nucleosynthe- itdifficulttopredictnucleosynthesisofsomeiron-group sis in the neutron-rich ejecta, in which light trans-iron and trans-iron (Zn and heavier) elements based on such species could be abundantly produced (e.g., Hoffman et parameterized models. al. 1996). Recent work by Sukhbold et al. (2016) has advanced To our knowledge, the only extant study of nucle- the 1D approach by adopting parameterized neutrino- osynthesis based on a self-consistent multi-dimensional powered explosion models. In their models the bound- explosion model is the one by Wanajo et al. (2011a, ary conditions (e.g., proto-neutron star contraction and 2013a,b),whichisbasedona2Dsimulationofan8.8M core luminosity) are set deep inside the proto-neutron (cid:12) electron-capture SN (ECSN; a sub-class of CCSNe aris- star and the physical conditions of the innermost ejecta ingfromcollapsingO-Ne-Mgcores,Nomoto1987;Janka are obtained as a result of hydrodynamical computa- et al. 2008). They found appreciable production of tions (see also Fr¨ohlich et al. 2006; Perego et al. 2015, trans-iron elements from Zn to Zr, 48Ca, and 60Fe (ra- for comparable approaches beyond piston and thermal dioactive nuclei) in the innermost neutron-rich ejecta, a bomb models in 1D ). Similar to previous works, they very different result from nucleosynthesis studies (Hoff- found production of elements from B to Cu in reason- man et al. 2008; Wanajo et al. 2009) based on the cor- able agreement with the solar ratio (except for some responding 1D models (Kitaura et al. 2006; Janka et elements that had other contributors such as low-mass al. 2008). This demonstrates the importance of self- stars and SNe Ia). They reported, however, a severe consistent multi-D models for reliable nucleosynthesis deficiency of light trans-iron elements from Zn to Zr, predictions. whichhadbeenexplainedinpartbytheweaks-process 2D explosion models only provide a first glimpse at inpreviousstudies(e.g.,Woosley&Heger2007). Inad- dition, astrophysical sources of 48Ca (neutron-rich iso- the role of multi-D effects in supernova nucleosynthesis, tope of Ca), 64Zn (main isotope of Zn), and 92Mo (p- however. Recent three-dimensional (3D) core-collapse simulationshaveshownqualitativeandquantitativedif- isotope) still remain unresolved, for which a rare class ferences to 2D (see, e.g., Janka et al. 2016, for a recent ofSNeIa(Meyeretal.1996;Woosley1997),hypernovae review) concerning shock revival (with a trend towards (Umeda & Nomoto 2002; Tominaga 2007) and neutron- delayed or missing explosions) and also concerning the rich nuclear equilibrium (Hoffman et al. 1996; Wanajo multi-D flow dynamics and energetics during the first 2006), respectively, have been proposed as possible ex- phaseoftheexplosion(Melsonetal.2015;Mu¨ller 2015). planations. Note, however, that Sukhbold et al. (2016) Nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae 3 Table 1. Parameters of Supernova Explosion Models Model Mproga Zprogb ∆θc texpld tfine Ediagf (M(cid:12)) (Z(cid:12)) deg (ms) (ms) (1050erg) e8.8 8.8 1 1.4 92 362 0.9 z9.6 9.6 0 1.4 125 1420 0.6 u8.1 8.1 10−4 1.4 177 335 0.4 s11g 11.2 1 2.8 213 922 0.4 s15h 15 1 2.8 569 779 1.3 s27i 27 1 1.4 209 790 1.9 a Progenitormassatthezero-agemainsequence. b Metallicityatthezero-agemainsequence. c Angularresolution. d Post-bouncetimeofexplosion,definedasthepointintimewhen theaverageshockradius(cid:104)rsh(cid:105)reaches400km. e Finalpost-bouncetimereachedinsimulation. f Diagnosticexplosionenergyattheendofsimulation. g Sameasmodels11.2inWoosleyetal.(2002)andMu¨lleretal. (2012a). h Sameasmodels15s7b2inWoosley&Weaver(1995)andMu¨ller etal.(2012a). i Sameasmodels27.0inWoosleyetal.(2002)andMu¨lleretal. (2012b). Table 2. Properties of Innermost SN Ejecta Model Type MPNSc Mejd Mej,ne Ye,minf Ye,maxg Sminh Smaxi (M(cid:12)) (10−3M(cid:12)) (10−3M(cid:12)) (kBnuc−1) (kBnuc−1) e8.8 ECSN 1.36 11.4 5.83 0.398 0.555 9.80 383 z9.6 CCSN 1.36 12.4 4.94 0.373 0.603 12.6 27.8 u8.1 CCSN 1.36 7.69 3.24 0.399 0.612 9.83 29.9 s11 CCSN 1.36 14.1 0.133 0.474 0.551 6.64 34.7 s15 CCSN 1.58 15.9 0.592 0.464 0.598 6.78 36.7 s27 CCSN 1.65 27.3 0.759 0.387 0.601 5.19 44.0 c Baryonicmassoftheproto-neutronstarattheendofsimulation. d Totalmassintheinnermostejecta. e EjectamasswithYe<0.4975. f MinimalYe evaluatedatT9=10(seetext). g MaximalYe evaluatedatT9=10(seetext). h Minimalasymptoticentropy(attheendofsimulation). i Maximalasymptoticentropy(attheendofsimulation). 4 Wanajo et al. Thus, nucleosynthesis studies based on 3D models will used for the simulations. The explosions were obtained eventually be needed, but are, of course, computation- self-consistently and thus the models contained no free ally much more demanding. parameters. This paper aims at extending the 2D studies of Theinitialpre-SNmodelswereadoptedfromNomoto Wanajo et al. (2011a, 2013a,b) to examine the nucle- (1987, 8.8M star with an O-Ne-Mg core with so- (cid:12) osynthesis in the innermost ejecta of CCSNe arising lar metallicity), A. Heger (unpublished1, 9.6M and (cid:12) from iron-core progenitors. This will be an important 8.1M models2 with metallicities Z = 0 and Z = (cid:12) step toward future nucleosynthesis studies from self- 10−4Z , respectively), Woosley et al. (2002, 11.2M (cid:12) (cid:12) consistent 3D explosion models. In addition to the solar metallicity model, s11.2 in their paper), Woosley ECSNmodelstudiedbyWanajoetal.(2011a,2013a,b), &Weaver(1995,15M solarmetallicitymodel,s15s7b2 (cid:12) we consider five CCSN models with zero-age main se- intheirpaper),Woosleyetal.(2002,27M solarmetal- (cid:12) quence progenitor masses of 9.6M (initial metallicity licity model, s27.0 in their paper). The corresponding (cid:12) of Z = 0Z ), 8.1M (10−4Z ), and 11.2M , 15M , explosionmodelsarelabeledase8.8,z9.6,u8.1,s11,s15, (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) and 27M (1Z ) (§ 2). By including the 8.1M and and s27 hereafter. Relevant model parameters are sum- (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 9.6M progenitors side-by-side with an ECSN model, marized in Table 1. For more details on the individual (cid:12) our study retains a strong focus on the low-mass end explosionmodels,wereferthereadertotheoriginalpub- of the progenitor spectrum. With the uncertainties sur- licationsone8.8(Wanajoetal.2011a),z9.6(Jankaetal. rounding the ECSN channel (Poelarends et al. 2008; 2012), u8.1 (Mu¨ller et al. 2012b), s11, s15s7b2 (Mu¨ller Jones et al. 2013, 2014; Doherty et al. 2015; Jones et al. et al. 2012a), and s27 (Mu¨ller et al. 2012b). 2016), one particular question that we seek to answer Notethatalthoughweincludetwomodelsofsubsolar is whether ECSN-like nucleosynthesis can also be ob- metallicity, the limited number of models does not per- tained for slightly different progenitor channels close to mit us to discuss the dependency on metallicity in this the iron core formation limit. paper. AlltheseSNexplosionswereobtainedself-consistently, 2.2. Explosion dynamics i.e., with no free parameters, in 2D axisymmetric simu- lationsadoptinganelaborateneutrinotransportscheme Snapshotsoftheelectronfraction,Ye,andtheentropy (Mu¨ller et al. 2012a,b; Janka et al. 2012). Nucleosyn- per nucleon, S, in these simulations at late times are thetic abundances are calculated by applying an up-to- shown in Figure 1. One can see roughly spherical struc- date reaction network code to hydrodynamic trajecto- tures for e8.8 and z9.6 (top panels) and more strongly ries in a post-processing step (§ 3). Some details of the asymmetric features with a dipolar or quadrupolar ge- nucleosynthesis mechanisms operating in the innermost ometry for the other models (middle and bottom pan- ejecta are described by taking the result of the metal- els). The different explosion dynamics reflects the core free 9.6M star as representative of our models. The structuresofpre-SNstarswithsteepertoshallowerden- (cid:12) mass-integrated nucleosynthetic yields are compared to sity gradients in the order of e8.8, z9.6, u8.1, s11, s15, the solar abundances to test if the innermost ejecta of and s27 (see Fig. 8 in Janka et al. 2012). The ECSN these SNe can be major sources of light trans-iron ele- progenitor for e8.8 is a super-asymptotic giant branch ments and some other species in the Galaxy (§ 4). Our (SAGB) star with an O-Ne-Mg core surrounded by a conclusions follow (§ 5). very dilute H-He envelope, while those of CCSNe are iron cores embedded by dense oxygen-silicon shells. For 2. SN MODELS e8.8,therefore,theexplosionsetsinveryearlyatapost- bounce time of t ∼ 80 ms before vigorous convection 2.1. Numerical methods and progenitor models pb can develop. Overturn driven by the Rayleigh-Taylor All the SN hydrodynamical trajectories have been instability only occurs when the explosion is underway, computed from 2D general relativistic simulations with buttheplumesdonothavesufficienttimetomergeinto energy-dependent ray-by-ray-plus neutrino transport large structures so that no global asymmetry emerges. basedonavariableEddingtonfactortechniqueasimple- For the CCSN cases (except for z9.6), by contrast, the mentedinthesupernovacodeVertex(Rampp&Janka 2002; Buras et al. 2006; Mu¨ller et al. 2010). Except for the pseudo-relativistic ECSN model of Wanajo et al. 1 ExtensionofHeger&Woosley(2010). (2011a), general relativity is treated in the extended 2 Both the 9.6M(cid:12) of zero metallicity and the 8.1M(cid:12) model conformal flatness approximation (Cordero-Carri´on et of 10−4Z(cid:12) were at the low-mass ends of CCSN progenitors for their respective metallicities in the KEPLER calculations. See al. 2009). A modern set of neutrino interaction rates alsoIbeling&Heger(2013)forgeneralmetallicitydependenceof (the “full rates” set of Mu¨ller et al. 2012a) has been theCCSNlowermasslimit. Nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae 5 Figure1. Late-timesnapshotsofmodelse8.8(left-top,266msafterbounce),z9.6(right-top,317ms),u8.1(left-middle,315ms), s11 (right-middle, 922ms), s15 (left-bottom, 776ms), and s27 (right-bottom, 790ms). Each panel shows the distribution of electronfraction,Y (lefthalvesofpanels;color-baratright-bottom),andentropypernucleon,S,inunitsofk /nucleon(right; e B color-bar at right-top) at a time when the high-entropy plumes of neutrino-heated matter have reached a radius of roughly 3000km. The black line in each panel indicates the shock front. The vertical and horizontal axes show the distance from the center. Note that the shock has already propagated well beyond 4000km in e8.8 at this stage and is therefore no longer visible in the plot. 6 Wanajo et al. explosions gradually start after multi-dimensional ef- 2.3. Nucleosynthesis conditions in the ejecta fects,i.e.,convectionorthestanding-accretion-shockin- Some nucleosynthesis-relevant properties for all SN stability (SASI, Blondin et al. 2003), have reached the models are summarized in Table 2. It is important to non-linear regime (the onset of the explosion occurs at note that we only calculate the nucleosynthesis for the t ∼ 500 ms for s15 and t ∼ 150...200 ms for the pb pb “early ejecta”, i.e., consider only the material that has others,Table1andFig.14inJankaetal.(2012)). More- been ejected in neutrino-driven outflows or undergone over, due to the presence of a relatively dense and mas- explosive burning in the shock by the end of the simu- sive oxygen shell, shock expansion is slow enough for lations. The contributions of the outer shells and later a dominant unipolar or bipolar asymmetry to emerge neutrino-driven ejecta to the total yields are neglected. after shock revival. For models e8.8, z9.6, and u8.1, explosive burning is Modelsz9.6andu8.1standapartfromthemoremas- already complete at the end of the simulations, and the sive CCSN models s11, s15, and s27, since stars close to outer shell (composed of H and He) will not add sig- the iron core formation limit exhibit evolutionary and nificant yields of heavy elements. We still miss small structuralsimilaritiestoECSNprogenitors(Jonesetal. amounts of ejected material from the neutrino-driven 2013, 2014; Woosley & Heger 2015). Specifically, these wind in these progenitors, however. This material may progenitors have very thin O and C shells between the undergo weak r- or νp-process nucleosynthesis, though core and the low-density He and H envelope. Because the most recent calculations of wind nucleosynthesis for of these peculiarities, model z9.6 (and to some degree e8.8 suggest only a relatively unspectacular production u8.1) is a case on the borderline to ECSN-like explo- of iron group elements and some νp-process nuclides sion behavior. Its progenitor exhibits the steepest core- with small production factors (Pllumbi et al. 2015), densitygradientnearthecore-envelopeinterfaceamong which turn out to be insignificant compared to the con- the CCSN cases, resulting in Y and S structures of the e tribution from the early ejecta that we investigate here. innermost ejecta rather similar to those of e8.8. The For e8.8, z9.6, and u8.1, the yields presented here thus progenitor of u8.1 has a slightly shallower core-density cover essentially the complete nucleosynthesis of heavy gradient than that of z9.6 so that the propagation of elements in these progenitors. the shock is slightly slower than for z9.6, but still faster The case is different for s11, s15, and s27, where the thanfortypicaliron-coreprogenitors. Sincethewidthof shock has progressed only to the middle of the O/Si the ECSN channel is subject to considerable uncertain- shell. For these models, substantial amounts of ashes ties (see Poelarends et al. 2008; Jones et al. 2013, 2014; fromO,Ne,C,andHeburningthusremaintobeejected Doherty et al. 2015; Jones et al. 2016, and references and will contribute significantly to the total production therein), CCSNe from this mass range are particularly factors. The post-shock temperatures at the end of our interesting as a possible alternative source for “ECSN- simulations also remain sufficiently high for some ad- like” nucleosynthesis. ditional explosive O burning to take place. Moreover, As in Wanajo et al. (2011a) and similar to Wong- strong accretion downflows still persist in these models. wathanaratetal.(2016),wecomputethetrajectoriesfor Thiskeepstheneutrinoluminositieshighandallowsthe our nucleosynthesis calculations from the 2D data files ejection of neutrino-heated matter to continue well be- (with a time spacing of 0.25ms) instead of co-evolving yond 1s after the onset of the explosion (Mu¨ller 2015; tracer particles during the simulation. In order not to Bruenn et al. 2016). Our nucleosynthesis calculations follow the tracers during multiple convective overturns therefore place only a lower bound on the production of with the risk of accumulating discretization errors, we iron-group and trans-iron group elements in the super- integrate the tracer trajectories backwards in time from nova core of these models. It is noteworthy that this an appropriate point during the simulation (i.e., start- may partly contribute to the unexpectedly small mass ingeitherfromtheendofthesimulation,orfromatime of56Niobtainedforthesemodels,whichremainssignifi- when the bulk of the ejecta have cooled sufficiently as cantly smaller than expected for “ordinary” supernovae in the case of z9.6). This procedure greatly reduces the (e.g., 0.07M for SN 1987A, Bouchet et al. 1991). (cid:12) numberofrequiredtrajectoriestoadequatelysamplethe Aside from the limitation of our analysis to the nu- ejecta: Selecting the final locations of the tracer parti- cleosynthesis during the first few hundred milliseconds cles only within the region of interest reduces the total after shock revival, the nucleosynthesis in our models mass of ejecta that must be covered (less than 0.03M ) (cid:12) remains subject to to other uncertainties: The simula- and makes it easy to use higher mass resolution where tions were conducted assuming axisymmetry (2D), and it is most needed, i.e., in the neutrino-processed ejecta. theexplosionenergiesattheendofsimulationsareonly (0.3–1.5)×1050 erg (see Fig. 15 in Janka et al. 2012), Nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae 7 -1 -1 -1 10 10 10 -2 -2 -2 10 e8.8 10 z9.6 10 u8.1 -3 -3 -3 10 10 10 M]sun10-4 M]sun10-4 M]sun10-4 M [ej10--65 M [ej10--65 M [ej10--65 ∆ 10 ∆ 10 ∆ 10 -7 -7 -7 10 10 10 -8 -8 -8 10 10 10 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 Y Y Y -1 e -1 e -1 e 10 10 10 -2 -2 -2 10 s11 10 s15 10 s27 -3 -3 -3 10 10 10 M]sun10-4 M]sun10-4 M]sun10-4 M [ej10--65 M [ej10--65 M [ej10--65 ∆ 10 ∆ 10 ∆ 10 -7 -7 -7 10 10 10 -8 -8 -8 10 10 10 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 Y Y Y e e e Figure 2. Y histograms for the SN ejecta when the temperatures have decreased to T =10. The ejecta masses (∆M ) are e 9 ej shown as functions of Y with a bin size of ∆Y =0.005. e e which are either less energetic than typical observed (s11, s15, and s27) because of the slower expansion of events (several 1050 erg, e.g., Kasen & Woosley 2009; the ejecta . Nomoto et al. 2013) or still in a phase of steep rise, i.e., Figure 3 illustrates the distributions of ejecta masses not converged to their final values. We discuss the pos- as functions of Y and asymptotic entropy per nucleon, e sible repercussions of this in § 4.8 and § 5. S (inunitsofBoltzmann’sconstantk ). AllSNmodels B Figure 2 shows the Y distributions in the ejecta for show spikes of Y ≈0.50 components as leftovers of the e e all models evaluated at T = 10, where T is the tem- initialcompositionofshockedmaterialthatneverunder- 9 9 perature in units of 109 K. For a trajectory with the goes strong neutrino processing, and a positive correla- maximum temperature of T < 10, we show Y at tion of S with Y in the neutrino-processed ejecta. The 9,max e e T = T instead. ∆M is the ejecta mass in each latter fact is reasonable because neutrino-heating raises 9 9,max ej Y bin with an interval of ∆Y = 0.005. The minimum both Y and S. We find, however, a larger scatter of e e e and maximum values of Y for all models are given in the entropies at a given Y for massive SN models (s11, e e Table2(8thand9thcolumns,respectively). TheY dis- s15, and s27). This reflects the more vigorous motions e tributions shown here are similar to those inferred from arising from convective instability and SASI for more the hydro data at late times except for small (up to a massive cases as well as stronger temporal and spatial few %) shifts toward Y ≈ 0.5 as a result of some nu- variations in the neutrino irradiation. e merical diffusion and mixing (clipping of extrema) that Note that the very high entropies at Y ≈0.5 for e8.8 e suppresses the tails of the Y distribution in the hydro (uptoS =383k ;lastcolumninTable2)stemfrom e max B at late times3. We find that low-mass models (e8.8, shock heating of outgoing material colliding with the z9.6, and u8.1) have appreciable amounts of neutron- dilute SAGB envelope. However, a sizable post-shock richejecta(40–50%;7thcolumninTable2). Thisisdue entropy, S > 100k , is reached only in shells which B tothefastergrowthoftheshockradiifortheselow-mass never reach nuclear equilibrium (T < 3, Janka et al. 9 cases: As a result of the higher ejecta speed, less time 2008; Kuroda et al. 2008) so that these shells do not is available to increase the Y by neutrino processing as contribute to the production of heavy elements (such as e material is ejected from the neutron-rich environment an r-process suggested by Ning et al. 2007). Except for nearthegainradius. Bycontrast, thebulkoftheejecta thiscomponentofshock-heatedejectawithlowtemper- are proton-rich (96–99%; Table 2) in massive models atures, e8.8 has a maximum entropy of nucleosynthesis- relevant material of ≈ 25k , and more massive models B have larger values (S ; last column in Table 2). max 3 In practice, we find this effect to be small up to the point The core-collapse simulations were stopped at t=t wheretheejectareacharadiusofaround1000kmandtheradial fin computationalgridbecomescoarser. for our models, where tfin = 0.423 s, 0.605 s, 0.474 s, 0.767 s, 0.947 s, and 1.13 s after core bounce for e8.8, 8 Wanajo et al. 50 10-3 50 10-3 50 10-3 e8.8 z9.6 u8.1 40 10-4 40 10-4 40 10-4 ) ) ) 1c− 30 1c− 30 1c− 30 nu 10-5nu 10-5nu 10-5 kB 20 kB 20 kB 20 ( ( ( S 10-6S 10-6S 10-6 10 10 10 0 10-7 0 10-7 0 10-7 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 (M ) 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 (M ) 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 (M ) Y ⊙ Y ⊙ Y ⊙ 50 e 10-3 50 e 10-3 50 e 10-3 s11 s15 s27 40 10-4 40 10-4 40 10-4 ) ) ) 1c− 30 1c− 30 1c− 30 nu 10-5nu 10-5nu 10-5 kB 20 kB 20 kB 20 ( ( ( S 10-6S 10-6S 10-6 10 10 10 0 10-7 0 10-7 0 10-7 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 (M ) 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 (M ) 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 (M ) Y ⊙ Y ⊙ Y ⊙ e e e Figure 3. Distributions of ejecta masses as functions of electron fraction (Y ) and asymptotic entropy per nucleon (S) for all e SNmodels. Stronglyneutrino-processedejectashowawiderangeofY -valuesandaslightlypositivecorrelationbetweenS and e Y . Material that is shocked at relatively large radii after the onset of the explosion appears in the form of a narrow vertical e stripe with Y ≈ 0.5 in the plots and exhibits variations in S depending on the pre-shock entropy and density and the shock e velocity. z9.6, u8.1, s11, s15, and s27, respectively. At these i.e., r2ρv =constant (Panov & Janka 2009; Wanajo et r times, the temperatures in the ejecta were still high, in al. 2011b), where v is the radial component of velocity r particular for massive models, so that nucleosynthesis at t=t and constant afterwards. fin would be still active. The temperature (T) and density (ρ)thusneedtobeextrapolatedfornucleosynthesiscal- 3. NUCLEOSYNTHESIS culations. Itisknownthatthelate-timeevolutionofthe The nucleosynthesis yields in each SN trajectory are density is well approximated by ρ ∝ t−2 (e.g., Arcones computed in a post-processing step by solving an ex- et al. 2007). We thus assume tensive nuclear reaction network (Wanajo et al. 2001) with the temperature and density histories described in ρ(t)=c (t−t )−2 (t>t ), (1) 1 1 fin § 2. The numbers of processed trajectories are 2343 where the constants c and t are determined to get (e8.8), 6310 (z9.6), 4672 (u8.1), 2739 (s11), 2565 (s15), 1 1 a smooth connection of the density at t = t . The and 2312 (s27). The up-to-date network consists of fin expansion of the ejecta is almost adiabatic at this stage 7435 isotopes between the proton- and neutron-drip (i.e., T3/ρ ≈ constant)4, and thus the temperature is lines from single neutrons and protons up to isotopes extrapolated such as with Z = 110. All the reaction rates are taken from REACLIBV2.05 (Cyburtetal.2010)makinguseofex- T(t)=c (t−t )−2/3 (t>t ) (2) 2 1 fin perimental data when available. As we will see later, with t from Equation (1) and c determined so that the nucleosynthetic abundances are mostly determined 1 2 the temperature matches the value at t = t . The in nuclear equilibrium in the regions relatively close to fin radius r for t > t , which is needed to calculate the β-stabilitywhereexperimentalmassesareavailable. Un- fin rates of neutrino interactions, is obtained from Equa- certainties arising from nuclear data are thus expected tion (1) with the assumption of steady-state conditions, to be small. Rates for electron capture (Langanke & Martinez-Pinedo 2001) as well as for neutrino interac- tions on free nucleons (McLaughlin et al. 1996) and α- 4 Entropy generation due to electron-positron annihilation af- particles (Woosley et al. 1990) are also included. The terthefreezeoutfromnuclearstatisticalequilibrium(NSE)isnot radiation field computed in the supernova simulations takenintoaccountforderivingEquation(2). Weexpect,however, thatitseffectisminorbecauseofthestrongdependenciesofnu- cleosyntheticabundancesonYe ratherthanentropyorexpansion timescale. 5 https://groups.nscl.msu.edu/jina/reaclib/db/. Nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae 9 is used as input for computing the neutrino interac- z9.6 0 tions in our nucleosynthesis calculations. We fully re- n α p tainthespatialdependenceoftheradiationfieldascom- 3 = putedinourray-by-ray-plusapproximationinthispost- 9 T processingstep,becausewehavestoredtherelevantneu- at -5 trino quantities along with the tracer trajectories. Y) h Eachnucleosynthesiscalculationisinitiatedwhenthe /αp, n, temperature decreases to T = 10 with the initial mass Y 9 g ( -10 fractions of 1−Y and Y for free neutrons and protons, o e e l respectively6. ForthetrajectorieswithT <10, the 9,max initial compositions adopted from our hydrodynamical 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 simulations are utilized. Y e 3.1. Types of nucleosynthesis Figure 4. Neutron-, proton-, and α-to-seed abundance ra- tios (blue, red, and purple, respectively) for all trajectories We first analyze the nucleosynthesis in detail for of z9.6 at a time when the temperatures decrease to T =3 z9.6, since this model covers the widest range in Y 9 e as functions of Y (at T =10). e 9 (Y =0.373–0.603; Fig. 2). Figure 4 shows the neutron-, e proton-,andα-to-seedabundanceratios(Y /Y ,Y /Y , n h p h abundances is thus mostly determined in NSE at high and Y /Y ) at a point when the temperatures decrease α h temperature (T > 5)7. The subsequent QSE does not to T =3 for all the trajectories of model z9.6. We con- 9 9 substantiallychangetheabundancedistributionbecause sider this temperature as it approximately corresponds of the small amounts of free nucleons and α particles. to the end of nuclear equilibrium: This temperature is Thisisduetorelativelysmallentropies(S ∼14k /nuc; close to the conventional critical temperature for the B Fig. 3) for these neutron-rich ejecta and the neutron- termination of quasi-nuclear equilibrium (QSE; T =4, 9 richness itself. Under such conditions the three-body Meyer et al. 1998b), to the beginning of a νp-process process α(αn,γ)9Be (followed by 9Be(α,γ)12C), rather (T = 3, Fr¨ohlich et al. 2006), and the beginning of an 9 thantriple-α, isfastenoughtoformtheNSEclusterby r-process (T = 2.5, Woosley et al. 1994). Here, the 9 assemblingfreenucleonsandα particles. Suchneutron- seed abundance Y is defined as the total abundance of h richconditionsalso disfavorα emission(i.e., toavoidto all nuclei heavier than helium. The other SN models bemoreneutron-rich). InNSE,theresultingabundance show similar dependencies of Y /Y , Y /Y , and Y /Y n h p h α h distribution is independent of specific reactions. What on Y (not shown here), indicating that Y (rather than e e determines the abundance distribution are the binding entropyandexpansiontimescale)ismostcrucialforthe energies per nucleon (B/A; shown in Figure 5, left). As nucleosynthesisinourcase. Forthisreason,wedescribe the Y of nuclides (indicated by white lines) decreases our nucleosynthetic results for model z9.6 in terms of e from ∼ 0.50 to ∼ 0.40, the nuclides with the maximal Y . According to Figure 4, we can distinguish the fol- e B/Ashiftfrom56Ni(Z =N =28)to48Ca(Z =20and lowingthreedifferenttypesofnucleosynthesisregimesin N = 28) and 84Se (Z = 34 and N = 50, see Hartmann our supernova models: A nuclear statistical equilibrium et al. 1985). (NSE)regimeforY <0.43, aquasi-nuclearequilibrium e WefindsuchNSE-likenucleosynthesisfeaturesinFig- (QSE) regime for 0.43 ≤ Y < 0.5, and nucleosynthesis e ure 6, which shows the abundance distribution in se- by charged-particle capture processes for Y ≥ 0.5. No e lected trajectories of model z9.6 when the temperatures r-process is expected in our models because of neutron- decrease to T = 5, 4, and 3 as well as the abundances to-seedratiosfarbelowunityovertheentirerangeofY 9 e at the end of calculations. The top three panels cor- (Fig. 4). respond to the trajectories with NSE-like conditions of 3.1.1. NSE Ye < 0.43 and relatively low entropies (∼ 14kB/nuc). Major abundance peaks are already formed at T = 5 ForY <0.43,alltheratiosY /Y ,Y /Y ,andY /Y 9 e n h p h α h (red lines). The abundance patterns are almost frozen are considerably smaller than unity (< 0.01) at T = 3 9 (Fig.4). Theglobaldistributionoffinalnucleosynthetic 7 Inthispaper,weusetheterm“NSE”evenforthecaseofα- deficientQSE(Meyeretal.1996;Wanajoetal.2013a),inwhich 6 Atsuchhightemperature(anddensity),thematterimmedi- NSE serves as a reasonable guideline for abundance determina- ately attains nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) and thus any tions. initialcompositionwiththetotalchargeofYe isavailable. 10 Wanajo et al. when the temperature decreases to T = 4 (defined as to a νp-process, in which the faster (n,p) and (n,γ) re- 9 the end of NSE) and do not change significantly during actions with the free neutrons supplied by ν¯ capture e the subsequent evolution. on free protons replace the slower β+-decays (Fr¨ohlich et al. 2006; Pruet et al. 2006; Wanajo 2006). Note that 3.1.2. QSE the νp-process in our result is very weak and only the nuclei up to A ∼ 70 are produced despite its substan- For 0.43 ≤ Y < 0.50, the α concentration becomes e tial proton-richness (up to Y = 0.603). By contrast, important (Y /Y ∼ 0.01–10) but Y /Y is less than e α h p h Wanajo et al. (2011b) have shown that the νp-process unity at T = 3. In this case, the final abundances 9 inneutrino-drivenwindwithsimilarproton-richnesscan are mainly determined in QSE, a subsequent stage af- produce nuclei up to A ∼ 120 (see also Pruet et al. tertheα-richfreeze-outfromNSE(Woosley&Hoffman 2006; Arcones et al. 2012). This discrepancy is due to 1992; Meyer et al. 1998b). At the end of NSE (T ∼5), 9 the lower entropies and longer expansion timescales in the singleNSE cluster splits intotwo QSEclusters with the early dynamical ejecta, which reduces Y /Y at the one consisting of free nucleons and α particles and the p h beginning of a νp-process (T ∼ 3), than those in the otherconsistingofheavynuclei. InthelatterQSEclus- 9 late-time neutrino-driven wind. ter, the heavy nuclei are absorbed in the “α-bath” and its distribution is determined by the α separation ener- 3.2. Dependencies of isotope productions on Y e gies (shown in the right panel of Figure 5), independent In § 3.1 we found that the iron-group (from Ca to of specific nuclear reactions. With a modest neutron- Cu) and light trans-iron (from Zn to Mo) species can richnessofY ∼0.43–0.49(valuesareindicatedbywhite e be produced in the innermost ejecta of z9.6, the model linesinFig.5),thenuclidesnearN =28and50suchas 64Zn,88Sr,89Y,90Zr,and92Moarepreferentiallyformed with the widest range in Ye in the ejecta . No heav- ier elements are produced in any of our six models. In inQSEowingtotheirgreaterαseparationenergies(see Figures 8 and 9, the final mass fractions of stable iso- also Hoffman et al. 1996; Wanajo 2006). topes from K to Mo are presented as functions of Y for We find in the left-middle and middle panels of Fig- e all the trajectories of model z9.6. The mass fractions ure6(Y =0.450and0.475,respectively)thattheabun- e of selected radioactive isotopes (before decay) are also dance distributions substantially change during QSE shown in the right-bottom panel of Figure 9. We find (T ∼ 5 to 4). The abundance patterns are determined 9 from these figures that few isotopes exhibit maximum roughly when the temperature decreases to T = 3, 9 abundances near Y =0.5, in particular the light trans- and further evolution are unimportant (although an en- e iron species (from Zn to Mo). Overall, Ni and light hancement of nuclei with A = 10–50 can be seen as a trans-ironspeciesarepredominantlyformedinneutron- result of α-particle capture). rich ejecta, although the weak νp-process in proton-rich 3.1.3. Charged-particle capture process ejectaplaysasub-dominantroleforthoseuptoGe. Sev- eral isotopes such as 48Ca, 50Ti, 54Cr, and radioactive ForY ≥0.50, 56NidominatesintheheavyQSEclus- e nuclide 60Fe are made only in very neutron-rich ejecta ter,andtheα-richfreeze-outfromQSE(T ∼4)leadsto 9 with Y ∼0.40–0.43 (Wanajo et al. 2013a,b). This sen- e an α-process (Woosley & Hoffman 1992). This greatly sitivity clearly demonstrates the importance of nucle- enhances the abundances of α-elements with A∼12–40 osynthesis studies based on multi-dimensional SN sim- (with multiples of 4) as can be seen in the right-middle ulations with detailed multi-group neutrino transport, panel of Figure 6 (for Y = 0.500). For Y > 0.51, e e which are indispensable for accurately determining the bothY /Y andY /Y aregreaterthanunityatT =3 α h p h 9 Y -distribution in the ejecta. e (Fig. 4). The freeze-out is thus followed by α-capture and proton-capture processes. We find in the bottom 4. CONTRIBUTION TO THE GALAXY three panels of Figure 6 (Y = 0.525, 0.550, and 0.603) e For each SN model, we calculate mass-integrated that nuclei in a wide range of A ∼ 10–70, including abundances from the nucleosynthetic outcomes of all odd-Z elements, are substantially enhanced by these trajectories.8 In the following subsections, we discuss charged-particlecaptureprocessesafterthetemperature thepossiblecontributionofproductsfromtheinnermost drops below T =3. 9 ejectaofSNetotheGalaxybycomparingournucleosyn- Figure 7 compares the final abundances with (blue) thesis yields to the solar values. In particular, we focus andwithout(cyan)neutrinoreactionsforthetrajectory that has the highest Y = 0.603 in model z9.6 (same as e thatintheright-bottompanelofFig.6). Thisindicates 8 TablesofthenucleosynthesisyieldsforalltheSNmodelsare that the enhancement of nuclei with A = 60–70 is due availablefromhttp://cosnucs.riken.jp/download.html.

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