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Nuclear Waste Cleanup Technology and Opportunities PDF

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About the Author Robert Noyes is agraduate chemical engineer, with graduate studies in nuclear engineering. Prior to founding Noyes Data CorporationINoyes Publications, hewas nuclear salesmanager for Bums & Roe, Inc" and Curtiss-Wright International; re sponsible for marketing research reactors. He is the author of four previous books: Handbook ofPol lution Control Processes; Handbook of Leak, Spill and Accidental Release Prevention Techniques; Pollution Pre vention Technology Handbook; and Unit Operations in En vironmental Engineering. v Preface One of the largest, most complicated and expensive environmental problems in the United States is the cleanup of nuclear wastes. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has approximately 4,000 contaminated sites covering tens ofthousands ofacres and replete with contaminated hazardous or radioactive waste, soil,orstructures. Inaddition tohigh-level waste, ithas more than 250,000 cubic meters oftransuranic waste and millions ofcubic tpeters of low-level radioactive waste. In addition, DOE is responsible for thousands of facilities awaiting decontamination, decommissioning, and dismantling. DOE and its predecessors have been involved in the management of radioactive wastes since 1943, when such wastes were first generated in significant quantities as by-products of nuclear weapons production. Waste connected with DOE's nuclear weapons complex has been accumulating as a result of various operations spanning over five decades. The cost estimates for nuclear waste cleanup in the United States have been rapidly rising. It has recently been estimated in arange from $200 billion to $350 billion. Costs could vary considerably based on future philosophies as towhether to isolate certain sites (the "iron fence" philosophy), orclean them up topristine conditions (the "green fields" philosophy). Fundingwill also bebased oncongressional action thatmayreduce environmental cleanup,basedonbudget considerations. The technologies discussed in this book include the following: 1. Processes currently being utilized 2. Technology in the demonstration phase 3. Processes being developed 4. Research needs vii viii Preface There is a vast amount of technical infonnation on current, in demonstration, and potential cleanup technology, that would require an encylopaedic workto fully describe. Therefore, this bookcanonly describe very briefly the technology involved. Infonnation contained inthisbookwasobtainedfrompublishedmaterial issuedbyvariousgovernment agencies including: Department ofEnergy(DOE), Department of Defense (DOD), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), General Accounting Office (GAO), Office ofTechnology Assessment (OTA), and Energy Infonnation Administration (EIA). Published material was also supplied by contractors working at DOE sites. The Introduction presents infonnation that would be helpful to those finns wishing to participate in DOE programs. In Appendix II, addresses, and telephone numbers of the important sites are indicated. Also, foreign nuclear contacts (with adescription oftheir activities) are presented inAppendix III,for 24 countries. The substantial amount of money that will be spent on nuclear waste cleanup offers an excellent opportunity for engineering, equipment, chemical, instrument, and other finns. Notice To thebestofourknowledge the infonnation in thispublication isaccurate; however, the Publisher does not assume any responsibility orliabilityforthe accuracyorcompletenessof,orconsequences arisingfrom,suchinfonnation. Thisbookisintendedforinfonnationalpurposesonly.Mentionoftradenames orcommercial products does notconstitute endorsement orrecommendation for use by the Publisher. Final determination of the suitability of any infonnation orproduct for use contemplated by any user, and the manner of thatuse,isthesoleresponsibility oftheuser.Werecommend thatanyone in tending torelyonanyrecommendation ofmaterialsorproceduresmentioned inthispublicationshouldsatisfyhimselfastosuchsuitability,andthathecan meet all applicable safety and health standards. 1 Introduction 1.1 OVERVIEW Any activity that produces or uses radioactive materials generates radioactivewaste. Mining, nuclearpowergeneration, andvarious processes in industry, defense, medicine, and scientific research produce by-products that include radioactive waste. Radioactive waste can be in gas, liquid, or solid form, and itslevel ofradioactivitycanvary. The wastecan remain radioactive for a few hours or several months or evenhundreds ofthousands ofyears. Broadlydefined,themanagementofradioactivewastesencompassesthe handling, storage, treatment, transportation, and permanent disposal of all radioactive wastes. Currently, a minimumofover45,300siteshandle radioactive material orcontainpotentialradioactivecontamination. Ofthese, approximatelyhalfare inoperationtoday. Insomecases, asinglecomplexmayhaveas manyas 1,500 contaminated sites, in other cases there may be 1siteper complex. However, for all practical purposes, a much smaller number of sites are responsible for most of the radioactive waste, and will involve a very high percentage of the cleanup costs. These important sites are under the control of the U.S. Department ofEnergy (DOE). DOE and its predecessors have been involved in the management of radioactive wastes since 1943, when such wastes were first generated in significantquantitiesas by-products ofnuclear weapons production. Waste connected withDOE's nuclear complex has been accumulating as a resultofvarious operations spanningnearly 5 decades: first inconnection with DOE's Defense Programs, more recently in connectionwith programs in Nuclear Energy and Energy Research. When the nuclear age dawned in the 1940s with the Manhattan Project, there was littleknowledge ofthe degree to which nuclear and hazardous waste materials posed a danger to human health 1 2 Nuclear Waste Cleanup and safety or to the environment. Furthermore, during the earlier part ofthis period, the demands of World War II, Korea, and the cold war days of the 1950sand 1960splacedhigherpriorityonnuclearoperationsandlowerpriority on the wastes generated from such operations. DOE's missionand prioritieshave changed dramatically over time so thattheDepartmentisnowvery differentfromwhatitwasin 1977whenitwas created in response to the nation's energy crisis. While energy research, conservation and policy-making dominated early DOE priorities, weapons productionand nowenvironmental cleanup overshadow its budget. When DOE was created in 1977, it inherited the national laboratories with a management structure that had evolved from the World War II "Manhattan Project," whose mission was to design and build the world's first atomic bombs. Fromthis national security mission, the laboratories generated expertise that initially developed nuclear power as an energy source. The laboratories' missions broadened in 1967, when the Congress recognized their role in conducting environmental as well as public health and safety-related research and development. In 1971, the Congress again expanded the laboratories' role, permittingthem to conductnon-nuclear energy research and development. During the 1980s, the Congress enacted laws to stimulate the transfer oftechnology from the laboratories to u.s. industry. DOE estimates thatoverthepast20years, thenationhasinvestedmore than$100billioninthe laboratories. DOE is responsible for some of the nation's largest and most impressive scientific facilities. The agency's 9 national multiprogram laboratoriesemploymorethan50,000peopleandhaveannualoperatingbudgets that exceed $6 billion. DOE estimates that more than $100 billionhas been invested in the laboratories over the past 20 years. The laboratories' work covers many scientific areas-from high-energy physics to advanced computing-at facilities located throughout the nation. AlthoughDOE owns thelaboratories, itcontractswithuniversitiesand private-sectororganizationsfortheirmanagementandoperation-apracticethat has made the laboratories more attractive to scientists and engineers. These contractsgenerallyrunfor5years; however, someofthelaboratorieshavebeen run by the same contractor for decades, even since their inceptionin the early 1940s. The laboratory contractorsand DOE formpartnershipsat each site, but the Department remains responsible for providing the laboratories with their missions and overall direction, as well as for giving them specific direction to meet both program and administrative goals. There are more than 145,000 contractor employees at DOE nuclear sites. The original concept of nuclear reconfiguration was described in the January 1991 Nuclear Weapons Complex ReconfigurationStudy. Thisstudyoutlinedpotentialconfigurationsofthefuture Complexandchartedthecoursenecessary toachieve thegoalofmodernization. In February 1991, the Secretary ofEnergy announced DOE's intentto prepare Introduction 3 a Reconfiguration Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PElS) to analyze the environmental impacts of the alternatives presented in this study. However, there havebeen significantchanges in the worldsinceJanuary 1991, especially with regard to projected future requirements of the United States' nuclear weapons stockpile. As a result, the Nuclear Weapons Complex Reconfiguration Studyno longerprovidesasuitableframework for determining the appropriate configuration of the future Nuclear Weapons Complex. The framework for a new proposal is now being developed. Therefore, DOE decided toseparatetheReconfigurationPElS intotwoPEISs: aTritiumSupply and Recycling PElS and a StockpileStewardship and Management PElS. The environmental task facing DOE is enormous and continues to expand. DOE has approximately 4,000 contaminated sites covering tens of thousandsofacresandrepletewithcontaminatedhazardousorradioactivewaste, soil, or structures. Ithas more than 250,000cubic meters oftransuranic waste and millionsofcubic meters oflow-level radioactive waste. In addition, DOE is responsible for thousands of facilities awaiting decontamination, decommissioning, and dismantling. Consequently, DOE faces major technical, planning, and institutional challenges in meeting its expanding environmental responsibilitieswhile controlling cost growth. Workperformed at the DOE Weapons Complex has traditionallybeen divided into 4 categories: 1. Weaponsresearchanddevelopmentat3nationallaboratories, Los Alamos and Sandia in New Mexico and Lawrence Livermore in California; 2. Nuclear materials (plutonium and tritium) production and processing at the Hanford Plant in Washington State and the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, along with uranium processing at the Feed Materials Production Center in Ohio and the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory; 3. Warhead component production at the Rocky Flats Plant in Colorado, the Y-12 Plant in Tennessee, the Mound Plant in Ohio, the Pinellas Plant in Florida, the Kansas City Plant in Missouri, and thePantex Plant (finalassembly) inTexas; and 4. Warhead testing at the Nevada Test Site. AlthoughtheWeaponsComplexwasdevelopedinWorldWarIIaspart of the Manhattan Project, a major expansion occurred in the early 1950s. Today, most operating facilities are more than30 years old. Operations are in various stages oftransition because ofsafety and environmental problems that have diverted attention from productionand because of the uncertain future of the entire enterprise. Although facilities in the DOE complex have much in common, there is no "typical" facility. Each site has a unique combination of characteristics thatshapes itsparticularwasteand contaminationproblems and affects theway those problems are addressed. Relevant facility characteristics include its functionsand management; its size, location, and proximitytopopulatedareas; 4 Nuclear Waste Cleanup anditsrelationshipswithFederalandStateregulators, neighboringcommunities, and the general public. DOE is responsible for environmental cleanup and waste management at 15majorcontaminatedfacilitiesandmorethan100smallerfacilitiesinthirty four states and territories. These facilities encompass a wide range of waste sites,includingtanksorotherstoragefacilitiescontainingradioactivewastefrom nuclear weaponsproduction,productionfacilitiesthatare nowidledandinneed of cleanup, and locations where hazardous chemicals were dumped into the ground. Cleaning up these sites is an enormous task. Examples of some of these sites are indicatedbelow. DOE Weapons Complex facilities-both large and small-are spread across theNation, from SouthCarolinatoWashingtonState, andare locatedin both remote and populated regions. The Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald), whichhasproduceduraniummetal forweapons, isa l,450-acresite, a relatively small facility located 20 miles northwest of Cincinnati, OH, in a rural area witha numberoffarms. The Rocky Flats PlantinColorado, which has been producing plutonium "triggers" for weapons, is also a small facility situated close to densely populated suburbs ofDenver. Othersitesare muchlarger thanFernaldorRockyFlats. TheHanford Reservation encompasses approximately 360,000 acres in the Columbia River Basin ofsoutheastern Washington State. Hanford's primary mission has been toproduceweapons-gradeplutonium; itproducedplutoniumfor theatombomb dropped on Nagasaki during World WarII. The Savannah River Site, builtin the 1950s, produces tritiumandplutonium. Itconsistsof192,000acres onthe north bank ofthe Savannah River. Most ofthe immediate plant environs are rural, and the surrounding area, which is heavily wooded, ranges from dry hilltops to swampland. More than 20,000 people are employed at Savannah River, making it the largest plant (in terms of employment) in the DOE Weapons Complex. The Oak Ridge Reservation covers approximately 58,000 acres in eastern Tennessee. Oak Ridge carries out several activities including the production of weapons components. The area immediately around the reservation is predominately rural except for the City ofOakRidge. The City of Knoxville is about 15 miles away. The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (lNEL), where reactor fuel is reprocessed to recover uranium, has anumberoffacilitiesandconductsavariety ofotheractivities. Thelargestsite in terms ofarea, INEL covers 570,000 acres in southeastern Idaho. The site boundary is about 22 miles from the City ofIdaho Falls. TheNuclearWeaponsComplex isanindustrialempire-acollectionof enormous factories devotedtometal fabrication, chemical separationprocesses, and electronic assembly. Like most industrial operations, these factories have generated waste, much of it toxic. The past 50 years of nuclear weapons productionhaveresultedintherelease ofvastquantitiesofhazardous chemicals Introduction 5 and radionuclidesto theenvironment. Thereis evidencethatair, groundwater, surfacewater, sediments, andsoil, aswellasvegetationandwildlife,have been contaminatedat most, ifnotall, ofDOE nuclear weapons sites. AlthoughtheWeaponsComplexwasdevelopedinWorldWarIIaspart of the Manhattan Project, a major expansion occurred in the early 1950s. Today, mostoftheoperating facilities are more than30 years old. Operations are invarious stagesoftransitionbecauseofsafetyandenvironmentalproblems that have diverted attention from the production mission and because of uncertainty about the future ofthe entire enterprise. Contamination of soil, sediments, surface water, and groundwater throughout the Nuclear Weapons Complex is extensive. At every facility the groundwateris contaminatedwithradionuclidesorhazardous chemicals. Most sites in non-arid locations also have surface water contamination. Millionsof cubic meters ofradioactive and hazardous wastes have been buried throughout the complex, and there are few adequate records of burial site locations and contents. Contaminated soils and sediments ofall categories are estimated to total billionsofcubic meters. Descriptionsofvastquantitiesofold buriedwaste; ofcontaminants in pits, ponds, and lagoons; and of the migration of contamination into water suppliesservetodramatizetheproblem. However, sofarverylittlequantitative characterization ofeach sitehas been accomplished. Many factors have contributed to the current wasteand contamination problems at the weapons sites: the nature ofmanufacturing processes, which are inherently waste producing; a long history ofemphasizing the urgency of weapons production in the interest of national security, to the neglect of environmental considerations; a lack of knowledge about, or attention to, the consequences of environmental contamination; and an enterprise that has operated in secrecy for decades, without any independent oversight or meaningful public scrutiny. Sites contaminatedwith radionuclides pose a uniqueproblembecause, unlikeorganicwastes, radionuclidescannotbedestroyedbyphysicalorchemical means; they can only decay through their natural process. Thus, alteration or remediation of the radioactive decay processes, thereby changing the fundamental hazard, is notpossible. As part of DOE's technological development program, it will be important to identify the greatestneeds and the areas inwhich new technology can make a difference. The first step should be to identify cleanup needs and to determine those that are most urgent and serious. In this step, information abouthealtheffectsshouldbefactoredinas itbecomesavailable. Forexample, among the problems that DOE has already identifiedas particularly intractable are the following: 6 Nuclear Waste Cleanup 1. Groundwater contaminationat almost all sites, 2. Plutoniumin soil (e.g., at Rocky Flats and Mound Plant), 3. Silos containinguranium processing residues at Fernald, 4. Single-shell tanks containinghigh-level waste at Hanford, and 5. Buried transuranic waste at INEL. Contamination of soil, sediments, surface water, and groundwater throughout the Weapons Complex is widespread. Almost every facility has confirmed groundwater contamination with radionuclides or hazardous chemicals. All sites in non-arid locations probably have surface water contamination. Almost 4,000 solid waste management units (SWMUs) have beenidentifiedthroughouttheWeapons Complex-manyofwhichrequiresome form ofremedial action. Substantialquantitiesofradioactive and mixed waste havebeenburiedthroughoutthecomplex, manywithoutadequaterecordoftheir locationor composition. Presently, DOEhas identifiedmore than1million55 gallondrumsand boxesofwasteinstorage, and 3millioncubicmeters ofburiedwaste. Overthe years, many of the older disposal containers have been breached resulting in contamination of the adjacent soil. Considering transuranic solid waste, approximately 190,000cubicmeters havebeenburied, and60,600cubicmeters have been retrieved and stored. Mixed transuranic waste composes 58,000 cubicmetersofthisinventory. High-levelwastestoredat4DOEsitesrepresent another 381,000 cubic meters ofvolume. Currently, 77 million gallons ofhigh-level waste is contained in 332 underground storage tanks as sludge/liquids. There are also small amounts, approximately 4,000 cubic meters of high-level waste, stored as granular calcined solids. Most of the high-level wastes are mixed with hazardous contaminantsandare thusconsideredmixedwastes. Theremainderofthewaste in storage is low-level waste. This remainder is made up of3,000,000 cubic meters, including 247,000 cubic meters ofmixed low-level waste. Currently, no effective treatmentis known to existfor 107,000cubic meters ofthis mixed low-level waste. Another ofthe most pressing environmental restoration needs for the DOEinvolvecleanuporcontainmentofradioactiveandhazardouscontaminants in soils and groundwater. The DOE soils and groundwater programs were designed to identify, develop, and demonstrate innovative technology systems capable of removing or reducing potential health and environmental risks. These risks are the result of previous storage and disposal practices that left behinda legacy ofradioactive and hazardous materials (includingheavy metals andtoxicorganiccompounds)inthesurroundingsoilandgroundwater. Sources of this contamination at the DOE sites include: previous disposal of contaminatedwastes in ponds, seepage pits, trenches, and shallow land burial sites; spillsand leakage from waste transport, temporary storage facilities, and underground storage tanks; and unregulated discharges to the air and surface waters. Introduction 7 Another form of waste, representing potentially large volumes, is associatedwithdecontaminationanddecommissioningofcontaminatedbuildings and equipment. More than 500 separate facilities have been identified, and it is possible that as many as 7,000 facilities at 39 different sites could be scheduled for decontamination and decommissioning. Although materials will berecycled when possible, thisactivitywill result innew waste generation that is immeasurable at this time. Additionally, as much as 20,000 cubic meters of mixedwaste, in100separatewastestreams, isstillbeinggeneratedonanannual basis from ongoing transitionactivities. One of the biggest challenges facing the DOE is effective characterization of contamination. Characterization must take place before a contaminant site can be properly prioritized. To accomplish this, methods are beingdeveloped thatare capable ofmapping vastareas at depthsup to 250feet belowgroundlevel. Resultsare threedimensionalimagesthatarevaluabletools for proper selection and placement ofremediation technologies. Complicating remediationeffortsfurtheristhefact thattechniquesfor accessingand removing contaminantsdifferinaridandnon-aridenvironments. Asaresult, technologies must be demonstrated and evaluated at multiplesites. Adequate chemical and physical characterization information is importantfor satisfactorymanagementand disposalofall(bothnuclearandnon nuclear)DOEwastes. Forexample, detailedandaccuratewastecharacterization dataare essential notonly to develop appropriateand flexible pretreatment and conversion processes, but also to classify and certify wastes, both before and after pretreatment, for disposal as mandated by state and federal regulations. Similarly, characterization by physical methods of the important geologic, hydrologic, and seismic properties of candidate strata and sites is absolutely necessary to eventual disposal of certain DOE radioactive wastes in a deep geologic repository. The overriding importance ofreliable waste and disposal site characterization data is a strong spur for basic research to devise new and better characterization methods and to improve and supplement existing and proven procedures. The need for advanced and improved systems and instruments to characterize contaminated soils, sediments, etc. has been recognized in connectionwithDOEenvironmentalrestorationprograms and activities. Some research needs such as in situanalytical techniques, portable field instruments, and advanced analytical instrumentation are common to both waste management/disposal and environmental restoration programs. The cleanup of these nuclear waste sites is one of the most difficult tasksfacing thiscountry. Problemsincludelegaldifficulties,regulatoryoverlap, conflict between state and federal governments, lack of proven technical processing, enormous costs, and safety considerations. DOE'sstatedgoalofenvironmentalcleanupbytheyear2019represents a formidable challenge, and currently available information does not clearly

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