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Preview Nuclear Structure Aspects of the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

Nuclear Structure Aspects of the Neutrinoless ββ-Decays E. Caurier ∗, F. Nowacki ∗ and A. Poves + (*) IPHC, IN2P3-CNRS/Universit´e Louis Pasteur BP 28, F-67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France (+) Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica, C-XI. Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid, E-28049, Madrid, Spain In this article, we analyze some nuclear structure aspects of the 0ν double beta decay nuclear matrixelements(NME).Wegiveresultsforthedecaysof48Ca,76Ge,82Se,124Sn,128Te,130Te,and 136Xe,usingimprovedeffectiveinteractionsandvalencespaces. Weexaminethedependenceofthe NME’sontheeffectiveinteraction andthevalencespace, andanalyzetheeffectsoftheshort range correlations and thefinitesize of thenucleon. Finally westudytheinfluenceofthedeformation on thevalues of theNME’s. PACSnumbers: 21.10.–k,27.40.+z,21.60.Cs,23.40.–s Keywords: ShellModel,Doublebetadecaymatrixelements 8 0 0 I. INTRODUCTION stability ofthe NME’s under reasonablemodifications of 2 the nuclear structure inputs of the calculations. n The double beta decay is the rarest nuclear weak pro- a J cess. It takesplace betweentwoeven-evenisobars,when II. DOUBLE BETA DECAYS thedecaytotheintermediatenucleusisenergeticallyfor- 9 bidden or hindered by the large spin difference between ] the parent ground state and the available states in the As we have already mentioned, some nuclei, otherwise h intermediate nuclei. It comes in three forms: The two- nearly stable, decayemitting two electrons andtwo neu- -t neutrino decay ββ is just a second order process me- trinos (2ν ββ) by a second order process mediated by 2ν cl diated by the weak interaction. It conserves the lepton the weak interaction,that has been experimentally mea- u number and has been already observed in a few nuclei. sured in several favorable cases. The decay probability n The secondmode, the neutrinoless decay ββ , needs an containsaphasespacefactorandthesquareofanuclear 0ν [ extension of the standard model of the electroweak in- matrix element 2 teractions as it violates lepton number. A third mode, v ββ isalsopossibleinsomeextensionsofthestandard 7 mo0dνe,χlandproceedsviaemissionofalightneutralboson, [T12/ν2]−1 =G2ν|MG2νT|2 (1) 7 aMajoronχ. Thelasttwomodes,notyetexperimentally 2 If the neutrinos are massive Majorana particles, the observed,requiremassiveneutrinos–anissuealreadyset- 0 double beta decay can take place without emission of tled by the recent measures by Super-Kamiokande [1], . neutrinos(0ν ββ). Inthiscasethetransitionismediated 9 SNO [2] and KamLAND [3]. Interestingly, the double bytermsthatgobeyondthe standardmodel. Thedecay 0 beta decay without emission of neutrinos would be the 7 probabilitycontainsaphasespacefactor[6],theeffective only way to sign the Majorana character of the neutrino 0 electronneutrinomass(alinearcombinationofthe mass : andtodistinguishbetweenthe differentscenariosforthe eigenvalueswhose coefficients are elements ofthe mixing v neutrino mass differences. In what follows we shall con- i matrix) and the nuclear matrix element [7, 8]. X centratemostlyinthe ββ mode. The uprisingofinter- 0ν est in the observation of the ββ decay was somewhat r 0ν a obscuredby the analysisof the status of the calculations [T(0ν)(0+−>0+]−1 = 1/2 of the nuclear matrix elements, that enter in the lifetime of the decay together with the effective neutrino mass, g 2 2 hm i 2 G M(0ν)− V M(0ν) ν (2) made in ref. [4]. The authors concluded on a very pes- 0ν GT g F m simistic note, sayingthat the spreadofthe available val- (cid:18) A(cid:19) ! (cid:18) e (cid:19) ues for the nuclear matrix elements was such that there The 2ν matrix element can be written as: wasnohopetotranslatetheexperimentalsignalintouse- ful input for the theories beyond the standard model. A criticalassessmentoftheresultsofthemanycalculations M(2ν) = hGD(J)|~σt−|1+i ih1+i |~σt−|Fi (3) available in the framework of the quasi particle random GT ∆E i i phase approximation (QRPA) has been made recently X [5], with a much more optimistic conclusion. In this ar- Thenuclearstructureinformationenteringinthis ma- ticle we want to continue improving upon the reliability trix element consists on the wave function of the ground of the calculated nuclear matrix elements (NME) in the state of the father nucleus (F) and the wave function of framework of large scale applications of the Interacting the state of the grand daughter, GD(J), nucleus (J=0, ShellModel(ISM).Inaddition,weputforwardaprocess J=1, or J=2) to which the decay proceeds. In addi- ofbenchmarkingthe differentapproaches,andstudy the tion, the wave functions and excitation energies of all 2 6 the 1+ states in the odd-odd daughter nucleus are in principle necessary. The spin-isospin operators in the 5 82Se nuclear medium are quenched by a factor q≈1/g , and 4 A this quenching factor is also required to reproduce the 3 experimental data of the 2ν double beta decays. 2 To compute exactly the 0ν matrix element, we would 1 T also need the wave function of the ground state of the G 0 M father nucleus and of the ground state grand daughter, -1 but in addition we would need all the wave functions -2 and excitation energies of all the Jπ states in the odd- -3 odd daughter nucleus. Most conveniently, the matrix elements can be approximately obtained in the closure -4 approximation, that is good to better than 90% due to -5 thehighmomentumofthevirtualneutrinointhenucleus -6 (≈100 MeV) Hence, the matrix element can be written 0+ 0- 1+ 1- 2+2- 3+ 3- 4+ 4- 5+ 5- 6+ 6- 7+ 7- 8+ 8- 9+ as: FIG. 1: The matrix element of the 82Se → 82Kr decay as a MG(0Tν) =hGD|h(|r~1−r~2|)(~σ1·~σ2)(t−1t−2)|Fi (4) function of theJ of thedecaying pair whereh(|r~ −r~|)istheneutrinopotential(≈1/r). Inthis 1 2 approximationno knowledgeofthe intermediate nucleus thepairingcontentofthenuclearwavefunctionsandthe is directly implied. neutrinoless double beta decay operator. Thetransitionoperatorsareusuallyobtainedfromthe HamiltonianofDoietal. [8]However,accordingtorecent claims [9], additional terms originating in the coupling III. INTERACTING SHELL MODEL (ISM) AND to the virtual pions, should give non-negligible contribu- QRPA CALCULATIONS tions. The finite size of the nucleon and the short range correlationsneedtobetakenintoaccountinthe calcula- In the quest for better wave functions to describe the tionofthe twobody matrixelements ofthe0ν two-body doublebetadecayprocesses,twomainavenueshavebeen transition operators as well. explored. Theinteractingshellmodelinlargerandlarger Perhaps the most relevant issue for our mastering on valencespaces,witheverimprovingeffectiveinteractions, the neutrinoless double beta decays is to get a better andthequasiparticleRPA.Ideally,bothmethodsshould insightinthephysicalcontentofthetwobodytransition be able to produce goodspectroscopyfor parent,daugh- operator. Only with this knowledge could one decide terandgrand-daughter,evenbetterifitextendstoafull whether the nuclear wave functions that enter into the mass region, correct total Gamow Teller strengths and calculation of the NME’s contain the degrees of freedom strengthfunctions, 2ν matrix elements, etc. In brief, the thatcorrespondtothecorrelationstowhichtheoperator goalistohaveadescriptionasclosetoperfectaspossible couples dominantly. of the dynamics of the nuclei involved in the transition. The two body decay operators can be written generi- Untilratherrecently,ISMcalculationsthatcouldencom- cally as: passmostoftherelevantdegreesoffreedomofthenuclei of interest, were only available for the lighter emitters, Mˆ(0ν) = MJ ((a†a†)J (a a )J)0 (5) and,asaconsequence,mostsystematicstudieswereper- i,j,k,l i j k l formed in the QRPA framework. As we will discuss in J i,j,k,l X X the next section, all the potential double beta emitters In words, what the operator does is to annihilate two are now within the reach of the ISM except 150Nd, that, neutronsinthe parentnucleusandtocreatetwoprotons being deformed, is also out of the reach of the spherical The NME is the overlap of the resulting object with the QRPA calculations. grand daughter ground state. In the ISM approach, the valence spaces contain a The contributions to the 0ν matrix element as a func- numberoforbitsthatis”small”comparedtotheQRPA, tionoftheJoftheofthedecayingpairhaveaverytelling however,allthe possiblewaysofdistributing the valence structure as canbe seen in Figure 1. The dominantcon- particlesamongthevalenceorbitsaretakenintoaccount. tribution corresponds to the J=0+ pairs, while all the In the QRPAcalculations,the number ofactive orbits is other pairs have much smaller contributions, but all of larger, but only 1p-1h and 2p-2h excitations from the them of sign opposite to the leading term. If the ini- normal filling are considered (and not all of them). tial and final wave functions had seniority zero, only the The effective interactionsused inthe ISMcalculations leading term would contribute and the matrix element areusuallyG-matriceswhosemonopolebehaviorisfitted would be maximal. This is a first indication, relating tothespectroscopicpropertiesofalargeregionofnuclei, 3 ingeneralthosecomprisedbetweentomagic closuresfor TABLE I:Update of theISM 0ν results theneutronsandfortheprotons. Insomecasestheinter- actions are plainly fitted to a set of experimental masses hmνi for T1 = 1025 y. MG(0Tν) 1-χF 2 and excitation energies. In the QRPA description, the starting point is provided by realistic or schematic in- 48Ca 0.85 0.67 1.14 76Ge 0.90 2.35 1.10 teractions, however, both the particle-particle and the 82Se 0.42 2.26 1.10 particle-hole channels of the interaction are affected of 124Sn 0.45 2.11 1.13 strength parameters dubbed g and g that are fitted ph pp 128Te 1.92 2.36 1.13 to selected experimental data. In particular, it has been 130Te 0.35 2.13 1.13 shown that the double beta decay matrix elements de- 136Xe 0.41 1.77 1.13 pendcriticallyofg . Therearedifferentopinionsamong pp theQRPApractitionersaboutthebestchoiceofthevalue of g . The two preferred options being to fit the exper- pp imental 2ν matrix elements, or to fit the Gamow Teller All these spaces are accessible to large scale ISM strength functions. In a sense, none is really safe, be- descriptions. The Strasbourg-Madrid [10] Shell-Model cause the pure ~σt± channel plays a rather minor role in codes can deal with problems involving bases of O(1010) the 0ν decay. Slater determinants, using relatively modest computa- The dominant correlations in the nuclei are due to tional resources. the pairing and quadrupole-quadrupole terms of the nu- cleon nucleon interaction in the medium. In the ISM, the pairing correlations are treated exactly within the V. UPDATE OF THE ISM 0ν RESULTS valence space. Proton and neutron numbers are exactly conserved. Proton-proton,neutron-neutron,andproton- In the valence spaces r -g (76Ge, 82Se) andr -h neutron (iso-vector and iso-scalar) pairing channels are 3 9/2 4 11/2 (124Sn, 128−130Te, 136Xe) we have obtained high quality includedonequalfooting. Onthecontrary,inthespher- effective interactions by carrying out multi-parametrical icalQRPAonlyproton-protonandneutron-neutronpair- fits [11] whose starting point is given by realistic G- ing terms are considered. They are treated in the BCS matrices [12]. With these interactions the beta decay approximation. Protonandneutronnumbersarenotex- properties of a large set of nuclei are well reproduced. actly conserved. From the spherical shell model point The 2ν double beta decay half-lives are found in rea- of view, this approach is a seniority zero approximation sonably good agreement with the experimental results at the BCS level. When the RPA correlations are taken as well. In the valence space proposed for 96Zr, 100Mo, into account, higher seniority components appear in the 110Pd and 116Cd, our results are still preliminary and ground states of the father and grand daughter nuclei, subject to further improvement both on the interaction however,for the RPA to be valid, their amplitudes must sideandontheremovalofthe yetnecessarytruncations. decrease rapidly with increasing seniority. Ourresultsareobtainedinthe closureapproximation, The multipole correlations and the eventual intrinsic with the short range and finite size corrections mod- deformation can be properly described in the laboratory eled as described in [13]; using r =1.2 fm to make the frame in the ISM description. Angular momentum con- 0 matrix element dimensionless; with g =1.25; and with- servation is exactly preserved. In the QRPA the multi- A out higher order contributions to the nuclear current. A pole correlations of the ground state are treated at the preliminary estimation of the higher order contributions RPA level. The posibility of having permanent intrinsic gives a reduction of the ISM NME’s in the range of 10% deformation is not contemplated yet. . Our present best values are collected in table I. χ is F defined as: IV. THE ISM VALENCE SPACES RELEVANT FOR ββ DECAYS g 2 χ = V M(0ν) (6) F g F Classical 0~ω ISM valence spaces are the p, sd and (cid:18) A(cid:19) pf shells. These correspond to the harmonic oscillator Except in the case of doubly magic 48Ca, whose NME major shells of principal quantum number p equal to is severely quenched, all the other values cluster around 1, 2, and 3. We use the following notation; in shell p, a value M(0ν)=2.5. The limits of the effective neutrino the orbit j=p+1/2 is denoted by the spectroscopic label mass for a half life limit of 1025 y, that incorporate the of l=p and the remaining ones by r . The space r g is phase space factors, show a mild preference for some of p 3 adequatefor76Ge,82Seandtheirdescendants. Withthe the potential emitters. r h space for the neutrons and the g-r for the protons, In table II we compare the ISM results with the most 4 4 we aim to understand the decays of 96Zr, 100Mo,110Pd, recentQRPAcalculationsincludingthehigherordercor- and 116Cd. Finally the r -h space is a natural choice for rections discussed before. The range of values of the 4 thedescriptionofthe124Sn,128−130Te,and136Xedecays. NME’s shown in the table is that given by the authors, 4 TABLE II: Comparison of the present ISM results with the TABLE III: Comparison of the ISM results for the 48Ca de- range of values proposed in different QRPA calculations; (a) caysusingtheeffectiveinteractionsKB3,FPD6,andGXPF1 ref.[5,14],(b)ref[15]. Thevaluesofcolumn(a)havebeenin- creasedby10%withrespecttothenumbersgiveninref.[14], KB3 FPD6 GXPF1 forapropercomparison with theothers,becauseoftheiruse ofr0=1.1fm. Inthesamevein,theISMvaluesshouldalsobe MGT(2ν) 0.08 0.10 0.11 reduced by ∼10% to account approximately for the absence MGT(0ν) 0.67 0.73 0.62 of higher order corrections to thenuclear current. M0ν ISM QRPA(a) QRPA(b) 76Ge 2.58 3.81 - 4.96 4.06 - 5.26 TABLEIV:Influenceoftheshortrangecorrelations(SR)and 82Se 2.49 3.20 - 4.42 2.72 - 3.60 ofthenucleonfinitesize(FS)onthenuclearmatrixelements 128Te 2.67 2.79 - 4.00 3.37 - 4.42 of the neutrinoless doublebeta decays 130Te 2.41 2.57 - 3.59 3.00 - 4.22 136Xe 2.00 1.39 - 2.32 1.92 - 2.92 MGT(0ν) bare +FS +SR +FS+SR 48Ca →48Ti 1.21 0.93 0.74 0.67 76Ge →76Se 3.55 2.88 2.57 2.35 82Se→82Kr 3.33 2.72 2.43 2.26 andderivesfromthe differentchoicesofg andg used 130Te →130Xe 3.34 2.70 2.32 2.13 pp A in the calculations, as well as from the use or not of a 136Xe →136Ba 2.76 2.24 1.93 1.77 renormalized version of the QRPA. In addition, in order to make the comparison more transparent, we have se- lected the results that treat the short range correlations by means of a Jastrow factor. Overall, the two sets of ISM description, once the finite size of the nucleon is QRPA calculations are now compatible. The ISM pre- takenintoaccountbymeansofthe standarddipole form dictions of the NME’s are systematically smaller than factor[20],theeffectoftheshortrangecorrelations,that the QRPA central values, except in the case of 136Xe. wemodelbyaJastrowansatzfollowingref. [21],isabout This nucleus is semi-magic, and the present experimen- one half of what it would be without it. In fact, the tal limit on its 2ν decay half life is surprisingly large, ISM corrections for finite size and short range effects perhaps indicating that some subtle cancelation mecha- with the Jastrow prescription are quite close in per- nism is at work. For the others, a plausible explanation centagetotheQRPAvalues. Shortrangeandfinitesize of the discrepancy, relating it to the implicit seniority corrections proceed mainly through the reduction of the truncations present in the spherical QRPA calculations, Jπ=0+ pair contribution. Preliminary ISM calculations will be presented elsewhere. usingasofterprescriptionfortheshortrangecorrelations donotchangethispictureatall. Infact,therelativeval- ues of the ISM NME’s with respect to the QRPA ones seem to be independent of the choice of the (common) VI. EXPLORING THE DEPENDENCES OF prescription used for the the short range correlations. THE ISM RESULTS A. Effective interaction C. The influence of deformation The ISM results depend only weakly on the effective Changing adequately the effective interaction used in interactionsprovidedthey arecompatible with the spec- thecalculations,wecanincreaseordecreasethedeforma- troscopy of the region. For instance, in the pf shell we tion of parent, grand-daughter, or both, at will. In this have three interactions that work properly, KB3 [16], manner,wecangaugetheeffectofthesevariationsonthe FPD6 [17] and GXPF1 [18]. Their predictions for the decays. We have artificially changed the deformation of 2ν and the neutrinoless modes are quite close to each 48Tiand48CraddinganextraλQ·Qtermtotheeffective other(seetableIII). Similarly,inther gandr hspaces, 3 4 interaction. The results are presented in Fig. 2. Positive thevariationsamongthepredictionsofspectroscopically valuesofλincreasethedeformationwhilenegativevalues tested interactions are small (10-20%). reduceit. Forzerovaluesofbothλ’s,48Crisalreadywell deformed,while48Tiistransitional. Thecircletotheup- per left corresponds to the spherical-spherical situation, B. Finite size and short range corrections the square to the upper right to equally deformed Tita- niumandChromium,andthediamondtothebottomleft There has been a certaindebate among QRPA practi- toasphericalTitaniumandaverydeformedChromium. tioners about the amount of the reduction of the NME’s Our conclusion is that a large mismatch of deformation due to the short range correlations [19]. The debate has can reduce the ββ matrix elements by factors as large become milder after the publication of ref. [14]. In the as 2-3. This exercise indicates that the effect of defor- 5 2.5 λ (Cr)=-2 stant, even if the total Gamow-Teller strengths, (GT+) qq and (GT-), increase from 0.15 to 0.34 and from 20.5 to λ (Cr)=0 qq 26.9. ThelargerGT+strengthissomehowcompensated 2 λ (Cr)=+2 qq by a larger cancellation among the contributions of the differentintermediatestatesandbyashiftofthecentro¨ıd of the strength toward higher energy. ν 1.5 0 MGT We have also computed the 136Xe decay in the r4h spaceincluding2p-2hexcitationsfromthe0g9protonor- 2 1 bit and the matrix element increases less than 10%. In another set of calculations, we have included 2p2h neu- tron excitations toward the 0h9 and 1f7. The occupan- 0.5 2 2 cies that we obtain are relatively large (0.25 neutrons in each orbit) and the effect is to increase the matrix ele- -2 -1 0 1 2 λ (Ti) ment by 15%. It is interesting to note that the increase qq withthetwoorbitssimultaneouslyactiveisequivalentto that obtained including one or another orbit separately. FIG. 2: Influence of deformation in the (fictitious) decay of Therefore there is no pile-up of the contributions of the 48Ti. smallcomponentsofthewavefunction. Asapreliminary conclusion,theISMresultsseemtoberobustagainstthe inclusion of small components of the wave function. mation is very important and cannot be overlooked. We havereachedsimilarconclusionsforheavieremittersand a systematic exploration in realistic cases is under way. VIII. CONCLUSIONS VII. ISM CALCULATIONS IN QRPA-LIKE Large scale shell model calculations with high quality VALENCE SPACES effectiveinteractionsareavailableorwillbeintheimme- diatefutureforallbutoneoftheneutrinolessdoublebeta The ISM valence space for the 76Ge and 82Se decays emitters. The theoretical spread of the values of the nu- has traditionally encompassed the orbits 1p3, 0f5, 1p1, clearmatrixelementsenteringinthelifetimecalculations 2 2 2 and 0g9. In the QRPA, two major oscillator shells are is greatly reduced if the ingredients of each calculation 2 taken into account; 0f7, 1p3, 0f5, 1p1, 0g9, 1d5, 0g7, are examined critically and only those fulfilling a set of 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2s1, and 1d3. qualitycriteriaareretained. Aconcertedeffortofbench- A2 s a first2step toward a more complete benchmark- markingbetweenISMandQRPApractitionerswouldbe ing, we have evaluated the influence of the 2p-2h jumps of utmost importance to increase the reliability and pre- fromthe1f orbit–56Nicoreexcitations–inourresults cision of the nuclear structure input for the double beta 7/2 for the 82Se decay. Similar calculations for the 76Ge de- decay processes. cay are under way. The calculation in the full r g space 3 plus 2p-2h proton excitations from the 0f27 orbit gives a Acknowledgments This work is supported by the 20% increase of M0ν, but probably we overestimate the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science with a grant amountofcoreexcitations. Our0f7 protonoccupancies, FIS2006-1235 and by the IN2P3(France) CICyT(Spain) 2 7.71and7.69in82Se and82Kraresmallerthanthe BCS collaboration agreements. Some of the results of this occupancies of Rodin et al. [5], 7.84 and 7.84. There- work have been obtained in the framework of the ILIAS fore the above20%must be takenas a veryconservative integrating activity (Contract R113-CT-2004-506222)as upperbound. The2νmatrixelementremainsnearlycon- partoftheEUFP6programmeinAstroparticlePhysics. [1] Y. Fukuda, et al. (Super-Kamiokande Coll.) Phys. Rev. Phys. A766 (2006) 107. Lett.81 (1998) 1562. [6] J. Suhonen and O. Civitarese, Physics Reports 300 [2] Q. R. Ahmad, et al. (SNO Coll.) Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (1998) 123. 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