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Preview Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2004: Vol 222 Index

Available online at www.sciencedirect.com NIM B SCIENCE Geiser: with Materials & Atoms Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 222 (2004) 695-702 www.elsevier.com/locate/nimb Author index Adriaens, A., see D’Alessandro, A. 222 (2004) 261 Aidinis, C.J.,G.L.R. Mair, L. Bischoff, C.A. Londos, Ch. Akhmadaliev and Th. Ganetsos, The temperature dependence of the energy distribution of the beam emitted by an Aug>Si;s liquid metal field-ion emitter 222 (2004) 627 ee 6s 6 55 a Oo lo hle ke eb ae Oa ee Clk Ow ene ee bee b oaen.ees 222 (2004) 622 Akhmadaliev, Ch., see Aidinis, C.J. 222 (2004) 627 Alegaonkar, P.S., see Naddaf, M. 222 (2004) 135 Ali, M., PIXE and RIXRF comparison for applications to biological sample analysis 222 (2004) 567 Ali, S. and Alimuddin, On the angular and polarization distributions of the Mossbauer radiation |3/2°) — |1/ 2°) in single crystals 222 (2004) 371 Alimov, G.R., M.A. Kumakhov, A.T. Muminov, T.M. Muminov, B.S. Osmanov, U.S. Salikhbaev, A.N. Safarov, V.V. Skvortsov, R.R. Usmanov and B.S. Yuldashev, A setup for studies of ultra-small angle scattering of hard y-quanta 222 (2004) 681 ae ae de eke eh Wee 6.640% 6.59 40S S Rh kN eee be eee ewe bn~e eee 222 (2004) 371 Amekura, H., Y. Takeda and N. Kishimoto, Criteria for surface plasmon resonance energy of metal nanoparticles in silica glass 222 (2004) 96 Amekura, H., H. Kitazawa, N. Umeda, Y. Takeda and N. Kishimoto, Nickel nanoparticles in silica glass fabricated by 60 keV negative-ion implantation 222 (2004) 114 Avasthi, D.K., see Diva, K 222 (2004) 169 I a a ag i be ee a ter 222 (2004) 632 I Si A gi tr ial td hae i elle Mia ea Sak dg hitd dekalb $.Cblw emake we 222 (2004) 285 Bagi, J.. T.C. Nguyen and L. Lakosi, Assessment of the Pu content of Pu-Be neutron sources 222 (2004) 242 Balasubramanian, C., see Naddaf, M. 222 (2004) 135 EEC ER CE PE ne ee ee re ee 222 (2004) 175 Barabasi, A.-L., see Makeev, M.A. 222 (2004) 316 Barabasi, A.-L., see Makeev, M.A. 222 (2004) 335 Basnar, B., see Lugstein, A 222 (2004) 91 a ge ik ow a Ste 6S OOD © & Oh 0 eke wk AS eb es 222 (2004) 91 Bettiol, A.A., see Teo, E.J. 222 (2004) 513 Bhardwaj, D.M., D.C. Jain, K.V.R. Rao, R. Kumar, F. Singh and R.P. Gupta, Photoluminescence and atomic force microscopic studies on pre- and post-irradiated ruby with Ni°* ion 222 (2004) 533 Bhat, M., see Kaur, B. 222 (2004) 175 Bhatt, G., A.D. Yadav, S.K. Dubey and T.K. Gundu Rao, Investigation of defects in reactive ion-implanted silicon 222 (2004) 75 Bhoraskar, S.V., see Naddaf, M. 222 (2004) 135 Bhoraskar, V.N., see Naddaf, M 222 (2004) 135 Eee ee ee en ree ee ee ee ee ee Se ee ee ee ee 222 (2004) 235 RT Ee ee ee ee ee ee er ee eee ee ee 222 (2004) 484 Bischoff, L., G.L.R. Mair, A.W.R. Mair, Th. Ganetsos and Ch. Akhmadaliev, The mass spectrum of a tin liquid metal ion source 222 (2004) 622 oa a ay bbb dg we ood bb wes ORE OAT dO ONS a4S0} Oe eee 222 (2004) 627 Bizau, J.M., see LeGarrec, J.L. 222 (2004) 130 Blackwood, D.J., see Teo, E.J. 222 (2004) 513 Bliznakova, K., Z. Kolitsi and N. Pallikarakis, A Monte Carlo based radiotherapy simulator 222 (2004) 445 doi: 10.1016/S0168-583X(04)00864-X 696 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 222 (2004) 695-702 Boudreault, G., R.G. Elliman, R. Grotzschel, S.C. Gujrathi, C. Jeynes, W.N. Lennard, E. Rauhala, T. Sajavaara, H. Timmers, Y.Q. Wang and T.D.M. Weijers, Round Robin: measurement of H implantation distributions in Si by elastic recoil detection 2004) 547 Brandan, M.E., see Mercado-Uribe, H. 2004) 201 Breese, M.B.H., see Rana, M.A. 2004) 53 Breese, M.B.H., see Teo, E.J. 2004) 513 Brunelle, A. and S. Della-Negra, Trends to a semi-empirical model for cluster induced metal sputtering 2004) 68 Brunetti, A., E. Princi, S. Vicini, S. Pincin, S. Bidali and A. Mariani, Visualization of monomer and polymer inside porous stones by using X-ray tomography 2004) 235 ER a ee eT ee Pe ce ee era are a 2004) 497 a a ee ee ew ae a kee See we ee ep eae ee ow 2004) 469 Ee he EE en a eS OE SC SE ee ee ee ee eee CT Fea ee 2 (2004) 255 Celiktas, C., Improvement of electron scattering and transmission spectra on *’T1 isotope 2 (2004) 301 Cernik, R.J., see Tang, C.C. 2 (2004) 659 Cetin, F., A dynamic model for power deposition in ‘He lasers pumped by *He(n,p)*H reactions 2 (2004) 145 Chakraborty, B.R., see Diva, K. 2 (2004) 169 EPS Ee Tee eee ee eee ee Se ee Tee Pe 2 (2004) 497 Cherkova, S.G., see Kachurin, G.A. 2 (2004) 497 eek oe ee ae ee cate seed 6 6 ach 6a eo & 04 ewe Meee s kee 2 (2004) 81 NNNNNWNMYYYWNMNNN NYMYYN MNM Corstens, J.M., W. Knulst, O.J. Luiten and M.J. van der Wiel, An efficient method for calculating plural scattering of relativistic electrons in thin foils and multilayers 222 (2004) 437 Cruz, S.A., Pressure effects on the stopping and range of heavy ions 222 (2004) 411 D’Alessandro, A., S. Nava, R. Van Ham, A. Adriaens, F. Lucarelli, G. Marcazzan, P. Prati, G. Valli, R. Vecchi and A. Zucchiatti, PIXE and ToF-SIMS analysis of streaker samplers filters 2004) 261 De Cesare, N., see Lubritto, C. 2004) 255 Della-Negra, S., see Brunelle, A. Dendooven, P., see Huikari, J 2004) 632 ee a ina ea ae Rie AG Re OO ORM ee eee b> Ob Ce Eee RON 2004) 403 Diakun, G.P., see Tang, C.C. 2004) 659 te ha Sa a ald eg idle Hie oe Wb ae 68 0:4 8 bbw 60 O OS ee 60 eee 2004) 255 NNNWWYYYNNWNNN MYYYNmNNWWW NNYYM NNNY NN Diva, K., D. Kabiraj, B.R. Chakraborty, S.M. Shivaprasad and D.K. Avasthi, Investigation of V/Si mixing induced by swift heavy ions D’Onofrio, A., see Lubritto, C. Dubey, S.K., see Bhatt, G. Ducruet, M., see Renaud, G i a in ws oe be bs uel een ind babes a ee ae sia} Cie as pees eee et Duvauchelle, P., see Freud, N NWNWYNNMNNWN YNMNNNNNW MMYNNmN NYNNNM eS eee d i par ee ewe es ONE w beh ewd rete sb acetenes (2004) 105 Elliman, R.G., see Boudreault, G. (2004) 547 Ene, A., Improvement of sensitivity in PIGE analysis of steels by neutron-gamma coincidences measurement (2004) 228 SE RS ee hee ee Fe Renee ar ee ee ee (2004) 432 NNNNdYmMMNN YmNNN NMMm Fan, S., W. Luo, F. Yan, H. Zhang and Z. Zhao, MSDM calculations of primary isotopic yields from proton- induced reaction on *’*Pb at energy of 1 GeV I lace a es ks be pian eee eae ee ee eee eee ns heewe Fenyvesi, A., F. Tarkanyi and S.-J. Heselius, Excitation functions of nuclear reactions induced by *He- particles on cobalt 2004) 355 EEE Ge ee ETE ERE eT ee eee ee 2004) 587 Freud, N., P. Duvauchelle, S.A. Pistrui-Maximean, J.-M. Létang and D. Babot, Deterministic simulation of first-order scattering in virtual X-ray imaging (2004) 285 Fukumura, T., see Szelecsényi, F. (2004) 364 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 222 (2004) 695-702 697 SE EE SET EE NE AEE ed a LAN eam oe Ee Pee FL (2004) 491 ad Soe ere ks ete aie SB oal ok eis a ie) Bane ane bok Ow whale ord e beaee (2004) 135 a i tS oe ke ele eas 60.0 ob be ad ew odie seaweed Ne eeNe we week Od alee eee se aioe Evie Ges bares awry aa alek be daeewl oh a ae eee hee 26 ke ae ewe eRe Caw tb be ee eC eerenene rt I OS a, > Grad wile ee owk a wus eld pars Fed Buh ee eord 2 (2004) 477 Gialanella, L., see Lubritto, C. 2 (2004) 255 es I, Ss sk og cree ere ee ore oS b Pew ww a ele ee tee ne aeue bakeek 2 (2004) 547 eR eee ee rere are a ee a ry Ie ey Br 2 (2004) 547 Gundu Rao, T.K., see Bhatt, G. WWNYNWY2MNMMN2 NN2 N(Y20N04 ) 75 Gupta, R.P., see Bhardwaj, D.M. 222 (20045)3 3 Gurbich, A., see Pusa, P. 222 (20046)8 6 Gutakovsky, A.K., see Kachurin, G.A. 222 (20044)9 7 Ee ee COLT Ee TOE FETT Te ee CL POPE TES ee TET OTe 222 (2004) 403 en I os os he de 6 eh: s nab 5S ORC EDO EE Cee he OPER Ew SE cash e es 222 (2004) 593 Hallsten, U. and O. Solin, A method for calculating the energy distribution and yield of electrons ejected by protons in nitrogen gas targets (2004) 421 i ees Cae ba hs EES PENCE DEUS EE NASER ERO AOE RO Oe wee awe (2004) 577 He, Y., see Wang, R.N. NE OS TL eee eS ee eee ee eee ee Pe ee ce eee Te Pere es ee eS Hilger, A., see Strobl, M. Hjort, K., see Razpet, A. Hryciw, A., A. Meldrum, K.S. Buchanan and C.W. White, Effects of particle size and excitation spectrum on the photoluminescence of silicon nanocrystals formed by ion implantation 222 (2004) 469 rr re ee e's as oh 6 OWE RSS SER DEOL eave ORS OAC se CCR eae er eee 222 (2004) 27 Huang, B., see Liu, X. 222 (2004) 311 Huang, N., see Wen, F. 222 (2004) 81 Huikari, J., P.D endooven, A. Jokinen, A. Nieminen, H. Penttila, K. Perajarvi, A. Popov, S. Rinta-Antila and J. Aysté, Production of neutron deficient rare isotope beams at IGISOL; on-line and off-line studies . . 2 2 2 (2004) 632 ee eee ee ee er hee On ae ew Ee sea aS Ewe ORE BOO 2 2 2 (2004) 163 Imbriani, G., see Lubritto, C. ss Se og CdS Se eek sb A aids 600 TA we 06 6 6 0% &4 £6.0'6.4wGlN Ee Ewe beareee a Eeee eee eee ee ee ee e e ee ee eee ee 222 (2004) 533 Jaskierowicz, G., A. Dunlop and R. Jonckheere, Track formation in fluorapatite irradiated with energetic cluster ions 222 (2004) 213 ee a we le aie Ws W006 © OP CER SE ROWS OE Sk bab oa ome ee 222 (2004) 547 Ji, Y., see Tan, Z 222 (2004) 27 Jiang, W., V. Shutthanandan, S. Thevuthasan, D.E. McCready and W.J. Weber, Carbon analysis using energetic ion beams 222 (2004) 538 Jimbo, K., A. Kohyama and N. Suya, Iron acceleration with a simple iron gas-covered cathode in a tandem accelerator (2004) 619 ie a air nee bial ati die eee AS ae OID MEN Pale OD WO. RPO EROS (2004) 593 EN ERGY IPE ee NE ee meee re ee ee ee ee Te (2004) 632 Jonckheere, R., see Jaskierowicz, G (2004) 213 Kabiraj, D., see Diva, K. Kachurin, G.A., 8.G. Cherkova, V.A. Volodin, V.G. Kesler, A.K. Gutakovsky, A.G. Cherkov, A.V. Bublikov and D.I. Tetelbaum, Implantation of P ions in SiO, layers with embedded Si nanocrystals . . 2 (2004) 497 NS a ta da ae abide ke wh be ME 64402 wes e eee EERE Soha eer ee 2 (2004) 270 698 Author index / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 222 (2004) 695-702 I a a Se i eel et eae bie baie eas EN ae 222 (2004) 270 Karmakar, P. and D. Ghose, Low energy Ar” ion beam induced kinetic roughening of thin Pt films on a Si substrate 222 (2004) 477 Karydas, A.G., see Kavecic, M. 222 (2004) 601 Kaur, B., M. Bhat, F. Licci, R. Kumar, P.N. Kotru and K.K. Bamzai, Effect of 50 MeV Li** ion irradiation on mechanical characteristics of pure and Ga~—In substituted M-type strontium hexaferrite 222 (2004) 175 Kavecicé, M., A.G. Karydas and Ch. Zarkadas, Chemical state analysis of sulfur in samples of environmental interest using high resolution measurement of Ko diagram line 222 (2004) 601 Keay, J.C. and D.C. Ingram, Erratum to “Absolute cross section for forward recoiling hydrogen with 1.0 12.5 MeV *He” [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 211 (2003) 305-311] 222 (2004) 690 Kesler, V.G., see Kachurin, G.A 222 (2004) 497 Kessels, M.J.H., J. Verhoeven, A.E. Yakshin, F.D. Tichelaar and F. Bijkerk, lon beam induced intermixing of i te oe eee eb Ole Bb ee b.0 00 6s Fee ob SON Ue 222 (2004) 484 Kishimoto, N., see Amekura, H. 222 (2004) 96 Kishimoto, N., see Amekura, H. 222 (2004) 114 I Ge elk NS Re ae a ko whee aed owas KER ONC oe OWS wee we OOS 222 (2004) 270 oid ens ra Seale a oy wit Ob 6b Wa OV Ob obo 2S bE EWE ew 222 (2004) 114 Knulst, W., see Corstens, J.M 222 (2004) 437 aS EET ETT ee eee etP TC ETT CTE TET ee TT CTE CL Oe Te 222 (2004) 619 i a a te ie weak clara lale win die edible ce eee aes 222 (2004) 445 Kotru, P.N., see Kaur, B. 222 (2004) 175 a Se ke ee oe ESLER eee Neh ONS ae bb sabe deve 0 222 (2004) 364 Kumakhov, M.A., see Alimov, G.R. 222 (2004) 681 I eae a Pi es ete ee eek wud ewe bade Oe echoed hee eeewaw es 222 (2004) 175 Kumar, R., see Bhardwaj, D.M. 222 (2004) 533 EE ee eee Cee See Tee CORRE ETT Tee Tee 222 (2004) 1 Lakosi, L., see Bagi, J. 222 (2004) 242 i a ee bab die + oe Re Ube O08 Oe bde nee ek 222 (2004) 187 I ea oad eS ec Wes ees wil’ @ 6 ae fre, dee Gw 8 ode Rea ees 222 (2004) 659 Lazzari, R., see Renaud, G. 222 (2004) 667 LeGarrec, J.L., J.B.A. Mitchell, D. Travers and J.M. Bizau, A study of the interaction of VUV light with soot nanoparticles 222 (2004) 130 iD a cele de ial a ial aia ee ee eee A ee OW doh OO REE Ob 0 bb eee ee ed 222 (2004) 81 Lennard, W.N., see Boudreault, G. 222 (2004) 547 i ee eg bg Ear a ae mctiig Re Rie elaled C008 bbw be me en's wens 222 (2004) 285 Li, F., see Tan, Z. 222 (2004) 27 Li, F., see Liu, X 222 (2004) 311 Li, J., J. Hao, C. Zhang, Q. Tang, Y. Zhang, Q. Su and S. Wang, Thermoluminescence characteristics of BaB,O,:Dy phosphor 222 (2004) 577 Li, M.M., D.J. O’Connor and H. Timmers, A study of the charge state approach to the stopping power of MeV B, N and O ions in carbon 222 (2004) 11 Li, Q., A. Kitagawa, T. Kanai, M. Kanazawa, E. Urakabe, T. Tomitani, S. Sato and Z. Wei, Therapeutic purpose °C beams produced in the secondary beam line at HIMAC 222 (2004) 270 Licci, F., see Kaur, B 222 (2004) 175 Liu, M.H., see Teo, E.J. 222 (2004) 513 Liu, X., see Tan, Z. 222 (2004) 27 Liu, X., Y. Xia, F. Li, Q. Lu and B. Huang, Electronic stopping powers for fluorine ions in 'F*-implanted silver gallium diselenide 222 (2004) 311 Londos, C.A., see Aidinis, C.J. 222 (2004) 627 aca ds ba 6 0:6 66 iw eR RED OO RE ak bi 222 (2004) 311 Lubritto, C., D. Rogalla, M. Rubino, F. Marzaioli, I. Passariello, M.R omano, G. Spadaccini, G. Casa, A. Di Leva, N. De Cesare, A. D’Onofrio, L. Gialanella, G. Imbriani, A. Palmieri, V. Roca, C. Rolfs, C. Sabbarese, F. Strieder, D. Schiiermann and F. Terrasi, Accelerator mass spectrometry at the 4 MV Dynamitron Tandem in Bochum 222 (2004) 255 Lucarelli, F., see D'Alessandro, A 222 (2004) 261 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 222 (2004) 695-702 Lugstein, A., M. Weil, B. Basnar, C. Tomastik and E. Bertagnolli, A novel fabrication technique for crystallite growth on a (1 0 0) InAs surface utilizing focused ion beams 222 (2004) 91 Luiten, O.J., see Corstens, J.M. 222 (2004) 437 Luo, W., see Fan, S. 222 (2004) 44 Magudapathy, P., see Paulraj, M. 222 (2004) 123 Mahapatra, D.P., see Mohapatra, S. 222 (2004) 249 ee I osc 5 5 625K b.0 0 pie 0k 6.05'b 0 bn ou ise bbbeete Wands clhedeaiann 222 (2004) 622 Mair, G.L.R., see Bischoff, L. 222 (2004) 622 Mair, G.L.R., see Aidinis, C.J. 222 (2004) 627 Makeev, M.A. and A.-L. Barabasi, Effect of surface morphology on the sputtering yields. I. lon sputtering FEROS FEE COREE CE OEE OE ON OE EP. CE OD TPE SAE 222 (2004) 316 Makeev, M.A. and A.-L. Barabasi, Effect of surface morphology on the sputtering yields. II. lon sputtering from rippled surfaces 222 (20043)3 5 Mandle, A.B., see Naddaf, M. 222 (20041)3 5 ed OE WO 2g osc ewe S Welw ak Wb Hie Oe WA 8 he heed ORAS eE SENS 222 (20042)6 1 ne ae ee LaLa ehh else ee Bees 4b ear ee reve sees 222 (20042)3 5 Martin, C.M., see Tang, C.C. 222 (20046)5 9 a ae Ue el sees ia aed «bb enk kee tense eer 222 (20042)5 5 Massoud, A.M., see Soliman, C. 222 (20041)6 3 McCready, D.E., see Jiang, W. 222 (20045)3 8 es Pah ok acids od ok eh needed Ee kee ewes ben etree 222 (2004) 1 Meldrum, A., see Hryciw, A 222 (20044)6 9 Menyhard, M.., see Siile, P. 222 (20045)2 5 Mercado-Uribe, H. and M.E. Brandan, Thermoluminescent response of TLD-100 irradiated with 20 keV electrons and the use of radiochromic dye films for the fluence determination 222 (2004) 201 Mitchell, J.B.A., see LeGarrec, J.L. 222 (2004) 130 Mohamed, S.S., see Zohdy, M.H. 222 (2004) 105 Mohapatra, S. and D.P. Mahapatra, Rutherford backscattering and electron microscopy study of annealing behavior of MeV implanted gold in silicon 222 (2004) 249 ey Pens Or ES OE ns kon cc snece ebecteseesebs cceebectoussougees 222 (2004) 609 ci Nr Es ae ed GPO WED AT RORS VOACw OCS OEE 222 (2004) 364 ee ea okt Soke a tinal, ie 6 6 66 600s twee khe erabwees Sapeues 222 (2004) 681 Muminov, T.M., see Alimov, G.R. 222 (2004) 681 Naddaf, M., C. Balasubramanian, P.S. Alegaonkar, V.N. Bhoraskar, A.B. Mandle, V. Ganeshan and S.V. Bhoraskar, Surface interaction of polyimide with oxygen ECR plasma 222 (20041)3 5 Ce eee Ca fi ph aG ius bine e Seen bees Sena Ven ae er eeee 222 (20041)2 3 Nava, S., see D'Alessandro, A. 222 (20042)6 1 Nguyen, T.C., see Baji, J. 222 (20042)4 2 Nieminen, A., see Huikari, J 222 (20046)3 2 a a a ga de 966.i Wes Otn Oe EASON lee AED hak Web OewEe bad eeE RT eN Ke 222 (20045)2 5 Nurmela, A., see Pusa, P. 222 (20046)8 6 Ee ere eee Sete ee rer Terr re Pree erry oT te 2 oe CS Es ee eee ee eee eee ee ee ee ee Okur, I. and P.D. Townsend, Laser annealing and in situ absorption measurement of float glass implanted with Ag ions 2 (2004) 583 Osipowicz, T., see Rana, M.A. 2 (2004) 53 Osmanov, B.S., see Alimov, G.R. 2 (2004) 681 2 (2004) 19 Pacheco, A.M.G., M.C. Freitas and M.G. Ventura, A nonparametric assessment of the relative output of INAA and PIXE on joint determinands in environmental samples (atmospheric biomonitors) 22 (2004) 587 700 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 222 (2004) 695-702 ee ee, Sr ce Cioate ae Po Wis ae 66 Fed BA ah W ess Ped Dao be eed eeeeb awe 222 (2004) 445 Palmieri, A., see Lubritto, C 222 (2004) 255 Passariello, I., see Lubritto, C 222 (2004) 255 Paulraj, M., S. Ramkumar, K.P. Vijayakumar, C. Sudha Kartha, P. Magudapathy, K.G.M. Nair and B. Viswanathan, Studies on Ar* implanted CdS thin films using photothermal deflection technique (2004) 123 6 ask ods oy 6b whe OHSS OWED OS 0 ew ORIN Oe weeks Oh ene 8 bree. (2004) 632 rh i eh od Sb hb ee eb WS OS ADDED O CEES oS Oko DSSS NES Vice ES (2004) 632 Pincin, S., see Brunetti, A (2004) 235 EEE SR ee ee ee ee ee re ee eee ee ee (2004) 285 ee Od ee ob OE-6 4 O06 DA Ae EAE NOS 6 00 66 Ob FAS OO KEE OHSS Oe OREO (2004) 632 Possnert, G., see Razpet, A. (2004) 593 ES ee eee ee eee eer re er ee eee ee ee ee (2004) 518 Prati, P., see D’Alessandro, A (2004) 261 Princi, E., see Brunetti, A (2004) 235 NNNNWWNYYYNNNNNWWW NNNYNNNNNNNWMNW NYYYNYYV N NN N YNN YN Pruet, J., J. Hall, M.-A. Descalle and S. Prussin, Monte Carlo models for the production of B-delayed gamma- rays following fission of special nuclear materials 2004) 403 Prussin, S., see Pruet, J. 2004) 403 ee ieee gt a a eae teas Niele O lk bok OF FSO Oke eee Oa OS BPR OS Pusa, P., E. Rauhala, A. Gurbich and A. Nurmela, Alpha—proton elastic scattering cross sections for ERDA in the resonance region Ramkumar, S., see Paulraj, M. (2004) 123 toN et N Rana, M.A., M.B.H. Breese and T. Osipowicz, A Monte Carlo simulation study of channelling and dechannelling enhancement due to lattice translations (2004) 53 vs Se rk bares abd wie # 6p 6-000 s Gh Keeber bebe se ean oe te eed (2004) 533 Rauhala, E., see Boudreault, G (2004) 547 Rauhala, E., see Pusa, P. (2004) 686 NbNYmNNN NmYMNN NYM N Razpet, A., G. Possnert, A. Johansson, A. Hallén and K. Hjort, lon transmission and characterization of ordered nanoporous alumina 222 (2004) 593 Renaud, G., M. Ducruet, O. Ulrich and R. Lazzari, Apparatus for real time in situ quantitative studies of growing nanoparticles by grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering and surface differential reflectance spectroscopy 222 (2004) 667 ee Pee ee rere er er re ee are a ee ea ee ee ee 222 (2004) 632 Rivaton, A., D. Lalande and J.-L. Gardette, Influence of the structure on the y-irradiation of polypropylene and on the post-irradiation effects 2 (2004) 187 a SERIE Sere ee er eee ee ee a ey en ee ee ee ee 2 (2004) 255 EE Oe ET CE en eT ere Fee ere eee Te ee ee re (2004) 255 i ke a in a ei ee CRs ec i a ee eee wing dp Ale A ube & 2 (2004) 255 IS, 60 ten 66'S! 6 © POSES OGU NOO FEE CSOT KEEE OCG RTO.0'0 8 OeW hEE Pemeee 2 (2004) 255 NT Oe ee CT eae ae ary e ree a ae NWWWYNNNNNSNN MmMYmNN? N(2 004) 255 Sabbarese, C., see Lubritto, C. (2004) 255 Safarov, A.N., see Alimov, G.R. (2004) 681 a Sa ae ae cia ena le ali aie aiela's bia 9 5.0.0:b a Cd 686 60a den eee eae (2004) 547 Salikhbaev, U.S., see Alimov, G.R. (2004) 681 at a SD i oe Ce bee NCS eww ede deew a Raeabds (2004) 270 Schiiermann, D., see Lubritto, C (2004) 255 es ee a a oe ee ons bab Pee heheh ee ee eae ea aeb (2004) 1 ET ee ee ey a ea Fe (2004) 1 Shivaprasad, S.M., see Diva, K. (2004) 169 Shutthanandan, V., see Jiang, W YNNNNW2WW YVNN N(N2 0N04N) 538 Singh, F., see Bhardwaj, D.M 2 (2004) 533 Singh, N., see Singh, P 2 (2004) 1 NNNNNWWYNNNWNNNNW NNNYNYN NYNN N NNN Y N Singh, P., D. Mehta, S. Kumar, M. Sharma, S. Puri, J.S. Shahi and N. Singh, Large angle elastic and inelastic scattering of 14.93 keV photons 222 (2004) 1 Author index / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 222 (2004) 695-702 Singh, S. and S. Prasher, The etching and structural studies of gamma irradiated induced effects in CR-39 plastic track recorder Sinha, O.P., see Srivastava, P.C. IU i a a eg ke a ee aly el cea a oh eee eee gate adbale 222 (2004) 681 Soliman, C., A.M. Massoud and M.A. Hussein, Thermoluminescence of the blue emission band of dolomite 222 (2004) 163 ee I fe te ss Wie Ba diela bee b aha tee hk tele eee ew 2ST O Thane wo 222 (2004) 421 iss ek hake ban peed oh bh ead ea bd.0 ae eee ee ha eeemeee 222 (2004) 255 Srivastava, P.C., V. Ganesan and O.P. Sinha, Evidence of plastic flow and recrystallization phenomena in swift (~100 MeV) Si’* ion irradiated silicon 222 (2004) 491 Strieder, F., see Lubritto, C. 222 (2004) 255 Strobl, M., W. Treimer and A. Hilger, First realisation of a three-dimensional refraction contrast computerised neutron tomography 222 (2004) 653 Su, Q., see Li, J 222 (2004) 577 I 0, CS 36 0 Siig 0G ae eek Owe ep Boe CRED ake ee eee 222 (2004) 123 Siile, P.. M. Menyhard and K. Nordlund, Cooperative mixing induced surface roughening in bilayer metals: a possible novel surface damage mechanism 222 (2004) 525 Sun, H., see Wen, F. 222 (2004) 81 Suya, N., see Jimbo, K. 222 (2004) 619 ne I ea ee eS a ks Ba ot ew ew ads wae teehee. Vote eaeee eel 222 (2004) 364 Swenson, D.R., Measurement of averages of charge, energy and mass of large, multiply charged cluster ions colliding with atoms 222 (2004) 61 Szelecsényi, F., Z. Kovacs, K. Suzuki, K. Okada, T. Fukumura and K. Mukai, Formation of “’Cu and °'Cu via Co + *He reactions up to 70 MeV: production possibility of “’Cu for PET studies Takeda, Y., see Amekura, H. Takeda, Y., see Amekura, H. Takeuchi, W. and Y. Yamamura, Computer simulation of TOF-ICISS spectra applied to Ta segregation on TiC(O 0 1) surface Tan, Z., Y. Xia, M. Zhao, X. Liu, F. Li, B. Huang and Y. Ji, Electron stopping power and mean free path in organic compounds over the energy range of 20—10,000 eV Tang, C.C., C.M. Martin, D. Laundy, S.P. Thompson, G.P. Diakun and R.J. Cernik, X-ray beam characteristics on MPW6.2 at the SRS 222 (2004) 659 EE aa heute aa ee wl ach ae wk a Ae 6 OS a WOO OO ENE ao bode oo Cn we 222 (2004) 577 es IS ee ad Se ulk a) wise bie Oe © oO 66-6404 On 6 8 wee Ee Oe eA 222 (2004) 355 Sa a i a a ek ee aed ah a ein a0) 6 Oh 0e en eneees _ Teo, E.J., E.P. Tavernier, M.B.H. Breese, A.A. Bettiol, F. Watt, M.H. Liu and D.J. Blackwood, Three- dimensional micromachining of silicon using a nuclear microprobe 2 2 (2004) 513 Teodoro, O.M.N.D. and A.M.C. Moutinho, How non-destructive is ISS? .. 2.2... 0 ee eee 2 2 (2004) 609 i as 6d Bee sae a iale-a SEES hes abd ee eke) ees ee eaOS 2 2 (2004) 255 Tetelbaum, D.1., see Kachurin, G.A. 2 2 (2004) 497 Thevuthasan, S., see Jiang, W 2 2 (2004) 538 Thompson, S.P., see Tang, C.C. 2 2 (2004) 659 ada ow 6a bhai ord be SRE Rte ad wR ee oles 3.0 baled b6e eb een 2 2 (2004) 484 Timmers, H., see Li, M.M. 2 2 (2004) 11 Timmers, H., see Boudreault, G. 2 2 (2004) 547 EE ES EE a ee ee re rey eee ee ere ere ee ee ee 2 2 (2004) 91 Tomitani, T., see Li, Q. 2 2 (2004) 270 Townsend, P.D., see Okur, I. 2 2 (2004) 583 NNNNNWlYNV NNN NN Travers, D., see LeGarrec, J.L. 222 (2004) 130 I a a a ee te fd a ele WE eRe ee he Oe MER ee eee eee 222 (2004) 653 Turgut, U. and M. Ertugrul, L X-ray intensity ratios for elements in the range 74 < Z < 92 at 31.635 keV . 222 (2004) 432 Ulrich, O., see Renaud, G. 222 (2004) 667 Umeda, N., see Amekura, H. 222 (2004) 114 Ee a ee ee ere ee ee ee ee Pee 222 (2004) 270 i a oe gle ae dee be ee ee oh e © ew arb se6 Ob oad eee ee 222 (2004) 681 702 Author index / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 222 (2004) 695—702 Valli, G., see D'Alessandro, A. 222 (20042)6 1 a che Oe wie bck aew ro e be and bi alee dd bd bce el eek 222 (20044)3 7 I A os pe beled we awh abe eoeeecbd hkk ckus cues 222 (20042)6 1 Vecchi, R., see D’Alessandro, A. 222 (20042)6 1 gS re eos bb bia be Bee Wo ad wa hel ele be Wee bc kd wet bee 222 (20045)8 7 I a ae a ee a a Oe es 222 (20044)8 4 a he es Ns ek ee eee ie Oe ts 222 (20042)3 5 Vijayakumar, K.P., see Paulraj, M. 222 (20041)2 3 a a eal 2 ie ew be cae Nw RA ORS ee eee t eee kab bes 222 (20041)2 3 Volodin, V.A., see Kachurin, G.A 222 (20044)9 7 a i Ae a a a re ea ok Mal a ale aba beaks 222 (2004) 81 Wang, R.N., Y. He and J.Y. Feng, Explanation of the enhancement of NiSi thermal stability according to TFD equations and Miedema’s model 222 (2004) 462 Wang, S., see Li, J 222 (2004) 577 Wang, Y.Q., see Boudreault, G. 222 (2004) 547 Watt, F., see Teo, E.J. 222 (2004) 513 Weber, W.J., see Jiang, W. 222 (2004) 538 Wei, Z., see Li, Q. 222 (2004) 270 Weijers, T.D.M., see Boudreault, G. 222 (2004) 547 PCE PCE COC ERE TEE ee CR EET Tee re rr eres Pe 222 (2004) 91 Wen, F., N. Huang, H. Sun, G.J. Wan, P.K. Chu and Y. Leng, The study of composition, structure, mechanical properties and platelet adhesion of Ti-O/TiN gradient films prepared by metal plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition 222 (2004) 81 eS hare a CE ei ee heat ose eka es oe Redes 8iOSO 0b Sede OeSa bee been’ 222 (2004) 469 Xia, Y., see Tan, Z. 222 (2004) 27 Xia, Y., see Liu, X. 222 (2004) 311 i ee Se ie oe gee le PS LSS 222 (2004) 75 Yakshin, A.E., see Kessels, M.J.H. 222 (2004) 484 Yamamura, Y., see Takeuchi, W. 222 (2004) 505 Yan, F., see Fan, S. 222 (2004) 44 aE on ns ane a ob tiellae > Gmedk WeleGi 6a skiwar 222 (2004) 681 re 2. 5h iss cec hineh fd eae ES Ter we Rede eb ede eweeeee bee Neues 222 (2004) 601 PG ei ee fa ee aa os ee he ee Wale bare a Se Ws aoie oCnaw ve eke 222 (2004) 577 Zhang, H., see Fan, S. 222 (2004) 44 hese ea es ee 66 beth oe b.e bk ieee se Pee ae RE CUS EEE EC eb eae’ 222 (2004) 577 nr. foie Pt kee eee bee Oba bahid hb eKkw bah Che Res 222 (2004) 27 Zhao, Z., see Fan, S. 222 (2004) 44 Zohdy, M.H., S.S. Mohamed and A.W.M. El-Naggar, Crease recovery, mechanical and thermal properties of synthetic fabrics treated with electron beam irradiation 222 (2004) 105 Zucchiatti, A., see D'Alessandro, A. 222 (2004) 261 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com NIM B science @poinecr: Beam interactions with Materials & Atoms Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 222 (2004) 703-706 www.elsevier.com/locate/nimb Subject index Basic Data for Materials Modification and Analysis Large angle elastic and inelastic scattering of 14.93 keV photons, P. Singh, D. Mehta, S. Kumar, M. Sharma, S. Puri, J.S. Shahi and N. Singh 222 (2004) A study of the charge state approach to the stopping power of MeV B, N and O ions in carbon, M.M. Li, D.J. O’Connor and H. Timmers 222 (2004) A new C3-like model for the photodouble ionization of He, S$. Otranto and C.R. Garibotti 222 (2004) Electron stopping power and mean free path in organic compounds over the energy range of 20—10,000 eV, Z. Tan, Y. Xia, M. 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Vijayakumar, C. Sudha Kartha, P. Magudapathy, K.G.M. Nair and B. Viswanathan Explanation of the enhancement of NiSi thermal stability according to TFD equations and Miedema’s model, R.N. Wang, Y. He and J.Y. Feng 222 (2004) 462 Effects of particle size and excitation spectrum on the photoluminescence of silicon nanocrystals formed by ion implantation, A. Hryciw, A. Meldrum, K.S. Buchanan and C.W. White Low energy Ar* ion beam induced kinetic roughening of thin Pt films on a Si substrate, P. Karmakar and D. Ghose lon beam induced intermixing of interface structures in W/Si multilayers, M.J.H. Kessels, J. Verhoeven, A.E. Yakshin, F.D. Tichelaar and F. Bijkerk 222 (2004) 484 Evidence of plastic flow and recrystallization phenomena in swift (~100 MeV) Si’* ion irradiated silicon, P.C. Srivastava, V. Ganesan and O.P. Sinha 222 (2004) 491 Implantation of P ions in SiO, layers with embedded Si nanocrystals, G.A. Kachurin, $.G. Cherkova, V.A. Volodin, V.G. Kesler, A.K. Gutakovsky, A.G. Cherkov, A.V. Bublikov and D.1. Tetelbaum 222 (2004) 497 Computer simulation of TOF-ICISS spectra applied to Ta segregation on TiC(0 0 1) surface, W. Takeuchi and Y. Yamamura 222 (2004) 505 Three-dimensional micromachining of silicon using a nuclear microprobe, E.J. Teo, E.P. Tavernier, M.B.H. Breese, A.A. Bettiol, F. Watt, M.H. Liu and D.J. Blackwood 222 (2004) 513 Effects of Radiation A study of the interaction of VUV light with soot nanoparticles, J.L. LeGarrec, J.B.A. Mitchell, D. Travers and J.M. Bizau 222 (2004) 130 Surface interaction of polyimide with oxygen ECR plasma, M. Naddaf, C. Balasubramanian, P.S. Alegaonkar, V.N. Bhoraskar, A.B. Mandle, V. Ganeshan and S.V. Bhoraskar 2 (2004) 135 A dynamic model for power deposition in “He lasers pumped by *He(n,p)'H reactions, F. Cetin 2 (2004) 145 Thermoluminescence of the blue emission band of dolomite, C. Soliman, A.M. Massoud and M.A. Hussein 2 (2004) 163 Investigation of V/Si mixing induced by swift heavy ions, K. Diva, D. Kabiraj, B.R. Chakraborty, S.M. Shivaprasad and D.K. Avasthi 222 (2004) 169 Effect of 50 MeV Li** ion irradiation on mechanical characteristics of pure and Ga-In substituted M-type strontium hexaferrite, B. Kaur, M. Bhat, F. Licci, R. Kumar, P.N. Kotru and K.K. Bamzai 222 (2004) 175 Influence of the structure on the y-irradiation of polypropylene and on the post-irradiation effects, A. Rivaton, D. Lalande and J.-L. Gardette Thermoluminescent response of TLD-100 irradiated with 20 keV electrons and the use of radiochromic dye films for the fluence determination, H. Mercado-Uribe and M.E. Brandan Track formation in fluorapatite irradiated with energetic cluster ions, G. Jaskierowicz, A. Dunlop and R. Jonckheere 222 (2004) 213 The etching and structural studies of gamma irradiated induced effects in CR-39 plastic track recorder, S. Singh and S. Prasher 222 (2004) 518 Cooperative mixing induced surface roughening in bilayer metals: a possible novel surface damage mechanism, P. Siile, M. Menyhard and K. Nordlund 222 (2004) 525

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