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Preview Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2004: Vol 213 Index

Available online at www.sciencedirect.com NIM B science @oinecrs Beam interactions with Materials & Atoms Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 213 (2004) 789-805 www.elsevier.com/locate/nimb Author index a ln aaah bin y'bi0'a 0.6 dE PEASE LES KAN D ERA Cade ES CARE CeO 213 (2004) 373 Abedin-Zadeh, R., see Brunetti, G. 213 (2004) 414 Abulude, S.O., see Balogun, F.A. 213 (2004) 333 I i sk, hn akc cat wri Site desl i @ wa ak ce fo eal ch Saal i al i a 213 (2004) 167 Adams, J.M., Present and future trends for neutron source calibrations at the National Institute of Standards and Technology 213 (20042)1 8 Aerts, G., see Milazzo, P.M. 213 (2004) 36 pe ES OS Serres eee Te eee ee ee ey ee ee ee 213 (2004) 333 CR a ee er er re ae er re ee A ee 213 (2004) 60 Ammi, H., S. Mammeri and M. Allab, Energy loss straggling of energetic 'H and °H ions crossing polypropylene foils 213 (2004) 60 Andrade, M.B., see Sullasi, H.S. 213 (2004) 756 i BED I A... 6 0-0 0 6 cin 6 ov 6:00 tka dé cease (400 549046 d Od bee seen oases AA eeees 213 (2004) 607 Anjos, M.J., R.C. Barroso, C.A. Pérez, D. Braz, 8. Moreira, K.R.H.C. Dias and R.T. Lopes, Elemental mapping of teeth using pSRXRF 213 (2004) 569 Aparo, M., see Brunetti, G 213 (2004) 414 pS a | SS TTT ET ETET TTT TPE TT ele te 213 (2004) 633 Araujo, M.F., L. de Barros, A.C. Teixeira and A.A. de Melo, EDXRF study of Prehistoric artefacts from Quinta do Almaraz (Cacilhas, Portugal) 213 (2004) 741 CR ES) eee er Se re Pre eer ee ee eno tae 213 (2004) 729 Arnaldi, R., E. Chiavassa, A. Colla, P. Cortese, G. Dellacasa, N.D e Marco, A. Ferretti, M. Gallio, A. Musso, C. Oppedisano, A. Piccotti, F. Poggio, E. Scalas, E. Scomparin, F. Sigaudo and E. Vercellin, Resistive plate chamber for thermal neutron detection 213 (2004) 284 Arnold, M., see Nie, H. 213 (2004) 579 Aryaeinejad, R., see Gehrke, R.J. 213 (2004) 10 Auricchio, N., A. Donati, W. Dusi, E. Perillo and P. Siffert, A comparison between the response of compound semiconductor detectors in single and back-to-back configuration 213 (2004) 272 ee, a OG ee TS. oo ob 60's 6 6008 08 6660 66 0ss bee ches habe s 0 eee eee 213 (2004) 315 Avila-Perez, P., see Martinez, T. 213 (2004) 584 Yeeee ee ee ee er eT e e ee Pee Te eo ee 213 (2004) 770 Ayta, W.E.F., see Sullasi, H.S. 213 (2004) 756 ee ie es ee: OM... 5.00 6:6 9.6 0.034.660 20a Oa oN a RES OES Seed e Reese bee seheeneet 213 (2004) 761 Azorin, J., see Rivera, T 213 (2004) 325 SS ee PPT TTT ETE CC Ieee TT Oe ee ee ee et 213 (2004) 329 Baccaro, S., A.C emmi, C. Colombi, M. Fiocca, G. Gambarini, B. Lietti and G. Rosi, In-phantom dose mapping in neutron capture therapy by means of solid state detectors 213 (2004) 666 Baldazzi, G., T. Bernardi, J.E. Fernandez, P. Ferrari, P.L. Rossi, G. Testoni and R. Zannoli, X-rays spectroscopy with a portable Compton selection chamber: detector design and results 213 (2004) 223 Baldazzi, G., D. Bollini, M. Gambaccini, M. Gombia, L. Ramello and A. Tuffanelli, Dual energy imaging in mammography: Cross-talk study in a Si array detector 213 (2004) 603 Balogun, F.A., J.O. Ojo, F.O. Ogundare, S.O. Abulude, M.A. Eleruja, M.K. Fasasi, G.O. Egharevba and E.O.B. Ajayi, Influence of pre-irradiation annealing and Li,—Co,;_,)-O thin film deposition on the TL response of soda lime glass 213 (2004) 333 SS SS) Ok ee rer rer eer rere ee rire rere ee 213 (2004) 294 Barbui, M., see Fioretto, E 213 (2004) 457 doi: 10.1016/S0168-583X(03)02073-1 790 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 213 (2004) 789-805 ITE EE Ree ee eee ya) a ee ee ee er ee er ar 213 (2004) 544 Barmakov, Ju.N., E.P. Bogolubov, A.P. Koshelev, V.I. Mikerov and V.I. Ryzhkov, Detection quantum efficiency and spatial resolution of neutron CCD-detectors 213 (2004) 241 Barouch, G., S. Legoupil, B. Stutz and R. Woo, Measurements within cloud cavitation by means of X-ray attenuation device 213 (20045)0 3 ee ee ad bay aw Ah eee eR ek Ob eean os nabs be w ewe es 213 (2004) 82 Barroso, R.C., see Anjos, M.J. 213 (20045)6 9 Bastiano, M., see Fernandez, J.E. 213 (20041)0 5 a ete asa a a ake og 5a kg pp lala eS 6 Wd MSW Oke MWe re bine o0 Ra bale Sivedle es 213 (20046)4 6 Belgya, T. and G.L. Molnar, Accurate relative y-ray intensities from neutron capture on natural chromium 213 (2004) 29 es Br aa its aay pbb web BA FN 6 bib'W 86 86 0.94 od:4 Ova O86 0's 213 (2004) 32 eee a ee bab edehae Wee Soe eis een ed eed eens ess 213 (20043)8 5 cee ee es ae ks ek SE ATE AES aOR be eV bee ed 6 ba bo 213 (20043)8 9 Se ee ere a eee ee ee eer eee ee 213 (20044)0 6 Benazzouz, C., N. Benouattas, S. laiche and A. Bouabellou, Study of diffusion at surface of multilayered Cu/Au films on monocrystalline silicon 213 (2004) 519 cl a ek cee eb eG he e.5 e4 ae be Kee 6H 00s wo 08 213 (2004) 519 Benzi, V., F. Mezzetti, F. Rocchi and M. Sumini, Feasibility analysis of a Plasma Focus neutron source for BNCT treatment of transplanted human liver 213 (2004) 611 Bernardi, T., see Baldazzi, G. 213 (2004) 223 eee re a te oe Ue eee h be oe 8S Cw en eh bbe ENTEED OED OOO OSS 213 (2004) 530 ke ee oe kee 5 £5 ok be Mae eee eae wees 6 we e0-8e 8 Ke 213 (2004) 36 Bettuzzi, M., S. Cornacchia, M. Rossi, E. Paltrinieri, M.P. Morigi, R. Brancaccio, D. Romani and F. Casali, A new linear array detector for high resolution and low dose digital radiography 213 (2004) 227 Bettuzzi, M., F. Ravaioli, R. Rosa, M. Rossi, E. Paltrinieri, M.P. Morigi, R. Brancaccio, D. Romani and F. Casali, High resolution determination of the spatial distribution of radioisotopes with a digital intensified detector 213 (20043)0 0 Bettuzzi, M., see Casali, F. 213 (20046)1 6 Bianconi, M., see Zanarini, M. 213 (20043)1 5 Bichlmeier, S., see Vittiglio, G. 213 (20046)9 3 Biggs, M., see Borsaru, M. 213 (20045)3 0 ae a Le cide ee eNO eb web Seow RSd Se Oe meee NS 213 (20043)2 1 ee ga Seana esS e his A oe 606.8 0b Sb OF Eb OO ROAR WED OEY Se 213 (20043)4 8 Birattari, C., see Groppi, F. 213 (20043)7 3 Bird, A.J., see Wright, G.A. 213 (20041)6 2 Bisceglie, E., see Terlizzi, R. 213 (20042)1 0 Blagus, S., D. Sudac and V. Valkovic, Hidden substances identification by detection of fast neutron induced y rays using associated particle technique 213 (2004) 434 EE EE EE ee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee 213 (2004) 241 Bogolubov, Ye.P., S.A. Korotkov, L.A. Korytko, V.G. Morukov, V.I. Nazarov, Yu.G. Polkanov and T.O. Khasaev, Method and system based on pulsed neutron generator for fissile material detection in luggage . 213 (2004) 439 I Sh cere le eS ae eS Cla a eee dig bd ue OA Meo Melt W Eh O06 Os bee ee 213 (2004) 310 Bollini, D., see Baldazzi, G 213 (2004) 603 Bonardi, M.L., C. Birattari, F. Groppi, L. Gini, C.H.S. Mainardi and E. Menapace, Determination of '**I impurities in ['**Ilabelled radiopharmaceuticals, by liquid scintillation counting: sensitivity of the method 213 (2004) 348 ce See a a a 564 ok oa BNO WSO EH elh ed Ch ake ee 58S Ouse 213 (2004) 373 Bondioli, L., see Rossi, M. 213 (2004) 747 IRE I IEi SE SRA er ree a a eA en eee 213 (2004) 206 Bonifazzi, C., A. Tartari, M.N. Cinti, L. Nanetti, R. Pellegrini and R. Pani, Description of the response in scintillation crystal arrays: analytical versus statistical approaches 213 (2004) 231 Bonifazzi, C., E. Lodi, G. Maino, V. Muzzioli, L. Nanetti, N. Ludwig, M. Milazzo and A. Tartari, Investigation of defects in Fresco substrates by means of the ECoSp imaging system and the principal component image analysis 213 (2004) 707 Bonifazzi, C., E. Lodi, G. Maino, V. Muzzioli, L. Nanetti and A. Tartari, Multivariate image analysis of ECoSp Compton spectra 213 (2004) 712 TE Ee ee oe ee ee eee ee 213 (2004) 82 Se wre ok aa a ba eh. e aca bs wd a Od Ko Sede alee bee haeee eee eee 213 (2004) 560 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 213 (2004) 789-805 Borsaru, M., J. Charbucinski, A. Rojc, N.D. Thanh and N.T. Tuy, Probe for determination of ash in coal stockpiles 213 (2004) 422 Borsaru, M., M. Berry, M. Biggs and A. Roje, In situ determination of sulphur in coal seams and overburden rock by PGNAA 213 (20045)3 0 i Ra os ak Se ne a4 bo E aS ee CNS OE CEN Oe eee eae bi 213 (20042)6 0 ee Os oss 58% 6s eb. ea SS UC eb OR ew Ow Ue eo CECE eee eee eee 213 (20045)1 9 Bourhis-Martin, E., see Moss, R.L. 213 (20046)3 3 a whe ee eb eo kbs Sites Me ka ae Re ieee be eee Een ate 213 (20045)4 8 RE EE a Pee yye r en re ner beg en Sa 213 (20045)5 2 a kd ane oad pe Med nee Rae hw hee See DET pee Meeee Lele owed 213 (20045)6 4 Brancaccio, R., see Bettuzzi, M. 213 (20042)2 7 Brancaccio, R., see Bettuzzi, M. 213 (20043)0 0 Brancaccio, R., see Casali, F. 213 (20046)1 6 es I I as 0 i: 6S w 6d a bd Wie bo teehee Lb ke 6b a eens th heise Meee 213 (20042)9 4 Braz, D., R.T. Lopes and L.M.G. Motta, Research on fatigue cracking growth parameters in asphaltic mixtures using computed tomography 213 (2004) 498 Braz, D., see Anjos, M.J. 213 (2004) 569 en 2 MEAN, 4. oid dienhs 0s ¥en e 6 6108 6ie wh Ae oO ee Poe hed bare os © deh eee 213 (2004) 250 ES A Ne er ee ee Se ee ee ee ey eee” 213 (2004) 82 Brown, F.B., see Forster, R.A. 213 (2004) 82 Brunetti, A., see Golosio, B. 213 (2004) 108 ee eer a rere. Serer re ee re RT eh wl ees 213 (2004) 703 Brunetti, G., F.V. Frazzoli, D. Parise, T. Dragnev, R. Abedin-Zadeh, M. Aparo, S. Guardini and A. Ravazzani, An application of gamma/X-ray/weighing methods for the complete in field assay of nuclear materials 213 (2004) 414 re, Seis, CP IG TE sag 4-0 -w'winie d b's a eceleris 966d ota Gee Ob oe bw SG RSE EE hee Oe ew enw 213 (2004) 703 ey gen bo bse 90d bee ES WOO eS FOOSE ES OAS O45 eee oe eee sor ween 213 (2004) 82 A ee re ie earn aren ey ear ne error ere AS ee ee ee DR 213 (2004) 723 Bustreo, N., see Milazzo, P.M. 213 (2004) 36 Byun, S.H., G.M. Sun and H.D. Choi, Prompt gamma activation analysis of boron in reference materials using diffracted polychromatic neutron beam 213 (2004) 535 Cabrera, L., see Martinez, T 213 (2004) 584 Camargo, F., see Sastry, M.D. 213 (2004) 751 Canetta, E. and G. Maino, Molecular dynamic analysis of the structure of dendrimers 213 (2004) 71 Cano-Ott, D., see Milazzo, P.M. 213 (2004) 36 Carballo, J., see Ferrero, J.L. 213 (2004) 729 Carmo Oliveira, M., see Oliveira, C. 213 (2004) 662 Carrasco Lourtau, A.M., see Rubio Montero, M.P. 213 (2004) 429 Casali, F., see Bettuzzi, M. 213 (2004) 227 Casali, F., see Bettuzzi, M. 213 (2004) 300 Casali, F., M. Rossi, M.P. Morigi, R. Brancaccio, E. Paltrinieri, M. Bettuzzi, D.R omani, M. Ciocca, G. Tosi, C. Ronsivalle and M. Vignati, An electron beam imaging system for quality assurance in IORT 213 (2004) 616 ee Oe so £6 ba y.6 cb Ode 6S 6.0 woe hohe oak eee PEW ee Od eed Pee eee eda een ee eee 213 (2004) 747 Castellano, A., see Cesareo, R. 213 (2004) 703 Cavallini, A., see Zanarini, M 213 (2004) 315 Cechak, T., J. Gerndt, I. Kopeckd and L. Musilek, X-ray fluorescence in research on Czech cultural monuments 213 (2004) 735 OO EE Fe Pere ee Ce Pe er ree yee re Te eee eo Tee ee ee 213 (2004) 666 Sih: ND CTI 6 6 bid 6.6 ob 6 wd be ole bb wis edd ON wee ee OSE pel O45 5 48 e ha eee 213 (2004) 36 Cerullo, N., G.G. Daquino, L. Muzi and J. Esposito, Development of a treatment planning system for BNCT based on positron emission tomography data: preliminary results 213 (2004) 637 Cerullo, N., J. Esposito and G.G. Daquino, Spectrum shaping assessment of accelerator-based fusion neutron sources to be used in BNCT treatment 213 (2004) 641 Cesareo, R., see Golosio, B. 213 (2004) 108 Cesareo, R., A. Castellano, G. Buccolieri, S. Quarta, M. Marabelli, P. Santopadre, M. Leole and A. Brunetti, Portable equipment for energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis of Giotto’s frescoes in the Chapel of the Scrovegni 213 (2004) 703 792 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 213 (2004) 789-805 Chakir, E., see El Khoukhi, T. 213 (2004) 770 Chankow, N. and S. Pojchanachai, A unit for inspection of materials using differential gamma-ray scattering technique 213 (2004) 418 Chankow, N., A. Pattarasumunt and C. Po-Lee, A simple technique to improve sensitivity of a B backscatter 213 (20044)2 6 Charbucinski, J., see Borsaru, M. 213 (20044)2 2 Chawla, R., see Negreanu, C. 213 (2004) 55 Cherkaoui, R.M., see El Khoukhi, T 213 (20047)7 0 a sd oe hk eae) 40S 4 ewes OR eR MEETS 213 (20045)7 9 Chettle, D.R., see O’Meara, J.M 213 (20045)6 0 Chettle, D.R., see Popovic, M. 213 (20045)9 9 a ee ade kk bel koh ene Ob SS 008 6866 LMr OWeee eee HON 213 (20042)8 4 EN EE ee ee eee ee eee ee ee ee ee a 213 (20043)6 4 Chirco, P., see Zanarini, M. 213 (20043)1 5 ANT ETE CELA ER ATO URE CU CECE LER TLETETALER CULE ea 213 (20045)3 5 Chouak, A., see El Khoukhi, T. 213 (20047)7 0 Cinausero, M., see Fioretto, E. 213 (20044)5 7 Cinausero, M., see Lunardon, M. 213 (20045)4 4 Cinti, M.N., see Pani, R 213 (20041)9 7 Cinti, M.N., see Bonifazzi, C. 213 (20042)3 1 Ciocca, M., see Casali, F. 213 (20046)1 6 Colangelo, P., see Terlizzi, R. 213 (20042)1 0 Colla, A., see Arnaldi, R. 213 (20042)8 4 a a a ed obSak we ee ae tee be cee tewees es 213 (20041)7 2 Colle, R., D. Embriaco, M. Massini, S. Simonucci and S. Taioli, Ab initio calculation of the Cls photoelectron spectrum of C,H, 213 (2004) 65 Nsoo Wha Ok 66 -o Bbw br0d 6% 000): 65 0-004 bE a ee 213 (2004) 666 EEE ERS ee PE ee ee ere ee ee eee 213 (2004) 36 Colonna, N. and The n_TOF Collaboration, Neutron cross-section measurements at the n_TOF facility at 213 (2004) 49 Colonna, N., see Terlizzi, R. 213 (20042)1 0 ea Be is eae Wg bot 6 eo6 6-8 we 66860666 o 64084 Ras Bobs 213 (20042)6 7 Cornacchia, S., see Bettuzzi, M 213 (20042)2 7 EISNER ELT EE STEEL Te TT Ce ee OUTLET TET UCT OCEEOR TCT 213 (20041)4 4 kk he a ak Fak ble 6 6M 6-056 & 66.006 SHS Se WED ES SOR VE ROTO 213 (20042)8 4 Cox, L.J., see Forster, R.A 213 (2004) 82 Craciun, L., E. Dragulescu, O. Muresan, A.T. Serban and P.M. Racolta, Contribution of Coulomb excitation techniques in quantitative analysis of materials 213 (2004) 515 Creagh, D.C. and V. Otieno-Alego, The use of radiation for the study of material of cultural heritage significance 213 (2004) 670 rr ae ee eee OD ak Whe EEC CK EE SER eG Wet he be HERS BORE KE OO 213 (2004) 452 D’Addio, L., see Pani, R. 213 (20041)9 7 EE EE OE OEE ES eee eT ee ee Te eee Ee ee eT eT ee. eee eee 213 (20046)3 3 ES PETE CLES CER CTR ETT CECT UTOCRE OUTER TLL Tee 213 (20046)3 7 eeee es ee eee re Tree 213 (20046)4 1 Da Re, A., see Tartari, A 213 (20042)0 6 ES eS I EE A a WR er ee Te ee Tee 213 (2004) 607 a lk ks 6 ede ed ba bb eh bebe h sb. 6 bes OOS bee ewes COR 213 (20042)8 9 David, B., see Harding, G. 213 (20041)8 9 a ek ain lek dg 2 oe. wine ole ee wae Rad ase e 213 (2004) 10 de Almeida, G.L., see Silvani, M.1. 213 (20042)9 4 i a eas oa le Se wae y elke de bah 40's sie Sui Obie mbes Oe ae wis 213 (20047)4 1 De Chiara, P., see Tartari, A. 213 (20046)0 7 213 (20042)9 4 Dellacasa, G., see Arnaldi, R. 213 (20042)8 4 Delvigne, T., see Manderlier, N. 213 (20045)2 3 De Marco, N., see Arnaldi, R 213 (20042)8 4 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 213 (2004) 789-805 793 Demchenko, E.L., see Serebryakov, A.S. 213 (2004) 699 a er ee eee re eee Se Oe er a er mee ere oe ere ae 213 (2004) 775 I A I a hs hs ens i a oe ee ee 213 (2004) 741 Denis, D., see Vittiglio, G. 213 (2004) 693 Denker, A. and J. Opitz-Coutureau, Paintings — high-energy protons detect pigments and paint-layers 213 (2004) 677 D’Erasmo, G., see Lunardon, M 213 (2004) 544 de Villiers, D., see Lindsay, R 213 (2004) 775 eeee ers rer eee S e eee ere rere nl ba. 213 (2004) 197 Dias, K.R.H.C., see Anjos, M.J. 213 (2004) 569 Di Cocco, G., see Labanti, C. 213 (2004) 260 Dietrich, K., see Vittiglio, G 213 (2004) 693 EE ee ee ee ee er er, ee er ea 213 (2004) 279 as i SE due a dle yk 6.0 0646464000 KA TRH CAO UEUACL ES ONES H06 6b ebo Ree 213 (2004) 452 Domingo, C., see Milazzo, P.M. 213 (2004) 36 ey We EE, MRL, 6g g-w hk6 6:40:40 0-6-6090 600 4s © 00006 BhE KOS SP bd he eee 213 (2004) 784 Donati, A., see Auricchio, N. 213 (2004) 272 ES ee erry ee Pre re ee er ee Orr eee 213 (2004) 267 Dragnev, T., see Brunetti, G 213 (2004) 414 err se ee eee ee ee ee ee ee a ee rr 213 (2004) 515 Drozdowicz, K., B. Gabariska, A. Igielski, E. Krynicka and U. WoZnicka, Influence of granulation of the sample on the thermal neutron >, measurement 213 (2004) 42 Dulloo, A.R., see Ruddy, F.H. 213 (2004) 351 Dulloo, A.R., F.H. Ruddy, J.G. Seidel, S. Lee, B. Petrovié and M.E. Mcllwain, Neutron fluence rate measurements in a PGNAA 208-liter drum assay system using silicon carbide detectors 213 (2004) 400 Dunn, W., see Fernandez, J.E. 213 (2004) vii Dunn, W.L., see Yacout, A.M. 213 (2004) 149 Dunn, W.L., A radio-optic method for measuring relative motion 213 (2004) 481 ts ok oe aco pod © ibe 6:88 a Be eee Web Oe gee kk ow se aw Bene ee eee 213 (2004) 272 Dusi, W., see Zanarini, M. 213 (2004) 315 Egharevba, G.O., see Balogun, F.A 213 (2004) 333 ee es, ON eS oe sche pe bes bee ER Oe eee wee ed elena ae 213 (2004) 333 El Khoukhi, T., R.M. Cherkaoui, A. Gaudry, 8. Ayrault, A. Senhou, A. Chouak, Z. Moutia and E. Chakir, Air pollution biomonitoring survey in Morocco using ky-INAA 213 (2004) 770 Ember, P.P., T. Belgya, J.L. Weil and G.L. Molnar, A practical test of a yy coincidence measurement setup for 213 (2004) 406 CE) 8 Se ee re ee re ee rr re ee rere Pea ee me 213 (2004) 36 ee er eee ee eee re rr rere Pee, ee 213 (2004) 65 English, G.A., R.B. Firestone, D.L. Perry, J. Reijonen, B. Ludewigt, K.-N. Leung, G. Garabedian, G. Molnar and Z. Revay, The characterization of legacy radioactive materials by gamma spectroscopy and prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) 213 (2004) 410 EE 8 re er er ee rr sere ee re re eS 213 (2004) 527 |, rere Sore rere ee eine er ees See Pee eee 213 (2004) 693 Esposito, J., see Cerullo, N 213 (2004) 637 Esposito, J., see Cerullo, N 213 (2004) 641 Evans, K.E., see Rivard, M.J. 213 (2004) 621 Falcony, C., see Rivera, T. 213 (2004) 325 Penn. DED, GH GRO Te cnc ckccceeccnee cee cceet cheb eed ed oe bee et comers pwees 213 (2004) 564 Fasasi, M.K., see Balogun, F.A. 213 (2004) 333 Fernandes, L.M.P., J.A.M. Lopes, J.M.F. dos Santos and C.A.N. Conde, X-ray spectrometry with Peltier-cooled large area avalanche photodiodes 213 (2004) 267 Fernandez, J.E., V.G. Molinari, M. Bastiano and V. Scot, Diffusion of photons with arbitrary state of polarization: the Monte Carlo code MCSHAPE 213 (2004) 105 Terer eee Peee Te ee eT ee Tee e ee ee To 2 th ek 213 (2004) 223 794 Author index / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 213 (2004) 789-805 Fernandez J.E., A. Tartari, R.P. Gardner and W. Dunn, Editorial 213 (2004) vii Fernandez Timon, A., see Vargas, M.J. 213 (2004) 129 I ae ek ae ee ee ek a eee Seer ew dd ba ee aod eulesiawe 213 (2004) 36 Ferrari, P., see Baldazzi, G 213 (2004) 223 Ferreira, L.M., see Oliveira, C. 213 (2004) 662 Ferrero, J.L., C. Roldan, D. Juanes, J. Carballo, J. Pereira, M. Ardid, J.L. Lluch and R. Vives, Study of inks on paper engravings using portable EDXRF spectrometry 213 (2004) 729 Ferretti, A., see Arnaldi, R 213 (2004) 284 TR eh eT a ae ab kgs Gad wae > beh bbe webb Eee sloha 213 (2004) 260 ee a Se a ok kee OM ae @ bb oil's Chow eter es eb ade 213 (2004) 666 Fioretto, E., M. Barbui, S. Giangrandi, M. Cinausero, G. Prete, G. Nebbia and G. Viesti, Neutron back- scattering sensor for the detection of land mines 213 (2004) 457 Fioretto, E., see Lunardon, M. 213 (2004) 544 Firestone, R.B., see English, G.A. 213 (2004) 410 a er le Sg ale ode eee bee bw Oh mee Ob w 6 bib once beac ewes or 213 (2004) 527 Forrest, R., see Stamatelatos, I.E. 213 (2004) 511 Forster, R.A., L.J. Cox, R.F. Barrett, T.E. Booth, J.F. Briesmeister, F.B. Brown, J.S. Bull, G.C. Geisler, J.T. Goorley, R.D. Mosteller, S.E. Post, R.E. Prael, E.C. Selcow and A. Sood, MCNP™ Version 5 213 (2004) 82 eee eee i ed ke leh s oO. 4sw e Cble 6.06 ee be kos ed hee eb a2 213 (2004) 167 Fraboni, B., see Zanarini, M. 213 (2004) 315 heeb bee bib 0 0lbw ce eee ooh ee baiees otis wud 213 (2004) 756 Frazzoli, F.V., see Brunetti, G. 213 (2004) 414 OE EET Ege a EE Ee ee a ee ee ee 213 (2004) 325 Furetta, C., see Sepulveda, F. 213 (2004) 329 EE a a ee ae Ce ee eee ae 213 (2004) 693 hae Seg es eS da dienes one hd bw oe OO Ob eve wiee-e ees oeenee 213 (2004) 42 Gallio, M., see Arnaldi, R. 213 (2004) 284 Gambaccini, M., see Baldazzi, G. 213 (2004) 603 Gambarini, G., C. Birattari, M. Mariani, R. Marchesini, L. Pirola, P. Prestini, M. Sella and S. Tomatis, Study of light transmittance from layers of Fricke-xylenol-orange-gel dosimeters 213 (2004) 321 Gambarini, G., see Baccaro, S. 213 (2004) 666 EE 1 Ye ee ae 213 (2004) 410 Garabedian, G., see Perry, D.L. 213 (2004) 527 ea Se SORA Fi i nod & 6 i's bk eb e'w-0 60s be 6 Oba Oe Ke hear ewes 213 (2004) 325 ee ee Mb. oi bab bd be kOe 6 ole cl¥ewecbebecereeceeceses 213 (2004) 779 Garcia-Torano, E., see Vargas, M.J. 213 (2004) 129 Gardner, R.P., see Fernandez, J.E. 213 (2004) vii I a es aia aA. i bd 6 a ade wd & ole 5b 00 O'Sb o Ua s Ob Sees aeéeeesedine 213 (2004) 22 Gardner, R.P. and A. Sood, A Monte Carlo simulation approach for generating Nal detector response functions (DRFs) that accounts for non-linearity and variable flat continua 213 (2004) 87 Gardner, R.P., see Sood, A. 213 (2004) 100 ER EN TS i ee Ee ee re re 213 (2004) 116 Gardner, R.P., W.A. Metwally and A. Shehata, A semi-empirical model for a ”’Sr beta-particle transmission thickness gauge for aluminum alloys 213 (2004) 357 Gardner, R.P., see Metwally, W.A. 213 (2004) 394 Gardner, R.P., see Guo, W. 213 (2004) 574 Gaudry, A., see El Khoukhi, T 213 (2004) 770 Gaysinskiy, V., see Nagarkar, V.V. 213 (2004) 476 Gehrke, R.J., R. Aryaeinejad, J.K. Hartwell, W.Y. Yoon, E. Reber and J.R. Davidson, The y-ray spectrum of *°2Cf and the information contained within it 213 (2004) 10 CL of oe ak dg ese b 6.o:0 + 4.0 aA.0 lk © 60 ape e.dd ek wus cba sebes cen 213 (2004) 82 Geraki, K., M.J. Farquharson, D.A. Bradley and R.P. Hugtenburg, A synchrotron XRF study on trace elements and potassium in breast tissue 213 (2004) 564 Gerardy, I., see Tondeur, F. 213 (2004) 658 rh Ba re is sb od ak oo od koe b cle dvcdaceeea 213 (2004) 735 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 213 (2004) 789-805 795 en a So o's ante o “e Weg rw ce We Mae Wee eh So Oe ee al oe Oke be 213 (20044)5 7 Gianotti, F., see Labanti, C. 213 (20042)6 0 es re Oe Sd oe 6 a anh) Whe ORO oH & 050 bre 2S Ue ee eee eee eee es 213 (20041)5 5 is 5 oe GOS Re DARE OW eee edo ee ya beeen abe a Oe eee bee 213 (20043)4 8 Gini, L., see Groppi, F. 213 (20043)7 3 Girard, T.A., see Oliveira, C 213 (20041)7 2 Giuliani, F., see Oliveira, C. 213 (20041)7 2 I NT i ad os ais & alec o Wansae ak adr Ae a a nile ie Params ke are 213 (20042)1 4 Golnik, N., S. Mayer and M. Zielezynski, Recombination index of radiation quality of low-LET radiation . . 213 (20046)5 0 Golosio, B., A. Brunetti and R. Cesareo, Algorithmic techniques for quantitative Compton tomography ... . 213 (20041)0 8 ee SO sn 4 oie 0.0 0s 000 8 64S DOES EO ee ey eee eas 213 (20043)6 4 Gombia, M., see Baldazzi, G. 213 (20046)0 3 ee ke dc oe ee bak we be eed hao tas 4s bel waseea ental 213 (20047)6 6 Gongalves, I.F., E. Martinho and J. Salgado, Extension to cylindrical samples of the universal curve of resonance neutron self-shielding factors 213 (2004) 186 es os Abo ob bee Clee eee ESS heise een ns 65 seo bee eae 213 (2004) 595 Goncerz, G., see Wrobel, A. 213 (2004) 556 Gonzales, E., see Milazzo, P.M 213 (2004) 36 A ee ae ea eee ne eRe eR er ar cee ee oe ie Bet 213 (2004) 82 Gozani, T., The role of neutron based inspection techniques in the post 9/11/01 era 213 (2004) 460 Grachev, V., see Ottini-Hustache, S. 213 (2004) 279 Greaves, E.D., see Suarez, S.M 213 (2004) 784 Green, S., see Yin, Z. 213 (2004) 646 ee ee ee ee ny ee ee ee ee Pee rey OT aT 213 (2004) 626 Grimstone, M.J., see Wright, G.A 213 (2004) 162 TTT ETE eee ee TT CLES PT Oe Cre ey 213 (2004) 348 Groppi, F., M.L. Bonardi, C. Birattari, L. Gini, C. Mainardi, E. Menapace, K. Abbas, U. Holzwarth and R.M.F. Stroosnijder, Thin-target excitation functions and optimisation of NCA “Cu and °°’Ga production by deuteron induced nuclear reactions on natural zinc target, for radiometabolic therapy and for PET 213 (2004) 373 Guardini, S., see Brunetti, G. 213 (2004) 414 Guillaume, J., see Tondeur, F 213 (2004) 658 Gunsing, F., see Milazzo, P.M. 213 (2004) 36 Guo, W., R.P. Gardner and W.A. Metwally, Preliminary studies on K and L coincidence spectroscopy for optimizing the in vivo XRF measurement of lead in bone 213 (2004) 574 es te i NO TE ino we wie a ob 00 NEON aS Oa edlew eka oe eee ea 213 (2004) 279 Harding, G., B. David and J.P. Schlomka, Liquid metal anode X-ray sources and their potential applications 213 (2004) 189 NF ee ee ey ee ee oe es ee ee eee Te ee eae 213 (2004) 10 Heckel, J., see Vittiglio, G. 213 (2004) 693 Heil, M., see Milazzo, P.M 213 (2004) 36 ok ee Pe ee ee ire ey re ee rere ree ee ee! 213 (2004) 464 I i aia ae paid dw. ue nd ea ac hese WeB ebe & A edad a beats alee @ Wikre eae 213 (2004) 373 Hotchkis, M.A.C., see Tuniz, C. 213 (2004) 469 Huang, S., see Nie, H. 213 (2004) 579 Hubbell, J.H. and S.M. Seltzer, Cross section data for electron—positron pair production by photons: a status report 213 (2004) 1 sO, OO re eo kg 4-4 eee de eee ees ae ob SOE e rene beeen ena s eee 213 (2004) 548 Hugtenburg, R.P. and D.A. Bradley, Anomalous Rayleigh scattering with dilute concentrations of elements of biological importance 213 (2004) 552 Hugtenburg, R.P., see Geraki, K. 213 (2004) 564 rr ee ee ee hake eae heen) bb nee Hk be bea eee ewe Lao ee eae 213 (20046)4 6 laiche, S., see Benazzouz, C. 213 (2004) 519 Ide-Ektessabi, A., T. Kawakami and F. Watt, Distribution and chemical state analysis of iron in the Parkinsonian substantia nigra using synchrotron radiation micro beams 213 (2004) 590 796 Author index / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 213 (2004) 789-805 Ide-Ektessabi, A., K. Shirasawa, A. Koizumi and M. Azechi, Application of synchrotron radiation microbeams to environmental monitoring 213 (2004) 761 ie hae ee Set. 6 ak kk be as hae oN te WO Aa ees Oe 213 (2004) 42 Imadate, F., see Tominaga, H. 213 (2004) 540 Iurlaro, G., see Pani, R. 213 (2004) 197 Janssens, K., see Vittiglio, G. 213 (20046)9 3 Janssens, K., see Smit, Z. 213 (20047)1 7 Janssens, K., see Proost, K 213 (20047)2 3 EERE re a ee en ee ee ee ee 213 (20046)9 3 EE Oe Or ee eee ea Oe eee a a 213 (2004) 55 Juanes, D., see Ferrero, J.L. 213 (20047)2 9 Kappeler, F., see Milazzo, P.M 213 (2004) 36 SP OEE IEE PEE SLOT LE Oe Pe TE eT ee TET CEE TET CCE ET CTT 213 (20043)8 5 Kawabata, J., see Tominaga, H. 213 (20045)4 0 Kawakami, T., see Ide-Ektessabi, A. 213 (20045)9 0 Keyser, R.M., Resolution and sensitivity as a function of energy and incident geometry for germanium detectors 213 (20042)3 6 ne ss a a sled bso k Rd ee Sie We Ae Ok PR Oe be OO R ES we eN Ee 213 (20044)3 9 Kimpland, R.H., see Souto, F.J. 213 (20043)6 9 Kirdly, B., T. Sanami, R. Doczi and J. Csikai, Detection of explosives and illicit drugs using neutrons 213 (20044)5 2 Kirk, B.L., see Rivard, M.J. 213 (20046)2 1 Klinger, P., see Vittiglio, G. 213 (20046)9 3 Kobayashi, K., see Kudo, K. 213 (20043)0 5 es ate ig Se ere ew deb Sie see Oh dba Rhos ed ean Rhee nwewe 213 (20047)6 1 ne he ee ee tk el ae Seeded ee web ends Kew e oa oder WES 213 (20046)2 6 Kopeckd, I., see Cechdk, T 213 (20047)3 5 a oe anne gS ath Mia 6k. 0O0 OER HS 6 60 00-06 WS oe 00.8.8 O80 213 (20044)3 9 i ks ta ke ba op O10)S 8-6.4160,64 409 265.6 baw he het ken ehe ones 213 (20044)3 9 a cee eee bed ones eee sae Cewwwwe es 213 (20047)1 7 CEES TTP TT OCPT EE EE OCERTOTURE CET TT OTT CCC CE Cre 213 (20042)4 1 Koshikawa, S., see Kudo, K 213 (20043)0 5 a a ok en wikia b biel ewe ee Rete Ora @ KOR ESOS ds oie'ee a8 O 213 (20046)9 9 Kramer, R., see Vieira, J.W. 213 (20046)5 4 Krémar, M., see Krecak, Z 213 (20043)1 0 Krecak, Z., M. Krémar, M. Bogovac and A. Ljubicic, Channeltron operating in coincidence mode 213 (20043)1 0 Krynicka, E., see Drozdowicz, K. 213 (2004) 42 Kudo, K., N. Takeda, A. Uritani, 8. Koshikawa, Y. Shibata, K. Kobayashi and T. Yoshimoto, Ideal response function of a *He proportional counter to thermal neutrons determined by different length counters ... . 213 (2004) 305 aoe Naa ete wee ged d oe ee be 4.06 $4 OSes OO HO Ob Ob Obes 213 (2004) 556 Labanti, C., G. Di Cocco, G. Ferro, E. Bottacini, F. Gianotti, A. Mauri, E. Rossi, J.B. Stephen, A. Traci, M. Trifoglio and M. Valli, Building a pixellated detector for gamma-ray imaging: the PICsIT example 213 (20042)6 0 Lakdar, A., see Vittiglio, G. 213 (20046)9 3 Lamotte, A., see Vittiglio, G. 213 (20046)9 3 a a el eB a dls bee | lw bin rw alle ecaiw.biae eceh-e 6 We pile oe Wks 213 (20045)8 4 Leal, L.C., see Rivard, M.J. 213 (20046)2 1 Lee, E., see Mainardi, E 213 (20041)8 2 Lee, S., see Dulloo, A.R 213 (20044)0 0 Lefkopoulos, G., see Stamatelatos, I.E. 213 (20045)1 1 Legoupil, S., see Barouch, G. 213 (20045)0 3 Lempicki, A., see Nagarkar, V.V. 213 (20042)5 0 Leole, M., see Cesareo, R 213 (20047)0 3 Leung, K.-N., see English, G.A. 213 (20044)1 0 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 213 (2004) 789-805 797 RN as hae ih kb ODS WO lee aE be eee beet sae rers 213 (2004) 527 Lietti, B., see Baccaro, S. 213 (2004) 666 rs i eS is ee odd bake 6 hwo a bw Ae 58 oe eee aed okie 213 (2004) 654 Limagne, D., see Oliveira, C 213 (2004) 172 Lindsay, R., R.J. de Meijer, P.P. Maleka, R.T. Newman, T.G.K. Motlhabane and D. de Villiers, Monitoring the radon flux from gold-mine dumps by y-ray mapping 213 (20047)7 5 Lingertat, H., see Nagarkar, V.V. 213 (20042)5 0 a i sid ieee Uh web o's RO NG ie Vow CRN EEA ee oes ea oka eel 213 (20043)1 0 Ge a ao 5 iw bu Ors Ss we h'e.s 6 0 dae oe ee kee ew be cee 213 (20047)2 9 Te a ss bbs bin b.08 06 660 04 O 8 dba 0 bh ee esis oO es Leelee 213 (20047)0 7 i I Shs see's oe Es ah OW Oe we ee Rae eee ret bate 213 (20047)1 2 SS ES | SPOTTER ET EEET OE OTE Te eT eT Tee eee a ee 213 (20042)6 7 Lopes, R.T., see Silvani, M.I. 213 (20042)9 4 Lopes, R.T., see Braz, D. 213 (20044)9 8 8 ee eee eee ee ee eee Oe ee ry ee ee) See 213 (20045)6 9 Lucia, U. and G. Maino, Analytical developments in the Wong-Fung-Tam-Gao radiation model of thermal diffusivity 213 (2004) 139 en RS 5d 6 ood oa 8 Sie be Dawe bb 2 ob t6 OOS eee sae 213 (2004) 410 Ludewigt, B., see Perry, D.L. 213 (2004) 527 Ludwig, N., see Bonifazzi, C. 213 (2004) 707 Lunardon, M., G. Nebbia, S. Pesente, G.M. Romagnoli, G. Viesti, M. Barbui, M. Cinausero, E. Fioretto, G. Prete, G. D’Erasmo, M. Palomba and A. Pantaleo, A large area scanning system using 14 MeV neutron tagged beams for non-destructive assays 213 (2004) 544 Gk 6d kb nce WAR eh 0 Bada w Ob-000 Ea Od bole Oar aaa aes 213 (2004) 491 Macchiarelli, R., see Rossi, M. 213 (2004) 747 ee I 6 5 1d do ¥6.0.0s WW 6 6 Oo hie oo EO 8 4 ed eee ews ae Sle ae ee ee eee 213 (2004) 373 Mainardi, C.H.S., see Bonardi, M.L. 213 (2004) 348 Mainardi, E., F. Premuda and E. Lee, Comparison and physical interpretation of MCNP and TART neutron and y Monte Carlo shielding calculations for a heavy-ion ICF system 213 (2004) 182 Maino, G., see Canetta, E. 213 (2004) 71 Maino, G., see Lucia, U 213 (2004) 139 Maino, G., see Bonifazzi, C. 213 (2004) 707 Maino, G., see Bonifazzi, C. 213 (2004) 712 Maleka, P.P., see Lindsay, R. 213 (2004) 775 Mammeri, S., see Ammi, H. 213 (2004) 60 Mamoon, A., M.A. Gomma and M. Sohsah, Laboratory scale studies on mitigation of high *’Rn concentrations in air and water 213 (20047)6 6 Manderlier, N. and T. Delvigne, Quality control by autoradiography for the thin layer activation technique 213 (20045)2 3 Manservisi, S., see Molinari, V.G. 213 (2004) 75 Manservisi, S., V. Molinari and F. Rocchi, Bremsstrahlung emission spectrum for electron microprobe analysis 213 (20041)3 4 Marabelli, M., see Cesareo, R 213 (20047)0 3 i: i, i os go sb 60:6 b.en 0-6 666.6646 6 0b 0 SOO COs ewON Oe eta eeeeetes 213 (20043)2 1 Mariani, M., see Gambarini, G 213 (20043)2 1 Marques, J.G., see Oliveira, C. 213 (20041)7 2 i ee ace ns ok ei kG & nie Aik Oe A he eral reek nee & cn Rode an ee 213 (2004) 36 Marrone, S., see Terlizzi, R. 213 (20042)1 0 Marrone, S., A new method for signal acquisition and analysis in high radiation environment 213 (20042)4 6 Marseguerra, M., E. Padovani, S.A. Pozzi and M. Da Ros, Phenomenological simulation of detector response for safeguards experiments 213 (2004) 289 ee, i, SS ss a's bo 6 6d eek Ve bad ees Nb eRe REO e deeb Ces WA be eae 213 (2004) 129 Martin Sanchez, A., see Rubio Montero, M.P. 213 (2004) 429 Martinez, E., see Rivera, T 213 (2004) 325 Martinez, T., J. Lartigue, P. Avila-Perez, G. Zarazua, L. Cabrera, S. Tejeda and A. Ramirez, Determination of lead in blood by TXRF and its correlation to environmental lead 213 (2004) 584 Martinho, E., see Gongalves, I.F. 213 (2004) 186 798 Author index | Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 213 (2004) 789-805 Marucco, A., Low-energy ED-XRF spectrometry application in gold assaying 213 (20044)8 6 Marziani, M., see Tartari, A 213 (20042)0 6 ER NE ree aT eee eee Tee ee E EULER E ET ee ere 213 (2004) 65 ES Pe tT eer ee See ee ee ee ee ee eee eee 213 (2004) 36 oo ons Cowes Sach el eben ep ee wees eee eer b seasons censaNdes 213 (20043)7 8 EE OPT ETE Le ee ee ee Pee Por ee, ee eee ee TATE eee 213 (20041)9 7 Mauri, A., see Labanti, C. 213 (20042)6 0 Mayer, S., T. Otto and N. Golnik, Determination of the photon-contribution of a **SPu—Be source 213 (20042)1 4 EE ELIOT TEL ECCT CETL TT OTCCLEELERUCTILLUEL ERIeLr e 213 (20046)5 0 Mayo, C.W., see Metwally, W.A. 213 (20043)9 4 Mazzaro, I., see Poletti, M.E. 213 (20045)9 5 EE TT OO Ee Pee PERCU LEER APT EL ORT CELA ETEETL Tee T ee 213 (20044)0 0 McNeill, F., see Nie, H. 213 (20045)7 9 McNeill, F.E., see O’Meara, J.M. 213 (20045)6 0 McNeill, F.E., see Popovic, M. 213 (20045)9 9 Measday, D.F. and E.C.Y. Ho, Experience with a prototype of the Test Ban Treaty monitoring system for air- borne radioactivity 213 (2004) 464 nt PERE REC LE TC ALAELELL ELITE TIT E TREE ETE ce 213 (2004) 348 Menapace, E., see Groppi, F. 213 (2004) 373 Mengoni, A., see Milazzo, P.M 213 (2004) 36 Mergia, K., see Stamatelatos, I.E. 213 (2004) 511 Metwally, W.A., see Gardner, R.P. 213 (2004) 357 Metwally, W.A., R.P. Gardner and C.W. Mayo, Elemental PGNAA analysis using gamma—gamma coincidence counting with the library least-squares approach 213 (2004) 394 Metwally, W.A., see Guo, W. 213 (2004) 574 Mezzetti, F., see Tartari, A. 213 (2004) 607 EE I SE Oe ee ee ee ee ere eee ee ee ee 213 (2004) 611 Mihalezo, J.T., J.K. Mattingly, J.S. Neal and J.A. Mullens, NMIS plus gamma spectroscopy for attributes of HEU, PU and HEd etection 213 (2004) 378 ee ee ak Slee do dke e Rib G sil ie eas ps Oke Os 08 ONO Ch tie ae 213 (2004) 241 Milazzo, M., Radiation applications in art and archaeometry X-ray fluorescence applications to archaeometry. Possibility of obtaining non-destructive quantitative analyses 213 (2004) 683 RS oe Ss Soa bole a oe he 64.8 beet ee ee eee ee wees 213 (2004) 707 Milazzo, P.M., G. Aerts, E. Berthoumieux, N. Bustreo, D. Cano-Ott, P. Cennini, N. Colonna, C. Domingo, M. Embid, L. Ferrant, E. Gonzales, F. Gunsing, M. Heil, F. Kappeler, S. Marrone, P.F. Mastinu, A. Mengoni, C. Moreau, J. Pancin, T. Papaevangelou, C. Paradela, P. Pavlopoulos, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, C. Stephan, L. Tassan-Got, G. Tagliente, J.L. Tain, R. Terlizzi and V. Viachoudis, Measurements of neutron capture cross- RE I TE Pe Ce ee Pee ty eee 213 (2004) 36 Miller, S.R., see Nagarkar, V.V. 213 (2004) 250 Miller, S.R., see Nagarkar, V.V. 213 (2004) 476 Molinari, V. and F. Teodori, Monte Carlo simulation of charged particle diffusion through an ionized gas: rr ok ee bk eee eh Oe dee ODE d Seb seeeenceeses 213 (2004) 112 a A es ka i ed ie kee we b.6.b-6 06.8 bn 6'6'0 688s seh Ow Eb 213 (2004) 134 Molinari, V.G., S. Manservisi, F. Rocchi and F. Teodori, Modelling of radiation transport 213 (2004) 75 Molinari, V.G., see Fernandez, J.E. 213 (2004) 105 ae ki. 2 a i.) ae 6 onde bbe OW ee Oe OKO e 64 EOS b0 Cabewi'w ou 213 (2004) 410 a ed had edi O00 0 WN NS 0bWh oe ahen ms 213 (2004) 29 Molnar, G.L., Zs. Révay and T. Belgya, Accurate absolute intensities for the **Cl(n,y) reaction gamma-ray standard 213 (2004) 32 Molnar, G.L., see Révay, Zs. 213 (20043)8 5 Molnar, G.L., Zs. Révay and T. Belgya, Non-destructive interrogation of uranium using PGAA 213 (20043)8 9 SE en re ear eee ene ee ee at eee eee 213 (20044)0 6 ne to ok De aes als 6 6 ob be lee 6s kde 6 ES ORL bo ONO O6 eehD bn b0d se eON ees 213 (20045)2 7 Monsanglant-Louvet, C., see Ottini-Hustache, S 213 (20042)7 9 Montani, L., see Pani, R. 213 (20041)9 7 Moreau, C., see Milazzo, P.M. 213 (2004) 36 Moreira, S., see Anjos, M.J. 213 (20045)6 9

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