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Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms 1997: Vol 131 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms 1997: Vol 131 Table of Contents

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 131 (1997) xvi-xviii NIM B Beam Interactions with Materials & Atoms Contents ee ee ee ee ee ere ee ere re ee ee ese e ee ee eee er Vii PCC C CCE TCT COREE RET ELE CTT ee Viii What is ageing? Are there still problems to be solved? .. 1... .. 2 cee ee eee eee eee ee wees Xx IED 6.6 60.0646. 5 6 0660606 54:46 06664 OPENS SCRE O RO OER CREE ORO OSS OS xiii es OF IDS 6.6% Warn 0.606. 6a 06 16.6 OS HESS OS OH S604 TOO XV Section I. Overview lectures Recent advances in the practical and accurate calculation of core and valence XPS spectra of polymers: from interpretation to simulation? C. Bureau, D.P. Chong, K. Endo, J. Delhalle, G. Lecayon and A. Le Moél...............4.4. l The structure and morphology of crystalline polymers cee hed CaaS eRe APOE DS SOAS Oo 06 0966 6 00.06 4 O40 6 Oe Ew eES 13 Lithography for semiconductor technology of EE ee re ee ee ee re eee ee 22 Near-field scanning optical microscopy and polymers M. Ricker, F.C. De Schryver, P. Vanoppen, K. Jeuris, S. De Feyter, J. Hotta and H. Masuhara .... 30 TOF-SIMS analysis of polymers i WS 666650666686 656 ook OR aR Ss6 Ow 48.6600 4 O00 6 64.0065 4S80 6 2808 38 Section II. Ion irradiation and tracks Tracks of very heavy ions in polymers P. Apel, A. Schulz, R. Spohr, C. Trautmann and V. Vutsadakis..............0200e2e00 55 Observations of the latent track structure in polymers by diffusion measurements PTET CRETE TE TERETE ECCT TT ETC T 64 Polymer metallization: Low energy ion beam surface modification to improve adhesion Po Se re So ccs oh oeO KO SOE SEES SeC REECES Gc UB Ode HDT OS 71 Cross-links induced by swift heavy ion irradiation in polystyrene S. Bouffard, E. Balanzat, C. Leroy, J.P. Busnel and G. Guevelou. .........0.00. 0ee0ee e 79 ESR investigations on ion beam irradiated polymers i POTEET Te Ee RTT ERE ETC LT TTC TTT ET 85 Electronic and mass transport in ion beam nanostructured polymers: Role of the irradiation energy eh PSS EET TERE LECCOTTEU CL CTO ETT 91 Characterisation of nanoporous particle track etched membrane ie ee 6 <0 66.6264 CESSES 6 OCSCE OCC OEHOD OOD OED OHO HCOOH EK OM 97 Individual tracks in ion bombarded poly(methy! methacrylate) ee ee ae, REC TUE « cc weoencen cca wees ceecon rde osoereseees 103 Metallic impurities diffusion in a polymer film (Kapton) under and out of irradiation i ee eee ee rere eee 109 0168-583X /97/$17.00 © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved Contents Fast-ion-induced sputtering of polymers I 56 9:04: Gibb We lle hk aus ee a hae Oe Ow ee ek ae Ns 6aee 6 cee 121 Amorphous deuterated carbon films irradiated by swift heavy ions: Infrared measurements and ion beam analysis F. Pawlak, Ch. Dufour, A. Laurent, E. Paumier, J. Perriere, J.P. Stoquert and M. Toulemonde ..... 135 AFM and XPS study of ion bombarded poly(methyl methacrylate) es a is PED QUIET, DURE 6 -6 -0-6600: 0:05:46 06 6:0 6-o be oes OOOO ee ee ROR OOS 141 lon irradiation induced chemical changes of polymers used for optical applications es Ss te A Oe ENS. 6:6 6 0-6-0:8-0 5 6050-00000 0-06 ree SsO REM OC EOE OE OS 149 Chemical modifications of PET induced by swift heavy ions T. Steckenreiter, E. Balanzat, H. Fuess and C. Trautmann .......2.2 .ee .eee. e.e e2eee s 159 Section III. Photon, electron and proton irradiations Excimer laser interaction with mixed PMMA-copper acetylacetonate films S. Beauvois, D. Renaut, A. Jadin, R. Lazzaroni, L.D. Laude and J.L. Brédas................ 167 Dielectric and mechanical spectroscopies for the study of thermal and radiochemical ageing of polymers G. Botteun, JF. Comem, 5. Cmmemand am G. SOR . wc ccc ccc cere cece ccceesevesens 172 On an anomalous kinetic in irradiated polymers around the glass transition temperature PCCP TT eT Te LETTE EET CLT TT LATER UE ete 180 Radiation effects on polyoctenamer M.I. Chipara, L. Georgescu, C. Oproiu, M.D. Chipara, A. Niculescu, N. Galatanu, J.R. Reyes and See ND a a boo RED ek CSE E SCONES ES £6 6-60 0 0 665565066906 68s be 6 FOS 804 188 Evolution of ethylene propylene copolymers properties during ageing Rn PS Te oT ee Ts CE EET ITER TTC ULE T UL CU EORTC 192 CR-39 (poly(diethylene glycol bis(allyl carbonate))) under y-rays and proton beams C. Darraud-Taupiac, B. Bennamane, J.L. Decossas and J.C. Vareille.............2220008- 198 Oxidation and ablation of polymers by vacuum-UV radiation from low pressure plasmas A.C. Fozza, J. Roch, J.E. Klemberg-Sapieha, A. Kruse, A. Hollander and M.R. Wertheimer ...... 205 Laser ablation of charged polymers L.D. Laude, S. Soudant, S. Beauvois, D. Renaut and A. Jadin. .. 2... 2... eee ee ee ee ee ees 211 Characterization of MeV proton irradiated PS films Ma.E. Martinez-Pardo, J. Cardoso, H. V4zquez, M. Aguilar, J. Rickards and E. Andrade ........ 219 MOssbauer and positron life-time spectroscopy of ‘y- and electron irradiated oxyhemoglobin solution M.I. Oshtrakh, E.A. Kopelyan and V.A. Semionkin. .. 1... 0... cc eee eee ee eee eee eens 226 Analysis, prior and after exposure to air, of the chemical transformations induced in polyacrylonitrile films by 3 keV proton beams C. Pirlot, J.C. Bertholet, G. Demortier, J. Delhalle, G. Deniau, P. Viel, F. Valin and G. Lécayon.... 232 Aging of organic materials around high-energy particle accelerators REO Tee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Te ee ee ee eT Pee TT eae 239 Modification of self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols on gold by ionizing radiation i, Ween, Gl. GEUeee, B. RUN GEE Ea, Fs ccc cece ce ese recesses esecccesece Section IV. Grafting and polymerization Heterogeneity of swift heavy ion grafting: an XPS study Pee Gy ae ME RE, GUE cc ec cece rescence eeeeer sone ce eboe doves s 252 Significance of radiation grafting in curing processes: Role of additives in these reactions Pe SE Ears EEE By PEED 6 oe cee ee ee ee ene CO wee Owe COR wee eee eee Contents Kinetics and characterization of radiation-induced grafting of styrene on fluoropolymers . Guilmoon, S. Gomoul, I. Bete an A. Le BES. oc ccc ccc cece cere cteeeeseseses 270 Photo-induced alternating copolymerization of N-substituted maleimides and electron donor olefins S. Jonsson, P.E. Sundell, M. Shimose, S. Clark, C. Miller, F. Morel, C. Decker and C.E. Hoyle .... 276 Modification of polyethylene and poly(vinyltrimethylsilane) by radiation-induced graft polymerization V.Ya. Kabanov, Val.N. Kudryavtsev, T.V. Degtyareva, L.L. Zatikyan, IP. Baskova and L.E. rere ee ee ee re eee eee See ee ee ee ee 291 Kinetic study on the radiation-induced polymerization of HDDA and HDDMA es is, SUNOS a hia4.5-: 6-66 6.o:b-a 6 Geb 6 46.6 5 0OlS 6 0S Sk nee WO ede 6 oi 295 Section V. Research in applications Electron beam surface modifications in reinforcing and recycling of polymers Bo GE EE Es GEER s 6.0 -6 6:0 6 6b oo oe 0 6 6 8's 6 e666 64 ON we be 86 86 8 oO 300 A new conducting polymer radioactive source support for 4mB—y coincidence counting 5, Gp a, a, Ge, Ga ee NE a Bs oo esc ce Oe eee eK HOBO EC RO CO 305 Gamma irradiation-induced modifications of polymers found in nuclear waste embedding processes. Part I: The epoxy /amine resin O. Debré, B. Nsouli, J.-P. Thomas, I. Stevenson, D. Colombini and M.-A. Romero. ........... 313 Gamma irradiation-induced modifications of polymers found in nuclear waste embedding processes. Part II: The ion-exchange resin O. Debré, B. Nsouli, J.-P. Thomas, I. Stevenson, D. Colombini and M.-A. Romero. ........... 321 Radiation-induced polymerization of unsaturated phospholipid mixtures for the synthesis of artificial red cells F. Hosoi, H. Omichi, K. Akama, K. Awai, S. Endo and Y. Nakano. ............2200000085 329 MeV proton irradiations and atomic oxygen exposure of spacecraft materials with SiO, protective coatings A. Houdayer, G. Cerny, J.E. Klemberg-Sapieha, G. Czeremuszkin and M.R. Wertheimer ........ 335 Ion beam techniques for functionalization of polymer surfaces Ws 6.5 66.6.6 666 6066656. 66 6 OH ENCES 6 65:6 005 0 o 6 wd OH aDOMERE DEO OKC OOO 341 Application of ion beams to synthesis of environmentally responsive track membranes H. Omichi, M. Yoshida, M. Asano, N. Nagaoka, H. Kubota, R. Katakai, R. Spohr, N. Reber, A. Wolf, G.M. Alder, V. Ang, C.L. Bashford and C.A. Pasternak ........0.2 .e e.ee.ee0ee e 350 Template synthesis of nanoscale materials using the membrane porosity L. Piraux, S. Dubois and S. Demoustier-Champagne .......0.c .eee. c.ece. e2ee .ee es 357 Synthesis of biomaterials by swift heavy ion grafting: Preliminary results of haemocompatibility M.-C. Porte-Durrieu, C. Aymes-Chodur, N. Betz, B. Brouillaud, F. Rouais, A. Le Moél and C. see. 0 86 8 8 22.0 2.6.9 0-8 O82 6 -626.0 60 @ 2.0 82869 6.80 86.06 6 6-60.82 OO 24 60 Cees FF 8 Oe 6 6 6 e-@ ee) e eo Cor oe Ceo we 6282 ee 26s 8 2 ee. 2 tee Oe 66 6 6 ee @ 8.68 6 Pe 8-6 02 62 Oe 8 ee 6.6 @ 68 8 a e's Barrier layers against oxygen transmission on the basis of electron beam cured methacrylated gelatin PP ee ee ee ee eee Ee Oe TT TOT CT ETC ONT TT Te Tee 382 Radon 222 permeation through different polymers (PVC, EVA, PE and PP) after exposure to gamma radiation or surface treatment by cold plasma D. Klein, E. Tomasella, V. Labed, C. Meunier, Ph. Cetier, M.C. Robé and A. Chambaudet ....... 392 Radiosterilization and steam autoclaving sterilization effects on phosphite antioxidant stability Peo DAME, Eo ED GUID EA POUT co cccccccce cee eceeeeeseberceeccoceccoc e sae bok de aha oea c i le Oke ae ee ae awl 6 5 ae

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