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Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms 1996: Vol 109-110 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms 1996: Vol 109-110 Table of Contents

rs ‘H Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 109/110 (1996) xvii-xxiii NIM B S 4 Beam interactions with Materials & Atoms ELSEVIER Contents ee ee ey eoeeee ee © © © © © © © © © © © © ee oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee he ee ee ee eh hl hUlUc OhlUlc OhlUh Mh OhUlc OU hl ee 5k ak ce ces was ed eta FRR Ow pee pO ee Re Aaa Ne Gy aig b ks ee wR 6 + 6 UP RAE Ww eee + cee ewe a xii ee ee eee er ee ee ee re ee ere en Xiv SIGS be Saad WS We kad 2 0b Oe a +S 8 a eee ee XV Section I. Physical Processes and X-ray Production First centenary of R6ntgen’s discovery of X-rays eS ak Ph as FAN OS eke RK ORES ENR ES oe | Relative L-shell X-ray emission rates in PIXE oe hk ae oe os 8 ee ok ok 402 A he 9 M-shell X-ray production cross sections of Tb, Ho, Tm and Lu for protons of energy 2-6 MeV F. Shokouhi, S. Fazini¢é, I. Bogdanovi¢, M. JakSi¢é, V. Valkovi¢é and H. Afarideh ............. 15 L-shell X-ray production cross sections and alignment by proton impact V.P. Petukhov, E.A. Romanovsky and H. Kerkow......2.2..2. 2.c e. ee.e .ee.e e.ee. e ee 19 Energy calculation of K'L' multiply ionized K B satellite spectra emitted from Al, Al,O;, Si and SiO, T. Yamamoto, M. Mochizuki, T. Suzuki and M. Uda... .. 2.2... 2.2... . 2 eee eee eee ee ee 23 Interference peak intensities due to the Raman scattering in PIXE induced XRF T. Kotani, S. Nagashima, M. Kato, K. Morito and M. Uda. ..........02.22. e. ee2 e.ee 28 Estimation of FK aK'L! satellite intensity based on the MO scheme M. Mochizuki, T. Yamamoto, S. Nagashima and M. Uda ...........2..2. ce-ce2 e2e2ee s 31 Chemical effects in Cr containing samples measured by the K,/K, intensity ratio and the K, energy shift SOE ELLE LE LEE FEELS EOE ELE CET EIT LER a GO eA ORD ie OU ag tar 39 X-ray emission from chemically bound atoms C. Ginther, E. Hartmann, C. Lauterbach and J. Hormes ...........02. e. ee. e.ec2ee s 42 L-subshell ionization of Eu, Gd and W by 1.6—5.2 MeV protons I. Bogdanovié, S. Fazinié, M. Jaksié, I. Orlié and V. Valkovié .......0.00. .cec.e 0ee e 47 M-shell X-ray production by C, N and O ions T. Czyzewski, L. Gtowacka, M. Jaskéla, J. Braziewicz, M. Pajek, J. Semaniak, M. Haller, R. Karschnick, W. Kretschmer, A.P. Kobzev and D. Trautmann ...............-22-e-e+2e0- 52 On the enhanced PIXE yields from thick iron fluoride targets Z. Szokefalvi-Nagy, I. Demeter, K. Holl6s-Nagy and I. Kovacs............e0e2 e.ee0 e2e e 59 Section II. Experimental Procedures Procedures of target preparation to improve PIXE efficiency in environmental research en sy ge baa a ke OA a i Oe a eee eee 63 Si(Li) detector response and PIXE spectrum fitting i NS gb 3 Roa gC A eS 6 5A a ee a eee ee 71 0168-583X /96/ $15.00 © 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved Contents Methodological studies of PIXE on biological and environmental science Sha Yin, Gu Yingmei, Liu Guodong, Wang Anpu, Zhang Peiqun, Zhu Jieqing, Shi Jian, Yang Shulan, Liu Pingsheng and Li Xiaolin Total reflection PIXE (TPIXE) and RBS for surface and trace element analysis J.A. van Kan and R.D. Vis The LNL proton microprobe: original technical solutions and new developments P. Boccaccio, D. Bollini, D. Ceccato, G.P. Egeni, P. Rossi, V. Rudello and M. Viviani Personal computer aided data handling and analysis for PIXE K. Sera and S. Futatsugawa High resolution PIXE instrumentation survey. Part III V.P. Petukhov, I. T6r6ék and M. Terasawa The new PIXE setup at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Kraké6w E. Rokita, A. Wrdébel, W.M. Kwiatek and E. Dutkiewicz Improvement on experimental procedure of various samples in PIXE analysis S. Futatsugawa, S. Hatakeyama, Y. Saitou and K. Sera Influence of energy straggling on quantitative PIXE analysis J.L. Ruvalcaba and J. Miranda An improved experimental setup for the simulations PIXE analysis of heavy and light elements with a 3 MeV proton external beam T. Calligaro, J.D. MacArthur and J. Salomon Experimental X-ray peak-shape determination for a Si(Li) detector L.C. Alves, A.P. Jesus and M.A. Reis Matrix effects correction for quantitative TTPIXE analysis M.A. Reis, L.C. Alves and A.P. Jesus RBS control of the proton fluence in external PIXE analysis using a He atmosphere B. Hietel, N. Menzel and K. Wittmaack High resolution PIXE set-up M.G. Budnar The new ATOMKI scanning proton microprobe I. Rajta, I. Borbély-Kiss, Gy. Mérik, L. Bartha, E. Koltay and AZ. Kiss Overlap corrected on-line PIXE imaging using the proton microprobe C.G. Ryan, E. van Achterbergh, D.N. Jamieson and C.L. Churms Low current charge normalization with scintillators A.J.M. Plompen, F. Munnik and U. Watjen PIXE setup for liquid sample analysis J. Kral, J. Voltr and Z. Nejedly The ‘‘Q factor’? method: quantitative microPIXE analysis using RBS normalisation G.W. Grime Isobar suppression in accelerator mass spectrometry by the detection of characteristic X-rays A. Wiebert, P. Persson, M. Elfman, B. Erlandsson, R. Hellborg, P. Kristiansson, K. Stenstrém and G. Accurate evaluation of 4-PIXE and u-XRF spectral data through iterative least squares fitting K. Janssens, B. Vekemans, F. Adams, P. van Espen and P. Mutsaers Use of PIXE measurements performed at different proton energies to calculate matrix correction for infinitely thick targets (TTPIXE) within the framework of the a parameter method G. Weber, G. Robaye, J.M. Delbrouck, I. Roelandts and P. Aloupogiannis Structural and chemical modifications of microsamples induced during PIXE analysis M. Maetz, P. Arndt, A. Greshake, E.K. Jessberger, W. Kléck and K. Traxel Device-independent and standardless quantitative statement of elemental concentrations in non-thin targets by PIXE V. Potocek and N. Toulhoat Contents Study of sample charging effects on satellite spectra of Ca Ka@ by means of high-resolution PIXE a a rr re ee ree ee ee a ee 203 Strong X-ray emission due to electrification J. AWA, MOOR, A; SOR ONE E.G. i a ee ee tee ew ele es 206 Algorithm for fitting XRF, SEM and PIXE X-ray spectra backgrounds ek ee oe PI a ee le se ee 8 ee ee ee ee SES 209 Feasibility study of a portable PIXE system using a 719Bo alpha source G. Pappalardo, J. de Sanoit, A.M usumarra, G. Calvi and C. Marchetta eee © © © © © © © © © © © © eC © Section III. Combined Use of PIXE with Other Analytical Techniques Elemental analysis by PIXE and other IBA techniques and their application to source fingerprinting of atmospheric fine particle pollution BAe?. GMO, Some. MOMNOOY GONE Th, PROS 6 ce eee ee eee eee eet 218 PIXE and ionoluminescence — A synergetic analytical combination K.G. Malmavist, M. Elfman, G. Remond and C. Yang... ......2.... eee. ee.e ee.e ee ns 227 Ion beam analysis of metalloproteins ie I sD, Ais ak a bow beh we Ee a AAR OH RO 234 Determination of toxic and non-toxic hair trace elements in tobacco smokers using PIXE and NAA techniques A.A. Hosseini, A. Amirabadi, H. Afarideh, S.M. Hadji-Saeid and A.H. Behrozi.............. 239 Precise analysis of PIXE induced XRF spectra with the aid of the Raman scattering S. Nagashima, T. Kotani, M. Kato, K. Morito, H. Matsui and M. Uda. ................... 243 Studying the spatial variability of Cr in agricultural field using both particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) technique P.E. Cruvinel, S. Crestana, P. Artaxo, J.V. Martins and M.J.A. Armelin................22-- 247 Coupling PIXE and SEM/EDAX for characterizing atmospheric aerosols in ice-cores P. Lai, G. Goermoandi, BR. Cecchi and 1). Coccate ..... cn ccc cee eee ete rasan es 252 PIGE-PIXE analysis of human milk S.O. Olabanji, M.C. Buoso, D. Ceccato, A.M.I. Haque, R. Cherubini and G. Moschini.......... 258 Applications of PIXE, PIGE, SEM and EDAX techniques to the study of geological samples S.O. Olabanji, A.M.I. Haque, S. Zandolin, R.T. Ajayi, M.C. Buoso, D. Ceccato, R. Cherubini, D. Pe ee ian 6 is kA Re ek Ae CAREERS 6 ORS ene 262 A device for the direct coupling of high-resolution separation techniques with PIXE 4. Vogt, T. Rutz, C. Voet, H. Wittrisch and G. Wermer . . . 6 cc ct et ce ecw eee 266 Section IV. Applications of PIXE to Biomedical Samples Biomedical studies by PIXE H. Afarideh, A. Amirabadi, S.M. Hadji-Saeid, N. Mansourian, K. Kaviani and E. Zibafar........ 270 Preliminary experimental results on mapping of the elemental distribution of the organic tissues surrounding titanium-alloy implants A.M. Ektessabi, T. Otsuka, Y. Tsuboi, Y. Horino, Y. Mokuno, K. Fujii, T. Albrektsson, L. Sennerby I a ack dele eae AEA i eck Oe ea ea ace ee As 278 Investigation of trace elements in cancer kidney tissues by SRIXE and PIXE W.M. Kwiatek, T. Drewniak, M. Lekka and A. Wajdowicz ...2..22.. eee. eee. ee .eee eee 284 PIXE and micro-PIXE studies of ion release around endosseous implants in animals G.P. Egeni, M. Jaksic, G. Moschini, P. Passi, A. Piattelli, P. Rossi, V. Rudello and L. Tauro...... 289 Apoptosis and the trace elements S. Harada, T. Yanagisawa, K. Sera, P. Ling, S. Futatsugawa and S. Hatakeyama ............. 294 Cross-linking of DOPA-proteins in the eggshell of Bdelloura candida, a marine worm: a PIXE study ee ees, Time, See OE Oe i veces stew teas eb 4s cas Re oe ee Contents Application of PIXE to study the zinc concentration on erythrocyte membrane and the effect of zinc deficiency H. Yao, J. Huang, J. Zhang, F. Qian and P. Huang Heterogeneity measurement of trace elements distribution in sheep liver usingthe PIXE method H. Peyrovan and A. Amirabadi A PIXE study of vitrification of carnation in vitro culture H.Y. Yao, E.K. Lin, C.W. Wang, Y.C. Yu, C.H. Chang, Y.C. Yang and C.Y. Chang Dyspepsia treatment with Al compounds widely used in clinical practice — an animal model approach T. Pinheiro, J. Canena, J. Reis, A.M. Santos, A.S. Pinto, M.G. Quina, M.A. Reis and L.C. Alves ... An atomic basis of cancer (VI) — PIXE comparison of tumor localizers C.-C. Wei, Y. Tominaga and C.-W. Wang Elemental composition of different types of wood M. Esch, D. Hofmann, G. Krebs, C. Thierfelder, R. Wiinsch, R. Maier, M. Kuzel, M. Schosnig and K.O. Groeneveld PIXE analysis of fusarium culmorum fungus treated with chemical agents J. Koay, R.W. Osborn, G.W. Grime and S. Rees Elemental analysis of lichens from the intermountain western USA using PIXE R.N. Williams, R.C. Casellas, N.F. Mangelson, L.B. Rees, L.L. St. Clair, G.B. Schaaltje and K.D. Swalberg | An attempt to analyze fish otoliths by in-air PIXE N. Arai, W. Sakamoto and K. Maeda In vivo measurement of titanium release by PIXE Y. Tsuboi, A.M. Ektessabi, L. Sennerby, T. Albrektsson, T. Otsuka, T. Iizuka, C. Johansson and A. Wennerberg Selenium glutathione peroxidase activities and thyroid functions in human individuals G. Bellisola, M. Calza Contin, D. Ceccato, G. Cinque, G. Francia, S. Galassini, N.Q. Liu, C. Lo Cascio, G. Moschini and P.L. Sussi Se status in normal and pathological human individuals before and after Se supplementation G. Bellisola, G. Cinque, S. Galassini, G.C. Guidi, N.Q. Liu and G. Moschini Study on the changes of metal elemental contents in whole blood and bone during fracture healing Sha Yin, Liu Guodong, Lan Wenzheng, Liu Pingsheng, Zhang Peiqun, Lin Han and Wen Xiaoheng. . Microprobe PIXE analysis of aluminium in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease S. Yumoto, Y. Horino, Y. Mokuno, S. Kakimi and K. Fujii Positional distribution of elements in biological tissue N. Liu, H. Shao, D. Ma, Y. Den, P. Liu, Q. Xu, J. Zhao, A.M.I. Haque, M. Viviani and G. Moschini . PIXE and TR-XRF measurements of titanium levels in rabbit organs after endosseous implants insertion G. Bernasconi, M.C. Buoso, D. Ceccato, G. Cinque, M. Dargie, S. Galassini, G. Moschini, P. Passi, V. Valkovic, S. Varotto and A. Zadro Section V. Applications of PIXE to Analysis of Environmental Samples A multiannual experiment on tropospheric aerosols at Terranova Bay (Antarctica): role of PIXE analysis and related techniques P. Mittner, D. Ceccato, S. Del Maschio, E. Schiavuta, F. Chiminello, P. Buso, S. Agostini, V. Prodi, M. Mazza and F. Belardinelli PIXE methods and sea—air exchange of materials E. Schiavuta The use of PIXE and complementary ion beam analytical techniques for studies of atmospheric aerosols E. Swietlicki, B.G. Martinsson and P. Kristiansson Reference materials in the context of calibration and quality control of PIXE analysis: The case of aerosols analysis U. Watjen and H. Cavé Contents Climate forcing by anthropogenic aerosols: the role for PIXE es SE ee oe ee ke te Ae bs A a Oe 402 Geochemical processes in Venice Lagoon by PIXE technique: an overview a ey 2 Sn I Os I kerk ace Se ee ES ek Se ee VS CNRS 407 A combined experimental—modelling method for the detection and analysis of pollution in coastal zones oe, ee I gc a ss oe ha ek 4b eas oR I eee Se 415 **Global Change’’ related and other atmospheric aerosol research at the university of Gent, and the role of PIXE therein es EE oie ice eile aia Oe ek eS a 6a se ares Wb et al le eae © Sisk 419 The effectiveness of PIXE approach to the study of urban and regional atmospheric pollution in Northern Italy ne Oks ORR Ae ee Oe ee hos eee ead eae 429 Studies of atmospheric aerosols in large urban areas using PIXE: an overview Pe Maa ed the abe Ns SO we kG ee a ee OA eR Ce Keke 439 Elemental composition of urban aerosol collected in Debrecen, Hungary 1 ys ee OI GE. UI gi eee eee a ew ee b eae sews 445 Comparative analysis of aerosols elemental distribution in some Romanian regions S. Amemiya, T. Masuda, L. Popa-Simil and L. Mateescu ..........2..02. .ee.ee.ee s 450 Upgrading of the PIXE system at ININ (Mexico) and report on elemental composition of atmospheric aerosols from 1990 in the ZMCM F. Aldape, J. Flores M, R.V. Diaz and D. Crumpton. ......2..2.0. .e ee.e e.ee .een s 459 Mass size distributions for atmospheric trace elements at the Zeppelin background station in Ny Alesund, Spitsbergen V. Havranek, W. Maenhaut, G. Ducastel and J.E. Hanssen... ..........0.. e e2e e2e .eee e 465 Characterization of atmospheric aerosols separated by particle size and water solubility using PIXE analysis MM. Rasehers, 3.21. Park and Rh. Vemeneto . ww ee ce ete teeter eee 471 Size-fractionated aerosol composition at Gent, Belgium. Results from a one-year study W. Maenhaut, F. Francois, J. Cafmeyer and O. Okunade........0.02. .e. e.e .ee. ee e 476 A new cascade impactor for aerosol sampling with subsequent PIXE analysis W. Maenhaut, R. Hillamo, T. Makela, J.-L. Jaffrezo, M.H. Bergin and C.I. Davidson........... 482 PIXE and XRF analysis of marine sediments | i OO gk aed pw oa ow wea ele aha oa oe ee eee 488 Main atmospheric heavy metal sources in Portugal by biomonitor analysis M.A. Reis, L.C. Alves, H.T. Wolterbeek, T. Verburg, M.C. Freitas and A. Gouveia ........... 493 Dual-energy technique for rapid, high-sensitivity PIXE analysis of aerosol samples covering elements with atomic numbers down to Z = 13 B. Hietel, F. Schulz, N. Menzel, J. Tschiersch, B. Busch and K. Wittmaack ................ 498 PIXE analysis of atmospheric aerosols from a simultaneous three site sampling during the autumn of 1993 in Mexico City F. Aldape, J. Flores M, R. Garcia G and J.W. Nelson... 2... 2.2... eee ee eee ee ee ee eee 502 Anthropogenic contamination of an estuarine system evaluated by PIXE J.E. Martin, M.A. Respaldiza, R. Garcia-Tenorio, J.P. Bolivar, J. G6mez-Camacho and M.F. da Silva. 506 Chemical speciation of aerosol samples by ion beam thermography B. Mentes, M. Elfman and B.G. Martinsson ... wc ceceee eeee ewe a e wenn 511 Source characterisation of the Central European atmospheric aerosol using multivariate statistical methods Nae oe ee ie Ok de aa ee eee 519 Trace element analysis of precipitation samples by preconcentration and PIXE measurement J. Tschiersch, B. Hietel, B. Maier, F. Schulz and F. Trautner ................-.22-e00ee- 526 Long term aerosol measurements Cr ee | Contents Study of seasonal variations of trace-element concentrations within tree rings by thick-target PIXE analyses J. Harju, J-O. Lill, K-E. Saarela, S-J. Heselius, F.J. Hernberg and A. Lindroos Chemical states of sulfate at Shenandoah National Park during summer, 1991 T.A. Cahill, P.H. Wakabayashi and T.A. James Airborne streaker sampling for PIXE analysis H.J. Annegarn, M. Flanz, T. Kenntner, M.A. Kneen, G. Helas and S.J. Piketh Correlation of acid rain with the distributions of acid and alkaline elements in aerosols Sha Yin, Wang Anpu, Yang Shulan and Liu Pingsheng Section VI. Applications of PIXE to Characterization of Materials Study of physical and chemical inhomogeneities in semiconducting and insulating materials by a combined use of micro-PIXE and micro-IBIC C. Manfredotti, F. Fizzotti, E. Vittone, M. Boero, P. Polesello, S. Galassini, M. Jaksic, S. Fazinic and I. Bogdanovic The application of PIXE to the mapping of contaminants deposited on a monolithic automotive catalytic converter D.E. Angove, N.W. Cant, G.M. Bailey and D.D. Cohen A guiding principle to select PIXE or PIXE-induced XRF for steel analysis K. Morito, S. Nagashima, M. Kato, T. Kotani and M. Uda PIXE analysis of heavy elements in silicon using MeV heavy ion beams Y. Mokuno, Y. Horino, A. Kinomura, A. Chayahara, N. Tsubouchi and K. Fuji Analysis of Ag—Co thin film alloys using PIXE and RBS R. Sandrik and G.W. Grime Application of MeV carbon ions for PIXE measurements in silicon and high-7, superconductors T. Tadi¢é, D. Dujmi¢, M. JakSi¢é, V. Valkovié and C. Manfredotti PIXE analysis of antinodularizing elements Al, Pb and Bi in nodular cast iron S.L. Feng, M.Q. Ren and M. Zhong Section VII. Applications of PIXE to Geological and Mineralogical Samples Study of volcanic sediments by microbeam-PIXE technique N.I. Khandaker, M. Ahmed and M.A. Garwan Micro-PIXE studies of Sr zoning in Arctic charr otoliths: migratory behaviour and stock discrimination N.M. Halden, J.A. Babaluk, A.H. Kristofferson, J.L. Campbell, W.J. Teesdale, J.A. Maxwell and J.D. Chemical composition and paramagnetism of vein quartz from the Tasmania gold mine, Beaconsfield, northern Tasmania D.W. Russell, G.M. Bailey, J.C. van Moort and D.D. Cohen Diamond exploration and mantle structure imaging using PIXE microanalysis C.G. Ryan, W.L. Griffin and T.T. Win The analysis of rare-earth bearing minerals using K and L X-ray spectra ~ C.G. Choi, G. Remond and D.B. Isabelle Study of microspherules in the Permian—Triassic bedded chert of the Sasayama section, Southwest Japan by PIXE analysis S. Miono, Zheng Chengzhi and Y. Nakayama Elemental analyses of marine skeletons C. Solis, A. Oliver and L. Rodriguez-Fernandez PIXE analysis of the desorption of elements from bog mud Y. Matsuda, T. Ishiyama and F. Nishiyama Distribution of rare metals in kuroko-type ore: a PIXEPROBE study S. Murao, S.H. Sie and G.F. Suter Contents Trace element distribution in native gold my ga SRP ene rage RePee eer Pea gee anv EEO P ert eae ra a Me Pi ere 633 ‘*Fingerprint PIXE method’’ in the identification of the quarries of some lavic material used as building stone from the S.M. Maddalena Church in Buccheri-Sicily P. Atzori, P. Baeri, A. D’Innocenzo, G. Pappalardo, L. Pappalardo and R. Reitano ............ 639 Section VIII. Applications to Archaeology, Art and Other Man-made Aspects Recent applications to the study of ancient inks with the Florence external-PIXE facility ee es oh ak od ae sb ee 8 wee 8 DR he we 644 Application of PIXE to the study of Renaissance style enamelled gold jewelry M. Weldon, J. Carlson, S. Reedy and C.P. Swann... . 2... 2... ee ee ee ee ee ee es 653 Application of the external PIXE analysis to ancient Egyptian objects S. Nagashima, M. Kato, T. Kotani, K. Morito, M. Miyazawa, J. Kondo, S. Yoshimura, Y. Sasa and RS Gok bok oa a ae kc 5 cee Ww ook ve © we Ae ORS a 0 ow ae ee 658 PIXE analysis of ancient Greek copper coins minted in Epirus, Illyria, Macedonia and Thessaly N. Kallithrakas-Kontos, A.A. Katsanos, C. Potiriadis, M. Oeconomidou and J. Touratsoglou ...... 662 Multielement analysis on bone structures of medieval human femur D. Grambole, F. Herrmann and B. Herrmann. ...........ccccccccscvcccsvcvcececes 667 PIXE elemental analysis of South American mummy hair A.Y. Du, N.F. Mangelson, L.B. Rees and R.T. Matheny ..........2..0.22. .e.ee.ee e 673 Search for the origin of iron manufacturing at Kansai area in Japan by PIXE analysis S. Miono, Zheng Chengzhi, Y. Nakayama, S. Manabe and K. Ohmichi................... 677 Characterization of ligurian pottery by PIXE analysis S. Pio, P. Prati, A. Zucchiatti, F. Lucarelli, PA. Mando and C. Varaldo..................2. 681 PIXE analysis of jewels from an Achaemenid tomb (IVth century BC) G. Querré, A. Bouquillon, T. Calligaro, M. Dubus and J. Salomon. ..................-.. 686 Corrosion phenomena in electron, proton and synchrotron X-ray microprobe analysis of Roman glass from Qumran, Jordan K. Janssens, A. Aerts, L. Vincze; F. Adams, C. Yang, R. Utui, K. Malmqvist, K.W. Jones, M. Radtke, S. Garbe, F. Lechtenberg, A. Knéchel and H. Wouters ..............02. e2e 2ee e 690 Section IX. Industrial Application Macroscopic and microscopic approach to the study of enrichment phenomena in the electrostatic precipitation of coal fly ash particles E. Cereda, G.M. Braga Marcazzan, G.W. Grime and F. Mattachini...................... 696 Section X. Conference Overview Conference overview NR is eas Gh eg a bo a a Se Oe a Oe ee eee eee 701 SS EROS ORTEGA STS TE er RE ER RE EI RET RC: PIS. eS MEDS MN TateP h ee, ee ATS AEC

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