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Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 1993: Vol B75 Index PDF

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Preview Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 1993: Vol B75 Index

NIM B Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B75 (1993) 593-603 North-Holland Beam Interactions with Materials & Atoms Author index a Cy Vik We eRe ee ee Rw OU REN VO wae eke ek ok os B75 (1993) 120 fos a's a a Nha e ev ee Oe Oe ne ee ak ae ee aa B75 (1993) 116 Aldape, F., J. Flores M., R.V. Diaz and D. Crumpton, Temporal variations in elemental concentrations of ee ee cova ew SN ee aS Ow whe sea e ae EEO RES AO eee B75 (1993) 304 sy. a as ke A Ok ee a es aw ek ee Oe be Oe RO ee B75 (1993) 148 ee iy bak ted bk RM RS doe RS ek B75 (1993) 450 ag ae -hiy 44 bo SRO Nes 0k Ce RE Re eee eee aa eee B75 (1993) 296 na ok ba ae ARE ee eee aoa ee he ee B75 (1993) 420 sg ga wb ce A Sk A a ee RE ee B75 (1993) 397 ee Fee Se IE, gk gc ee ee eS eee eke e eee Ooo we pe ee ks eee B75 (1993) 539 Andrade, F., C. Orsini and W. Maenhaut, Receptor modeling for inhalable atmospheric particles in Sao I org 80 ee Ng as a alg ae bs6 baa Re hE OO ES a eS Se B75 (1993) 308 ee OUR CFU eS ee EWS Shee eee hae cseasd FORE KO ED SG ROU ROS bee ERED B75 (1993) 127 ns so 9 5 NO AD OS we be ao Oe A ae ee a ee B75 (1993) 463 ee er I TE, | 5 6.6 .h 6 nc o-5 0d Ma Sk dO ae ewe AKO aa ae OO aK Ue OSE RE R ES B75 (1993) 539 Annegarn, H.J. and W.J. Przybylowicz, Total CMB analysis of streaker aerosol samples by PIXE, PIGE, beta- a os i bn 6 bo Ny ew a OES Oe a RRA REO LE ERO B75 (1993) 582 a IR i oe a ne Ye ee ae Oa geM e Ale eR ek Bee ee ee B75 (1993) 367 Aratjo, M.F., L.C. Alves and J.M.P. Cabral, Comparison of EDXRF and PIXE in the analysis of ancient gold RR Re a ae rok Sees arg re NeN ae IAS BoeE B DO iea man ge eer ee aa ar mea NE UMMC ape Wka get ga Se B75 (1993) 450 Artaxo, P., F. Gerab and M.L.C. Rabello, Elemental composition of aerosol particles from two atmospheric monitoring stations in the Amano AGI... kw cc cece meee ares eeseverereveces B75 (1993) 277 Artaxo, P., M.L.C. Rabello, F. Watt, G. Grime and E. Swietlicki, Nuclear microprobe analysis and source apportionment of individual atmospheric aerosol particles B75 (1993) 521 2 ey se eed ew BES Se Ee A ea S OOS ee ed oe ee B75 (1993) 576 i ie i gs heh ds6 SRE DS a ERS bn OR ee ee ak ee B75 (1993) 553 I a ee i ic WLM RED ME Oe B75 (1993) 204 I i a cask wcplie eo iar cia caS asa ek ca ee cana ee a ee B75 (1993) 131 Bellagamba, B., A. Caridi, E. Cereda, G.M. Braga Marcazzan and V. Valkovic, PIXE application to the study of trace element behaviour in coal combustion cycle .....2... .eee. .eee .ee .eee .ee e.ee e ee B75 (1993) 222 ca ee he he ed ke Wk we Oe PR Od ae ee REO eS oak Rae B75 (1993) 86 Neen en nnn ne ee i aia Ak We a ae LE Oe Kad Lo ed 6 Oe ee B75 (1993) 155 i AS ae se wi ot tha Wie Bos lk Wn ew eee ee Oa aw ee a aise B75 (1993) 17 cs I a PS Aaa a ae 6 Rae RDNA SRA OEM OS SAME SA ee B75 (1993) 155 I Seah aap wh oe Oe doa Re Eek B75 (1993) 371 I OSSD, "EERE I SOIL PF PL OE OE PIE PN OF B75 (1993) 312 8 a i ee oe & oa hw eee eee B75 (1993) 123 Borbély-Kiss, I., E. Koltay and GY. Szab6, Apportionment of atmospheric aerosols collected over Hungary to sources by target transformation factor analysis B75 (1993) 287 edal Cees uo ak SO A a LA B75 (1993) 296 ran Dieerneeee (520. O06 Oe ceseen cena eedenseeeeteseane aseuesae B75 (1993) 222 Braga Marcazzan, G.M., P. Bonelli, E. Della Bella, A.F umagalli, R. Ricci and U. Pellegrini, Study of regional and long-range transport in an Alpine station by PIXE analysis of aerosol particles ................ B75 (1993) 312 Braga-Marcazzan, G.M., C. Cavicchioli, F. Lucarelli, P. Redaelli, A. Ventura and M. Marchionni, Comple- mentary use of high time resolution particulate sampling and PIXE analysis in the study of a severe I Re ee Se De ae RO ad ae RoE A a Le Oe B75 (1993) 230 Braziewicz, E., see Braziewicz, J. B75 (1993) 68 Cr | Braziewicz, J., see Semaniak, J. B75 (1993) 63 Braziewicz, J., E. Braziewicz and M. Pajek, Parameterization of X-ray mass attenuation coefficients in the Te oe ec en eae SIEM 4 EE Ee ale 4d REE Ke ERE LER EOS B75 (1993) 68 Breese, M.B.H., G.W. Grime and F. Watt, The use of PIXE and STIM in microelectronics analysis B75 (1993) 341 0168-583X /93 /$06.00 © 1993 — Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 594 Author index Budnar, M. and A. Mihleisen, Second order radiative contributions at fluorescence lines B75 (1993) 81 Buoso, M.C., S. Galassini, M. Makarewicz, F. Monti, G. Moschini, R. Ogris, O. Valkovic and V. Valkovic, Assessment of selenium status in biological material B75 (1993) 169 ee I Aad ay wince oka wae aA OREN KAO OO Ra ee ee Nee Meee ees B75 (1993) 450 Cahill, T.A., see Zeng, X. B75 (1993) 99 Cahill, T.A., The international fine aerosol networks B75 (1993) 217 Cambria, R., P. Del Carmine, M. Grange, F. Lucarelli and P.A. Mando, A methodological test of external beam PIXE analysis on inks of ancient manuscripts B75 (1993) 488 es ee vg ee aca ek ve Kea E TOKE SURO eae Rees treba ea eee B75 (1993) 330 Caridi, A., see Bellagamba, B. B75 (1993) 222 Casimiro, E., see Peisach, M. B75 (1993) 191 Castiglioni, M., G. Manfredi, M. Milazzo and M. Silari, PIXE-induced XRF by high energy protons and alpha particles B75 (1993) 38 rr a i i TS i eh sa ee Re ek ee eRe eee weve Nee wee e deb eneceers B75 (1993) 230 ok a gk he Ae ee RO aw ee aw ae eee ee ee ee ce es B75 (1993) 330 re a Se a ewe A bl KS ae Roe ie be Oe eel eS OEM B75 (1993) 222 Cereda, E., see Fazinié¢, S. B75 (1993) 371 ge yar aaa eg ea wb RA ee we ele weS ow ele ale lb ate ea eee oe B75 (1993) 195 Chao, E.C.T., see Chen, J.R. B75 (1993) 576 Chao, Z., see Liu, N. B75 (1993) 571 Chen, J.R., E.C.T. Chao, J.M. Back, J.A. Minkin, M.L. Rivers, S.R. Sutton, G.L. Cygan, J.N. Grossman and M.J. Reed, Rare earth element concentrations in geological and synthetic samples using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence analysis B75 (1993) 576 Choi, H.W., see Kim, N.B. B75 (1993) 379 Sc ee ie ecg eA A A A MA A ERO eG Oe B75 (1993) 504 Chuang, F.T., see Wang, C.W. B75 (1993) 44 I a ies gk gk by! ok ida a eww a RS ae ee we B75 (1993) 148 Connell, S.H., see Przybylowicz, W.J. B75 (1993) 539 Costa, F., see Ghermandi, G. B75 (1993) 330 Crumpton, D., see Flores M., J. B75 (1993) 116 a a a a i la ig wD AAW Dk A De SS OA Sw RY 8 WERE AS B75 (1993) 304 Cruvinel, P.E. and R.G. Flocchini, Determination of Se in soil samples using the proton induced X-ray emission technique B75 (1993) 415 Cruz, F., see Rodriguez-Fernandez, L. B75 (1993) 49 Cruz, F., see Miranda, J. B75 (1993) 454 Cygan, G.L., see Chen, J.R. B75 (1993) 576 Dacal, A., see Miranda, J. B75 (1993) 454 Dannecker, W., see Watjen, U. B75 (1993) 257 Daous, M.A., see Hallak, A.B. B75 (1993) 120 Daous, M.A., see Hallak, A.B. B75 (1993) 397 EEE ESS TSE le FO REE CES EE an EOE PE AE ena e ON eee B75 (1993) 180 Del Carmine, P., F. Lucarelli, P.A. Mando and A. Pecchioli, The external PIXE setup for the analysis of manuscripts at the Florence University B75 (1993) 480 i lS ae wile ba ck ad who a So kee oleae kw kd ee B75 (1993) 488 Delbrouck-Habaru, J.M., see Weber, G. B75 (1993) 148 Della Bella, E., see Braga Marcazzan, G.M. B75 (1993) 312 Demeter, I., see Szokefalvi-Nagy, Z. B75 (1993) 54 Demeter, I., see Szokefalvi-Nagy, Z. B75 (1993) 165 Demortier, G., S. Mathot and C. Steukers, Secondary effects in PIXE analysis of binary alloys and thick surface layers B75 (1993) 347 Diaz, R.V., see Aldape, F. B75 (1993) 304 Neen i ne ee ah ei aN ie Cae ar wee B75 (1993) 116 Dong Yulan, see Sha Yin B75 (1993) 177 Ducastel, G., see Maenhaut, W. B75 (1993) 249 I ae sas as pe bs ed Ske ae ee a ed B75 (1993) 20 Erasmus, C.S., see Pillay, A.E. B75 (1993) 420 Author index Fazini¢, S., I. Bogdanovi¢c, E. Cereda, M. Jaksi¢ and V. Valkovi¢, Stoichiometric determination of thin metal 2 gy eid a ae agg ee ck 8 a Garb all en tes e RS Mek IR SKS WL) CAL UR oe ae B75 (1993) 371 a a aed kik 6h aye Ow MACACA, 6 AA ER ae ew eal eee B75 (1993) 539 Feng Songlin, Zhong Ming, Ren Mingin, Liu Nianging, Yan Lingna, Zhao Shuiying, Wang Yu, Zhu Jieqing, Le Anquan, Lu Rongrong and Gu Yingmei, PIXE and SPM analysis of V, Cr, Cu and Bi in nodular cast Ce ee ee ee ees tae y Ce Sie he a ey orb ee Wee a kk ae a 0S EE ee Oe ee B75 (1993) 375 eg De ees a abe ek ROR A Oke ARES Sw DERE RRR Ree eee B75 (1993) 160 I a ae oe eld ae Oe ee REE ee eh eg tara oe B75 (1993) 360 Fleming, S.J. and C.P. Swann, Recent applications of PIXE spectrometry in archaeology part I. Observations on the early development of copper metallurgy in the Old World B75 (1993) 440 a a eg bie eels pig Hh SS a a ip ate tah oee ka Ua Wie Wei kw et ee RA B75 (1993) 445 a a i kl Big ens « & AML A al ik WR Ae AS Re sk ee B75 (1993) 415 Flores M., J., F. Aldape, R.V. Diaz and D. Crumpton, Set-up and improvements of the PIXE facility at ININ, ge eg ig ee ee ceded ysL ib ean yk eae U lace gu a wie eek alee ee ae alee an B75 (1993) 116 ed ae aks oo eG RULE A ew ¥ Oe RO Ee ad RL ee oe eh eee S B75 (1993) 304 Folkmann, F., High resolution ion induced X-ray spectroscopy for chemical state analysis B75 (1993) 9 aa ea A kee ba Pe ee eRe ae i ae een B75 (1993) 367 i a a al a kh iww o 4 @ brh k ARO RR ON ae Oe Ee Ee Se ae B75 (1993) 535 en ee ag ok ME bee V wo ed ek i B75 (1993) 28 Fujimura, M., H. Suzuki, Y. Sekine and J.W. Winchester, Resolution of air pollution from regional aerosol components in western Japan by factor analysis of elemental concentrations measured by PIXE B75 (1993) 292 ey Wks ga ak Rae ln Sw ae ee Ew Ok ee B75 (1993) 526 Fumagalli, A., see Braga Marcazzan, G.M. B75 (1993) 312 a. ee ee ee ee ee ee er ee ee ee a ae ee tee oe ee ee ee ee a ea ar er er te me, ee ee ee a et ee ee eer ee ae Galassini, S., see Buoso, M.C. B75 (1993) 169 NN sc a a ae I i a ea oe B75 (1993) 277 Ghermandi, G., D. Campolieti, R. Cecchi, F. Costa, L. Zaggia and R. Zonta, Trace metals behaviour during salt and fresh water mixing in the Venice Lagoon B75 (1993) 330 Gémez-Camacho, J., see Respaldiza, M.A. B75 (1993) 334 ni 5 ao as ta a now ae eee AN oh OE ES RS a ee B75 (1993) 488 Greig, A., S.H. Sie and I.A. Nicholls, Trace element zoning in clinopyroxenes from spinel peridotite xenoliths B75 (1993) 411 eg ne a a eek a ek hess weC AE ERLE EER ARAGS 6 € OE Oe es ee eee B75 (1993) 521 I I ay sk Wu a ARON KEN As 4S eke RS VSO oe Paw oe B75 (1993) 173 Nn oy de eA ce beh a wee eee DS Oe aR AM Owe +e eee B75 (1993) 341 Grime, G.W. and F. Watt, A survey of recent PIXE applications in archaeometry and environmental sciences using the Oxford scanning proton microprobe facility ......... 2.0... ccc eee eee B75 (1993) 495 Ne Ne as oa ake aS Ok ORCL DL ee ee ek B75 (1993) 576 sydo oh kw alate SOs Ae SN A ead Ae B75 (1993) 375 SEED EE aSL O eee g AE EP ere SFO nee rs aE Ee aT a TA Ft B75 (1993) 191 Hallak, A.B., M.A. Daous and M.M. Al-Kofahi, PIXE/RBS development and activities at KFUPM B75 (1993) 120 Hallak, A.B., M.A. Daous and J.A. Anabtawi, Analysis of a reforming catalyst by PIXE and RBS B75 (1993) 397 eens: ORS A Reee ea a ee by a ha woe Bee Veo wees B75 (1993) 326 I a ie Br ta ag ctl b eae tie hae ia B75 (1993) 160 Hanada, T., M. Mogi, J. Kawai, K. Maeda, Y. Sasa and M. Uda, Nickel La spectra measured by a high resolution particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) spectrometer ......00.00 .cc e.ce .eee. e.nce s B75 (1993) 35 Hansson, H.-C., E. Swietlicki, N.P.-O. Larsson and S.J. Johnsen, PIXE analysis as a tool for dating of ice cores from the Greenland ice sheet B75 (1993) 428 i NN i ae gig hia bare eam ae win ta Sie abel aig wala: Seba a eee ees B75 (1993) 476 ne a a wa. 4)b o 4 40 wh AR ADP AD Et hale Sik a dia a a ees B75 (1993) 485 (SSS MBO ES aE TS PNA EOS PUM ero r eRe Ieo eC ree gts ig ae Pie Sener rie Merc ey B75 (1993) 155 NE A TS Se ak ae ale gin wa WON mE Ee Oa Me ek De Ou OOM e aa eee B75 (1993) 200 SS ha SGT PEE PE PE LEE PIELER Ee ee OE tea tes B75 (1993) 160 cs ay balan s Mee ee Oe ee eRe ee hae be es B75 (1993) 180 Hill, M.W., see Rees, L.B. B75 (1993) 77 a a i al ew euch ele Lack @ a ee a ee Wl ee a es B75 (1993) 144 EE SSS. SEES LPG ea eC RN eM Uae aE LE Ln ET MES MPS EOE EF A IS B75 (1993) 249 Hollés-Nagy, K., see Sz6kefalvi-Nagy, Z. B75 (1993) 165 ee Hopewell, J.W., see Valkovic, V. B75 (1993) 173 Se eC eee ee aenaen os 8 28 CCE eR RMSE HA COaKR Oe RHP ORO B BHA OD OH Se 0 OB EEN TRE Sean ES CE Sag ENP eT OP ern Pa NTN ETED COME ee one Sage Ie Pr Lr SRN Ee ree B75 (1993) 367 Horino, Y., Y. Mokuno and K. Fujii, Microanalysis of materials by PIXE using focused MeV heavy ion beams B75 (1993) 535 596 Author index Hsu, W.-S., see Wei, C.-C. B75 (1993) 195 Huston, D.L., S.H. Sie, G.F. Suter and C.G. Ryan, The compositon of pyrite in volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits as determined with the proton microprobe B75 (1993) 531 lihara, J., T.O mori, K. Yoshihara and K. Ishii, Chemical effects in chromium L X-rays B75 (1993) 32 litaka, T., see Koyama, A. B75 (1993) 86 Imai, M., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 367 ss 5 oa Sg CG Se eae yan haem ook Pee oe ee ae OF oe Oo ee ee B75 (1993) 526 ee hh og wae oe each aid ek AE Ak Ta REA RE ETA es ee eas B75 (1993) 282 Ishibashi, K., K. Inoue, K. Yokoyama, Y. Kawata, H. Fukuyama and M. Iwasaki, Development of a compact nuclear microprobe system and its application to the analysis of titanium castings B75 (1993) 526 Ishii, A. and K. Nakamura, RBS—PIXE analysis on thin films of high-T, oxide superconductors B75 (1993) 388 Ishii, K., see lihara, J. B75 (1993) 32 Ishii, K., K.M aeda, M. Takami, Y. Sasa, M. Uda and S. Morita, Continuous backgrounds in heavy-ion induced X-ray emission B75 (1993) 73 Ishii, K., see Yumoto, S. B75 (1993) 188 Ishii, T., see Ishikawa, M. B75 (1993) 204 Ishikawa, A., see Yumoto, S. B75 (1993) 188 i a tg bk ek ge ee OK Oe B75 (1993) 86 Ishikawa, M., K. Nakamura, T. Ishii, A. Bassari, K. Okoshi and K. Kitao, Elements in tissues and organs of an Antarctic fish, Champsocephalus gunnari B75 (1993) 204 Ishimaru, Y., see Katayama, Y. B75 (1993) 212 ee Ee Ppa gp eee OPERA © 6 OREN EER DO ES Ow PRS B75 (1993) 321 I ee a aig gla ss wey ee ad aed 4004 Se Oe ORES ek B75 (1993) 112 i a ee a ial igi bg ig weP a ae © 6k WEA oe RIA ie KS we B75 (1993) 321 Ito, S., M. Tosaki, N. Maeda, N. Takahashi, R. Katano and Y. Isozumi, Application of a pressurized position-sensitive proportional counter to X-ray measurement B75 (1993) 112 Ito, Y., T. Mukoyama, K. Omote, K. Shimizu, A. Nisawa, T. Shoji, H. Terauchi and S. Kuehner, Structural evaluation of a Mo/Si multilayer, analyzed with various wavelengths B75 (1993) 355 Iwao, T., see Miyake, H. B75 (1993) 282 Iwasaki, H., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 367 Iwasaki, M., see Ishibashi, K. B75 (1993) 526 Jaksic, M., see Valkovic, V. B75 (1993) 155 Jaksic, M., see Valkovic, V. B75 (1993) 173 Jaksi¢, M., see Fazinicé, S. B75 (1993) 371 Johansson, S.A.E.,Conference summary B75 (1993) 589 Johnsen, S.J., see Hansson, H.-C. B75 (1993) 428 Jones, K.W., see Sutton, S.R. B75 (1993) 553 I ee a a eg oa bck d 6 be ww Sab haku a B75 (1993) 326 2 a a a ers Gaal ig see er a aK te ok ies ee B75 (1993) 188 Kalinka, G. and K. Taniguchi, Status of solid state energy dispersive X-ray detection B75 (1993) 91 Kasahara, M., K. Takahashi, M. Sakisaka and M. Tomita, Standard samples and calibration of PIXE analysis B75 (1993) 136 Kasahara, M., K. Yoshida and K. Takahashi, Sampling and measurement conditions for PIXE analysis of atmospheric aerosols B75 (1993) 240 Katano, R., see Ito, S. B75 (1993) 112 Katayama, Y., see Nishimura, K. B75 (1993) 209 Katayama, Y., K. Nishimura, N. Kojima, Y. Ishimaru, N. Okada, K. Minato, M. Tomita and K. Yoshida, Determination of trace elements in tree rings by the PIXE method B75 (1993) 212 Kato, H., see Muramatsu, Y. B75 (1993) 559 Katoh, T., S. Amemiya, Y. Tsurita, T. Masuda, E. Koltay and I. Borbély-Kiss, PIXE analysis of atmospheric aerosols collected over Hungary and Japan B75 (1993) 296 Kauppinen, E.I., see Maenhaut, W. B75 (1993) 266 Kawai, J., Chemical effects in the satellites of X-ray emission spectra B75 (1993) 3 Kawai, J., see Uda, E. B75 (1993) 24 i es ey hw dS UES WRAL KO WER Ue Pe B75 (1993) 35 Kawai, J., see Muramatsu, Y. B75 (1993) 559 Kawata, Y., see Ishibashi, K. B75 (1993) 526 Kawatsura, K., K. Ozawa, M. Terasawa, K.-i. Komaki and F. Fujimoto,Ion induced L X-ray spectra of 3d transition elements B75 (1993) 28 Author index Kawatsura, K., T. Nakae, N. Shimatani, K. Maeda, S. Arai, T. Mitamura, M. Terasawa, H. Iwasaki, H. Uchida, K. Koterazawa, Y. Horino, Y. Mokuno, K. Fujii, M. Satou, M. Sataka, M. Imai and H. Maeta, PIXE and RBS study of radiation-induced segregation in single crystal austenitic stainless steel SUS 304 B75 (1993) 367 Kemp, K., Apportionment of non-PIXE species by means of PIXE analysis B75 (1993) 234 ee ee ee a ee er ee ee ee oe eh eke ak ROE ELC ORAS AREAS EAT eee eR ESO B75 (1993) 476 eck a aa hc ie eae og eg a ahi ecg Wkly Sg Bik A WE Bk Oe SS a ee B75 (1993) 379 Kim, N.B., H.J. Woo, D.K. Kim, H.W. Choi, K.Y. Lee and K.S. Park, A device for improving detection ke kv 6 oe eed ae OOO Ee bo Oe eee B75 (1993) 379 ee bese Mae ke ARSE EEE Oh book ChE OSES B75 (1993) 204 eeWd a Ka LE Ea KOO LE a AS bo B75 (1993) 321 sk a | da bk LS ORD e A Oe oe a ROE HORS ERR OT B75 (1993) 392 ee ee eae hee va ee eee ce N eel see eee ee ew eee NS B75 (1993) 127 Kneen, M.A., see Zucchiatti, A. B75 (1993) 463 | Kobayashi, K., see Ohashi, H. B75 (1993) 140 Ce | i a wk ésa enO e a he a Oe ee EE Oe Te Oe ewe ee B75 (1993) 188 a i ee wae bee ee eo ewe ee eee Ss eee a eR eee B75 (1993) 63 a aad Me Ba a eek eee ee eee B75 (1993) 392 eeeal dea ey oo we Le ee Se ee ees B75 (1993) 140 Ne el a a ard Oh ee Ge Dk See ee ae MNOS Se B75 (1993) 212 Koltay, E., see Borbély-Kiss, I. B75 (1993) 287 a ed ea yg ete lew gle NOR A a ee ke Oe a ees B75 (1993) 296 Komaki, K.-i., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 28 ’ © & o> 6 25 208 6. 6 4 6 6 OH 89 4 O © OO O16 OD 24RD OO OR Se SS Se Se Oe ee 8 Oe oe ee ee SO es es i ae baw Pe Oo OR be CaO OS Se ees OREN SS B75 (1993) 367 Koyama, A., O. Benka, H. Ishikawa, T. Iitaka, Y. Sasa and M. Uda, Incident angle dependence of Al-LVV Auger electron spectra induced by fast Ar!**+ ion impact ....0..0.. eee. eee. ee .ee e.ee e.ee e ee B75 (1993) 86 Koyama-Ito, H. and E. Wada, Micro-PIXE analyses of thick frozen lenses with cataracts B75 (1993) 518 kgsee ERS CARR S NEON ORG TAO ES Oe ODER B75 (1993) 360 Ne ee eh ae SN A SR a A eee ae Ke De ree ae es B75 (1993) 257 Kuehner, S., see Ito, Y. B75 (1993) 355 i Lai, Y.K. and S.M. Tang, A survey of air quality in Singapore B75 (1993) 300 Larsson, N.P.-O., see Hansson, H.-C. B75 (1993) 428 i i ) TRS CSS Sai a EEE Pe ar an rir eae UN a Seay er err ear arm. B75 (1993) 375 ae ee sO I Fg cee seem eee eee ere nee awd vesensesteneseeebbriae B75 (1993) 54 ee Ee fe eb ea ae RE EE Sc Paw ee ee hes B75 (1993) 44 TERETE CE ee IN eS ear REE Nae ne Or oog c ED ar ER IE eee em Ea EPr are MeO ae B75 (1993) 379 Legge, G.J.F., see Saint, A. B75 (1993) 504 i Nee ene nee ea lee ee ae ay i ee sa ea aoe B75 (1993) 571 I I NS el eae pts Gn aSg hal late kt ide an We ee RL I WIA OR ee B75 (1993) 177 ee ee a eg Wik ale pee De GO We aE OU Ok Red Cee ee Oe B75 (1993) 44 nn oe 6 pte pied oe wey CO k ede wee wu a ae ge pine B75 (1993) 266 Lipworth, A.D., H.J. Annegarn and M.A. Kneen, Advanced, enhanced HEX program for PIXE ......... B75 (1993) 127 Liu, N., C. Zhou, L. Yan, X. Li, Z. Chao, Z. Ren and S. Zhou, A preliminary study on the positional distribution of Cisplatin and other elements in the liver of normal mice B75 (1993) 571 a Ae ar ce ale & aie bes Wists WRT Lae Re kaw Ok ORO a B75 (1993) 177 Liu Nianqing, see Feng Songlin B75 (1993) 375 Ce | I 5 eres gad Acie Mk ER EW Ew Oe EKER ES CR Rea cE Pane B75 (1993) 177 Llabador, Y., see Moretto, Ph. B75 (1993) 511 i isoe WE OE LR eR eee es B75 (1993) 58 Loh, K.K., C.H. Sow, K.H. Tan, H.S. Tan, S.M. Tang, I. Orlic and T. Osipowicz, Measurement of phosphorus content in silica layers B75 (1993) 364 Ce I a Ee ee eg Gogh kee ee kd bb eck Bd lk ee eee B75 (1993) 383 Lépez-Tarrida, A.J., see Respaldiza, M.A. B75 (1993) 334 oe ee ee ee we we we we we we we ww ee we we we ew ee ee we we we we we we we we © we ee ee we we ww OES IE IOES SEED LAE PO LIP PT TE NE ET Oe PO PF OTP ee are B75 (1993) 375 gg OEE SESS EES LEE LE I OL EE EE rrr aE B75 (1993) 230 (EE ESS EEF PLE CE I EE OS OL! Sn ree are oe B75 (1993) 480 Ne ae we oo aS ER CA OA a ae’ B75 (1993) 488 Cee ee nn nn nnn ee a as Ra we ee a Sele ww ata ca bee ee B75 (1993) 360 Lytle, N.W., J.E. Silk, M.W. Hill, N.F. Mangelson and L.B. Rees, Preparation of PIXE samples by lithium metaborate fusion B75 (1993) 144 i 598 Author index Ma, X.-P., J.D. MacArthur, P.L. Roeder and A.N. Mariano, Trace element fingerprinting of emeralds by PIXE/PIGE B75 (1993) 423 MacArthur, J.D., see Ma, X.-P. B75 (1993) 423 i ek nc se dy Seg a Ba Xe Eee Rn ee hd Ek ES B75 (1993) 35 Maeda, K.., see Ishii, K. B75 (1993) 73 a Ne ep ee eb OE Ee A ee a ew RR eke B75 (1993) 200 Maeda, K., see Suzuki, K. B75 (1993) 317 REE RR Rea tae arlyA toe Ao ar PE > pag ee Rae Pe PRM are SN eeB ye See Bag many: B75 (1993) 367 ESE SERIS DPR ORF opr re nN erie PR aeE F Shy hg gr a a ee ey er eee eee B75 (1993) 476 Maeda, N., see Ito, S. B75 (1993) 112 Maenhaut, W., see Pinheiro, T. B75 (1993) 160 Maenhaut, W., G. Hebbrecht and J. De Reuck, Examination of the regional distribution of minor and trace elements in normal human brain by PIXE and chemometric techniques B75 (1993) 180 Maenhaut, W., G. Ducastel, R.E. Hillamo and T.A. Pakkanen, Evaluation of the applicability of the MOUDI impactor for aerosol collections with subsequent multielement analysis by PIXE B75 (1993) 249 Maenhaut, W., see Tabacniks, M.H. B75 (1993) 262 Maenhaut, W., O. Rgyset, M. Vadset, E.I. Kauppinen and T.M. Lind, Analysis of size-fractionated coal combustion aerosols by PIXE and other analytical techniques B75 (1993) 266 Maenhaut, W., see Andrade, F. B75 (1993) 308 I Sc re ee due ede NGO e Se bee Rake NG B75 (1993) 367 Makarewicz, M., see Valkovic, V. B75 (1993) 155 asey gtk ie orb 9 ad An is de Raw bok we bee als REDO B75 (1993) 169 Mando, P.A., see Del Carmine, P. B75 (1993) 480 Mando, P.A., see Cambria, R. B75 (1993) 488 Manfredi, G., see Castiglioni, M. B75 (1993) 38 le gh a 6 EWG ke wa ake Rts Kale a wa al Wee ee ae ae B75 (1993) 77 Mangelson, N.F., see Lytle, N.W. B75 (1993) 144 EE ES a ar na ari B75 (1993) 230 Ne enn nn nnn uae og REA he 6 ORDO wee ae wee ee B75 (1993) 423 Masuda, T., see Katoh, T. B75 (1993) 296 Mathot, S., see Demortier, G. B75 (1993) 347 Matsuda, Y., T. Ishiyama, N. Ito and S. Kiyoda, PIXE analysis on desorption of elements from coastal sediments B75 (1993) 321 McGovern, P.E., see Swann, C.P. B75 (1993) 445 Menu, M., External beam applications to painting materials B75 (1993) 469 Milazzo, M., see Castiglioni, M. B75 (1993) 38 ERR BRS RS ADD ice eg GR ane IPE EEO EDP IP PIPE, ae a ae ee Pa B75 (1993) 212 REET a end EI ORES RONDO ena Te TaRYS a Nea a UE SSC Eo CRG Pe B75 (1993) 576 Miono, S., Y. Nakayama, M. Shoji, H. Tsuji and A. Nakanishi, Origin of microspherules in Paleozoic—-Meso- zoic bedded chert estimated by PIXE analysis B75 (1993) 435 On IEPSSENSS, SED ILLa ee er B75 (1993) 49 Miranda, J., A. Oliver, A. Dacal, J.L. Ruvalcaba, F. Cruz, M.E. Ortiz and R. Vinas, PIXE analysis of cave sediments, prehispanic paintings and obsidian cutting tools from Baja California Sur caves B75 (1993) 454 Mitamura, T., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 367 Miyake, H., J. Sasaki, T. Iwao, K. Oda, T. Yamauchi, T. Inoue, N. Shiota and H. Tsubo, Long range transport of aerosol over the North Pacific Ocean B75 (1993) 282 Mogi, M., A. Ota, S. Ebihara, M. Tachibana and M. Uda, Intensity analysis of S KB emission spectra of Na,SO; by the use of DV-Xa MO method B75 (1993) 20 Neen eei oe ula Cg eg age Wk pya ie a eGo as B75 (1993) 35 Mokuno, Y., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 367 Nee nee ee a at baa peng kc dicanega eg aias B75 (1993) 535 IE SS ERE SEER IRAE DEY Se IRON Sd OT TED AEE ee APU MEE Pe? ENT IO Sy Par aE = a B75 (1993) 169 Moretto, Ph., Y. Llabador, R. Ortega, M. Simonoff and L. Razafindrabe, PIXE microanalysis in human cells: physiology and pharmacology B75 (1993) 511 Morita, S., see Ishii, K. B75 (1993) 73 Moschini, G., see Valkovic, V. B75 (1993) 155 Moschini, G., see Buoso, M.C. B75 (1993) 169 saGa sWiles Ee A RR aad bw eee B75 (1993) 81 Mukoyama, T., see Ito, Y. B75 (1993) 355 Murai, R., see Uda, M. B75 (1993) 476 Muramatsu, Y., M. Oshima, J. Kawai and H. Kato, Chemical state analysis of light elements by undulator-radi- ation-excited X-ray fluorescence B75 (1993) 559 Author index 599 Nagai, H., see Yumoto, S. B75 (1993) 188 a oe oe a oe ee ne ae ee ee en a ae oe a ee ee fe oe es ee ee ee ea i ee oe or or oe oe ee ee ee a ey ee oe eer ae er oe ae ce oe ee Nakae, T., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 367 c.2e COS 6 6 6-6 e & & 6 O68) 6 VOR 2 SS Se O-.6 SH a) OOS © 6 Oh ELH 8 4.4.64 © 2 ORO 2 eH SOO Be Nakamura, K., see Ishikawa, M. B75 (1993) 204 oo. 6) 8 ere 6 oe be ee eS Oa 8S 2k ee a ee 8 a a ee a S Se OVE See. £86 oe eS Nakamura, K., see Ishii, A. B75 (1993) 388 ae gt oa ee ee ae ae ak oe ae oe ee ee ee ee ee oe ek ee ek ae i ee So ee ee oe ee ee ee oe a ee ae ae oe ee ee ee oe ey Nakanishi, A., see Miono, S. B75 (1993) 435 Nakayama, Y., see Miono, S. B75 (1993) 435 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Se ae ee ee a ee eo oe oe ee ee ee a oe oe ee ee, oe a a ie oe er wn a 2 a a eo Se eo ee ae Nakayama, Y., see Uda, M. B75 (1993) 476 6's © DO 8 BO @.E.8 O-6:6 04 SO 0S 4 2 6 OS EES 8 6 OO oo 0S 0 DO EOD Oe 6 6 0 ESO ek 2 OE Oe OES Nicholls, I.A., see Greig, A. B75 (1993) 411 eM 8 0 3 6S 4. @ 6 6.6. 6 6 68 BS 6.8 SES OD 62S Ore Oe EHS AD ES 4 8 SO DOE. Oe DO 4K OE ED GSE aR Pe ee eee Ped? BMT” IN RORY ar aera iy NT cted eee Oe ee B75 (1993) 355 Nishide, Y., E. Hayashi, K. Maeda, Y. Sasa and M. Uda, PIXE analysis of calcified tissues by use of a combined X-ray absorber B75 (1993) 200 Nishimura, K., K. Yoshida and Y. Katayama, Determination and location of halogen in mangrove root tissues by PIXE method B75 (1993) 209 Nishimura, K., see Katayama, Y. B75 (1993) 212 | ee is ek idee MRS a Ok A a Sd RES ees ee B75 (1993) 282 es i dg ia aca’ bel RM ate A eae A bl ISB AMMONIA ck Glas is wea lai aaah ea B75 (1993) 188 Ogris, R., see Valkovic, V. B75 (1993) 155 Ce | et a e.g a gab Oe ey way ae ek Se Re oO ae bee ae B75 (1993) 169 Ohashi, H., Y. Koizumi and K. Kobayashi, Carbon-coated film method PIXE for thick and insulating samples B75 (1993) 140 Ohashi, H., see Yumoto, S. B75 (1993) 188 i Okada, A., see Suzuki, K. B75 (1993) 317 Okada, N., see Katayama, Y. B75 (1993) 212 ee) Okoshi, K., see Ishikawa, M. B75 (1993) 204 Oliver, A., see Rodriguez-Fernandez, L. B75 (1993) 49 Oliver, A., see Miranda, J. B75 (1993) 454 i i i eS oe fs ee a Gabe a bie ee ed gg Ue ae ee eal a eS eae a ee B75 (1993) 32 Omote, K., see Ito, Y. B75 (1993) 355 Sto ecevvseeeea ce eevee eee cae wena ecaneeonzneeee enna et os eo 6 O26 0 6 6S 2 8 2 ee 4 86.8 Ong, T.H., see Tang, S.M. B75 (1993) 383 i Orlic, I., see Sow, C.H. B75 (1993) 58 Ce i ca sah asc ed ae ca le Saat SocS ala eA ae UU nerd igw w a wae cht e ge Roa B75 (1993) 364 IN aha Nig lglg a a Cg aea ti g Aw nie ie itaigg a aievg iatalia Gaees Graal B75 (1993) 383 Nee sk ecg wil Ormud a AiR We a Cae oe MR ee 4 ee ee B75 (1993) 308 ee I ck kg we a ue eo ae) ee ON bbe On ae be B75 (1993) 262 Ortega, R., see Moretto, Ph. B75 (1993) 511 Ortiz, M.E., see Miranda, J. .......... Le EMS Ree aeE E PUREE SL ar MMR SI Mel” Fy DAE ON GAR aLC eg e B75 (1993) 454 Oshima, M., see Muramatsu, Y. B75 (1993) 559 2.6 ¢ 666 6 + 6 6 SO De 6 6 6. 6 SO Oe 6.02 Ce Cee eK oe HOS OD Se eR SO Oe Oe oD Osipowicz, T., see Loh, K.K. B75 (1993) 364 Ce Ota, A., see Mogi, M. B75 (1993) 20 ie a Go wim web Ook ad De ak LD OKRA kee ae er B75 (1993) 360 i 1 ee ee Wee ee Le AW ES a EEE B75 (1993) 28 Ceee e nOa a a aa a a it iet e gt al a B75 (1993) 317 Pajek, M., see Semaniak, J. B75 (1993) 63 , A ed ae ad ab Ges pate Soke ep as a by ay oe wake oe Ma eke aol B75 (1993) 68 0 OSS‘Sing BGS! EEE IG EEE I YT Ee Pe Ee IO OE LE PRED IeR L a COND Y Sart FUN a Tarrg B75 (1993) 249 Palinkas, J., see Petukhov, V.P. B75 (1993) 17 i i i ale a anita ee Te be et eigen sae haha eas es B75 (1993) 379 Pecchioli, A., see Del Carmine, P. B75 (1993) 480 ed Peeuenss, 7.0... coe Moteiemes-Pernhades, 1... . . nc cc cece ee deeesveecsaccnasnceedanvens B75 (1993) 49 Peisach, M., A.E. Pillay and C.A. Pineda, Enhanced X-ray yields in PIXE analysis of some binary metal fluorides B75 (1993) 14 i I I a a a ena sg Tea B75 (1993) 109 Peisach, M., C.A. Pineda, E. Casimiro, M. Gulumian and A.E. Pillay, Studies by PIXE on the removal of trace metals from the heart, liver and kidneys of the rat by chelating agents B75 (1993) 191 Pellegrini, U., see Braga Marcazzan, G.M. B75 (1993) 312 Ce i i Pernestal, K., B. Jonsson and J.-E. Hallgren, PIXE-as a tool for determination of acidified forests B75 (1993) 326 Petukhov, V.P., I. T6r6k, P. Zavodszky, J. Palinkas, L. Sarkadi and S.M. Blokhin, Al Ka satellite polarization measurements in metal and in sapphire (Al,0;3) B75 (1993) 17 i es Se ea Chg a oe gine Alh ete aw Mi akase ad sb OG eRe Oe a B75 (1993) 105 600 Author index Ee Oe Er er ere nT Te ae Tee ee ee eee ere Te ee ee eee B75 (1993) 14 Pillay, A.E., C.A. Pineda and M. Peisach, A comparison between high-energy PIXE (HEPP) and delayed X-ray methods (DEX) for the analysis of heavy elements B75 (1993) 109 Ne 2 a ps aie Sig a he alae SEL EE ORO S CEMA A OR Oe B75 (1993) 191 Pillay, A.E., C.S. Erasmus and S. Amos, PIXE analysis of pyrite grains B75 (1993) 420 B75 (1993) 14 eShae ie ak eS ak OR A le be Ee ON eR ee Oe Re eS B75 (1993) 109 Pineda, C.A., see Pillay, A.E. I a ee Oe ek Re eA hd Ce ae oe eS S B75 (1993) 191 Pinheiro, T., R. Fernandes, W. Maenhaut, G. Hebbrecht, U. Watjen and M.J. Halpern, Trace element changes in cardiovascular diseases B75 (1993) 160 Przybylowicz, W.J., J.1.W. Watterson, H.J. Annegarn, S.H. Connell, R.W. Fearick, A.LH. Andeweg and J.P.F. Sellschop, The new Schonland PIXE microprobe and applications to geological and archaeological samples B75 (1993) 539 ee ee ee eS eae OE EV a ROSE CE EC OR RD SOR See RRS R EO Rw Os B75 (1993) 582 Rabello, M.L.C., see Artaxo, P. B75 (1993) 277 Rabello, M.L.C., see Artaxo, P. B75 (1993) 521 Raisanen, J., see Szokefalvi-Nagy, Z. B75 (1993) 165 a a kB wn ee we ede Sa Oe DOW ele heeded eae a pene e's B75 (1993) 511 Redaelli, P., see Braga-Marcazzan, G.M. - B75 (1993) 230 a eno oo a eK CREE MRE RR EA OER ER EOS ERRAND CaS B75 (1993) 576 Rees, L.B., D.J. Whalen, M.W. Hill and N.F. Mangelson, A Monte Carlo calculation of secondary electron bremsstrahlung in PIXE B75 (1993) 77 Rees, L.B., see Lytle, N.W. B75 (1993) 144 I ra a al a ee gd ae alg bl Me RASA aK We Be WAS Rw AS ere B75 (1993) 571 Ren Mingin, see Feng Songlin B75 (1993) 375 Respaldiza, M.A., A.J. Lopez-Tarrida and J. G6mez-Camacho, Environmental control of Tinto and Odiel river basins by PIXE B75 (1993) 334 ee ed abd ee eau Che Oh ECP DAO wS SOARS BEM eee ewe peters B75 (1993) 312 Rietveld, P., see Watjen, U. B75 (1993) 131 i a Sek ee ke OS KAW Ra EE kw B75 (1993) 553 Ne aha eek wid cee ee woos B75 (1993) 576 I Nig re ae a AE ae ae a a ek an a a glg w aw B75 (1993) 148 Rodriguez-Fernandez, L., J. Miranda, A. Oliver, F. Cruz and J.R. Pegueros, Measurement of L X-ray production cross sections by 400-700 keV proton impact on rare earth elements B75 (1993) 49 Roeder, P.L., see Ma, X.-P. B75 (1993) 423 Roelandts, I., see Weber, G. B75 (1993) 148 R@gyset, O., see Maenhaut, W. B75 (1993) 266 Ruvalcaba, J.L., see Miranda, J. B75 (1993) 454 I a Gl ald ast p Mw WUE ek Pa Sw Rok ww oa ee B75 (1993) 531 Saint, A., M. Cholewa and G.J.F. Legge, PIXE tomography B75 (1993) 504 I et ge a ee amu aaa aa a a ga gt ar Bu a Sh oa B75 (1993) 485 Sakamoto, K., see Suzuki, K. B75 (1993) 317 Sakisaka, M., see Kasahara, M. B75 (1993) 136 Sakurai, K., see Uda, M. B75 (1993) 476 Sandrik, R., A.P. Kobzev, D.M. Shirokov and V. Kliment, Application of PIXE and RBS methods in the analysis of thin films of high-7, superconductors B75 (1993) 392 Nee enn a. ep ahw area o we ee B75 (1993) 17 Sasa, Y., see Hanada, T. B75 (1993) 35 EES PSS aN OE a RR RR eM nc cor MOU iFC M OPUEN Peph MEET aTE E a aceite Ayer B75 (1993) 73 Sasa, Y., see Koyama, A. B75 (1993) 86 Sasa, Y., see Nishide, Y. B75 (1993) 200 Sasa, Y., see Suzuki, K. B75 (1993) 317 Sasa, Y., see Uda, M. B75 (1993) 476 I Re gt ae eet ee ee oer ge ed i eta Ae ar ee B75 (1993) 282 Sataka, M., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 367 Satou, M., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 367 Sekine, Y., see Fujimura, M. B75 (1993) 292 Sellschop, J.P.F., see Przybylowicz, W.J. B75 (1993) 539 Semaniak, J., J. Braziewicz, M. Pajek, A.P. Kobzev and D. Trautmann, L subshell ionization of heavy elements by *He and “He ions B75 (1993) 63 Author index Sha Yin, Liu Pingsheng, Dong Yulan, Zhang Peiqun, Yang Zhenjun, Wu Yue, Li Jingxiu, Liu Dexiang, Wang Yukun and Zhang Dekang, Study on the correlation of trace elements in human scalp hair with esophageal RS Crd gu ng Aik ty ss hee ete go gCk Ng ice aoa od aR bw we Ee ML eh eS ee B75 (1993) 177 I kak a Sa a ag bine mk iata ea l le Qaeda he le DU ee B75 (1993) 245 ed als kp ae 6k eb ali e as Pe eek k's RR As 2 eae B75 (1993) 273 Shimatani, N., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 367 oo OSES OKO 8 Ore OOo. Oe 2 Oe Se 6 ee Oe Oe Ow 68 SOO 8 EN ae) Oe is A a ee ag ie ee ee ee ew ee ae eee ner ok cel eg ede B75 (1993) 355 a Sa dg a ie ga Ok hh oe RE oe A RW a RRA A KR ES we B75 (1993) 282 Tee Te nen een Ue eee Give ied sae aw a ee W Awe aw Beh lee ee eee wees B75 (1993) 392 a ek en ee RN Re el KEE a ee Rea B75 (1993) 435 Oe ie ng re Sree ge et a aed i i ea a eee er we eae B75 (1993) 355 Sie, S.H., Progress of quantitative micro-PIXE applications in geology and mineralogy B75 (1993) 403 a I Sr te aes ae eu re ae a Rhy a a eo ek eae ae wenare GON Ga ito baie eee B75 (1993) 411 Tee en eee aS AED A BO RMS DS a ek ee B75 (1993) 531 hig a gals dip Sc RO oO EO OAS DCE eek ee B75 (1993) 38 nS oe gi a gh ee kg ay cg are p akab il a ipse Wee Ane ie OE ee es Ge ee B75 (1993) 144 a es cS aie p walagipr aan ete a ala ak ei akaed atele uae and a aig aee B75 (1993) 511 Sow, C.H., I. Orlic, K.K. Loh and S.M. Tang, New parameters for the calculation of L subshell ionization cross er ee IGS cate e harts we tar allig a ca nk nape a Oa atl ar ace are Ea B75 (1993) 58 Sow, C.H., see Loh, K.K. B75 (1993) 364 i ae fe oe oo ee ee a ee ee a a oe ae er ee on ee a et ce Oe Oe ee ee ee or ee ee ce ae a oe hee ee eer ee ee er er ae ee IN ka ea see es gl hg a eligae aei one ee a B75 (1993) 383 a i oS a wag Sa Ok OO ew ae ee B75 (1993) 347 I co se ay ig a aly ae Wa SOU wand BO be wsS c Ue Re ieee a ne ee B75 (1993) 531 Sutton, S.R., M.L. Rivers, S. Bajt and K.W. Jones, Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microprobe analysis with bending magnets and insertion devices B75 (1993) 553 CD Sutton, S.R., see Chen, J.R. B75 (1993) 576 i ee ee ie oe ee ee ee ee ee er en oe oe ae ee ee oe ee ce ee ee a a i ee i oe ce er a a or ie a ae ae ae ee ee i 2k ee ce er Soe fuer | ek eye aed ea WAS Od ae Ree Naas 06s OES ee eee B75 (1993) 292 Suzuki, K., K. Maeda, Y. Sasa, A. Okada, K. Sakamoto and T. Ozawa, Application of PIXE to source identification of Kosa aerosol: analysis of desert soils in China B75 (1993) 317 | a bp ae atid aa gia l gle Sai al wg hgh iw lace iea ba I ecleo @nar l areles ad B75 (1993) 440 Swann, C.P., P.E. McGovern and S.J. Fleming, Recent applications of PIXE spectrometry in archaeology part II. Observations on early glassmaking in the Near East B75 (1993) 445 ry a A rad rg a gy prd Aap yo! 4o b,b e cAI Swe WROD Os Rae B75 (1993) 428 Nee ee ee ne eeeee ee es eg ba A A Ee Rea B75 (1993) 521 ESN RE EAE EE NT ee a EL IC AER LE ore Oa re ee B75 (1993) 287 Szab6, Gy. and I. Borbély-Kiss, PIX YKLM computer package for PIXE analyses .................00. B75 (1993) 123 Sz6kefalvi-Nagy, Z., I. Demeter and Le Huong Quynh, L-shell X-ray production in W and Pb by protons of 1 SERENA EIA PET ST EO SAENGER eee eR Ee SEE BR eas ne SOP OrT OE ep B75 (1993) 54 Szokefalvi-Nagy, Z., I. Demeter, K. Holl6s-Nagy and J. Raisanen, Simultaneous PIXE and PIGE analysis of metalloproteins separated by cellulose acetate electrophoresis B75 (1993) 165 Tabacniks, M.H., C.Q. Orsini and W. Maenhaut, PIXE analysis of atmospheric particulate matter in glass ea a a eres erkte Oy rah ahah aM. Sa Seo 2 ak oat ae B75 (1993) 262 EEE NS EGER EL CLE LT SOE Te Re ET INE RE REIL RE a SEE Se Cee EE ENE oS B75 (1993) 20 a a 8 ee Dads ao ke Ve Tm healed cick « ha Eee ee B75 (1993) 136 I a eo oe a a ae ae a bee Dk PE Len bls eek B75 (1993) 240 Takahashi, N., see Ito, S. B75 (1993) 112 i y Takami, M., see Ishii, K. B75 (1993) 73 Tan, H.S., see Loh, K.K. B75 (1993) 364 A ae a a gt a Rg a ge a a ad ae B75 (1993) 364 Ne a a a a tN ee Pk Fai Rs a Sree ee re B75 (1993) 383 a 5 8 Oo ne blg a lace ws Se a 6 Vs eS eee eR kiee es ade B75 (1993) 58 I ss cg altai g lk My. 4 8 a UE 6 ee ees B75 (1993) 300 IST SY SESE IN aaa ene. Ee aOR Pa ke Duee nerT Cre Rm ar aes Oh amare NGM MRR ETo ry E ame aDIY a bergen tree B75 (1993) 364 Tang, S.M., T.H. Ong, M.G. Tan, K.K. Loh, C.H. Sow, B. Yuan and I. Orlic, Stoichiometric analysis of Y-Ba-—Cu-—O superconductors using deuterons ; B75 (1993) 383 | Se eg ai lng a Uckivh : SP RTR INSEL SSW L Wp we we OU A Ae wR TAA B75 (1993) 91 Nee ne ee en a ig bal cia ea PRE Ae ee ea OR ek ek ees B75 (1993) 28 Terasawa, M., I. Torok and V.P. Petukhov, High resolution PIXE instrumentation survey, part I B75 (1993) 105 Terasawa, M., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 367 602 Author index Terauchi, H., see Ito, Y. B75 (1993) 355 Tominaga, Y., see Wei, C.-C. B75 (1993) 195 Se oo se Ee eS ORR YAM Ee eT EARN SERS EN OO EW 6 ES eee FR ORS B75 (1993) 136 Tomita, M., see Katayama, Y. B75 (1993) 212 Tomita, M., Y. Haruyama and M. Saito, In-air PIXE for analyzing heavy metals in water boiled in pans B75 (1993) 485 Torok, I., see Petukhov, V.P. B75 (1993) 17 Torok, I., see Terasawa, M. B75 (1993) 105 Tosaki, M., see Ito, S. B75 (1993) 112 Trautmann, D., see Semaniak, J. B75 (1993) 63 Tsai, J.-C., see Wei, C.-C. B75 (1993) 195 Tsubo, H., see Miyake, H. B75 (1993) 282 Tsuji, H., see Miono, S. B75 (1993) 435 Tsunokami, T., see Uda, M. B75 (1993) 476 a ee le ih ig pa hehe ae ACG SER bed GS OR Oe Oe SR ew eS B75 (1993) 296 Uchida, H., see Kawatsura, K. B75 (1993) 367 Uda, E., J. Kawai and M. Uda, Calculation of sulfur K B X-ray spectra B75 (1993) 24 I es tase cet te i aes Gye ip aig ie G64 wo bee ohio ceio boe a Wwe bo we alate ate aaa ee B75 (1993) 20 eeala A eng kl We o w Oe ek A we ee ee B75 (1993) 24 Uda, M., see Hanada, T. B75 (1993) 35 I I Se ee a a a asd ay arian slig Wik Sue Ga BR ASS ww we B75 (1993) 73 Scak ee!V ay ew A Dow SOR de aw ea Oe ee eR ere Olt B75 (1993) 86 Uda, M., see Nishide, Y. B75 (1993) 200 Uda, M., T. Tsunokami, R. Murai, K. Maeda, I. Harigai, Y.N akayama, S. Yoshimura, T. Kikuchi, K. Sakurai and Y. Sasa, Quantitative analysis of ancient Egyptian pigments by external PIXE B75 (1993) 476 Vadset, M., see Maenhaut, W. B75 (1993) 266 fe a ae Sa Fale ak A A eR Oe oe aw eS B75 (1993) 155 Valkovic, O., see Buoso, M.C. B75 (1993) 169 Valkovic, V., G. Bernasconi, N. Haselberger, M. Makarewicz, R. Ogris, G. Moschini, I. Bogdanovic, M. Jaksic and O. Valkovic, Multi-element analysis of biopsy samples B75 (1993) 155 Valkovic, V., see Buoso, M.C. B75 (1993) 169 Valkovic, V., M. Jaksic, F. Watt, G.W. Grime, J. Wells and J.W. Hopewell, Effect of ionizing radiation on the trace element composition of hair B75 (1993) 173 Ng ch a ag <pi p 4 ow km ae g,W n ML 9 pa ee ew B75 (1993) 222 Valkovic, V., see Fazinié, S. B75 (1993) 371 Varaldo, C., see Zucchiatti, A. B75 (1993) 463 Ventura, A., see Braga-Marcazzan, G.M. B75 (1993) 230 Vinas, R., see Miranda, J. B75 (1993) 454 Vis, R.D., A comparison between the use of MeV ion beams and synchrotron radiation for element analysis B75 (1993) 547 Vogt, J., H. Krause, R. Flagmeyer, G. Otto and M. Lux, PIXE channeling for concentration and location measurements of Zn- and Cd-dopants in InP single crystals B75 (1993) 360 Wada, E., see Koyama-Ito, H. B75 (1993) 518 Wang, C.W., Y.C. Yu, E.K. Lin, C.H. Lee and F.T. Chuang, Atomic K shell ionization of Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn by carbon ions B75 (1993) 44 ES BI NG PE SRE pd DN ae gE EER eS POET MS See OOR E REA SPURTE he TAP eHO MT Ee lie arM Pa B75 (1993) 245 Wang Xinfu, Shen Xinyin and Zhu Guanghua, PIXE study on effects of coal burning in a coal-fired power station on atmospheric environmental pollution B75 (1993) 273 Wang Yu, see Feng Songlin B75 (1993) 375 Wang Yukun, see Sha Yin B75 (1993) 177 Watjen, U., H. Bax and P. Rietveld, A set of standards for an investigation into the accuracy of PIXE analysis in a case of strong peak interference B75 (1993) 131 iS ea TLE a er es one Se i Se a eh ee B75 (1993) 160 Watjen, U., M. Kriews and W. Dannecker, The preparation of ambient aerosol filter candidate reference materials for elemental analysis B75 (1993) 257 Ss aE ee Sas ah a ao emia cake ott hwo ae ae ae es B75 (1993) 173 Watt, F., see Breese, M.B.H. B75 (1993) 341 Watt, F., see Grime, G.W. B75 (1993) 495 Watt, F., see Artaxo, P. B75 (1993) 521 Watterson, J.I1.W., see Przybylowicz, W.J. B75 (1993) 539

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