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Preview Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 2006: Vol 557 Index & Table of Contents

Available online at www.sciencedirect.com NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS science @joinecrs & METHODS te IN PHYSICS RESEARCH ELSEVIER Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 557 (2006) 691—701 Se tionA www.clsevier.com/locate/nima Author index Agoh, T., see Bassi, G 557 (2006) Ahmidouch, A., see Semenov, A.Yu re 557 (2006) Akimoto, Y., Y. Inoue and M. Minowa, Measurement of the thickness of an insensitive surface layer of a PIN photodiode... . 557 (2006) Alfassi, Z.B., see Mahling 557 (2006) Alyakrinskiy, O., M. Avilov, D. Bolkhovityanov, J. Esposito, S. Fadeev, K. Gubin, Y. Kandiev, A. Korchagin, N. Kot, A. Lavrukhin, N. Lebedev, P. Logatchev, P. Martyshkin, S. Morozov, V. Plokhoi, S. Samarin, S. Shiyankov, A. Starostenko, I. Svyatov and L.B. Tecchio, High power neutron converter for low energy proton/deuteron beams 557 (2006) Asmro,. H., see Kolata, J.J......... 2... 57 (2006) Anderson, B.D., see Semenov, A. Yu ee 557 (2006) Anderson, S.G., see Rosenzweig, J.B 557 (2006) Ardid, M., J.L. Ferrero and A. Herrero, Study of the background on a ZnS(Ag) alpha counter with a plastic veto detector .. . . 557 (2006) Asaka, T., see Tomizawa, H 557 (2006) Assamagan, K., see Semenov, A.Yu 557 (2006) Atutov, S.N., see Stancari, G 557 (2006) Avery, S., see Semenov, A.Yu. 557 (2006) PRES Vee Setar? EVES UUINES ERD! ON Cer aes ia a hs a's lata bw oa seesa in ye ala mate ete geen ho We teed Meu Gee Stati ee miner aria Sie amen ae Geara tat ais 557 (2006) Bablok, S., E.S. Conner, G. Hartung, R. Keidel, C. Kofler, T. Krawutschke, V. Lindenstruth and D. Réhrich, Front-End-Electronics Communication software for multiple detectors in the ALICE experiment 557 (2006) Bai, M., see Smith, S.L. oe 557 (2006) eae rea tees Sir MERE RRAS RSENS sy bicss epi atin' dS ule,b eg spa seca ata Aale ne,b ac asa iace She ata R IS A eD wra t: WeeteeRIn A added pane Bwiater onal Siar areas ae 557 (2006) Baldwin, A.R., see Semenov, A.Yu 557 (2006) RIOt otesR ONG *S ET MME TOM EET oon co" ava aes hiney Se anaes aS SFIS aS By ed eS BI a ho a ra ee ey 557 (2006) Baroncelli, A., P. Branchini, F. Ceradini, E. Graziani, M. Iodice, D. Orestano, A. Passeri, F. Pastore, F. Petrucci, A. Tonazzo and P. Utrobin, Assembly and test of the BIL tracking chambers for the ATLAS Muon spectrometer 557 (2006) Bassi, G., T. Agoh, M. Dohlus, L. Giannessi, R. Hajima, A. Kabel, T. Limberg and M. Quattromini, Overview of CSR codes. . 557 (2006) Battaglia, D., see Maggiore, M 557 (2006) Bazarov, I.V., see Ben-Zvi, I 557 (2006) 557 (2006) SRC er SCG © ORO snare ert a oa Fido we VES RAM OEM ns Ae Ree oAdian waldo 557 (2006) Beebe-Wang, J., see Smith, S.L 557 (2006) Behre, C., see Neil, G.R aan 557 (2006) Benson, S.V., see Neil, G.R i 557 (2006) Ben-Zvi, I. and I.V. Bazarov, Summary, Working Group |: Electron guns and injector designs sate one 557 (2006) Ben-Zvi, I., Ya. Derbenev, V.N. Litvinenko and L. Merminga, Energy recovery linacs in high-energy and nuclear physics 557 (2006) Pee WU We SRR MMMM O25. oo5 a e Seca d 8 "SS om Seton SER Bla Aw Ga BV oy pica Seann se atbies Las Bath or ada IRA, wie at AO SERIES 557 (2006) Ben-Zvi, I., see Calaga, R. 557 (2006) Ben-Zvi, I., see Smith, S.L 557 (2006) Berden, G., es 557 (2006) Bevins, M., see Neil, G.R 557 (2006) Biallas, G., see Neil, G.R 557 (2006) Bisognano, J.J., see Pozdeyev, E Rs ster 557 (2006) Blaskiewicz, M., see Smith, S.L 557 (2006) Bluem, H., see Burrill, A 557 (2006) Bluem, H., see Calaga, R 557 (2006) Bolkhovityanov, D., see Alyakrinskiy, O 557 (2006) Bolotin, V.P., N.A. Vinokurov, N.G. Gavrilov, D.A. Kayran, B.A. Knyazev, E.I. Kolobanov, V.V. Kotenkov, V.V. Kubarev, G.N. Kulipanov, A.N. Matveenko, L.E. Medvedev, S.V. Miginsky, L.A. Mironenko, A.D. Oreshkov, V.K. Ovchar, V.M. Popik, T.V. Salikova, S.S. Serednyakov, A.N. Skrinsky, O.A. Shevchenko, M.A. Scheglov and V.G. Tcheskidov, Status of the Novosibirsk energy recovery linac > (2006) BCU TNs ea ERy ayS C NRA ETONM EME a can ete p sip sonS heu lim Wer6( Gesu, (Swe Sige ela wma auth wae eS ae & Gillen e Ne avd x ieee ae (eralor'v cs 557 (2006) doi: 10.1016/S0168-9002(06)00075-1 692 Author index Bordallo, H.N., see Peters, J (2006) Borland, M., A super-bright storage ring alternative to an energy recovery linac aa~n (2006) Borland, M., Evaluation of the possibility of upgrading the advanced photon source to an energy recovery linac Anan( 2006) a ea DENNER OD TEC, Shc ae. ale Aicicis oe As & Sch O AE ISLA, HIS Re ee A a ee Ee: REE Ne See aaenEee (2006) Boulahdour, H., see Tamda, N (2006) Bowling, B.A., see Krafft, G.A (2006) aaa IMO SME Go 80528 5s vo inh Valsi ce SU Sp. Sov aR Wen NOOR WU eey D helene wtp BLR ie iat ore ren FS eral iW Slamming Gok ya (2006) Boyce, J., see Neil, G.R (2006) aa aD NEMOURS 2g 2g, pony ics Te IE LET dc RES MiceN ACE aN Ks vd AAD SE ee ae Odd OEy Bea urs tow ag eh (2006) Brennan, J., see Calaga, R (2006) NPL Sem NEN onc 6 OR nt SN facies eers. Sitios ciesb sp olosh ya sM SM RTE etS eer ech er taco eiagh Remo Buns nerhon! BAAR eee bate eas (2006) Burger, A., see Calaga, R (2006) Burgio, N., L. Montani, G. Iurlaro, A. Santagata, R. Scafe and C. Ciavola, Erratum to: “The role of Monte Carlo transport simulations in the new design of a small scintigraphic detector” [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 552 (2005) 576-S82]........... (2006) Burrill, A., I. Ben-Zvi, R. Calaga, X. Chang, H. Hahn, D. Kayran, J. Kewisch, V. Litvinenko, G. McIntyre, A. Nicoletti, D. Pate, J. Rank, J. Scaduto, T. Rao, K. Wu, A. Zaltsman, Y. Zhao, H. Bluem, M. Cole, M. Falletta, D. Holmes, E. Peterson, J. Rathke, T. Schultheiss, A. Todd, R. Wong, J. Lewellen, W. Funk, P. Kneisel, L. Phillips, J. Preble, D. Janssen and V. Nguyen-Tuong, BNL Simperconcucing Mar Runs -tecimolosy Challenges as ERL sources. 2... 56.5 ho eee ee eb eee eae a eee eee aeceaee (2006) Burrill, A., see Calaga, R (2006) Burrill, A., see Rao, T (2006) a aro SS ce oh gO alta) a ¥e,@ aha pa cava! SATS GLIA. TAR HIRE ED rh on bee eau MAN Gk (2006) Biittig, H., see Teichert, J (2006) aN VETER OMIM Tee cS Nici, dere hse ais Rete ino SS mod afa ia Soa eee BS AS SA IS een (2006) Calabrese, R., see Stancari, G (2006) Calabretta, L., see Maggiore, M (2006) Calaga, R., I. Ben-Zvi, J. Brennan, R. Bowmann, A. Burrill, X. Chang, P.C ameron, G. Citver, D. Gassner, H. Hahn, M. Harrison, A. Hershcovitch, A. Jain, V. Litvinenko, G. McIntyre, C. Montag, A. Nicoletti, D. Kayran, A. Fedotov, J. Kewisch, W. Mackay, D. Pate, S. Peggs, J. Rank, T. Roser, J. Scaduto, T. Rao, D. Trbojevic, A. Zaltsman, K.C. Wu, Y. Zhao, H. Bluem, A. Burger, M. Cole, A. Favale, D. Holmes, J. Rathke, T. Schultheiss and A. Todd, Ampere class linacs: Status report on the BNL cryomodule (2006) Calaga, R., see Burrill, A (2006) Calaga, R., see Smith, S.L (2006) Cameron, P., Differential current measurement in the BNL energy recovery linac test facility (2006) Cameron, P., see Calaga, R (2006) Canaud, B., see Houry, M (2006) Ceradini, F., see Baroncelli, A (2006) Champion, J.D.M., see Peters, J (2006) Chang, W.C., see Zhu, Y.F. (2006) Chang, X., see Burrill, A (2006) Chang, X., see Calaga, R (2006) Chang, X.Y., see Rao, T (2006) Chang, X.Y., see Smith, S.L (2006) Chavanelle, J., see Tamda, N (2006) Chen, C., see Liu, J.B. (2006) Chen, J., see Hao, J (2006) Chen, Y.B., (2006) Chevtsov, P., A. Day, J.-C. Denard, A.P. Freyberger and R. Hicks, Non-invasive energy spread monitoring for the JLAB experimental program via synchrotron light interferometers (2006) Ciavola, C., see Burgio, N (2006) Citver, G., see Calaga, R (2006) Cloughesy, M., see Kolata, J.J (2006) Coeck, S., M. Beck, B. Delauré, V.V. Golovko, M. Herbane, A. Lindroth, S. Kopecky, V.Yu. Kozlov, I.S. Kraev, T. Phalet and N. Severijns, Microchannel plate response to high-intensity ion bunches (2006) Cole, M., see Burrill, A (2006) Cole, M., see Calaga, R (2006) Coleman, J., see Neil, G.R..... (2006) Conner, E.S., see Bablok, S$ (2006) 631 Cook, A.M., see Rosenzweig, J.B (2006) 87 Corradi, L., see Stancari, G (2006) 390 (2006) 314 (2006) 585 (2006) 390 (2006) 689 (2006) 599 (2006) 561 Author index (2006) (2006) (2006) (2006) (2006) sites 557 (2006) Desai, S.S. and A.M. Shaikh, On studies of *He and isobutane mixture as neutron proportional counter gas... . 557 (2006) Dewa, H., see Tomizawa, H (2006) (2006) (2006) ; (2006) Ding, Y., see Hao, J = 557 (2006) Disdier, L., see Houry, M. 557 (2006) Dohlus, M.. see Bassi, G 557 (2006) (2006) Dowell, D.H., J.W. Lewellen, D. Nguyen and R. Rimmer, The status of normal conducting RF (NCRF) guns, a summary of the ERL2005 workshop 557 (2006) Dunning, M., see Rosenzweig, J.B. ; 557 (2006) Dylla, H.F., see Neil, G.R : 557 (2006) Ebert, J., see Zimmermann, R. 557 (2006) Eden, T., see Semenov, A.Yu Pel? 557 (2006) Ell, R., see Winter, A : 557 (2006) England, R.J., see Rosenzweig, J. 557 (2006) Enomoto, A., see Suwada, T. 557 (2006) Eremin, V., see Verbitskaya, E a 557 (2006) Esposito, J., see Alyakrinskiy, O 557 (2006) Evans, R., see Neil, G.R. 557 (2006) Evtoukhovitch, P., see Nagano, A ne 557 (2006) Evtushenko, P., see Janssen, D 557 (2006) Fadeev, S., see Alyakrinskiy, O 557 (2006) Falletta, M., see Burrill, A 557 (2006) Favale, A., see Calaga, R ; : (2006) Fedotov, A., see Calaga, R ee 557 (2006) Fedotov, A.V., Beam halo formation in high-intensity beams 557 (2006) Feldman, D., see Rao, T. 557 (2006) Ferrario, M., see Rosenzweig, J. 557 (2006) Ferrario, M., W.D. Moeller, J.B. Rosenzweig, J. Sekutowicz and G. Travish, Optimization and beam dynamics ofa superconducting radio-frequency gun 557 (2006) Ferrero, J.L., see Ardid, M si 557 (2006) Fierlinger, P., A. Pichlmaier and H. Rauch, A time-of-flight chopper for ultracold neutrons pearads 557 (2006) Fischer, P., see Ta, D.B 557 (2006) Fischer, W., 557 (2006) Freyberger, A.P. and G.A. Krafft, Summary report on synchronization, diagnostics and instrumentation 557 (2006) Freyberger, A.P., see Chevtsov, P Lestat 557 (2006) Fujii, Y., see Nagano, A. 557 (2006) Funk, W., see Burrill, A paar 557 (2006) Gabriel, F., see Teichert, J 557 (2006) Garaude, F., see Houry, M. ~ 557 (2006) Garcia, C.H., see Rao, T 557 (2006) Garutti, E., see Nagano, A...... 557 (2006) Gassner, D., see Calaga, R 557 (2006) Gavrilov, N.G., see Bolotin, V.P va 557 (2006) Giannessi, L., see Bassi, G 557 (2006) Gillespie, W.A., see Jamison, S.P. a 557 (2006) Giomataris, Y., see Houry, M. 557 (2006) Glebov, V.Yu., see Houry, M 557 (2006) Golovko, V.V., see Coeck, S. 557 (2006) Graziani, E., see Baroncelli, A. ae 557 (2006) Grippo, A., see Neil, G.R. 557 (2006) Grosse-Knetter, J., see Ta, D.B. 557 (2006) Gruber, D., see Neil, G.R. ee 557 (2006) Gubeli, J., 557 (2006) (2006) 694 Author index Guéhenneux. G.. M. Veillerot and I. Tovena, Evaluation of the airborne molecular contamination inside the LIL........... (2006) Gueorguieva, E., see LipoglavSek, M (2006) Hagner, C., see Zimmermann, R (2006) Hahn, H., see Burrill, A (2006) SERUM MRE SHMNIRIIOERS foci or cee 6 Gn aia e cree ow Goa sw ven. Ge SR SRR NC ee HH oe a see NMS EOE cle Se wlgl sae ems iers (2006) Hajima, R. and R. Nagai, Multiparameter optimization of an ERL injector (2006) Hajima, R., Optics and beam transport in energy-recovery linacs... 2.1... eee ee ee ee eee (2006) Siena On MMT ROE oor Gicie ig ele dione Fun. Glee Ale ea SL Boo HIER On ae plaid ddl Ske OSs GiolajeanEn ees win SIMS es aie (2006) Hajima, R., see Iijima, H (2006) Hajima, R., see Litvinenko, V.N (2006) 0) ESS oa a (2006) Hanaki, H., see Tomizawa, H (2006) BEALS ME AL OR Ee ge eae ee ee OEE URE area rere reek ere ee are re rere (2006) Hao, J., X. Lu, Y. Ding, S. Quan, S. Huang, K. Zhao, B. Zhang, L. Wang, L. Lin, F. Jiao, G. Wang, D. Xie, F. Zhu, B. Xiao, R. Xiang and J. Chen, Primary beam-loading tests on DC-SC photoinjector at Peking University (2006) ET Base (ETS: Vae e (2006) Hardy, D., see Neil, G.R (2006) ee es ERO Heo. Go cod ein ke Wale 6 oo Ee SO SG SHES Ta od OF PEs Gee hs Sede We Bie ge Seay (2006) Harrison, M., see Calaga, R (2006) RINNE EIN eos oa tons ela ils Faye ss ee Sea Ha ecos WE GE GR BLE SRNR SRL EE Stare rayw ena aS m6aa Mn an( 2006) Some REANIM ooo. Gio uc oa Sh SAS SNS SER RESET Ne eee, e SE RY ALAS RRO hee Kea “a (2006) ae RETR Ne Sg us Wega a og Sb Selgrinuls ine Ge enw alc SUE a eae we SAB aleeT ARG i ene rine Sedans Geh ay ae (2006) Hernandez-Garcia, C., see Neil, G.R (2006) a a Tr aE TN EA rae a nari Geisc ayi sleS o VSN) Bided e guise NsO s CR Hye O ERS SNES, BEi S Hb me beng epi, Sia niase (2006) Hershcovitch, A., see Calaga, R (2006) Hicks, R., see Chevtsov, P (2006) Preece: 15.01. ane On, Lience. Ton-cleanno man ERD... . oc. ee ie ee es we ee ee an Oe oe he siecle (2006) Hoffstaetter, G.H., V. Litvinenko and H. Owen, Optics and beam transport in energy recovery linacs...............+.55. (2006) Hoffstaetter, G.H., see Smith, S.L (2006) 2O USS ONG Lie cl) Loo) ae a (2006) Holmes, D., see Calaga, R (2006) Houry, M., E. Delagnes, D. Riz, B. Canaud, L. Disdier, F. Garaude, Y. Giomataris, V.Yu. Glebov, Ph. Legou, Ph. Rebourgeard and C. Sangster, DEMIN: A neutron spectrometer, Micromegas-type, for inertial confinement fusion experiments............ (2006) amet UIST RIN IT oon Su ncn arccsi sles iec e erg v SPS OSH M6 WL Scala USA a asW E CHr od UeC alg RICO BEE TPIT oe a RHRT aN latte ance, nieey (2006) 2 Gee COS Oa a (2006) Huang, S., see Hao, J. (2006) Hiigging, F., see Ta, D.B (2006) Hutton, A., Push-Pull FEL, a new ERL concept (2006) Iba, S., see Nagano, A (2006) lijima, H. and R. Hajima, Numerical analysis of velocity bunching for an ERL light source (2006) SAN EERE MNIDEG MG te ore Rd ac hla pa KE EE Se Rome Her RRR ETRE H ERODED AAA Wibnn sno Orn mer nledecabatms (2006) ER Br UMM oe 2G chicg ins eA SES RS He TOG Sree Ned RTE O RSH Ae tele Rees Bee awl (2006) (2006) Inoue, Y., see Akimoto, Y (2006) Iodice, M., see Baroncelli, A (2006) ERENT EIDE 8.8 hE Oia,c ores Sid oiu ss a git wo® di5-w Beers! ou Sw LED AE Re Alors Dele SE pW Le LADS Ie pore Meee aS (2006) CS OO (2006) Iwano, H., see Yoshioka, T (2006) Izawa, M., see Umemori, K (2006) Jain, A., see Calaga, R (2006) Jamison, S.P., G. Berden, A.M. MacLeod, D.A. Jaroszynski, B. Redlich, A.F.G. van der Meer and W.A. Gillespie, Electro-optic techniques for temporal profile characterisation of relativistic Coulomb fields and coherent synchrotron radiation (2006) Janssen, D., H. Buettig, P. Evtushenko, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, K. Moeller, P. Murcek, C. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, J. Teichert, R. Xiang, J. Stephan, W.-D. Lehmann, T. Kamps, D. Lipka, V. Volkov and I. Will, Technology challenges for SRF guns as ERL sources in view of Rossendorf work (2006) TIDES 08 coo ig cesses Sisa ei Sib. wale a)S s he ls’ ws O'S BO byt ha ee A eS ods RAS ae ERAS an (2006) ee ee eae mA eg is eda) Sw Waals, Oe a RAISES ODER wae MOL Sah gawla Merdaigi grates Raheem Nn (2006) ey 5 i 2 RR a ee eR Oo eh are ee em eer oe (2006) Jiao, F., see Hao, J (2006) Jin, Y., see Liu, J.B (2006) Jordan, K., see Neil, G.R Aan(n20n06 ) COE OSS CSS a eA Bs ed ee eras ee a ee ee Re eae (2006) Kajino, F., see Nagano, A (2006) Author index Kalinnikov, V., see Nagano, A 557 (2006) Kallies, W., see Nagano, A.......... ; 557 (2006) Kamps, T., see Janssen, D : 557 (2006) Kanazawa, M., see Misu, T er 557 (2006) Kandiev, Y., see Alyakrinskiy, O. 557 (2006) Kanzaki, J., see Nagano, A. 557 (2006) Kartner, F.X., see Winter, A. 557 (2006) Kastler, B., see Tamda, N. .. . 557 (2006) Katsuki, K., see Misu, T. 557 (2006) Kawagoe, K., see Nagano, A 557 (2006) MOA VCCNE DP SEC DUNNE A oie .5 ooo oe eeeln s Ondine ewe 557 (2006) Kayran, D., see Calaga, R. Brake 557 (2006) Kayran, D., see Litvinenko, V.N. 557 (2006) Kayran, D., 557 (2006) Kayran, 557 (2006) Keidel, R., 557 (2006) Kelley, M.J., see Neil, G.R 557 (2006) Kewisch, J., see Burrill, A. 557 (2006) Kewisch, J., see Calaga, R 557 (2006) Kewisch, J., see Smith, S.L 557 (2006) Kim, S., see Nagano, A 557 (2006) Kim, W.H., see Park, Y.J 557 (2006) Kishimoto, S., see Nagano, A 557 (2006) Kitamura, K., see Yoshida, E 557 (2006) Kneisel, P., Cavity preparation/assembly techniques and impact on Q, realistic Q-factors in a module, review of modules 557 (2006) Kneisel, P., see Burrill, A 557 (2006) Knobloch, J., see Liepe, M 557 (2006) Knyazev, B.A., see Bolotin, V.P 557 (2006) Kobayashi, T., see Tomizawa, H. 557 (2006) Kofler,C., see Bablok, S. ...... 557 (2006) Kolata, J.J., H. Amro, M. Cloughesy, P.A. DeYoung, J. Rieth, J.P. Bychowski and G. Peaslee, A large segmented neutron detector for reaction studies with radioactive beams near the Coulomb barrier 557 (2006) Kolobanov, E.I., see Bolotin, V.P 7 (2006) Komati, F., 557 (2006) Kopecky, S., mies 557 (2006) 516 Koppitz, B., see Zimmermann, R 557 (2006) 690 Korchagin, A., see Alyakrinskiy, O 557 (2006) 403 Kot, N., see Alyakrinskiy, O. 557 (2006) 403 Kotenkov, V.V., see Bolotin, V.P 557 (2006) 23 OPIS. AY RCTS COG CS. hy RR er Pe SCIELO Laan APR REE NTE Ry ey ae rear ee 557 (2006) 516 Elles ie CSG See or ee eae ee Bea ME LEP ere te FRA an are eer een Sw tear on nae ee a 557 (2006) Krafft, G.A., B.A. Bowling, M.T. Crofford and J.C. Hovater, Phase transfer measurements at the Jefferson Lab recirculated linacs 557 (2006) Krafft, G.A., see Freyberger, A.P 557 (2006) Krawutschke. T., see Bablok, S. 557 (2006) Kubarev, V.V., see Bolotin, V.P fishes 557 (2006) RO EREN retAEeN a:W y ere SRG TEVONIONUITI Ws Sahn ase aso tteen'es Biw eet ee. 4.53,% whore @ Goad wie cliGia Te eam [aso aPera ialtevel Aid ovate whe tude larataha ee 557 (2006) Kusaka, T., see Misu, T 557 (2006) Lai, W.P., see Zhu, Y.F 557 (2006) Laptev, A., S. Nakamura and H. Harada, High-speed data acquisition system for neutron time-of-flight experiments 557 (2006) Lavrukhin, A., see Alyakrinskiy, O as 557 (2006) Lawrie, J.J., see LipoglavSek, M 557 (2006) Re eORy Hey Sine ue PR MEENISIER OR 2 ooo Sha ain ee ein oS 9% WS hp aw Rs ee eee awa aerelal es hake 557 (2006) Beers rr aeE MRE WUE oi5 . 5g lass r50s sa Sine erika ala tnc OTA arealx od eae WG UIT alk Alas oA ER WR he dais 557 (2006) Petra as iste Seed REN RON Ga. SHOTS iG l'on aig Site SoG, oe d-a aa win ole elencia ea a thd ves mele ee ead eS me 557 (2006) adenU ae eE pen CNEL MOURN RUMIC Scie)” ic Facog ve< a Vir cee ich Se CNR ToT SH o Oe a RTO AI FAL PN ar ow ia DT ioe ra a ee 557 (2006) Lehmann, W.-D., see Janssen, D. 557 (2006) eRe OY a EMER ENR og foo) ial ahasacaay ands Seah dG LRRD bee ke e el R SEN 557 (2006) Lehnert, U., see Teichert, J 557 (2006) Lewellen, J., see Burrill, A 557 (2006) Lewellen, J., see Rao, T 57 (2006) Lewellen, J.W.., 557 (2006) (2006) (2006) (2006) (2006) 696 Author index Liao, H.Y., see Zhu, Y.F (2006) Liene) Mand J. Knobloch, Superconducting RF for energy-recovery linacs........ 2. i.e eee eee en aces eee e ee ees t (2006) Liepe, M., see Hoffstaetter, G.H (2006) Liepe, M., see Shemelin, V (2006) Likar, A., see LipoglavSek, M Anaan a( 2006) Limberg, T., see Bassi, G (2006) Limborg-Deprey, C. and P.R. Bolton, Optimum electron distributions for space charge dominated beams in photoinjectors . . (2006) ban, Sse weno, §.... 2. (2006) RU NUNN MRE ea pcs na IS es hl 5 at ea eters BIS BUURICD nd erO re ERE ORS alsa WEA NE AW.B k er ESM FEL GIRL Re RUE aAaa(n2n00m6 ) NU OMIM RID SCENT hye eS oc aG Uer ai8 alate SonA ces Rice: SOAR EER RNR rR SPREE Hie DRE OPE Abe AGL Konto loraen Bea (2006) aN REE UMNO 0S 9 le Cree ores yyM oS TSS MAMA oso a) wT DLS Bi weCar uw Sb HO ACN ew Oa UEN O lm GUS wpRieoanpn aide (Gl8 A gee (2006) Lipka, D., see Janssen, D (2006) Lipoglavsek, M., A. Likar, M. Vencelj, T. Vidmar, R.A. Bark, E. Gueorguieva, F. Komati, J.J. Lawrie, S.M. Maliage, S.M. Mullins, S.H.T. Murray and T.M. Ramashidzha, Measuring high-energy y-rays with Ge clover detectors (2006) Litvinenko, V., see Burrill, / (2006) Litvinenko, V., see Calaga, R (2006) Liiemenno, ¥..s0e Btotisiactien, GG. oo. ss eee ei es (2006) Etvmenko, VN. RR. Hama and D: Keayran; Mercer designs for ERLs ..... .... cee ee ee eee eee ee ee eames (2006) Litvinenko, V.N., see Ben-Zvi, I (2006) aC ROO PUERTO M9 gg calcu eos len S RIG, USD Rw mA ULE See eg eT greeny Sle: Saa es ister ahs (2006) Liu, J.B., Z.H. Qin, L.H. Wu, C. Chen, B.A. Zhuang, Y.B. Chen, Y. Jin, R.G. Liu, X.Y. Ma, Y.Y. Ma, X. Tang, L. Wang, M.H. Xu, G.F. Zhang, M.X. Zhu and Q.M. Zhu, A beam test of a prototype of the BESIII drift chamber in magnetic field (2006) Liu, R.G., see Liu, J.B (2006) Logatchev, P., see Alyakrinskiy, O (2006) Loos, H., Longitudinal phase space tomography and its implementation in energy recovery linacs.................000005 (2006) Lu, X., see Hao, J (2006) Sa EET Eta RIDE RUE DERE CYP AE AY ses HrsB e rgrcl eiay yes ddo a cs,3 )G SE er SS Fa Beh awe Si hd BEE TOE A owe gsa ra aaa uate A eS (2006) Lumpkin, A.H., Nonintercepting diagnostics for transverse beam parameters: From rings to ERLs...................... (2006) (2006) Ma, X.Y., see Liu, J.B (2006) Ma, Y.Y., see Liu, J.B (2006) Mackay, W., see Calaga, R. (2006) I mR Be ale 5 fel ek whe be Khe Sob ANS, AWAT A lee Dee OE, ces OE ROU NS vcd, Rl Ale wide ene ue (2006) Macleod, A.M., see Jamison, S.P.... 2... 4.2.5... (2006) Madey, R., see Semenov, A.Yu. (2006) Maggiore, M., L. Calabretta, M. Di Giacomo, D. Rifuggiato, D. Battaglia and L. Piazza, Conceptual design of the RF accelerating cavities for a superconducting cyclotron (2006) Mahling, S., I. Orion and Z.B. Alfassi, The dependence of the virtual point-detector on the HPGe detector dimensions ....... (2006) Maliage, S.M., see Lipoglavsek, M (2006) Mammosser, J., see Neil, G.R. (2006) Manley, D.M., see Semenov, A.Yu (2006) Mariotti, E., see Stancari, G (2006) (2006) Martyshkin, P., see Alyakrinskiy, O. (2006) Matsui, F., see Tomizawa, H (2006) Matsumoto, T., see Nagano, a~4Na N aaaa( 2n00 6) Matsunaga, H., see Nagano, A (2006) Matveenko, A.N., see Bolotin, V.P (2006) McIntyre, G., see Burrill, (2006) McIntyre, G., see Calaga, R (2006) Medvedev, L.E., see Bolotin, V.P (2006) Merminga, L., see Ben-Zvi, I t (2006) Merminga, L., see Neil, G.R. (2006) Mezei, F., see Peters, J ananann( 2 006) (2006) Michel, P., see Teichert, J (2006) Miginsky, S.V., see Bolotin, V.P (2006) Milleret, G., see Semenov, A.Yu (2006) Minehara, E.J., Development and operation of the JAERI superconducting energy recovery linacs (2006) Minowa, M.., see Akimoto, Y (2006) (2006) aaan”aan n Misu, T., A. Sugiura, M. Kanazawa, S. Yamada, T. Kusaka, K. Sato and K. Katsuki, High-permeability cobalt-based amorphous core for the use of an untuned broadband RF cavity (2006) Miyata, H., see Nagano, A (2006) Mizuno, A., see Tomizawa, H. (2006) Author index (2006) (2006) (2006) (2006) Molloi, S., (2006) Montag, C., see Calaga, R (2006) Montag, C., see Smith, S.L. (2006) Montani, L., see Burgio, N. (2006) Moore, W., see Neil, G.R. (2006) Morozov, S., see Alyakrinskiy, O (2006) Miicke, O.D., see Winter, A (2006) (2006) (2006) Murayama, H., (2006) Murcek, P., see Janssen, (2006) Murray, S.H.T., see Lipoglavsek, M (2006) Maavia, D., see Nagano, A. (2006) (2006) (2006) (2006) Evtoukhovitch, Y. Fujii, E. Garutti, S. Iba, S. Itoh, F. Kajino, V. Kalinnikov, W. Kallies, J. Kanzaki, K. Kawagoe, S. Kishimoto, H. Miyata, D. Mzavia, N. Nakajima, R. Nakamura, H. Ono, V. Samoilov, A.L.C. Sanchez, T. Takeshita, Y. Tamura and Z. Tsamalaidze, Fine-granularity electromagnetic calorimeter using plastic scintillator strip-array (2006) Nakajima, N., see Nagano, A (2006) Nakamura, R., (2006) (2006) Evans, A. Grippo, D. Gruber, J. Gubeli, D. Hardy, C. Hernandez-Garcia, K. Jordan, M.J. Kelley, L. Merminga, J. Mammosser, W. Moore, N. Nishimori, E. Pozdeyev, J. Preble, R. Rimmer, M. Shinn, T. Siggins, C. Tennant, R. Walker, G.P. Williams and S. Zhang, The JLab high power ERL light source (2006) Nesvizhevsky, V.V., Polished sapphire for ultracold-neutron guides (2006) Nguyen, D., see Dowell, D.H (2006) Nguyen-Tuong, V., see Burrill, A (2006) Nicoletti, A., see Burrill, A (2006) Nicoletti, A., see Calaga, R. (2006) Nishimori, N., see Neil, G.R. (2006) DMEM REMINISCE UENO Ceo are arg vray gnlbnin & Hraeaia ae Rial ow A gar com renee ANOS Preee e ate mea pare See (2006) Ohsawa, S., see Suwada, T (2006) Ono, H., see Nagano, A (2006) Openshaw, R., see Davydov, Yu.I........ (2006) Oreshkov, A.D., see Bolotin, V.P (2006) Orestano, D., see Baroncelli, A (2006) MAS os Stee MIRREN Sr 5S 5. 3) dvtelir ild SEe ha s gana oe Marra lee rei, Ok SU SIS ALAS tt Di ENTS ha TEL ER eS a (2006) Ovchar, V.K., see Bolotin, V.P (2006) (2006) (2006) Padamsee, H., see Shemelin, V (2006) Padovani, E., P. Peerani, M. Da Ros and S.A. Pozzi, Simulation of correlated counts from an Am-—Li source (2006) Park, Y.J., K. Song, H.Y. Pyo, M.H. Lee, K.Y. Jee and W.H. Kim, Investigation on the fission track analysis of uranium-doped particles for the screening of safeguards environmental samples...........00.00. .ee.e .c.ec.e (2006) Parker, B., see Smith, S.L. (2006) (2006) (2006) Pastore, F., see Baroncelli, A (2006) Pate, D., see Burrill, A (2006) Pate, D., see Calaga, R. (2006) RsC ora ee Civ SOR MRGHEECA S GN i o/s six ofe ins level erdpis 1b -w Ufa e Base fee Da awn Wd lone Ore Gus (2006) Peerani, P., see Padovani, E (2006) Peggs, S., see Calaga, R (2006) Peters, J., J.D.M. Champion, G. Zsigmond, H.N. Bordallo and F. Mezei, Using Fermi choppers to shape the neutron pulse (2006) Petersen, B., Some aspects of the layout and optimization for the cryogenic supply of superconducting linacs (2006) Peterson, E., see Burrill, A (2006) 698 Author index Petrucci, F., see Baroncelli, A........ nN (2006) a I NEU Ge nig Eee. ores ioch NHS Tae Hoss a Rae Ee Se ODT ASO I Re TNE NE Riles ante ia Se aMa rate ae (2006) NN neO MNI IINS N Ce Ic soi. cpS SG chi Si: Sid Sitohi'y Shed oss wySm eR SANDS lear age SeereaI SIA v saris ooh Renae pybS ee aPacaue ele aOR a€ n (2006) Piazza, L., see Maggiore, M (2006) a NINE TIC OEE 608 Fart Reci s yes ona wor gare pW ohusecb wine His ae Wea hacia ewe Rn aaa asO ID armen 1k Mae gins (2006) I tos Val Sun ns SRG Rc SNK RR) 9 Ove RR RAE ote BOLE HES STE RT bd SARE ER AGO ee (2006) Plokhoi, V., see Alyakrinskiy, O (2006) Poelker, M., see Rao, T (2006) Popik, V.M., see Bolotin, V.P (2006) aaa eer IRE ND gra SSeS ns AV lig layG ROSS. SsGENS nian Bia MIS ITa d 4 UY CHAPELS PEERS. &e nw siiny lies SSNS alW .S yd Ghat ian Wheaten atts (2006) Pozdeyev, E., C. Tennant, J.J. Bisognano, M. Sawamura, R. Hajima and T.I. Smith, Multipass beam breakup in energy recovery aE IN EERE See RAL OAS ole, Grw ncrnge cy ice i ae: Busan StS Gas Hs ISS ae EID Gate MatCRI T eaNeONCG ura eabiene) leas nbEd SYp et ecu (2006) Pozdeyev, E., see Neil, G.R (2006) INNS 65 5.6 ssSe cs Sh 0d Gsm sosoM e Ge GIw /w RTS aw BSN Go SUES, iwi lw Ua Tek Wi w SIS ece Ota, BERL ELON TR tae (2006) a ORCS NS or ed pO Cy reine bn a i.6 ksG ie al 9 Oh Wo tasO M ae RUN AK ee. Gace SONG, ete aE em ees (2006) Preble, J., see Neil, G.R nm (2006) Ee INO OND ln es psig > ciel Gua SayS 09 G ole. 5 dR is Owe ON Wha Als ied Bites; Dw Wea ool Wane he Whe Sa wee lem e Mw4 mm (2006) PR UIE Geng ae il 05s SSE: Ah dlp tae & Shag SS oa wn are NS eS aS Pe WIS ayC ahdh a meek sw Sha sea AG oes (2006) NMI vo a a or Ars Aiea SG ie sig PR EEG Side BBS og OPO ERE GS SR AE Re LOC aaa Mees awn (2006) Qin, Z.H., see Liu, J.B (2006) TG OE Si oa ac) ShitG iicGs wie bnc ed sg v's, Mle GS aie e ace Rees helena te gio ans leprae ey, ale reora ae (2006) Sen URINE BN Rg Seng ila aca ili Poe dS LA eeats Rw AS & Mniera aie WA Sieh Says Mle Sele winawiee (2006) Ramashidzha, T.M., see Lipoglavsek, M (2006) RR Foy SR bsc e tna tsa aes Wiesel bw GUA, Hoek DSRS Se OSS Oe Se Baie MORE a She Blone na ols (2006) Rank, J., see Calaga, R (2006) Rao, T., A. Burrill, X.Y. Chang, J. Smedley, T. Nishitani, C.H. Garcia, M. Poelker, E. Seddon, F.E. Hannon, C.K. Sinclair, J. Lewellen and D. Feldman, Photocathodes for the energy recovery linacs ..... 02. cece eee cece renee eee (2006) ee PR ne ash e oa a) gE ar'w gh a EARLE -e ro PES WIIG IANA reek Lares SHS MAU ue aces eve anpii tue weet viene (2006) Rao, T., see Calaga, R (2006) ONE ane yg Sg sae TS,B is Sst SeyS AS REN Oe PIA AG UTS BS ED lerG e aI RTE Ia,O RE ray (2006) Rathke, J., see Calaga, R (2006) Rauch, H., see Fierlinger, P (2006) Razeti, M., Current response and linearity of transition edge sensors in the large signal analysis...................00-05 (2006) ER TINE x ox oa /eia :i is S aS ACwE DT AS SRDS HE ECR EW MS Ble alee © Ste GS ba WSLS se acees (2006) eo a CS a a (2006) Reichelt, T., see Semenov, A. Yu (2006) marth, 3, see Koolata, 35... ......... (2006) Rifuggiato, D., see Maggiore, M (2006) Rimmer, R., see Dowell, D.H (2006) Rimmer, R., see Neil, G.R x: (2006) Rimmer, R.A., Higher-order mode calculations, predictions and overview of damping schemes for energy recovering linacs ... . (2006) Riz, D., see Houry, M (2006) a a DN NR TE ne a en See G a.a S Sle Seyois e's nays: diy Segos! 4;S WISS Arslle miA URiG Seka Blandrd Mae Bech eegie aor etel es (2006) Rosenzweig, J.B., A.M. Cook, R.J. England, M. Dunning, S.G. Anderson and M. Ferrario, Emittance compensation with dynamically optimized photoelectron beam profiles . . . (2006) Rosenzweig, J.B., see Ferrario, M (2006) ee (2006) ER Br. Soo 8s ia eed be Ga OHSAS % HHS OS SERS HATERS UE SA ewan HEE Se taeoass « (2006) Ruggiero, A., see Smith, S.L. (2006) I eamnNNIIIE AO RIO INNS a5 isch cisco orb aa,G ea, dcob a 9 avai digs WtAU GlasB ota GROG) SR AeA GeB IRYR adn h ashen 8 dak BIO BMan (2006) Saito, K., see Umemori, K (2006) Sakanaka, S., see Umemori, K (2006) ne I 590 ea hc A vg ib eg ce ph buhG S 9 GeR AAT weA S! WEEDS: WR ACG ODA ee OE ROR BOE (2006) Samarin, S., see Alyakrinskiy, O (2006) an nn Samoilov, V., see Nagano, A (2006) a aa ON PME N65 5 call 8 75 i Va ics osl S gcc 5)a pS¥ ats SeR aa Re RRO RE rar BASU la PSK e che alee ae BR nn (2006) Sangster, C., see Houry, M. (2006) Sanguinetti, S., see Stancari, G (2006) Santagata, A., see Burgio, ! (2006) Sato, K., see Misu, T (2006) Satogata, T., see Smith, S.L (2006) Saveliev, V., see Zimmermann, R (2006) (2006) Author index Sawamura, M. and R. Nagai, Status of RF system for the JAERI energy-recovery linac FEL (2006) Sawamura, M., see Pozdeyev,. E (2006) Scaduto, J., see Burrill, A (2006) ESaseRURE EGO OOtE SOME: OAR UCERE PURR OO Ola 5 aro. Sicsval'y scl Syb usi onA sB L5 sS T RSIS 16 ar A PSS PR TA GeO ea at eke eva ee cva ne esa ta ae rea a (2006) Scafe, R., see Burgio, N (2006) 688 Scheglov, M.A., see Bolotin, V.P. (2006) 23 Schlarb, H., see Simrock, S. (2006) 293 Schlarb, H., see Winter, A (2006) 299 Schmidt-Parzefall, W.., (2006) 690 Schmiiser, P., see Winter, A (2006) 299 Schneider, C., se (2006) 80 RNNNMUMEME NSO. (AOE NOMENOEB DS So oe oyo t ac eiarclelae Rie See HE (2006) 239 Schultheiss, T., see Burrill, A (2006) 2. Schultheiss, T., see Calaga, R (2006) 243 Schurig, R., see Janssen, D (2006) 80 Seddon, E., see Rao, T. (2006) 124 Sekiguchi, K., see Nagano, A (2006) 460 Sekutowicz, J., see Ferrario, M (2006) 98 (2006) Semenov, A.Yu., W.M. Zhang, R. Madey, A. Ahmidouch, B.D. Anderson, K. Assamagan, S. Avery, A.R. Baldwin, A.S. Crowell, T. Eden, D.M. Manley, P. Markowitz, G. Milleret, D. Prout, T. Reichelt, 1.A. Semenova, P.E. Ulmer, E. Voutier, J.W. Watson and S.P. Wells, Calibration of a neutron polarimeter in the 0.2-1.1 GeV region (2006) Semenova, I.A., see Semenov, A. Yu (2006) Serednyakov, S.S., see Bolotin, V.P (2006) emaNI N ST Nw sees CRN er arc Sat Soha rs ain tor el Dhaka a Jale eE p acrine enS AM ASOT tare ah PORE eTR OP Soe (2006) Sewing, J., see Zimmermann, R. (2006) Shaikh, A.M., see Desai, S.S. (2006) Shemelin, V., M. Liepe and H. Padamsee, Characterization of ferrites at low temperature and high frequency (2006) Shevchenko, O.A., see Bolotin, V.P (2006) Shibuya, K., see Yoshida, E (2006) Shikhaliev, P.M. and S. Molloi, Count rate and dynamic range of an X-ray imaging system with MCP detector (2006) Shinn, M., see Neil, G.R (2006) Shiyankovy, S., see Alyakrinskiy, O ae (2006) Dupree BP Seer BORER Rete coh SF S tiai Wr abs ce are hrat are ancea © wy Yona. Wailea ip tal ost Goand eve fabG i Cate as eat Pa a cll e Stee ana ata an ee (2006) Siggins, T., see Neil, G.R (2006) Simrock, S., F. Ludwig and H. Schlarb, Synchronization systems for ERLs (2006) Sinclair, C.K., DC photoemission electron guns as ERL sources (2006) Sinclair, C.K., see Rao, T (2006) Singh, V., see Zhu, (2006) Skrinsky, A.N., (2006) Smedley, J., see Rao, T (2006) Smith, S.L., B.D. Muratori, H.L. Owen, G.H. Hoffstaetter, V.N. Litvinenko, I. Ben-Zvi, M. Bai, J. Beebe-Wang, M. Blaskiewicz, R. Calaga, W. Fischer, X.Y. Chang, D. Kayran, J. Kewisch, W.W. MacKay, C. Montag, B. Parker, V. Ptitsyn, T. Roser, A. Ruggiero, T. Satogata, B. Surrow, S. Tepikian, D. Trbojevic, V. Yakimenko, S.Y. Zhang and P. Piot, Optic issues in ongoing ERL projects (2006) Smith, T.I., see Pozdeyev, E Beate (2006) SR INARCSEc e SONS CRIME POMP 552, 9a 6 gas Rican osS ra ta A ali Roteay nc @ Leese Na!L aval aaa mea ganas hci en alegre ent ae as ra a (2006) Stancari, G., S. Veronesi, L. Corradi, S.N. Atutov, R. Calabrese, A. Dainelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, S. Sanguinetti and L. Tomassetti, Production of radioactive beams of francium (2006) Starostenko, A., see Alyakrinskiy, O (2006) Seed tered Re korres GENOME EN c.g sllosin ol Sooc eraia daveb erp isinrel@. o Blapseoan myd AGusa Ain K ayRIA AS. Gm Gree Sole a ae aaa cease ahs (2006) Stephan, J., see Janssen, D (2006) Stephan, J., see Teichert, J (2006) Stockmanns, T., see Ta, D.B. (2006) Sturhahn, W., see Toellner, T.S. (2006) Sugiura, A., see Misu, T. (2006) Surrow, B., see Smith, S.L (2006) Suwada, T., J. Yamazaki, A. Enomoto, §. Ohsawa and K. Yokoya, A conceptual pre-injector design for the KEK-ERL test accelerator (2006) Suzuki, S., see Tomizawa, H. (2006) RON ONG Beer Otb ANU NINOS 5.0000 gale riSi sro a elem @iee aph Ske A Tei Wat BRIS RES Ok mae ee Be eles ie (2006) Ta, D.B., T. Stockmanns, F. Hiigging, P. Fischer, J. Grosse-Knetter, O Runolfsson and N. Wermes, Serial powering: Proof of principle demonstration of a scheme for the operation of a large pixel detector at the LHC (2006) TGA MacOS IPsW r MAN CRAMMER a ab oe sin Nac ect eases aP ale AT TarS OS TSU Gm) Aid aca U DERRY ale aa nl NsS eo (2006) 700 Author index Tamda, N., A. Bakkali, H. Boulahdour, M. Parmentier, A. Pousse, B. Kastler and J. Chavanelle, Feasibility study of a y-ray detector based on square PSPMT array for breast cancer imaging (2006) MEH Wy OC NBANO, Pies. 6 vce aie wis pis ens o> (2006) Tan, C.Y., Tune tracking with a PLL in the Tevatron (2006) eR Re BUI 5s Gis ed Saws Mega ews Be ews (2006) Tn a RE I Ns Pte Oe Cos el asiu’a iii a hats eaacay SMT a role? ots ead wR mene ete ot a BS eal ata aistere ots (2006) Taniuchi, T., see Tomizawa, H ee (2006) Seem TR a Oo RA MERNREN GR 0 52 Va a G2 Eads aha Sia Res Bh ast OL BROIL OG) Sowa wralhe Balai felW eal Bier gr sD Oralla. 6. GWaMinaie Oren eee (2006) Nera NN DO Ra TAOS MEN MD 506i. asa ha, ce tse Lapua! 1808.9 DUG /9P SEA GALR UN . B Rca OIA a eseice, Sige oleate Filet Rules xa Seidl Piso dd} Dice (2006) Teichert, J., A. Biichner, H. Biittig, F. Gabriel, P. Michel, K. Mdller, U. Lehnert, C. Schneider, J. Stephan and A. Winter, RF status of superconducting module development suitable for CW operation: ELBE cryostats (2006) Teichert, J., see Janssen, D (2006) Tennant, C., see Neil, G.R (2006) NN ASI EN Se Sag a 5 Ja) ca can Aid SON caw VRLeAlid Sh Rater aocatence “ath cS cae IMSL oa) BOW Wob lB an aR -aaee a 8 Hebel een aes (2006) Tepikian, S., see Smith, S.L (2006) Todd, A., State-of-the-art electron guns and injector designs for energy recovery linacs (ERL) (2006) PTC SS Sects sth ce She Ai ATS GN 6:a r. Geer &ipe'a to,o Boi Aieie oer Meee dee Gey seh owe Gnee Died a eesS (2006) Todd, A., see Calaga, R (2006) Toeliner, T.S., M.Y. Hu, G. Bortel, W. Sturhahn and D. Shu, Four-reflection ‘“tnested’”» meV-monochromators for 20-30 keV synchrotron radiation (2006) Tomassetti, L., see Stancari, G (2006) Tomizawa, H., H. Dewa, T. Taniuchi, A. Mizuno, T. Asaka, K. Yanagida, S. Suzuki, T. Kobayashi, H. Hanaki and F. Matsui, Adaptive shaping system for both spatial and temporal profiles of a highly stabilized UV laser light source for a photocathode RF (2006) Tonazzo, A., see Baroncelli, A (2006) Toprek, D., Space-charge effects in twisted quadrupoles (2006) Tovena, I., see Guéhenneux, G (2006) Travish, G., see Ferrario, M (2006) Trbojevic, D., see Calaga, R (2006) een IEP DOM TRIN TEP rats spl oo. Goss ess Baa Sle, bo oi Aw OH RAS SSS QRS GbW M Pe VRE A te: Wo mete RA ane ate al (2006) Menmanrate 2 ee BURG. ASS 6 sce ies os Se ee eG alee eee (2006) Tsuda, T., see Yoshida, E. (2006) aN Ua PT UE of RE dl olevie carte Agcene ala na Sn a ORE De Welln Ceres w Kia sLe es Melee Game G (2006) Tsutsumi, M. and Y. Tanimura, LaCl,(Ce) scintillation detector applications for environmental line feed (LF) gamma-ray enn CARPEININ R MNEED MEO NID 8. os oso bere ee wd oH Oe Ae ETM SEU Ew DOR EA SHTML eos BE Gla hus Ores (2006) (2006) TIMI ON OU he Dy, osS E aie aie bO bo Kos SSS HSE TODOS ETERS SCHEER aREO OES OCR Whe Ome (2006) Ulmer, P.E., see Semenov, A. Yu (2006) Umemori, K., M. Izawa, K. Saito and S. Sakanaka, New higher-order-mode damping scheme for L-band superconducting cavities using a radial transmission line (2006) SPRITE, Sg ANNs os oes ene eed en ee ed ae (2006) ED PE MEMES pales pcre hg ath Ak Aw OG OS CS REASHE OHS SSSTAGRS HWS EOS Re DAE ROR ERA EARS Oh EM KERIO (2006) Re een Sen RRO ATRNI ERIS A ig 8 2ici'c Gate. Sinn. ical Seba a8) GOw Bide Melee mLR ALE ig PAA Dia RA] ANGE QUANT wie and Bee we SOS & Os (2006) Vegh, J., Design principles of the wxEWA spectrum evaluation program for the photoelectron spectroscopy (2006) Veillerot, M., see Guéhenneux, G (2006) Vencelj, M., see LipoglavSek, M (2006) Verbitskaya, E., V. Eremin, I. Ilyashenko, Z. Li, J. Hark6nen, E. Tuovinen and P. Luukka, Operation of heavily irradiated silicon detectors in non-depletion mode (2006) Veronesi, S., see Stancari, G (2006) eR ORION C1 So on gh anh brB nS ee SSSR 6S Eo HH. O DOMES HORM OKAK AE RSME DAA BORE SME MEK DO OSES (2006) Sen DE PN ME, Gig a nas SKC Wie A ei aT HS SEDO STEMS’ LAD HH KREWE’ UD Sa es SESE SNES (2006) Voge, t1., Saentenaustial SRF capabilities and future plans ... .. 2... wh ee ec ew ewe eee pees Beet ee (2006) Volkov, V., see Janssen, D (2006) RAVMAEDE SRL I OU HRN 5 so he als a See Ain a EAs CATE SUSE L EASE ERE ONOTE ETRE DDE EE OAH EO DEED RO (2006) Walker, R., see Neil, G.R. (2006) Wang, C.-x., Comment on the invariant-envelope solution in rf photoinjectors (2006) Wang, G., see Hao, J (2006) Wang, L., see Hao, J (2006) Wang, L., (2006) Watson, J.W., see Semenov, A.Yu. (2006) ane aN NE EONAR 2s, ne Snak Prwk ps8 2 0sW la na whip ley eameee TO G NaN ce Cuivrariiwe betbagoed aeeicen tele akan ers eae ieee ooh ER (2006) Wermes, N., see Ta, D.B (2006) Will, I., see Janssen, D (2006)

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