NTIS Subject Categories NTIS Subject Categories - Numerical Listing with Scope Descriptions 1 Numericial Listing with Scope Descriptions s e i r o 41‑Manufacturing technology 41E‑Manufacturing, Planning, Processing & g Control e 410‑General t Fabrication, assembling, cleaning, and finishing; Industrial and Includes mechanical elements; Pipes; Tubes; Levers; Cams; a manufacturing processes (limited to in‑depth studies that direct‑ C Springs; Clutches; Gears; Valves; Filters; Containers and pack‑ ly discuss specific processes); Materials forming and machining; ing materials; Refrigeration systems and equipment; Industrial t Heat treatment; Fabrication and manufacturing; Layout; Coating c furnaces and boilers; Heat exchangers; Heat pumps; Heat pipes; processes; Materials handling and control, including palletizing, e Energy management, economics, and financing; International conveying, warehousing, storing, containerization, and packag‑ bj issues. ing; Time and motion studies; Scheduling; Production controls u See also 94O and 97G. and programming; Modeling techniques and program controls; S For engine components, use 81. Inventory management. e For fuel tanks, use 81C. See also 94A. s For cooling towers, use 97J. For the beneficiation and processing of minerals, use 48A. a b 41A‑Computer Aided Design (CAD) For chemical engineering and processing, use 99B. a Application of computer hardware and software (programs) to For computer‑aided manufacturing, use 41B and 94G. t a enhance the design, computations, simulation, analysis and For lasers used in manufacturing, use 41M. D modeling, presentations, graphics, drafting, data base creation For processing and packaging of food, use 98H. and human‑machine interface, associated with the creation of S For production of materials, use 71. engineering design specifications. I 41F‑Joining T See also 94A. N Bonding and joining including gluing, welding, soldering, brazing, 41B‑Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and fastening; Joints and fasteners; Physical, mechanical, and Application of computer hardware and software (programs) to structural properties of adhesives, sealants, glue, binders, seals, enhance materials planning, processing and handling, tooling; and gaskets. Assembly; Quality and reliability control; Inspection; Tests; See also 94G, 94Gen, and 71B. Scheduling and control; Facilities and equipment maintenance; Group technology applications; Inventory control (raw material, 41G‑Quality Control & Reliability in process and finished); Numerical controls and automation; Tolerance allocation; Maintainability requirements; Probability The creation of Direct Numerical Control (DNC) and Computer of satisfactory performance of components and equipment; Numerical Control (CNC) manufacturing cells and systems. Inspection methods; Reliability theory; Quality assurance; See also 94A and 94G. Nondestructive testing having industrial application; Ultrasonic, radiographic, hydrostatic, magnetic, and optical nondestructive 41C‑Robotics/Robots techniques and equipment; Nondestructive testing of flaws, Application of computer hardware and software, controls, sen‑ thickness, opacity, strength; Destructive industrial testing; sors, electromechanical and hydro‑mechanical devices, to the Metrology. creation of robots and the application of robots to all facets of See also 94B, 94J, and 94Gen. manufacturing. Study of biological processes in order to devel‑ op engineering systems; Pattern recognition systems based on 41H‑Plant Design & Maintenance biological models. Includes feature extraction; Image enhance‑ Site selection; Plant design; Maintenance Management; Scheduled, ment; Image restoration; Scene analysis; Character recognition. routine, and corrective maintenance; Security. See also 95F and 62F. See also 94C. 41D‑Productivity 41I‑Job Environment Productivity of employees, management, and services; Improving Industrial hygiene and occupational safety and health. See also quality of worklife; Measurement of productivity efficiency and 57U, 68G, and 44G. Workplace layout and design; Human fac‑ effectiveness; Employee attitudes and motivation; Manpower tors engineering; Includes Industrial psychology and Industrial utilization and performance improvement, job satisfaction, job sociology; Worker interactions. security; Labor‑management, job redesign; Alternative work See also 94D and 95D. schedules; Incentive plans; Productivity barriers including regu‑ Includes environmental engineering equipment related to industrial lation, obsolete practices; Paperwork, and financing methods. use. See also 97J, 89B, and 94E. See also 70G and 70D. For mine safety, use 48A. For ordnance safety, use 79A. For nuclear radiation safety, use 77. For transportation safety, use 85D. NTIS Subject Categories - Numerical Listing with Scope Descriptions 2 s e i 41J‑Tooling, Machinery, & Tools 43C‑Human Resources r o Machine subassemblies; Tools; Machinery including hoists, Education; Social services; Health care services; Manpower. g conveyors, and pumps; Design, production performance, and See also 9lK and 92C. e testing of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, accumulators, 43D‑Police, Fire, & Emergency Services t actuators, compressors and distribution equipment; Fluidic and a Police and fire services and administration; Disaster services; Civil flueric devices; Ergonomics interaction of man and equipment C defense; Emergency weather services, Pollution alerts; Civil in terms of subsystem and system performance requirements t and evaluation; Man‑machine systems and human factors disturbances; Ambulance services; Disaster relief. c e engineering. See also 91C and 91I. bj See also 94F, 94I, 94D, and 95D. 43E‑Energy u For hydraulic fluids, use 71K. Management and planning on energy resources, use and production; S Government administration and forecasting. 41K‑Engineering Materials e Performance; Properties, fabrication and manufacturing methods of See also 97. s ceramics, coatings and composite materials including ceramic 43F‑Environment a b coatings, ceramic fibers, corrosion resistant coatings, reinforced Air, water, noise, waste management and planning; Monitoring a plastics, graphite or carbon composites, laminates; Metal matrix services. t composites, and fiber and particulate composites. See also 68. a See also 71B, 71D, and 71F. D 43G‑Transportation S 41L‑Tribology Planning for modes of public, private, and cargo transportation; I Friction, lubrication and wear, including bearings; Unwanted Highway planning, Parking; Traffic engineering. T chemical reaction effects on metals, corrosion of metals and See also 85 and 91B. N corrosion resistant coatings; Lubricants. See also 71L, 71G, and 71K. 44‑health care 41M‑Optics & Lasers 440‑General Design and performance of optical equipment for use in manufac‑ turing applications. Includes laser applications such as laser 44A‑Planning Methodology annealing, cutting, drilling, and welding. Health planning theory including methods, tactics, techniques and See also 46C. policies; Evaluation of planning theories and processes. 41N‑Computer Software 44B‑Agency Administrative & Financial Management Computer programming; Programming languages; Compilers; Data base management systems; Management practices and policies regarding technical assistance, CAD/CAM robotics. evaluation of health care agency activities, public relations; Financial management and accounting methods. See also 62B. 44C‑Community & Population Characteristics 41O‑Domestic Commerce, Marketing, & Data and numerical information including health status, quality of Economics care, malpractice, health care needs/demands; Health care utili‑ Economic impacts on industries; Productivity; Wage surveys; Do‑ zation, health care cost, vital statistics; Demographic informa‑ mestic market surveys. tion, economic, environmental, nutritional, and societal factors See also 96A. affecting health, and health resource distribution. 41P‑Research Program Administration & 44D‑Health Care Assessment & Quality Technology Transfer Assurance Research needs; Technology transfer and forecasting. Financial feasibility review, economic impact review, and project See also 70E. review; Certificate of need theory; Health manpower education institutional accreditation; Judicatory procedures, review, and 43‑ProbleM Solving inforMation for State assessment; Quality assurance theory; Certificatory methodol‑ ogy; Health manpower proficiency testing, and public health & local governMentS education evaluation; Classification of health care facilities and 430‑General health care personnel. Includes internal government administration; State programs; 44E‑Health Care Measurement Methodology Criminal justice, corrections planning, and administration. Measurement of health status, quality of care, health facility sup‑ 43A‑Finance ply, health manpower supply, proficiency and productivity, and Taxation; Revenue; Budgeting; Revenue sharing; Financing; Al‑ health care costs; Health care needs/demands and utilization location. measurement. See also 91G and 91H. See also 44L, 44N, and 44Q. For commercial banking and finance operations, use 96F. 44F‑Health Care Forecasting Methodology 43B‑Economic & Community Development Projecting health care needs/demands and health care utilization; Land use planning; Urban renewal; Economic effects; Economic Health care facility supply; Health manpower supply; Health planning and development; Recreation planning and develop‑ care costs; Home health care; Cross‑impact projections. ment; Economic readjustment. See also 91J and 96A. NTIS Subject Categories - Numerical Listing with Scope Descriptions 3 s e i 44G‑Environmental & Occupational Factors 44R‑Economics & Sociology r o Environmental factors affecting health including housing, sanita‑ Discussions of economic and sociological factors and theories g tion, water pollution, solid waste pollution, noise pollution, relevant to health care. e disease vectors, safety hazards, and occupational and industrial 44S‑Legislation & Regulations t hazards; Overpopulation; Health facility environmental consid‑ a Laws, bills, regulations, and model legislation. Includes certificate erations and environmental impact; Energy sources in the health C of need, health insurance certification, health manpower licens‑ field. t ing, health facility licensing, health manpower employment, and c See also 57U and 68G. support regarding health manpower education. e 44H‑Health Care Technology j 44T‑Data & Information Systems b Descriptions and applications of new health care technology and Techniques regarding information systems including document u equipment; Ailment prevention techniques, and technology sources, acquisition, surrogation, and storage; Information S regarding diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation, and food and nutri‑ retrieval; Data systems, Data gathering; Data processing; Data e tion; Health care equipment and facility design and performance processing hardware; Information system feasibility studies, and s considerations. confidentiality of information. a See also 57 and 95. b 44U‑Health Care Delivery Organization & a 44J‑Health Delivery Plans, Projects & Studies Administration t a Plans, projects, and studies related to the institutional delivery of Hospital and medical practice administration and management; Or‑ D health services including state/local health plans, state/local ganizational structure of health services; Management policies medical facility plans, plans for specific health services, and and practices regarding personnel, community participation and S health delivery feasibility studies. relations, and coordination with other agencies; Financial man‑ I T 44K‑Health Services agement and accounting methods; Financing of health delivery N and facilities; Reporting methods and requirements. Personal and public health services, patient care, and maintenance of an individual’s health status including hospital services acute in‑patient services, long‑term inpatient services, nursing home 45‑coMMunication services, emergency services, public health services, mental 450‑General services, nursing services, dental services, and medically‑related social services including institution discharge services. 45A‑Policies, Regulations, & Studies Licensing; Legislation; National policies and Federal regulatory 44L‑Health Care Needs & Demands controls; Frequency management; Broadcasting standards; Time Measurement of health care needs/demands, hospital care, acute signals, etc. in‑patient care, long‑term in patient care, nursing home care, medical care, mental care, nursing care, dental care, and health 45B‑Radio & Television Equipment insurance; Home health care; Measurements of health manpow‑ Design and maintenance of radio and television transmitting and er requirements/demands. receiving equipment only. See also 44E. See also 51E. 44M‑Health Resources 45C‑Common Carrier & Satellite Surveys, reports, and studies related to specific health care resourc‑ All communication equipment except radio and television. Opti‑ es including manpower, facilities, sources of financing, and cal, radio, microwave, wire, and acoustic communication; government and private health‑related organizations, agencies Telephone, telemeter, telegraph, television, and radio commu‑ and individuals. nication systems; Computer network communications; Digital communication; Intercommunication systems; Optical scanning. 44N‑Health Care Utilization For information systems, see also 88B. Measurements regarding utilization of health resources including manpower, ambulatory care, emergency care, public health For design and construction of communication satellites, see also care, medical care, mental care, nursing care, dental care, health 84G. insurance, health care facilities, and home health care. 45D‑Sociopolitical See also 44E and 44L. Propaganda; Social communication; Sign language, Effects of com‑ munication on society and behavior; Postal service; Mass media 44P‑Health Education & Manpower Training communication. Health manpower education including curricula and costs; Health manpower education facility needs/demands; Institutional 45E‑Graphics financing; Financing for health related educational institutions; Publishing; Printing; Graphic arts; Reprography; Xerography; Fac‑ Student recruiting and retention methods; Continuing education; simile; Desk top publishing. Career guidance and career advancement; Consumer health 45F‑Verbal education and public health education methods. Research and development in vocal communication; Speech intel‑ 44Q‑Health‑Related Costs ligibility; Speech recognition. Health care costs, indexes, projections, in‑patient care costs, acute in‑patient care costs, long‑term care costs, nursing home care costs, ambulatory care costs, emergency care costs, public health care costs, medical care costs; Insurance costs; Manpow‑ er income; Equipment costs; Facility utilization and construc‑ tion costs; Ailment costs including preventive medicine costs and injury costs; Transportation costs including emergency transportation costs. NTIS Subject Categories - Numerical Listing with Scope Descriptions 4 s e i 45G‑Communication & Information Theory 47‑ocean ScienceS & technology r o Theoretical studies relating to the measurement and transmission 470‑General g of information in a communication channel. Includes coding Includes breakwaters; Onshore and offshore facilities; Ocean e theory, information capacity, detection of signals in noise. dredging operations; Beach erosion; Harbor engineering; Ocean t See also 62E. a mining; Anchors; Buoys; Seakeeping; Diving operations and C equipment; Decompression equipment. t 46‑PhySicS See also 50B, 47H, and 95E. c e 460‑General 47A‑Marine Engineering bj Includes electron and X‑ray optics; Thermodynamics; Nuclear Design, construction, and maintenance of ships, boats, and related u physics; elementary particles; Atomic and molecular physics. equipment; Salvage operations; Naval architecture; Shipyards S 46A‑Acoustics and shipbuilding; Submarines; Shipborne containerization. e Generation and transmission of sound through various media or See also 85G. s enclosures. Includes ultrasonic and infrasonic radiation. 47B‑Dynamic Oceanography a See also 63A. Ocean waves; Sea level changes; Ocean currents; Ocean tides; Lit‑ b a 46B‑Fluid Mechanics toral transport; Sea ice movement. t a Theoretical and experimental studies of the dynamics and statics of 47C‑Physical & Chemical Oceanography D fluids and of relative motion between fluids and solid bodies; Physical and chemical properties of sea water, the ocean bottom, Aerodynamics and hydrodynamics; Water tunnel studies and and estuaries; Sea ice. S equipment. For glaciers and fresh water ice, use 48H. I T For wind tunnel equipment and facilities, use 51F. 47D‑Biological Oceanography N For operational applications, use 51A, 75E, and 84D. Plant and animal life in the marine environment; Biological fouling; For plasma physics, use 46G. Marine ecology; Biological aspects of mariculture; Use of ma‑ 46C‑Optics & Lasers rine organisms as bioassay systems; Marine aspects of estuaries; Generation and propagation of electromagnetic waves in the infra‑ Marine biology of anadromous fishes. red, visible, and ultraviolet region of the spectrum; Theory; De‑ See also 57C, 57H, 57K, 57F, 57Z, and 98F. sign and performance of optical equipment; Lasers and masers. 47E‑Marine Geophysics & Geology 46D‑Solid State Physics Geophysical and geological studies and surveys as applied to a Physical properties of solids as related to their structure. Fundamen‑ marine environment; Plate tectonics; Sea floor spreading; Con‑ tal research and theoretical studies on semiconductors, super‑ tinental drift. conductors, structure of solids. Includes crystallography and See also 48F. superconductivity. 47F‑Oceanographic Vessels, Instruments, & For semiconductor devices, use 49H. Platforms For structural mechanics, use 46E. Instrumentation and equipment to collect and process oceanograph‑ For studies on ceramics, coatings, composite materials, metals, and ic data; Remote sensors. alloys, use 71. 47G‑Hydrography 46E‑Structural Mechanics Hydrographic surveying; Ocean bottom topography; Bathymetry. Dynamics and statics of solid bodies; Kinematics; Shock and vibra‑ 47H‑Underwater Construction & Habitats tion. Closed environments; Underwater work and construction; Under‑ 46G‑Plasma Physics water construction equipment. Properties and actions of plasmas, including magnetohydrodynam‑ See also 47Gen or 95E. ics, pinch effect, plasma oscillations, plasma jets; Plasma diag‑ nostics; Plasma dynamics. Plasmas in thermonuclear devices. 48‑natural reSourceS & earth ScienceS See also 77A. For MHD generators, use 97O. 480‑General For astrophysics, use 54C. 48A‑Mineral Industries For aeronomy, use 55A. Industries and their processes that exploit metallic and nonmetal‑ lic, fuel and nonfuel resources. Includes coal mining, mining 46H‑Radiofrequency Waves wastes, and acid mine drainage; Coal preparation; Petroleum Generation and propagation of radiofrequency waves. exploration, drilling, and production; Metals exploration and For communication systems, techniques, equipment, etc., use 45. mining; Exploration geophysics and seismology; Reserves; For radiofrequency detection, use 63H. Mine safety; Mineral economics; Underwater and continental shelf mining; Natural resources studies (excluding Earth Re‑ source Satellite Surveys). For energy source production related, use 97. For petroleum refining, use 97K and 99B. NTIS Subject Categories - Numerical Listing with Scope Descriptions 5 s e i 48B‑Natural Resource Management 49‑electrotechnology r o Conservation and management of natural resources, including land 490‑General g and soil, water, forest, grassland, and other vegetation; Fish and Includes standards, measurements, and instrumentation not applied e wildlife management; Mineral management; Policies and leg‑ t islation including game laws and licensing; Water resource man‑ to any other subcategories. a C agement; Water supply; Deforestation; Forest fire prevention. 49A‑Antennas See also 98F, 48A, 48C, and 48D. Antennas; Antenna theory; Antenna radiation patterns; Radomes. t c 48C‑Natural Resource Surveys 49B‑Circuits e j Use of scientific satellites, aerial photography, and other remote Circuit theory; Network analysis; Filters; Oscillators; Logic circuits; b sensing techniques to scan the earth’s surface in data gathering Printed circuits; Electronic modules; Commutators; Power sup‑ u experiments on soils, mineral resources, hydrology, animals, ply circuits; Waveform generators; Analog to digital converters; S forests, and other resources; Surveying techniques such as im‑ Phase locked systems. e age processing, photointerpretation, and pattern recognition. For integrated circuits, use 49H. s For agricultural resource surveys, use 98G; For equipment studies, a 49C‑Electromechanical Devices b use 63. Electric motors; Relays; Mechanical switches; Connectors; Circuit a 48D‑Forestry breakers; Electric fuses. t a Forest description and measurement; Forest influences; Forest 49D‑Electron Tubes D protection and management; Harvesting, logging, sawmills, All electron tubes except those in 49E. and transportation; Silviculture; Forest nurseries; Afforestation S reforestation, and deforestation; Forest fires and prevention. 49E‑Optoelectronic Devices & Systems I T For wood utilization, use 71R. Display systems; Phototubes; Image tubes; Cathode ray tubes; N Electroluminescent panels; Light emitting diodes; Photodiodes; 48E‑Soil Sciences Phototransistors; Magnetooptics; Electrooptics; Optical detec‑ Soil biology, chemistry, moisture, mineralogy, classification, sur‑ tors, including infrared and ultraviolet detectors. veys; Soil erosion and its prevention; Land reclamation, terrac‑ See also 63C and 63F. ing, contouring, polders, tillage, and fertility; Soil banks. For solar cells, see also 97N. For irrigation, use 98C. For lasers, use 46C. For mechanical and engineering properties, use 50D. 49F‑Power & Signal Transmission Devices 48F‑Geology & Geophysics Transmission lines; Electric wire and cable; Waveguides; Fiber Structure, properties, and classification of rocks; Paleontology; Stra‑ optics transmission lines. tigraphy; Geodesy; Structural geology; Engineering geology; Vulcanology; Petrology; Petrography; Tectonics. 49G‑Resistive, Capacitive, & Inductive Components For astrogeology, use 54A. Resistors; Capacitors; Inductors; Transformers; Electromagnets; For geological studies relating to energy or mineral reserves, use Potentiometers; Thermistors; Delay lines; Transducers; Crystal 97A and 48A respectively. resonators. Includes miscellaneous and basic components. For marine geology and geophysics, use 47E. 49H‑Semiconductor Devices 48G‑Hydrology & Limnology Transistors; Semiconductor diodes; Integrated circuits. Properties, distribution, and circulation of fresh water, including For photodiodes, phototransistors, light emitting diodes, and optical its surface and underground occurrence; Physical and chemical detectors, use 49E. conditions in fresh water bodies; Eutrophication; Chemical‑bi‑ ological interrelationships; Water runoff; Water losses; Ground water; Streams; Aquifers. 50‑civil engineering For studies of estuaries or sea water, use 47. 500‑General 48H‑Snow, Ice, & Permafrost 50A‑Highway Engineering Physical characteristics including trafficability, stability, and me‑ Construction of roads and highways; Highway and rights‑of‑way chanical properties; Glaciology. maintenance including weed control; Bridges and bridge sys‑ For sea ice, use 47C, and for sea ice movement, use 47B. tems; Highway paints and markings; Highway and road signs; Beautification; Slope stability and soil subbases. 48I‑Cartography Map making; Photogrammetry; Terrain models; Topography. 50B‑Civil Engineering Geographic information systems; Cartography; Actual physical Dredging; Dams; Water purification; Reservoir engineering; Flood processes, procedures, and methods of map making. control; Sewers; Waterway engineering; Runway construction; Shore protection; Breakwaters; Harbor engineering; Tunneling. See also 47. For sewage treatment, use 68D. For building construction, use 89. For oil and gas reservoir engineering, use 97 or 48A. NTIS Subject Categories - Numerical Listing with Scope Descriptions 6 s e i 50C‑Construction Equipment, Materials, & 54‑aStronoMy & aStroPhySicS r Supplies o 540‑General g Excavation and earth moving equipment; Hoisting and conveying e equipment; Concrete and cement. 54A‑Astrogeology t See also 89G. Studies of the structure and composition of planets and other bodies a in the solar system. C For properties of concrete and cement, see also 71D. For geology and geophysics, see also 48F. t 50D‑Soil & Rock Mechanics c 54B‑Astronomy & Celestial Mechanics e Physical properties of soil and rock for utilization in engineering; j Landslides; Soil stabilization. Positions and motions of the celestial bodies; Ephemerides, b Eclipses. For soil sciences, use 48E. u S For soil conservation, use 48B. 54C‑Astrophysics For geology and geophysics, use 48F. Physical and chemical aspects of celestial bodies, e their origin and evolution. Includes astronomical spectroscopy, s a radio astronomy, solar structure, and planetary atmospheres. 51‑aeronauticS & aerodynaMicS b 54D‑Cosmic Ray Research a 510‑General Detection and analysis of cosmic rays. t a Includes landing mats. D 51A‑Aerodynamics 55‑atMoSPheric ScienceS S Aerodynamic characteristics and problems of bodies as they are 550‑General I affected by the dynamics of phenomena relating to boundary T layer, lift, drag, laminar and turbulent flow, compressible flow, 55A‑Aeronomy N lift, aerodynamic heating, vortex flow, wake, etc. in aerodynam‑ Physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere; Composition; ic regimes. Includes aircraft, ground vehicles, and structures. Chemical reactions; Aurora; Airglow; Solar‑terrestrial relation‑ See also 46B. ships. For missile reentry dynamics, use 75E. For cosmic ray research, use 54D. For spacecraft reentry dynamics, use 84D. 55B‑Dynamic Meteorology 51B‑Aeronautics Studies of atmospheric motions; Atmospheric diffusion models; Aircraft operations such as takeoff and landing, all‑weather and Atmospheric circulation. night flight, taxiing, approach, letdown, in‑flight refueling, etc. For air pollution movement studies, use 68A. Includes aviation accidents. 55C‑Meteorological Data Collection, Analysis, & 51C‑Aircraft Weather Forecasting Design, production, and maintenance of aircraft, aircraft compo‑ Climatology; Satellite meteorology; Weather prediction; Ice fore‑ nents and equipment. Structural studies of airframes, bodies, casting. wings, fuselages; Military and commercial aircraft; Balloons 55D‑Meteorological Instruments & Instrument (excludes meteorological balloons); Air cushion vehicles (ex‑ Platforms cludes tracked vehicles). Instruments used to record meteorological parameters; Meteoro‑ See also 85A and 81D. logical balloons; Weather stations; Sounding rockets; Remote For meteorological balloons, use 55D. sensors. For tracked air cushion vehicles, use 85C. 55E‑Physical Meteorology For electronic equipment, use 51E. Acoustical, electrical, optical, and thermodynamic properties of the 51D‑Parachutes & Decelerators atmosphere; Cloud physics; Precipitation theory; Global warm‑ Deployable devices and structures to induce drag and deceleration ing. of aircraft, spacecraft, and test vehicles such as rocket sleds. See also 68A. 51E‑Avionics 55F‑Weather Modification Airborne electronic equipment. Includes electronic equipment used Change of weather conditions through artificial means; Fog disper‑ for communications; Navigation; Control systems; Onboard air sal; Artificial precipitation. traffic control; Detection. See also 45, 49, 63, and 76. 51F‑Test Facilities & Equipment Wind tunnels; Simulators; Flight simulators. For flight simulators used for training, use 92A. NTIS Subject Categories - Numerical Listing with Scope Descriptions 7 s e i 57‑Medicine & biology 57I‑Electrophysiology r o 570‑General Electrical activity associated with living organisms and life pro‑ g cesses; Electrophysiologic recording including electrocardiog‑ e 57A‑Anatomy raphy, electroencephalography, and electromyography; Neural t Descriptive and comparative anatomy of humans; Anthropometry; transmission; Intracellular potential; Bioelectricity; Biolumines‑ a Dissection; Neuroanatomy; Morphology. cence; Responses of organisms to electrical stimulation. C For plant anatomy, use 57C. 57J‑Immunology t c For animal anatomy, use 57Z. Mechanisms of immune responses; Antigens and antibodies; Vac‑ e 57B‑Biochemistry cines; Immune serums; Immunization; Immunopathology; j b Studies of the chemical processes which take place in biological Immunohematology; Immunochemistry; Serology; Immunity; u systems. Identification and measurement of biochemical sub‑ Allergy; Histocompatibility; Autoimmune diseases. HIV/AIDS. S stances and methods of analysis, including assaying. See also 57E and 57K. e See also 57F, 57L, 57Q, and 99A. 57K‑Microbiology s a For measurement of biochemical substances for clinical diagnoses, Studies of microscopic plants and animals; Vaccine and interferon b use 57D. production; Microbial metabolism and biochemistry. a 57C‑Botany For diagnosis and therapy of infectious diseases, use 57E. t a Study of macroscopic and microscopic plants; Plant anatomy, For disease control and epidemiology, use 57U. D physiology, pathology, and taxonomy; Phytotoxicity; Includes For biotechnology applications, see also field of application. algae and diatoms. S 57L‑Nutrition I See also 57H, 57K, 57Y, and 98D. Processes by which humans assimilate and utilize food substances; T N 57D‑Clinical Chemistry Experimental nutrition; Nutritive value of foods; Malnutrition; Techniques and instrumentation for chemical analysis of body flu‑ Diet; Food habits; Nutrition surveys; Nutritional requirements; ids, including blood, and tissues for clinical diagnoses. Clinical nutrition. See also 99A. For food processing, use 98H. For animal nutrition related to animal husbandry, veterinary medi‑ 57E‑Clinical Medicine cine or zoology, use 98E or 57Z. Prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of diseases; Nuclear medicine; Experimental medicine; Clinical protocols. 57M‑Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, & See also 57J, 57O, and 57X. Rehabilitation For veterinary medicine, use 98E. Restoration of normal form and function after injury or physical illness; Occupational therapy; Physical therapy; Vocational For health care services, use 44. rehabilitation. For epidemiology and disease control, use 57U. See also 44K, 92A, 95A. 57F‑Cytology, Genetics, & Molecular Biology For mental rehabilitation, use 57T. Origin, structure, and functions of living cells and cell components; For social rehabilitation, use 92C and 91K. Hereditary diseases; Use of chemistry and physics to study For rehabilitation centers, use 44K. biological phenomena on the molecular level; Structure and function of biological macromolecules, e.g. proteins and nucleic 57N‑Parasitology acids. Parasites and parasitism; Host‑parasite interactions; Vectors of See also 57B. parasites; Parasitic diseases; Life cycles of parasites. See also 57H, 57K, and 57P. 57G‑Dentistry Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the teeth, oral 57O‑Pathology cavity, and associated parts; Oral hygiene. Studies of the structural and functional changes in tissues and or‑ For dental materials and equipment, use 95C. gans which cause or are caused by diseases, trauma or injuries; For dental prosthetics, use 95A. Gross pathology; Histopathology; Cytopathology; Pathophysi‑ ology; Ccmparative and experimental pathology; Histological For dental services, use 44. techniques; Autopsy. 57H‑Ecology For plant diseases, use 98D. Interrelationships of organisms and their environment; Animal, For animal diseases, use 98E. plant, and human ecology; Marine, fresh water, and terrestrial For diagnosis and treatment of diseases, use 57E. ecology; Ecosystems; Adaptation; Acclimatization; Natural se‑ lection; Species diversity; Food chains; Energy balance; Ecolog‑ For immunopathology, use 57J. ical succession; Effects of polluted environments on organisms; 57P‑Pest Control Biological productivity. Agents and methods for the control of plant and animal pests; Pes‑ See also 47D, 48B, 48G, 57C, 57Y, 57Z, 68, 98D, and 98B. ticides, algicides, herbicides, insecticides, molluscacides, fungi‑ For effects of extreme environments or stimuli on humans, use cides, rodenticides, etc.; Repellants and attractants; Fumigation 57W. and extermination; Traps; Biological pest control. For the interrelationships of humans and their social environments, See also 68E and 98C. use 92. For ecological aspects of pest control, use 57H. For the effects of industrial environments on humans, use 57U. NTIS Subject Categories - Numerical Listing with Scope Descriptions 8 s e i 57Q‑Pharmacology & Pharmacological Chemis‑ 57X‑Surgery r o try Treatment of diseases, injuries, and deformities by manual or g Synthesis, composition, properties, and effects of drugs; Pharmacy, operative methods; Organ and tissue transplantation; Pre‑and e Pharmacodynamics. post‑management of surgical patients; Experimental surgery. t See also 57Y. See also 95A and 95B. a C For social effects of drugs, use 91C and 92C. For dental surgery, use 57G. t For radiopharmaceuticals, use 57V. For histocompatibility, use 57J. c e For business studies of the drug industry, use 96A. 57Y‑Toxicology j 57S‑Physiology Study of the adverse effects of substances on biological systems and b u Functions of the human organism and its parts and comparative the diagnosis and treatment of toxic diseases; Toxicity studies; S physiology; Metabolism; Endocrinology; Neurophysiology; Risk assessment of chemicals; Antidotes. Respiration; Biological rhythms; Growth; Aging; Regeneration. See also 57C, 57Q, 57S and 57Z. e s See also 57B, 57F, 57J, and 57L. 57Z‑Zoology a For plant physiology, use 57C. Animal anatomy and physiology; Natural history; Animal behavior; b For animal physiology, use 57Z and 98E. Taxonomy. a t For psychophysiology, use 57T and 92B. See also 47D, 48B, 57Y, and 98F. a For electrophysiology, use 57I. For animal models used in biomedical research, use the research D For pathophysiology, use 57O. discipline. S For stress physiology, use 57W. For laboratory and domesticated animal care, or animal diseases, I use 98E. T 57T‑Psychiatry N Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental, emotional, and be‑ havioral disorders; Psychopathology; Psychoanalysis; Neurop‑ 62‑coMPuterS, control & inforMation sychiatry; Orthopsychiatry; Psychotherapy; Psychophysiology; theory Psychophysics. 620‑General For psychological mechanisms and processes, use 92B. Includes computer security; Artificial intelligence; Signal process‑ 57U‑Public Health & Industrial Medicine ing (unapplied). Protection and improvement of community health; Effects of envi‑ 62A‑Computer Hardware ronments on public health; School and public health programs, Design and development of computers and peripheral equipment, services, and education; Health screening; Health statistics; including analog computers, digital computers, hybrid comput‑ Epidemiology; Toxic and infectious disease control; Preventive ers, special purpose computers, minicomputers, microcomput‑ medicine; Hygiene and sanitation; Drinking water quality; In‑ ers; Computer accessories, supplies and installation; Logic dustrial hygiene and medicine; Safety engineering; Occupation‑ circuits; Computer architecture; Computer network hardware. al safety and health; Industrial safety and detection equipment; For computer hardware applied to a specific application, see the Site‑specific investigations. field of application. See also 94D, 94H, 41I and 68G. For Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), use 49H. For occupational and For occupational and environmental factors related to health planning, use 44G. 62B‑Computer Software Computer programming; Programming languages; Compilers; Data 57V‑Radiobiology base management systems; Software tools; Software reliability; Biological effects of radiation; Dosimetry; Health physics; Computer graphics. Radiation sickness and injury; Radiation hazards; Radiation For computer software and database development applied to a protection; Radiopharmaceuticals. Includes electromagnetic, specific application, see the field of application. ultrasonic, and particle radiation. For CAD/CAM, use 41A and 41B. See also 68F and 99E. For radioecology, use 57H. 62C‑Control Systems & Control Theory For nuclear medicine, radiology, and radiotherapy, use 57E. Theoretical studies of open‑loop and closed‑loop control systems; Automatic control systems; Principles including adaptive, 57W‑Stress Physiology continuous, digital, distributed parameter, linear, multivari‑ Effects of extreme environments or stimuli on human biological able, nonlinear, optional, predictive, and proportional; Process processes; Physiological effects of motion, gravity, sound, tem‑ controllers. perature, electromagnetic, fields, pressure, sensory deprivation, See also 72Gen. and fatigue; Acclimatization. Includes aerospace and underwa‑ For control systems applied to a specific application, see the field of ter medicine. application. See also 51B, 57H, and 84. For plants, use 57C. 62D‑Information Processing Standards Standards for the use of automatic data processing equipment and For animals, use 57Z. systems. Includes standards for hardware, software, applica‑ For stress psychology, use 92B or 57T. tions, and data; Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). NTIS Subject Categories - Numerical Listing with Scope Descriptions 9 s e i 62E‑Information Theory 63F‑Optical Detection r o Theoretical studies relating to the measurement and transmission Techniques and equipment for the detection by means of light. g of information in a communication channel, including coding Includes the use of binoculars, periscopes, telescopes, and night e theory, information capacity, and detection of signals in noise. vision devices for object detection, and smoke particle detec‑ t See also 45G. tors. a C 62F‑Pattern Recognition & Image Processing See also 46C. For detection using only infrared or ultraviolet radiation, use 63C. t Includes feature extraction; Image enhancement; Image restoration; c Scene analysis; Character recognition; Barcoding; Computer For earth resources surveys, use 48C and 98G. e vision. For photography, use 82B. j b 62R‑Applications Software For detection techniques applied to chemistry, meteorology, as‑ u tronomy, oceanography, medicine, and manufacturing, use 99, S 62S‑Data Files 55, 54, 47, 41, and 94, respectively. e 63G‑Personnel Detection s 63‑detection & counterMeaSureS a Techniques and equipment for the detection of personnel. Includes b 630‑General the use of acoustic, seismic, olfactory, chemical, and optical a Automated access control systems. detectors; Antiintrusion devices; Motion detectors; Security t a For industrial security, see also 94Gen. devices. D For military passive defense systems, see also 74I. 63A‑Acoustic Detection S Techniques and equipment used for the detection and tracking of 63H‑Radiofrequency Detection I objects by means of sound waves, including ultrasonic and Techniques and equipment for the detection and tracking by means T infrasonic radiation; Sonar. of radiofrequency waves; Radar; Microwave detection; See also N For acoustic testing, use 94. 76. For detection techniques applied to chemistry, meteorology, as‑ For mapping, use 48I. tronomy, oceanography, medicine, and manufacturing, use 99, For detection techniques applied to meteorology, astronomy, ocean‑ 55, 54, 47, 57, 41, and 94, respectively. ography, medicine, and manufacturing, use 55, 54, 57, 41, and 94 respectively. 63B‑Electromagnetic & Acoustic Countermeasures 63I‑Seismic Detection Interception, jamming, antijamming, and deception of acoustic and Techniques and equipment for the detection of objects by means of electromagnetic signals; Techniques to nullify the use of detec‑ seismic waves. tion, surveillance, guidance, and communication systems; Radar For earthquake detection, use 48F. jamming; Chaff; Counter‑countermeasures. For seismic prospecting, use 48A. See also 74. 63C‑Infrared & Ultraviolet Detection 68‑environMental Pollution & control Techniques and equipment for the detection and tracking of objects 680‑General by infrared and ultraviolet radiation; Infrared night vision de‑ Any study covering multiple types of pollution. Includes broad pol‑ vices; Infrared homing. lution studies, such as life‑cycle analysis of wastes. See also 76B. For earth resource surveys, use 48C and 98G. 68A‑Air Pollution & Control Air pollution from flue gases, exhaust gases, odors, dust, smog, For mapping, use 48I. microorganisms, etc.; Control techniques and equipment; For photography, use 82B. Sampling and analytical techniques, and equipment; Waste gas For nondestructive testing, use 94J. recovery; Biological and ecological effects; Air pollution chem‑ For detection techniques applied to chemistry, meteorology, as‑ istry; Acid precipitation; Atmospheric motion; Laws, legislation, tronomy, oceanography, medicine, and manufacturing, use 99, and regulations; Public administration; Economics; Land use. 55, 57, 41, and 94, respectively. See also 43F, 91A, 57, 85, 81, 99A, 99B, and 97R. 63D‑Magnetic Detection For effects on human health, use 68G. Techniques and equipment for the detection of objects by means of For pesticides and radioactive contaminants, use 68E and 68F magnetic fields. respectively. For geomagnetism, use 48. 68B‑Noise Pollution & Control 63E‑Nuclear Explosion Detection Pollution in the environment by noise from any source including Techniques and equipment for the detection of nuclear explosions engine noise, traffic and transportation noise, machinery noise, at high altitude, underground, and in space. Includes the use industrial noise, urban noise, sonic boom; Theory and devices of shock waves, earth movement, and measurement of nuclear for control; Biological and ecological effects; Noise detection; radiation levels. Building technology; Laws, legislation, and regulations; Public See also other applicable subcategories in 63, especially 63I. administration; Land use. See also 41I, 43F, 91A, 46A, 57, 85, 89, 94D, and 97R. For effects on human health, use 68G. NTIS Subject Categories - Numerical Listing with Scope Descriptions 10 s e i 68C‑Solid Wastes Pollution & Control 70‑adMiniStration & ManageMent r o Pollution by solid wastes including garbage, scrap, junked auto‑ 700‑General g mobiles, spoil, sludge, containers; Disposal methods such as Organizational structure and organization theory. e composts or land application, injection wells, incineration, t sanitary landfills; Mining wastes; Processing for separation and 70A‑Inventory Control a materials recovery; Solid waste utilization; Recycling; Biologi‑ Inventory analysis; Inventory models; Obsolescence; Repair‑re‑ C cal and ecological effects; Superfund (Records of Decision, placement tradeoffs; Spare parts; Stock level control; Usage t etc.); SITE technology; Laws, legislation, and regulations; prediction; Warehouse automation; Stockpiling. c e Public administration; Economics; Land use. Includes disposal 70B‑Management Practice j of concentrated or pure liquids such as brines, oils, chemicals, b Theory and concepts of management including record keeping, and hazardous materials. u planning, scheduling, organization, coordination, decision mak‑ S See also 43F, 91A, 57, 99B, and 97R. ing, policy making; Productivity management; Cost effective‑ e For effects on human health, use 68G. ness; Systems management; Contact management; Management s For the disposal of pesticides and radioactive contaminants, use 68E methods (PERT, PPB, etc.); Management games. Applied stud‑ a and 68F. ies are classified in the application. b For the controlled disposal of radioactive wastes from nuclear reac‑ For research management, use 70E. a tors, use 77G. t 70C‑Management Information Systems a D 68D‑Water Pollution & Control Information systems which include data collection, data processing, Pollution by municipal wastes, agricultural wastes, industrial and information delivery for use in decision making an evalua‑ S wastes, mine wastes, radioactive contaminants; Chemistry and tion by managers; Manual and automated systems. I T analysis of pollutants; Thermal pollution; Oil pollution; Control See also 88B. N techniques and equipment; Sewage treatment; Industrial waste 70D‑Personnel Management, Labor Relations & water pretreatment; Hydrology and limnology; Biological and Manpower Studies ecological effects; Waste water reuse; Laws, legislation, and regulations; Public administration; Economics; Land use. Selection, recruitment, management, utilization, and evaluation of personnel; Job descriptions; Job analysis; Salary administra‑ See also 43F, 91A, 47, 48G, 57, 97R, 98, 99A, and 99B. tion; Labor supply; Labor unions; Arbitration and bargaining; For effects on human health, use 68G. Industrial relations; Fringe benefits, and incentives; Manpower For pollution by pesticides and radioactive contaminants, use 68E allocation requirements and utilization. and 68F respectively. For library and information science personnel, use 88D. For health For the design and construction of sewers, and drinking water treat‑ personnel, use 44P. ment, use 50B. 70E‑Research Program Administration & 68E‑Pesticides Pollution & Control Technology Transfer Pollution by insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides; Research management, development, and forecasting; Research Residues; Decomposition studies; Analysis and detection; Soil contract management; Research needs; Technology transfer chemistry and biology; Adverse biological effects; Ecology; and forecasting. Excludes research methods per se. Studies of Laws, legislation, and regulations; Public administration; Eco‑ specific programs are excluded unless they discuss a program at nomics. the national level, technology innovation, or trends and impacts See also 57, 68A, 68C, 68D, 43F, 91A, 98, and 99A. of new technology. For effects on human health, use 68G. 70F‑Public Administration & Government 68F‑Radiation Pollution & Control National, state, and local government structure, operation, and Involves pollution of the environment by particle and electromag‑ administration. Operations of government agencies and their netic radiation from natural and synthetic sources, including interactions; Intergovernmental relations. neutrons, X‑rays, ultraviolet radiation, microwaves, alpha See also 43, 91G, and 91H. particles; Radon; Sampling and analytical techniques; Fallout; 70G‑Productivity Biological and ecological effects; Laws, legislation, and regula‑ Productivity of businesses, government, employees, management, tions; Public administration; Economics. and services; Improving quality of work life; Measurement of See also 57, 68A, 68C, 68D, 91A, 97R. productivity efficiency and effectiveness; Employee attitudes For effects on human health, use 68G. and motivation, manpower utilization and performance im‑ For the controlled disposal of radioactive wastes from nuclear reac‑ provement, job satisfaction, job security; Labor‑management tors, use 77G. cooperation, joint committees participative management, job re‑ design; Alternative work schedules; Incentive plans. Productiv‑ 68G‑Environmental Health & Safety ity barriers including regulations, obsolete practices, paperwork, Effects of pollution on public health and safety; Toxicology; and financing methods. Industrial health; Physiology; Psychology; Clinical medicine; Radiobiology; Animals used as research experimental models. See also 70B, 70D, 70F, 96A, and 96G. See also 41I, 57, 44G, 68A, 68B, 68C, 68D, 91A, 43F, 94D, and For specific applications of productivity to manufacturing, use 41D 97R. and 94. 68H‑Environmental Impact Statements Only actual draft and final statements are posted in this subcategory. Environmental impact statements describing national effects are posted here and to other appropriate subcategories. For studies about environmental impact statements, use 68Gen.