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NSA Supply Chain Attack From PMR 4 24 13 PDF

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Preview NSA Supply Chain Attack From PMR 4 24 13

TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN 24 April 2013 ~ The overall classification of this brief is Derived From: NSA/CSSM 1-52 TOP SECRET//COMINT//NOFORN Dated: 20070108 Declassify On: 20291123 ;,·~ I II TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN SID PriorityT: raditionaInl accessiblTea rgeNt etwork (TS//SI//NF) ~ I·· 1111·1 I· ·11· Identifya ccessm ethodsin tos egregatende tworksin volvedin MissionE xamplea ndR esultD: iscoveredde tailedp lanst o-classified Voice-Over-InPe twor,k resultingin intelligencaec ted on by a joint NSA-ICp artnetre ami n an overseaslo cationto performs upply-chaiinn terdictioonn the shipmentI.n formatiobnr iefedto seniors tafff or IC partner,s NSAa ndt hirdp artyp artners. OurA pproach • Identifiedo rderf rom- to andt rackedt~ theni ntoC hina, as thes ourcev endor. • Extensivea nalysisth roughC loudA BRa ndX KEYSCOReEn abled identificatioonf multiples electorsfo r targeting. • Coordinatewd ithT AOt o enableC NEa ccessa gainskt eys upport personnel. • Draftedin putsf or urgentc abless entt o overseass tationsa ndf oreign partnersin ordert o coordinatger oundo perations. • Shifteds cheduleto collaboratein near-real-timwei tho verseas stationsP. rovidedIC Partnewr ithd ocumentatiofrno m end-point accesse,s criticatl o duplicateo riginasl hipmenpt acking. SIGINTD evelopmenOtu tcomeT: hea nalysisa ndr eportingo n thist argeti dentifie,d withh ighg ranulari,t-ys methodo f hardwarep rocuremen. At s a resulto f thesee fforts, NSAa ndi ts IC partnersa ren owp ositionefdo r successw ithf utureo pportunities (TS//SI//NF) ..,.~ .. . TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN 23

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