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DO and DT Focus Days Mr. Roh Stewns followed by con outreach to academia (LUCITE) run centrating on the "opportunity" we by the Int()rmation Technolo,£,'Y Sys Leading to tll£ way ahead f1Ce. "The key to our success is a tems Organization, and Joint Process In Unda Le\('!s strong dynamic partnership between EngineeringlJroup(jPEC)sponsured DT and DO. A partnership built on bythe SIGINT EngineeringOrganiza Mr. Rich Taylor, Deputy Director, understanding, trust, ;md teamwork." tion, as well as classified initiatives ('peratinl1S (DDO) and Mr. Rnh Mr. Rich T1ylor nnted, "operatinns and end-to-end mission threads of Stewns, Chid~ Technn!n!-.'Y and Sys encompasses all the activities that SIGINTsuccesses. tems (DDT), spOJ1"lred a 2-day ses enahle analysts to provide intelligence For more int()f]llation regarding sitln t~l1' their wnrk fnrces to t~)CUSon tn meetcustomerrequirements. Many Focus Days or to suggest topics of W:1YS tn deve\np signals intelligence Agency personnel, in different jobs, interest t()r future offerings, contact (SIUINT) partnerships. These DO have a stake in ensuring thatSICJINT the FocusDayPlanningCommitteeat ;md DT fonls {,"by,s, ('ctober 2,)-26, continues tn he America's most val http://vvww.k.nsa/FOCUS/. ued source ofintelligence." Mr. Tom Uranger, of the THE NATIONALSECliRITY Technical Services Organiza AGENCY NEWSLETTER tion, and Mr. Larry Irvine, of the ('perations Organization, 1:\I1lI<lf)'2000 • Vo!. XLVIII, No. acted as senior mentors and encouraged the D(! and DT wnrk forces to participate in the topics chosen for discussion during the focus Days. These NSA/CSS INTERNAL topics included Requirements, COM1vlUNICATIONS CELL Requirements, Requirements; Modern SICJINT Analysis The NSA Newsletter i,; puhli,;hed What Does It Mean to YOU?; nwnthly hy the NSA/CSS Internal Will the REAL Program Clmmunicatillns Cell (NICC) fur the intlmnatiun and enjoyment uf Manager Please Stand Up:; NSA employees and their t;unilies. M/W Center tC)rAnalyticTech The NICC is located in DPS I, Mr. Larry Irvine (1.), (Jperatiol1S Organization, nology-Rridging the (J:1P; Who Room 1N074. The rclephone num and Mr. Tom Uranger, Technical Services Let the Crypt Analysis Team hers are 961-5901(s) :ll1d 101 688-6')81. (Jut of the Rag?; Infrastruc- Employees may submit item,; t()r ture-FragilityoftheSystem:md publicltion vi,l e-mail to ns<mews. Il)l)l), he,g:m r,'newed relationships What's Being Done Abnut It; and Retirees m,ly submit a rypl'll, double-spaced article, which lwtween and within the key compo How Docs Research (in DO and DT) includes their name and phlH1e l1L'nts. Result inSIUINT?The intentofthese numher, to the NSA/CSS Internal TIll' welcoming ceremony fe<ltured sessions was to provoke dialogue and Communicatiuns Cell, rort L}eorge U. Meade, MD 207'))-6000. All It (Jen Hayden, whn quoted Paul to stimulate interaction hetween peo submissions tu the NeHJslettcr ;lre "Bl';lr" Rryant, the legendary Uniwr ple-the people who will reorient rela subject to editing t(lr Sp:lCl', c1:lrity, sity ofAlahama foothall coach, saying, tionships required to mnve a viable amI claso;ification. There ,lre no ''<.'wn the hest game plan ain't got nll SIUINT organization forward. The exceptions to this policy. Printing of this puhlication W:1S chan,~e ifthe players d'll1't execute ie" discussions happened-it is no\(' up to approwd hy the Director, NSA, This LjUllte should ,S:ly a lot to each of e~'cryone to continue the momentum. March I, 1972. This puhlic1tion liS. We need tl adapt the Agency and In addition to the discussion ses dot's not necessarily reflect the uffi 1 cial views of the'Department of l'lnploy"c attitudes to positiun NSA sions, there were displays oftechnolo Detl:nsl'. t~lr s\lccess. iN initiatives from the Research and The Newsletter is primed hy the Technnlo!-.'Y Organization, contractual PuhlishingServices l)i\'ision. 2 NSANewsletter January2000 DIRNSA'S DESK Happy New Year' This is a time ff)r JOYous celebration, grem anticijJOt/Oll, and heartfelt resolution. This month we also celebrate the hirth of Dr. Martin Luther King, 1r. Dr. King 1I'as iI l'isiollar'! who knew that a clwnge in ethos was necessary ifthe United States was to jnmj)er. Sinl!lml.), our Agenn ml/st undergo change ifwe are to remain Iliahie in the future. There has heen much di.scussion ahout this change, much agreement tlwt it is nCLeSSiln, hl/t SOIll,' n'/uc' tance to take the actions to implement it. As an Agency, we nwst reso!t'e to mil/(l' those tlwnges that me necessary for our continued success. /\)](11I'e ;lYC (/wnging' This month marks the hdfway jmint in our 100 Days ofChange If'!Ol/'I'e hl'en rCl!dlll,~ m, daily DIRgrams, you know we\'e already implemented a number ofrecommendiltlOns madc /1'1 the two stu,l, teams and by YOIl, the work force. Your comments and suggestions how been Illost he/j)fit! to me. PleilSl' keep them coming as we work to ensure OUT Agency's continued success in the 21st ,'cntlln. We ho1'e disestablished the SALT, the Critical Issues Group (CI("1), awl the Corj)orak Managcmcnt Review Grouj) (CMRG) and luH'c e.swbli.shed a leaner, more agile Execlltll'l' Leaders/llj) Tl'mn (ELTJ. Thl' ELT is focusing on corporate (md strategic issues to jmmwte efficiencies ilnd assist me in the ,onduct of our Agency ojJeHltions. Our new chieffinancial manager, Ms. Bel/ \X!right, will helj) 1/\ d''1'e/ojJ iI nLantlgl' ment strategy dult will enable more efficient usc ofour resources and ensurl' thnt our mission ,lriws om budget decisions. Our new jn/hlic affairs IJlan will carefully balance .security with ojJe1l71CSS to Jlt'ip lIS (limmunicotl' the NSA story to a hroader audience. We hal'e taken the first step to imjmwing the personneljmmwtion process In dishilndllig thl' ,linent Agency boards (excelJt one to rel/iew and nominate candidates in the field), and IW1'e de!('~atc(! (;(;14 (lnd GG15 nominmions to the Key Comj)()nents. My ultimatc goal IS to hm'e a strermtllllul /mmwlion Imlce.ss that emplwsizes l)erformance and mission contributions, We haw nlOlled functions arol/nd to consolidme both authority and resj)onsihility. Offill'S for Corj)omte Communications, Field RejJresentation, Space Management, Logistics, and Foreign I-:c/M/Olls leill he held accountahle for these important mer1.s. On the militmy side, I IW1'eajJj)(Jinted Maj Gen Tiiu Kem, USAF, as f)ejmt:' (:hicf ('f the Centrol Security Service, The offices ofMilitary Per.sonnel and ReSCT11eAfj{lirs, along WIth the SenIOr Enlisted HIm Advisor, will be 5uhordinatecl under her. Thi.s aj)jJOintment and consolidation enilhie Ii ri,~hrn fi)cus and doser relationship with the S(';E5. It will also provide a dearer lJath so that our Agen,y's milltlil"! leadership and jJnsonnel can make major (uh'ances toward our main strategic Ohjedll'es awl be bettn equiP1Jed to meet the vital need5 of the military member5 ofow di1'erse H'ork tince Although we are making progress, there is still much work to do and it will he clwllengmg. Imn U!l/nt~ ing on each ofyou to be committed to effecting the necessary changes, Let's contil1ue to H'lJYk as (l team and dedicate oursel1!eS to the ol'erall success of NSA rather dum narrow goals or j)ersOllill distinction. H'! doing this, we will he able to modernize and resl)(md to future SIGINT(/nd InfimniltuJ1l ASSlWlll,,' dud lenges and pro1!icle the appropriate products and customer seT1lices to safeguard our Notional. Se,mit, Into the 21st century~ January2000 NSANewsletter3 NSA Hosts Special Partnership Breakfast universities, providing trammg to its by Dana Roscoe employees, and pays more than become more open in recent $21 million toB(JEfor itselectricbill! On October 14, 1999, the years-where NSA used to stand for The Agency gives more than $1 mil AgencyhostedaBWI Business "Never Say Anything," it now stands lion to the Combined Federal Cam Partnership breakfast in the for "Nothing's SecretAnymore." paign, and NSA has been a major Canine Suite. The partnership was blood donor for more than 25 years, Director's Comments tCJunded approximately 20 years ago averaging more than 500 pints per by NSA, Westinghouse, and develop After breakf1st, Lt Gen Hayden month! Lt Gen Hayden believes that er Dickenson-Heffner as a transporta again welcomed everyone and men the partnership is critically important tion management association. It has tioned heheardgreatthingsaboutthe to the Agency, and that it is more grown to includemore than 170mem partnership. He said he was looking than a choice to be a good neigh bers from the local government and forward to learning more about the bor-it is a responsibility! business communities. Members are partnership and interacting with it. DIRNSA said that he sees the BWI primarily from Anne Arundel Coun Lt(Jen Hayden thenspentsome time Business Partnership as a great forum ty, but Howard County is also well talking about the mission and direc to address questions of mutual inter represented. Membership in this tion of the Agency. He said that est. He has already seen the results of organization has opened many doors NSAers were the codemakers and how effective the group has been in for NSAoverthe years. While the pri codebreakers, and that the Agency's developing solutions to common mary focus is still transportation, eco job is to provide the Presidentand his problems and interests, and believes nomic development issues are of Cabinet with infl.)rmation regarding that NSAcan learn from them. almost equal importance to the part the plans and intentions of the Work Force Adjustments nership. Itsponsorsthe breakfastsasa Nation's adversaries, while denying marketing tool, and this was the sec similar access to them. He said NSA's Lt (Jen Hayden spoke about some ond time NSA has been the host. job is to make sure that the Nation is changesthathave taken placethatwill neversurprised againas itwasat Pearl affect NSA's work fl.)rce-adjustments Opening Remarks Harbor. that the Agency will have to make to Mr. NeilSpritz, the Executive Direc The Director then provided some f~lCe the future. One change is the torofthe BWI Partnership,welcomed interesting logistical data. When the mandate to reduce the size of NSA's everyone and then turned the podi Agency was established, there were work force. He discussed the Soft um over to Mr. Terry Thompson, only 5,000 stand-alone computers on Landing program, already in place; Assistant Deputy Director, Support the planet. Today, there are 180 mil BREAKTHROUGH, which will out Services, who introduced the head lion, as well as 14 million f~lX source some computer functions; and table, which included LtGen Michael machines and 40 million cellular GROlJNDBREAKER, which could V. Hayden, USAF, Director, NSN phones-a technology explosion affect more than 3,000 employees CSS. He, too, welcomed everyone, around which NSA has to operate. involved in the information technolo even the media! Mr. Thompson also i-,'Yinfrastructure. Hestressed the need NSA's Place in the Community noted that Ms. Kay Hill, SupportSer for shared knowledge among the vices Organization, who has been Lt (len Hayden detailed some members ofthe partnership and indi involvedwith the partnership since its informative tidbits about NSA's place cated that together we will have con early days, had just been appointed in the community-it's located in 50 tinued growth and prosperity. the NSA Director tl.)r Community buildings on various campuses; it's A question and answer session fol Partnerships. Mr. Thompson brietly the largestemployer in Anne Arundel lowed. When asked how unhappy mentioned a few of the changes that County; and it awarded 13,000 con NSA was with the recent changes in had taken place since the founding of tracts to Maryland firms, worth more the export of cryptography, the partnership, getting a laugh when than $700 million. NSA spends more Miss Barbara McNamara, Deputy he added that NSA had definitely than $5 million at local colleges and Director, NSA, said NSA played heav- 4 NSANewsletter January2000 ily in the formulation ofthe policy-it remarks regarding how well the air ThriftSavingsPlanRates paid attention to industry, and the port was doing. In August alone, the ThroughNovember1999 Agencystruckagood balancebetween growthratewas more than 17 percent. national security and private indus SouthwestAirlines' business is up 30 Years C F G tries' needs. percent, and Mr. Blackshear predicts 1994 1.33% (2.96%) 7.22% TheDirectorconcludedbyrespond that they will grow from the current 1995 37.41% 18.31% 7.03% ing to a question about whether the 86 flights a day to several hundred. 1996 22.85% 3.66% 6.76% Agency's mission has been complicat Headmitted thattheairportis notyet 1997 33.17% 9.60% 6.77% ed by the fact that peace has broken prepared to handle this, and only 1998 28.44% 8.70% 5.74% out. He affirmed that this was true, wishes that he knew iftheywould be. and detailed the difference between Mr. Blackshear also admitted that 1998 the past and the present that make there is already a parking crisis, even December 5.76 .30 .43 this difficult. NSA used to have a with the recent addition of the new steady funding stream, it was focused parking garage. His objective is to 1999 on one enemy, and it was technologi make BWI the airport of choice for January 4.19 .71 .42 cally more advanced. Now, the the Baltimore and Washington area. February 0.09) (1.74) .38 Agency is faced with intermittent March 3.99 .54 .47 Closing Remarks funding, target agility, and exploding April 3.86 .29 .46 technology. Mr. Neil Spritz wrapped up the May (2.36) (.89) .47 meetingwitha recap ofrecentaccom June 5.54 (.33) .49 plishments and issues with which the July 0.14) (.43) .52 BWIAirport Status grouphadbeendealing. He reminded August (.50) (.05) .53 The new BWI Airport director, everyone that the Maryland Route 32 September (2.78) 1.15 .51 Mr. David Blackshear, made a few projectwas adirect result ofthis part October 6.34 .38 .53 nership. He discussed the proposed November 2.00 (.01) .51 Arundel Mills that will be built near REPORTINGON FRAUD,WASTE, ANDINEFFICIENCY the Route 100 and Route 176 inter Last 12 change-it will have more than Months 20.79% (.10"10) 5.88% The Secretary of Defense has solicireq the 1.4 million square feet of space, will cooperationandsupportofall DOppersi)nnel initially employ approximately 2,000 in reducing fraud, waste, and ineffiCiency in Percentagesin()arenegative. DOD.Allpersonnelshouldbealerttoop\Jortu people, and is expected to eventually nitiesforimprovedeconomiesandefficienciesin have 6,000 employees. The partner NSA operations. Recommendations.sho\Jld ship is working on better bus trans made through appropriate managcOlentchan. nels. portation to Columbiaand is looking Toreportsuspected at which minor roads need improve ANSWERS TO THE andinefficiencyWlll:unl~"'"'\, ment. Inspector General (lG) JANUARY PUZZLE DOD Hotline at 1-800424-9098. Editor's Note operatesfrom8:00a,m.to5:30 (FLA-/-i\u a dayandisstaffedbypersonnel A benefit available to Agency ride 5 FYs" CriminalInvestigativeService. callerswillbefullyprotected. sharingemployees, as adirectresultof WP OU 'i~TR+---"'-"'~""L--,,L-,L----"~T'+_ Personnelusingtheoursidetelel~h9lhe NSA's membership in this organiza Z R I tactingtheDODHotlineareremm(]'CXI tion, is the guaranteed-ride-home pro dry requirements, they gram. That means, if an employee unclassified information. c tionsshouldbeheldonlyQverthe,,,dlre,jhO'ne who is a member of a ride-sharing w withtheNSAIO'sofficeorwith group is detained at work and misses u sentative in person inOPS 2B, a carpool ride home, transportation y Shiftpersonnelorothers sagewiththeNSAIGmaydo';0hvcallin:~on will be provided free ofcharge, up to securephoneandleaving sixtimes ayear! January2000 NSANewsletter5 Retirements 41 Years James U. Coates David (J. Johnson Ellen R. Jenkins Eugene R. Lynch Angela D. Darrah Richard M. Stewart Ann E. Rader Judith R. Johnson Richard Talley 37 Years William C. Mock, Jr. 23 Years Kenneth H. Barnes 26Years Carole L. Lavin Carl D. Biosvert 32Years Darlene T. Nelson PeterJ. Sciukas Marcia A. Meador Michael E. Farr Donald A. Jewell, Jr. 25 Years 22Years 36Years David P. Kokalis Mabel P. Jackson Doris V. Smith Rowland T. Bohler Linda E. Lewis Razelle E. King Charles M. Karmann Margie N. Matthews Dona L. Nagy-Sutton 20Years Allan W. Kreider Sue Miller Patricia Gobbett-Levno M'lrtha R. Edmonds Joyce E. Queen 24Years Karl L. Adams III Timothy P. Clately Nancy C. Springfield Brenda A. Fegley Alfred W. Harkins Sheryl D. Weiner Mabel P. Jackson 10Years Virginia B. Klinedinst Susan K. Fournier Richard J. Meyer 31 Years Pegl.,'Y A. Mllte Judith (]. Allen Priscilla L. Mister Willi,uTI A. Johnston Evelyn S. Warren LawrenceJ. MislY'lI1 Action Line Merges with Charles E. West, Jr. Joseph P. Okane NSA On-Line LouisJ. Perona,Jr. 35 Years A, you probablyrecall, theNSNCSS Internal Com PeteJ. Ragusa 30Years munications Cell (NICC) conducted a surveySeptem Patrick J. Shea Marsha A. Friend ber I-October 15, 1999, to determine what the NSA Connie L. Lamont Newsletter's readers think about the publication. We 34Years wanted to learn what items you like the best, and Alfred H. Anderson 29Years which you like the least. We wanted you to share with Ann R. Carlson William H. Motley us your suggestions for improving the NSA Newsletter, Jeffrey L. Cather Emily F. Murphy and we wanted to hear what kinds ofarticles you are Judith D. Covern Dennis S. Odelius most interested in reading. Mark A. I-krncr Sharon L. Robinson Next month, we'll provide some more detailed Manuel Marquez results of the survey. This month, we're announcing .hck M. MC(Jurn 28Years that we will no longer publish "Action Line," as NSA Barbara Paisley Karen L. Huber On-Line hasforallintent,andpurposessuperceded its Steven Peters William S. Markey function. The latter service can provide a much more John R. Pettit David R. Wolf timelyresponse, and is notlimited intermsofavailable space, as "Action Line" always was. 33 Years 27 Years If the NSA Newsletter receives questions for ''Action William Allen Sonja A. Brooks Line," we will redirect them to NSA On-Line. Ruth E. Butler Carolyn E. Dehner 6NSANewsletter January2000 Ripping Into the Future-Creating a Lasting Impression by Susan M. Forsyth slow wooden presses to transfer an negative, virtually eliminating strip January 16-22 marks International image to paper. Today, withelectronic ping. In the future, laser plate makers PrintingWeek, atimetorecognize the transmission and laser technology, it will allow computer-to-plate technolo value of employees in the printing is possible to "print" material simply sty, eliminating negatives. industry and ofthe industry to socie byconvertingelectronic impulses into As technology progresses, sn dnes ty. This year's theme is "Ripping into words or images on a page. the PrintPlant. From fnlding and cut the Future-Creatinga LastingImpres ting machines, to electronic submis NSA's Print Plant sion." The purpose of International sion of jobs, laser plate makers, CD Printing Week has evolved over the NSA's print plant, established in duplicators, and four-colnr presses, yearsfrom acareerawareness program support ofCommunications Security the Publishing Services Division of to an industry promotional celebra (COMSEC), was first located on the Information Systems Security tion. The historyofthe industryisfas Nebraska Avenue in Washington, Organization has kept abre<lst nftech cinating, as is the history of NSA's D.C. In 1968, it was moved to the nology tn provide its customers with own Print Plant. new "S Building" (recentlynamed the timely, aCCl\f<lte products. With the Rowlett Building and more common purchase of <l new f(lur-cnlor Mit Movable Type ly referred to as OPS 3). In the early subishi press, changing plates, keding In 1450, German printer Johannes 1990's, the printing operation of the paper, and drying isdnne atthe touch Gutenbergwascreditedwithbringing COMSEC organization merged with ofa computer screen. together' the two main concepts of that of the Signals Intelligence (SIG Publishing Services' first priority modern printing: movable, reusable INT) Organization to form a single and main missinn remains the sup pieces of metal type, and a printing print plant. The process that has seen port of COMSEC and SIGINT. It press for repeatedly producing sharp the most change at NSA is the pre then suppnrts all other mission impressionson paper. Priorto this, all press area. In the prepress area, plates related projects. The NSA Newsletter books were handwritten. with text and pictures are made for was printed on the new press f(lr the the printing presses. In the 1950's, first time in October 1999. Father of American Printing typesetters had traysofmetalletters in International Printing Week Ben Franklin, believed to have been different fonts and had to place the the most important American citizen appropriate letters backward in cases. International Printing week will be of his time, actively promoted print This process, called hot metal, was celebrated at NSA with a variety of ing and assisted in the establishment considered a craft and the typesetters activities. Kicking offthe week will be andpromotionofmore than40print liked to show it off. They were often aribbon-cuttingceremonyforthe new ing plants in the Colonies. Often faster than typists! Machine type four-color Mitsubishi press. The referred to as the "FatherofAmerican replaced typesettersand bythe 1970's, OPS 3 Inbby showcase will display Printing," Franklinwas an apprentice magnetic cardswere being used. printing processes ofyesterday, today, printer at age 12. His high regard for These methods resulted in paper and tomorrow. A miniproduct show the craft is revealed by the words with output that had to be photographed and a celebration of Ben Fr<lnklin's which he began his will, "I, Ben to produce a negative. In the 1970's, birthday arc planned. Franklin, Printer...." technology advanced to allow letters For more in{()[mation, cnntact Pub to be burned directly on negatives. A lishing Services' Custnmer Relations Changes in the Industry process called stripping, positioning Office at 972-2650(s) or 301-688 The technology of printing has negatives ona flat to compose a page, 2650, or via e-mail at publish@nsa. undergone dramatic changes during had to be completed before the plate Visit Publishing Services' Website at the past 5 centuries. The first com could be produced. Today, the Inter http://www.ops3.y.nsa/Y19/Y19/ mercial printers were limited to lead graph sends text and photos electron homepage.html. type, handmade paper and inks, and icallytoproduceapress-size(41"x 52") January2000 NSA Newsletter7 . A Time When There Were... America that it had a long way to go to reach the plateauofequalityfor all. Colored balconies in movie theaters People began to stand up for their Seats in the back ofthe bus beliefs and to fight for the right of Soldiers called out to protect little children who were trying to go to school everyone to enjoy the same opporm nities in their home life, educational by Tanya Young Employees' Reflections pursuits, and careers." Office ofEqual EmploymentOpportunity "In 1968, I lived in Maryland with ********* As many NSAers are aware, the my husband and young son. We were circumstances above existed in the typical middle-class American "1 did not march, but Idid become the UnitedStatesfewer than 40 white family living the American more knowledgeable about the differ yearsago.Thestruggletochangethese dream-fun family times, nice homes, ences and oppormnities that existed conditions and to win equal protec and better futures for our children. for those who were white and those tion under the law for citizens of all We were aware of the advantages we who were black. I remember being races thrust Dr. Martin Luther King, hadbeingwhiteoverthoseofsomeof offered the oppormnity to enter the Jr. into the leadership role ofthe Civil our friends and coworkers. There management tier along with several Rights Movement. wereactivitieswetookforgrantedand other highly experienced women and Dr. King first came into the nation experiences we enjoyed that were blacks. Itwas obvious that the current al spotlight when he organized the exclusionaryto those ofcolor. managementchaindid notreflectthe Montgomery, AL bus boycott, during At that time, Ihad been part ofthe makeup ofits subordinate work force which time he was jailed, his home NSA work force for 6 years and had and a decree had come down that was burned, and his life was threat developedfriendshipswithcoworkers, changes had to be made. Everyone of ened. Faced with great opposition, black and white. I remember... us accepted the opportunity and its Dr. King continued to lead marches, • being invited to a coworker's wed challenges. We knew we could begin sit-ins, demonstrations, and black ding and hearing her tell a friend making a difference in NSA's work voter registration drives throughout thatshe couldcome to the wedding force. Wecomprised 13 percentofthe the South, until his assassination in ceremony, but not the reception, group management positions that 1968 in Memphis, TN. because the private hall did not oversaw approximately 1,000 people. As we enter the 21st century, it is allow blacks to attend functions. I Suddenly, qualified blacks and important to remember Dr. Martin felt sad and upset that we still had women weregiven the opportunity to Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Medgar somanysignsofdiscriminationand attend advanced studies classes and Evers,MalcolmX, the 250,000people exclusionbecause ofethnicity. were offered positions that provided whoattended the MarchonWashing exposure to more lucrative careers. ton, DC, and the countless others • cutting ties with somewhite friends These 'little marches' had begunwith who sacrificed and continue to sacri and coworkers after we attended a the hope that as we advanced we fice to ensure equal protection and function ataprivateclub,wherethe would reach back and help others equalrights for allAmericans.Aspart table conversation mrned to ethnic begin their march." of this time of remembrance, the jokes and put-downs of their black ********* Office of Diversity Programs asked coworkers. These were the same several Agency employees to share people theycalled friends atwork. 1 • "when public beaches on the their experiences and reflections on was saddened to hear them say, Chesapeake Bay were designated as the impact the Civil Rights Move 'Yeah we are nice to them at work, white or colored beaches, and no menthad ontheirlives.Thefollowing butwe wouldn't have them over for blacks were allowed on the white comments are representative ofthose dinner; after all, what would our beaches. I'm not sure that whites received from employees of diverse neighbors think?' wouldhavebeenturnedawayifthey culturalbackgroundswhoworkinsev approached the blackbeaches, but I eraloftheAgency'sKeyComponents. Dr. King's untimely death brought do know that the reversewas true. reactions on many sides and showed 8NSANewsletter January2000 --- ---- tunities for all its work force. I have friends of other races in Morocco, .whenAnnapolis Highwas the tradi seen the numbers of people in when I had not had such friends in tional white school and Bates the decision-making positions expand, Texas. I do remember that it seemed blackhighschool.The accommoda althoughveryslowly, to include those very natural once I had been in tions and facilities were better and of different cultures. We have been Morocco a few months. more up-to-date for white teens. slow in seeing the value added to the In 1960, my father's tour in Moroc The schools did not mix. The first organization by including the skills, co came to an end and we were trans attempts atdesegregationwere hard expertise, and experiences that many ferred to an Air Force base in on everyone. Kids were pulled away ofourminorities andwomenbringto Alexandria, LA. As you can imagine, from friends with like backgrounds the team." thingswereverydifferentinLouisiana and community involvement and from whattheyhadbeeninMorocco. 'It'lt'lt*'lt'lt'lt'lt* tossed into situations where mostly I was 16 and quickly became very everything surrounding them was "I grew up as anAir Force brat, liv aware of how segregated things were white-the teachers and the stu ing mostly in the South (especially and ofhow deeply racist many ofmy dents. Severna Park High School Texas) until Iwas 12 years old. In the newfriends and acquaintanceswere. I began with most of the student summer of1957, myfather was trans guess Ishould have expected that, but body and teachers coming from ferred to be the Air Force attache at it caught me offguard." either Annapolis or Glen Burnie. the U.S. Embassy in Rabat, Morocco. This was quickly followed by two Until then, I had no real experience busloads of students from Bates, or thoughts about racism or civil "When Dr. Kingwas assassinated, I who found the atmosphere so bad rights, though I'msurenowthat Iwas was living in a Washington, DC sub that they were allowed to return to too young to notice. At 13, 1was in a urb. My husband was working in Bates to complete theireducation. totally different situation that mixed downtown DC and left work to find Moroccan and French cultures chaos after the rioting started. As a • being chastised by my Richmond, (Morocco had obtained its independ member of the Maryland National VA cousins because Iwent to sit in ence from France just 2 years earlier). Guard, hewascalled to activedutyfor thebackofthe bus into town. Both Americans were by far the minority 9 days. It was frightening. I knew he the whites in the front and the and English was not spoken much would never use agun against anyone blacks in the back stared at me. I outside of American offices and who was simply stealing a TV, yet was anelementaryschoolnorthern households. sniper's guns were being used against er who didn't understand that IattendedschoolwithotherAmeri him. He was on duty in malls and blackshadtheirplacesandthefront cans from Air Force and Navy fami police stations in the Baltimore area. ofthe buswas not one ofthem. lies. We were a mixture of white-, In truth, his unitwas scheduled to be blaclv-, and brown-skinned kids. How activated for Vietnam; but when the • mydarlv-haired cousin being forbid ever, the unifying factor was that we civil unrest started it became obvious den to enter a movie theater in were Americans. Our race and mili that the National Guard was needed Ocean City because they thought tary sponsorship were not a consider at home. The riots likely kept him shewas black.Whenshewentback ation in that environment. What from serving in Vietnam." and put on her bathing suit and mattered was thatwe were Americans 'It'lt'lt'lt'lt'lt'lt'lt'lt showed them thatherskinwasdark speakingthesamelanguagewithsimi because of her suntan, she got in. lar culture and interests when every "I wanted to join Martin Luther Beingblond, blue eyedand tanned, one else around us wasverydifferent. King'smarchtoWashington, DCvery 1couldn't believe that they let me Ourfamilybecamebestfriends witha badly, but I was afraid. There had enter, but not her." blackfamily, and mysister dated their already been some racial violence in son (who was my baseball teammate Cambridge, MD in 1963 and 1964, ********* and the bestpitcher in that league). I and I was afraid the 'peaceful march' "I have seen NSA progress through honestly do not remember if it would notbe so peaceful. the years with a broadening ofoppor- seemed strange to have American January2000 NSANewslett~r 9 ********* found close friends who had more in facilities aren't accessible, even 9years "Iremembertheblackchildrenwho commonwith me than differences. It after the Americans With Disabilities bordered my white neighborhood was when I could talk about racial Act(ADA) was signed. went'· to a one-room schoolhouse, issues with these friends that I knew I consider the ADA the most while I went to a school with a huge how closewe had become." important piece of civil rights legisla playground, auditorium, andgymnasi tion since the 1964 Act. After ADA um. When I was in 4th grade, the The lilst mntri!mtlOJl foclI.lc5 on n clJff[')'· was signed, I didn't have to feel like a black children integrated into our cntnS/Jcctofci~)tlright.l. 1tmay not bc jwrt second-class citizen. I could tell the school. There were two black girls in of thc officin[ HHwcmcnt, hw it ~(!(j.1 Cl'r' aters and other establishments 'you my class, and everyone competed to win/v /)art ofthe filliow ofthc struggle fc)1' must make this accessible to me-the be their friends. I became friendly c(JHul righ.ts. law says so.' Thatwas a powerful fecl with one who eventually graduated ing that usually doesn't come to adis ********* from high school with me. She want abled person.We haveaverylongway ed to invite me to her birthday party "I came ofage after integration, so I togo, butADAwasagiantstep in the in4thgrade, buther motherwouldn't never saw separate rest rooms, gas sta right direction." allowit. IwasrelievedbecauseI feared tions, and so forth. However, as adis ********* my father wouldn't have allowed me abled person, I have become aware of to go." thesegregation thatseparatesdisabled ASH'e enjm the Iw!i,!o, Oil ]anumy 17, ********* people from the rest of society. We telkc 0 minutc to rcflcd on the j)(l.lt. Tluni< still can't enter all restaurants, visit ilbout IwH' we um (dt H'm/.:. together to "I don't believe I had really close anymovie theaterwe please, go to his en.llITe dun C1'('rYOllC in Amenul Iw.1 0n inter-racial relationships until I came torical exhibits, live in any house we ei/lUd o!'lnJ1'tlOlity to .\Heceec/. to work at NSA. It was here that I please, travelwhereverwe want-some Awards ®~[f@~~@ ~QJ[P~[u3@~ ~§m.Wa:0~ ~j]~®&~ Thomas E. Hanna, Sr. RohertA. Verne Eugene F. Beauvais ColT1SAF Roger P. Quane 10 NSANewsletter January2000

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