258 cm 1 1cm / / / 1mm I I / I I / cm 1 \ \ mm \ 1 \ \ J 1m m \ \ m m 25^ 2S)A mm 1 \ G K \ L — — Combretum robustum Fig. 1. A, leaf; B, flower; C, scale from above. Combretum rabiense D, leaf; E, flower; — : : F, flower cut length wise, petals and three stamens removed G, scale from above. Combretum ivanii H, leaf; J, ; : domatium, hairs removed; K, flower; L, scale from above. ;; 259 mm fragrant. Receptacle greenish, covered by grey brown to hairs lower receptacle long ca. ; 1 mm mm upper receptacle 4-6 long and 2 wide, long ca. infundibuliform, hairy Calyx inside. mm lobes not conspicuous. Petals spatulate, obscure up to long, glabrous. Stamens 2-seriate, 1 4mm 3mm 0.5mm ca. exserted, yellow; anthers ca. long. Style ca. exserted, glabrous. Disc' inconspicuous. 5.5cm Fruit ca. in diameter, with papery wings, glabrous; up 2cm stipe to long. — Material Gabon examined. de Wilde — : WAG Central African Republic type). Eq. Tisserant ; : WAG) WAG) P, Eq. Tisserant 1626, Boukoko, Oct. (P, fl., ; WAG) BR, Boukoko, A, P, Eq. Tisserant 2445, Febr. fr. juv., ; (BM — & Note. Combretum Combretum In flower robustum resembles auriculatum Engl. Diels, but this second species has wingless fruits, in contrast with the large winged fruits of the new species. There are small differences in the shape of the petals and the receptacle between the collections of the two different localities, but the similarities are so dominating, that they almost certainly belong same to the species. — Combretum D-H; rabiense Jongkind, sp. nov. Fig. Fig. B. 2, 1, Liana magna. Folia papyracea elliptica in vivo vel coriacea, in sicco papyracea, venis majoribus Inflorescentiae ifl Receptaculum viride, basi velutinum. Receptaculum superius campanulatum. Lobi calycis deltoidei. Petala obovata ciliata aliter glabra alba. Stamina exserta, filamentis flavescentibus, antheris luteis. Stylus exsertus glaber. Fructus immaturus glaber. & Type Breteler, Jongkind, Mossavou Wieringa 9807, Gabon, Rabi oil-exploitation area, juv., fl., fr. : WAG: March (holo-, BM. BR. K. LBV. M. MO. PV iso-. m cm Liana up to 40 long. Branchlets velutinous. Petiole up to long. Leaves up elliptic, 1 x to 20 10 cm, papery to leathery, puberulous on the larger veines, otherwise glabrous on both sides; 6-9 pairs of main lateral nerves, domatia inconspicuous, tertiary nervation almost parallel; base attenuate; apex acuminate, mucronate. Scales circular, 50-65 \im in diameter, with embedded ca. 8 thick-walled usually in a glutinous exudate. Inflorescences axillary cells, and cm up terminal, 4 Leaves subtending rachis to long, velutinous. the inflorescence greenish- mm white. Bracts 2 puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, protogynous. Receptacle ca. long, sessile, green; lower 1.5mm upper campanulate, receptacle long, angular, velutinous; receptacle ca. x mm, mm, x 3.5 3 puberulous. Petals obovate, 1.5-2 1.2-1.5 ciliate otherwise glabrous, white. 5mm 0.7mm Stamens 1-seriate, ca. exserted; filaments yellowish-white; anthers ca. long, mm yellow. Disk glabrous except for the ca. wide edge that covered with long hairs, this is 1 mm cm edge Immature hides the insertion of the stamens. Style ca. 3 exserted, glabrous. fruit 3 long, winged, glabrous. — o Material Gabon Waka, examined. Arends al near the "Falaise", 18'S-10°57'E, et 428, l : WAG); altitude 380m, Nov. (LBV, Breteler et 9807, Rabi oil-exploitation area, ca. 1°54' S-9°53' E, al. fl., 260 — Fig. 2. A, Distribution of Combretum robustum B, Distribution of Combretum rabiense C, Distribution of Combretum ivanii. 261 March (BM, BR, LBV, M, MO, WAG; & juv., K, km fl., fr. P, type); de Wilde Jongkind 9617, 48 along road Doussala-Bongo, WAG); forest ca. 2°15'S-10°25'E, 270m, March (LBV, Le 8224 alt. Testu fl., & Moucwala, 1°23'S-12 14'E, Aug. (BR, P); Louis Nzabi Ngounie fl., 3000, Prov., forest road near Bilengui, ca. 1°55'S-11 25'E, altitude 300-400m, (LBV, WAG). juv., April fl., fr. — Note. For a long time this species has been confused with Combretum sordidum Exell, with which has much common. The most it in obvious differences of C. sordidum with the new species are the narrower and glabrous and The petals the longer anthers. rich collection of the new species that was made in the Rabi area first made clear that there existed a neglected it second mixed up species with C. sordidum, therefore Combretum this species called rabiensis. is — Combretum Jongkind, ivanii sp. nov. Fig. J-L; Fig. C. 1, 2, Liana magna. Folia anguste ovata glabra sed aliter domatiis profulta, basi rotundata usque ad attenuata, apice longe acuminata. Inflorescentiae axillares et terminales, rhachidibus puberulis. Folia inflorescentias subtentes angusta et viridule alba. Bracteae lineares. Flores tetrameri sessiles odorantes. Receptaculum lepidotum. Receptaculum superius cupelliforme Lobi calycis inconspicui Petala acuti. . Stamina absentia. exserta, filamentis albis, antheris cordatis apiculatis luteis. Stylus exsertus glaber. Fructus ignotus. R Type Nek van 488, Gabon, Rabi-Kounga area, Pipeline track near the Rabi compound, Dec. fl., : WAG; MO, LBV, (holo-, iso-, P). woody cm Wood Large liana. Branches up to 2 diameter. with a transparent sticky cm exudate. Petiole up to long. Leaves narrowly ovate, up to 12 x 6 cm, glabrous except for 1 the domatia 4-7 pairs of main lateral nerves with hairy pit domatia, tertiary nervation almost ; parallel base rounded to attenuate apex long acuminate. Scales circular to shallowly lobed, ; ; 45-90 jxm in diameter, with usually thick-walled probably glandular. Inflorescences 8 cells, and cm axillary terminal, rachis up to 5 long, puberulous. Leaves subtending the inflorescence mm narrow and greenish -white. Bracts ca. long, linear. Flowers 4-merous, sessile, protogy- 1 mm nous, fragrant. Receptacle covered by a contiguous layer of scales lower receptacle long 1 ; mm 1.5mm angular; upper receptacle cupuliform, high and wide, hairy inside. Calyx lobes 1 2mm not conspicuous, acute. Petals absent. Stamens ca. exserted; filaments white; anthers mm mm cordate, ca. 0.3 long, apiculate, yellow. Style ca. 1.5 exserted, glabrous. Disc hairy. unknown. Fruit — Material Gabon Nek Rabi compound, examined. van 488, Pipeline track near the ca. 1°54'S- : WAG; MO, 9°53'E, Dec. (LBV, P, type). fl., — Note. By the very small flowers with a cupuliform upper receptacle and the absence of The named petals this species can be easily distinguished from others. species is after its collector Ivan van Nek. (Welwitsch Quisqualis falcata Welwitsch ex Hiern, Cat. Afr. Welw. 355 (1898). Type Welwitsch 4348, PI. 1 : : BM; BR, Angola, Cuanza Norte, Golungo Alto, between Sanga and Bango, (holo-, iso-, fr. fl., K, P). 262 & Combretum Engler Monogr. — mussaendiflorum Diels, afr. Pflanzen. 3 87, tab. 25e (1899). : & Quisqualis mussaendiflora (Engler Diels) Exell, Journ. of Botany 69 121 (1931). Type : : Deschamps Zaire, Mtowa, June anno 1895 (holo-, BR). s.n., fl., & Combretum Engler Monogr. Type sericogyne Diels, afr. Pflanzen. 3 87 (1899). E. Laurent s.n., : : Lusambo, Zaire, Dec. (holo-, BR). fl., Combretum pellegrinianum Exell, Journ. of Botany 67 177 — (1929), syn. nov. : Quisqualis pellegriniana (Exell) Exell, Journ. of Botany 69 121 (1931) (not sensu Keay, W : Flora of Trop. Afr., sec. ed. 1 (1) 275 (1954) Talbot 498 is not this species but Grif- : : fonia physocarpa Baill., a Caesalpinioideal). Type de Brazza Gabon, Ossiga, J. 83, fl., fr. : BM; (holo-, iso-, P). C Cacoucia littorea Engler, Pflanzenwelt Ost-Afrikas und der Nachbargebiete, 293 (1895), syn. : nov. — Quisqualis littorea (Engler) Exell, Journ. of Botany 69 121 (1931). Type Volkens 147, : : Tanzania, Tanga, fl., fr., Febr. (syn-, B delet. lecto-, designated here, BR; iso-, BM, E, K); ; HBG, B B Hoist 2061, fl., fr., Jan. (syn-, delet,; iso-, K); Hoist 4034 (syn-, delet.). Note The new addition of two synonyms does not really expand the variation of this : species, only the ultimate dimensions of the flowers are somewhat extended. REFERENCES — Jongkind, C. C. H., 1990 (publ. 1991). Novitates gabonenses Some observations on 6. critical Combretum versus Quisqualis (Combretaceae) and description of two new of Combretum. species Mus. Bull. natn. Hist, nat., Paris, 4e ser., 12, sect. B, Adansonia, nos 3-4 275-280. : Mus. Bull. natl. Hist, nat., Paris, 4 C 1992 ser., 14, (publ. 1993), section B, Adansonia, n° 2 263-278. : Anatomie florale des Culcasia (Araceae) & D. Barabe Forget S. Resume Les auteurs analysent la vascularisation florale de quatre especes de Culcasia (C. : C piperoides, C. saxatilis scandens et C. striolata) en vue de comprendre nature des gynecees la t pseudo-monomeres dans La ce genre. vascularisation florale des Culcasia presente peu de similitudes avec celle des Philodendron. Ces donnees sont discutees en rapport avec la Grayum. classification des Araceae proposee par Summary The authors analyse the floral vascularization of four species of Culcasia (C. : piperoides, C. saxatilis C. scandens and C. striolata) to better understand the nature of t pseudomonomerous The gynocia in this genus. floral vascularization of Culcasia presents few similarities with that of Philodendron. These facts are discussed in relation of the classification of the Araceae proposed by Grayum. as Denis Barabe et Suzanne Forget, Institut de recherche en biologie vegetale, Jardin botanique de H1X Montreal 4101, rue Sherbrooke Montreal (Quebec) 2B2, Canada. est, \ INTRODUCTION Les caracteres floraux representent un element important dans classification des sous- la $ compte (Grayum, families et des genres Araceae, famille qui 107 genres et 2 500 especes A 1990). cause de grande d'un genre a Fautre, des Araceae prete sa variability la fleur se tres rpholo Eyde A Hotta 1986c) et (1971). partir de leurs analyses, ces auteurs ont deduit des considerations phylogeniques importants pour et fait ressortir certains caracteres la classification infra- Grayum Recemment familiale. a une synthese de Involution des caracteres (1990) realise floraux en rapport avec phylogenie. la Depuis plusieurs annees, une etude anatomique des caracteres floraux de differents genres & & Barabe Labrecque, Araceae a au Jardin botanique de Montreal 1984; ete entreprise, (e.g. & Barabe Barabe Forget, dans but de comprendre revolution de et 1986, 1987; 1988), le al., pseudo-monomeres que Fon rencontre frequemment dans la fleur et la nature des gynecees cette famille. Ces gynecees representent un cas typique de reduction de Fappareil reproducteur Par pseudo-monomere nous entendons un gynecee syncarpe qui ne semble femelle. gynecee compose superficiellement que d'un seul carpelle. Eckardt que Araceae presentaient plusieurs cas de pseudo- (1937) insista sur le fait les % monomerie. Dans de 40 des genres possedent des gynecees uni-loculaires pres cette famille,