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About the Cover N4UAU’s remote receiver INCLUDING: from Part 2 of his series. Part 3 adds a keyer and QEX (ISSN: 0886-8093) is published bimonthly multiplexing control; in January, March, May, July, September, and November by the American Radio Relay League, see p 37. A 225 Main Street, Newington CT 06111-1494. Yearly subscription rate to ARRL members is $22; nonmembers $34. Other rates are listed below. R R Periodicals postage paid at Hartford, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Form 3579 requested. L Send address changes to: QEX, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111-1494 Issue No 203 David Sumner, K1ZZ Publisher Features Doug Smith, KF6DX Editor Robert Schetgen, KU7G Managing Editor 3 On the SSW Path and 160-Meter Propagation Lori Weinberg By Robert R. Brown, NM7M Assistant Editor Peter Bertini, K1ZJH Zack Lau, W1VT 10 The Quad Antenna Revisited, Pt 3: Multi-Element Douglas Page Quads Contributing Editors Production Department By R. P. Haviland, W4MB Mark J. Wilson, K1RO Publications Manager 20 Conductors for HF Antennas Michelle Bloom, WB1ENT Production Supervisor By Rudy Severns, N6LF Sue Fagan Graphic Design Supervisor 30 A Prognosis of Amateur Radio Techniques David Pingree, N1NAS Technical Illustrator By Warren Bruene, W5OLY Joe Shea Production Assistant 37 A Simple UHF Remote-Control System: Pt 3 Advertising Information Contact: By Sam Ulbing, N4UAU John Bee, N1GNV, Advertising Manager 860-594-0207 direct 860-594-0200 ARRL 45 Thermistors in Homebrew Projects 860-594-0259 fax By William E. Sabin, W0IYH Circulation Department Debra Jahnke, Manager Kathy Capodicasa, N1GZO, Deputy Manager 50 Introduction to Adaptive Beamforming Cathy Stepina, QEX Circulation By Doug Smith, KF6DX Offices 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111-1494 USA Telephone: 860-594-0200 Telex: 650215-5052 MCI Columns Fax: 860-594-0259 (24 hour direct line) e-mail: [email protected] Subscription rate for 6 issues: In the US: ARRL Member $22, 56 RF By Zack Lau, W1VT 61 Next Issue in QEX nonmember $34; US, Canada and Mexico by First Class Mail: 60 Letters to the Editor 62 2000 Index ARRL member $35, nonmember $47; Elsewhere by Surface Mail (4-8 week delivery): ARRL member $27, 61 Upcoming Conferences nonmember $39; Elsewhere by Airmail: ARRL member $55, nonmember $67. Members are asked to include their membership control number or a label from their QST wrapper when applying. In order to ensure prompt delivery, we ask that you periodically check the address information Nov/Dec 2000 QEX Advertising Index on your mailing label. If you find any inaccura- cies, please contact the Circulation Department immediately. Thank you for your assistance. American Radio Relay League: 9, Cov III Palomar: 29 Copyright ©2000 by the American Radio Relay League Inc. For permission to quote or reprint Cov IV Rockwell Collins: 64 material from QEX or any ARRL publication, send Atomic Time, Inc.: 36 Shoc: 9 a written request including the issue date (or book Roy Lewallen, W7EL: 55 Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Corp: 59 title), article, page numbers and a description of where you intend to use the reprinted material. Nemal Electronics International, Inc.: 55 TX RX Systems Inc.: 29 Send the request to the office of the Publications Noble Publishing: Cov II Universal Radio, Inc.: 44 Manager ([email protected]) Nov/Dec 2000 1 Empirically Speaking THE AMERICAN RADIO A RELAY LEAGUE R R L The American Radio Relay League, Inc, is a noncommercial association of radio amateurs, organized for the promotion of interests in Amateur In the telecommunications world, it applications. I am still working on the Radio communication and experimentation, for seems that new technologies come decoder. the establishment of networks to provide communications in the event of disasters or other along so rapidly that any one person We have been lucky at QEX to get emergencies, for the advancement of radio art has difficulty keeping up. As a group, some outstanding pieces about state- and of the public welfare, for the representation radio amateurs should not have to of-the-art transceiver and antenna of the radio amateur in legislative matters, and for the maintenance of fraternalism and a high worry about falling too far behind the design, among other topics. Perhaps standard of conduct. power curve because we have some we should let you know some of what ARRL is an incorporated association without great magazines, Web sites and more is coming in 2001, and make a call for capital stock chartered under the laws of the state of Connecticut, and is an exempt organiza- communications gear than some large articles on subjects that seem to need tion under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal governments. What we see in the more coverage. First, we’d better tell Revenue Code of 1986. Its affairs are governed electronics trade press technically, you about what’s inside our last issue by a Board of Directors, whose voting members are elected every two years by the general though, is getting to be quite different of 2000. membership. The officers are elected or from what we see in the amateur appointed by the Directors. The League is In This Issue noncommercial, and no one who could gain media. There may be many reasons financially from the shaping of its affairs is for that, including a very different Robert Brown, NM7M, has studied eligible for membership on its Board. distribution of frequencies of interest 160-meter propagation with great “Of, by, and for the radio amateur, ”ARRL numbers within its ranks the vast majority of to readers. For example, how many interest, and he gives us some results active amateurs in the nation and has a proud hams are working with 2.4-GHz gear for a certain DX path on that band. history of achievement as the standard-bearer in in, say, New York City as opposed to Many effects that are found at those amateur affairs. A bona fide interest in Amateur Radio is the the number of commercial links near frequencies are not generally well only essential qualification of membership; an that frequency? understood. Some may be unknown to Amateur Radio license is not a prerequisite, Well, the commercial wizards are neophytes and others remain unex- although full voting membership is granted only to licensed amateurs in the US. giving us the tools we need to jump plained even by experts. Robert goes a Membership inquiries and general corres- into a lot of new technologies. Higher fair way toward helping us understand pondence should be addressed to the administrative headquarters at 225 Main Street, levels of circuit integration on chips them. R. P. Haviland’s series on quad Newington, CT 06111 USA. and in subsystems are really making antennas continues (at last) with Part Telephone: 860-594-0200 it easier for experimenters to try 3 and a treatment of multi-element Telex: 650215-5052 MCI advanced technology. Amateur Radio designs. Tradeoffs among gain, beam MCIMAIL (electronic mail system) ID: 215-5052 FAX: 860-594-0259 (24-hour direct line) has been and still is a wonderful width, impedance, front-to-side and proving ground for almost anything front-to-back ratios are examined. Officers that potentially improves the way we Rudy Severns, N6LF, takes a President: JIM D. HAYNIE, W5JBP communicate. What we communicate careful look at various types of 3226 Newcastle Dr, Dallas, TX 75220-1640 hasn’t changed much in a while, but antenna wire to see how the charac- Executive Vice President: DAVID SUMNER, K1ZZ there may be new possibilities yet. teristics of different materials affect The purpose of QEX is to: Some of you are undoubtedly certain designs. He gives a concise 1) provide a medium for the exchange of ideas wondering what happened to the next explanation of skin effect and why it and information among Amateur Radio experi- parts of two article series: John exists. I wasn’t sure I remembered menters, 2) document advanced technical work in the Stephensen, KD6OZH’s “ATR-2000: A how to explain why it exists very well Amateur Radio field, and Homemade, High-Performance HF at all until I read Rudy’s sidebar. 3) support efforts to advance the state of the Transceiver” and my “Perceptual Warren Bruene, W5OLY, wrote a Amateur Radio art. Transform Coding.” We may have led report almost four decades ago that, All correspondence concerning QEX should be addressed to the American Radio Relay League, you to believe they had disappeared when combined with his updated 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111 USA. forever, but the fact is that each author prognosis, forms a very telling story Envelopes containing manuscripts and letters for has had to take a hiatus to work on of Amateur Radio. We publish them publication in QEX should be marked Editor, QEX. other projects. John indicates he will here in the hopes that future hams Both theoretical and practical technical articles get cracking on his Part 3 soon. My will read them and get a new set of are welcomed. Manuscripts should be submitted on IBM or Mac format 3.5-inch diskette in word- Part 2 will appear sometime early next bearings from the past. We find that processor format, if possible. We can redraw any year. I want to have sample audio files new ideas and concepts are often figures as long as their content is clear. Photos (.WAV format) of coded and decoded rejected out of hand before they have should be glossy, color or black-and-white prints of at least the size they are to appear in QEX. voice available for downloading before a chance to come to fruition. Many do Further information for authors can be found on we publish the article. not bear fruit anyway, but it is the Web at www.arrl.org/qex/ or by e-mail to When I built my analog frequency interesting to measure our vision, [email protected]. compressor and coded a speech signal both backward and forward in time. Any opinions expressed in QEX are those of to reduce its bandwidth from 15-kHz Bill Sabin, W0IYH, discusses the the authors, not necessarily those of the Editor or the League. While we strive to ensure all material to less than 4 kHz, the result was not properties and use of thermistors— is technically correct, authors are expected to quite what I expected. I thought the resistors that change their value defend their own assertions. Products mentioned compressed signal would still be significantly over temperature. These are included for your information only; no endorsement is implied. Readers are cautioned to intelligible, but it is not. That may be verify the availability of products before sending a problem for Amateur Radio Continued on page 19 money to vendors. 2 Nov/Dec 2000 On the SSW Path and 160-Meter Propagation How do the complexities of the ionosphere make 160-meter DX possible? Here’s the story from an expert. By Robert R. Brown, NM7M Itis well known that radio results when there is spatial structure hours of darkness. Then natural propagation takes place be- in the ionization, as with field-aligned gradients of importance to propagation cause of ionospheric refrac- irregularities in auroral displays on that band are those below and above tion, reflection or scattering of during magnetic activity. the nighttime E-region peak and RF waves. Of these three modes, The theory of electromagnetic-wave around the sunrise/sunset portions of refraction and reflection involve ex- propagation by refraction goes back to the terminator. In the D region, the tremes of electron distributions. Thus, Snell’s Law, which in turn is based on ionization of electrons is caused by UV refraction takes place when the Maxwell’s Equations. It shows that and X-rays in starlight, by galactic electron density varies slowly over a signals deviate from straight lines in cosmic rays and by solar photons region having extent greater than a proportion to the electron-density gra- scattered into the dark hemisphere by wavelength in all directions. Reflec- dients along a path. Thus, familiar the high atmosphere: the geocorona. As tion involves distributions with strong earth-ionosphere hops in the vertical a result, VLF (3-30 kHz) signals are gradients, the electron density chang- plane result from the vertical gradient ducted back and forth between walls of ing rapidly in a region small compared in the distribution of ionization above a waveguide, whose walls are the with a wavelength. Scattering is be- the curved path, while lateral devia- ground and the lower D region.1 tween the two with regard to the tions from great-circle paths result While wave reflections off the distribution of ionization and often from the gradients in electron density bottom of the D region may treated transverse (or perpendicular) to the with a formalism similar to that used 1105 27th St #AW110 great-circle direction. for metal mirrors, a complication Anacortes, WA 98221 Let’s consider 160-metereter DXING, [email protected] which is usually attempted during the 1Notes appear on page 9. Nov/Dec 2000 3 arises because of the presence of the directional features of verticals. Thus, That type of DX propagation, with Earth’s magnetic field. In particular, a the use of Beverage antennas has signals guided for great distance along rotation or shift of the plane of become very popular, as well as the use the terminator, has been widely polarization may occur (see Note 1). For of smaller, directional antennas such accepted by DXers. While not said example, a wave incident at the bottom those of the flag or pennant type. explicitly in so many words, the of the D region having its E vector in In the last decade or so, considerable interpretation of the observations rests the vertical direction may, on reflec- attention has been devoted to DXing on on wave refraction as a basis. But it has tion, still have a vertical component of 160 meters. This has been heightened not been without criticism by the polarization, but also a horizontal one, by the number of major DXpeditions to ionospheric community in the Amateur as well. Such mode conversion, as it is Asia that have included 160 meters, Radio circles because efforts using ray- called, serves to change the wave with XZ0A in Burma as a recent exam- tracing methods with the PropLab Pro polarization, particularly on long paths ple. In this regard, a winter path from program (Oler, 1994)5 and both the with many reflections. those regions has been singled out as CCIR and URSI model ionospheres6 Above the E-region peak, the vertical quite productive for DXing from the (IRI, 1990) have failed to verify its gradient at night is unique in that its USA, along the SSW sunrise term- existence. In addition, it is not clear just sign or direction reverses across the inator. what controls where signals become bottom of an electron-density valley. That differs markedly from the more coupled to the terminator region nor The valley, shown in Fig 1, grows conventional short path across the how they become decoupled. progressively deeper in the darkness, darkness at auroral and polar lati- away from the terminator and contri- tudes. An example is given in Fig 2, Failure of Wave Refraction butes to stable ducting of signals in the which shows that both the short path As noted above, terminator guidance vertical plane. In that same region, and the proposed path between the Far of RF signals was studied initially by horizontal gradients in electron density East and Midwest at the winter ray-tracing methods to see if it was are responsible for the horizontal devi- solstice. That type of path meets the possible to have 160-meter signals fol- ation, or transverse skewing, of ray terminator in the Indian Ocean area low the direction of the terminator— paths; but in contrast to the vertical and then leaves it in the South Pacific say parallel to it but some distance gradient, the horizontal gradient is area. It has received considerable away from it. While the possibilities are continuous in direction, with ionization attention4 in DX circles, with the infinite, some tests showed that ray always decreasing away from the suggestion that 160-meter signals may paths, starting close or parallel to the terminator. be guided across great distances in terminator would deviate away from it, Unless specified otherwise, discuss- darkness by the ionization inside the going deeper into the dark hemisphere. ions of propagation assume wave terminator. In addition, wave propa- Those paths were obtained by using refraction in an ionosphere that is gation in that direction has been the PropLab Pro program, in three parallel to the surface of the Earth; considered as a form of long-path dimensions. That program solves the however, irregularities may be present propagation, with signals going far equation of motion that governs the that would tilt the ionospheric layers greater distances than more-conven- advancement of a ray path, first intro- and reduce the scale of regions of tional short paths from DX targets. duced by Larmor in 1924: constant electron density. That would break up the extent of coherent reradia- tion in the ionosphere and result in propagation closer to scattering, with waves going off in other directions than just the forward. In addition, in disturbed, non-equil- ibrium conditions, other forms of ion- ization gradients may be present because of an influx of energetic electrons2 during an aurora or because of their release from the Van Allen radiation belts3 during major magnetic storms. Those gradients may be quite large, with horizontal structure as well as scales small compared to a wave- length and organized by the local mag- netic field. In such circumstances, gradients may shift propagation from scattering to wave reflection by small, intensely ionized regions. 160-Meter Propagation With regard to 160-metereter opera- tions, transmitting antennas frequent- ly use vertical polarization. Receiving antennas, on the other hand, are often chosen to focus on a limited range of Fig 1—Electron density distributions for location near to (right) and far from (left) the directions instead of having the omni- terminator at night. 4 Nov/Dec 2000 minimum; instead, it always de- go with a ray following the terminator dθ=−1dn (Eq 1) creases away from the terminator. So, half-way round the Earth: a change of p dS n dl there is only one type of gradient: one radians over a distance of 20,000 km or This equation is the differential form that refracts signals horizontally 1.57×10–4 radians/km. of Snell’s Law of refraction. It gives the away from the ionization and only con- With that curvature in mind and us- rate of change of ray direction dθ/dS tributes to instability. Moreover, the ing the International Reference Iono- along the path S, in terms of the index rate of deviation on a signal path spheres, the index of refraction and of refraction, n, of the ionosphere and caused by density instability varies as horizontal gradient of density were its spatial rate of change dn/dl in direc- the square of the wavelength, making evaluated at a path altitude of 130 km tions perpendicular to the path, in both the effect of a given gradient even in the midst of the terminator region in the horizontal and vertical planes. greater at lower frequencies. Fig 2. That rate of refraction would be The search for a 160-meter path that So at best, the ray-tracing search on achieved at about 300 km equator-ward advances horizontally by following the 1.8 MHz amounted to looking for a loca- of the terminator, as shown in Fig 3. terminator resembles looking for a tion relative to the terminator where Again, though, remember that would case of MF refraction in the lower iono- the horizontal deviation of a ray just not be a stable path that could be main- sphere that is like HF propagation of matched the curvature of the termina- tained for any particular distance or Pederson rays in the high ionosphere. tor, but resulted in unstable propaga- time. That situation is extremely un- There, HF signals at the MUF may tion parallel to it. An estimate of the stable since the electron-density gradi- travel long distances and yet move necessary curvature may be obtained ent is always the same magnitude and along for awhile at a constant altitude, by noting the changes in heading that from the same direction at any given parallel to the Earth’s surface. The HF case is possible around noon (see Note 1) as the electron density on the path goes through a maximum at the F-layer peak and gradients along the path are at a minimum. As a result, an unstable ray path forms just at the F- layer peak; however, the presence of any significant irregularity in electron density would disrupt its precarious equilibrium, because the gradients would not be in directions that could return to equilibrium. In contrast to the preceding circum- stances, an example of very stable wave propagation at lower altitudes is found in vertical ducting of MF signals in the density valley above the nighttime E re- gion, shown in Fig 1. In this case, the gradients in the vertical plane are in opposite directions above and below the altitude of equilibrium of a ducted ray and in such directions as to return a ray toward equilibrium when perturbed. With the MF case near the termina- tor, however, the horizontal variation Fig 2—Short path across high latitudes from Burma to the Midwest at the winter solstice of density does not go through any and a SSW path guided by the terminator. Fig 3—Rate of horizontal ray deviation by refraction in the local electron-density gradient at various latitudes, for SSW paths parallel to the terminator. The points are for the winter solstice and a longitude of 172°W. Note that each degree of latitude from the terminator corresponds to 111.11 km. The horizontal line is Fig 4—A two-dimensional ray trace of signals from the first part the rate of deviation of the terminator itself. of the path in Fig 2 and launched at 20°. Nov/Dec 2000 5 distance along the terminator, and it haves according to current models. A lar origin there. The question remains: does not reverse sign or direction about general feature of those models is that How do signals propagate from DX and a minimum. ionization decreases steadily when go- yet appear, around sunrise, to be com- ing away from the terminator. That is ing from a SSW direction? Ionospheric Absorption another way of saying that there is no Since refraction by the known distri- Path stability in the face of distur- other recognized or accepted density bution fails and signals from the SSW bance is a matter related to ionospheric distribution that would have a horizon- are noted even in the absence of geo- structure, but absorption relates to tal gradient in opposition to that of so- physical disturbance, wave reflection more-fundamental ionospheric pro- cesses, such as collisions of electrons with their surroundings. Like refrac- tion, though, it varies with the square of the wavelength, or inversely with the square of frequency. That being the case, signals on the 160-meter band suffer the highest rate of absorption (in dB/km), particularly on E-hops. E-hops are always the case if a path nears the terminator. The first leg of a path from Burma to the Midwest, shown in Fig 2, covers a distance of 8000 km to the terminator. Over at least 5000 km of that, the path consists essentially of F-hops, at least for radiation angles in the 15-25° range, which are typical of DX propa- gation. The remaining distance is in E- hops with heavy absorption. That is shown by the two-dimensional ray trace in Fig 4, for a launch angle of 20°. Another view may be obtained by using the integral form of Snell’s Law, as may be shown by a plot of the plasma frequencies in a vertical plane along the ionospheric path. In that formulation, signals are characterized by an equivalent vertical frequency Fig 5—A transverse plasma-frequency plot for the first part of the path in Fig 2. This is (see Note 1) on entering the lower iono- essentially a cross-section of the ionosphere with the transmitter at the lower left and sphere. This is just like exploring the receiver at lower right. ionization distribution by vertical sounding. For a 1.8-MHz signal launched at 15°, the equivalent verti- cal frequency is 0.55 MHz; and in its vertical travel, the signal will never rise above the altitude of a 0.55-MHz iso-contour in the plasma-frequency plot. Similarly, signals launched at 25° have an equivalent vertical fre- quency of 0.82 MHz and are limited by their vertical excursions. Fig 5 gives a plot of the transverse plasma frequency for the first 8000 km of the path from Burma to the termina- tor. Note that 1.8-MHz signals launched at 15° (on the left) will be limited to E- layer heights in going the last 3000 km to the terminator (on the right). Those launched at 25° will be limited similarly in going the last 1000 km. Those losses, along with any further travel, would reduce signals to unusable levels. SSW Signals and an Alternative Fig 6—A representation of short-path rays (sold lines) which are scattered (heavy The discussion above shows that dashed lines) at high angles from one turbulent region. The lightly dashed ray shows the signal propagation near the terminator polar limit of the short-path rays and the heavy solid line shows the terminator. RX is the is unstable when the ionosphere be- location of the receiver. 6 Nov/Dec 2000 by steep gradients is ruled out and an- constituents outnumber positive ions angles and heights of the ozone layer, other mode must be sought. That leaves by far; with a high rate of neutral-ion when sunlight is just able to pass over wave scattering as the only alternative. collisions, ions are carried along by the the layer to reach the D region. For the Fortunately, in contrast to refraction, motions of the neutrals (see Note 1). case in Fig 7, the angle amounts to scattering is capable of some large de- Electrons may follow positive ions be- 3.3°; using 80 km as a reference, the viations in single-ray encounters, even cause of electrostatic attraction. height of the ozone layer is 69 km. with small scattering regions.7 Now, the type of observations that The scattering region that serves to Ozone Effects give results as in Fig 7 have been car- bring us 160-meter signals has its ori- It is possible to correlate the sunrise ried out for well over two years using gin in systems that operate at sunrise. effects of atmospheric ozone with low- 55.5-kHz signals from NPG in Dixon, With turbulence, this region probably frequency propagation in the lower D California, to Guemes Island, Washing- has quite a few small parcels of ioniza- region. There, the electron density ton. The basic data show how the height tion—each less than a wavelength in gradient moves downward at dawn of the ozone layer varies throughout the extent—in the area off to the SSW, from about 95 km to 70 km, when solar year. The results sample the seasonal where the winter sun is already rising. UV begins to detach electrons from pattern: fairly stable across the sum- Those irregularities would carry ion- negative ions formed during the night mer months, but with considerable ization and perhaps reach the D and E (see Note 3). To detach these electrons, variation in height starting around the regions to scatter incoming rays. Some UV must reach the lower D region by fall equinox, peaking around the win- of the scattered RF would reach the passing through the ozone layer, ter solstice and then decaying toward receiving station, as indicated in Fig 6, which is somewhat opaque to UV. By the equinox again in the spring. but would give the impression that the noting the times of peak interference Within those variations, differences signals came from a false angle. that result on suitable paths, it is pos- appear according to the basic weather One way to study ionospheric irregu- sible to find when the gradient has pattern. Thus, Fig 8 shows the ex- larities during winter is by looking at lowered to about 80 km, midway be- tremes of solar depression angles, week turbulent aspects of the electrically tween the limits for night and day. by week, throughout 1998 when the “El neutral atmosphere. Motions of lower Next, by noting times when the sig- Niño” dominated the US. Fig 9 shows parts of the atmosphere and ionization nal intensity is at minimum, one may the extremes throughout 1999 when are intimately connected as neutral use the data to find solar depression “La Niña” was over us. Please note that Fig 7—Slow time variation of NPG signals at sunrise. Fig 8—Solar depression angles for LF intensity minima centered on Dec 1998. Fig 9—Solar depression angles for LF intensity minima centered Fig 10—Heights of the ozone layer in winter, 1999. on Dec 1999. Nov/Dec 2000 7 “wrap-around” was used to center the of the path. The results obtained by within a broad swath of ray paths at figures on the winter months in 1999. that method obviously depend also on lower latitudes and arrive in North Also note that the two sets of data are the size and number of the steps taken America at more westerly longitudes. quite similar in their general features, in the numerical integration and the If those signals are to be heard in the but the El Niño pattern in 1998 shows number of spatial dimensions used. US, they would have to be propagated far more activity in winter, with mini- The next approach still involved by efficient modes, by either F hops, mum depression angles separated less using the equation of motion for a ray E-F hops or ducting. In any event, from maximum. path but only for spot values of the rate those paths would impact at ground With the La Niña weather pattern, of refraction or deviation of the ray path level near the terminator as high- there were times when large-scale at locations near the terminator. That angle rays, because of the downward weather systems were infrequent. Dur- still involved the reference ionospheres tilt of the F-layer in that region.11 ing one period, a large, high-pressure and the geomagnetic field, but any However, the region will also be one system over the Pacific Northwest questions about the uncertainties from in turbulence and signals reaching lasted for almost a week. On that occa- the numerical integration methods there will be scattered over a wide sion, the ozone layer was thrust upward were removed. range of angles. Some scattered signals by about 20 km with the passage of the Lastly, the integral form of Snell’s may reach sites that are east of the first front, then slowly it dropped down- Law uses data from model ionospheres high-latitude limit but still in ward over the remainder of the week. and shows locations that a ray path may darkness, as shown in Fig 6. Therefore, In any event, Fig 10 shows that, day reach through refraction, given its without any signals coming in directly by day, the height of the ozone layer initial launch conditions. However, it by short path, those signals would around sunrise in winter is quite vari- does not deal with details along a path appear to represent DX propagation able, often rising or falling by 10-20 km. nor the signal intensity remaining after from the SSW. Nevertheless, other A theory of propagation of waves in a reaching any location. With the path locations that lie within the swath of gravitational field8 indicates that dis- under discussion, the integral form short-path rays coming from the north turbances propagate, producing atmo- shows that any propagation or ray would not be aware that the signals also spheric displacements that increase in guidance that goes close to the termin- reached them by scattering. amplitude as they rise through regions ator involves E hops and the heavy With the advance of time, the sunrise of lower density. Changes seen in the losses from the presence of low-lying terminator would move to the west. ozone heights (50-70 km or so) point to ionization near that location. Being inclined to the north in winter, it even larger effects in the neutral atmo- Each of those arguments gave results would slowly cut off scattered signals sphere. Observed variability shows that were against the idea of signals from the SSW and move the scattering that the atmosphere is anything but being guided by the terminator. Having region northward, giving a “searchlight calm; instead, this variability suggests made those points and noting that effect” for stations at fixed locations. that regions may have considerable magnetically disturbed conditions are horizontal structure and motion. not suggested for the type of propa- Conclusion That spatial structure would be in gation, it falls to wave scattering to The present discussion has dealt the neutral regions, where ozone explain the observed propagation. That with a SSW path from Asia that has serves as a tracer, but it applies to requires scattering centers and the been reported by a great many US ionization as well, as noted earlier. So, turbulence at lower ionospheric alti- DXers around sunrise in the winter. if the neutrals move up or down, east tudes in the winter months, as inferred Given its direction, it is termed a or west, north or south, ionization from ozone recordings, provide the “skewed path” and is even considered follows along and any 160-meter mechanism needed for propagation. a form of “long-path” propagation. signals incident on the regions may Having demonstrated guidance of That interpretation, though, does not then be propagated by wave scattering signals along the terminator is not rest on any physical principle, only on in the process. From that, it is only a feasible for the distances involved, the its apparent geometry. When the small matter to have the short-path question becomes “How does wave physics of the path are examined, it is signals incident on the turbulent scattering contribute to the apparent clear that the path fails in its effective- region off to the SW, with scattering propagation from the SSW.” There, it ness, being unstable in direction and then bringing signals to the receiver. was proposed that the path may be subject to heavy, ionospheric absorp- completed by signals being passed to tion in the terminator region. Discussion the receiver by scattering of short- The alternate explanation offered Various degrees of detail were path signals that reach a nearby here shows the path is not skewed to involved in the examining the location: not the target station, but follow the terminator as a result of question of whether 160-meter signals one in a turbulent condition resulting large-scale ionospheric structure; are guided along the direction of the from sunrise. rather, it is skewed by local processes termination. First, the ray-tracing To be more specific, for DX paths involving neutral constituents. Scat- method used not only current models that go toward polar latitudes, there tering is obtained toward the receiver of the ionosphere, like those from usually is a path that represents the by turbulence at sunrise in a nearby CCIR or URSI, but also a model of the high-latitude limit of propagation on region of the atmosphere. Thus, the earth’s magnetic field, say the a given day. That limit would be path is made up of two parts: one by International Geomagnetic Reference determined either by the flux of low- refractions along a short path, and the Field.9 In addition, the ray-tracing energy protons or solar electrons other by scattering of short-path sig- method goes through numerical (polar drizzle) on the polar cap, or by nals at high angles. integrations of the equations of motion field-line effects from the impact of the This article constitutes a rebuttal of for ray paths,10 step-by-step, starting solar wind. The rest of the propagation an idea that is more talked about than from the initial great-circle direction paths from the DX transmitter will be documented, at least in any sort of 8 Nov/Dec 2000

37 A Simple UHF Remote-Control System: Pt 3 45 Thermistors in Homebrew Projects material from QEX or any ARRL publication, send Book, 18th Ed. (Newington: ARRL, 1997), ARRL UHF/Microwave Experimenter's.
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