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Preview Novel shell-model analysis of the $^{136}$Xe double beta decay nuclear matrix elements

Novel shell-model analysis of the 136Xe double beta decay nuclear matrix elements M. Horoi∗ Department of Physics, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48859, USA B.A. Brown† National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA Neutrinoless double beta decay, if observed, could distinguish whether neutrino is a Dirac or a Majorana particle, and it could be used to determine the absolute scale of the neutrino masses. 136Xeisoneofthemostpromisingcandidatesforobservingthisrareevent. However,untilrecently 3 therewerenopositiveresultfortheallowedandlessraretwo-neutrinodoublebetadecaymode. The 1 small nuclear matrix element associated with the small half-life represents a challenge for nuclear 0 structuremodels usedfor itscalculation. Wereport anewshell-model analysis ofthetwo-neutrino 2 doublebetadecayof 136Xe,which takesintoaccount allrelevantnuclearorbitals necessary tofully n describetheassociated Gamow-Teller strength. Wefurtherusethenewmodel toanalyzethemain a contributionstotheneutrinolessdoublebetadecayhalf-life,andshowthattheyarealsodiminished. J 2 PACSnumbers: 23.40.Bw,21.60.Cs,23.40.Hc ] h Neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decaycan only occur life would imply a smaller background for the associ- t - byviolatingthe conservationofthe totalleptonnumber, ated 0νββ measurement and EXO, a larger version of l c andifobserveditwouldunravelphysicsbeyondStandard EXO-200 designed for reaching this goal, is under con- u Model (SM) of particle physics and it would represent a sideration [1]. The upper limit for the 0νββ half-life re- n majormilestone inthe study ofthe fundamentalproper- ported by EXO-200 is 1.6×1025 yr [8]. In addition, the [ tiesofneutrinos[1]. Recentresultsfromneutrinooscilla- KamLAND-Zencollaborationreporteda2νββhalf-lifeof 1 tionexperiments havedemonstratedthat neutrinos have 2.38±0.02(stat)±0.14(sys)×1021 yr and a upper-limit v mass and they mix [2–4]. In addition, they show that for the 0νββ half-life of 5.7×1024 yr [9]. 6 neutrinoless double beta decay process could be used to 5 Since mostofthe ββ decayemitters areopenshellnu- 2 determine the absolute scale ofthe neutrino masses,and clei,manycalculationsofthe NMEhavebeenperformed 0 can distinguish whether neutrino is a Dirac or a Majo- withinthepnQRPAapproachanditsextensions[10–12]. . rana particle [5]. A key ingredient for extracting the ab- 1 However,the pnQRPAcalculationsofthe morecommon 0 soluteneutrinomassesfrom0νββ decayexperimentsisa two-neutrino double beta decay observable, which were 3 preciseknowledgeofthenuclearmatrixelements(NME) measured for about 10 cases [6], are very sensitive to 1 for this process. There is a large experimental effort in the variation of the g parameter (the strength of the : pp v US and worldwide to investigate the double beta decay particle-particle interactions in the 1+ channel) [13, 14], i of some even-evennuclei [1]. Experimentaldata for two- X and this drawback persists in spite of various improve- neutrino double-beta decay (2νββ) to the ground state ments brought by its extensions, including higher-order r a (g.s.) and excited states already exist for a group of nu- QRPA approaches [12]. Although the QRPA methods clei [6]. There is no confirmed experimental data so far do not seemto be suited to predict the 2νββ decayhalf- forneutrinolessdouble-betadecay. Theprediction,anal- lives,theycanusethe measured2νββ decayhalf-livesto ysis and interpretation of experimental results, present calibratethe g parametersthatarefurther usedtocal- pp and expected, are very much dependent on the precise culate the 0νββ decay NME [11]. Another method that nuclearstructurecalculationsofcorrespondingtransition wasrecentlyusedtocalculateNMEsformost0νββdecay probabilities. cases of interest is the Interactive Boson Model (IBA-2) [15]. However,areliable IBA-2approachfor 2νββ decay Although many experimental efforts in US and world- is not yet available. wide, such as MAJORANA and GERDA [1], are pin- pointing to the ββ decay of 76Ge there are very en- Recent progress in computer power, numerical algo- couraging results related to the ββ decay of 136Xe. For rithms, and improved nucleon-nucleon effective interac- a long time there were available only upper limits for tions,madepossiblelarge-scaleconfiguration-interaction the 2νββ half-life. Recently, the EXO-200 collabora- (CI)calculations(alsoknownasshell-modelcalculations) tion reported [7, 8] a precise measurement of this half of the 2νββ [16–19] and 0νββ decay NME [20, 21]. The life of 2.11 ± 0.04(stat) ± 0.21(sys) × 1021 yr, corre- main advantage of the large-scale shell-model calcula- sponding to a NME of 0.019 MeV−1. This large half- tions is that they take into account all of the many- 2 body correlations for the orbitals near the Fermi sur- ments were evaluatedin a harmonic-oscillatorbasis with face. Also they are also less dependent on the effective ¯hω=7.874(a value appropriatefor 132Sn). In the second interaction used, as long as these are based on realistic steptheinteractionwasrenormalizedintothejj77model nucleon-nucleon interactions with minimal adjustments space assuming a 100Sn closed core. The 0g orbital 9/2 tothesingle-particleenergiesandsometwo-bodymatrix was treated as a hole state, while the other are treated elements so they reproduce general spectroscopy of the as particle states. For the energy denominators we take nucleiinvolvedinthedecay[21]. Theirmaindrawbackis all orbits in the jj77 space to be degenerate with the the limitation imposed by the exploding CI dimensions otherorbitalsspacedinunitsof¯hωaboveandbelow. The even for limited increase in the size of the valence space core-polarizationcalculationusedtheQˆ-boxmethodand used. Themostimportantsuccessofthelarge-scaleshell- includesallnon-foldeddiagramsthroughsecond-orderin modelcalculationswasthecorrectpredictionofthe2νββ the interaction and sums up the folded diagrams to infi- decayhalf-lifefor48Ca[16,22]. Inaddition,theCIcalcu- nite order [29]. Particle-holeexcitations up through4¯hω lations do not have to adjust any additional parameters, were included. Matrix elements obtained in the proton- i.e. giventhe effective interactionand the Gamow-Teller neutronbasis were transformedto a good-T basis by us- (GT) quenching factor extracted from the overall spec- ing the neutron-neutron matrix elements for the T = 1 troscopy in the respective mass-region, they are able to components. reliably predict the 2νββ decay half-life of 48Ca. The single-particle matrix elements were obtained CI methods provide realistic many-body wave func- starting with the jj55 model space for a 132Sn closed tions (w.f.) for many nuclei from 16O to 100Sn and be- core. The five single-particle energies for 0g7/2, 1d5/2, yond. These wave functions can describe observables 1d3/2, 2s1/2 and 0h11/2 were adjusted to reproduce the related to specific experiments, e.g. for nuclear astro- experimentalvaluesforneutronholesrelatedtothespec- physics, and the electro-weak interactions with the nu- turm of 131Sn as given in [30]. The results obtained for cleus. The minimal valence space required for 136Xe thesingle-particleenergiesofprotonsrelatedtothespec- involves the 0g 1d 1d 2s 0h orbitals for pro- trum of 133Sb are in reasonable agreement with experi- 7/2 5/2 3/2 1/2 11/2 tons and neutrons (the jj55 model space). There are no ment[30] exceptthat the 1d5/2 energyis too highby 1.2 spurious center-of-mass (CoM) states in the jj55 model MeV and the 1h11/2 energy is too high by 2.4 MeV. Re- space since the CoM operator R~ does not connect any ductionofthe diagonaltwo-bodymatrixelements by0.3 of the orbitals. The key is to obtain effective interac- MeV for these two orbitals improves the agreementwith tions (EI) that can provide energies and wave functions experiment with minimal overallchange to the Hamilto- injj55modelspacethatareatasimilarlevelofaccuracy nian. The adjustment of the single-particle energies to asthoseobtainedforthesd-shell[23]andforthepf-shell experiment implicitly includes most of the effects due to [24]. TheCIββ decayNMEwerereportedovertheyears three-body interactions. [17, 20, 25] considering continuous improvements of the The two-hole spectrum for 130Sn and the two-particle EI.Thesecalculationsindicateasignificantsensitivityof spectrum for 134Te are in best overall agreement with theresultstotheimprovingEI.Forexample,thequench- experiment if the T = 1 matrix elements are multiplied ing factors used to describe 2νββ NME varies from 0.74 by 0.9. The results (experiment vs theory) are (1.28, [17] to 0.45 [25], and the 0νββ NME varies by a fac- 1.34)MeVfor 130Sn and(1.22,1.35)MeV for134Te. For tor of about 3 between Ref. [17] and the more recent application to the larger jj77 model space the single- Ref. [20]. One of the drawbacks of model spaces such neutron hole energy for 0g9/2 was placed six MeV below as jj55 is that in order to maintain center-of-mass pu- the 0g7/2 energy in 131Sn, and the single-proton particle ritytheydonotincludeallspin-orbitpartnersoforbitals energy for 0h9/2 was placed six MeV above the 0h11/2 such as 0g and 0h . The known effect is that the energy in 133Sb. 7/2 11/2 Ikeda sum-rule is not satisfied indicating that some the The 2νββ half-life for the transition from the 0+ g.s. Gamow-Teller strength, which is so important for both of 136Xe to the 0+ g.s. of 136Ba can be calculated [31] types of NME, is missing from this model space. For using example, in jj55 typical Ikeda sum-rule for 136Xe is 52, while the expected result is 84 (see also Table I below). −1 T2ν =G2ν|M2ν (0+)|2 , (1) In this letter we investigate the effect of extending the h 1/2i GT model space to jj77 by including the effects of the miss- where G2ν is a phase space factor that for the the 2νββ ing 0g9/2 and 0h9/2 orbitals. The two-body matrix ele- of136Xeis1.279×10−18yr−1MeV2 [31],M2ν (0+)isthe GT ments with good J and T were obtained from the code 2νββ matrix element given by the double Gamow-Teller CENS [26]. The procedure discussed below was used to sum obtain a Hamiltonian for the jj77 model space that we will refer to as jj77a. In the first step, the short-range h0+||στ−||1+ih1+||στ−||0+i partof the N3LO potential [27] was integratedout using M2ν (0+)= f k k i . (2) theVlowk method[28]. Therelativetwo-bodymatrixele- GT Xk Ek+E0 3 from the 0g orbital or to the h orbital, relative to TABLEI:MatrixelementsinMeV−1 for2ν decaycalculated 9/2 9/2 jj55. Table I also presents the NME for different combi- using the standard quenching factor 0.74 for the Gamow- Teller operator using different number of excitations from TABLEII:Matrixelementsfor0ν decayusingtwoSRCmod- jj55 to the larger model space. Last column indicate the els [12], CD-Bonn (SRC1) and Argonne (SRC2). The upper calculated Ikedasum-rulefor 136Xe. valuesoftheneutrinophysicsparametersηup inunitsof10−7 j are calculated using theG0ν from Refs. [31] and [43]. n (0+) n (1+) M2ν Ikeda 0 0 0.062 52 0 1 0.091 84 Mν0ν MN0ν Mλ0′ν Mq˜0ν 1 1 0.037 84 n=0 SRC1 2.21 143.0 1106. 206.8 1 2 0.020 84 SRC2 2.06 98.79 849.0 197.2 n=1 SRC1 1.46 128.0 1007 157.8 ηup [31] 8.19 0.093 0.012 0.075 (cid:12) j (cid:12) Here E is the excitation energy of the 1+ state of 136Cs (cid:12)ηup(cid:12) [43] 9.02 0.103 0.013 0.083 k k (cid:12) j (cid:12) and E0 = 21Qββ(0+)+∆M =1.31 MeV, where we used (cid:12) (cid:12) therecentlyreported[32]Q-valueQ (0+)=2.458MeV ββ correspondingtotheββ decaystotheg.s. of136Ba;∆M is the 136Cs - 136Xe mass difference. nationsoftheallowednfortheinitialandfinal0+ states In Ref. [19] we fully diagonalized 250 1+ states in the and the intermediate 1+ states. One can see that when intermediate nucleus to calculate the 2νββ decay NME n is 1 for the 0+ states and 2 for the 1+ states the NME for48Ca. Thisprocedurecanbeusedforsomewhatheav- decreases almost to the experimental value without the ier nuclei using the J-scheme shell-model code NuShellX need of artificially reducing the quenching factor. In ad- [33], but for cases with large dimension one needs an al- dition,theIkedasum-ruleisalwayssatisfiedinthelarger ternative method. Here we used a novel improvement model space. [34] ofthe knownstrength-functionapproach[16],which One should mention that in the jj77 model space the is very efficient for large model cases. such as jj55 and wave functions could have CoM spurious components. jj77. For example, to calculate the NME for the decays We checked our initial and final 0+ g.s. w.f. and we of 128Te in jj55 and 136Xe in jj77 (n = 1 for 0+ and found negligible (less than 3 keV) spurious contribution n = 2 for 1+ in Table I) one needs to solve problems to expectation values of the CoM Hamiltonian. We did with m-scheme dimensions of up the order of to ten bil- not check the amount of CoM spuriously in the interme- lion. diate 1+ states, but it’s unlikely to be large because the The result when restricting the jj77 model space to strength function method [34] performs a small number jj55isgivenonthe firstline inTable I.As alreadymen- of Lanczos iterations (about 30) starting with a door- tioned, the Ikeda sum-rule is only 52 rather then 84, way state obtained by applying the GT operator on the indicating that not all GT strength is available in the largelynonspuroius0+ state. Asafurthercheckwecom- jj55 space. Although the excitation energies of the GT paredtheGTstrength(BGT)forthetransitionfromthe strengthdistributionarereasonablywellreproduced,the g.s. of 136Xe to the first 1+ state in 136Cs with recent GToperatorστ hastobe multipliedbyaquenchingfac- experimental data [39]. Table I of Ref. [39] provides a tor due to correlations beyond the jj77 model space. In BGT of0.149(21)forthe first1+ state at0.59MeV, but typicalonemajor-shellcalculations,suchasthesdorpf, we learned[40]that this will be updated to 0.24(7). Our this quenching factor was determined to be around0.74- BGT is 0.51 in the jj55 model space, but 0.34 in the 0.77 (see e.g. Ref. [35, 36]) that is consistent with that largestjj77 model space, much closer to the experimen- obtained in second-order perturbation theory [37, 38]. tal value. Although, we cannot verify if the calculations Here we use 0.74. Ref. [25] suggests that one should are converged we can conclude that including all spin- use a lower quenching factor in the jj55 model space, orbit partners is essential for a good description of the 0.45, to get an NME consistent with the recent exper- 2νββ for 136Xe. imental data. Indeed, our matrix elements in the jj55 Having tuned our nuclear structure techniques to get- model space becomes 0.022 MeV−1 when 0.45 is used. ting an accurate description of the two-neutrino double- However,itwouldbeimportanttocheckifthemissing beta decaywe calculatethe NMEnecessaryforthe anal- spin-orbit partners are responsible for the larger result; ysis of the neutrinoless double-beta decay half-life 136Xe the relative phases in Eq. (2) could lead to large cancel- [21, 41]. Considering the most important mechanisms lations. Here we consider the larger jj77 model space, that could be responsible for 0νββ decay [42] one can but we could only allowed few n particle being excited write the 0νββ half-life 4 hT10/ν2i−1 =G0ν(cid:12)ηνLMν0ν +ηNMN0ν +ηλ′Mλ0′ν +ηq˜Mq˜0ν(cid:12)2, (3) (cid:12) (cid:12) whereM0ν NME andη neutrinophysicsparametersfor j j lightneutrinoexchange(j =ν),heavyneutrinoexchange (j = N), gluino exchange (j = λ′) and squark-neutrino ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] mechanism (j = N) are described in Refs. [41, 42]. G0ν † Electronic address: [email protected] is a phase space factor tabulated in severalpublications. [1] F.T. Avignone, S.R. Elliot, and J. Engel, Rev. Mod. Onewidelyusedvalue[31]is43.7×10−15yr−1. Arecent Phys. 80, 481 (2008). publication [43] proposes 36.05× 10−15 yr−1, which is [2] B. Aharmim et al., Phys. Rev.C 72, 055502 (2005). about 20%lower. The results for the NME calculatedin [3] C. Arsepella et al., Phys. Lett. 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