Novel Majorana mode and magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic superconducting topological insulator 7 H. Goudarzi∗, M.Khezerlou† and S. Asgarifar 1 DepartmentofPhysics,FacultyofScience,UrmiaUniversity,P.O.Box:165,Urmia,Iran 0 2 n Abstract a J Among the potential applications of topological insulators, we investigate theoretically the ef- 8 fectofcoexistenceofproximity-inducedferromagnetismandsuperconductivityonthesurfacestates 2 of 3-dimensionaltopologicalinsulator, where the superconductingelectron-holeexcitationscan be significantly affected by the magnetization of ferromagnetic order. We find that, Majorana mode ] energy,asaverifiedfeatureofTIF/Sstructure,alongtheinterfacesensitivelydependsonthemag- l nitudeofmagnetizationm inFSregion,whileitsslopeinperpendicularincidencepresentssteep l zfs a andnochange. Sincethesuperconductinggapisrenormalizedbyafactorη(m ),henceAndreev zfs h reflection is more or less suppressed, and, in particular, resulting subgap tunneling conductanceis - moresensitivetothemagnitudeofmagnetizationsinFSandFregions. Furthermore,aninteresting s e scenariohappensattheantiparallelconfigurationofmagnetizationsmzf andmzfsresultinginmag- m netoresistanceinN/F/FSjunction,whichcanbecontrolledanddecreasedbytuningthemagnetization magnitudeinFSregion. . t a PACS:74.45.+c;85.75.-d;73.20.-r m Keywords: topological insulator;ferromagneticsuperconductivity; Andreevreflection;Majoranamode; - tunneling conductance d n o 1 INTRODUCTION c [ Topological insulators (TIs) represent new type of material which has emerged in the last few years as 1 oneofthemostactively research subjects incondensed matterphysics. Theyarecharacterized byafull v insulating gap in the bulk and gapless edge or surface states, which are protected by the time-reversal 5 symmetry[1, 2, 3, 4]. RegardingBernevigandHughesprediction [3, 5],TIshavebeenexperimentally 7 observed with such properties that host bound states on their surface, e.g. in 3-dimensional topological 2 insulators (3DTI) Bi Te , Bi Se , Sb Te and Bi Sb alloy, and also in the CdTe/HgTe/CdTe 8 2 3 2 3 2 3 x 1−x quantumwellheterostructure[6, 7, 8]. Thesestatesformaband-gapclosingDiracconeoneachsurface, 0 . and lead to a conducting state with properties unlike any other known electronic systems. In particular, 1 conformityoftheconductionandvalencebandstoeachotherinandaroundDiracpointsinthefirstBril- 0 louin zone, possessing an odd number of Dirac points, description of fermionic excitations as massless 7 two-dimensional chiral Dirac fermions, depending chirality on the spin of electron, having the signif- 1 icant electron-phonon scattering on the surface, owning very low room-temperature electron mobility : v are the peculiar properties of electronic structure of TIs. Interestingly, the charge carriers in the surface i states can behave as massive Dirac fermions [9] due to its proximity to a ferromagnetic material, that X the vertical component of the magnetic vector potential may be proportional to the effective mass of r Diracfermion. Theexperimentally observedproximity-induced superconductivity onthesurfacestateis a anotherinteresting dynamicalfeatureoccuring in3DTI,seeRefs. [10, 11, 12]. More importantly, the coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism as one of potential in- terestsforspintronics andhighmagneticfieldapplications hasfirstlybeenpredictedbyFuldeandFerrel [13], and Larkin and Ovchinnikov [14] as FFLO state. This effect can be in compliance with standard BCS theory for phonon-mediated s-wave superconductivity, because the ferromagnetic exchange field is expected to prevent spin-singlet Cooper pairing, (see, Ref. [15] as a prior work). The magnetic po- larization of a pair electron caused by a ferromagnetic material can lead to the different momentum of Cooper pair occurring in a ferromagnetic superconducting (FS) segment. It seems to be in contrast to the formation of a typical cooper pair, where two electrons may be in opposite spin direction with the same momentum. However, Bergeret [16] and Li [17] have studied the effect of supercon- ductor/ferromagnetic bilayer on the critical Josephson current, where the orientation of ferromagnetic exchange field strongly affects the critical current. Also, the effect of superconductivity in coexistence with ferromagnetism has been studied on the superconducting gap equation for two case of singlet s- wave and triplet p-wave symmetries [18]. The authors have reconsidered the Clogston-Chandrasekhar limiting [19, 20]. According to the Clogston criterion in the conventional FS mixture, the normal state 1 isregained as soon astheferromagnetic exchange fieldexceeds ∆ /√2atzero temperature. Tobeem- 0 pirically, the ErRh B [21] has been discovered to be the first ferromagnetic superconductor, which 4 4 superconductivity is found to occur in a small temperature interval with adjusted ferromagnetic phase. Also, superconductivity is detected in itinerant ferromagnetic UGe in a limited range of pressure and 2 temperature [22]. Regarding several works in the recent few years concerning with the topological insulator-based junctions [23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36], which are related to the Andreev processandresultingsubgapconductance weproceed,inthispaper,totheoretically studythedynamical properties of Dirac-like charge carriers in the surface states of 3DTI under influence of both supercon- ducting and ferromagnetic orders via the introducing the proper form of corresponding Dirac spinors, which are principally distinct from those given in Ref. [29]. The magnetization induction opens a gap at the Dirac point (no inducing any finite center of mass momentum to the Cooper pair), whereas the superconducting correlations causes anenergy gapattheFermilevelinthe3DTI.Itwillbeparticularly interesting toinvestigate thetopological insulator superconducting electron-hole excitations inthepres- enceofaexchangefield. WeassumethattheFermilevelisclosetotheDiracpoint,andtheferromagnet has a magnetization M < µ. The chirality conservation of charge carriers on the surface states in the | | presence ofmagnetization (due toopening theband gap)allows touse afinitemagnitude of M . Inthe absenceoftopologicalinsulator,thespin-splittingcausedbymagnetizationgivesrisetolimitin|gt|hemag- nitude of M inaFSstructure. These excitations, therefore, are found to play acrucial role inAndreev reflection|(A|R) process leading to the tunneling conductance below the renormalized superconducting gap. Particularly, we pay attention to the formation of Majorana bound energy mode, as an interesting feature in topological insulator ferromagnet/superconductor interface, depending on the magnetization ofFShybridstructure. Wepresent,insection2,theexplicitsignatureofmagnetizationinlow-energyef- fectiveDirac-Bogogliubov-de Gennes(DBdG)Hamiltonian. Theelectron(hole) quasiparticle dispersion energyisanalyticallycalculated,whichseemstoexhibitqualitativelydistinctbehaviorinholeexcitations (k < k )by varying themagnitude of magnetization. Byconsidering the magnetization is everless fs F th|anc|hemicalpotential inFSregion, thesuperconducting wavevectorandcorresponding eigenstates are derivedanalytically. Section3isdevotedtounveiltheabovekeypointofFSenergyexcitation,Majorana mode energy, Andreev process and resulting tunneling conductance in N/F/FS junction and respective discussions. Inthelastsection, themaincharacteristics ofproposed structure aresummarized. 2 THEORETICAL FORMALISM 2.1 TopologicalinsulatorFSeffective Hamiltonian In order to investigate how both superconductivity and ferromagnetism induction to the surface state affects the electron-hole excitations in a 3DTIhybrid structure, weconsider magnetization contribution to the DBdG equation. Let us focus first on the Hubbard model Hamiltonian [37] that is included the effectiveexchangefieldMfollowsfrom: 1 H = − tρρ′cˆ†ρscˆρ′s+ 2 Uρρ′ss′nˆρsnˆρ′s′ + cˆ†ρs(σ·M)cˆρs′, (1) ′ ′ ′ ′ Xρρ s ρXρ ss Xρss where U ′ ′ denotes the effective attractive interaction between arbitrary electrons, labeled by the in- ρρ ss ′ ′ teger ρ and ρ with spins s and s . The matrices t ′ are responsible for the hopping between differ- ρρ ent neighboring sites, and cˆ and nˆ indicate the second quantized fermion and number operators, ρs ρs respectively. Here,σ(σ ,σ ,σ )isthevectorofPaulimatrix. UsingtheHartree-Fock-Gorkov approxi- x y z mation and Bogoliubov-Valatin transformation [38], the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonian describing dynamics of Bogoliubov quasiparticles is found. In Nambu basis, that electron(hole) state is given by Ψ = ψ ,ψ ,ψ†,ψ† ,theBdGHamiltonian foras-wavespinsinglet superconducting gapinthepres- ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ enceo(cid:16)fanexchange s(cid:17)plitting canbewrittenas: h(k)+M ∆(k) HSF = ∆∗( k) h∗( k) M , (2) (cid:18) − − − − − (cid:19) whereh(k)denotesthenon-superconducting Schrodinger-type part,and∆(k)issuperconducting order parameter. In the simplest model, ∆(k) can be chosen to be real to describe time-reversed states. The effective exchange field by rotating our spin reference frame can be gain as M = m2 +m2 +m2. x y z | | The four corresponding levels of a singlet superconductor in a spin magnetic field isqobtained Es(k) = 2 ǫ2k+ ∆(k) 2 + s M with s = 1, where ǫk is the normal state energy for h(k). However, de- | | | | ± pqendence ofsuperconducting order parameter ontheexchange energy canbeexactly derived from self- consistency condition [18]: ∆(k) = 1 U (k) ∆0(k) tanh ǫ2k+|∆0(k)|2+s|M| , (3) −4 Xks s−s ǫ2k+|∆0(k)|2 q 2kBT q where ∆ (k) is the conventional order parameter in absence of ferromagnetic effect, k and T are the 0 B Boltzmannconstant andtemperature, respectively. Theexchange splitting dependence ofsuperconduct- inggapindicates thatequation (3)hasnofunctionality ofMatzerotemperature. Thistakesplaceunder animportantconditionknownasClogston-Chandrasekharlimiting[19, 20]. Accordingtothiscondition, if the exchange splitting becomes greater than a critical value M = ∆(T = 0) /√2, then the nor- c malstatehasalowerenergy thanthesuperconducting state. Thi|sme|ans|thataphase| transition fromthe superconductingtonormalstatesispossiblewhentheexchangesplittingisincreasedatzerotemperature. We now proceed to treat such a ferromagnetic superconductivity coexistence at the Dirac point of a 3DTI. It should be stressed that the dressed Dirac fermions with an exchange field in topologically conservedsurfacestatehavetobeinsuperconductingstate. Here,theinfluenceofexchangefieldinteracts in a fundamentally different way comparing to the conventional topologically trivial system, where the exchangefieldsplitstheenergybandsofthemajorityandminorityspins. AstrongTIisamaterialthatthe conductingsurfacestatesatanoddnumberofDiracpointsintheBrillouinzoneclosetheinsulatingbulk gapunlesstime-reversalsymmetryisbroken. CandidateDirac-typematerialsincludethesemiconducting alloy Bi Sb , as well as HgTe and α Sn under uniaxial strain [39]. In the simplest case, there is 1−x x − a single Dirac point in the surface Fermi circle and general effective Hamiltonian is modeled as hTI = N ~v (σ k) µ, where v indicates the surface Fermi velocity, and µ is the chemical potential. Under F F theinflu·ence−ofaferromagneticproximityeffect,theHamiltonianforthetwo-dimensionalsurfacestates ofa3DTIreadsas: hTI = ~v (σ k) µ+M σ, F F · − · where the ferromagnetic contribution corresponds to an exchange field M = (m ,m ,m ). It has x y z beenshown[9]thattransversecomponentsofthemagnetizationonthesurface(m ,m )areresponsible x y to shift the position of the Fermi surface of band dispersion, while its perpendicular component to the surfaceinduces anenergy gapbetweenconduction andvalencebands. In what follows, we will employ the relativistic generalization of BdG Hamiltonian, which is inter- acted by the effective exchange field toobtain the dispersion relation of FSdressed Dirac electrons ina topological insulator: hTI(k) ∆(k) TI = F . (4) HFS ∆∗( k) hTI∗( k) (cid:18) − − − F − (cid:19) ThesuperconductingorderparameternowdependsonbothspinandmomentumsymmetryoftheCooper pair, that the gap matrix for spin-singlet can be given as ∆(k) = i∆ σ eiϕ, where ∆ is the uniform 0 y 0 amplitude of the superconducting gap and phase ϕ guarantees the globally broken U(1) symmetry. By diagonalizing this Hamiltonian we arrive at an energy-momentum quartic equation. Without lose of essential physics, wesuppose thecomponent ofmagnetization vector alongthetransport direction tobe zero m = 0 for simplicity. Also, we set m = 0, since the analytical calculations become unwieldy x y otherwise. The dispersion relation resulted from Eq. (4) for electron-hole excitations is found to be of theform: m 2 m = ζ τµ + m2 + k 2+ ∆ 2( zfs)2 + ∆ 2 1 ( zfs)2 , (5) EFS s − fs zfs | FS| | 0| µfs | 0| − µfs (cid:18) r (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) where, the parameter ζ = 1 denotes the electron-like and hole-like excitations, while τ = 1 dis- tinguishes the conduction an±d valence bands. We might expect several anomalous properties fr±om the above superconducting excitations, which is investigated in detail in the next section. Equation (5) is clearly reduced to the standard eigenvalues for superconductor topological insulator in the absence of exchange fieldas m = 0(see Ref. [9]), = ζ ( τµ + k )2+ ∆ 2. Themean-field conditions z S s S 0 E − | | | | are satisfied as long as ∆0 µfs. In this condiqtion, the exact form of superconducting wavevector of ≪ chargecarriers canbeacquired fromtheeigenstates k = µ2 m2 . fs fs− zfs The Hamiltonian Eq. (4) can be solved to obtain the eqlectron (hole) eigenstates for FS topological insulator. The wavefunctions including a contribution of both electron-like and hole-like quasiparticles 3 areanalytically foundas: eiβ 1 ψFeS = eiθefisβee−iiθγfese−iϕ ei(kfxsx+kfysy), ψFhS = eiβe−−iθfes−ei−θfiγshe−iϕ ei(−kfxsx+kfysy), (6) − e−iγee−iϕ eiβe−iγhe−iϕ wherewedefine m ∆(k) cosβ = EFS ; η = 1 ( zfs)2 , eiγe(h) = . η ∆ − µ ∆(k) 0 fs | | r | | Notethat,thesolutionisallowedaslongastheZeemanfieldbeinglowerthanchemicalpotentialm zfs µ . ≤ fs 2.2 FSinterplay attheTI interface We consider Andreev reflection in a hybrid N/F/FS structure formed on the surface of a 3DTI which coexistence between ferromagnet and superconductor is assumed to be induced by means of the prox- imity effect. The wide topological insulator junction is taken along the x-axis with the FS region for x > L,Fregionfor0 < x < LandNregionforx < 0. Thesuperconducting order parameter vanishes identically in N and F regions, and we can neglect its spatial variation in the FS region close to the in- terface. Themagnetization vectorsofbothsections istaken, ingeneral, m (i f,fs),whichcanbeat zi the parallel or antiparallel configuration, as shown in Fig. 1. In the scattering≡process follows from the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (BTK) formula [40], we find the reflection amplitudes from the boundary condition at the interface. In ferromagnetic case, right- and left- moving electrons (holes) with energy excitation ǫ = k2 +m2 µ below the superconducting gap, transmitted (normal reflected) F ± Ff zf − f from the N region aqnd reflected (Andreev reflected) at the FS interface. Thus, the leftover 2e charge is transferredintotheFSregionasaCooperpairatFermilevel. Atenergyexcitationabovethenormalized superconducting gap resulted from Eq. (5) (see, in particular, Fig. 2) quasiparticle states can directly tunnel into the superconducting section. The reflected hole leading to ARcan be actually controlled by the doping level in order to take place possible specular Andreev reflection. Particularly, we have to determine (via the dynamical features of system) the allowed values of Fermi energy in three regions. We set the Fermi energy to zero in F region. The electron(or hole) transmitted to the FS region angle maybeaccordingly obtained from thefact ofconservation oftransverse wavevector under quasiparticle scattering attheinterface: µ sinθ n θ = arcsin , (7) fs µ2 m2 fs− zfs q whereµ andθarethechemicalpotentialandincidenceangleinNregion,respectively. Asanimportant n point,theelectron(hole)angleofincidenceinallregionsmaybespantherangefrom0toπ/2aroundthe normal axis. Regarding the Eqs. (7), the angle θ needs to be meaningful when the chemical potential fs of FS region takes a magnitude greater than its value in N region (µ > µ ). On the other hand, we fs n previously applied the condition m < µ , as an experimentally used manner to calculate the wave zfs fs functions Eq. (6). Byintroducing thenormalrandAndreevr reflectioncoefficients andthescattering coefficients in A Fregion, thetotalwavefunction insidetheNandFregioncanbewrittenas: ΨN = eiknyy ψNe+eiknxx+rψNe−e−iknxx+rAψNh−eiknxx , (cid:16) (cid:17) ΨF = eikfyy aψFe+eikfxex +bψFe−e−ikfxex+cψFh+e−ikfxhx+dψFh−eikfxhx , (8) (cid:16) (cid:17) where the eigenvectors ψ can be found in Appendix A. The probability amplitude of reflections in Eq. (8) are calculated from the continuity of the wavefunctions at the interface. The wave function in FS regionisdefinedasΨ = teψe +thψh . Finally,wefindthefollowinganalyticalexpressionsforthe FS FS FS reflectioncoefficients, thattheauxiliary quantities isdescribed inAppendix A: r = teeiβ(2 1)+the−iβ(2 1) (isin(kxeL))+ 1 2 f M − M − h i teeiβ +the−iβ cos(kxeL) 1, f − h i 4 r = teeiθfs(2 1) the−iθfs(2 1) (isin(kxeL)) A 2 1 f M − − M − − h i teeiθfs the−iθfs cos(kxeL). (9) f − h i The reflection amplitudes measurements under the BTK formalism enables us to capture the tunneling conductance through thejunction: θc G(eV)= G dθecosθe 1+ r 2 r 2 , (10) 0 A | | −| | Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17) wherethecriticalangleofincidence θ isdetermineddepending onthedopingofFregion. Thequantity c G isarenormalization factorcorresponding totheballistic conductance ofnormalmetallicjunction. 0 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Energy excitationandMajorana mode In this section, we proceed to analyze in detail the dynamical features of Dirac-like charge carriers in 3DTI with ferromagnetic and superconducting orders deposited on top of it. Weassume that the Fermi levelcontrolledbythechemicalpotentialµisclosetotheDiracpoint. Inthiscase,itisexpectedthesig- natureofm < µ tobesignificant. InFig. 2,wedemonstratetheFS3DTIelectron-hole excitations. zfs fs Anetsuperconductinggap∆ isobtainedinDiracpoints(for k = k ,wherek isFermiwavevector) 0 fs F F whenwesetm = 0. Increasing m uptoitspossible m|axim|um valueresults inthreeoutcomes: i) zfs zfs thesuperconducting excitations,whichisrenormalizedbyafactor ∆(k) 1 (m /µ )2,disappear zfs fs | | − in hole branch (k < k ). It means that for the greater magnetizations, if we consent the supercon- fs F ductivity in FS 3|DT|I still exists, there is almost vanishing quantum statepfor reflected hole by Andreev process in the valence band, ii) Dirac point is shifted towards smaller FS quasiparticle electron-hole wavevectors, iii) the superconducting gap decreases slowly, where the variation of net gap is very low δ∆ ∆(k). The Andreev process, therefore, is believed to inconsiderably supress. The signature 0 of the≪se v|alenc|e band excitations can be clearly shown in AR, where the Majorana mode may also be formedatthe3DTIF/FSinterface [23, 25]. Asaverifiedresult,consideringthetopologicalinsulatorinterfacebetweentheferromagneticinsula- torandconventional superconductor leadstotheappearance ofthechiralMajoranamodeasanAndreev boundstate. Inotherwords,theMajoranamodeandAndreevreflectionarestronglyrelatedtoeachother. The latter can be realized by the fact of looking for bound energies produced by the perfect AR, which yieldsthefollowingsolution: 1 υ ǫ˜(θ)= η∆ sgn(Λ)/ 1+Λ2 ; Λ= tan ln( 1) , 0 2i υ (cid:20) 2 (cid:21) p wherewedefine υ = 4isinkxeLcosθ +2e−ikfxeLcosθ . 1(2) f 2(1) 1(2) 1(2) 2(1) 1(2) M A A −B A We have checked numerically that sign of Λ is changed by sgn(m ). Thus, the sign of Andreev res- zf onance states may be changed by reversing the direction of m , and it corresponds to the chirality of zf Majoranamodeenergies. AsshowninFig. 3,theslopeoftheenergycurvesof˜ǫ(θ)around˜ǫ(θ = 0) = 0 become steep and show nochange withtheincrease ofm /µ forfixedm ,while itexhibits signif- zfs n zf icantly decreasing behavior with the increase of m /µ for fixed m . The dispersion of Majorana zf n zfs modes along the interface (θ = π/2) decreases with the increase of both magnetizations of FS and F regions. Note that, due to the presence of m it needs to consider the Fermi level mismatch between zfs normal and FS sections, i.e. µ = µ . Then, the above contributions can be considerable in Andreev n fs processandresulting subgaptunn6 eling conductance. 3.2 Tunneling conductance Fromtheangle-resolvedAndreevandnormalreflectionprobabilitiesusingEq. (9),weseefromFig. 4(a) the main contribution of AR belongs to the angle of incidence θ < 0.15π in zero bias. It, therefore, is expectedtoachievethelowerzerobiasconductance, asshowninFig. 4(b)and(c). Furthermore,varying m has no significant influence on AR in zero bias ǫ(eV) = 0 owing to the very small decrease of zfs the renormalized superconducting gap with the increase of the m , while the increasing m results zfs zf in more suppression of AR. The latter can be understood by the increase of band gap in Dirac point in 5 F region. The resulting normalized angle-averaged tunneling conductance curves are reported in Figs. 4(b)and(c)fortwoparallel andantiparallel configurations ofmagnetizations inFSandFregions. Zero bias conductance peak disappears with the decrease of the m , and instead of it a high conductance zf peak appears in bias ǫ = η∆ . This result should be compared to that is obtained in Ref. [9, 24]. 0 Interestingly, by increasing the m the magnitude of subgap bias ǫ/η∆ < 1, for which the new zfs 0 peak takes place, is limited, as seen from Fig. 4(c). Thus, parameter η = 1 (m /µ )2 can be zfs s − considered as a “bias-limitation coefficient”. These features have been obtained when the direction of magnetizationsinFandFSregionsareattheparallelconfiguration. Thefundampentallydistinctscenarios we find for the case of antiparallel configuration of magnetizations. In this case, first, the tunneling subgap conductance is enhanced, secondly, the zero bias conductance peak presented in parallel case is replaced by a deep, see, in detail, Fig. 4(d). Dynamically description, when the direction of m is zf invertedwe,indeed,meetwithaninverseenergygapinDiracpointof3DTIgivingrisetoenhancing the conductance peakrespective biasenergy ǫ/∆ = η inlowvalues ofm . Onecanexpress thatthezero 0 zf bias conductance originates from the chiral Majorana mode, which significantly depends on the m . zf Thechirality actually corresponds tothe sign ofm ,while themagnitudes ofzero biasconductance at zf the parallel and antiparallel configurations arethe same. Hence, the both deep and peak ofconductance curvesinantiparallel casearesignificance beinginfluenced bytheinverted gapcausedbythe m . zf Remarkably, the importance of above findings can be featured by the capture of magneto−resistance (MR)ofthetopologicalinsulatorjunction. Themagnetization(specialyinFSregion)dependenceofMR is presented in Fig. 5, where we observe a considerable MR peak for extra values of m (e.g. 0.9µ zf n infigure). Importantly, increasing them weakenstheMRpeak,since,regardingthesuperconducting zfs excitations in Fig. 2, the AR is more or less suppressed in the presence of m and Fermi wavevec- zfs tor mismatch also causes to decrease the η∆ -bias conductance peak at the antiparallel configuration. 0 Accordingtotheconductance curves,thereisnoMRinzerobias. 4 CONCLUSION Insummary, wehave investigated the influence offerromagnetic superconducting orders coexistence in the surface state of topological insulator. The topological insulator superconducting electron-hole exci- tations in the presence of magnetization have led to achieve qualitatively distinct transport properties in tunneling N/F/FSjunction. Oneofkeyfindings ofthepresent workisthatthe resulting subgap conduc- tancehasbeenfoundtobestronglysensitivetotheparallelorantiparallelconfigurationofmagnetization directions inFSandFregions. Thus,thisfeature hasactually ledtopresent themagnetoresistance peak for bias energy close to the renormalized superconducting gap ǫ(eV) = η∆ , which the bias limitation 0 coefficient η includes the magnetization ofFSregion m . Particularly, wehavefound thepresence of zfs Majorana modeattheF/FSinterface tobecontrolled bythetuning ofmagnetizations magnitude. How- ever, these results have been obtained in the case of m ,m < µ and µ ∆ , which is relevant to zfs zf 0 theexperimental regime. ≫ APPENDIX A: Normal and Andreev reflection amplitudes To complete calculation of probability of reflections in N/F/FS junction, we write down right and left movingelectron andholespinorsinFandNregion: T T T ψe+ = 1,eiθ,0,0 , ψe− = 1, e−iθ,0,0 , ψh− = 0,0,1, e−iθ , N N − N − h i h i h i T T T T ψe+ = 1,αeiθf,0,0 , ψe− = 1, αe−iθf,0,0 , ψh+ = 0,0,1,αeiθf , ψh− = 0,0,1, αe−iθf F F − F F − h i h i h i h i where we define α = µf−mzf. By matching boundary conditions on Ψ and Ψ at x = 0 and Ψ µf+mzf N F F and ΨFS at x = L, theqreflection amplitudes are obtained. We introduce auxiliary quantities in Eq. (9) as: 2 cosθ 2 cosθ te = A2 , th = − A1 . eiβ e−iβ eiβ e−iβ 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 B A −B A B A −B A with 1(2) = e(−)iθfs ( ) 1( 2(1) 1)eikfxeL (+) 2 2(1)e−ikfxeL , A − N M − − N M h −ikxeL ikxeL i 1(2) = 1( 1(2) 1)e f + 2 1(2)e f , B −N M − N M αeiθf (+)e(−)iθfs (2) = ( )αe(−)iθf +e−iθ, = − . 1 1(2) N − M 2αcosθ f 6 References [1] C.L.Kane,E.J.Mele,Phys.Rev.Lett.95(2005)146802. [2] B.A.Bernevig,S.C.Zhang,Phys.Rev.Lett.96(2006)106802. [3] M.Z.Hasan,C.L.Kane,Rev.Mod.Phys.82(2010)3045. [4] X.L.Qi,S.C.Zhang,Rev.Mod.Phys.83(2011)1057. [5] B.A.Bernevig,T.L.Hughes,S.C.Zhang,Science314(2006)1757. [6] Y.Xia,D.Qian,D.Hsieh,L.Wray,A.Pal,H.Lin,A.Bansil,D.Grauer,Y.S.Hor,R.J.Cava,M.Z.Hasan, NaturePhysics5(2009)398. [7] Y.L.Chen,J.G.Analytis,J.H.Chu,Z.K.Liu,S.K.Mo,X.L.Qi,H.J.Zhang,D.H.Lu,X.Dai,Z.Fang,S.C. Zhang,I.R.Fisher,Z.Hussain,Z.X.Shen,Science325(2009)178. [8] M.Konig,S.Wiedmann,C.Brune,A.Roth,H.Buhmann,L.W.Molenkamp,X.L.Qi,S.C.ZhangScience 318(2007)766. 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We set the net value of superconducting gap zs ∆ = 0.5 eV (thisvalueofpairpotential istakenonlytomoreclarify thebehavior ofspectrainDirac S | | point,although itdoesnotfurtherneedtouseitinourcalculations, sinceµ /∆ 1issupposed. fs S | |≫ Figure 3 (color online) The dispersion of Majorana modes as a function of the electron incident angle for several values of magnetizations in FS and F regions. The solid lines correspond to m = 0.2µ zf n andthedashedlinestom = 0.2µ . zfs n Figure 4(a), (b), (c), (d) (color online) (a) Probability of the normal and Andreev reflections as a func- tion of electron incidence angle at the interface in zero bias ǫ(eV)/η∆ = 0 with m = 0.5µ and 0 zfs n µ /µ = 1.5. The plots show the results for different values of m . (b) Normalized tunneling con- fs n zf ductance versus bias voltage eV and magnetization of F region. We set m = 0.5µ (c) Normalized zfs n tunneling conductance versus bias voltage and magnetization of FS region. We set m = 0.2µ (d) zf n The tunneling conductance as a function of bias voltage for two signs of m , corresponding to the zf parallel and antiparallel configurations in F and FS regions. The±solid lines correspond to +m and zf markerdashedlinescorrespond to m . Wesetm = 0.2µ . zf zf n − Figure 5 (color online) The magnetoresistance spectra as function of bias voltage, where the influence of m and m is indicated, separately. We have set µ /µ = 1.2 in the resulting conductance and zfs zf fs n magnetoresistance spectra. 9 Figure1: 1.2 ∆ =0.5 eV mzs=0.01 eV s m =0.1 eV s zs n 1 m =0.35 eV o Electron branch zs ati mzs=0.5 eV t ci0.8 x E I T k k F0.6 F F S δ∆ s Hole branch 0.4 −2 −1 0 1 2 |k| Figure2: 1 m =0.1µ gy mzfs=0.5µn ner 0.5 mzfs=0.9µn e zfs n e m =0.9µ d zf n mo 0 mzf=1.5µn a n a or−0.5 aj M −1 −0.5 −0.3 −0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 θe/π Figure3: (a) 1 y bilit0.8 Normal a b o0.6 m =0.1µ Pr zf n n m =0.9µ o0.4 zf n ecti Andreev efl0.2 R 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 θe/π 10