Novel insights into the action of antimicrobial agents against human pathogens Ana Filipa Nogueira Tavares O 2 I III IV II CO H2O CO-RM O •- 2 Nitrofurans activated Nitrofurans SOD Fe2+ + H2O2 OH• NtrA GSNHOH GSNO Fe-S DNA proteins Protein Protein NO SH SH S S Thiol-containing proteins Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Oeiras, April, 2013 Novel insights into the action of antimicrobial agents against human pathogens Ana Filipa Nogueira Tavares Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Supervisor: Dr. Lígia M. Saraiva Oeiras, April 2013 From left to the right: Maria de Fátima Lopes, Mónica Oleastro, Lígia Saraiva, Ivo Boneca, Mário Ramirez, Ana Filipa Tavares and Carlos Romão 2nd April 2013 Second Edition, April 2013 Molecular Genetics of Microbial Resistance Laboratory Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica Universidade Nova de Lisboa Av. da República (EAN) ii Acknowledgements I would like to formally express my sincere gratitude to the people that contributed and supported my work: To Dr. Lígia Saraiva for receiving me in her laboratory and accepting to be my supervisor. Thank you for your constant support, encouragement and endless capacity to always see the bright side, even in hard and more challenging moments. For the trust and confidence in me, for your friendship and 24 h availability whenever I needed to ask a question or communicate the result of an experiment! Thank you for your great advices and for the careful revision of this thesis. A big thank you for everything!!! To Prof. Miguel Teixeira, for the collaboration on the work presented in Chapter 4, especially for performing the EPR experiments, and for the very interesting and helpful discussions. To Prof. Carlos Romão, for the collaboration on the work presented in Chapter 4, for the enthusiastic discussions and all the lessons about CO-Releasing Molecules chemistry. To Dr. Mónica Oleastro, from Instituto Dr. Ricardo Jorge, for the collaboration on the work presented in Chapter 5, for receiving me in her laboratory and for the helpful advices. I would like also to thank João Benoliel for his help during my stay at this institute. iii To Dr. Mariana Pinho and Dr. Ilda Sanches for being part of my scientific thesis commission, for their suggestions and helpful advices. To Dr. Colin McVey, from Structural Genomics lab at ITQB for reviewing the abstract of this thesis, accordingly with ITQB intern rules. To all past and present colleagues of MGMR lab´s for making it such an enjoyable and pleasant place to work. A very special thank you to Lígia Nobre, for all the help during the course of this work, for always have time to listen my new ideas or results, for the valuable discussions and for being a good friend. To Marta Justino, for the great discussions, all the help in statistical analyses and for always willing to give me new ideas and suggestions. To Margarida Parente, for the help provided in the last part of the experimental work. To Susana Lobo, for her support, friendship and also for the help with the cover of this thesis! To Mafalda Figueiredo, for her companionship and for being a great friend. To Sara Sousa, for her friendship and good moments. To Joana Baptista, for being a special friend, for all the funny moments inside and outside the lab, for being my “shoulder friend” when I need to laugh or cry! To former members of the group, especially to Cláudia Almeida, for her help in my early days at the lab, and to Vera Gonçalves, for the good talks and laughs. Thank you all for so many moments of happiness and so many experiences shared in the last years. To everyone in the third floor of ITQB, past and present people, for contributing to the helpful and friendly environment. iv To Alfama members for theirs pleasantness, good talks and for providing CO- Releasing Molecules. In special to João Seixas, for the collaboration on the work presented in Chapter 4. To all my colleagues in other labs at the institute, especially to those from the 2008 class of the ITQB PhD course and from the InTeraQB. Thank you for providing me good moments, for the experiences changed and friendly words. To my colleagues from University that became very especial friends: Margarida Augusto, Joana Medeiros and Simão Luz, for all the fun and friendship. To Inês Lima, for her comprehension and support, a true and special friendship full of precious and unforgotten moments throughout these 10 years! Aos meus amigos de sempre e a todos os outros, muito obrigada por todo o apoio e amizade. À minha família pelo vosso interminável e incondicional apoio e carinho e a quem devo aquilo que sou. Aos meus pais, obrigada por acreditarem em mim e me darem força para ser sempre melhor e para tentar ir sempre mais longe. À minha irmã Xana pela amizade, pelo apoio e por estares sempre presente em todos os momentos da minha vida! E aos meus avós, por me acompanharem e ajudarem durante toda a vida. OBRIGADA a todos por serem o meu suporte para tudo na vida. v Ao Pedro, por me teres sempre apoiado, pela paciência e compreensão inesgotável. Obrigada por estares sempre ao meu lado em todos os momentos e por me fazeres feliz! Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia for the financial support crucial for the accomplishment of this work and by awarding a PhD grant (SFRH/BD/38457/2007). This thesis is dedicated to my family vi Thesis Outline This thesis comprises the research work performed at the Molecular Genetics of Microbial Resistance Laboratory from the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa under the supervision of Dr. Lígia M. Saraiva. The thesis is divided in three main parts: Part I consists of a general introduction organized in two chapters, one focusing on bacteria and their resistance to antibiotics and to the innate immune system, and a second one concerning an overview on the general aspects of carbon monoxide and its relation with biological systems and bacteria. Part II comprises the experimental results obtained during this work, which is divided in three chapters based on two original publications and one manuscript in preparation. Part III presents a general discussion of all the work performed in this thesis. vii viii