MINIREVIEWARTICLE published:09January2013 CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY doi:10.3389/fcimb.2012.00139 Novel gain of function approaches for vaccine candidate identification in Burkholderia pseudomallei AndreaJ.Dowling* Biosciences,CollegeofLifeandEnvironmentalSciences,UniversityofExeter,Penryn,UK Editedby: The Gram-negative bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei is a serious environmental MarkEstes,UniversityofGeorgia, pathogen and the causative agent of the often fatal melioidosis. Disease occurs USA following exposure to contaminated water or soil, usually through cuts in the skin Reviewedby: or via inhalation. However, the underlying mechanisms of pathogenicity remain poorly Xiao-LianZhang,WuhanMedical understood.B.pseudomallei isendemictoSouthEastAsiaandNorthernAustraliawhere School,China YongqunHe,UniversityofMichigan infectionsareassociatedwithantibioticresistanceandhighmortalityrates.Categorization SchoolofMedicine,USA of the pathogen as a potential biowarfare agent has also made research into vaccine *Correspondence: developmentahighpriority.Recentgenome-scalescreeninghasproducedalargenumber AndreaJ.Dowling,Biosciences, of putative gene candidates from B. pseudomallei with the potential for development CollegeofLifeandEnvironmental into vaccines. This mini-review will discuss the advantages and limitations of this novel Sciences,UniversityofExeterin Cornwall,TremoughCampus, approach, how these new techniques can complement existing strategies, and outline PenrynTR109EZ,UK. aimsforfutureresearch. e-mail:[email protected] Keywords:Burkholderia,vaccine,melioidosis,novelscreening,virulencefactors INTRODUCTION of B. pseudomallei makesuccessful antibiotic treatment difficult Burkholderiapseudomalleiisaseriousenvironmentalpathogenof therefore vaccine development is an important strategy against manandthecausativeagentoftheoften fataldiseasemelioido- melioidosis. sis.Infectionoccursfollowingexposuretocontaminatedwateror soil, usually through cuts in the skin or via inhalation, but the CHALLENGINGMACROPHAGESTOIDENTIFYANTI-IMMUNE underlying mechanisms of pathogenicity of B. pseudomallei to CELLFACTORS humansremainpoorly understood(Adler etal.,2009). B.pseu- Evidencesuggeststhatmacrophagesareanessentialearlydefence domallei is endemic to South East Asia and Northern Australia against Burkholderia infection (Breitbach et al., 2006). These where infections are associated with both antibiotic resistance innate immune cells are one of the first responding phagocytes andhighpatientmortality (∼50%). Thehighrates of infection to arrive at the site of infection where they phagocytose invad- and subsequent mortality make B. pseudomallei a high prior- ing bacteria and (along with other cells) release chemokines ityforresearchandvaccinedevelopment,asnoeffectivevaccine andcytokines to govern immune responses andpromote adap- currentlyexists.Acombinationofthelackofvaccine,highinfec- tive immunity. To establish intracellular infection Burkholderia tionrateviaaerosolinhalation,andlimitedutilityofantibiotics must evade macrophage killing and disrupt the normal cell has resulted in classification of this bacterium as a Category B signaling and regulation processes. In order to detect poten- biowarfarepathogen(Rotzetal.,2002). tial vaccine candidates a simple “gain of function” screen was DuringtheestablishmentofinfectionB.pseudomalleiadheres designed aimed at identifying genes encoding anti-macrophage to, survives and replicates within both host epithelial cells and virulence factors across the B. pseudomallei genome (Figure1). macrophages. The bacterium is therefore capable of interfering This screen identifies recombinantly expressed genes that equip withthehostcellularmechanismsthatwouldotherwisedestroy naïve Escherichia coli with anti-macrophage abilities in three it. Known bacterial factors affecting this interaction with host different ways: (1) the production of cytotoxic moieties e.g., cellsincludethebacterialcapsule,andeffectors delivered bythe proteins, secondary metabolites (toxins, effectors), (2) the abil- typeIIIandtypeVIsecretionsystems(T3SSandT6SS)(Stevens ity to evade phagocytosis or destruction within the phagolyso- et al., 2003; Shalom et al., 2007; Galyov et al., 2010; Burtnick some(intracellularsurvival),and(3)overwhelminge.g.,nutrient etal.,2011). Onceinsidethemacrophagethepathogeninduces depletionandstarvation(biofilmformation,hydrogenperoxide cell fusion leading to the formation of “Multi-Nucleated Giant scavenging)(Dowlingetal.,2010). Cells” or MNGCs, a process key to both intracellular replica- tion and bacterial persistence (Kespichayawattana et al., 2000). POTENTIALVACCINECANDIDATESIDENTIFIED Followingtheinvasionofhostcellspathogenreplicationreaches A large proportion of melioidosis vaccines tested to date have a critical point at which the bacteria induce cell death and are focused on the use of live-attenuated strains of B. pseudoma- released to establish secondary infections (Adler et al., 2009). llei. However, a major issue with live-attenuated vaccines is the Both the intrinsic drug resistance and the intracellular lifestyle risk of reversion to virulence and although they are currently FrontiersinCellularandInfectionMicrobiology January2013|Volume2|Article139|1 Dowling NovelvaccinecandidateidentificationinBurkholderia FIGURE1|Brief overview of the anti-macrophage screen workflow. by 40% or more are classed as positive and the end sequences of Recombinant genomic libraries of the sequenced clinical isolate these positive clones are aligned onto the genome sequence (3). Each B. pseudomallei K96243 were produced in E. coli (1), end-sequenced anti-macrophage locus, or region of interest (ROI), is then described and subsequently screened for cytotoxicity against murine as the minimum region of genetic overlap covered by two or more macrophages (2). Library clones shown to reduce macrophage viability positive clones (4). the most effective vaccines studied in mice it is unlikely that exposed to the immune system upon B. pseudomallei infection theywouldbeusedinhumans(Sarkar-TysonandTitball,2010). (GarmoryandTitball,2004;LazarAdleretal.,2011).ABCtrans- Less research has been focused on the development of subunit portershaveaknownroleinbacterialsurvivalandpathogenicity, vaccines (mainly as a putative antigen needs to first be iden- 22ofthe105predictedK96243ABCtransportersweredetected tified) and those investigated are far less effective (Patel et al., bythescreen(Harlandetal.,2007b;Dowlingetal.,2010).Ofpar- 2011). This screen represents a novel method that can be used ticularinterestamongthedetectedlociarethelipopolysaccharide to directly identifypotential recombinantsubunitvaccines.The (LPS) biosynthesis operon and wzt ABC transporter (Table1). design of the screen means that any active anti-macrophage ThisparticularfindingsuggeststhatanactiveLPScanbesuccess- productsidentifiedaresuccessfullyexpressedwithinrecombinant fullyconstructedinarecombinantsystem.GiventhatLPSelicits E. coli. Recombinantsubunitvaccines areanattractive proposi- strongimmuneresponsesthiscouldmakeitanattractivevaccine tion as they eliminate the safety issues associated with subunit candidate. Further, this screen detected 5 out of the 11 docu- purificationfromlargecultures ofthepathogenitself(Liljeqvist mentedautotransportersinK96243andinterestinglydetectsboth andStahl,1999). BPSS0796 (BoaA) and BPSL1705 (BoaB), these trimeric auto- Theoriginalscreenrevealedover100anti-macrophagerelated transportedadhesinsareimplicatedinadhesiontoepithelialcells loci on both chromosomes 1 and 2 of B. pseudomallei strain and are shown to have immunogenic properties (Tiyawisutsri K96243. Several functional classes were repeatedly identified; etal.,2007;Balderetal.,2010). putative secondary metabolite synthesis gene clusters (NRPSs Recent advances have been made regarding Type VI secre- and PKSs), signal response and regulation systems (methyl- tion machinery proteins; in particular the Hcp family, as sub- accepting chemotaxis proteins, two-component sensor systems, unit vaccine candidates (Burtnick et al., 2011). Three of the AraCandLysRfamilyregulators),phage-relatedelements,resis- six documented hcp encoded proteins; Hcp5 (BPSS099), Hcp4 tance (drugs, metals, reactive oxygen species), adhesion and (BPSS0171), and Hcp6 (BPSL3015), were within ROI detected biofilm formation. The largest number of coding sequences bythisscreen.However, research sofardemonstrates thatpuri- (CDSs) detected however related to toxin/enzyme production fied Hcp2 gives the highest-level protection (80%) to BALB/c (hemolysins,proteases, phospholipases)or transport andsecre- mice inoculated with a lethal dose of B. pseudomallei. Burtnick tion (ABC transporters, autotransporters, efflux transporters, et al. demonstrated T6SS 1 as a major virulence determinant and components of Type III and Type VI secretion systems). for B. pseudomallei with deletion of hcp1 resulting in higher Examples of putative vaccine candidates from different func- LD andgrowthdefectscomparedtowild-typeB.pseudomallei. 50s tional classes discussed in the following text are summarized in DeletionofvgrG1fromthissystemalsodisplayedthesameresults Table1. demonstrating its importance in secretion of Hcp1 (Burtnick et al., 2011). VgrG proteins play an important role in host cell TRANSPORTERSANDSECRETIONSYSTEMS cytotoxicityaswellasformingthesecretionmachineryitselfand ABCtransporter andautotransporter-related proteinsaredraw- are present on the surface of the pathogen, several VgrG CDSs ingconsiderableinterestaspotentialvaccinecandidatesgiventhe wereidentifiedbythescreen(Pukatzkietal.,2009;Suarezetal., surface association of their component proteins which may be 2010). FrontiersinCellularandInfectionMicrobiology January2013|Volume2|Article139|2 Dowling NovelvaccinecandidateidentificationinBurkholderia Table1|Examplesofputativevaccinecandidatesidentified. Functionalclass Examplevaccinecandidate CDS References ABCtransporter LPSbiosynthesisoperonpluswztABCtransporter BPSL2672- GarmoryandTitball,2004;Harlandetal.,2007b BPSL2688 Autotransporter BoaA BPSS0796 Tiyawisutsrietal.,2007;Balderetal.,2010; BoaB BPSL1705 LazarAdleretal.,2011 TypeVIsecretion Hcpproteins(inc.Hcp4,Hcp5,Hcp6)andVgrG numerous Pukatzkietal.,2009;Suarezetal.,2010; proteins Burtnicketal.,2011 Toxin BurkholderiaLethalFactor1 BPSL1549 Cruz-Migonietal.,2011 Enzyme PhospholipaseD BPSS1381 McKeanetal.,2007;Driskelletal.,2009 Non-hemolyticphospholipasePLC-3 BPSS0067 Tuanyoketal.,2006 Adhesion Filamentoushemagglutinin-like BPSS1721- Satoetal.,1981;Kimuraetal.,1990;Dowling BPSS1735 etal.,2010 Secondarymetabolism SylA-like(BylA) BPSS1263- Grolletal.,2008;Dowlingetal.,2010 BPSS1269 Hypotheticalprotein Putativetoxins BPSL0590 Dowlingetal.,2010 BPSL0591 TOXINS,ENZYMES,ANDHYPOTHETICALPROTEINS and has been named “Burkholderia Lethal Factor 1” or BLF1 Oneof the anti-macrophageregions identified containsa puta- (BPSL1549) (Cruz-Migoni et al., 2011). BLF1 has the ability to tive Phospholipase D-like protein (BPSS1381) (Dowling et al., inhibithelicaseactivityandthusproteinsynthesis.BLF1waspre- 2010). Mutationsof PhospholipaseDproteins inthepathogens viously described as a hypothetical protein given that similarity Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis andRickettsia prowazekii,in toCNF1isbasedonstructural ratherthansequencehomology. whichtheproteinisamajorvirulencefactor,haveshownpoten- BLF1 mutants were attenuated in their ability to kill mice and tial as live-attenuated vaccines (McKean et al., 2007; Driskell purifiedtoxinwaslethaluponinjectionindicatingtheimportant etal.,2009). Furthercharacterizationiswarrantedtodetermine nature of this toxin in B. pseudomallei virulence (Cruz-Migoni if this phospholipase D-like protein may be of use as a poten- et al., 2011). The BPSL1549 CDS that encodes BLF1 was iden- tialvaccinecandidateforB.pseudomallei.Anotherlociofinterest tifiedwithinapositivelocus pulledoutbytheanti-macrophage encodestheputativetoxinPLC-3(non-hemolyticphospholipase) screen.Ofnote,thetoxinisflankedbytwoABCtransportersys- which has been shown to be strongly upregulated in a hamster tems (BPSL1545-BPSL1546 andBPSL1548) alsocontainedwith modelofmelioidosisandamutantdisplaysanLD significantly the anti-macrophage region of interest that may be involved in 50 higher than wild-type B. pseudomallei parent strain (Tuanyok secretion of BLF1. The utility of BLF1 as a toxoid vaccine has et al., 2006). These data highlight PLC-3 as a potential vaccine yet to be explored. Thereare a further 28 anti-macrophageloci candidatewarrantingfurtherinvestigation. outofthe113describedinthescreenwhichcontainatleastone Approximately30%ofB.pseudomalleigenesencodehypothet- hypotheticalprotein.Theseareyettobeinvestigatedviadetailed icalproteinswhosebiologicalfunctionsareyettobeestablished. protein and structural prediction algorithms to identify active These hypothetical proteins are a potential source of novel vir- sitesorhomologies.However,asexemplifiedbyBLF1,suchhypo- ulence factors, and indeed potential vaccine candidates. The theticalproteinswarrantfurtherresearchasasourceofpotential, anti-macrophage screen promotes the identification of hypo- currentlyhidden,virulencefactors,andhopefullyfuturevaccine thetical proteins with anti-macrophage functions. One positive candidates. region described by the screen contained two large adjacent CDSs, BPSL0590 and BPSL0591, encoding hypothetical pro- ADHESINS teins. The position-specific-iterative BLAST (psi-BLAST) algo- Adhesinsmakeattractive vaccinecandidates,astheyaresurface rithm predicted homology within BPSL0590 and BPSL0591 to expressed and likely therefore to be presented to the immune knowntoxinsfromotherpathogens.Bothcontaindomainswith systemuponinfection.Adhesinsareoftenkeyvirulencedetermi- homology to the Toxin complexes (Tc’s) from Photorhabdus, nants allowing the initial attachment of the invading pathogen further the predicted N-terminal of BPSL0590 has homology to host cells. The effectiveness of the Filamentous hemagglu- to the Salmonella enterica virulence associated protein or SpvB. tinin (FHA) of Bordetella pertussis as an antigen has long been MacrophagestreatedwithlysatefromrecombinantE.colilibrary utilized in vaccines against Pertussis (Sato et al., 1981). The clones expressing BPSL0590 and BPSL0591 show altered actin region BPSS1721-BPSS1735 identified as an anti-macrophage cytoskeletal morphology, multi-nucleation, and apoptosis illus- locus encodes proteins with predicted homology to B. pertus- tratingthatthesemaybenoveltoxins(Dowlingetal.,2010). sisFHA.Macrophagestreated withlibraryclonesexpressingthe Recently a novel toxin hasbeen described in B. pseudomallei region showed dramatic actin alterations and apoptotic nuclei. K96243 with similarity to the potent CNF1 toxin from E. coli Of note, B. pertussis FHA is successful at preventing adherence FrontiersinCellularandInfectionMicrobiology January2013|Volume2|Article139|3 Dowling NovelvaccinecandidateidentificationinBurkholderia of the pathogen to the respiratory epithelium when introduced library strain E. coli may not result in production of cytotoxic as a protective antigen via intranasal immunization (Kimura moietiesorcytotoxicityasaresultofenhancedbacterialgrowth et al., 1990). The role of this hemagglutinin-like protein in andoverwhelming. B. pseudomallei infection has not so far been characterized. Determination of whether this FHA homolog may prove useful ADVANTAGESANDLIMITATIONS inprotectionagainstmelioidosis,inparticulardiseasecontracted There are several advantages of using gain of function screens via inhalation, could help in the formulation of a successful for discoveringvirulencefactors andvaccine candidates. Firstly, vaccine. theyovercome functional redundancy to unmask virulencefac- tors which may be compensated in mutants. B. pseudomallei SECONDARYMETABOLITES has a large genome and the ability to survive in a wide range Manyoftheanti-macrophageregionsidentifiedcontainedlarge of environmental niches. This suggests that functional redun- gene clusters associated with the non-ribosomal peptide syn- dancy is likely among virulence factors with various genes or thetase(NRPS)orpolyketidesynthase(PKS)systemsusedinthe geneticregionsabletocompensatemutationtoproducesuccess- productionofpeptidesandsmallmolecules.Theroleofsuchsec- fulinfection.Secondly,thescreenscannotonlybeusedtodirectly ondarymetabolites invirulenceislargelyundescribed,however, isolate candidates, which may be useful in the development of they may be used to promote intracellular survival or produc- recombinant subunit vaccines, but also subunit vaccines, DNA tion oftoxic products andcouldprovidepartoftheunderlying vaccines,andlive-attenuatedvaccines.Thescreenworksbyiden- metabolismsupportinglatentdisease.Onesuchanti-macrophage tifyingfactorsthatareeffectiveagainstimmunecellsviasuccessful region described by the screen encodes an NRPS gene cluster recombinant expression in E. coli. Production of vaccines via (BylA)withhomologytotheSylA(SyringolinA)producinggenes recombinantexpressionissafer,andmoreefficient,thanpurify- fromPseudomonassyringae(Dowlingetal.,2010).SylAisapro- ingfromthepathogenitself.Further,thetechniquenarrowsdown teasomeinhibitorandpotentcytotoxin(Grolletal.,2008).NRPS theminimumgeneticareaneededtoproducearesponse.Sofar and PKS gene clusters and their secondary metabolite products purifiedproteinshavehadlimitedsuccessasvaccines,mainlyas areanunexploredclassofvaccinecandidates.Purifiedsecondary thisapproachrequiresactualidentificationofvirulencefactorsor metabolitesmaybedirectlyusefulasantigens,andthereisalsothe antigenicdeterminantsascandidatesfirst.Thisproblemistackled potentialformutatingNRPS/PKSgeneforuseaslive-attenuated by the screening process, which is also able to identify hypo- vaccines. thetical proteins with a role in macrophage toxicity. Identifying virulencefactorsand/orantigenshaspreviouslyproveddifficult PREVIOUSLYEVALUATEDVACCINECANDIDATESIDENTIFIEDBYTHE forintracellularbacteria(Titball,2008;Pateletal.,2011).Weare SCREEN currentlydevelopingafurther novelgenomicscreen tolookfor The subunit vaccine candidate PotF and the asd (aspartate-β- virulencefactorsinvolvedinintracellularsurvivalandpersistence. semialdehyde dehydrogenase) gene whose mutation has been Thirdly,suchscreeningisrapidandcost-effective,withoutneed- investigatedforuseasalive-attenuatedvaccinewerere-identified ingClassIIIsafetyfacilitiesandtrainedstaff.Suchrequirements (Harlandetal.,2007a;Norrisetal.,2011).Asdaminoacidprod- can restrict the progress of vaccine candidate identification and ucts have a role in cell wall biosynthesis and are likely to be testing. necessary for growth and replication (Norris et al., 2011). The OnelimitationofthescreenisthesizerangeofDNAfragments asd gene may have equipped recombinant library E. coli with clonedintotheBACandfosmidlibrariesused(10kband40kb an increased growth ability enablingthem to cause cytotoxicity respectively) therefore anyfactors abovethis sizewill bemissed byoverwhelmingthemacrophages.PotFisanABCtransporter- (forexamplecompletetypeIIIsecretionsystems).Forsuccessful associated proteininvolvedinputrescine transportdocumented screening high library quality, in particular good genomic cov- asnecessaryforvirulenceinotherbacterialpathogens,putatively erage, is necessary to allow repeated identification of cytotoxic involvedinhostcellattachmentandvirulenceasinahomologous clones containing the same genetic region in order to generate ABC transporter in the plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefa- confidenceintheROIs identified. TheE. coli used inscreens to ciens and for invasion and intracellular survival in Salmonella datearenotmodifiedwithforexample,regulatorysystems,func- enterica(Matthysseetal.,1996;Jelsbaketal.,2012).Outermem- tional secretion systems, or promoters of secondary metabolite braneproteinA(OmpA)membersOmp3andOmp7(Haraetal., production. Although this may limit what is detected, it is also 2009) and also Omp85 (Su et al., 2010) have been researched servesasanadvantage,asanycytotoxicactivitydetectedissimply assubunitvaccinecandidates,however, protection affordedwas aresultofsuccessfulproductionbytherecombinantlibraryE.coli no greater than with other strategies. Several Omps were iden- expressing a B. pseudomallei DNA fragment. This immediately tified by this screen, but not those so far tested as candidates. allowsustonarrowdownwhatcanbeproducedinarecombinant Interestingly, the majority of previously studied vaccine candi- system and importantly identify the minimum genetic region dateswerenotre-identified.Themainreasonforthisisthatthe necessarytoproducebioactivityinsucharecombinantsystem,as screenlooksspecificallyfortoxicitytowardmacrophages.Existing wouldberequiredforcultureandproductionofarecombinant subunit candidates were selected for potential immunogenicity subunit vaccine. Successful secretion/release from recombinant and are not necessarily cytotoxic. Most of the genes selected E.coliandeffectoruptakebymacrophagesmayalsolimitthefac- for mutationinthedevelopmentof live-attenuated vaccines are tors detected. Some factors may achieve access to macrophages involved in biosynthetic processes and expression of these in asthecellstakeinsolutesnon-specificallyfromtheextracellular FrontiersinCellularandInfectionMicrobiology January2013|Volume2|Article139|4 Dowling NovelvaccinecandidateidentificationinBurkholderia media (inoculated with clone lysate preparation) via pinocyto- persistencewithincellsinthehostcouldhelptomakethistypeof sis/macropinocytosis. Further, some viable E. coli in the lysate vaccinemoreviableforuse(Pateletal.,2011).Thesegainoffunc- preparationappearsnecessaryfortoxicityinsomecases. tionscreenscanbeusedto“mixandmatch”recombinantvaccine candidates to investigate combinations for possible multivalent PATHWAYSFORFUTURERESEARCH subunit vaccines. A combination vaccine composed of polysac- The number of candidates identified by the gain of function charideandproteinpresentsthemostpromisingformulationfor screenislarge(>100).Combinedapproachescorrelatingdatasets amelioidosisvaccinetodate(Pateletal.,2011). obtainedfromtechniquessuchasinvivoexpressionwiththistype ofrecombinantscreenwillfurthernarrowdownkeyvaccinecan- CONCLUDINGREMARKS didates for follow-up. Use of advanced cytotoxicity screens and BydirectlyaskingmacrophageswhichgenomicregionsofB.pseu- high-contentphenotypescreeningwillallowdetailedfunctional domallei express anti-macrophage gene products in a recombi- characterization of candidates. Further investigation of positive nantlibrarysystemwecanbegintoisolatevirulencefactorsand regions identified will involve transposon mutagenesis to iden- potentialvaccinecandidates.Wecanexploreandcharacterizethe tifyminimumregionofactivity/genesinvolvedandsub-cloning effects of single virulence factors provided that activity can be ofthesegenestoconfirmactivity.Anotherusefulnextstepwould reproducedinrecombinantE.coli.This“gainoffunction”tech- betomeasuretheextentoftheimmuneresponseofmacrophages niquecanbestrengthenedbycombiningwithothermethods,for challengedwiththeanti-macrophagefactorsidentifiedfromthe example, in vivo expression data, providing a powerful tool for originalscreenby,forexample,assayingnitricoxideproduction. discovery,andprioritizationofkeyvaccinecandidatesforfuture Screeningforadherenceandintracellularpersistencewillidentify research. factorsinvolvedintheseaspectsofB.pseudomalleiinfection.This couldprovevaluablefordevelopmentoflive-attenuatedvaccines ACKNOWLEDGMENTS forwhichtheissuesofsafetyandpotentiallatencyofthemutant Iwouldliketothankallofthoseinvolvedinthedevelopmentof B.pseudomalleibacteriaareofmajorconcern.Introducingaddi- the screening process and Prof. R. ffrench-Constant for critical tional mutations which will limit or prevent adherence to or readingofthemanuscript. 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