• HARVARD UNIVERSITY Ernst Mayr Library Muséum of the of Comparative Zoology jasasse Articles originaux - Original articles (suite) M. G. Harasewych Coluzeagroschi, a new species ofColumbariinae 171 K. Fraussen (Gastropoda: Turbinellidae) from Southeastern Africa C. Vilvens Description ofa new species ofCalliostoma (Gastropoda: 175 Trochidae: Calliostomatinae) from Madagascar Vie de la Société- Life ofthe Society C. Vilvens L'excursion de la SBM à Fosses-la-Ville 151 C. Vilvens Quoi de neuf? 154 E. Meuleman Le Belvédère de Portmeirion 154 R. Houart Quelques nouvelles publications 155 M.H. Girona Morceaux choisis 156 C. Vilvens Nous avons reçu 157 C. Vilvens Prochaines activités 174 /v^ v VAPEX NOVAPEX Trimestriel de la société Belge de Malacologie association sans but lucratif Quarterly ofthe Belgian Malacological Society VOL 3(1) 2002 10 MARS SOMMAIRE Articles originaux- Original articles M. Jay The Cerithiopsidae (Gastropoda) ofReunion Island J. Drivas (Indian Océan) E. Guillot de Suduiraut Description d'une nouvelle espèce de mitre des Philippines 47 (Sous-famille des Imbricariinae) (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia:Mitridae) G. T. Poppe Description ofa new volute (Gastropoda: Volutidae) 51 Y. Terryn from southern Madagascar MCZ Vie de la Société- Life ofthe Society LIBRary C. Vilvens et L'exposition 2002 de la SBM 2 zmz x C. Delongueville, R. Duchamps, ou K. Fraussen, R. Houart, A. Langleit, Promenade au pays des malacologues de la SBM ' • -_i vo/ ,f~y & J. R. Masson, E. Meuleman, R. Scaillet, R. Senders et E. Waiengnier (suite du sommaire en dernière page de couverture) PUBLICATION PRECEDENTES APEX ETARION (FORMER PUBLICATIONS APEXANDARION) : : ISSN 1375-7474 Périodique trimestriel Bureau dedépôt 1370Jodoigne rt Publié avec l'aide du Ministère de la Région Wallonne COTISATIONS MEMBERSHIP Membres résidant en Belgique Abonnés résidant à l'étranger (avec NOVAPEX et les numéros hors série à (avec NOVAPEX et les numéros hors série à tirage irrégulier) tirage irrégulier) Membre effectif 30 € Membre effectif 45 € Membre étudiant 15€ Versement à effectuer par mandat poste (sans le service du bulletin) international ou par chèque bancaire pour une banque établie en Belgique, EN EURO Personne appartenant à la UNIQUEMENT, au nom de Madame A. famille d'un membre effectif LANGLEIT, Av. 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Ce numéro est publié avec l'aimable concours de Javier Condé This issue is published with the kind support ofJavier Condé SOCIETE BELGE DE MALACOLOGIE Jay& Drivas Cerithiopsidae Reunion NOVAPEX 3 (1): 1-45, 1 mars 2002 The Cerithiopsidae (Gastropoda) of Reunion Island (Indian Océan) Maurice JAY 46 rue Eugène Dayot, 97434 Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, la Réunion Jean DRIVAS Tax Skriperon. 49083 Skripero. Corfii. Greece. KEYWORDS. Cerithiopsidae. Reunion Isiand. Indian Océan. MOTS CLES. Cerithiopsidae. Réunion. Océan Indien. ABSTRACT. The authors hâve collected 83 species ofCerithiopsidae on Reunion Island. Indian Océan. After a revew ofliterature, and after having examined material in the Muséum collections in Berlin. Cardiff. London. Manchester and Paris. 16 species were recognized as known species. 23 vvere leftasideonaccountofunsufficient material. -44 species are describedas new. - 2 new gênera are proposed: Belonimorphis (type species Belonimorphis belonimorphis): Koilofera (type species Koiloferakoilofera). - New synonymies: Cerithiopsis aeolomitres Melvill & Standen, 1896 = Cerithiopsis (Horologica) balteata Watson, 1886. -New name: Cerithiopsis (Mendax) melvillinom. nov. = Cerithiopsis aurantiaca Melvill & Standen. 1896. preoccupied. RESUME. Les auteurs ont pu rasssembler des spécimens de Cerithiopsidae de la Réunion, appartenant à 83 espèces. Après une revue de la littérature et comparaison avec le matériel des Muséums de Berlin. Cardiff. Londres. Manchester et Paris. 16 espèces ont été répertoriées comme déjà connues, et23 ontété laissées en dehors de l'étude pourcause de matériel encore insuffisant. -44 espèces sont décrites comme nouvelles - 2 nouveaux genres sont proposés: Belonimorphis (espèce type Belonimorphis belonimorphis): Koilofera(espècetype Koiloferakoilofera). Synonymes nouveaux: Cerithiopsis aeolomitres Melvill & Standen, 1896 = Cerithiopsis (Horologica) balteata Watson, 1886. - Nouvelle dénomination: Cerithiopsis (Mendax) melvilli nom. nov. Cerithiopsis aurantiaca & Melvill Standen, 1896, préoccupé. INTRODUCTION rank to the Eumetulinae of preceeding authors. considering thus two families among the The family Cerithiopsidae A. & H. Adams. 1854 (type Cerithiopsoidea. namely the Eumetulidae and the genus Cerithiopsis Forbes & Hanley, 1850) was Cerithiopsidae. But none of the species collected in established for turreted shells, small or very small. Reunion, except one, was ever found alive; hence. with a conical elevated and narrow spire, or fusifonn radulae were not studied. and we could not follow the or pyrifonn. the teleoconch whorls sculptured with taxonomic concepts based on their characters. So. spiral cords and often with axial ribs. their following Marshall, we will consider a single family, intersections nodulose; aperture oval with a short the Cerithiopsidae sensu lato. anterior canal; protoconch variable, either short or more often elevated and very fragile, either smooth or The Cerithiopsidae on Reunion finely sculptured. Since the publication of The Cerithiopsidae of New Zealand by B.A. Marshall (1978), a growing The earliest catalogues of molluscs in Mascarene importance has been given to the features of Islands (Bernardin de Saint-Pierre in 1773, protoconch and radula among the classification d'Argenville in 1780. Sganzini in 1843) do not include characters. A. Nutzel (1992) proposedto give a family any Cerithiopsidae. 1 J \ï tt l)KI\ \S Cerithiopsidae Réunion NOVAPEX3(1): 1-45, 10 mars 2002 Nor JiJ Deshayes (1863) cite anj in his "Catalogue However, in more récent studies, a growing des Mollusques de la Réunion". importance has been given to protoconch characters, Lamj (1909) described Cerithiopsis blondi Vignal, primarily its smooth (for gênera Cerithiopsis, atter a single spécimen from Madagascar, and several Joculator, Horologica) or sculptured appearance spécimens from Réunion, Saint-Pierre, ail of them (gênera Mendax, Dizoniopsis, Prolixodens). syntypes. Protoconchs of the speeies remained Examination ofthe protoconchs at high magnification unknoun. 2 boxes labelled "syntypes" are registered and SEM, may show other characters, such as MNHN in the typotheque: ail spécimens except 2 granulose or strongly mamillated patterns, small and match the figure of Lamy, and in spite ofthe lack of low reliefs of various forms, or small and short axial protoconchs, can be certainl\ identified as Horologica riblets. When more material is available, thèse turrigera (Watson, 1886), of vvhich Cerithiopsis characters may be seen to be of generic significance, blandi is thus a junior synonym. Furthermore, the but in the présent paper, we will consider them as boxes labelled C. blandi contain 2 other différent minorcharacters. spécimens: one of them, deprived of its protoconch, matches the teleoconch ofour Mendaxpermeyi, n.sp., Among the speeies with obviously beaded spiral cords but could nevertheless be Cerithiopsis hedista Melvill on the teleoconch, speeies with a smooth protoconch & Standen. 1896; the other spécimen, very worn and are easily referred to gênera. & without protoconch, cannot be identified with Cerithiopsis Forbes Hanley, 1850 (Type speeies: certainty, but resembles our new speeies Jocidator Cerithiopsis tubercularis (Montagu, 1803) from keratochroma. Europe), includes speeies with a high teleoconch, with Descriptions ofthe marine fauna in the neighbouring numerous whorls, not constricted at base, and with a island Mauritius are more numerous: although neither protoconch made of 3 to 6 smooth whorls that is Lienard Elize (1877) nor von Martens (1880) quote without cords or ribs, sometimes granulose, especially any Cerithiopsidae. Several samples from Mauritius on the first whorl. 15 ofour speeies may be attributed are présent in the Melvill-Tomlin collection, namely to this genus sensu lato, among which 2 are known Cerithiopsis adelpha, C. aurantiaca, C. catenaria, C. speeies, and 10 are new ones. The lack ofradulae on eutrapela, C. fosterae, C. mathildaeformis. Viader in our spécimens does not allow us to referthem to allied his Revised Catalogue of speeies from Mauritius gênerabased on radularcharacters. (1937), quoted 6 speeies of Cerithiopsidae, namely Joculator Hedley, 1909 (type speeies: Cerithiopsis : Cerithiopsis catenaria Melvill & Standen. 1896, C. ridicula Watson,1886, from Queensland) includes & fosterae Melvill Standen, 1896, C. mathildaeformis small or very small speeies, bulbous or ovate in shape, Melvill, 1907 (= Metaxa, Triphoridae), C. pulvis more or less constricted at base, bearing 3 beaded (Issel. 1869A C. subreticulata (Dunker, 1861) and spiral cords from the earliest whorls ofthe teleoconch, Seila alfredensis Bartsch, 1915. with an elevated smooth or punctate protoconch, but without any cords or ribs. 32 of our speeies are During those last 40 years, we hâve collected in assigned to this genus, among which 5 are known Reunion spécimens belonging to 83 speeies of speeiesand 16 are new ones. Cerithiopsidae. They consist mostly in spécimens Horologica Laseron, 1956 (Type speeies Horologica found dead in hand-dredged sand from depths bicolor Laseron, 1956, from Queensland) was accessible by scuba diving, that is from 10 to 70 m. established for ovate speeies constricted at base like Many spécimens lack their protoconch, in which case Joculator, with a smooth or punctate protoconch, but only those with a particular coloration could be with only 2 beaded spiral cords on teleoconch whorls. identified. Among thèse 83 speeies, 16 could be Authors hâve considered this genus as poorly identified as known speeies; 44 are new speeies and separated from Joculator, some speeies with 2 beaded are described; for 23 speeies, material was not spiral cords on earlier whorls having 3 ofthem on last sufficient to allow identification or an original whorl. However following Marshall, we will consider description. The latter will not be studied in this paper. speeies showing this character as Horologica. 16 of Most ofspeeies seem to be rare, with sometimes only our speeies are assigned to this genus, among which 7 a few spécimens collected. The commonest speeies are known speeies, and4 are newones. Horologica turrigera (Watson, 1886) was the only speeies to be found alive. In spite ofour research, we Our speeies with beaded spiral cords on teleoconch, hâve not found Cerithiopsidae spécimens on or in and with a ribbed protoconch, are not so easily sponges. assigned to gênera. Thèse ribbed protoconchs may be classified into 4 différent types Some ofthem show : Assigning ourspeeiesto gênera. axial ribs extending from suture to suture, with smooth The earlierdescriptions hâve most often been based on or punctate intervais (Type 1) ; other ones hâve the spécimens lacking a protoconch, and generic same axial ribs and intervais, with a narrow row of characters relate only to the teleoconch. Thus small axial riblets in suture (Type 2) ; other ones show comparison and identification with earlier type axial ribs extending from suture to suture, and fmer material, figures, and descriptions, are difficult. spiral cords in their intervais (Type 3) and lastly, other Jay& Drivas Cerithiopsidae Reunion NOVAPEX 3(1): 1-45, 10 mars 2002 ones bear axial ribs limited to the lowest two thirds of 1983, which is sinistral. Forthis species, we propose a whorls, the upper third being smooth or punctate and new genus, Koilofera (from Greek, meaning bearing a appearingmore or less concave (Type4). concavity); type species: Koiloferakoilofera, n.sp. Dizoniopsis Sacco, 1895 (type species Cerithium The second species is a very high and slender shell, bilineatum Hôrnes, 1855, type locality the Tertiary with teleoconch sides slightly convex and a reticulated formations of Piémont) was created for fossil shells more or less strongly beaded sculpture, and with a with only 2 beaded spiral cords on teleoconch whorls, strongly elevated protoconch of 3.5 whorls bearing 2 but the original description did not mention saillant equal and well separated spiral keels, with protoconch, and the figure does not show it. Some smooth intervais. We could not find such authors hâve assigned to this genus shells with smooth protococonchs in former descriptions of protoconchs (Gougerot & Le Renard). But the genus Cerithiopsidae. For this shell, we propose the new was redefined by Nordsieck, (1968), the type of the genus Belonimorphis (from Greek, meaning needle- genus having, according to him, a protoconch with a shaped): type species: Belonimorphis belonimorphis smooth first whorl, and following whorls with axial n.sp. riblets extending from suture to suture. This genus was used by Glibert (1973) for shells with pupoid Lastly, 4 ofour species (2 ofwhich as new species) shape, with 2 beaded cords on teleoconch whorls, and are assigned to the genusSeila A. Adams, 1861 (Type protoconchs with axial ribs. We will foliow thèse species: Triphoris dextroversus Adams & Reeve, authors, and consider as Dizoniopsis sensu stricto, 1860, from China Seas). This genus was established species defined as above. We provisionally assign to for species with high conical or slightly convex the genus sensu lato, shells with 2 beaded cords on the teleoconch, with smooth and unbeaded spiral cords, teleoconch, and a ribbed protoconch of type 3 (with very close-set fine axial threads in the intervais spiral cords in intervais) and type 4 (axial ribs limited between spiral cords and a variable protoconch. to the lower 2/3 ofwhorls). A total of 3 ofour new species are assigned to the genus Mendax, Finlay, Abbreviatons used 1927 (Type species Cerithiopsis trizonalis Odhner, 1924, from New Zealand). Marshall (1978) restricted MM Manchester Muséum. : the genus to species with a short paucispiral MNHN Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. : protoconch, weakly delimited from teleoconch, with a MNK: Muséum furNaturkunde, Berlin. smooth first whorl, following whorls with axial ribs NHM: Natural History Muséum, London. extending from suture to suture, and a more or less NMW: National Muséum ofWales, Cardiff. high teleoconch, more or less constricted at the base, SEM: Scanning Electron Microscope. with 3 beaded cords per whorl. We assign to the genus 4 of our new species, though their protoconchs are SYSTEMATICS ratherhigh. We provisionally assign to the genus one more species with aribbed protoconch oftype 3 (spiral Genus Cerithiopsis Forbes & Hanley, 1850 cords in intervais between ribs). Type species: Cerithiopsis tubercularis (Montagu, Prolixodens Marshall, 1978 (type species Cerithiopsis 1803), Europe: elongate shell, not constricted at base, infracolor Laseron,1951, type locality Long Reef, with 3 beaded spiral cords per teleoconch whorl, NSW, Australia) was established for narrow and protoconch smooth or punctate, without any axial rib slender shells with straight sides, a ribbed protoconch or spiral cord, except sometimes for a spiral carina on oftype4 (axial ribs limitedtothe lower2/3 ofwhorls), last half-whorl. and 3 beaded spiral cords on teleoconch whorls. 2 of ourspecies are assigned to this genus, as new species. Cerithiopsiseutrapela Melvill & Standen, 1896. In due course, species with protoconch of type 3, or Plate 1, A; colourplate 1, Fig. 1) species with protoconch oftype 4, may be thought to deserve new gênera, based on protoconch characters Material examined. 1 spmn MNHN; 30 spmns with only, and including species with 2 or 3 beaded cords complète protoconch, coll. M.Jay; 1 1 spmns coll. onthe teleoconch whorls. J.Drivas. Two ofourspecies with beaded spiral cords show very Description. Shell conical, elevated, and slightly unusual characters. oval, somewhat widerthan the related species; angle at One of them shows 2 beaded spiral cords per the summit ofteleoconch 35°. Protoconch strong and teleoconch whorl, and a protoconch with a flat summit high of 3,5 convex smooth whorls, finely punctate and 3 whorls bearing a strong rounded spiral pad at under SEM, with very fine close-set axial threads in their lower part, the médian and upper parts ofwhorls suture; its limit from teleoconch clear-cut and oblique, being concave: this protoconch sculpture may recall its last 1/4 whorl with a médian spiral carina. protoconchs illustrated by Marshall (1973) in the Teleoconch of 8 or9 convex whorls, bearing 3 beaded genus Seila, with a quite différent teleoconch. It is spiral cords, the upper one slightly weaker. One weak nearer to the protoconch of Inella spina Marshall, spiral thread between the cords, on the 2 last whorls. J \ï & l)KI\ \s Cerithiopsidae Reunion Novaim x 3 ( 1): 1-45, 10 mars 2002 \\i.il ribs, weaker than cords, crossing them at righl Remarks. Our spécimens appear identical to the angles, with one rounded bead at each intersection. holotype ofCerithiopsisfosterae Melvill & Standen, beads numbering 23-24 per whorl. A fourth weaker 1896, type locality Loyalty Islands. in MM: a single and more tincK headed spiral eord emerging from spécimen thaï matches the figure of Melvill & suture at base of lasl whorl. Base smooth. Aperture Standen, with a protoconch broken at summit and 3 circular. Colour creamy-white, the earlier whorls more whorls left. They are identical also to the syntypes of neatl) wfahe, protoconch brown. Melvill & Standen in NMW (lot NrZ.1955.158.00205 ) Size: maximum total height 6.5 mm: width at base 2 \]vc spécimens from Lifu: only one spécimen has a mm: height of protoconch 0.42 mm; width of protoconch of 3 whorls, with broken summit. protoconch at base 0.28 mm. Furthermore our spécimens are identical to spécimens in two other lots of the Melvill-Tomlin collection in Locality. Found dead in hand-dredged sand at 10-20 NMW, from Mauritius, ofwhich none has a complète m. offSaint-Gilles-les-Bains. protoconch. The original description of Melvill & Standen described a protoconch of3 whorls instead of Remarks. Our spécimens were eompared and found 5, without mentioning the broken summit. and & identicaJ to the holotype of Melvill Standen. in described 2 beaded spiral cords on teleoconch whorls; MM: a single spécimen without protoconch; and to the third and upper cord, weaker and constricted, not NMW the syntypes in (lot NrZ.1955.158.02262) from mentioned in the original description, is nevertheless Lifu. Loyalty [si. They resemble also another lot of visible on Melvill & Standen's figure, and on the types NMW the Melvill-Tomlin collection, in (lot Nr and syntypes. Z.1955.158.02268) from Mauritius. Cerithiopsisbouchetin.sp. & Cerhhiopsisfosterae Melvill Standen, 1896. Plate 1, C; colourplate I, Fig. 3 Plate 1. B; colourplate I, Fig. 2 Material examined. 2 spmns MNHN; 37 spmns coll. Material examined. 1 spmn MNHN; 13 spmns with M. Jay, ail with complète protoconch; 6 spmns coll. complète protoconch coll. M. Jay; 40 spmns with J. Drivas. broken protoconch coll. M. Jay; 11 spmns coll. J. Drivas. Description. Shell conical, elevated, very slightly oval. Protoconch nearly cylindrical, of 3 strongly Description. Shell elevated and conical, very elongate convex whorls, the earlier one rounded, the following and slender. summit angle 22°. Protoconch prolonging two equal, their diameter smaller than the first whorl the gênerai shape ofteleoconch, comprising 5 convex of teleoconch; whorls looking smooth, but finely smooth whorls. with under SEM some very fine axial punctate under microscope; mamillated with close-set threads above suture on first whorl, and a weak spiral hemispherical tubercles under SEM; last whorl well cord in suture between the 4th and 5th whorls; limit separated from teleoconch by an oblique line with from teleoconch oblique and well marked, the last 1/4 change ofcolours, but the 3 spiral cords ofteleoconch whorl bearing a médian spiral carina, more or less hâve appeared and are weakly visible on the last 1/4 visible. Teleoconch of 10 strongly convex whorls. whorl ofprotoconch. Teleoconch of7 slightly convex Suture deeplv impressed. 3 beaded spiral cords per whorls, with 3 beaded spiral cords per whorl, equal in whorl. the uppermost one somewhat weaker and importance on last whorl, the upper cord a little slightly constricted, but visible from first whorl. Axial weaker and retracted on earlier whorls. Very fine axial ribs weaker than cords, crossing them and joining the riblets crossing the cords at right angles, with a beads, obliquely in the first interval, axially in second rounded bead at each intersection, beads numbering one, and extending from upper to lower suture, but 22-23 perwhorl. Very close-set fine axial striae visible discontinuous from one whorl to another. Axial ribs in the intervais between cords, under strong and beads numbering 26 to 28 per whorl. A fourth enlargement. A fourth finer and more weakly beaded spiral cord, weaker and smooth, emerging from suture spiral cord emerging from suture at base oflast whorl; at base of last whorl. One more weak and smooth beads becoming weaker, and axial riblets more neatly spiral cord on base. Aperture rounded. Colour white, visible on last part of last whorl. One more weak suture and upper beaded cord very pale brown in fresh smooth cord on base. Aperture circular. Colour plain spécimens, but this colour fades rather fast. glossy brown, protoconch white. Protoconch white. Size: holotype total height 4.5 mm, width at base 1.3 Size: maximum total height 6.1 mm; width at base 1.4 mm; height of protoconch 0.49 mm; width of mm; height ofprotoconch 0.56 mm; maximum width protoconch at base 0.36 mm. ofprotoconch 0.30 mm. Type locality. Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, in hand Locality. Found dead in hand-dredged sand at 30-55 dredged sand at 10-20 m, between Hermitage and m, offSaint-Gilles-les-Bains. Saint-Paul Bay.