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NûV VAPEX MOItUSK MCZ LIBRARV Trimestriel de la Société Belge de Malacologie association sans but lucratif HA <D Quarterly of the Belgian Malacological Society JN1VERS1TY VOL. 10(1) 2009 MARS 1 SOMMAIRE Articles originaux - Original articles D. Monsecour & K. Two new species ofMitrella (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: 1 Monsecour Columbellidae) from the Philippines E. F. Garcia A nevrAstyris speeies (Gastropoda: Columbellidae) from the 5 GulfofMexico, with notes on the genus L. R. L. Simone A new species ofAcar (Bivalvia. Areidae) from Sào Pedro e 9 Sâo Paulo Archipelago. Brazil A. Alf& K. Kreipl An updated list ofthe récent Bolma speeies (Gastropoda: 17 Turbinidae) with description oftwo new species from French Polynesia and New Caledonia & F. Boyer J. Pelorce Description d'un nouveau Conus (Gastropoda: Conidae) du 25 Sénégal dans le groupe Conus mediterraneus Vie de la Société- Life ofthe Societv C. Vilvens //i^y Prochaines aeti\ ites 1 C. Delongueville & HL ^ur 'cs traccs ^e Charles Darwin aux îles Galapagos 3 R. Scaillet C. Delongueville & ^L Neopycnodonte zibrowii Gofas, Salas & Taviani 9 R. Scaillet in Wisshak et al, 2009 dans le golfe de Gascogne /(J\V^ (suite du sommaire en dernière page de couverture) ISSN 1375-7474 Périodique trimestriel Bureau de dépôt 1370Jodoigne Vf RÉGIONWAUQNNE Publié avec l'aide du Ministère de la Région Wallonne COTISATIONS MEMBERSHIP 2009 / Membres résidant en Belgique par Paypal (contacter roland.houart(Sjskynet.be (NOVAPEX et les numéros hors série) auparavant) ou par mandat poste international, en Membre effectif 40 € euro uniquement, au nom de M. 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Tousdroitsdereproduction,detraductionetd'adaptationdesarticlespubliésdanscebulletin,réservéspourtouspays. AUrightsofreproductionarcreservedwiththewrittenpermissionoftheboard. Publicationsprecedestes/Formerplblications: - Bulletin Mensuel d'Information(1966-1971) - INFORMATIONS de la Société Belgede Malacologie(1972-1985) -ARION(1986-1999) -APEX (1986-1999) SOCIETE BELGE DE MALACOLOGIE K. MONSECOL'R& D. MONSECOUR Novapex 10 ( 1 ): 1-4. 10 mars 2009 Two new species ofMitrella (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Columbellidae) from the Philippines MONSECOUR Kevin MCZ David MONSECOUR UBRABV Schoonderbeukenweg 147. 3202 Rillaar. Belgium &PR 2 2009 monsecourbrothers(§skynet.be HARVARD UNIVERSITY KEYWORDS. Gastropoda. Neogastropoda, Columbellidae. Mitrella, Philippines. ABSTRACT. Two new species of Columbellidae: Mitrella suduirauti sp. nov. and Mitrella vosvictori sp. nov. are introduced as new to science. They originate from the Sulu Sea. Central Philippines and are most often found around Aliguay Island. Mitrella suduirauti is compared with its closest congeners: Mitrella alofa (Hedley. 1899). Mitrella mindorensis (Reeve. 1859), Mitrella yabei (Nomura. 1935) and Mitrella turriculata (Yokoyama. 1922). Mitrella vosvictori is compared with Mitrella baculus (Reeve, 1859). Mitrella conspersa (Gaskoin. 1852) and Mitrella puella (Sowerby. 1844). INTRODUCTION MNHN: Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Paris. France. The genus Mitrella Risso. 1826 is well-represented MV: Personal collection Maria Vos. Rillaar. Belgium. throughout the Indo-Pacific région, with high species NHM: Natural History Muséum. London. United diversity in Indonesia and the Philippines. However, Kingdom. the family Columbellidae in the région has seldom NMP: National Muséum of the Philippines, Manilla. been subject of récent surveys. apart from Drivas & Philippine Islands. Jay (1990; 1997) for Reunion Island and the western RMBR: Raffles Muséum of Biodiversity Research. Indian Océan and Sieurs (1985; 1987) for northern Singapore. Papua New Guinea. For other régions, one must always resort to the classic authors from the SYSTEMATICS nineteenth century, such as Reeve. Sowerby and COLUMBELLIDAE Gaskoin. Family Swainson. 1840 Among the many spécimens ofMitrella acquired from SubfamilyATILIINAE Cossmann. 1901 the central Philippines, two unidentifiable species Genus Mitrella Risso. 1826 regularly turned up. The first one was at first confused Type species by subséquent désignation (Cox. 1927): with M. yabei due to the juvénile stage ofthe shells. Mitrellaflaminea Risso. 1826. Récent, Mediterranean. but additional adult material revealed that we were faced with a yet undescribed species. It is hereby Mitrella suduirauti sp. nov. introduced as M. suduirauti sp. nov. The other one Figs 1-5 was usually identified as M. baculus due to the unclear figures in Reeve (1859). but examination of the type Type loeality. Philippines. Sulu Sea. ENE ofDipolog material in the NHM and Reeve's text revealed that it (northern Mindanao). Aliguay Island. 140-160 m was a separate. yet undescribed species. It is hereby deep. introduced as M. vosvictori sp. nov. Type material. Holotype. MNHN 20847. length 21.6 Abbreviations mm. width 6.9 mm. MNHN Paratype 1-2. 20848 (Panglao Marine AD: Personal collection Aart Dekkers. Blokker. The Biodiversity Project. Stn. L.49: 9°36.5'N, 123°45.3"E. Netherlands. 90 m deep); Paratype 3. ANSP (from type loeality); ANSP: Academy ofNatural Sciences ofPhiladelphia. Paratype 4. RMBR ZRC.MOL.2827 (from type Philadelphia. USA. loeality); Paratype 5. NMP (from type loeality); DG: Personal collection De Donder-Goethaels. Peutie. Paratypes 6-7. KM (from type loeality); Paratypes 8-9, Belgium. DM (from type loeality); Paratype 10. AD (from type DM: Personal collection David Monsecour. loeality). KM: Personal collection Kevin Monsecour. k \lo\M t Ol Rit D. \lo\MlOl R I ho ncu species ofMttrella Description. Shell large for the genus, adull size 19.9- translucent shell. the wider, more rounded aperture. 2~ (< mm; fusiform, elongate. releoconch consisting the less strong columellar callus and the gênerai shape ol v) ' - - 10 Yi straight whorls; protoconch multispiral, of the upper teleoconch whorls which are not consisting o\~ 2 2 V* whorls. Protoconch with shouldered. microscopic crenulations; transition to teleoconch Mitrella lurriculala differs by the smaller si/e ( 1/2 X), marked bj appearance of axial and spiral sculpture. the more coinex whorls. the smooth teleoconch First five teleoconch whorls with numerous elearly whorls. the smaller number of teleoconch whorls visible, close-sel axial ribs, disappearing on further (about 5), the more bulbous protoconch and the less teleoconch whorls. Spiral sculpture strong on strong columellar callus without rim. uppermost 6 teleoconch whorls. forming beads on intersections with axial sculpture; spiral sculpture thus Etymology. Mitrella suduirauti is nained in honour of extending one vvhorl further than axial sculpture. Mr. Emmanuel Guillot De Suduiraut (Lapu Lapu City, I ower whorls smooth. Suture straight. shallow. Upper Philippines) for bringing this species to our attention teleoconch whorls strongb shouldered. yet becoming and for his kind donation ofthe holotype. more rounded towards the body whorl. Body whorl about 50-55°» of total shell length, adorned with 16- Mitrella vosvietori sp. nov. Ie) basai cords; strong and elearly visible near the Figs 9-13 abapical end, yet becoming more obsolète adapically. Outer lip thickened. with a strong axial bump. smooth Type locality. Philippines, Sulu Sea, ENE ofDipolog outside. with 7 or 8 denticles on apertural side, not (northern Mindanao), Aliguay Island, 160-300 m extending into the aperture. Columellar callus deep. (actual depth to be confirmed). thickened. marked by distinct rim. Columella with 7 or 8 central denticles. Siphonal canal short, half-open, Type material. Holotype, MNHN 20816, length 21.3 slightly curved backwards. mm, width 8.3 mm. MNHN Shell colour: protoconch off-white, upper 4 or 5 Paratypes 1-2, 20817 (Philippines, Panglao teleoconch whorls uniformly brown, further Région, Balicasag Island. In tangle nets and Lumun teleoconch whorls yellow to chocolaté brown, with a Lumun. 'deep water1), Paratype 3, RMBR band ofbrown and white dots just below suture. This ZRC.MOL.2828 (from type locality); Paratype 4, pattern sometimes covers entire teleoconch whorls. ANSP (from type locality); Paratype 5, NMP (from KM Aperture pinkish off-white, denticles whitish. type locality); Paratypes 6-7, (from type locality); Animal, operculum and periostracum unknown. Paratypes 8-9, DM (from type locality); Paratypes 10- 14, DG (from type locality); Paratype 15, MV (from M Comparison. Mitrella suduirauti differs from type locality). yabei, the species it was at first confused with, by its larger size (about 2.5 X) and the spiral sculpture on Description. Shell large for the genus, adult size 19- the first 5 teleoconch whorls. M. yabei only shows 24.5 mm; fusiform, elongate. Teleoconch consisting axial sculpture. of7 1/3-7 Va straight whorls; protoconch multispiral, The most similar species known is M. alofa, which consisting of 2 - 2 1/3 bulbous whorls. Protoconch differs from M. suduirauti by its smaller size, lower with microscopic crenulations; transition to number ofteleoconch whorls (about 7 -7 lA ) and its teleoconch very graduai, almost invisible. Axial and paucispiral protoconch. They share the axial and spiral spiral sculpture absent: whorls completely smooth. sculpture on the first teleoconch whorls and the Suture straight, shallow. Upper teleoconch whorls overall shape ofthe aperture. strongly shouldered, yet becoming less shouldered Mitre/la mindoremis differs by its smaller size (1/2 towards the final whorl. Body whorl about 60% of X), the lack of spiral and axial sculpture, the semi- total shell length, adorned with 11-13 basai cords; Figures 1-16 1-5. Mitrellasuduirauti n. sp., Aliguay Island, Philippines 140-160m deep.1-4. Holotype MNHN, 21.6mm. 5. Paratype KM, 22.6mm. 6. Mitrella alofa (Hedley, 1899), New Caledonia, 12.4mm; 7. Mitrellamindoremis (Reeve, 1859), Mactan Isalnd. Philippines, 2-3m, 13.1mm; 8. Mitrella turriculata (Yokoyama, 1922), East China Sea, dredged at 200- 300m, 9.1mm. 9-13. Mitrella vosvietori n. sp. Aliguay Island, Philippines, 160-300m deep. 9-12. Holotype MNHN, 21.3mm. 13. paratype KM, 20.2mm; 14. Mitrellabaculus (Reeve, 1859), syntype NHM, "China Seas", 16.8mm; 15. Mitrellaconspersa(Gaskoin, 1852), Mactan Island, Philippines, at 3-6m, 10.5mm; 16. Mitrellapue/la (Sowerby, 1844), Masbate Island..Philippines, at 8m, 10.8mm. K. MONSECOL'R& D. MONSECOUR NOVAPEX 10(1): 1-4. 10 mars 2009 k \lo\M ( Ol R & l) \I()\M C Ot R I wo iicw species ofMitrella strong and clearlj visible near the abapical end, yet the more shouldered teleoconch whorls. the smaller becoraing more obsolète adapically. Outer lip size, the louer number of basai cords (S or 9) and the thickened, with an axial bump, smooth outside, with 8 colour pattern consisting of an off-white spiral band or v denticles on apertural side, not extending into tlic below the suture and at mid-whorl. aperture. Columellar callus thickened, marked b> a distinct rim. Columella with 4 or 5 indistinct denticles, Etymology. M. vosvictori is named in honour of the somewhat extending into the aperture. Siphonal canal laie \lr. Louis Victor Vos, grandfather to the présent short, half-open, slightl) curved backwards. authors. Shell colour: protoconch off-white to pinkish, teleoconch whorls uniformly pale salmon or off-white ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS with brown and white llamules; aperture salmon- coloured, denticles paler. We would like to thank Emmanuel Guillot De Operculum with numerous Une growth lines, nucleus Suduiraut, Fernand & Rika De Donder-Goethaels for terminal, yellowish brown. the loan of material. Philippe Bouchet (MNHN) for Animal and periostraeum unknown. the possibility to study the C'olumbellidae in the MNHN and Kathie Way and Amelia MacLallan for Comparison. Mitrella vosvictori lias always been access to the NHM's type collections. misidentilled as \/. baculus, yet stands out from it by the more bulbous protoconch. the more convex REFERENCES whorls. the smaller number ofbasai cords (about 18 in \/. baculus), the more shouldered teleoconch whorls. Drivas. J. & Jay, M., 1990. The C'olumbellidae of the higher and narrower aperture and the absence of Reunion Island (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Aimais of the subsutural colour band of orangish and white the Natal Muséum 31:163-200. markings. Sieurs, W.J., 1985. The marine microgastropods from It differs from .1/. conspersa by the larger size (about the northem coast ofPapua New Guinea II: the 2 X), the bulbous protoconch, the smooth teleoconch family C'olumbellidae (subfamily Columbellinae) whorls (M. conspersa shows axial ribs on the first two with description ofone new species. Indomalayan teleoconch whorls), the more numerous basai cords Zoology 2(2): 267-280. and the colour ofthe aperture, which is always bright Sieurs, W.J., 1987. The marine microgastropods from purple in M. conspersa. the northern coast ofPapua New Guinea III: the M. puella differs by the présence of a strong axial family Columbellidae (subfamily Pyreninae) with sculpture, especially on the uppermost teleoconch description oftwo new species. Indomalayan whorls, the more elongate protoconch with 3 whorls, Zoology-4(1 ): 33-68. E. F. Garcia NOVAPEX 10(1): 5-8. 1 mars 2009 A new Astyris species (Gastropoda: Columbellidae) from the Gulf of Mexico, with notes on the genus GARCJA Emilio F. 115 0akCrestDr. Lafayette, LA 70503 USA Efg21 12@louisiana.edu KEYWORDS. Gastropoda. Columbellidae.Astyris, GulfofMexico, new species. ABSTRACT. The genusAstyris is discussed. A new species ofAstyris, collected offTampa, Florida. is described and compared with its congeners. INTRODUCTION In his taxonomic study of the représentatives of the family Columbellidae in Brazil. Costa groups Astyris with Mitrella, as he considers the former to be one of While inspecting lobster traps set in 60 to 65 m of those gênera that has been "mal estabelecidos" (2005: water offTampa, Florida. Mr. Steve Kern collected a 6). He (2005: 252). discusses in particular Dalfs number of spécimens of an undescribed columbellid early (1870) interprétation ofAstyris. which includes species inhabited by hennit crabs. The lot. composed species from families other than Columbellidae. of 24 spécimens, came into the possession of Mr. However. Costa does not seem to be aware of Frank Frumar. of Kirkwood. Missouri, and was McLean's diagnosu. Since Radwin's and McLean's eventually sent to me for study. Although the species publications most authors hâve separated Astyris from at first sight seemed to belong to the genus Mitrella Mitrella [e. g.. deMaintenon (1999), Redfern (2001). Risso. 1826. it more closely resembles species that Espinosa etal. (2004), Rosenberg (2005)]. hâve been assigned toAstyris H. & A. Adams. 1853. Nothwithstanding the limiting paucispiral protoconch The genus Astyris has undergone différent included by McLean in his diagnosis of Astyris. interprétations since it was first proposed. Dali (1889: species assigned to this genus do follow the other 189) used it as a subgenus ofCohimbella, choosing it characters diagnosed by him. Moreover, Astyris hâve from other "superfluous names" to be used "for thinner shells than Mitrella. a labrum with an inner sundry colored. small. mostly polished little margin that is either smooth. or has weak denticles, Columbellids which hâve been scattered through a rather than the well- formed. strong denticles of variety ofsections which form phases ofa continuous Mitrella. and a columellar area which. instead of séries and cannot be strictly diagnosed"; however. in having a séries of denticles. is either smooth or has lateryears (1927:52) he raised it to a full genus. Some one or two strong. triangular denticles at the anterior later workers (e.g.. Grant & Gale. 1931: 695) end of the columella. If the columella shows slight considered Astyris synonymous with Mitrella: and indentations at anterior end, they are caused by the Abbott (1974) and Rios (1985) treated it as a subgenus spiral cords présent on the surface of the anterior aïMitrella. canal, which show through the columellar callus. The When Radwin reviewed the western Atlantic gênera séries of denticles in the inner lip of Mitrella are and species in Columbellidae, he assigned a number independent of the outer ornamentation of the shell. of western Atlantic columbellid taxa to Astyris: Species placed in Mitrella tend to be larger, and while however. he restrained from making a diagnosis ofthe most Mitrella inhabit shallow water. most Astyris genus "because the subgeneric and spécifie inhabit deep water. interrelationships in this genus are not sufficiently Abbreviations understood (1978: 331). Radwin's omission was addressed by McLean in McLean & Gosliner (1996) who, indirectly acknowledging the problems stated by AMNH: The American Muséum of Natural History, Dali and Radwin. chose to give a "tentative" diagnosis New York. USA. for Astyris: "Shell small. high- spired. whorls smooth. ANSP: Academy of Natural Sciences. Philadelphia. lacking axial and spiral sculpture, except for spiral Pennsylvania, USA. incisions on base; aperture narrow, canal short but BMSM: Bailey-Matthews Shell Muséum, Sanibel, deeply notched; anal notch lacking; protoconch Florida, USA. paucispiral" (1996: 109).However. many species that EFG: author's collection hâve been assigned to Astyris do hâve a multispiral FF: Frank Frumar collection. Kirkwood. Missouri, USA. protoconch. 9 i i Gar( i\ A new Astyris species l siu i lorida Department of Naturel Resources, St. becoming slightl) erect (Fig 2). sbowing faint lirae Petersburg, Florida, i s \ created bj spiral cords underneath callus; a triangular SBMNH Santa Barbara Muséum ofNaturel History, denticle appearing at base of columella (Fig 4); Califomia, l s \ anterior canal relative!) wide, short, notched. Shell USNM: National Muséum of Naturel History, whitish, semi-translueent; early whorls developing a Smithsonian Institution, Washington. DC, US \ milky white, uneven, subsutural band and presuturel milky- white spots; amorphous, yellowish markings SYSTEMATICS showing at periphery of whorls; colors becoming organized in last three whorls; yellowish color COLUMBELLIDAE Familj Swainson, 1840 intruding into milky- white areas in sigmoid pattern; a Genus Astyris H. & A. Adams, 1853 second, weaker yellowish band appearing at base of Type species: Astyris rosacea (Gould, 1840) by last whorl; third row of white spots showing on subséquent désignation [Cossmann, 1901, 4: 238]. anteriorcanal. Astyrisfiumarkernorum n. sp. Discussion. The holotype and paratype 1 (Figs 7-9) Figs 1-9 are the largest in the type séries, measuring approximately 4.8 mm. The holotype seems to be a Type raaterial. Holotype ANSP 418861 length 4.8 full adult; paratype 1 is slightly sub- adult. Ail other mm, width 2mm, 100 mi west of Tampa Bay, west spécimens in the type séries, although nearly as large, Florida. in 60- 65 m (Figs 1-6); paratype 1 ANSP hâve very thin lips It is presumed that there is little USNM 418862 (Figs 7-9»; paratypes 2 and 3 1 1 14248; variation in coloration in this species, as ail of the paratype4 BMSM 15493; paratype 5 SBMNH 83476; spécimens in the type séries hâve the same color paratypes 6- 8 EFG 28302; paratypes 9- 23 Frank pattern as the holotype and paratype 1. Costa (2005, Frumar col. Plate 19, fig 9) figures a "Mitrella sp." collected in the Miami area in 1967 that resembles A. Type loeality. 27°27,56"N, 84°24'30"W, 186 km frumarkernorum; however, I was unable to inspect the west ofTampa Bay. Florida. in 60- 65 m. spécimens, which are housed at AMNH (No. 245671). Astyris frumarkernorum is similar in shape to A. Distribution. Known only from the type loeality. rosacea (Gould, 1840), A. diaphana (Verrill, 1882), and A. cabofrioensis (Costa & Souza, 2001). A mm Description. Holotype (Figs 1-6) 4.8 in length; rosacea, which inhabits European waters and the shell thin but strong, polished, fusiform (width/ length northeastern coast ofAmerica, is larger, has différent ratio 0.42). Protoconch of about 3 whorls, smooth, markings and more convex whorls. A. diaphana, with white, conical (Fig 5). Transition between protoconch a géographie distribution from North Carolina to the and teleoconch undetectable. Suture distinct, not Gulf of Mexico, has a différent protoconch, a larger channeled, made conspicuous by a minute, somewhat shell, a varix behind the outer lip, and a pale- straw grooved shoulder anterior to it (Fig 6). Teleoconch of coloration. It is interesting to note that the suturai area approximately 4.5 whorls; early whorls developing a of A. diaphana and A, frumarkernorum (Fig 6) are slightly indented. almost unnoticeable, subsutural almost identical in construction. Dali describes the band; shell surface microscopically covered with suture ofA. diaphana as "distinct but not channeled; numerous, strong, compact axial growth marks on some of the whorls it is accompanied by a fine crossed by less conspicuous, narrower, incised, grove just in advance of it (1889: 191)." Astyris undulating spiral threads, giving shell surface a cabofrioensis (Costa & Souza, 2001), known only corrugated appearance (Fig 9); last whorl with 9 or 10 from off Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is also similar in strong spiral cords on anterior canal (Fig. 4); cords gênerai coloration; however, it grows to 10 mm, has a microscopically wrinkled by axial ornamentation. dôme- like protoconch of 2 whorls, and the inner mm Aperture 2 in length, elongate- ovate, distinctly margin of the external lip has denticles, This species pointed posteriorly but without anal notch; outer lip was originally described as a Mitrella but its not thickened, sinuous at shoulder (Figs 2, 6), conchological characters seem to be most similar to A interiorly edentate; pariétal wall smooth, posteriorarea Astyris rosacea, and diaphana. with thin callus; callus thickening anteriorly. Figures 1- 1-9. Astyrisfrumarkernorum n. sp., 100 mi west of Tampa Bay, Florida, in 60- 65 m. 1-6. Holotype ANSP 418861, length 4.8 mm, width 2 mm 7-9. Paratype ANSP 418862, length 4.8mm. 1 E.F.Garcia NOVAPEX 10(1): 5-8, 10 mars 2009 I I lAKUA A iicw Astyris species The color pattem of Astyris frumarkernorum n. sp Boston Society oj Natural History, Boston, 13: resembles that of some Caribbean forms of Astyris 240-25". lunata (Sa>. 1826); however, Istyris lunata \s smaller, Dali. W. 11. 18X9. Reports on the results ofdredgings, luis a more convex last whorl, and small denticles under the supervision ofAlexander Agassi/, in the inside the outer lip. Astyris antares (Costa & Souza, (juif ol Mexico (1X77-78) and in the Caribbean 2001). with a geographical distribution from the Sea 1X79-X0). by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer ( Bahama Islands to Brazil, is also smaller, lias a 'Blake,'. Bulletin ofthe Muséum ofComparative globose protoconch with dark markings, a varicose Zoology IX: 1-492. outer lip, small denticles inside the outer lip, and two Dali. W. II. 1927. Small shells from dredgings offthe strong denticles ai the anterior end of the columella. southeast coast ofthe United States by the United istyris guanahaniensis (Faber, 2004). Iront the States Fisheries Steamer 'Albatross' in 1885 and Bahamas, grows to onl> 4.1 mm, lias a protoconch o\' 1886. Proceedings ofthe United States National onc whorl, différent coloration, and is weakly Muséum 70(2667): 1-134. denticulate inside the outer lip. Faber places this DeMaintenon, M. J. 1999. Phylogenetic analysis of species in Mitrella but ils conchological characters are the Columbellidae (Mollusca: Neogastropoda) and most similar to those of A.i/vm.particularly A. the évolution ofherbivory from carnivory. perlucida Dali. 1927. with which it should be Invertebrate Biology 1 18 (3): 258- 288. compared. Like Astyris frumarkernorum, A. rolani Espinosa, J., R. Fernandez-Garcés and J. Espinosa et al., 2004 and A. angeli Espinosa et al., Ortea. 2004. Descripciôn de dos nuevas especies 2004. two species dredged off southern Cuba, lack del género Astyris H. y A. Adams, 1853 denticles in the inner labrum, but thèse two species are (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Columbellidae) del Mar smaller. \ery fragile in appearance. and of différent Caribe de Cuba. Revista de la Academia Canaria coloration. deCiencias 15: 197-201. Faber, M. J. 2004. Marine gastropods from the ABC Etymology. Named for Mr. Frank Frumar. of Islands and other localities. 3. The family Kirkwood. Missouri, who donated the type material, Columbellidae (Gastropoda: Buccinoidea) with and Steve Kern, of Key West, Florida, who collected descriptions offive new species. Miseellanea it. Malacologica 1: 21-43. & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Grant, U. S. Gale, H. R. 1931. Catalogue ofthe marine Pleiocene and Pleistocene Mollusca of My thanks to Frank Frumar for allowing me to study California and adjacent régions. San Diego the material in his collection and for donating the type Society ofNatural History Memoir 1: 1-1036, material. 1 am grateful to Harry G. Lee. of McLean, J. H. and Gosliner, T. M. 1996. Taxonomic Jacksonville, Florida, Paul Valentich- Scott, Santa atlas ofthe benihicfauna ofthe Santa Maria Basin Barbara Muséum of Natural History, and Javier and the Western Santa Barbara Channel Vol. 9. Martin Barrios, Tenerife, Canary Island, for supplying The Mollusca Part 2. The Gastropoda. Santa literature needed forthis study Barbara Muséum ofNatural History, 228 pp. REFERENCES Radwin, G. E. 1978. The family Columbellidae in the Western Atlantic. Part Ib.-The Pyreninae Abbott. R. T. 1974. American Seashells. 2>nndo éd. New (continued). The Veliger20: 328-344 York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 663 pp. Redfern, C. 2001. Bahamian Seashells. A thousand Costa, P.M.S. 2005. Estudo taxonômico dos speciesfromAbaco, Bahamas. Bahamian représentâtes da Familia Columbellidae Swainson, seashells.com, Inc., Boca Raton, 280 pp. 1840 (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) da costa Rios, E. C. 1985. Seashells ofBrazil. [ii] + 329 pp., brasileira. Ph. D. Dissertation, Universidade 102 pis. Museu Oceanogrâfico: Rio Grande. Fédéral do Rio de Janeiro/Museu Nacional, Rio de Rosenberg, G. 2005. Malacolog4.1.0: A Databaseof [WWW Janeiro, 333 pp. WesternAtlantic Marine Mollusca. Dali. W. H. 1870. Revision ofthe classification ofthe database (version 4.1.0)] URL Mollusca of Masssachusetts. Proceedings of the http://www.malacolog.org/

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