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Notice of preparation of an environmental impact report : CityPlace, 935-965 Market Street PDF

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Preview Notice of preparation of an environmental impact report : CityPlace, 935-965 Market Street

SANFRANCISCOPUBLICLIBRARY ICISCO 3 1223 0P851L4 3A02N3 NING DEPARTMENT To Responsible Agencies, Trustee Agencies, and Interested Parties: 1650MissionSt. Suite400 RE: CASE NO. 2005.1074E-CityPlace(935-965 Market Street) SanFrancisco, CA94103-2479 NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTREPORT Reception: 415.558.6378 The San Francisco Planning Department has issued aNotice ofPreparation (NOP) ofan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) forthe above-referenced project. An Initial Studyhas also been preparedto provide more detailed Fax: 415.558.6409 information regardingthe proposedproject and the environmental issues to be considered in the Draft EIR. The NOP/Initial Study is either attached or is available upon requestfromNannie Turrell, at(415) 575-9047 or atthe Planning above address. TheNOP/Initial Study is also available on-line atwww.sQ)lanning.org/mea. This notice is being Information: senttoyou becauseyouhave beenidentified aspotentiallyhavmgan interest intheprojectorthe projectarea. 415.558.6377 Project Description: The approximately 1.06-acre project site is on Assessor's Block 3704, Lots 71, 72, and Jth side ofMarket Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets; Stevenson Street ^ ite. The three commercial buildings on the project site contain a total of |M f The two buildings at 935-939 Market Street and 941-945 Market Street . et Street is entirely vacant. The proposed project would demolish these 1 redevelop the site with one five-story, 90-foot-tall retail building, with king. The proposed building would include seven levels of retail space level andtwo subsurface levels ofparking. A loading area and avehicular ground floor; and a mechanical penthouse, including rooftop equipment, San FranciscoPublicLibrary floor. Overall, the proposed project would involve construction of an with about 262,180 gsf of retail uses; about 3,920 gsfofcommon areas; torage space; and about 98,820 gsfofparking, loading, and driveways and Government Information Center San Francisco Public Library aid result in an increase ofabout 190,220 gsfof developed space on the 100 Larkin Street, 5tti Floor 2 C-3-G (Downtown General Commercial) and C-3-R (Downtown Retail) San Francisco, CA 94102 iht and Bulk District. The project would include the use oftransferable to applicable height and bulk limitations. The project would requu^e a REFERENCE BOOK rking in addition to permitted accessory parking, and for demolition ofa dth ofthe loading and parking access on Stevenson Street, and review by Not to be taken from the Library rationofan exceptionto freight loading requirements under PlarmingCode aedthatanEIRmustbe preparedfortheproposedprojectpriorto anyfinal The purpose ofthe EIR is to provide information aboutpotential significant proposed project, to identify ways to minimize significant effects, and to itives to the proposed project. Preparation of an NOP or EIR does not — ^, ...^ ^.v, ^^^:ovQ orto disapprove the project. However, priorto making any decision, the decisionmakers mustconsiderthe informationcontained inthe EIR. Written comments on the scope ofthe EIR will be accepted until the close ofbusiness, October 31, 2008 and should be sent to Bill Wycko, Acting Environmental Review Officer, San Francisco Planning Department, 1650 Mission Street, Suite400, San Francisco, CA 94103. Ifyou work for an agency that is a Responsible or a Trustee Agency, we need to know the views ofyouragency as to the scope and content of the environmental information that is relevant to your agency's statutory responsibilities in connection withthe proposedproject. Youragencymayneedto usetheEIRwhen considering apermitorotherapproval forthis project. We will alsoneedthename ofthe contactperson foryouragency. Ifvou have questions concerning environmental review ofthe proposed project, please contact Nannie Turrell 575-9047. D DOCUMENTS DEP' REF 711.4097 C4989n OCT - 2 2008 www.sfplanning.org SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY . SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT To Responsible Agencies, TrusteeAgencies, andInterested Parties: 1650MissionSt. Suite400 RE: CASE NO. 2005.1074E-CityPIace (935-965 MarketStreet) SanFrancisco, CA94103-2479 NOTICE OF PREPARATION OFAN ENVIRONMENTALIMPACTREPORT Reception: 415.558.6378 The San Francisco Planning Department has issued aNotice ofPreparation (NOP) ofan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) forthe above-referenced project. An Initial Studyhas also been preparedto provide more detailed Fax: 415.558.6409 information regarding the proposedproject andthe envu-onmental issues to be considered in the Draft EIR. The NOP/Initial Study is either attached or is available uponrequestfromNannie Turrell, at (415) 575-9047 oratthe Planning above address. The NOP/Initial Study is also available on-line atwww.s^lanning.org/mea. This notice is being Information: senttoyoubecauseyouhavebeen identified aspotentiallyhavingan interest intheprojectortheprojectarea. 415.558.6377 Project Description: The approximately 1.06-acre project site is on Assessor's Block 3704, Lots 71, 72, and 73. It is located mid-block on the south side ofMarket Street between Fifth and Sixth Sfreets; Stevenson Street forms the southern boundary ofthe site. The three commercial buildings on the project site contain a total of about 186,400 gross square feet (gsf). The two buildings at 935-939 Market Street and 941-945 Market Street are partly vacant, and 947-965 Market Street is entirely vacant. The proposed project would demolish these three two- to five-story buildings and redevelop the site with one five-story, 90-foot-tall retail building, with associated building services, and parking. The proposed building would include seven levels ofretail space including a mezzanine and subsurface level andtwo subsurface levels ofparking. A loading areaand avehicular driveway would be provided on the ground floor; and a mechanical penthouse, including rooftop equipment, would be provided above the fifth floor. Overall, the proposed project would involve construction of an approximately 376,620-gsfbuilding, with about 262,180 gsfofretail uses; about 3,920 gsfofcommon areas; about 11,700 gsfofmechanical and storage space; and about 98,820 gsfofparking, loading, and driveways and maneuvering space. The project would result in an increase ofabout 190,220 gsfofdeveloped space on the project site. The project site is in the C-3-G (Downtown General Commercial) and C-3-R (Downtown Retail) Zoning Districts, and the 120-X Height and Bulk District. The project would include the use oftransferable development rights (TDRs) subject to applicable height and bulk limitations. The project would requu-e a Conditional Use authorization for parking in addition to permitted accessory parking, and for demolition ofa prior theater use; variances for the width ofthe loading and parking access on Stevenson Street, and review by the Planning Commission andconsideration ofan exceptionto freight loading requirements underPlanningCode Section 309. The Planning Departmenthas determinedthatan EIRmustbepreparedforthe proposedprojectpriorto anyfinal decision regardingproject approval. The purpose ofthe EIR is to provide information aboutpotential significant physical environmental effects ofthe proposed project, to identify ways to minimize significant effects, and to describe and analyze possible alternatives to the proposed project. Preparation of an NOP or EIR does not indicate a decision by the City to approve orto disapprove the project. However, priorto making any decision, the decisionmakers mustconsiderthe information contained inthe EIR. Written comments on the scope ofthe EIR will be accepted until the close ofbusiness, October 31, 2008 and should be sent to Bill Wycko, Acting Environmental Review Officer, San Francisco Planning Department, 1650 Mission Street, Suite400, San Francisco, CA 94103 Ifyouwork for an agency that is a Responsible or a Trustee Agency, we needto knowthe views ofyouragency as to the scope and content of the environmental information that is relevant to your agency's statutory responsibilities in connection withtheproposedproject. Youragencymayneedto usetheEIRwhen considering apermitorotherapproval forthis project. Wewill also needthename ofthe contactperson foryouragency. Ifyou have questions concerning environmental review ofthe proposed project, please contact Nannie Turrell at(415) 575-9047. DOCUMENTS DEPT. OCT - 2 2008 www.sfplanning.org SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1223 08514 3023 SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF PREPARATION OFAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 1550MissionSt Suite400 SanFrancisco, CA94103-2479 Dateofthis Notice: October L2008 Reception: Lead Agency: San FranciscoPlanningDepartment 415.558.6378 1650Mission Street,4'"Floor,San Francisco, CA 94103-2479 Agency Contact Person: NannieTurrell Telephone: (415)575-9047 Fax: ProjectTitle: CaseNo. 2005.1074E CityPlace (935-965 MarketStreet) 415.558.6409 ProjectSponsor: Urban RealtyCo., Inc. Planning ProjectContactPerson: David Rhoades Telephone: (415)814-8000 Information: ProjectAddress: 935-965 MarketStreet 415.558.6377 City and County: SanFrancisco Assessor's Blockand Lot: Assessor'sBlock3704, Lots71 72, and73 , Zoning District: C-3-G (DowntownGeneral Commercial) andC-3-R(DowntownRetail) Heightand Bulk District: 120-X Project Description: The approximately 1,06-acre project site is on Assessor's Block 3704, Lots 71, 72, and 73. It is located on the south side ofMarket Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets. The proposed project would demolish the three two- to five-story buildings on the site and redevelop the site with one five-story, 90-foot-tall retail building, with associated building services and subsurfaceparking. Overall, the building would contain approximately 376,620 gsf, with about 262,180 gsfofretail uses; about 3,920 gsfofcommon areas; about 11,700 gsfofmechanical and storagespace; and about98,820 gsfofparking, loading, anddriveways andmaneuveringspace. The projectwould result in an increase of about 190,220 gsfof developed space on the project site. The project site is in the C-3-G (Downtown General Commercial) and C-3-R (Downtown Retail) Zoning Districts, and the 120-X Height and Bulk District. The project would include the use oftransferable development rights (TDRs) subject to applicable heightand bulk limitations. The project would require a Conditional Use authorization for parking in addition to permitted accessory parkingand fordemolition ofa formertheateruse; variances forthe width ofthe loadingand parkingaccess on Stevenson Street, andan exception to freight loadingrequirements underPlanningCode Section309. THIS PROJECT MAY HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT IS REQUIRED. This determination is based upon the criteria of the Guidelines ofthe State Secretary for Resources, Section 15063 (Initial Study), 15064 (Determining Significant Effect), and 15065 (Mandatory Findings of Significance) and the following reasons, as documented in the Environmental Evaluation (Initial Study) forthe project,which isattached. Written comments on thescope ofthe EIRwill be accepted until the close ofbusiness on October31,2008. Written comments should be sent to Bill Wycko, San Francisco Planning Department, 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94103. Documents relating to the proposed project are available for review, by appointment, at the Planning Department's MajorEnvirorimental Analysisoffice, 1650 Mission Street, Suite400. PleasecallNannieTurrell at(415) 575-9047. State Agencies: We need to know the views of your agency as to the scope and content of the environmental information that is germane to your agency's statutory responsibilities in connection with the proposed project. Youi" agency may need to use the EIR when consideringa permitorotherapproval forthis project. Please include the name ofacontactperson inyouragency. Thankyou. ^ DatT Bill Wycko, Acting Environrhental ReviewOfficer www.sfplanning.orq Digitized by the Internet Archive 2014 in https://archive.org/details/noticeofpreparat1200sanf INITIAL STUDY mmnsiwn ciTTFWcc: 355-3^5 Case No. 2005.1074E - Retail Development A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The approximately 1.06-acre project site (Assessor's Block 3704, Lots 71, 72, and 73) is located in downtown San Francisco onthe south side ofMarket Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets/ (See Figure 1: Project Location.) The rectangular site is inthe middle ofthe block, oppositethe intersection ofMarket with Turk and Mason Streets. Stevenson Streetforms the southern boundary ofthe site. The site encompasses three parcels: 935-939 Market, 941-945 Market, and 947-965 Market. These parcels are developed withthree mixed-use commercial and office buildings: 935-939 Market Street and 941-945 Market Street, which are partly vacant, and 947- 965 Market Street, which is entirely vacant. Thethree buildings onthe project site contain approximately 186,400 gross square feet(gsf). The project sponsor proposes to demolish the three existingtwo- to five-storybuildings and redevelop the site with one five-story, approximately 90-foot-tall commercial building, with new retail uses, associated building services, and a below-grade parking garage with 210 off-street parking spaces. The proposed buildingwould include seven levels ofretail space, including a mezzanine and subsurface level (floor Bl) andtwo subsurface levels (floors B2 and B3) of parking. Building serviceswould occupy a small portion ofall above- and below-ground floors; a loading area and avehiculardriveway would be provided onthe ground floor; and a mechanical penthouse, including rooftop equipment, would be provided above the fifth floor. The proposed project at935-965 Market Street (named "CityPlace" bythe sponsor) would involve the construction ofan approximately 376,620-gsfbuilding, with approximately 262,180 gsfofretail uses; about 3,920 gsfofcommon areas such as the ground-floor lobby; about 1 1,700 gsfof mechanical and storage space; and about 98,820 gsfofparking, loading, and driveways and maneuvering space.^ The project would result in an increase ofabout 190,220 gsfofdeveloped space on the project site. ' Market Streetis oriented in anortheast-southwestdirection, butforease ofunderstanding, itwillbe referredto as an east-westroad inthis report. ^ Theproject includes 81,180 gsfofparkingareas. Approximately21,580 gsfoftheparking areawouldbe accessory parking; the remaining gsf(approximately 59,600 gsf) wouldbe non-accessoryparking. Accordingto PlanningCodeSection204.5, off-streetparking is accessory ifit is (1) locatedonthe same lotasthe development it serves; and(2) usedbythe occupants ofthe developmentto which it is accessory. Accessoryparkingfacilitiesmaynotexceedthe followingparkingamounts: (1) 150 percentofthe required numberofspaces wherethree ormore spaces arerequired; and(2) 15 spaces orsevenpercentofthetotal gross floorareaofthe development, whicheveris greater. Off-streetparking which exceedsthe code- specified accessoryparking amounts is consideredtobe non-accessoryparking. Projects require Conditional Use authorization (CU) forprovisionofnon-accessoryparking. October 1,2008 1 CityPlace 2005.1074E InitialStudy 7B C7 U 70 76 77 L07:1 ProjectSite WESTFIELD 1% 935-965MARKET 4 63 MARSHALLS SANCFERNATNRCEISCO i 1 1 NORDSTROM NORDSTROM PARKING LOT HOTEL MILANO 3L00MINGDALE'S U.S.MINT PROJECT 00 FEET SOURCE:TurnstoneConsulting,Gonslcr 2005.1074E FIGURE 1: PROJECT LOCATION 2 The project site is in the C-3-G (Downtown General Commercial) and C-3-R (Downtown Retail) Zoning Districts, andthe 120-X Height and BulkDistrict. Both the C-3-G and C-3-RZoning Districts permit a base floor arearatio (FAR) of6:1. Amaximum FARof9:1 is allowable with the use oftransferable development rights (TDRs) and subjectto applicable height and bulk limitations. The total gross floorarea ofthe proposed projectattributableto FARis approximately 371,398 gsf,^ or 8.1 FAR, which is morethanthe base FARfloorarea of276,378 gsfand lessthan the allowable 9:1 gross floorarea of414,567 gsf."^ Therefore, the projectwould include TDRs. The amountofTDR space necessary forthe proposed project could range from approximately 48,957 gsfto approximately 95,020 gsf, depending on the determination as tothe applicability ofPlanningCode Section 102.9(b). Proposed Project Design The proposed building would rise five stories, plus amezzanine, to atotal height ofabout 90 feet above street level; in addition, the buildingwould have an enclosed 16-foot-tall mechanical penthouse. The proposed buildingwould also include three subsurface levels. The subsurface levels B1 and B2 and all above-ground levels would be builttothe property lines on all sides of the building; subsurface level B3 would have about 6,315 square feet (sq. ft.) ofunexcavated area atthe southern end ofthe building. (See Figure 2: Proposed Site Plan; Figure 3: Proposed Building Sections; Figure 4: Proposed Elevation, Market Street; and Figure 5: Proposed Elevation, Stevenson Street.) The proposed design would be contemporary in style, withthe building's Market Street fafade articulatedwith avaried glass curtain wall system.^ The building's Stevenson Sfreetfa9ade would be sheathed in a painted aluminum curtain wall system; this fa9ade would be less articulatedthan the main Market Streetfa9ade. The mechanical penthouse level would also be sheathed in painted aluminum cladding on all sides. The ground- floor retail storefronts along Market Streetwould have clear glazingto maximize light and transparency. ^ Approximately46,063 gsfis addedtothe building square footage forpurposes ofthe FARcalculation, to reflectan average floorheight in excess of15 feet. Approximately60,912 gsfis excluded fromthe FAR calculation, underPlanningCode Section 102.9(b). This excludedspace includesthe following: accessory parking spaces and aisles; accessoryloading spaces; driveway andmaneuveringareas; storage; building andpedestrian circulation onthe firstfloor; mechanical areas segregatedfrom occupied floors; roof-level mechanical equipment; the atrium; andthe unexcavatedareaon floorB3. The floorareadevotedtonon- accessory parking is included inthe FARcalculations, asrequired. '* Thebase allowable floorareafortheprojectequalsthe lotarea(46,063 sq. ft.)times 6, which is276,378 gsf The maximum allowable gross floorareafortheprojectequalsthe lotarea(46,063 sq. ft.) times 9, which is414,567 gsf ^ Gensleristheprojectarchitect. October 1,2008 3 CityPlace 2005.1074E InitialStudy

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