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Notice of preparation of an environmental impact report : case no. 2008.0021E : Parkmerced project, 3711 Nineteenth Avenue PDF

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Preview Notice of preparation of an environmental impact report : case no. 2008.0021E : Parkmerced project, 3711 Nineteenth Avenue

SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1650MissionSt. Suite400 SanFrancisco, Notice ofPreparation of an Environmental Impact Report CA94103-2479 Reception: Date: May20, 2009 415.558.6378 Fax: CaseNo.: 2008.0021E 415.558.6409 Planning tnercedProject- 3711 NineteenthAvenue information: 415.558.6377 RM-1,RH-1(D) 4, ks 7303, 7303A, 7308-7311, 7314, 7316, 7319-7326, 7330- & 7333A-B, 7333E, 7353-7373 , ]an FranciscoPublicLibrary oximately 116Acres LLC tnerced Investors GOVERNMENT Government Information Center San Francisco Public Library DOCUMENTS DEPT J^rancisco Plaiming Department 100 Larkin Stre-^r, ^-th Floor San Francisco. CA 94102 Cooper(415)575-9027 MAY 2 2 2009 BOOK kEFERENCE SAN FRANCISCO lot to he taken from the Library PUBLIC LIBRARY ent will prepare an environmental impact report (EIR) ital QualityAct (CEQA) to evaluate the physical ParkmercedProject (Proposed Project). This noticeprovides a summary ofthe Proposed Project, identifies environmental topics and issues anticipatedtobe analyzed inthe EIR, andprovides the time, date, and location ofthe public scoping meetings. The EIRwill be aproject-level EIR. An Initial Study willnotbeprepared as part ofthe environmental review process forthe Proposed Project; instead, all topics willbe addressed inthe EIR. Pursuantto CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(d) the San Francisco Planning Departmenthas determinedthat an Initial Study is not necessary. Inthe absence ofan Initial Study, the EIRwill still focus on the significant impacts of the Proposed Project andexplainmorebriefly why other issues would not be significant. D REF 711.4097 P234 lay20,2009 1 ParkmercedProject [)08.0021E NOP SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1650MissionSt. Suite400 SanFrancisco, Notice ofPreparation ofan Environmental Impact Report CA94103-2479 Reception: Date: May 20, 2009 415.558.6378 Fax: CaseNo.: 2008.0021E 415.558.6409 Planning Project Title: ParkmercedProject- 3711 NineteenthAvenue Information; 415.558.6377 Zoning: RM-4, RM-1,RH-1(D) Block/Lot: Blocks 7303, 7303A, 7308-7311, 7314, 7316, 7319-7326, 7330- & 7345, 7333A-B, 7333E, 7353-7373 LotSize: Approximately 116Acres ProjectSponsor: ParkmercedInvestors LLC GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS DEPT LeadAgency: SanFrancisco Planning Department StaffContact: Rick Cooper(415) 575-9027 MAY 2 2 2009 SAN FRANCISCO INTRODUCTION PUBLIC LIBRARY The SanFrancisco PlanningDepartment willprepare anenvironmental impactreport (EIR) pursuantto the CaliforniaEnvironmental QualityAct (CEQA) to evaluate the physical enviroimiental effects ofthe proposedParkmercedProject (Proposed Project). This notice provides a summary ofthe ProposedProject, identifies environmental topics and issues anticipatedtobe analyzed inthe EIR, andprovidesthe time, date, and location ofthe public scopingmeetings. The EIRwill be aproject-level EIR. An Initial Study will notbeprepared as part ofthe environmental review process for the Proposed Project; instead, all topics will be addressed in the EIR. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(d) the San Francisco Planning Departmenthas determinedthat an Initial Study is not necessary. Inthe absence ofan Initial Study, the EIRwill still focus on the significant impacts of the Proposed Project and explainmore briefly why other issues wouldnotbe significant. May20,2009 1 ParkmercedProject 2008.0021E NOP PROJECT OVERVIEW Parkmerced is an existing residential neighborhoodwith 3,221 residential units on approximately 116 acres ofland in the southwest portion ofSan Francisco adjacent to Lake Merced (Project Site). The existing on-site residential units are located in 11 towers and 170 two-story buildings. The proposed Parkmerced Project is a long-term mixed-use developmentprogram to comprehensively re-plan and redesign the Parkmerced site, increase residential density, provide new commercial and retail services and transit facilities, and improve utilities within the development site. About 1,683 ofthe existing apartments located in 11 towerbuildings wouldbe maintained, and over aperiod ofapproximately 30 years, the remaining 1,538 existing apartments wouldbe demolished in phases and fully replaced, and an additional 5,679 netnew units would be added to the Project Site. With project implementation, there wouldbe a total of8,900 units on the Project Site. The Proposed Project also includes construction ofa new neighborhood core containing neighborhood-serving retail and office space, including such potential uses as a grocery store, restaurants, andbanks. The neighborhood core wouldbe within walking distance ofthe residences at Parkmerced. Small neighborhood-serving retail uses wouldbe constructed outside ofthe neighborhood core in close proximity to residential units throughout the Project Site. Anew Pre K-5 school and day care facility, fitness center, as well as new open space uses, including athletic fields, walking and biking paths, an approximately 2-acre organic farm, and community gardens would also be provided on the Project Site. The Proposed Project includes construction of(orprovides financing for construction of) a series oftraffic and infi-astructure improvements designed to reduce the amount ofautomobile traffic originating fi^om Parkmerced, and to improve traffic flow on adjacentroadways such as 19th Avenue and Brotherhood Way. As a component ofthese traffic improvements, the Proposed Project includes rerouting the existing Muni Metro M-Oceanview line fi^om its current alignment along 19thAvenue. The new alignment, as currently envisioned, would leave 19*Avenue at HollowayAvenue, proceed through the neighborhood core in Parkmerced, and re-enter 19'*' Avenue south ofFelix Avenue, providing saferand more direct transit access forParkmerced visitors, residents and neighbors without removing any existing stops for users. The Proposed Project also includes a plan to landscape the median area ofJunipero Serra Boulevard between 19''^Avenue and Brotherhood Way and a section of 19'*'Avenue that are currently occupiedby the Muni rail tracks afterthe proposed realignment is completed. Other proposed infrastructure improvements include the installation ofa variety ofnew facilities intended to reduce the Proposed Project's per-unit use ofelectricity, natural gas, water, and the City's wastewaterconveyance and treatment systems. A combination ofrenewable energy sources, such as wind turbines and photovoltaic cells, would be used to meet a portion ofthe Proposed Project's energy demand. In addition, stormwaterrunofffi-om buildings and streets would be captured and filtered through a series ofbioswales, ponds, and othernatural filtration systems. The filtered stormwater would then eitherpercolate into the groundwaterthat feeds the May20,2009 2 ParkmercedProject 2008.0002IE NOP 3 1223 08678 8560 1 Westside groundwaterbasin and Lake Merced orbe released directly into Lake Merced. This feature ofthe Proposed Projectwouldreduce the amount ofstormwaterflows directedto the Oceanside WaterPollution Control Plant, and potentially help to increase and improve water levels in Lake Merced andreduce combined sewage overflows to the ocean. Amendments to the San Francisco Planning Code andthe SanFrancisco GeneralPlan {General Plan) wouldbe needed. The Planning Code amendments would change the Height and Bulk District Zoning Map andwould add a Special Use District (SUD) applicable to the entire Project Site. ADevelopmentAgreement is alsoproposed, which wouldbe accompanied by a Design for Development document containing specific development guidelines. PROJECT LOCATIONAND EXISTING CONDITIONS The approximately 116-acre Project Site is locatedinthe Lake MercedDistrict in the southwest comerofSan Francisco and is generallyboundedbyVidal Drive, Font Boulevard, PintoAvenue, and Serrano Drive to the north, 19*Avenue and Junipero Serra Boulevard to the east, BrotherhoodWay to the south, andLake Merced Boulevard to the west (see Figure 1: Project Location). The project vicinity includes Stonestown Galleria and San Francisco State University (SFSU) to the north; the Lakeside and Ingleside Terrace neighborhoods to the east; the BrotherhoodWay religious and scholastic institutions, San Francisco GolfClub, and aresidential neighborhoodto the south; andLake Merced andthe Fleming andHarding Park GolfCoursesto thewest. The original Parkmercedresidential complex was constructedbetween 1941 and 1951 (see Figure 2: Existing Site Plan). The original property contained47 residential blocks, totaling 192 acres, including associated service buildings and open spaces. Overmany decades, various blocks ofthe original development complex havebeen subdivided and soldto thirdparties. The Project Site now encompasses about 60percent ofthe original Parkmercedproperty. The predominant organization ofParkmerced's development is definedby an axial street grid with a large open space in the centerand a series of"pie-shaped" residential blocks. The residential units on each ofthese blocks surround a central courtyard, open to the sky. The development is also articulatedby landscapedboulevards and secondary streets that weave aroundbuildings, open spaces, and largeropen spaces inthe vicinity ofthe towerbuildings (see Figure 3: Existing Circulation (StreetType) Plan, and Figure 4: ExistingTransit Plan). The Project Site contains 3,221 existing rental apartments in 170 two-story residential buildings (called townhouses) and 1 residential towerbuildings that are 13 stories tall, as well as associatedparking, building services, a leasing/operations office, and aprivate pre-school/day care facility. There are also about 75 acres (3,269,300 square feet) ofexisting open space throughout the Project Site in a network of lawns, courtyard areas, private open space, andplaygrounds (see Figure 5: Existing Open Space Plan). May20,2009 3 ParkmercedProject 2008.0002IE NOP Parking forthe residential apartments in the towers is currently provided in three above-grade centraHzed parking garages (due to existing grade changes, portions ofthese parking garages are constructedpartially underground), which accommodate a total of 1,540 parking stalls Parking forthe townhouses is provided in attached carports, which provide a total of1,507 parking spaces. An additional 151 parking spaces used for maintenance and office parking are provided in a surface parking lot. In addition to the 3,198 total private off-streetparking spaces, there are 1,591 existing public on-streetparking spaces. Existing Zoning and Height and Bulk Districts The Project Site is located in the RM-4 (Residential, Mixed Districts, High Density), RM-1 (Residential, Mixed Districts, Low Density), and RH-ID (Residential, House Districts, One- Family Detached Dwellings) Zoning Districts in the San Francisco Planning Code Zoning Map (see Figure 6: Existing Zoning Height Limit Plan). According to Section 105 ofthe San Francisco Planning Code, the Project Site is withinthe 130-D and 40-X height and bulk districts, with the high-rise towers in the 130-D districts andthe remainder ofthe site in the 40-X districts. PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS Proposed Land Use ProposedResidentialandExisting TenantRelocation Approximately halfofthe existing apartments wouldbe retained as part ofthe Proposed Project. The remaining halfwouldbe demolished andreplacedwith new apartments, and about 5,679 net new units would be added underthe proposal (see Table 1: Project Summary Table, and Figure 7: Proposed Site Plan). In total, there wouldbe 8,900 units onthe Parkmerced Site (1,683 existing- to-be-retained units + 1,538 newly constructed replacement units + 5,679 newly constructed units = 8,900 units). Development ofthe Proposed Project would not displace existing Parkmerced residents. Residents ofexisting apartments that are proposed to be replacedwouldbe providedwiththe opportunity to move to a new apartment before theirunit is demolished. Construction and demolition would be phasedto ensure that the residents ofthese units wouldbe required to move into a new apartment only once. These new apartments would be rented at the same rent- controlled rate as the residents' existing apartments priorto demolition and would continue tobe covered by the San Francisco Rent Control Ordinance. Existing residents would not be required to move offsite at any point during any phase ofthe Proposed Project. The new units not intended forexisting residents would be a mix ofrental and for sale units. A portion ofthe new units would be provided atbelow market rate (BMR) rents and sale prices, in accordance with the applicableAffordable Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, or as set forth in a May20,2009 4 ParkmercedProject 2008.0002IE NOP PARKMERCEDPROJECT FIGURE 1: PROJECT LOCATION Holloway Avenue HARDING PARK GOLF COURSE Shields Street 4-' 0 CD <U <1) 00 ^ (D o >. — a> CO > CoD J0X2) co C0D) co CD (/) 2 TO cr Shields Street M R c D e: i: PLHAYEGi GRHOrrUSN D BRPAOiORKKS I olph Street FEET JURCE:SOM,TurnstoneConsulting — — ii ii ..PROJECTBOUNDARY I -Ml \ ^RKMERCEDPROJECT FiniRF ?• Fvi<;TiMr. <;itf pi am SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY Holloway Avenue HARDING PARK GOLF COURSE hields Street Shields Street BROOKS GROUND PARK PARTIALLY BELOW GRADE PARKING GARAGE Sargent Street LAKE MERCED SAN FRANCISCO GOLF CLUB BROTHERHOOD CHESTER M IN PA R K I - -->JW Tijmaorec He 'PROJECTBOUNDARY ONGRADEPARKING GARAGEPARKING LEASINGOFFICE MAINTENANCE RESIDENTIAL FICl'RE 2: FMSTINC SITT PtAN

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