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Notice of availability of and intent to adopt a mitigated negative declaration : case no. 2006.0431E : 1080 Sutter Street PDF

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Preview Notice of availability of and intent to adopt a mitigated negative declaration : case no. 2006.0431E : 1080 Sutter Street

SANFRANCISCOPUBLICLIBRARY 3 1223 08678 8826 ..^.^^^ PLANNINO DEPARTMENT Notice of Availability of and Intent to S1u6i5t0e4M0i0ssionSt. SanFrancisco, Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration CA94103-2479 Reception: Date: May 6, 2009 415.558.6378 CaseNo.: 2006.0431E Fax: Project Title: 1080 Sutter Street 415.558.6409 Zoning: RC-4 (HighDensityResidential-Commercial Combined) GOVERNMENT Planning -30-E Height and BulkDistrict Information: DOCUMENTS DEPT ^79/011 415.558.6377 5/S ndrea Contreras- (415) 575-9044 [email protected] MAY ~ 7 2009 SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY e availability of the environmental review document concerning the proposed San Francisco PublicLibrar)' cument is a Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration, containing information effects of the proposed project. The Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration Covernment Iniormation Centdr le Planning Department that the proposed project could not have a significant San Ffanciscc Public Library Preparation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration does not indicate a decision by 100 Larkiii Strest, Sth Floor SailFrancisco, CA 94102 Duttheproposed project. BOOK REFERENCE 2is located on the northside ofSutterStreetmidblockbetween Larkin and Hyde iter neighborhood. The project site is currently occupied by a 20-space surface Not to be taken from the Library 'ould involve construction of a 35-unit residentialbuilding with 1,240 square feet d floor. The proposed building would be 11 stories and 111 feet high. The de 39 off-street parking spaces, nine at the ground floor and 30 in a sub-grade iccessed from Sutter Street. The project site is located in the Lower Nob Hill The proposed project would require Conditional Use authorization to permit construction of a residential building thatexceeds 40 feetinheight in anR districtpursuant to Planning CodeSection 253, and for parking exceeding accessory amounts per Section 204. In addition, the project also requires a Variance from the Zoning Administrator from Section 134 rear yard requirements, Section 135 usable open space requirements, and Section 140dwellingunitexposure requirements. If you would like a copy of the Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration or have questions concerning environmental review oftheproposed project, contactthe PlanningDepartmentstaffcontactlisted above. Within 20 calendar days following publication of the Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration (i.e., by close of business onMay26, 2009) anypersonmay: 1) Reviewthe PreliminaryMitigated Negative Declaration as an informational itemand take no action. p ke recommendations for amending the text of the document. The text of the Preliminary Mitigated Negative p^p ilarahon may be amended to clarify or correct statements and/or expanded to include additional relevant 711.4097 T252 SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING OEPARTMENT Notice of Availability of and Intent to 1Su6i5t0e4M0i0ssionSt. SanFrancisco, Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration CA94103-2479 Reception: Date: May 6, 2009 415.558.6378 CaseNo.: 2006.0431E Fax: Project Title: 1080 Sutter Street 415.558.6409 Zoning: RC-4 (HighDensity Residential-Commercial Combined) GOVERNMENT Planning 130-EHeight and BulkDistrict Information: Block/Lot: 0279/011 DOCUMENTS DEPT 415.558.6377 StaffContact: Andrea Contreras- (415) 575-9044 [email protected] MAY ~7 2009 ToWhomItMay Concern: SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY This notice is to inform you of the availability of the environmental review document concerning the proposed project as described below. The document is a Preliminary Mihgated Negative Declaration, containing information about the possible environmental effects of the proposed project. The Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration documents the determination of the Planning Department that the proposed project could not have a significant adverse effect on the environment. Preparation of a Mihgated Negative Declaration does not indicate a decision by theCitytocarryoutornottocarryouttheproposed project. ProjectDescription: The project site is located on the north side ofSutter Street midblock between Larkin and Hyde Streets in the Downtown/Civic Center neighborhood. The project site is currently occupied by a 20-space surface parking lot. The proposed projectwould involve construction of a 35-unit residenhalbuilding with 1,240 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor. The proposed building would be 11 stories and 111 feet high. The proposed project would also provide 39 off-street parking spaces, nine at the ground floor and 30 in a sub-grade parking garage, which would be accessed from Sutter Street. The project site is located in the Lower Nob Hill Apartment/Hotel Historic District. The proposed project would require Conditional Use authorization to permit construction of a residential building that exceeds 40 feet in height in an R districtpursuant to Planning Code Section 253, and for parking exceeding accessory amounts per Section 204. In addition, the project also requires a Variance from the Zoning Administrator from Section 134 rear yard requirements. Section 135 usable open space requirements, and Section 140dwellingunitexposure requirements. If you would like a copy of the Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration or have questions concerning environmentalreview oftheproposed project, contactthePlanningDepartmentstaffcontactlisted above. Within 20 calendar days following publication of the Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration (i.e., by close of business onMay26, 2009) anyperson may: 1) Reviewthe Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration as an informational itemand take no action. 2) Make recommendations for amending the text of the document. The text of the Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration may be amended to clarify or correct statements and/or expanded to include additional relevant NOA of Mitigated Negative Declaration Case No. 2006.0431E May 6, 2009 1080 Sutter Street issues or cover issues in greater depth. One may recommend amending the text without the appeal described below. -OR- 3) Appeal the determination of no significant effect on the environment to the Planning Commission in a letter which specifies the grounds for such appeal, accompanied by a check for $500 payable to the San Francisco Planning Department.' An appeal requires the Planning Commission to determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Report must be prepared based upon whether or not the proposed project could cause a substantial adverse change in the environment. Send the appeal letter to the Planning Department, Attention: Bill Wycko, 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA94103. The lettermustbe accompaniedbya check in the amount of $500.00 payable to the San Francisco Planning Department, and must be received by 5:00 p.m. on May 26, 2009. The appeal letter and check may alsobepresented inperson at the Planning Information Counteron the firstfloorat 1660MissionStreet, SanFrancisco. In the absence of an appeal, the Mitigated Negative Declaration shall be made final, subject to necessary modifications, after20days from the date ofpublicationofthePreliminaryMitigated Negative Declaration. I Upon reviewby thePlanningDepartment, theappeal feemaybereimbursed forneighborhoodorganizationsthathavebeen inexistenceforaminimumof24months. SPALNAFRNANNCIINSCGO DEPARTMENT 3 1223 08678 8826 SAN FRANCISCO FLANIIMING OEPAlRTi^EIMT Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration 1650MissionSt. Suite400 SanFrancisco, CA94103-2479 LJUl£. AIVAJ-.nd?V D, 9ZUnUn7Q Case No.. zUUb.U'iolt, Reception: 415.558.537c; Project Title: luou autter otreet BPA Nos.: 200608290880 Fax: Zoning: RC-4 (High Density Residential-Commercial Combined) 415.558.6409 130-E Height and Bulk District Planning Block/Lot: 0279/011 Infornnation: 415.558.6377 Lot Size: 7,000 square feet Project Sponsor David Silverman, Reuben &Junius, LLP (415) 567-9000 LeadAgeyicy: San Francisco Planning Department StaffContact: Andrea Contreras- (415) 575-9044 [email protected] PROJECT DESCRiPTION: The project site is located on the north side of Sutter Street midblock betvv^een Larkin and Hyde Streets in the Downtown/Civic Center neighborhood. The project site is currently occupied by a 20-space surface parking lot. The proposed project would involve construction of a 35-unit residential building with 1,240 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor. The proposed building would be 11 stories and 111 feet high. The proposed project would also provide 39 off-street parking spaces, nine at the ground floor and 30 in a sub-grade parking garage, which would be accessed from Sutter Street. The project site is located in the Lower Nob Hill Apartment/Hotel Historic District. FINDING: This project could nothave a significant effect on the environment. This finding is based upon the criteria of the Guidelines of the State Secretary for Resources, Sections 15064 (Determining Significant Effect), 15065 (Mandatory Findings of Significance), and 15070 (Decision to prepare a Negative Declaration), and the following reasons as documented in the Initial Evaluation (Initial Study) for the project, which is attached. A mitigationmeasure is included in this project to avoid potentially significant effects. See page 29. cc: DavidSilverman SeanSullivan KelleyAmdur/AngelaHeitter, NEQuadrant SupervisorDavidChiu-District3 Planningo:Commission Bulletin Board MasterDecisionFile DistributionList Digitized by the Internet Archive 2014 in https://archive.org/details/noticeofavailabi6200sanf STUDY INITSAL 1080 Sutter Street - 2006.0431 E A. ProjectDescription 1 ProjectLocation 1 Site Characteristics 1 Proposeci Project 1 B. Project Setting 15 C. Compatibility with Existing Zoning and Plans 16 Plaimii-ig Code and Approvals Required 16 Plans and Policies 16 Summary of Neighborhood Concerns 19 D. Summary of Environmental Effects 19 E. Evaluation of Environmental Effects 20 1 Land Use And Land Use Planning 20 . 2. Aesthetics 22 3. Population and Housing 24 4. Cultural Resources 27 5. Transportation and Circulation 34 6. Noise 41 7. Air Quality 45 8. Wind and Shadow 62 9. Recreation 64 10. Utilities and Service Systems 65 11 Public Services 69 . 12. Biological Resources 71 13. Geology and Soils 73 14. Hydrology and Water Quality 75 15. Hazards and Hazardous Materials 78 16. Mineral and Energy Resources 80 17. Agriculture Resources 82 18. Mandatory Findings of Signiticance 83 F. Determination 84 G. Initial Study Authors and Project Team 85 Figures Figure 1 ProjectLocation 3 Figure 2 Site Plan 4 Figure 3 Basement Level Plan 5 Figure 4 Gromid Floor Plan 6 Figure 5 Second Floor Plan 7 Figure 6 Floors Three Through Eight Typical Plan 8 Figure 7 Ninth Floor Plan 9 Case No. 2006.0431E i 1080 Sutter Street Figures Tenth Floor Plan 10 Figure 9 Eleventli Floor Plaii 11 Figure 10 Front and Rear Elevations 12 Figure 1 J East and West Elevations 13 Figure 12 Building Section 14 Case No. 2006.0431E ii 1080 SutterStreet STUDY INiTlAL 2006.0431 E - 080 Sutter Street 1 A. PROJECT DESCRlPTiOM Project Location and Site Characteristics The project site (Assessor's Block 0279, Lot Oil) is a 7,000 square foot lot located on the north side of Sutter Street between Larkin Street and Hyde Street, inSan Francisco's Downtown/Civic Center neighborhood (see Figure 1, Site Location). The rectangular property's Sutter Street frontage is 80 feet wide and the lot is 87.5 feet deep. The project site is located at the southwestern edge of Nob Hill; in this location, Sutter Street slopes upward laterally to the east at a slope of approximately 14:1 (honzontahvertical). The subject property is currently undeveloped and occupied by a 20-space surface parking lot. The site is within the Lower Nob Llill Apartment/Hotel Historic District, an RC-4 (Lhgh-Density Residential-Commercial Combined) zoning district and a 130-E (]30 foot height limit, bulk limitations above 65 feet) Height and Bulk District. The site is currently occupied by a 20-space commercial parking lot that provides valet daily and monthly parking. There are no buildings on the site except for a small kiosk for parking attendants located near the southernproperty line. Proposed Project The proposed project involves construcdon of an 11-story, 111-foothigh residential building with commercial space on the ground floor and a below-grade parking garage (see Figures 2-10). The proposed new building would contain 1,240 square feet of commercial space at the ground floor, 35 residential units on the second through 11th floors, and 39 parking spaces in a below-grade garage with some parking at the ground floor, accessed from a driveway entrance on Sutter Street. The proposed building would cover the entire site at grade level, with privately accessible open space provided at thenortheast rear corner of thebuilding's second floor as described below. The proposed building would include approximately 42,775 gross square feet (gsf) ofresidential space, 1,240 gsfof commercial space, and 7,620 gsf devoted to parking, for a total of approximately 60,815 gsf including circulation. Case No. 2006.0431E 1 1080 SutterStreet llie proposed 35 residential units would include six onc-bedroom units, seven two-bedroom units and 22 three-bedroom units. The private rear yards and deck at ihe first residential level (the building's second level) would total approximately (S95 square feet in size. At the ninth and 10th floors the building would be gradually stepped back to a setback ofapproximately 15 feet from the front and five feet from side property lines. At the 11"^ floor the front facade would be set back 24 feet from the front property line and five feet from the sides. llie project sponsor would provide one parking space per dwelling unit for a total of35 off-street parking spaces. Two additional parking spaces would be provided for commercial use, and two spaces would be provided for car share, for a total of39 off-street parking spaces. The basement level would provide parking for 30 vehicles in 15 spaces through the use ofcar lifts. The basement level would require an average excavation depth of 15 feet and a total volume of4,370 cubic yards of soil. The ground floor would provide parking for nine vehicles, five ofwhich would be for residential use, two for commercial use, and two for car sharing. As stated above, off-street parking would be accessed from Sutter Street. Project construction is estimated to take 20 months to complete. The project's estimated cost is $10,000,000. Case No. 2006.0431E 2 1080 SutterStreet

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