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Notes on the systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca, 14. A new species of Vaginella (Gastropoda, Euthecosomata, Cavoliniidae) from the Late Oligocene of the North Sea Basin and its bearing on Chattian biostratigraphy PDF

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Preview Notes on the systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca, 14. A new species of Vaginella (Gastropoda, Euthecosomata, Cavoliniidae) from the Late Oligocene of the North Sea Basin and its bearing on Chattian biostratigraphy

BASTERIA, 69: 73-80,2005 Notes onthe systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplank- tonic Mollusca, 14. Anewspecies ofVaginella (Gastropoda, Euthecosomata, Cavoliniidae)from theLateOligocene oftheNorth Sea Basinand its bearing on Chattianbiostratigraphy Arie+W. Janssen Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis,PalaeontologyDepartment, P.O.Box9517,2300 RA Leiden,theNetherlands;currently: 12,Triq tal'Hamrija,XewkijaVCT110,Gozo,Malta; [email protected]. Anewpteropod species,Vaginellabasitruncata,is erected onthe basisofmaterial fromthe Late Oligocene (ChattianA) ’Kasseler Meeressand’ in Hessen (Germany). Itis the oldest representative ofthis genus known from the North Sea Basin, and is characterised by sheddingofthe larval shell,a straight ventral aperturalmargin and bythe absence ofa preapertural constriction and aperturalfolds. Some notes onthe biostratigraphical implication of pteropod distributions duringthe Late OligocenewithintheNorthSea Basinareadded,and itis concluded onthisevidence thatthe’Kasseler Meeressand’ is coevalwith thebasal portionoftheGrafenbergSands in theLower Rhine area (Germany). Asubdivision ofpteropodzone 16intothree subzones covering the Eochattian appears tobe feasible. The so-called ’SternbergerGestein’ is of middle and late Eochattian age (ChattianA/B,pteropodsubzones 16b-c). Key words: Gastropoda, Euthecosomata, Vaginella, systematics, biostratigraphy, new species,Oligocene,Chattian,NorthSea Basin. INTRODUCTION Among pteropods (Gastropoda, Euthecosomata:holoplanktonic molluscsknown since the Late Paleocene), thegenus Vaginella Daudin, 1800(type species: V. depressa Daudin, 1800; Early Miocene) demonstrates a surprisingly rapid development. The earliest representative (just a single, specifically unassigned specimen) is known from Oligocene (Rupelian) sediments in SW France. During the Late Oligocene (Chattian) severalspecies occurred,but itwas during the Early andMiddleMiocene that the genus reached full development, only to go extinct suddenly around the boundary betweenMiddleand Late Miocene(Serravallian-Tortonian), meaning that the complete 'riseand fall'of the genuslasted a mere 20-25 Ma. From this interval, numerous occurrences havebeen describedas species of Vaginella, severalof which are currently assigned to other genera (e.g., Edithinella Janssen, 1995, or Ireneia Janssen, 1995).Yetotherspecies are insufficiently knownto be certainof theirgener- ic placement. Species of Vaginella occur worldwide: SW France (Aquitaine), Mediterranean, Paratethys, North Sea, Caribbean, Japan, southernAustralia and New Zealand. Foradditionalnotes on the genus Vaginella and onother species that mightbelong there, reference is madeto Janssen(1995: 133). 1)Forno.13inthisseries seeCainozoic Research,2(1-2): 163. 74 BASTERIA, Vol. 69,No. 1-3,2005 Abbreviations, for collections: RGM, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, Palaeontology Department, Leiden(The Netherlands), formerly Rijksmuseum van Geologie en Mineralogie; SMF, Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. For shellcharacters: D, diameter(dorso-ventral diameter); DS, diameterof septum (measured in ventral view); H, height; W, width. VAGINELLAIN THE NORTH SEABASIN From the NorthSea Basin, Janssen & King (1988) listed sevenVaginella species, occurring in theirpteropod zones 16 to 19(Late Oligocene to MiddleMiocene): NNaammeeiinnJJaannsssseenn&&KKiinngg,, 11998888 pptteerrooppooddzzoonnee rreevviisseedd nnaammee((tthhiissppaappeerr)) VVaaggiinneellllaaaauussttrriiaaccaa 1188--1199 VVaaggiinneellllaaaauussttrriiaaccaa KKiittttll,,11888866 VVaaggiinneeilllaasspp.. vveell CClliioo sspp..nnoovv.. 1188 VVaaggiinneellllaaaauussttrriiaaccaa KKiittttll,,11888866 VVaaggiinneellllaaaafitf.. llaappuuggyyeennssiiss 1IK8 VVaaggiinneellllaallaappuuggyyeennssiissKKiittttll,,11888866 VVaaggiinneellllaaddeepprreessssaa 1177 VVaaggiinneellllaaddeepprreessssaaDDaauuddiinn,,11880000 VVaaggiinneellllaacchhaattttiiccaa ttoopp1166 VVaaggiinneellllaacchhaattttiiccaaRR.. JJaannsssseenn,,11997799 ‘'VVaaggiinneellllaa’'tteennuuiissttrriiaattaa 1166 IIrreenneeiiaa tteennuuiissttrriiaattaa((SSeemmppeerr,,11886611)) VVaaggiinneellllaasspp.. bbaassee 1166 VVaaggiinneellllaabbaassiittrruunnccaattaa ssppeecc..nnoovv.. Table1. NorthSea Basinspeciesof‘Vaginella’ Theso-called ‘Vaginella sp. vel Cliosp. nov.' was recognised as the juvenile, pre- metamorphosis stage of Vaginella austriaca (compare Janssen, 1984: figs 8 and 10). ‘Vaginella’ tenuistriata subsequently became the type species of the genus Ireneia Janssen, 1995, characterised by the lack of lateralcarinae, the presenceof longitudi- nalmicro-ornamentanda differentlyshaped aperture(Janssen, 1995:48,pi. 4,fig. 3a- c). Ireneiais consideredto belong to the Cuvierinidae. Theoldestvaginellid, anundescribedspecies, in the North SeaBasin was recog- nisedby Janssen& King (1988);thiswas already referredtoandillustratedby Gorges (1952: 118, pi.3, fig. 10),but incorrectly identifiedas Vaginella lanceolata (Boll, 1846). Thelatternameis anolder(but preoccupied) synonymof V. chatticaR. Janssen, 1979. In his monograph of German Chattianmolluscs, R. Janssen (1979b: 351) didnot distinguish the new species from ‘Vaginella’ tenuistriata, although he did note the presenceof lateralcarinae andthe absenceof micro-ornamentin partof hismaterial. Interestingly, the new species differs in various respects from other species of the genus. SYSTEMATIC PART Vaginella basitruncataspec. nov.(figs 1a-c,2a-d) VaginelladepressaDaudin;Semper,1861:274 (pars,nonDaudin;only thetwospecimensfrom 'Cassel'). Vaginellalanceolata (Boll1846);Gorges,1952:118,pi. 3fig. 101(nonBoll). Vaginellatenuistriata Semper, 1861; R. Janssen, 1979b: 351 (pars, non Semper; specimens from Niederkaufungenand Ahnetalonly). Janssen: A newspecies ofVaginella 75 Holotype. - RGM 515.284 (fig. la-c), leg. M. van den Bosch, June 1973. Measure- ments,seeTable2. Locus typicus. - Ahnetal (Germany, Hessen), Brandkopf outcrop at co-ordinatesr 26.400h88.980,topographical mapsheet4622. Stratumtypicum. - 'Kasseler Meeressand, Schill2/3'; Oligocene, Chattian A. Derivationominis.- fromL.- basis (noun),base, andL.- truncare (verb), totruncate: afterthetruncatedbasalpartoftheshell, causedbyshedding ofthelarvalshell. Diagnosis. - Species ofVaginella withastraight ventralapertural marginand amuch higher, semicircular dorsal apertural margin. Preapertural constriction and apertural foldsabsent.Larvalshellshed, theopening closedby anoblique, ratherflatseptum. Description. - Theshelliselongated triangular,dorso-ventrally flattenedtowardsthe proximal aperture, especially ventrally. Theapical partof theshellproduces an angle of approximately 35°inventralview,and25°inlateralview. Towardstheaperture, thesides becomenearparallel, butlack thepreapertural constriction whichis seenin manyother speciesof Vaginella.Thegreatestwidthissituatedattheaperture.Theventralsideisclear- ly more convex (lateral view)than the dorsalside, withits maximum convexity at half height. The larvalshellis shed, anda septumcloses theapical partof theshell.Theseptum is slighty convex toalmostflatandis situatedabitobliquely, higherontheventralsideof theshell. The ventral apertural margin is straight, sometimes slightly reinforced (bent out- wards). Thedorsal margin is semicircular, considerably higher thantheventral one,and consequently the aperture is very oblique, and narrow in adapical view (Fig. 2d). Apertural folds,as seeninmanyotherspecies ofVaginella, areabsent.Weakgrowth lines are only observablein specimens in shellpreservation. They are curvedadaperturallyon thedorsalside,andalmoststraight ontheventralside.In somespecimens in shellpreser- vation aweak andirregularlongitudinal striationis seen, especially so onthedorsalside. Lateralcarinae,typical ofthegenusVaginella,arepresentin theapicalhalfofthe shell.The larvalshellwithprotoconch is not yetknown. Measurements: sample H W D DS RGM 515.284(holotype) 7.20 2.40 1.84 0.64 RGM515.574 7.44+ 2.56 1.92 0.72 6.80+ 2.48 1.76 0.72 6.32+ 2.48 1.84 - SMF 251355 6.16+ 2.64 1.84 - SMF251358 6.08+ 2.16 1.84 0.64 SMF 251661 6.32+ 2.64 1.60 - SMF 251356 6.64 2.24 1.68 0.64 6.08+ 2.24 1.52 6.00+ 2.48 1.68 0.64 5.84+ 2.08 1.44 0.48 6.40+ 2.32 1.76 0.80 5.92+ 2.16 1.60 0.48 4.88+ 2.00 1.76 - meanvalues 6.29+ (n=14) 2.35(n=14) 1.72 (n=14) 0.64(n=9) Table 2.Measurements of Vaginella basitruncata spec. nov.(in specimensmarked + theapertureis incomplete) 76 BASTERIA,Vol. 69, No. 1-3,2005 Figs1-2.Vaginellabasitruncata spec. nov., holotypeand paratype.1,holotype,RGM515.284;2,paratype, SMF 251355.a=ventral,b=lateral,c=dorsal, d=aperturalview. Paratypes: All specimensarefromthe'Kasseler Meeressand',Oligocene, Eochattian (Chattian A). From the typelocality (RGM515.574/3),leg.M.vanden Bosch,June1973. Ahnetal nearKassel (Germany, Hessen),(SMF251356/13;SMF251357/10;SMF251358/4;SMF 251661/1);all J.GorgesCollection. Ahnetal(Germany, Hessen),Brandkopfoutcrop,'Schurf' (SMF327957/50;SMF327958/16;SMF 327959/3);'Schurf,Schicht9'(SMF327960/1;SMF 327961/1);all leg.T. Schellmann. Ahnetal (Germany, Hessen),Brandkopfoutcrop, 'Schurf , Schicht 3' (SMF327962/1?),leg. R. Janssen,10June1973;'Schurf,Schicht 6'(SMF327963/1),leg.R. Janssen,1972-1973;'Schurf,Schicht 9'(SMF327964/1),leg.R. Janssen, 10 June1973. Niederkaufungen,GelberBerg(SMF251355/1),specimenillustrated in Gorges, 1952,pi. 3fig. 101;herefig.2a-d); J.GorgesCollection;'Hangfufia.S-Seite'(SMF327965/1),leg.R. Janssen,1973- 1976. Janssen:Anewspecies ofVaginella 77 Discussion: Thepresentspecies, theearliestmemberofVaginella inthe NorthSea Basin, differsin severalrespects from latervaginellids. Larvalshellshedding, inpar- ticular, is remarkable,since such isknownonly from fewotherspecies inthe genus, e.g. V.chipolana Dall (1893: 431,pi. 23figs 4-5) andV.floridana Collins, 1934(compare Collins, 1934: 214, 216, pi. 13 figs 16-19, 22-23), both from the Early Miocene of Florida, USA. Also conspicuous is the straight ventral apertural margin; in other vaginellids both dorsaland ventral apertural margins arecurved, usually the dorsal oneprotrudingbeyond the ventral. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY Withinthe North Sea Basin the Late Oligocene ChattianStage usually iseither subdivided into substages A, B and C, or into the Eochattian and Neochattian (Eochattian = ChattianAand B, Neochattian=ChattianC). Underlying criteria for these subdivisions are of a palaeontological nature. Especially the development of species of thebivalve family Pectinidaehasbeen applied in thisrespect (Anderson, 1958;revised in R. Janssen, 1979b).The 'KasselerMeeressand', from which the new species originates, is of unequivocal 'ChattianA' age (Anderson, 1961;Welle, 1993: 385). Forthe so-called'Sternberger Gestein', referring toreworked fossiliferous sand- stone boulders found in fluvio-glacial deposits of Mecklenburg and Schleswig- Holstein(Germany), in particular, differentageinterpretations arefoundin the liter- ature. R. Janssen (1979a:11) suggested 'ChattianA,?B'. Gaemers (1988: 373),in con- trast,basedonfish otoliths, interpreted the 'Sternberger Gestein'as 'Late Oligocene, Neochattian (late part)'. Welle (1993: 386), however, again accepted a 'vermutlich Chatt A und B' age. To obtaina more reliable age assignment of the 'Sternberger Gestein',the fossilcontents of separate bouldersshouldbe analysed andcompared. Mostboulders,however,yield thepectinid Palliolumdecussatum(von Miinster, 1833), whichis restrictedto (the laterpartof?) ChattianA(R. Janssen, 1979a:fig. 1). Eight pteropod species are known from the Sternberg boulders (Table 4), of which atleast Heliconoideshospes, Ireneiatenuistriataand Vaginella chattica havebeen recorded from a single boulder (from Segrahner Berg, RGM collections, leg. K. Eichbaum, don.F. Weinbrecht). TheChattian Grafenberg SandMember, in Nordrhein-Westfalen(Germany), has yielded quite a numberof pteropods in materialrecovered fromboreholes or mine shaftexcavations (RGM collections), most ofwhich remain unpublished to this date. Themost important sectionof the Grafenberg Sands is the Sophia Jacoba8mine shaft(Erkelenz, Nordrhein-Westfalen, sunk 1985-1988).Welle(1993)analysed acom- plete seriesof samples fromthisshaft,butfoundjustasingle pteropod species inthe Late Oligocene portion, Vaginella chattica. Aset of samples fromthis section is also availablein the RGM collections, but remains to be studied. Aparallel section from the K-3borehole, sunkearlierthanthe actualshaftconstruction, was analysed by Mr A.C. Janse,Brielle(RGM collection) and has yielded several morepteropod species. The Grafenberg Sands occur in this section between approximately 402 and 165 m belowsurface. Welle(1993: 43,408) doubtedthevalueof Pectinidaeinthissectionfor asubdivision oftheChattian, butdidrecordPalliolumdecussatumfrombetween339.5 and205m belowsurface, considering it tobe alaterdevelopment of P. aquaetranquil- lae(Hubach, 1952), whichwas foundin this sectionbetween367.5and339.5 m. Both species are alsoknownfromthe'KasselerMeeressand'(R. Janssen, 1979a:54). Ranges 78 BASTERIA, Vol. 69, No. 1-3, 2005 of pteropod species recorded from the Sophia Jacoba8 (K-3 borehole) section are given inTable3. ddeepptthhiinnmmbbeellooww ssuurrffaaccee 440000 339900338800 337700336600335500 334400333300 332200331100330000229900228800227700226600225500224400 223300222200221100220000 119900 118800 I1 EEoocchhaattttiiaann ((AA)) I1 EEoocchhaattttiiaann ((BB)) I1 NNeeoocchhaattttiiaann ((CC)) I1 HHeelliiccoontiooiiddeess hhoossppeess ++++++ LLiimmaacciinnaavvaallvvaattiinnaa IIrreenneeiiaa tteennuuiissttrriiaattaa SSttyylliioollaassuubbuullaa ++++++++++++ VVaaggiinneellllaacchhaattttiiccaa Table 3.Pteropoddistribution intheGrafenbergSandsofthe Erkelenz- SophiaJacoba8(K-3)bore- hole section. The basal 50m and the uppermost 70 m of this section didnot yieldanyptero- pod. In theinterval250-350m,fivepteropod species occur. In theupperportion, the absence of pteropods is presumably caused by decalcificationof the sediment, but the basal part contains excellently preserved molluscan faunas, and the absence of pteropods is difficulttoexplain. Theco-occurrence of Heliconoides hospes, Ireneiatenuistriataand Vaginella chattica, as seen in one of the Sternberg boulders (see above), is found in the Sophia Jacoba section exclusively in the Chatt B part. Spoelia torquayensis was not found in the Sophia Jacoba section, but is known from another Grafenberg Sands locality (Rheinberg, RGM collections). Classic assemblages known from the Kassel area ('Kasseler Meeressand') are supposed tohaveoriginated in arather isolatedbasin (Anderson, 1961:131,map 1), whereas both 'Sternberger Gestein' and Grafenberg Sands represent more open marine settings. Interms of holoplanktonic organisms, such as pteropods, onemight expect thatopen sea assemblages contain more species than thosefrom shelteredor coastal areas, whereonly the mostfrequent open-seaspecies can beexpected. Table 4lists pteropod species onrecord fromthese threelithological units. Six out of eight species known from the 'Sternberger Gestein' are also recorded from theGrafenberg Sands,andinclosely comparable frequencies. Justtwovery rare species fromthe Sternberg bouldersare stillunknown fromtheGrafenberg Sands. None of theseeight species, however, isknown fromthe 'Kasseler Meeressand', in whichVaginella basitruncatasp.n.is the solepteropod, collectedin theAhnetalout- crop from threedifferentlevels ('Schicht 3, 6, 9'), whichaccording to R. Janssen (in litt., 2005)covers some 7 m of sediment.This species is absentfrombothotherlitho- logical units. Someof these eight species also occur in younger (Miocene) deposits (Limacina valvatina, Styliola subula, Spoelia torquayensis), and a single (Heliconoides hospes) is foundin pre-Chattian strata. On this basis, I assume the Kasseler Meeressand to be coevalwith thelowermostpartofthe Grafenberg Sands,thusrepresenting theoldest Chattianin the NorthSea Basin. ]anssen:A newspecies ofVaginella 79 ssppeecciieess KKaasssseelieerr SStteerrnnbbeerrggeerr GGrraaffeennbbeerrgg MMeeeerreessssaanndd GGeesstteeiinn SSaanndd MMeemmbbeerr HHeelliiccoonnooiiddeess hhoossppeess ((RRoollllee,,11886622)) . cc cc LLiimmaacciinnaa vvaallvvaattiinnaa((RReeuussss,, 11886677)) - rr rr LLiimmaacciinnaa ssppeecc..nnoovv..?? - rrrr - SSttyylliioollaassuubbuullaa ((QQuuooyy&&GGaaiimmaarrdd,,11882277)) - rr rr IIrreenneeiiaa tteennuuiissttrriiaattaa ((SSeemmppeerr,,11886611)) - cccc cc SSppooeelliiaattoorrqquuaayyeennssiissAA..WW..JJaannsssseenn,,11999955 - rrrr rrrr VVaaggiinneellllaabbaassiittrruunnccaattaa ssppeecc..nnoovv.. cc - - VVaaggiinneellllaacchhaattttiiccaa RR..JJaannsssseenn,, 11997799 - cc cc VVaaggiinneellllaa ttrriiccuussppiiddaattaaZZoorrnn&& JJaannsssseenn,,11999933 - rrrr - Table4.Occurrence ofpteropodspecies inthree lithologicalunits ofLate Oligocene(Chattian)age; rr - veryrare, r- rare, c- common,cc- verycommon. Data presented above also allow to subdividepteropod zone 16into three sub- zones, viz. 16a, 16band 16c,characterised by the FODs (firstoccurrence datums) of Vaginella basitruncata, Ireneiatenuistriataand Vaginella chattica, respectively. Subzones 16a-ctogether cover the Eochattian.The Neochattianhas so far yielded barely any pteropods. The only species known withcertainty to continueinto thebasal part of the Neochattianis Vaginella chattica. Most probably, V. chattica is the precursor of Vaginella depressa Daudin, 1800,whichisrestrictedtothe EarlyMiocene (Burdigalian, pteropod zone 17). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is grateful to Dr Karl Gurs (Landesamt fur Natur und Umwelt Schleswig-Holstein, Flintbek, Germany), Dr Jochen Welle (Geologisch-Palaontolo- gisches Institut der Universitat Miinster, Germany) and Dr Ronald Janssen (Senckenberg Museum,FrankfurtamMain, Germany) fordiscussionson(bio-)strati- graphicalimplications. Thelast-namedisalso thanked forallowing along-term loan of samples in his care. Mr AntonC. Janse (Brielle, the Netherlands) analysed along series of samples from the K-3 borehole. Mr Friedrich Weinbrecht (Gliicksburg, Germany) donatedpteropod materialfrom the 'Sternberger Gestein'. Dr JohnW.M. Jagt (Venlo, theNetherlands), asalways, improved theEnglish. REFERENCES ANDERSON, H.J., 1958. Die Pectiniden des niederrheinischen Chatts. — Fortschritte in der Geologie vonRheinland und Westfalen 1:297-321. ANDERSON, H.J., 1961.Gliederungund palaogeographischeEntwicklung der Chattischen Stufe (Oberoligocan)imNordseebecken. — Meyniana10: 118-146. COLLINS,R.L., 1934.AmonographoftheAmericanTertiarypteropodmollusks. — JohnsHopkins University Studiesin Geology 11: 137-234. DALL, W.H., 1893. Contributions to the Tertiary fauna ofFlorida, with especial reference to the Miocene silex-beds of Tampa and the Pliocene beds of the Caloosehatchie River, 2. 80 BASTERIA,Vol. 69, No. 1-3,2005 Streptodontsand other gastropods,concluded. — Transactions oftheWagnerFreeInstitute of Science ofPhiladelphia3(2)(1892):201-473. GAEMERS, P.A.M., 1988. Otoliths. In: R. VINKEN et al. (eds). The northwest EuropeanTertiary Basin. Results of the International Geological Correlation Programme Project no. 124. — Geologisches Jahrbuch(A)100:368-390. GORGES, J., 1952.Die Lamellibranchiaten und GastropodendesoberoligozanenMeeressandes von Kassel. - AbhandlungendesHessischen Landesamtfur Bodenforschung4: 1-134. JANSSEN,A.W., 1985.Evidence for theoccurrenceofa'skinny' or'minutestage'inthe ontogenet- ical developmentofMiocene Vaginella (Gastropoda, Euthecosomata)fromthe North Sea and Aquitaine Basins. — Mededelingenvan de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire enKwartaire Geologie 21(4):193-204. JANSSEN, A.W., 1995. Systematic revision of holoplanktonic Mollusca in the collections of the 'Dipartimento diScienze della Terra' at Torino, Italy. - Monographie,Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali,Torino 17: 1-233. JANSSEN,A.W.,& C.KING, 1988. Planktonic molluscs (Pteropods).In:R.Vinken et al. (eds). The northwest European Tertiary Basin. Results of the International Geological Correlation Programme Projectno. 124. — Geologisches Jahrbuch(A)100:356-368. JANSSEN,R., 1979a. Revision derBivalvia desOberoligozans(Chattium,Kasseler Meeressand). — GeologischeAbhandlungenHesse 78: 1-181. JANSSEN, R., 1979b. Die Mollusken des Oberoligozans (Chattium) im Nordsee-Becken, 2. Neogastropoda,Euthyneura, Cephalopoda.— Archiv fur Molluskenkunde 109: 277-376. WELLE,J.,1993.OligozaneMollusken ausdem SchachtSophiaJacoba8bei Erkelenz(Niederrhein). Systematik, Stratigraphie, Palaookologie, 1-2. — Munster (PhDthesis Westfalische Wilhelms- Universitat, unpublished): 1-418 (1),47pis, 9tabs,2 diagr. (2).

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