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Notes on the status of the Eurasian moths Noctua pronuba and Noctua comes (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Vancouver Island, British Columbia PDF

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Preview Notes on the status of the Eurasian moths Noctua pronuba and Noctua comes (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Vancouver Island, British Columbia

J. Entomol. Soc.Brit. Columbia 102,December2005 83 SCIENTIFIC NOTE Notes on the status of the Eurasian moths Noctuapronuba and Noctua comes (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Vancouver Island, British Columbia CLAUDIA R. COPLEY^ ^ and ROBERT A. CANNINGS^ Two Eurasian cutworm moths comes has been found in the Okanagan Val- (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Noctua pronuba ley and Lillooet and south to Oregon (Linnaeus) and Noctua comes (Hiibner), (Lafontaine 1998, J. Troubridge, pers. both accidentally introduced to North comm.). America, are now sympatric in southwest- Noctua pronuba has a wingspan of 50- em British Columbia. The former was first 60 mm and a diagnostic orange-yellow recorded in Nova Scotia, the latter in Brit- hindwing with a broadblackborder. Images ish Columbia. This paper reports the occur- of adults and larvae are in Wright (1987), rence of both species for the first time on Lafontaine (1998), and Neil and Specht Vancouver Island. They are the only spe- (1987). Noctua comes is similar but nor- cies of the genus Noctua known in North mally has a black mark near the centre of America (Lafontaine 1998). the orange ofthe hindwing; genitalia differ- Noctua pronuba (the large yellow un- ences distinguish the two species unequivo- derwing) was first reported in North Amer- cally (Lafontaine 1998). ica inNova Scotia in 1979 (Neil 1981). It is Although A^. pronuba is known to be now known from every Canadian province migratory and a very strong flier (Passoa and Nunavut (Troubridge and Lafontaine and HoUingsworth 1996), its spread may 2005) and, in the USA, fromMaine (Wright have been facilitated by human activity. It 1987) to Louisiana (Brou 1997) and Cali- has a wide range of host plants, many of fornia (Powell 2002). It was first recorded which are part of the horticultural trade, in BC in 2002 (CNC [Canadian National food-crop industry, or are widespread Collection of Insects and Arachnids, Ot- weeds. Host plant genera include: Holcus tawa] data) and is now abundant on eastern (J. Tatum, pers. comm.), Poa and other Vancouver Island as far north as Sayward grasses (Wright and Neil, 1983), Atriplex, (RBCM [Royal British Columbia Museum, Chry^santhemum, Dianthus, Fragaria, Free- Victoria] data) andareas ofthe lowerFraser sia, Gladiolus, Myosotis, Polygonum, Pri- River Valley (K. Needham, pers. comm.). mula, Ribes, Stellaria, Taraxacum and Wehave yetto hearofany records from the Viola. Larvae also eat various common BC Interior. food crops (Passoa and HoUingsworth Noctua comes (the lesser yellow under- 1996, B. Duncan, pers. comm). Noctua wing) was first recorded in Canada in Bur- comes has been recorded on Conium, Cor- naby, BC in August 1982 (Neil 1984) al- nus, Potentilla, Calendula, Cardamine, though a specimen in the Spencer Entomo- Cirsium, Digitalis, Fragaria, Myosotis, logical Museum, UBC (University of Brit- Plantago, Primula but, most often, on Ru- ish Columbia, Vancouver) was collected in mexcrispus (J. Tatum, pers. comm.) as well Vancouver in July 1982. This species was as tobacco and grapes (Sannino and first recorded on Vancouver Island in Vic- Espinosa 1999) and Crataegus (Ward toria in 1990 (PFC [Pacific Forestry Centre, 2003). Victoria] data) and is now abundant in sub- Life-history details of TV. pronuba are urban habitats there. Elsewhere in BC A^. reported in Singh and Kevan (1965), Correspondingauthor,email: [email protected] W ^RoyalBritishColumbiaMuseum, 675 Belleville Street,Victoria,BC, V8 9W2 84 J.Entomol. Soc.Brit.Columbia 102,December2005 Wright and Neil (1983), Morris (1987), and with humans, A^. pronuba will probably Passoa and Hollingsworth (1996). In British colonize all ofBC. Adults may lay eggs on Columbia, N. pronuba will likely exhibit non-plant substrates (B. Duncan, pers. the Linivoltine life history typical of Euro- comm) or hide during the day in objects pean and eastern North American popula- around human habitation (although they fly tions. readily when disturbed), making them good Each female lays up to 2000 eggs on candidates fortransportby vehicles. leaf undersides (Morris 1987) or non-host Because of its growing abundance in substrates (B. Duncan, pers. comm.). Lar- coastalBC, we believe thatA^.pronuba may vae feed on foliage, crowns and roots of become an economic pest, although in the hosts; immature larvae usually overwinter long-term, populations will likely be mod- (Morris 1987), but in coastal BC mature erated by increasing parasitism. Noctua larvae also do so (B. Duncan, pers. comm.). comes willprobably have a similar future. Mature larvae pupate in the soil in the We thank Jane Seed, Karen Needham spring (Passoa and Hollingsworth 1996). and Chris Borkent for data from PFC, UBC Tachinid flies parasitizeN. pronuba in east- and CNC collections, respectively and the em North America (J. Troubridge, pers. following colleagues for theirpermission to comm.), but have not been recorded in BC use their personal communications. Jim on A^. comes or A^. pronuba (J. Tatum, pers. Troubridge (Agriculture and Agri-Food comm.). However, Trichogramma wasps Canada, Ottawa, ON) and Karen Needham parasitize egg masses in the province (B. (UBC, Vancouver, BC) provided informa- Duncan, pers. comm.). tion on distribution. Jeremy Tatum As it is a strong, migratory flier (Passoa (University of Victoria, Victoria, BC) and and Hollingsworth 1996), can endure very Bob Duncan (PFC, Victoria, BC) com- cold winters (Wright and Neil 1983), and mented on foodplants andlife history. feeds on a wide array of plants associated REFERENCES Brou, V. 1997. A GulfCoastrecord ofthe European cutworm,Noctuapronuba (L.). News ofthe Southern Lepidopterists' Society 19: 3. Lafontaine, J.D. 1998. Noctuoidea, Noctuidae (part). InDominick, R.B. etal. TheMoths ofAmericaNorth ofMexico, Fascicle27.3. TheWedgeEntomologicalResearchFoundation,Washington,DC. Morris, R.F. 1987. Note on occurrence ofthe large yellow underwing moth, Noctuapronuba (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), inNewfoundland. TheCanadianEntomologist 119: 403-404. Neil, K.A. 1981. The occurrence ofNoctuapronuba, (Noctuidae) in Nova Scotia: a new North America record.Journal oftheLepidopterist's Society35: 248. Neil, K.A. 1984.Noctuacomes, anoctuidnewtoNorthAmerica(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Noctuinae). The CanadianEntomologist 116: 479-480. Neil, K.A. andH.B. Specht. 1987. Sixth-instarlarvae ofNoctuapronuba(L.)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The CanadianEntomologist 119: 209-214. Passoa, S. and C.S. Hollingsworth. 1996. Distribution, identification and rate ofspread ofNoctuapronuba (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) inthenortheasternUnitedStates. EntomologicalNews 107: 151-160. PowellJ.A. 2002.NoctuapronubareachesthePacificCoast.NewsoftheLepidopterists' Society44: 120. Sannino, L. and B. Espinosa. 1999. On the morphology ofNoctua comes (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). II Ta- bacco 7: 35-43. Singh, M.P. andD.K. Kevan. 1965. Notes onthree common British speciesofagrotidmoth. Entomologists RecordandJournalofVariation68: 233-235. Troubridge, J.T. and J.D. Lafontaine. 2005. The Moths ofCanada. Part 1, Noctuoidea ofWestern Canada and Part 2, Noctuoidea ofEastern Canada. Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility, Government of Canada, Ottawa,ON. http://www.cbifgc.ca/sppjpages/misc_moths/phps/mothindex_e.php. Ward, J. 2003. Moths of Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Moth Group, http:// www.northamptonshirewildlife.co.uk/nmoths/nmoths.htm Wright, B. 1987. The European yellow underwing, Noctuapronuba (L.)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Atlanticprovinces(Canada)andthe StateofMaine(USA). TheCanadianEntomologist 119: 993-997. Wright, B. and K.A. Neil. 1983. Noctua pronuba, a European cutworm, established in Nova Scotia (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). TheCanadianEntomologist 115: 1047-1048.

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