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Notes on the population of Luperina nickerlii leechi Goater (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) at its site in Cornwall, 1987 to 1989 PDF

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Preview Notes on the population of Luperina nickerlii leechi Goater (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) at its site in Cornwall, 1987 to 1989

BR. J. ENT. NAT. HIST.,4: 1991 133 NOTES ON THE POPULATION OF LUPERINA NICKERLIILEECHI GOATER (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE) AT ITS SITE IN CORNWALL, 1987 TO 1989 Adrian Spalding Lerryn Cottage, Lerryn, Lostwithiel, CornwallPL22 OQB. Introduction Luperinanickerlii(Frey.)(thesandhillrustic)hasfourdistinctpopulationsinBritain. The nominate subspecies is found in Essex, and there are three subspecies living in coastal areas in North Wales and Lancashire, in Ireland, and in Cornwall. The subspecies in Cornwall is Luperina nickerlii leechi, which was discovered in 1974 (Goater, 1976)onastripofshinglysandabout500metreslongand240metreswide. The moth has silvery grey forewings marked with a dark brown median band. The subspeciesinNorthWales(gueneeiDoubl.)ispaler, whilsttheIrishsubspecies(knilli Boursin) is dark brown. The nominate species is widespread over Europe, with two subspeciesgraslini(Obth.) and tardenota(J. Joan.) (Leraut, 1980). Some examples ofLuperinanickerliinickerliiweretaken at Bradwell in Essexwhich were originally thought to be migrants, but it has now been shown that the species is resident from CanveyIslandtoHarwich(Emmet&Pyman, 1985)andtheIsleofSheppey(Skinner, 1985). It may be that L. nickerliimigrates, as an unnamed subspecies was found at Farringdon on 22.ix.1950 (Goater, 1974) and a single female (the nominate form) was found at Bude in Cornwall on 6.viii.1990 by David Wedd and exhibited at the 1990 BENHS exhibition (Wedd, 1991). Anaccount ofthebiologyofLuperinanickerliileechiisgiveninHeath&Emmet (1983). Theownersofthesitehaverequestedthatitsnameandlocationbekeptsecret. Aims and methods The aim was to estimate the population and distribution of the adult stage of Luperina nickerlii leechi at its site in Cornwall. Populationcounts ofmothsareusuallymadewithmark/release/recaptureschemes, using light traps as the means ofcapture. This method works very well with moths thatfly, but, byrepute,L. nickerliirarelyfliesanddoesnotcometolight. Thehabitat was divided into 14 areas of equal width, marked off with bamboo poles, and the position of each moth was recorded. The moths could be seen at night resting on thestemsofthefoodplant,Elymusfarctus, andwereeasilycaught. Thebestmethod wastokneelontheshingle, gettingdownto 'moth-level', andtosweeptheareawith apowerfulquartz-halogensearchlight. Themothswereeasilyseenthisway, especially when the searchlight reflected in their eyes. Each moth caught was marked on its forewingwithredfelt-tippen. Eachmarkonthewingrepresentedadifferentnumber (1, 2,4, 7, 10, 20,40, 70, 100, 200)accordingtoitsposition, sothatupto454moths could be individually marked. The number of males, females and pairs was noted and all recaptures were recorded. In the first year, the whole habitat was searched, including those areas without the foodplant. The habitat was too large to search in onenight. Ontwo occasions (24&25.viii.1987 and 28 &29.viii.1987), the whole of the area was searched on two successive nights in order to get an idea of the total population. In 1988, two attempts were madeto attract themoths to light, on 4.ix.l988 using aportableHeathtrapandon7.ix.l988 usinga 125-wattm.v. lampon awhitesheet. ,34 BR. J. ENT. NAT. HIST.,4: 1991 Results Table 1. Numbers of Luperina nickerlii leechi on site, 1987-1989. Year Males Females Pairs Total 987 BR. J. ENT. NAT. HIST.,4: 1991 135 the other half. The population on these two nights may have been as low as 24. In 1988, the whole habitat was searched twice; 20 moths were found on 2.ix.l988 and 35 moths on 3.ix.l988. In 1989, only the most productive areas were searched; 69 moths were found on 30.viii.1989 and 74 moths on 31.viii.1989. The relative emergence dates ofmales and females is shown in Table 2. In 1987, the first males were found 10days beforethe first female, whereasin 1988 a female wasfound6daysbeforethefirstmale. In 1989femalesandmaleswerefoundtogether. Malesformed62.67% ofthetotalin 1987, 50.57% in 1988butonly30.62% in 1989. The number ofrecaptures was very low. There was 1 recapture (a male) in 1987 out of 76 moths, 6 recaptures (4 males, 2 females) in 1988 out of 87 moths and 1 moth was recaptured twice. Six of these recaptures were at light (2 to tilley lamp, 4totheHeathtrap). Fourwererecapturedonthe followingnight, 1 wasrecaptured on the same night, and 1 was recaptured 2 nights later. There were 5 recaptures (1 male, 4 females) in 1989, 1 on the same night, 4 on the succeeding night. One male with crumpled wings was captured at the same place the following night and may not have moved in this time. On 4.ix.l988 39 moths were caught in the Heath trap placed near the centre of thesite. Theslightwind(possiblyforce2)decreasedduringthenight. Theminimum temperaturewas 13.5°Cat06.45a.m.L. nickerliiwasthemostcommonmothcaught, with 1 recaptured female, 3 recaptured males and 16 fresh males, 2 ofwhich were darker than usual. The next most common moth was Luperina testacea (O. & S.) (15 caught). On 7.ix.l988, an m.v. lamp was run on a white sheet from 22.50p.m. to 12.10a.m. No L. nickerlii were caught. Several Diptera and Trichoptera were attractedtothelight,aswellascrawlingopiliones,inadditiontothemothsAutographa gamma (L.), Tholera decimalis (Poda), and Luperina testacea (2). Discussion Inmanymark/release/recaptureschemes, suchasBailey'striplecatchmethodand theLincolnindexmethod, thepopulationisrequiredtobewellmixedaftermarking beforepopulationestimatescanbemade(Southwood, 1978). Thesemethodsprovide an estimate ofthe total population, includingthosemoths present but not seen. As themothsrarely fly, mixingtheL. nickerliipopulationwasdifficultandthesemethods wereunsuitable. Onemothwasseenthefollowingnightapparentlynothavingmoved. Markingthespecimensprovidedanactualhabitatcount, withnoestimateofpossible total numbers. Thetotalsof75, 87, 209fortheyears 1987-1989arenumbersrecorded. Theactual totals in these years may have been much higher. The colony was only sampled on afewnightsduringtheflightperiod,e.g. in 1987thecolonywassampledon 10nights in a flight period of at least 27 nights. The population may have been three times higher than recorded. The flight season is a long one. The first and last sightings were 2 males on 14.viii.1987 and 1 male on 24.ix.1989. Thenumberofrecaptures(12in3years)wastoolowforanyestimatesofpopulation size to be made from these figures. Six of the recaptures were to light. The low recapturerateis puzzlingand thereare several possibleexplanations, (a) Themoths may have a very short lifespan. One moth caught in 1988 was recaptured twice and was the only moth shown to live for over 2 days, (b) A high proportion of those mothspresentcouldhavebeenoverlooked, includingmarkedspecimens(mytechnique improved with practice), however, the marked moths were easier to see than the unmarked ones, (c) The survey methods may have affected the results and marked moths may have beenmoreproneto predation. (d) Some moths mayhavemigrated 136 BR. J. ENT. NAT. HIST.,4: 1991 or have been blown by strong winds from the site. This is unlikely, as the species seems well adapted to its wind-swept habitat. Numbers found varied from night to night (dropping from 35 on 3.ix.l988 to 21 on 4.ix.l988). Emergence rates might be erratic and vary according to unknown factors. Strong winds may keep moths clinging to Elymusfarctus stems, but fewer moths (20) were caught on 2.ix.l988 in a strong wind than on 3.ix.l988 in a light wind (35 moths caught). Peak numbers (74) were found on 31.viii.1989, when only themostproductiveareasweresearched,andthetotalpopulationwasprobablyhigher than this. Between 1987 and 1989 total numbers increased considerably (from 75 to 209). Part of the habitat had been affected by construction work in 1986, when a large area of Elymusfarctus had been bulldozed away. By 1989, Elymusfarctus had recolonized this area and moth numbers here increased from 12 (16%) in 1987 to 101 (48.33%)in 1989. ThepopulationofL.n. leechiseemstovaryfromyeartoyear. Details ofmoth records provided by Colin Hart show that 60 moths were found on 23.viii.1975 and on 28.viii.1984, whilst 50moths wererecorded in under 30minutes on 29.viii.1981. In 1976, G. Senior recorded about 150 moths in 1 hour. I know of no records for 1980, when accordingto Colin Hart littlevegetationwas visible. The subspecies seems to do well in hot, dry summers such as 1976 and 1989. With several moth species, it is usual for the males to emerge before females and for males to be more common than females. However, with some species living in difficult environments or when the females fly little or are immobile, the females mayemergefirst(Novak, 1980). In 1987 2maleswere found 10daysbeforethe first female, but in 1988 afemalewas found first. In 1989 females andmaleswere found together, andnopatterncanbereadintothesefigures. Theproportionofmalesseen declined between 1987and 1989. Thetotals for 1988include 16malescaughtatlight. Ifwesubtractthiscatchfromthe 1988total, theproportionofmalesin 1988(32.18%) isclosetothe 1989proportion (30.77%). These figures do not includeflyingmoths, many ofwhich arelikelyto havebeen males. Furtherresearch is neededtoestablish the mean ratio of males to females. In 1988, 21% ofthe catch consisted of mating pairs. It may be that pairing only takes place when the weather conditions are suitable. The minimum temperatures on the2nights when pairingwas observed were9°Cand 8°C respectively, although the first nightwas verywindy. Nopairing was observed beforemidnight, or in 1987 and 1989. Conclusion ThenumbersofL.n. leechivaryfromyeartoyear. TheregrowthofElymusfarctus on part of the site has been followed by an increase in the moth population. The population seems to increase in hot, dry summers. The peak population seems to be at the end of August. The low numbers of recaptures is puzzling and suggests that a large number of moths may have been missed in the survey. Acknowledgements I am grateful for the assistance ofMary Atkinson, Loveday Jenkin, Lyn Jenkins and Rosann Sparshott in searching for the moths, and to Stephen Church, Colin Hart, Bernard Skinner and Martin Warren for their helpful comments. I am particularly grateful to the owners of the site and their staff for their help and advice. br. j. ent. nat. hist.,4: 1991 137 References Emmet,A. M.&Pyman,G. A. 1985. ThelargermothsandbutterfliesofEssex. London:The Essex Field Club. Goater, B. 1974. ThebutterfliesandmothsofHampshireandtheIsleofWight. Faringdon: E. W. Classey. Goater,B. 1976.AnewsubspeciesofLuperinanickerlii(Freyer)(Lep.Noctuidae)fromCornwall. Ent. Gaz. 27: 141-143. Heath,J.&Emmet,A.M. 1983. ThemothsandbutterfliesofGreatBritainandIreland.Volume 10. Essex: Harley Books. Leraut, P. 1980. ListesystematiqueetsynonymiquedesLepidopteresdeFrance, Belgiqueset Corse. SupplementaAlexanoretauBulletindelaSocieteentomologiquedeFrance.Paris. Novak, I. 1980. Afieldguide in colour to butterflies andmoths. London: Octopus. Skinner, B. 1985. LuperinanickerliiFreyer: sandhill rusticin Kent. Ent. Rec. J. Var. 97: 28. Southwood, T. R. E. 1978. Ecologicalmethods. London: Chapman and Hall. Wedd, D. 1991. 1990 Annual Exhibition. Br. J. Ent. Nat. Hist. 4: 26. BOOK REVIEWS Blackflies(Simuliidae), byI.A. Rubtsov. FaunaoftheUSSR.Vol. 6,Part6. Second edition, 1956. English translation by Dr B. R. Sharma for Oxonian Press Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 1990, 1042 pp. Distributed by E. J. Brill, Leiden, 300 Dutch Guilders. Ageneralintroductoryaccountisgivenonthebiologyofthisgroupofblood-sucking flies, whichareaprominentcomponentoftheinsect faunainboreal andsub-boreal regions and implicated in transmission of diseases of domestic animals. Descriptionsand keysareprovided(toallstageswhereknown) forthe280species recorded fromtheUSSR at thetimeofwriting and48 species known from adjacent parts of Europe. The text is well illustrated with diagnostic features of all stages. Information on distribution is supplemented by discussion ofthe biogeography of genera and species groups. Rubtsov (or Rubzov as his name is otherwise rendered in English) continued to workonthegroupandhasdescribedmanyadditionalspeciesintheinterveningyears since publication ofthe Russian edition. He contributed the keys to the Palaearctic species published in Lindner's 'DieFliegen' series (1959-1964) and was a co-author of the list for the family in the recent Palaearctic catalogue (1988), from which it can be gleaned that morethan 400species ofSimuliidae arenow recorded from the Soviet Union. In the British Isles we have only 35 species recorded, of which only 23 are dealt with in this work so it is of limited usefulness for identification ofthe British fauna. This work was, nevertheless, a thorough synthesis of information on the group andincludesafulllistofreferencesupto 1955.Althoughnotuptodatetaxonomically itprovidesagoodsummaryofknowledgeofthefamily,andabasisforfurtherstudies. P. J. Chandler Zoologia Neocaledonica. Volume 2 Memoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. Ser. A, tome 149, 1991, 358 pp, Edited by J. Chazeau & S. Tillier, 155 Dutch Guilders, available from Universal Book Services, Dr W. Backhuys, Warmonderweg 80, 2341 KZ Oegstgeest, The Netherlands (mainly in French, some — chaptersinEnglish). Thisincludeschapters 15-32oftheresultsofFrenchexpeditions to New Caledonia. Each is acontribution on adifferentgroup ofanimals; most are

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