AND NOTES ON THE IDENTIFICATION DISTRIBUTION OF THE OF THE GENUS GALIUM (RUBIACEAE) IN LOUISIANA SPECIES M. Charles Allen 1697 23rd Colorado State University, Fort Polk Station Sr. USA Louisiana 71459, Fort Polk, CharlesMAIIen [email protected] RESUMEN genero Galiur lave de las especies del NRCS (USDA, Database Louisiana in the Plants genus Galium (Rubiaceae) are listed for Twelve species of the Specimens Galium by Thomas and Allen (1998). of and by MacRoberts while 11 species are listed 2012) (1984) Louisiana State University, from following herbaria; examined and annotated the were collected in Louisiana Ruston Tech Louisiana University, Shreveport (LSUS); University in Baton Rouge (LSU); Louisiana State Monroe (NLU). The in-state and University of Louisiana at (LAP); (LTU); University of Louisiana at Lafayette descrip- wellastheworkofThomasandAllen(1998).Thekeys to species, distributionisbasedon these data as works and published herbarium specimens, on observations, based and information are field tions, habitat Lipscomb and Nesom (2007), Radford et al (1968), Diggs (1999) and Johnston et al including Correll (1970), numbers 12 and includes three intro- Louisiana Galium species in and Wunderlin The current of list (1998). ^o ducedannuaK nativ^^^^^ Michx., asprellum Galium anglicum Huds., G. Louisiana flora: excluded from the Louisiana Flora; G. obtu- Galium taxa are G Lam. The following and ex divaricatum Pourr. number was reported from a of obtusum Bigelow Galium Hemsl. sum and orizabense G. Bigelow, G. trifidum L., tmctor^^^ three examined were specimens G. herbarium but by Thomas and Allen (1998) all parishes Thomas^^^^ forG.obtusum by Puff (1977). were seen as reported only.Nospecimens with four petals petals West and Feliciana from Orleans Galium L. Allen reported trifidum (1998) USDA NRCS ° by Louisiana Hemsl. reported for Michx. Galium orizabense is " tified G. trifiorum ' ' No herbarium specim genus Galium. n does not include the pubhcatio Thomas and but this Allen (1984), were found. G. orizabense from Louisiana LOUISIANA GALIUM IN = -5 •Bot. 509 Res. Texas Inst. 7(1): 510 known Galium anglicum Huds. (G. parisiense L. var. trichocarpum Tausch) is an introduced annual. It is 1. W from only one location in Louisiana. Bossier Parish: Median and roadbank of 1-20 at U.80 over-pass just of May E Filmore-HaughtonExitSec. T18N RllW, Thomas 156334, 11 1998 (NLU). This collec- Rest Area, of 10, Lipscomb and Nesom from AL, AR, GA, MO, NC, OK, tion is the first for Louisiana. (2007) report this species andWV. SC,TN,TX,VA, common 2. Galium aparine L. is a native annual that is and widespread in the state in roadside ditches, lawns, from 48 vacant lots and other disturbed areas and is reported from all 64 parishes (Fig. 1). It is reported all AK and US and most Canada (USDA NRCS conterminous in the of 2012). states The data Galium asprellum Michx. a native (but perhaps introduced in Louisiana) perennial. collection 3. is Caddo Kansas Southern Rail- for this species in Louisiana are; Parish: along railroad tracks near center of City W road Yard of La 173, E of Blanchard, sec 19 T18N R14W, Thomas 65094, 29 May 1979 (NLU). This is the 6rst Louisiana and possibly represents a one-time introduction that did not persist. This species is a collection for KY MO, (USDA, northern species and is reported from TN, NC, and all states to the north of these except for New NRCS reported from Brunswick, Newfoundland, Ontario, and Quebec in Canada. 2012). is also It pine Galium circaezens Michx. a native perennial of well-drained forests mostly along streams in the is 4. NE US OK, and (ab- regions of the state (Fig. 2). It is reported from all the eastern states in the west to TX, KS, ND NRCS sent from and SD). It is also reported from Ontario and Quebec in Canada (USDA, 2012) along GaUum Caddo divaricatum Pourr. ex Lam. is an introduced annual. The collection data are Parish: 5. Thomas SWEof T18N R14W, near North Lakeshore Drive west of La 173 Blanchard railroad tracks Sec. 19, 28 Thomas 88323, 83085, 17 Apr 1983 (NLU); and at the same location; Thomas 99537, 26 Apr 1987 (NLU) and Blanchard at Apr 1984 (NLU). Along railroad tracks in Kansas City Southern Yard west of La 169, south of brsl North Lakeshore Drive Sec. T19N R14W, Thomas 76697, 21 May 1981 (NLU). These collections are the 19, from AT, Louisiana. Lipscomb and Nesom (2007) report this species from AL, IN, KY, and TX. It is reported for WV AR, CA, GA, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, NC, OR, TN, VA, VT, and by USDA NRCS (2012). par- GaUum from three hispidulum Michx. a native perennial of sandy, well-drained reported is soils. It is 6. NW AL, from ishes in SE and Louisiana (Fig. 3). It is an Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain species with reports also areas disturbed Galium parisiense an introduced annual. recorded from roadsides and other L. is It is 7. M KY, mostly in western Louisiana (Fig. 4). Lipscomb and Nesom (2007) report this species from AL, IN, . WA USDA NRCS from CA, OR, and US and BC Canada. and TN. (2012) reports in the in it for^' pine Galium pilosum Ait. is a native perennial that is widespread in Louisiana. Its habitats include 8. hardwood forests, prairies, and the northern portion of the coastal marsh but is absent from the large fl from reported plain areas along the southern Mississippi River and lower coastal marsh (Fig. 3). It is also Galium Louisiana in Allen, 512 Galium uniflorum 11. Michx. is a native perennial. a plant of hardwood along streams in fahty It is forests well drained areas within the pine plain area regions of the state (Fig. 8). In the US, is restricted to the coastal it with reports from AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TX, and VA (USDA NRCS 2012) Galium virgatum Louisiana 12. Nutt, is a native annual. reported mostly from west central It is prairie areas in In (Fig. This species considered be Program 2012). 9). is to rare in Louisiana (Louisiana Natural Heritage (S2) the United States, also reported from AL, AR, MO, TX (USDA NRCS 2012). it is IL, KS, MS, OK, SC, TN, and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS greatly appreciate the detailed reviews by Michael MacRoberts and anonymous an I reviewer. REFERENCES CORRELL, D. S. AND M. C. JoHNSTON. 1 970. Manual of the vascular plants of Texas. Texas Res. Found., Renner. 513 Galium Louisiana Allen, in Diggs, G.M., Jr., B.L. Lipscomb, and RJ. O'Kennon. 1999. Shinners & Mahler's illustrated flora of north central Texas. Sida, Bot. Misc. 16. Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth. and Nesom. 2007. Galium anglicum (Rubiaceae) new for Texas and notes on the taxonomy of the G. Lipscomb, B.L. G.L. 269-1 parisiense/divaricatum complex. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 1 1 276. : Louisiana Natural Heritage Program. 2011. Louisiana Dept. Wildlife & Fisheries, Natural Heritage Program, Baton Rouge. (Accessed June 201 Available 8, 2). MacRobertS, 984. The vascular plants of Louisiana; an annotated checklist and bibliography of the vascular plants D.T. 1 Num- reported to grow without cultivation in Louisiana. Bull. Mus. Life Sci., Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Club 104:202-208. The Galium obtusum group {Galium Aparinoides, Rubiaceae). Bull.Torrey Bot. 1977. sect. PuFF, C. and 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas. Univ. North Carolina Press, Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, C.R. Bell. Chapel Hill. gymnosperms, and monocotyledons of Thomas, R.D. and C.M. Allen. 1984. A preliminary checklist of the pteridosperms, 4 No. Louisiana. Contr. Herb. Northeast Louisiana University, Dicotyledons Fabaceae-Zygophyllaceae. Thomas, R.D. and C.M. Allen. 998. Atlas of the vascular flora of Louisiana, Vol. 3: 1 Department and Baton Rouge. Louisiana of Wildlife Fisheries, USDA, NRCS. 201 The PLANTS Database (http-y/, 4 June 2012). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, 2. NC 27401 -4901 USA. Wunderlin, 998. Guide to the vascular plants of Florida. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. R.P. 1