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Notes on the genus Geogepa (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) from Japan, with description of a new species PDF

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Preview Notes on the genus Geogepa (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) from Japan, with description of a new species

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan eeLwt Trans,lepid.Soc.Japan 55 (4):251-255, September2004 rlbrtricidae) Notes on the genus Geogepa (Lepidopte ra, from Japan ,vvith description of a new species UtsugiJiNBo Department of Natura lHistory G,raduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Minarni-Ohsawa I-1, Hachioji-shi ,Tekyo, 192-0397 Japan; e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Japanese species of the genus Geogepa are reviewed. A new species Geogepa monticola is describe dbased on specimens collected in subalpine forest sof central Honshu, Japan. The species is very closely related to G. stenochortla (Diakono f1f9,48). Key words Geogepa stenochorcla, Geogepa monticola sp. n., subalpine regions, Honshu, Archipini,taxonomy. The genus Geogepa Razowski, 1 977 is a small genus of [[brtricina e.This genus was based on a Chinese species, G, zeuxidia Razowski, 1977, and was defined by a swollen median portio nof the ductu sbursa ein the female genitali a.The genus has been placed in a primitiv egroup of Archipin iand has been presumed to be one of the genera allied to Gnorismoneura Issik i& Stringe r,1932 (Razowsl c19i7,7; Jinbo ,2000). Six species of Geogepa have hithert obeen known mainly from the Orienta lRegion. In Japan, only one species, G. stenochonta (Diakono f19f4,8) ,has been recorded. In the course of my taxonomic study on the Archipini, I found another species of Geogepa in the subalpine regions of Honshu, Japan. The speci'es is very similar to G, stenochonta, but is a new taxon clearly distinguished from the latte rby wing markings and genitalia. The purpose of this paper is to describe the new species and to provide diagnose sof the two Japanese species of the genus. Geogepa (Diakonof1f94,8)(Fig1s-2,5,7,9) stenochordo EZpagoge stenochorda Diakonoff, 1948: 267, fig .1; Yasuda, l975 :142, fig s115, 441. 613. Batodes stenochordd: Obraztsov 1,955: 226, Heterochorista stenochoreia: Kawabe, 1968: 127, figs 1-4. Geogepa stenochorda: Razowski, 1977: 326, fig s8, 9, 14; Kawabe, 1982, 1: 161, 2: 75, pl. 17, fig .26; RazowskL 1993: 672; Kuznetsov, 2001: 192, fig .115-1; Liu & Li, 2002: 219, pL 31, fig .298, pl. 77, fig. 298, pl. 117, fig .298; Oku, 2003: 87. EPagog peedaliota: Issik i1,957i 75, pl .12. fig .377, nec Meyrick, 1936. Diagnosis. Rather small species ofArchipini, characterlzed by a slender and ]igh tochreous fbrewing ,with a narrow bronze median fasci aand a distinc tblackish discal spot. Thig species is very similar to a [faiwanese species, G. pivmiscua Razowski, 1977, but can be distinguish efdrom the latte rby the shorter forewing ,and the club-shaped uncus of the male genitali aF,orewing length 5.5-7. 5mm in male, 7.0-8.5 mm in female, Materia lexa'mIibncehdi.si: Yamagata: Torihara-goya, 1,350 m, Asahi Range, 1 8, 8. VIII ,1999, U.Jinbo. Shiobara-onsen,Shiobara-machi,4 8 1 \,23-24, VI.2001,U. Jinbo. [fokyo:Mitake,Ome-shi,18,20.VI.1998,U.Jinbo.Kanagawa: Jakotsuno, Hakone-ch6, 1 8,15.VI. 1983,T.Maenami; Komagatake-noboriguchi,Hakone-ch6,18,17.VII.1983, H, Nakajima; Kamiyu-onsen, Hakone-ch6,4\, 2.VII. 1988,H. Nakajima. Niigata: 6shirakaIwrai,hirose-Mura5,9,27.VI.1998,U. Jinbo;Moeginosato,Nakauonuma, 18, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 252 UtsugiJiNBo l 3 4 Figs 1-4 . Adults of Geegqpa spp. from Japan. 1. Geogcpa stenochorda, r, 2, Ditto, ?.3. Geogepa monticola sp. n,, g' ,holotype .4. Ditto, 4, paratype. 11. VI. 1994, K Jinbo .Yamanashi: Matsuhime-t6ge ,6tsuki-s 8h,i 2,3. VI. 2002, U, Jinbo; Magarizawa,Yamato-mura,18,28.V.2002,U.Jinbo;SagashioE,nzan-shi, 2 84 9, l5. VI.2002,U, Jinbo.Shizuoka:Orokubo,Nakakawane-ch6,2 \, 17.VI.1995,U.Jinbo. Distribution .Japan (Hoklcai Hdoon,shu, Shikoku, Kyushu) and China (Anhui). Hosts.Unknown. Remarks. Adults are easily attracted to light .This species has one generatio nper year. Kawabe (1968 r)edescribed the species and provided a precis ephotograp ohf the holotype. He placed the species in the genus Heterochorist aDiakonoff ,1952. Horak (1984 p)laced Heterochorist ain Sparganothin iand stated that there is no close relationship between Geogepa and Heterochorista. Geogepa (Fig3s4, 6,8,10) monticola sp. n. Diagnosis ,This species is similar to the preceding species, but can be distinguis hferdom the latte rby the forewing having less yellowish and more dusky ground color and by the broader and darke rmedian fascia ,the shorter uncus of the male genitali aan,d the smaller latera plrocesse sof the sterigma and the smaller ostium bursae of the femal egenitalia. Male and female .Forewing length 6.5-8. 5mm in male, 7.0-8, 5mm in female. Antenna filifbrm, infemalethanin brownish sensilla shorter male; vertex covered with orange scales; labia lpalpus 1.5 times as long as diamete orf compound eye, covered with brownish orange scales. Thorax covered with brownish orange scales; tegula covered with brownish orange scales, sometimes mixed with darker scales apically. Forewing slender, with a slightly pointed apex; costa gentl yarched; termen oblique; costal fold absent; ground color light grayish ochreous, with weak fuscous reticulation; markings deep reddish brown; basal patch vestigial; median fasci adistinc tb,roader than G, stenochonta, running fror nbasal 215 of costa to tornus, with a crenate inner edge; discal NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Geogepa from Jaoan 253 7 tftt't--' <g' 8 (>bri) <" x be wbl' 'rf s,'t i・1 y' !ili eX ,t/ [ 'K . . .y l110 ) //-,2 c./ 9 Figs 5-10. Male and female genital iofa Geogqpa spp. 5-6, Male genital i(a5 :G. stenochoreia, 6: G. monticola, holotype ).7-8. Aedeagus of male genital i(a7 :G. stenochorcta, 8: G. monticola, holotype), sma]1 arrow: sockets of decidueu scornuti, 1arg earrow: a group of minute dents ,9-10. Female genital i(a9 :G. stenochorda, 10: G. monticola,paratype). spot blackish ,usually distinc tsu;bapical patch distinc tsa,ber-shaped; cilia ligh tochreous, thei rtornal border mixed with brownish scales. In female, forewing narrower and median fasci baroader than in male, Hindwing ligh tgray with a slight brownish hue; cilia pale ochreous in the anterior half and ligh tgray in the posterio rhalf .Abdomen covered with grayis hscales; terminal tuft of male grayish creamy. Male genitali a.Uncus spatulate, shorter than in G. stenochoTde, ventral edge of it sbasal portion not constricted, with a short, round tip , Socius vestigial. [[bgumen b;.oa dand round. Gnathos of slender, elongate arms, with an acute tip. Transtil lnaarrQw, spinose laterai liyt, smedian thir dconstricted. Juxta trapezoidal ,constricted medially, wjth a deeply NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 254 UtsugiJiNBo invaginate dtip .Vinculum narrow, simple, Valva shorter than that of G, stenochonta, its apex obtuse, costa straight and rather sclerotized, sac¢ulus narrow, extending beyond half of valva. Aedeagus stout, tapering basally w,ith an acute, strongly sclerotized tip; vesica with a constant cornutus, some deciduous cornuti and a group of minute dents. Female genitalia . Sterigma similar to that of G, stenochorzia, but it slatera lprocesses its bursae smaller, microspines on postvaginal portion sparser, and ostium relatively smaller tha nin G. stenochorda. Antrum slightly wrinkled, without collicu}um. Ductus seminalis shorter than that of G, stenochonta, straight, bearing a 1arg emedian swollen part .Corpus bursae ovate. Signum a very small plate ,with a thorn-shaped process and a very small capitulum. Holotype. r, 6darumi-t6gKea,wakami-mura, Yamanashi, 20. VII. 2001, U. Jinbo. DepositedintheNationalScienceMuseum, [Ibkyo.Paratypes. Nagano: Shirokoma-ike, 2,100 Yachjho-mura,2 82\, 10-11.VIII.1997,U. Jinbo,1g, 31.VII-1.VIII.1999, m, U.Jinbo;Shirokoma-shind6,Kita-yatsugadakeY,achiho,4 84 \,31.VII-1,VIII.1999,U. Jinbo;Mugikusa-t6ge,Yachiho-mura,18, 1,VIII.1999,M. Yarnamoto; Reizen-goya, 2,130 m, Norikura ,Azumi-mura, 1 8, 2. VIII. 2000, U. Jinbo (by ligh ttrap); Kuraigahara- sans6, 2,300 m, Norikura, Azumi-mura, 29, 1. VIII. 2000, U. Jinbo . Yamanashi: Kitazawa-t6ge,Ashiyasu-mura,2\, 15.VIII.1992,U. Jinbo;3 9, 9-10.VIII.2001,A. Sasaki. Shizuoka:Mt Arakawa-dake,2,950 AkaishiRange, 1gr,5.VIII.1989,H. m, Nakajima; Near Arakawagoya, 2,660 m, Akaishi Range, 1 9, 9. VIII. 1991, H. Nakajima; Mt Seni6-dake,AkaishiRange, 1\ 20.VIII.1992,H. Nakajima; Higashimata, near , Niken-goya, Akaishi Range, 4 \, l7. VII. 1999, U. Jinbo .4 paratypes are deposite din the National Science Museum, [[bkyo (NSMT), and remaining paratype sare now in my collection, Distribution.Japan (Honshu). Hosts.Unknown. Remarks, This species is widely distribut eidn subalpine forest sof central Honshu, and has sometimes also been collected in alpine zones. 'Ilo date ,this species has been collected from Chichibu ,Yatsugadake ,Hida, Kiso and Akaishi Mountains. Adults are attracted by light .The species has one generatio nper year. Discussion G, O. They have monticola and stenochonta are obviously sister spec'ies, a spatulate uncus, while the remaining species of the genus, including the type-species, have a stick-shaped uncus. In thi sstudy, a group of minute dents on the vesica was observed in both of the two Japanese Geogepa species. This character has been reported neither in the genus nor allied genera .Examinations of various members of Geogepa and allied genera are necessary to deterrnin iet sphylogenet aincd systematic significance. Acknowledgments I wish to express my sincere gratitud eto Prof .Yl Kobayashi arid Dr A. Shimizu fbr their constant encouragement and critical comments on the early draft .I thank the following entomologists fbr the loan or donation of valuable material and their he]p :Mr K, Eda, Mr N. Hirano, Mr M, Ihara,Mr N.Iizuka,the lateMr K, Jinbo,Mr T,Kaneko,the lateMr A, Kawabe,Dr H.Nakajima,Mr K.Shikata,Mr M. Yiimamoto Mr Y Yanagita. and NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan Geogepa fromJaoan 255     Refe『ences Diakonoff, A .,1948.  Microlepidoptera from Indo−China and Japan.β躍 .融 ‘5. Hist.翩 . Paris 2:267−272. Horak , M .,1984.  The Papuan tortricin egenus Heterochorista and  the  systematic  position of 血e   Sparganothin, iS},st. Ent.9:383−433. Issik,i S.,1957. Tortricidae. In Esaki, T., Mutuura , A ., Isslki, S., Inoue, H ., OgaLa, M .&H . Okazaki, Icθnes   Heterocerorum  Japonicor腸m ’η Colr冫ribus  Naturalibus 「11:372−483, pls 12−15. Hoikusha , Osaka.(ln   Japanese). Jinbo, U.,2000. Phylogcny uf the tribe Archipill(Liepidopter, aTortricid,a Teo耽rjcinae)of Japan:Cladis{tc   apPr {⊃ach . 7bたyo〃z(〜tropol. Univ.8L‘〃、 nat . Hist.4;33−75. Kawabe, A,,1968、 Redescripti oonf Heterochorista sten 〔〕cho 厂da (Diakonoff)(Lepidopter, aTor面cldae ).     Tinea 7:127−128.     ,1982.TortriGidae.血 Inoue, H ., Kuroko , H ,, Moriuti, S., Kawabe , A ,, Sugi, S.& M . Owada , Moth,s   げ」の翩 1:62−158,2:15−25,158−183,pls 14−31,227,279−295. K6dansha, Tokyo.(II IJapanese). K uz neRtuso∬vi,a1n.  FVa.厂,2E0a0st L 5 (T3o)r:t1r1i−c4id7a2e.. (Ilnn  LReurss, iPa.n A).,(Ed.), Trichoptera and  Lepidoptera. Key 孟o the lnsectsげ Liu, Y.−Q.& G. Li,2002. Lepidoptera, Torthcidae.  Fauna  sinica (Insecta)27.  xxvlii ,463 pp.,136,2pls.   Sciencc Press, B両iIl,g(ln Chinses ewith  English summary ). Obraztsov, N, S.,1955. Die Gatmngen der palearktischen Tortricid.ae1. AUege皿 eine  Aufteilung der Familie   urld die unterfamilien  Tortricin auend  Sparganothjna正e.Fortsetzun,g1万45c乃若 Ent.98:147−228. Oku , T.,2003.  Micro1叩 idopLera of the Iwatc Prefecture.  Trans. Jwate 翩 . Soc.(Suppl.)2:1−157 (in   Japanese with  English summary ), Razowski, J.,1977. New  Asiati cArchipina (Lepidopter, aTortricid)a. eBull. Acad. pot.∫d.∫猷 biol.25:    323−329.     ,1993.The ca鳳logue of Ihe specjes  of Tortricidae(Lepidop1era). Part[1:Paユaearctic  Sparganothini,   Euliini, Ramapesiin iand  Archipin. iActa zoθ1. cracov .35:665−703. Yasuda, T,1975.  The Tortricin aaend Sparganothi乱nc of Japan(Lepidopter:aTortricid)ae(Part II).  Bu〃.   σ  ‘v.Osaka Prqfect.(B)27;79−253. 摘 要 日本 の Geogepa 属 とその 1新種 (ハ マ キガ科)(神保宇嗣) Geogepa属は旧北区東部および東洋区よ り6種が知 られる小 さな属で,日本か らはG. stenochorda ホ シ オビハ マ キ 1種が知られて い た.著者はホ シオビハ マ キに近縁な新種Geogepa monticota ミヤマ オ ビハ マ キ (新称)を記載 した.本種はホ シオビハ マ キに似るが 前翅の 中横線が太く濃色である こ と , , ♂交尾器 の uncus が 短 く,根本 は くび れ な い こ と,♀交尾器 の sterigma 側方の 突起が短 く,ostium bursaeが小 さい こ とから区別で きる.本州中部亜高山帯に広 く分布 し,これまで に秩父山地 ・八 ヶ 岳 山塊 ・飛騨山脈 ・木曽山脈 ・赤石山脈の標本を検討で きた.日本産の 2種は姉妹種関係にある と考 えられる.こ の 2種の vesica にはヤス リ状の棘が観察されたが この形質の系統学および分類学的な , 重要性は今後の.検討課題 である. (Accepted Ap 丘L23,2〔〕04) Publishe dby the Lepidopterologi}cSaociet yof Japan, 5−20,Motoyokoyama  2, Hachioji, Tokyo ,192−0063 亅apan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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