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Notes on the genus Amorphophallus (Araceae) — 3. Two new species from Vietnam PDF

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Preview Notes on the genus Amorphophallus (Araceae) — 3. Two new species from Vietnam

BLUMEA 39 (1994) 283-287 Notes on the genus Amorphophallus(Araceae)—3. Two new species from Vietnam W.L.A. Hetterscheid & M.M. Serebryanyi Summary Ofthe genusAmorphophallus,twonewspeciesare described here,A.scaberandA.pusillus, both fromVietnam. Introduction During fieldexcursions by the second authorand colleagues inVietnam, several living plants ofAmorphophallus species were collectedand subsequently cultivated intheMoscow MainBotanicalGardenandin Leiden. Tworemarkablenewspecies originating fromthesecollectionsaredescribedhere. Oneofthese(A. pusillus Hett. & Serebryanyi) shows aremarkablesuiteofrare charactersinAmorphophallus. DESCRIPTIONS Amorphophallus scaber Serebryanyi & Hett., spec. nov. — Fig. 1a, b Ab.A.koratensi Gagnep.in appendicespadicispartibusceterismultomaiore,dimensionibus genera- timmultomaioribus differt.—Typus:Serebryanyi 8906 (MHAholo;spirit coll.),South Vietnam, Vungtau-Condaodistrict, 10km E ofVungtauPort,nearNgocThau Vien,asouth-east facingslope in limestone hills,c. 150m below the JesusChrist Monument,in open places in thickets. Tubersubglobose or depressed-globose, upto c. 20 cmindiam.and c. 15cm high, weighing up to c. 3.5 kg, dark brownwith numerous,strongly elevated, annular root scars, seasonally developing offsets, these rhizomatous, upto c. 20 cm long and c. 2cm indiam.Lea/solitary or paired; petioleup to 180cm long andc.6 cm in diam.atthebase, background colourinjuvenile plants usually darkbrownandwith scatteredwhitishspots, inmature plantsdarkolive-green (thebasesometimesnearly blackwithapinkish hue), nearlyentirely coveredby large,roundedtoelliptic, con- fluent, whitishor pinkish spots witha darkgreencentre,towardsthetopofthe peti- ole grading towhitish greenandelliptic,surfacestrongly scabrate-verrucate, verru- caeelongate andoften laterally fused; laminathree-sect, highlydecompound, upto U The firsttwo papers in thisseries werepublishedin,respectively, Blumea 36 (1991)467-475 and 39,thepresentissue, pages 237-281. 2> Chrysantenstraat28, 1214BM Hilversum, TheNetherlands. 3> Main BotanicalGarden,Russian AcademyofScience,BotanicheskayaUl. 4, 127276Moscow, Russia. 284 BLUMEA Vol. 39, No. 1/2, 1994 Fig. 1.—a, b: Amorphophallusscaber Serebryanyi & Hett.(H.AM.180);a: inflorescence, c. x0.27;b: inflorescence cut open, c. x0.5.—c, d:A.pusillus Hett.& Serebryanyi(H.AM.246); c: inflorescence,halfburied,c.x 1.5;d:entire plantexposed,spathecut open, c.x 1. W.L.A. Hetterscheid & M.M. Serebryanyi: Notes onAmorphophallus-3 285 c. 180cm indiam.; leaflets elliptic,elliptic-oblong or lanceolate,oftenasymmetric, acuminate, subcoriaceous, 6-22cm long and 3.5-9cm broad, base decurrenton oneside, primary andsecondary veins deeply impressed, uppersurface green,mar- gin atfirst reddish violet,laterwhitish. Inflorescence solitary, nearsessile or short peduncled; peduncle densely verrucate, paler thanpetiole, (1—)5—10 cm long, 0.9- 2.2 cm in diam.;spathe erect, broadly ovate,forthegreaterpart convolute, hooded, only slightly opened at anthesis, coriaceous, 16-30cm long, 15-32 cm in diam., apexacute, basestrongly truncated, separated from thelimbby ashallowconstric- tion,outside dirty greenor greywitha greenish tinge, withscattered, whitishcircu- larspots andmorenumerous blackish, punctiform dots, limboftenwithabrownish or purplish hue, baseinside very darkmaroon, verrucate, limbinside bright pale greenwith occasionalsmall, whitespotsandabrownishuppermargin. Spadix sub- sessile, shorter than spathe and largely hiddenby it,9-25 cm long;female zone slightly to clearly conic, 2-8 cm long, 1.8-4cm in diam. (at the base), flowers congested; male zone obconic or broadly fusiform, c. 3.5 cm long, 1.5-3.8cm in diam.,flowerscongested; appendix ovoid, elongate conic or broadly fusiform-conic, obtuse, inlarger specimens with afewlongitudinal, broad, deep or shallowfurrows, creamywhite,surface smoothbut atthebase witha fewirregular fissures, separating shieldlike staminodes, 3.5-13cm long,2-6 cm in diam.atthebase, during female anthesisproducing asmellreminiscentofstrongcheese, dirtysocksor decayingmeat and heating upconsiderably. Ovariesdepressed, circularor diamond-shaped in cross section, c. 3mm indiam.,c.2mmhigh,dark maroon, 2- or 3-locular; style slender, c. 2.5mmlong, c. 1 mmindiam.,darkmaroon; stigma large, distinctly2- or 3-lobed, c. 1.5 mm high, 1.2-2mmin diam., brightor pale yellow, minutely echinate-sca- brate, lobesrounded. Maleflowers consisting of3 or 4stamens; stamens elongate, c. 4mm long;filaments short, c. 0.5mm long, basally connate;anthers truncated, c.3.5mmlong, 1.5-2mmindiam.,pale salmon pink, pores apical,elongate. Pollen releasedinstrings, orange,psilate. Etymology - Thespecies epithet refers to thesurface sculpturing ofthepetiole andpeduncle. Distribution- Vietnam(onlyknown fromthetypelocality). Ecology - FlowersinMay. Additionalspecimens - Kuznetsov s.n. (L, prepared fromplant cult, by thefirst author, H.AM. 180), typelocality; Kuznetsov s.n. (L, prepared from plant cult, by the first author,H.AM.210), typelocality, 1991;Kuznetsov s.n. (L, prepared from plant cult,byfirstauthor,H.AM.212), typelocality, 1991;Serebryanyi s.n. (L,pre- pared from plantcult, by thefirstauthor, HAM.144), 1989. Note- Amorphophallus scaber belongs to anas yetinformalspecies-group con- taining A. hirsutus Teijsm. & Binn. [Indonesia (Sumatra)], A. koratensis Gagnep. [Thailand],A.opertusHett. [Vietnam, seeprevious article inthisissue], A.paeonu- folius■(Dennst.) Nicolson[tropical Asia,eastward toPolynesia and Australasia], and A.prainii Hook.f. [S Thailand, Malaysia (Malacca), Singapore, Indonesia(Suma- tra)],and whichis recognised by theirtubershaving large, annulatethickenedroot scars, elongate offsets, large lobedstigmas, very long andnarrowanthers andoften scabrate-echinatepetioles. Amorphophallus scaberresemblesA. koratensisand.A. opertus, especially since these species sharethehooded, narrowly opening spathe. 286 BLUMEA Vol. 39,No. 1/2, 1994 Amorphophallus koratensis differsinhaving smallerdimensionsandamuchsmaller, massive, acute,triangular appendix with deep cracks atthebase andA. opertus dif- fers in having entirestigmas andunilocularovaries. All otherspecies ofthis group possess campanulate spathes. The leafofA. scaber seems unique in this groupin carrying reddishvioletmargined leaflets. Amorphophallus pusillus Hett. & Serebryanyi, spec. nov. —Fig. 1c, d A speciebusomnibusin tubereparvo elongateramoso, spathaebasiconnatasemi-infossa differt.— Typus: HetterscheidH.AM..247-T(Lholo;spirit coll.),ll-i-1993,cult. Hon. Bot.Leiden ex Viet- nam,Xuen MocReserve, easternmostpart ofDongNai Province (orig.coll. A. Kuznetsov, 1991). Tubershortly napiform,slightly irregular,upto 3.5cmlong, c.2 cm indiam.,weigh- ing c. 10gr, dirty white to pale brownish, producing small, globose offsets. Leaf solitary; petioleupto c. 8 cm long,c. 3mmindiam.; laminaupto c. 30cmin diam., rhachises unwinged; leaflets 5, elliptic,acute-acuminate,up to c. 11 cmlong, c. 5 cm indiam.,uppersurface moderately glossy darkormidgreen,withor withoutround, whitespots, mostnumerous andconfluentnearthemidrib.Inflorescence ± shortpe- duncled,halfburied;peduncle subterraneous,0.2-1.7cm long, 1-2 mm in diam., white, smooth; spathe broadly triangular, tubular, 2-2.8cm long, 2.5-3.2cm in diam., acute-apiculate, limbpoorly differentiated,shortly triangular, basetruncate, lower 0.5-0.8 cm connate,remaining part convolute, outsidepale pinkish with a pale brownish tingeand somescattered, larger,irregular blackish spots, thesenear themarginandnear thetop confluent,veinsbrownish,inside base pale violet,above anarrow darkvioletband, abovethatthecolouras ontheoutsidebut slightly paler, basewithinsmooth withslightly raised veinsand afew, scattered, shallow eleva- tions. Spadix sessile, longer thanspathe, 4.4-5.7 cm long; female zone 3-4 mm long, c. 7mm in diam.(incl. styles), flowerscongested; male zone slightly conic or cylindric, 10-12mm long, c. 4 mm in diam., flowers distant, the lower ones oftenstaminodial, axis betweenflowers exposed, white, witha triangular purple- brown spot above each flower or only with scattered, punctiform, purple-brown spots; nakedzone between themaleandfemale zones c. 1mm long, white; appen- dixelongate cylindric-conic, subacute, baseconstricted, 3.5-4.5 cm long, slightly curved, shallowly rugulose, greyish whiteor white, largely coveredby numerous, minute, elongate purple-brownish confluentspots, producing a faint, suffocating scent. Ovaries slightly depressed globose, 1.7 mmin diam., 1mm high, unilocular, one basalanatropousovule, basewhitish, remaindersuffusedwith numerous, tiny, blackish purple or brownish purple spots, confluentnear the top; style 1-2 mm long, c.0.5 mm in diam., colour as ovary; stigma 1-3 mm in diam., c. 0.2 mm high, 1-5-lobedwitha distinctcentraldepression andradiating grooves separating thelobes, or cup-shaped with3-7 marginal,± conic, spreading lobesor sometimes theentiresurface variously folded,sometimes nearly 'closed', directedtowardsthe spathe, dirtyyellowish brownish with a faintpurple hue or dirtygreyish whitish, surface minutely rugulose. Maleflowers consistingof 1,rarely 2 or 3stamens;sta- mens 1-1.3 mmlong,filaments0.1-0.3 mmlong;anthers0.9-1 mmlong, c. 1 mm in diam.,rectangular or butterfly-shaped incross section, truncate,ivory-white but betweenthe poresanelongate zone of purplish brown,confluenttiny spots, pores W.L.A. Hetterscheid & M.M. Serebryanyi: Notes onAmorphophallus-3 287 elongate, apical butsometimesvariously extending laterally, sometimesconfluent; staminodes(when present) ± pyriform, 1-2.5mm long,0.5-1 mmin diam.,single or paired, whitewithtiny purple-brownish spots. Pollenfinely striate. Etymology - Thespecies epithetrefers tothediminutiveproportions ofthisspe- cies. Distribution- Vietnam(only knownfrom thetypelocality). Habitat- In dipterocarpforestonsand. Additional specimen - Kuznetsov s.n. (cult, by first authorH.AM. 146), type locality. Note- Amorphophallus pusillus showsa unique suiteofoften remarkablechar- acters, viz. minutedimensions,leafoftenvariegated, spathe partlyhypogeal, connate spathe base(alsoinA. elliottiiHook,f.),irregularmultilobed,variously foldedstigma (also inA. harmandiiEngl. & Gehrm.)and unistaminatemaleflowers. Its general likeness is toA.harmandii(Cambodia), thelatterdifferingin being larger, having a long peduncle, the spathe being entirely epigeal, the spathe basebeing convolute, having 2- or 3-locularovariesand2-4-staminatemaleflowers. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Both authors wish tothank Dr. A. Kuznetsov (Moscow) forprovidingpart ofthe living material that was examined forthis paper, Dr.A.Hay (Sydney) andMr.P.C.Boyce (Kew)forcorrecting the manuscript, Dr. J.F.Veldkamp(L) for preparing theLatin diagnoses, and Dr. R.W.J.M.vander Ham(L)forprovidingthepollendata.

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