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Notes on the genus Amorphophallus (Araceae) — 2. New species from tropical Asia PDF

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Preview Notes on the genus Amorphophallus (Araceae) — 2. New species from tropical Asia

BLUMEA 39 (1994) 237-281 Notes on the genus Amorphophallus(Araceae)—2. New species from tropical Asia W.L.A. Hetterscheid Chrysantenstraat28,1214BM Hilversum,The Netherlands Summary Ofthe genus Amorphophallus, thirty-three new species are described,fromSE China, Vietnam, Myanmar(Burma),Thailand,Malaysia, Indonesia(Sumatra,Java,Kalimantan),and thePhilippines. INTRODUCTION During preparation ofa revisionofthegenusAmorphophallus by theauthor,many newspecies werediscovered.Of these,33 aredescribedhere. Severalare cultivated bytheauthorandintheLeidenBotanicGarden, othersaredescribedfromdriedma- terialonly.Someofthenewspecies areco-authored.Pollenis onlybriefly described, awaiting an extensive paper on this subject (Van derHam, Hetterscheid& Van Heuven, inprep.).Allspecimens cited havebeenseenby theauthor. DESCRIPTIONS 1. Amorphophallus aberrans Hett., spec. nov. — Fig. 1a, b A speciebusomnibus velocircum spadicisbasin,staminodiis capillaceis aggregatisinter zonasmas- culas femineasqueetinter pistilla, pilis longisstigmati insidentibus differt. — Typus:Murata,Fu- kuoka & Phengkhlai 1r-16977 (KYOholo),Thailand,NTak,betweenTakand BanDanLan Hoi,in drysavannah forest,c.5km eastofTak, c. 150m alt., 24-vii-1973. Tuberunknown.Leafunknown.Inflorescence long peduncled; peduncle 42-71 cm long, c.0.8 cm in diam.(base); spathe erect,lanceolate, acute, baseshortly convo- lute, 8x2 cm,persistentin fruit,base withinsmooth. Spadix subsessile, longer than spathe, 13.5cm long,base very oblique, surroundedby abasally attached, 1cm long, collar-like, free velum,open attheventralsidic;female zoneslightly obconic, 1 cm long, 0.7 cm in diam.,flowers loosely arranged; male zone elongate, slightly ob- conic, 2.5 cm long,0.5 cm in diam.,flowers inlowerhalfslightly distant,inupper halfmorecongested; appendix myosuroid, acute, 10cm long,0.2 cmindiam., arcu- ate (?). Pistils atthebasesurroundedby 4-6 staminodes; ovaries ovate or slightly D The firstpaperin this series,by J.Bogner& W.L.A.Hetterscheid,waspublishedin Blumea 36 (1991)467-475. 238 BLUMEA Vol. 39, No. 1/2, 1994 Fig. 1.— a,b:AmorphophallusaberransHett.[(MurataetalT16977,type);b: detailofthe spadix. Scalebar =5 cm.— c, d:A. albispathusHett.(HetterscheidH.AM.019,type-plant);c: c. x0.16; d:spathecut open., c.x 0.64. W.L.A. Hetterscheid: Notes on Amorphophallus-2 239 depressed, 1-1.5 mmin diam., 1 mmhigh, 2- or3-locular; style shortly conic, 0.5 mmlong,0.8 mm (base) to0.2 mm (top) indiam.;stigma large, longer thanbroad, shallowly or deeply bilobed, 1 mmhigh,0.5-0.8 mmin diam., surfaceverruculate, oftenwithafew irregularly distributedlong flexuoushairs,lobesconic; staminodes elongate, base c.0.8 mm long,0.2mm (base) and0.6 mm (top) in diam., topthick- ened and showing reducedthecaeandpores,between theporesalong, thin,flexu- ous hair. Maleflowers consisting of 1-3stamens', anthers sessile, disciform, 0.5 mmlong, 1-1.5mmin diam.,pores apical. Pollenareolate. Etymology - Thespecies epithet refers to the quite unusualmorphology ofthe inflorescence. Distribution- Thailand(known only fromthetypecollection). Habitat& Ecology - In drysavannahforest; 150maltitude; fl„ fr. July. Note- Thegeneral appearanceoftheinflorescenceofA. aberransisreminiscent ofA.parvulus Gagnep. andA. linearis Gagnep. butthedetailsofthe female zone andthepresenceofabasalveluminsidethespatheare unique inthegenus.The latter charactermayturn outtobeanaberrantandunderdeveloped secondspathe, whichis notanuncommonphenomenon inAraceaeingeneral. 2. Amorphophallus albispathus Hett., spec. nov. — Fig. 1c, d AbA. longituberoso(Engl.) Engl.& Gebrm. in tubere multiramoso etfoliolis multolongioribus differt. —Typus: Hetterscheid H.AM..019-T (L holo;spiritcoll.), 23-W-1991,cult.Hort. Bot. Leiden exThailand,40km south ofChumphon,growingin arocky slope(orig.coll. Bogner429, 1971). Tuberelongate, upto c. 17cm long, c.7 cm in diam., pale brown. Leafone,or two; petiole 10-55cm long,0.8-1.8cm in diam.(base), turgid, smooth,greyish green, tothebase oftenwithapinkish orreddishbrown hue, or nearlyentirely pale reddish brown, immaculateor witha few, scattered darkgreyish spots; laminamoderately dissected, 15-90cm in diam., leaflets elliptic, long acuminate (acumen c. 3.5 cm long),baselongdecurrent,20-35cm long,6-10cm in diam.,subcoriaceous, upper ssuurrffaaccee mmooddeerraatteellyy gglloossssyy,, ggrreeyyiisshhggrreeeenn,,lloowweerrssuurrffaacceeppaalleerr..IInnfflloorreesscceennccee solitary, long-peduncled; peduncle as petiole butslightly shorter, up to c. 40cm long; spathe erector concave, cymbiform, triangular-ovate, basalfifthconvolute, topacuminate, 6-14cm long, 3-10cm in diam.,outside dirty white with some scatteredpale or darkgrey-greenpunctiform spots andsometimesavery faint, pale purplish hue, in- sideas outside,baseinsidepapillate, themostbasalpapillae hairlikeandoftenlater- allyfusedand/orwithsomeirregularbranches. Spadix shorterthanspathe, upto 13 cm long,slightly curvate,sessile, emitting astrong, anise-likescentatfemaleanthesis; female zone slightly conic, 1-2.3cm long,0.7-1.3cm indiam., flowerscongested; male zone slightly conic, 1.5—3(—6.5?) cm long, 0.5-1.2 cm in diam., flowers congested; appendix cylindric-fusiform, smooth withsome shallow depressions, ivory white with a greenish hue, apex and base obtuse, 2-8 cm long, 0.8-2 in diam.Ovaries ±diamond-shaped or somewhatirregular incross section, depressed, bright green,3-4mm indiam.,c. 2 mm high, 3- or4-locular;style slender, bright green,c. 1 mm long,0.7-0.8 mmin diam.; stigma flattened, 3-or 4-lobed, 1.5-2 240 BLUMEA Vol. 39, No. 1/2, 1994 Fig. 2. —a,b:AmorphophallusangulatusHett.&A.Vogel(HetterscheidH.AM.329, type-plant); b. spathecutopen; bothc. x0.78.—c,d:A.angustispathusHett.(Kurz2660, type);d.spadixbase withanthers groupedonlongfused filaments. Scalebar = 5cm. W.L.A. Hetterscheid: Notes onAmorphophallus-2 241 mm in diam., dirty white,surface shallowly scabrate-verruculate, lobes subhemi- spheric. Maleflowers consisting of 2-4(or 5) stamens;stamens withfusedfila- ments,thelatterstrongly enlarged inthelowerflowers; anthersshort(c. 1mm), hemi- spheric, pale orange-yellow, connectivegreen;pores elongate, lateralorrarely sub- apical. Pollenstriate. Etymology - Thespecific epithetreferstothewhite spathe. Distribution CentralThailand. - Note- Amorphophallus albispathus is mostsimilartoA longituberosus (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm.They share theoverallinflorescencemorphology, theshort, hair-like papillae in thespathe-base, theanise-likescentandelongate tuber.However, theleaf bladeofA. albispathus is much less strongly divided, thepetiole is muchsturdier, thetuberis much shorterand branchedandthespathe is white(greyish or greenish inA. longituberosus). 3. Amorphophallus angulatus Hett. & A.Vogel, spec. nov. Fig. 2a, b Ab A.eburneo Bognerin dimensionibus multo inferioribus,colorepurpureo in inflorescentiae ali- quotpartibus, foliis bulbiliferis differl.—Typus: HetterscheidH.AM.329-T(Lholo; spirit coll.), 15-U-1994,cult, in Leiden Bot.Gard. ex Malaysia, Sarawak, MtSelantik,atthe base ofsandstone cliffs inprimary forest,c. 550 m alt., 1993 (orig.coll.A. Vogel933256B). Tuberglobose, darkbrown, c. 3 cm in diam.Leafsolitary; petiole c. 30cm long, c. 0.5cm indiam.,subtereteincross section, angulate in seedling andjuvenile leaves, dirty greenish or with areddish purple flush; laminac.40cm in diam., rhachises once or twicebranched,short; leaflets elliptic-lanceolate, elliptic injuvenile leaves, acuminate, 17-19 cm long, 4-5 cm in diam., midgreen,in seedling and juvenile leaves entirely or partly reddishpurple. Inflorescence shortpeduncled, partly hidden in cataphylls; cataphyllls 1-4.5 cm long, pale greyish withfaintpurple flushes;pe- duncle entirely hiddenby thecataphylls, terete,2.5 cm long,0.5 cm in diam.,pale olive-green; spathe erect, elongate elliptic, 6 cm long, 2.5 cm in diam., top acute, basetightlyconvoluteintoanarrow tube,limbwithaslightly undulatemargin, out- sidebrownishpurple withpaler, brownishveins, inside slightly palerandmoderate- ly glossy, base outsidepurplish, upwards grading into dirty pale yellowish brown, insidestrongly glossy darkmaroon, upwards grading intoreddishpurple andfinally dirtypale yellowish brown, smoothbutthe veins in thelower partraised. Spadix equalling thespathe, 6 cm long, subsessile; female zone ±cylindric, c.0.8 cm long, c.0.7 cm in diam.,flowerslaxandirregularly placed, leaving largeparts ofthe axis visible; malezone cylindric, c. 1.7cmlong,0.5 cm indiam., flowerscongested; ap- pendixfusiform-conic, 3.8cm long, 0.8 cm in diam.,obtuse,with scatteredirregular shallow depressions, base slightly constricted, surface smooth, moderately glossy, pale brownwitha yellowish flush,producing afoulsmell. Ovariesslightly orclearly depressed, 1.5-2mm indiam.,c. 1 mm high,subcircularin cross section, blackish purple, 2- or 3-locular; style 0.1-0.2mm long, c. 1 mm in diam.,blackish purple; stigma large, slightly depressed, subcircularin cross section, 1-1.5 mm in diam., c. 0.8 mm high, dark purple, mostly with2 or 3 elongate conic projections near thecentre, theseperpendicular tothestigma or variously pressed against it,surface 242 BLUMEA Vol. 39, No. 1/2, 1994 otherwiseverruculate.Maleflowersconsisting of2or 3stamens,elongate diamond- shaped, freeor irregularly fused to formshortlongitudinal rows;stamens nearly en- tirelyconnate in one flower,c. 1 mm long,yellowish white;filaments 0.1-0.2mm long, connate;anthersc.0.8mmlong, thetopslightly raised aroundthepores,these roundedor slighdy elongate, apical. Pollen finely striate. Etymology - Thespecies epithetreferstotheshape ofthecrosssectionofthepeti- oleinjuvenileplants. Distribution Malaysia: Sarawak. - Additionalspecimen - Vogel 933298(p.p.), Sarawak, 1stDiv., Mt Ampungan, SEofSerian(cult, by author, H.AM.328). Note- Amorphophallus angulatus resemblesA. eburneusBogner (Sarawak) in general shape but differsmarkedly by themuchsmaller dimensions,thepurple col- oursofthespathe andspadixandamuchsmallerleaf. 4. Amorphophallus angustispathus Hett., spec. nov. Fig. 2c, d Aspeciebus omnibus in filamentislongistenuis connatis differt.—Typus:Kurz 2660(CAL holo), Myanmar(Burma),PeguYomah,eastern andwesternslopes, 'Swa'. Tuberelongate, napiform, atleast 11 cm long, toppart thickened,2-3 cm indiam. Leafunknown.Inflorescence solitary, long peduncled; cataphylls upto 14cm long; peduncle smooth, 36-43cm long, c. 1 cm indiam.(base); spathe ovate-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, baseshortly convolute, top acute, 10-14cm long, 1.5-3cm in diam.,base insidesmooth. Spadixslightly longerthanthespathe, sessile, 13.5-17 cm long;female zonecylindric, c. 1cm long,c. 0.5 cm in diam.,flowerscongested; male zone conic, 3-3.5 cm long,0.6-0.8 cm in diam.,flowers distant; appendix narrowly elongate-fusiform, smooth, acute, 10-13cm long, c. 1cm indiam.Ovaries (depressed?-)globose, diamond-shaped in cross section, c. 2 mm in diam., 2mm high, 2-locular; stigma sessile, flattened, circular, c. 1 mmin diam.Maleflowers consisting of(2) 3or4(5) stamens;stamens2.5-3 mmlong;filaments entirely fused intoa slendercolumn, only the uppermostpart free and spreading; column 1.5-2 mm long but intheuppermostflowersshorter to nearly absent, 0.6-1mmin diam., base broadened; anthers atthetopof thecolumn,spreading, subglobose, 1 mmlong, 1-1.5mmin diam.; poresapical to subapical, elongate. Pollenstriate. Distribution- Myanmar(Burma), Pegu Yomah, and Tharawaddy district. Additionalspecimen - Rogers 11(CAL), Myanmar (Burma), Tharawaddy dis- trict, KonbibiReserve, ZenNyaungbuizen, rest-home,c. 60malt., 23-iv-1914. Notes - 1. Engler (1911: 86) cited Kurz 2660 underA.purpurascens Kurz ex Hook, f., apparently overlooking the elongate tuberand the long stalked anthers. OtherdifferenceswithA.purpurascensare thesmoothinnersideofthespathe base andthespadixclearly exceeding thespathe. 2.Amorphophallus angustispathus is similartoA. longituberosus (Engl.)Engl. & Gehrm.but differsintheshape ofthemaleflowers, thelongerspadix and theses- silestigmas. Theslendercolumnresulting fromthefusionoffilamentsis unique in Amorphophallus andhasalways been regarded as a valuablecharacterto distinguish thegenusPseudodracontiumN.E. BrownfromAmorphophallus. W.L.A. Hetterscheid: Notes onAmorphophallus-2 243 5. Amorphophallus annuliferHett.,spec. nov. — Fig. 3a, b Amorphophallusmuelleriauct. nonBlume ('mulleri’). Ab omnibus aliisin inflorescentiis bene evolutisappendicisbasis concrescentia annuliformi differt. Inflorescentiae parvaequaehunccharacterem carentesA.discophorosimiles sedillae extensione dis- ciformi inzonamasculaegentetspadixspathasuperans.—Typus: HetterscheidH.AM. 119-T(L holo; spiritcoll.), 3-i-1991,cult. Hon. Bot.Leiden ex Indonesia,Java, Lengkong, c.750 malt., in lowland rain forestonclayish soil (orig.coll. vanBalgooys.n., v-1990). Tubersubglobose, upto c. 10cm in diam., weighing upto c. 600 gr.,darkbrown, nooffset development. Leaf(only known from smallspecimen) solitary; petiole 90 cm long,2cm indiam.,background acomplex marbling ofshadesofblackish green, midgreenandpaler green,upwards grading intodarkbrown andmid greenshades, inupperhalfwithlarger,scattered,oval toelongate-elliptic whitespots withbrown marbling inthecentre,basalpart withmanysmall,rigid verrucae;lamina 100cm in diam.,rhachises only narrowly winged inthedistalparts; leafletselliptic or elliptic- lanceolate, 8-15cm long, 4-5cm in diam.,long acuminate, upper surfacemoder- ately glossy green.Inflorescence long peduncled; peduncle as petiole, 66-156 cm long; spathe oval to triangular ovate, 13-29cm long, 14-25cm in diam., base strongly convolute, limberect,broadly acute,outsidebase withpale greenish back- ground andlargerandsmallerbrownspotsandnumeroussmallwhitespots, towards the limbsuffusedwith a brownishpurple hue, thelatterespecially strong near the margin, insidebasepale greenish white, abovethata smallzoneofreddishpurple, then entirely darkmaroon, withsomesmallwhite dots atthe base-limbtransition, base withinsmoothor withfurrows andinbetweenscattered, small, muricate warts. Spadix sessile, longer than spathe, 22-56 cm long; female zone near cylindric, slightly tapering tothetop, 3-8cm long, 1.7-2.7cm in diam., base oblique, flow- ers congested; malezone cylindric with astrongly expanded topor obconic, 3-3.5 cm indiam.,flowerscongested; appendix elongate fusiform-conic, inflated, hollow, thin-walled, 16-44cmlong, slightly ormoreprominently laterally compressed, with or without(feeble specimens) astrong,ring-like expansion nearthebase, thickest at about 1/3fromthebase, diameteratthebase 2.7-3.5cm,thatofthering c.5.5 cm, diameteratwidestpoint 3.5-8cm, topsubacute,surface granulate, off-white, atthe basewith flattenedstaminodialstructures separated by shallow grooves, a strong stenchofdirtysocks or fish develops atfemaleanthesis. Ovaries depressed, angu- late, 3-5 mm in diam., 2.5-3.5 mm high, bilocular, lower part whitish green, upperpart darkmaroon; style 2 mm long,0.5 mmin diam., darkmaroon; stigma c. 1 mmin diam., c. 1 mmhigh, shallowly bilobed, lobesconic, leaving the style clearly visible on the outer side, surface densely echinulate, reddish brown. Male flower consisting of3 or 4 stamens;stamens c. 3 mm long;filaments c. 1.5 mm long;anthers c. 1.5 mm long, c. 2 mm in diam., truncate,pale yellow, connective verypale greyish green,pores elongate, apical. Pollenfossulate. Etymology - Thespecies epithet referstotheannulate widening oftheappendix- base. Additionalspecimens - Van Balgooy 4536(L), Indonesia,Java, Lengkong; Wi- djaja s.n. (L), Indonesia, Java, Jampang Kulon Forest. Distribution- Indonesia,Java. 244 BLUMEA Vol. 39, No. 1/2, 1994 Fig. 3.—a,b: AmorphophallusannuliferHett. (HetterscheidH.AM.119, type-plant);a:spathe and spadix, c.x0.13;b: spathecut open, c.x 0.32. —c, d:A.arnautovii Hett. (Arnautov 87-149, type =leftspecimen and 3d);c.inflorescences with pedunclesmissing; d. detail ofspadixbase of typespecimen. Scalebar =5cm. W.L.A. Hetterscheid: Notes on Amorphophallus-2 245 Notes- 1.Larger specimens ofA.annulifer are recognisable by thering-likeex- tensionofthespadix-base. Smallerspecimens, lacking thischaracter, resembleA. discophorus Backer& Alderw.but differfromthelatterin lacking thetypical disc- likeextension inthemalezone. 2.The nameAmorphophallus muelleriBlumehasconsistently been misapplied to this species dating from Beumde(1919). TrueA. muelleriBlumeis thespecies betterknown asA. oncophyllus Prain (a latername, so nowasynonym). InBacker & Bakh. f. (1968: 113) Blume's name A. punctulatus was synonymised withthe wrongly applied nameA. muelleri,suggestingthis to bea candidateforthecorrect nameofA. annulifer. However, the description ofA. punctulatus (Blume, 1837: 148)is indecisiveanditsproperapplicationremains in doubt.Nonamebeing avail- able, ithad tobe decidedtopublishA.annulifer. 6. Amorphophallus arnautoviiHett., spec. nov. — Fig. 3c, d AbA.pingbianensiH.Li & Longin ovariisbilocularibus,stigmatibusmaioribus,appendicerobus- tiorediffert.—Typus: Arnautov 87-149,p.p.(LEholo;spirit coll.),cult. Hort.Bot.St.Petersburg ex CentralVietnam,Gialai-Kontum Prov.,northernpart ofTayNguyenPlateau. Tuberunknown.Inflorescence long peduncled; peduncle incompletely known. Spathe triangular, 7.5-9cm long, 4.5-5.5 cm in diam.,baseshortly convolute, topacute, outside with raised veins,base withinnearly smoothwith a few scattered, small, punctiform warts. Spadix sessile, longer than spathe, 11-16 cm long;female zone cylindric, 1—1.5cm long, 1.1 cm in diam.,flowerscongested; male zone cylindric, top slightly widened, 2.3-3.5cm long, 1-1.4cm in diam.,sometimes slightly bi- laterally compressed, flowerscongested; appendix elongate fusiform, 7.5-11.5cm long,baseslightly compressed, diameter(short axis) 1.1-1.7cm, longaxis 1.5-2.2 cm,top acute,base constricted, surfacesmooth,basewith someflattenedstaminodes, separated by grooves.Ovaries strongly depressed, 3-3.5mmin diam.,1.5-1.8mm high,angulate orirregularlycircularincrosssection,bilocular; stylestraight orslight- ly upcurved, 1-1.5 mm long,0.8mmin diam.; stigma depressed, nearly disciform, 1.5 mm in diam., 0.7 mm high, irregularly circular in cross section, entire with a shallow, elongate, central depression or shallowly bilobed,surfacedensely verrucu- late. Maleflowers consistingof4or5 stamens; stamens c.2mmlong, 1-1.9 mmin diam.;filaments c. 0.7 mmlong, connate;anthers c. 1.3 mm long, truncate,pores apical, elongate andconnectedtothemargin oftheantherbya groove.Pollenpsilate. Etymology - Thespecies is namedafterDr. N. ArnautovoftheKomarov Insti- tuteofBotanyin St.Petersburg, Russia, whocollectedthe typeplant. Distribution- EastCentralVietnam(onlyknown from thetypecollection). Note- Amorphophallus arnautoviiis morphologically neartoA.pingbianensis Li &Long (Yunnan), from whichitdiffersinhaving abilocularovary, alargerstigma andalongerandmorerobustspadix. 7. Amorphophallus atroviridis Hett., spec. nov. — Fig. 4a, b Aspeciebus omnibusin tubere elongato,staminodiorum complanatorumzonainterzonismasculas femineasquediffert.—Typus: Hetterscheid H.AM. 107-T(Lholo;spirit coll.),22-iii-1991,cult. Hort.Bot.Leiden exThailand (nolocality; typeplantobtainedfrom S.Hyndman). 246 BLUMEA Vol. 39, No. 1/2, 1994 Tubernapiform,upto 11cm long. Leafsolitary; petiole 10-45cm long, upto c. 1.5 cm in diam. (base), dark reddish brown with some rounded, dirty white, brown centred spots and numerous tiny, dirty white dots, densely velvety hairy; lamina withfewleaflets(5 or 6), 18-55cm in diam., rhachises winged; leafletslarge, ob- ovate, shortly acuminate, slightly succulent, 9-25 cm long, 4.5-12 cm in diam., upper surface withminute, erect, white hairs, darkemerald-green withaconspic- uous, pinkish violet margin and often abluish sheen,margin undulate, lowersur- face greyish green,with numerous tiny white hairs,mainandsecondary veinspale pink, thesurfaceinbetweenless hairy, margin pinkish violet.Inflorescence solitary; peduncle likepetiole, c. 30cm long, c. 1 cm indiam.(base); spathe erect, c. 10cm long, lowerthirdconvolute,separated from thelimbby ashallowconstriction, limb triangular, acute, margins slightly reflexed, base outside dirty whitish, upwards grading intopale brownwithmanyscattered, small, irregular, dirty whitespots, the margin pinkish violet, main veinsinthelowerhalfdarkbrown, insidepale whitish green,suffused withpurplish nearthe uppermargin,entire margin pinkish violet, surface denselyclothedwithirregularly shaped, moreor less flattenedwarts. Spadix sessile, abouttwice as long as spathe, up to 25 cm; femalepart cylindric, c. 1 cm long, c. 1.2cm in diam.,flowers slightly distant;malepart elongate-conic, c. 7 cm long, c. 1.5cm indiam.(near base), flowers congested; sterile zonebetweenmale andfemaleparts short, carrying afew staminodes; appendix elongate conic, slender, acute, irregularly, shallowly sulcate with some small, punctiform warts, brown, c. 18cm long, c. 1.3 cm indiam.(near thebase), developing astrong, cheesy smell at female anthesis. Ovaries depressed, c. 2.5 mm in diam.,c. 1.5 mm high, pale green,nearthestyle-insertion dirtyviolet, unilocular; style c. 1mmlong,0.8mm in diam., straight or slightly upcurved, dirty violet;stigma depressed, irregularly disci- form, rounded or slightly angulate in cross section, c. 2 mm in diam., c.0.6 mm high,surfacewithseveral very smallknob-like wartsandoneusually eccentric large conicroundedwart/lobe, dirtyorange-yellow. Maleflowers consisting of3-5 sta- mens, creamy white;filaments short, fleshy, c. 1.5 mmlong, c. 2 mm in diameter, in thelowermostflowersentirely connate and strongly enlarged andthen c. 5 mm long; anthersc. 1 mmlong, c. 2 mmindiameter(in someofthe basalmost flowers strongly reducedand often sterile), thetop rounded,pores apical, elongate; stami- nodessemiflattened, ovalincross section, c. 5 mmin diameter,ivory-white. Pollen striate. Etymology - The species epithet refers to thecolourofthe uppersurfaceofthe leaflets. Distribution- Thailand. Additionalspecimen - Smitinand& Phengkhlai 8835(BKF), Thailand,Khao Phaeng, amonglimestoneboulders, 3-vii-1965. Notes - 1.Amorphophallus atroviridis is inmanyrespects morphologically simi- lartoA. brevispathus Gagnep. andA. macrorhizus Craib, both fromThailand.The velvety hairinessandtheelongate tubersare foundinbothspecies andthedarkemer- ald-green, pinkish violetmargined leavesarealsofoundinA. macrorhizus. Compared withA.macrorhizus, A. atroviridisis muchsmaller, hasaprominent style, nohairs ontheappendix; compared toA. brevispathus thespecies haslarger maleflowers,a longerstyle,a flattenedstigma andlarger leaves.

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