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Preview Notes on the benthic macrofauna of Agadir Bay (Atlantic Morocco)

, © SociedadEspañoladeMalacología Iberas, 28 (1): 97-114, 2010 Notes on the benthic macrofauna ofAgadir Bay (Atlantic Morocco) Datos sobre la macrofauna bentónica de la Bahía de Agadir (Marruecos Atlántico) AbdellatifMOUKRIM*,José Enrique GARCÍARASO** and Serge GOFAS** Recibidoel16-IV-2010.Aceptadoel30-IV-2010 ABSTRACT The macrofauna collected ¡n 25 dredge hauls from subtidal soft bottoms (6-25 m) ¡n Agadir Bay, Southern Morocco, is listed. Seventy species are identified, chiefly Mollusca but also some decapods, echinoderms, and polychaetes. The results show four main assemblages with a similarity above 50%. The community of soft bottoms is quite homoge- neous within the bay and is comparable to the community of fine sands with Chameleo striatula - Mactra corallina as described by Glémarec (1969, 1973) and with the shallow well calibrated fine sandy bottoms (SFBC) or 'terrigenous' fine sandy bottoms (Pérés and Picard 1964; Ledoyer, 1968). Towards the deeper part there is an increase of Ophiura texturato together with an increase in mud content. A more significantly different commu- nity is associated to bottoms with rocks in the northern part of the bay. Almost half of the species identified belong to the temperóte European (Atlanto-Mediterranean) faunal province whereas one quarter belong to the tropical West African province. Despite the modest sampling effort, there are five species of molluscs Nassarius goreensis, N. argen- ( teus, Cuno gambiensis, Tellina rubicincta, Pandora oblonga) new to the Moroccan fauna, indicating the need for a more thorough survey in the area. RESUMEN Se presenta una lista de las especies de la macrofauna recolectada en 25 dragados en fondos blandos sublitorales (6-25 m) de la Bahía de Agadir, Sur de Marruecos. Se identifi- caron 70 especies, principalmente moluscos, pero también decápodos, equinodermos y poliquetos. Los resultados de este estudio muestran cuatro grupos de especies con una similitud superior al 50%. La comunidad de fondos blandos es bastante homogénea den- tro de la bahía y se corresponde con la comunidad de arenas finas con Chamelea striat- ula -Mactra corallina descrita por Glémarec (1969, 1973) y con la de arenas finas bien calibradas poco profundas (SFBC) o arenas finas terrígenas (Pérés and Picard 1964; Ledoyer, 1968). Hacia la parte más profunda se aprecia una mayor abundancia de Ophiura texturata, así como un incremento de la proporción de fango. La comunidad más diferente se encuentra en un fondo con rocas en la parte norte de la bahía. Aproximada- mente la mitad de las especies pertenecen a la provincia faunística europea templada (Atlanto-Mediterránea) y cerca de una cuarta parte a la provincia tropical del Oeste Africano. A pesar de lo limitado del muestreo, se citan cinco especies de moluscos nuevas para la fauna de Marruecos (Nassarius goreensis N. argenteus, Cuna gambiensis, Tellina rubicincta, Pandora oblonga), lo que pone de manifiesto la necesidad de una prospec- ción más intensa en este área. LaboratoireEauxetEnvironnement, FacultédesSciences, B.P. 28S,Agadir(Morocco). * DepartamentodeBiologíaAnimal, FacultaddeCiencias, E-29071 Málaga(Spain). 97 Iberus, 28 (1), 2010 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to present some results regarding the benthic The benthic fauna of the Atlantic macrofauna (chiefly Mollusca and coast of Morocco is known quite ade- Decapoda) of the soft bottoms which quately for bathyal environments constitute most of the bay, and to draw sampled by deep-sea expeditions (see some preliminary conclusions regarding reviewinSalas, 1996andGarcíaRaso, benthic communities and their biogeo- 1996) or for the intertidal communities graphicsetting. accessible from the shore. The subtidal environments in between have received little attention and their species compo- MATERIALAND METHODS sition remains largely unknown. Previ- ous data are mainly based on a sam- A set of samples (Figure 1) was col- pling programme conducted in the lected in May 1999, using a rectangular years 1924-1925 with the trawler dredge with an opening of 50 cm, mm "Vanneau", following the foundation of geared with a net of 10 mesh. The the Instituí Scientifique Chérifien, dredge was towed by a boat at a speed Morocco's Natural History Museum in of approximately one knot, for 15 1923 (Liouville, 1930). However, only a minutes, parallel to shore at each posi- small part of the material obtained was tion on a transect. Three transects were eventuallystudied. sampled perpendicular to shore, in the The geographical situation of the vicinity of Oued Souss, which was the Bay ofAgadir falls mid-way within the target area for an environmental impact so-called "Mauretanian región" of study, and within each transect four Ekman (1953). Thus, it is important to samples were taken at 10, 15, 20 and 25 determine how much of its fauna m depth. Two other transects and some belongs to the European températe samples were taken with the same gear province, as does most of Atlantic at the northern end of the beach (D), Morocco, and how much belongs to the inside the harbour (E), and in front of tropical West African province. The bay the suburb ofAnza (F),justnorthwestto marks the end to the north of a very the harbour. In each of the transects D long stretch of coastline with a broad and F, samples were taken, at 6, 10, 15, shallow continental shelfciad with sedi- 20 and 25 m. Samples were sorted ments, and bordered by long, straight immediately uponreturn to the lab, and sandy beaches exposed to heavy surf. the animáis preserved in 70° ethanol for Northwards, Cape Ghir sets a sharp furtherdetermination. physiographic limit to a predominantly The literature used for species iden- rocky shore with a narrow platform; a tification was not specific to the area. comparable sandy shore resumes only The fauna of both Western Europe and much further to the north along the West Africa has been considered. CoastalplainsofBouregregand Sebouin PasteurHumbert(1962a,b), Poppeand Northern Morocco. Thus, this physical Goto (1991, 1993) and the unpublished boundarymay contributeto sharpenthe manuscript on West African Bivalvia by northwards boundary of any West RudovonCosel (MNHN)werethebasic African elements likely to occur in the references for the Mollusca; Monod area. The area of Agadir is also coinci- (1956), Forest and Gantes (1960) and dent with a major area of upwelling ZariqueyÁlvarez (1968), amongothers (Mittelstaed, 1983), which makes it for the decapods, Tortonese (1965) for potentiallyspecies-rich. the echinoderms. The polychaetes were The growing concern for conserva- identified by Patrick Gillet (of Instituí tion and control of water quality has d'EcologieAppliquée,Angers, France). triggered new interestfor thebenthos in Sediment samples were taken by nearshore environments cióse to the SCUBA diving along the three transects large urban agglomeration of Agadir. ofOued Souss (A: 30° 18' N, B: 30°20' N 98 MoukrimETAL.: Noteson the benthicmacrofaunaofAgadirBay(AtlanticMorocco) 30°25' 30°20‘ Figure 1. MapoftheBayofAgadir,withlocationofthesamplingstations. Figura 1. MapadelabahíadeAgadir, conlaubicacióndelasestacionesdemuestreo. and C: 30° 227 N), in order to determine bution of the different species, the granulometry using a column of stan- SIMPERroutinewasapplied. dard sieves. PRIMER software (Clarke and Warwick 1994, Clarke and Gorley, RESULTS 2001)wasused inthe studyofthe struc- ture of the communities and their The list of all collected species spatial variations using qualitative data amounts to 70 (Table I). There is an without transformation and standard- increase in species richness with dis- izados Possible significant differences tance from shore. Molluscs and between transects and depths were decapods are the best represented assessed using the ANOSIM routine. groups, whereas polychaetes probably Samples were grouped according to were undersampled due to the kind of theirfaunal compositionusingthe Bray- dredge used, which skims the superfi- Curtis similarityÍndex. Inthecluster the cialpartofthesediment. mode group average was selected. The The sediments are essentially fine samples were then plotted with a non- sands in transects A and C (range of metric multidimensional scaling (MDS median 0.17-0.32 mm). The pelite routine) and, toknowthelevelofcontri- content is very low nearshore and 99 Iberus, 28 (1), 2010 Table I. List ofspecies collected in the dredgings. The * denotes species sharedwith “sables fins á Venusgallina -Mactra corallina” and “sables fins envasés aPharus legumen - Ophiura texturata or denoted as characteristic offine sand communities by Glemarec (1969). W: West african species. The abundance ofspecies is coded (1) 1-2 specimens, (2) 3-5 specimens, (3) 6-10 specimens, (4) over 10specimens. Tránselo118'N Transect30?20'N depth (m) 10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25 MOLLUSCAGASTROPODA Belasp. Bivetiellocancellata(Linné, 1758) W 2 1 Bullíamiran(Bruguiére, 1792) W 3 4 3 2 4 4 2 Calyptraeacbinensís(Linné, 1758) Clanculuskraussí(Philippi, 1846) W Cabestanadolaría(Linné, 1767) W CymbíumcucumísRoding, 1798 W 1 Epitoníumturtonís(Turton, 1819) Euspirafusca(deBlainville, 1845) 1 Euspirapulchella(Risso, 1826) 1 Marginellaglabella(Linné, 1758) W Mesalíavaria(Kiener, 1844) W 2 4 3 1 Mitrellasp. 1 Nassaríusargenteus(Marrat, 1877) W 111 Nassaríuselatus(Gould, 1845) W 2 4 1 Nassaríusgoreensís(vonMaltzan, 1884) W Nassaríus¡ncrassatus(Stróm, 1768) Nassaríusretículatus(Linné, 1758) 3 2 1 Nassaríusvaucherí(Pallary, 1906) W 1 1 1 OcenebrabrevírobustaHouart,2000 Pbilineaperta(Linné, 1758) 1 Stramonítahaemastoma(Linné, 1758) 11 Solatíapiscatoria(Gmelin, 1791) W 1 2 2 1 Tectonatícasagraíana(d'Orbigny, 1844) W 1 W Volvarinasp. MOLLUSCABIVALVIA Anomíaephippium(Linné, 1758) 114 1112 Abraalba(Wood,1802) 4r Chameleastriatula(daCosta, 1778) 4c 1 Corbulagibba(Olivi, 1792) 2 2 CunagambíensísNicklés, 1955 w Donaxi/¡Mus(daCosta, 1778) 4c 2 Dosiníalupinus(Linné, 1758) 4c 1 1 1 1 * Ensisensis(Linné, 1758) Garifervensis(Gmelin, 1791) Macomacumana(Costa, 1829) 1 1 1 Mactracorallina(Linné, 1758) 4c 1 2 2 100 MoukrimETAL.: Noteson thebenthicmacrofaunaofAgadirBay (AtlanticMorocco) Tabla I. Lista de especies recolectadas en los dragados. El *indica especies quese han citadopara las comunidades denominadas “sablesfins a Venus gallina - Mactra corallina”y “sablesfins envasés a Pharus legumen - Ophiura texturata” o indicadascomo característicasdecomunidadesdearenafina porGlemarec(1969). W:Especies Oeste-Africanas. Laabundanciadelasespeciesestaanotadacomo (1) 1-2ejemplares, (2)3-5ejemplares, (3)6-10ejemplares, (4)másde10ejemplares. Transect309Tí!N NorttiofBeach Harbour OffAnza 10 15 20 25 6 10 15 20 25 6 6 25 6 10 15 20 25 2 1 1 4 3 4 2 4 4 2 4 1 4 1 1 2 4 i i i i 2 1 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 2 1 4 4 1 1 4 1 4 2 3 2 i i 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 4 4 2 4 2 1 1 3 4 1 2 4 4 4 2 3 4 1 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 3 1 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 1 4 i i 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 101 N N Iberm,28 (1),2010 MoukrimETAL.-.NotesonthebenthicmacrofaunaofAgadirBay(AtlanticMorocco) TVaebnluesgI.alLliisntao-fMsapcectireasccoorlallelcitnead"ianndth“esadbrleedsgifnignss.enTvhaesé*sdkePnhoatersusspleecgiuemsesnha-rOepdhwiiutrha"tseaxbtluersatfainsoár cToambluaniId.aLdiesstaddeenoemspienciaedsarsec“oslaebclteasdfaisnsenellVosendruasgagdaolsl.inEal-*Miancdtircaaecsopreaclielsinqau"eyse"shaablnescfiitnasdoepnvaarsaéslahs denotedascharacteristicoffinesandcommunitiesbyGlemarec(1969).W:Westafrtcanspecies. Pharuslegumen-Ophiuratexturata", oindicadascomocaracterísticasdecomunidadesdearenafina Theabundanceofspeciesiscoded(1) 1-2specimens,(2)3-5specimens,(3)6-10specimens,(4) porGlemarec(1969). W:EspeciesOeste-Africanas.Laabundanciadelasespeciesestaanotadacomo(1) 1-2ejemplares,(2)3-5ejemplares,(3)6-10ejemplares,(4)másde10ejemplares. Transect30®18' Transect30»20' Transecf30e22'N NorthofBeach Harbour OffAnza depth(m) 10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25 6 10 15 20 25 6 6 25 6 10 15 20 25 MOLLUSCAGASTR0P0DA Setosp. 2 Bmliellocancellata(linné,1758) W 2 1 1 Bullíamiran(Bruguiére,1792) W 3 4 3 2 4 4 2 4 3 4 2 4 2 4 1 2 4 Calypbaeochinensis(linné,1758) 1 Corotostara(Philippl,1846) W 2 1 CohesionadatariaOtoñé,1767) W CymbiumcacaraisRóding,1798 w 1 EpitomaraMonis(Turton,1819) Easpirolasca(deBloinville,1845) 1 Euspirnpulchello(Km,1826) 1 Marginellaglabella(linné,1758) w Atentorano(Kiener,1844) w 2 4 3 1 1 4 1 4 2 3 2 Afeitosp. 1 Hassaiiasargénteas(Morrat,1877) w 14 Atossoitoselalus(Gould,1845) w 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 bassariusgoreensis(vonMoltzon,1884) w 211 bassatiasinaassatus(Strom,1768) 4 2 bassariusreticolatus(linné,1758) 3 2 1 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 bossanosvaacheri(Pollory,1906) w 1 1 1 4 OcenebwbrevirobastaHonor),2000 2 Philineapeita(linné,1758) 1 Stromoaitabaemastoma(linné,1758) 12 11 Solabapiscatoria(Gmelin,1791) w 2 1 Jectonohcasogtaiano(d'Orbigny,1844) w 1 Vaharinasp. w 2 MOLIUSCABIVALVIA Anemiaephippium(linné,1758). Atoonton(Wood,1802) 2 4 C/iome/eosWoft/to(doCosto,1771 2 2 Corbulagibba(Oírn,1792) Cunojomifens/íNkldés,1955 Donmviltolus(doCosto,1778) Dosinialupinos(linné,1758) teeos»(linné,1758) 6(70fe/vens/5(Gmelin,1791) Atomoratono(Costo,1829) Ataracorallina(linné,1758) 100 101 Iberus, 28 (1), 2010 TableI. Continuation. TablaI. Continuación W Modiolusstultorum(Jousseaume, 1893) 1 1 Iransectoír Ib' N Iransect3Uy2U N depth (m) 10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25 Nuculanabicuspidata(Gould, 1845) W 3 1 Pandoraoblonga(SowerbyJ830) W Pandora¡naeguivalvis(Linné, 1758) 1 2 1 Parvicardiumexiguum(Gmelin, 1791) 12 Pharuslegumen(Linné, 1758) 1 1 2 2 1 Pbaxaspellucidus(Pennant, 1777) •k 1 ScaccbiazornivanAartsen&Fehr-deWal, 1985 Sinupbaruscombieri(Fischer-Piette&Nicklés, 1946) W Spisulasubtruncata (daCosta, 1778) 1 1 k Jellinatenuis(daCosta, 1778) 1 TellinarubicinctaGould, 1845 W 1 k TellinafabulaGmelin, 1791 2 1 1 1 k Thraciapapyracea(Poli, 1791) 1 Thyasiraflexuosa(Montagu, 1803) 2 MOLLUSCACEPHALOPODA Sepiettaoweniana(d'Orbigny, 1839) 2 SepiolarondeletiLeach, 1817 2 CRUSTACEADECAPODA Diogenespugilator(Roux, 1829) k 3 3 li4 li k Liocarcinusd.bolsatus(Fabricius, 1798) 2 2 3 Liocarcinusdepurator(Linné, 1758) Macropodiarostrata(Linné, 1761) 2 k Philocherastrispinosus(Hailstone, 1835) 3 1 PolybiushenslowüLeach, 1820 1 1 Scyllarusarctus(Linné, 1758) 1 PYCNOGONIDA Nymphonsp. 1 ECHINODERMATA Ecbinocardiumsp. 1 * OpbiuratexturataLamarck, 1816 4 4 1 4 4 ANNELIDAPOLYCHAETA CirratulusfilíformisKeferstein, 1862 12 DiopatraneapolitanaDelleChiaje, 1841 1 1 4 4 3 3 tugiapterophora(Ehlers, 1864) MagellonapapillicornisMüller, 1858 Nepthyssp 1 102 MoukrimETAL.: Noteson thebenthicmacrofaunaofAgadirBay(AtlanticMorocco) TableI. Continuation. TablaI. Continuación Transect309Z2'N Nontiotbeacn Harbour UttAnza 10 15 20 25 6 10 15 20 25 6 6 25 6 10 15 20 25 1 4 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 4 4 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 lili 1 2 1 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 4 3 1 2 2 2 111 1 2 2 3 3 11 1 1 1 4 4 2 4 1 3 4 1 3 3 3 1 1 103

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