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Notes on Olpiidae (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from Iran: description of Cardiolpium bisetosum sp. nov . and redescription of Olpium omanense PDF

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Preview Notes on Olpiidae (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from Iran: description of Cardiolpium bisetosum sp. nov . and redescription of Olpium omanense

5 Arachnologische Mitteilungen 50: 1-10 Karlsruhe, November201 Notes on Olpiidae (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from Iran: description of Cardiolpium bisetosum sp. nov. and redescription of Olpium omanense Mahrad Nassirkhani doi: 10.5431/aramit5001 Abstract. Recent collections of pseudoscorpions resulted in a first record and a new species from Iran. Olpium omanenseMahnert, 1991 originallydescribedfrom Oman is recordedforthefirsttimefrom Iran.Threecongeneric specieswith similarmorphometriccharactersand trichobothrial patterns, Olpiumintermedium Beier, 1959, O.lind- bergi, Beier, 1959and O. omanensecan beseparated bythesetal numbersonthe posteriormarginofthecarapace andtergiteI.Also,specimensreportedasOlpiumlindbergiBeier,1951 fromPakistanwereprobablymisidentifiedand belongtoO.omanense.The newspeciesCardiolpiumbisetosumsp.nov.isdescribed based on malesfrom Markazi province,western Iran.Morphometricdataisgiven incomparisontorelated species. Keywords:distribution,intraspecificvariation,MiddleEast,morphometry,pseudoscorpions,taxonomy. Zusammenfassung. Olpiidae (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) aus dem Iran: Beschreibung von Cardiolpium bisetosum sp. nov. und Olpium omanense. Bei Pseudoskorpion-Erfassungen im Iran wurden ein Erstnachweis und eine neue Art gefunden. Olpium omanense Mahnert, 1991 wurde ursprünglich aus dem Oman beschrieben und kann nunzumersten Mal im Iran nachgewiesenwerden.DreiengverwandteArten mitähnlichen morphome- trischen Eigenschaften undTrichobothrien-Mustern, Olpiumintermedium Beier, 1959, O. lindbergi, Beier, 1959 und O. omanense können anhand der Anzahl der Setae am posterioren Rand des Carapax und amTergit I unterschie- den werden. Bei den Nachweisen von OlpiumlindbergiBeier, 1951 aus Pakistan handeltes sich wahrscheinlich um Fehlbestimmungen -alle Individuen gehören zu O. omanense. Eine neue Art Cardiolpiumbisetosum sp. nov.wird nach Männchen ausder Markazi-Provinz imWesten Irans beschrieben.Vergleichende morphometrische Daten zu verwandtenArtenwerden präsentiert. Based on recent faunistic sampling in southern and been synonymized with M. babylonica by Mahnert western Iran, two species belonging to the family (1991). Recent collecting in Iran recovered speci- Olpiidae are reportedhere forthe first time.The fa- mens ofOlpium L. Koch, 1873,which representthe mily currently contains 36 genera and 268 species first record ofthis genus from Iran, as well as two from most terrestrial regions ofthe world (Harvey, specimens of a new species of Cardiolpium Mah- 2013). They occur in many different ecosystems, nert, 1986. but are more prevalent in dry habitats. Olpiids are found in most regions ofthe world, but are mostly Materialandmethods found in xeric habitats.The pseudoscorpion family The specimensusedinthis studywere collectedfrom Olpiidae is currentlyrepresentedbytwo genera and Kerman and Markazi Provinces. Olpium omanense four species from Iran: Minniza babylonica Beier, Mahnert, 1991 was collected by sieving litter con- 1931 from Kerman and Shiraz Provinces (Beier sisting ofleafand barkpieces, and Cardiolpium bise- 1951, 1971), M.persica Beier, 1951 from Bandare- tosum sp. nov. was extracted from soil and leaflitter Abbass and Lahigan cities (Beier 1951, 1971, Nas- with a Berlese funnel. All specimens were preserved % sirkhani 8cVafai 2014), Calocheiridiuscentralis(Bei- in 70 ethanol and prepared for study as follows: er, 1952) from Shiraz and Khoozestan cities (Beier, the pedipalps, chelicerae, first and fourth legs were 1971) and C. iranicus Nassirkhani 2014 from Mar- dissected, cleared in 60 % lactic acid, and perma- A kaziProvince (Nassirkhani2014). furtherspecies, nentlymounted on dishedglass microscope slides in Minniza syriaca Beier, 1951, was reported from Hoyer’s medium (a mixture ofdistilledwater,chloral Arak,Isfahanand Shirazcities (Beier 1951),buthas hydrate, Arabic gum and glycerin). The specimens were examined and illustrated with an Olympus BH-2 compound microscope and a drawing tube aMnadhrNaadtuNraAlSSRIeRsKouHrAcNeIs.,EInsltaommicolAozgaydDUenipvaerrtsmiteyn,tA,rFaakcublrtayncohf,AAgrraikc,ulItruarn;e attachment. The specimens are lodged in the Col- E-mail:[email protected] lection of the Acarology Laboratory, Islamic Azad submitted5.1.2015,accepted10.4.2015,online29.6.2015 UniversityofArak (IAUA),Iran. : 2 M.Nassirkhani Morphological terminology and mensuration 2013, M. Nassirkhani (IAUA). Markazi Province: follow Chamberlin (1931), Harvey (1992), Judson 1 9, Deh-e-No, Khorzan Village, soil and leaflitter, m (2007) and Harvey et al. (2012). The following tri- [33°38T4”N, 49°57’30”E, 2000 H.] 8 June 2013, chobothrial abbreviations were used: eb = external M.Nassirkhani (IAUA). basal; esb = external sub-basal; ib = internal basal; isb Redescription. Carapace:reddish-brown; entire- = internal sub-basal; ist = internal sub-terminal; est ly smooth; distinctly longer than wide; with 2 pairs = external sub-terminal; it = internal terminal; et = ofwell-developed corneate eyes, anterior eyes larger external terminal; t = terminal; st = sub-terminal; b and wider than posterior eyes, anterior eyes exten- - basal; sb = sub-basal.In addition,the following ab- ding to lateral margin, posterior eyes slightly spaced breviationWs areused: mm = millimeter; H = height; L from lateral margin (Fig. 1); with indistinct anterior D = length; = width and = depth. transverse furrow (Fig. 1); posterior furrow present; setae simple, thin and acute; carapace with 28 (27) FamilyOlpiidaeBanks, 1895 setae,mostlyarranged: 4: 6: 4:4:2:4 [fourspecimens SubfamilyOlpiinaeBanks, 1895 with 3 setae on posterior margin]; with 10 lyrifis- Genus OlpiumL.Koch, 1873 sures, first lyrifissures located between anterior and Typespecies. ObisiumpallipesLucas,1849,bysubse- posterior eyes, second lyrifissures situated slightly quent designation ofthe International Commission proximal to posterior eyes, third lyrifissures situated ofZoologicalNomenclature (1987: 53). medially,closerto anteriorfurrowthanposteriorfur- Remarks. Olpium can be separated from Ca- rowandlastlyrifissures situatedonposteriormargin. locheiridius by the position of trichobothrium ib Tergites: lightly sclerotized and not granulate; which is located basally or sub-basally, and tricho- without median suture line; lighter in colour than bothrium ity which is situated distal to est and the carapace, light brown with pale margins, terminal position ofthe nodus ramosus which is located pro- tergites darker in colour than basal tergites; setae ximal to et(Dashdamirov&cSchawaller 1993).Also, simple, narrow and acute; tergites X and XI with 2 the pedipalpal shape and male genital organs (see long tactile setae situated latero-medially; tergites Fig. 15) are very different between the genera, e.g., with setae arranged: 2[onlyin one specimenwith 3]: the movable chelal finger ofmost Calocheiridius spe- 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 6: 6: 2. cies are shorter than the hand (with pedicel) while Sternites poorly sclerotized and smooth;without the movable chelal finger of Olpium species are dis- median suture line; sternite IIwith 10-15 simple se- tinctlylongerthanthehand(withpedicel).Members tae in males and 6 in females and 8-10 large lyrifis- ofthegenusMinnizaSimon,1881 canbedistinguis- sures in males and 5 in females; males with lateral hed from Olpium and Calocheiridiusbythe following genital sacs with verylong ducts,with 2 pairs ofin- combination ofcharacters: the large body and long ternal glandular setae (Fig. 15a); female with three abdomen;thepresenceoftwo distincttransversefur- cribriform plates, central plate larger than lateral rows on the carapace; the proportion ofthe carapace plates; setae narrower and longer than tergal setae; X which is distinctlylonger thanwide; the presence of sternite with2longtactileasetaeand2slightlylong distinctshortvenomductsinbothfingers (exceptM. setae; sternite XI with 4 long tactile setae; spiracles barkhamae Mahnert, 1991 with long venom ducts without setae,with normal enlarged tracheal trunks, that reach to trichobothria et in the fixed and t in posterior trachea thinner than anterior trachea; ster- the movable chelal fingers (Mahnert 1991)) and the nites with setae arranged: 10-15: (0)4-7(0): (0)5- male genital organs (see Fig. 15). 6(0): 5-6: 4-6: 4: 4: 6: 6: 6: 2 formales and 6: (0)4(0): (0)4(0): 5: 4: 4: 6: 6: 6: 6: 2 forfemales. OlpiumomanenseMahnert, 1991 (Figs 1-7, 15a) Pleuralmembrane:longitudinallystriate. Firstdescription. Mahnert (1991: 175-177, Chelicera: brown, lighter in colour than carapace Figs 13-18). and abdomen; galeal seta present and situated dis- Material examined. IRAN: Kerman Pro- tally; galea with 3 terminal rami; hand with 5 setae vince: 10 <5, 1 9, Khabr National Park, Baft, lit- (Fig.5);rallumwith3 blades,distalbladelongestand ter, [28°52’45”N, 56°23’56”E, 2050m H.], 18 July widest with short lateral denticulations (Fig. 5); ser- 2013, M. Nassirkhani (IAUA). 2 (5, Rabor, Baft, lit- rula exteriorwith 14-17blades;laminaexteriorpres- m ter, [29°29’47”N, 56°26T8”E, 2500 H.], 20 July ent on fixed finger; fixed finger with 6 teeth, distal Olpiidae(Pseudoscorpiones)fromIran 3 Figs1-7:OlpiumomanenseMahnert,1991,malefromKermanProvince,Iran:1.CarapaceandtergiteI,dorsalview;2.Chelalfingers, prolateralview(showingtrichobothrialsetae,nodusramosus,venomductsandchelalteeth);3.Rightchela,retrolateral-dorsalview; 4.Basalsegmentsofpedipalp,dorsalview;5.Chelicera(serrulaomitted),dorsalviewandrallum;6.Leftcoxae,ventralview;7.Tarsus andmetatarsusIV 4 M.Nassirkhani Tab.1:Dimensions(inmm)andratiosofmorphologicalcharac- teeth small and acute; movable fingerwith one small tersinOlpiumomcmenseMahnert, 1991 curved apical lobe and one distinct tooth-like sub- Length Width Ratio apicallobe. Body 1.90-2.10«? - - Pedipalps: darker in colour than carapace, chela 2.40-2.499 darker in colour than femur and patella,lateral mar- Carapace 0.53-0.59<J 0.42-0.45(5 1.26-1.35(5 gin ofchela darkest; entirelysmooth; all setae simple 0.639 0.46-0.47$ 1.34-1.36$ and acute; femur with 2 tactile setae situated dor- Pedipalp sally (Fig. 4), first tactile seta situated on basal third Trochanter 0.25-0.27(5 0.13-0.15(5 1.80-1.92(5 and second tactile seta situated approximatelyin the 0.29$ 0.15$ 1.93$ middle of femur in distance, with distinct pedicel; Femur patella with 6 lyrifissures, 4 lyrifissures situated ba- 0.44-0.48(5 0.13-0.14(5 3.21-3.61(5 0.48$ 0.14$ 3.43$ sally, one lyrifissure located ventromedially and one lyrifissuresituateddistally;chelawithdistinctpedicel Patella 0.38-0.42(5 0.15-0.16(5 2.50-2.73(5 (Fig. 3); movable finger 1.23-1.50 times longer than 0.43$ 0.17$ 2.52$ hand (with pedicel); fixed fingerwith 8 and movable Chela (with 0.80-0.84(5 0.23-0.25(5 3.30-3.48(5 fingerwith 4 trichobothria (Fig.2); fixed fingerwith pedicel) 0.89$ 0.27$ 3.29$ trichobothrium et situated close to tip of finger, it Chela (with- 0.75-0.78(5 - 3.08-3.26(5 situated closer to est than to et, ist situated between outpedicel) 0.83$ 3.07$ est and isb and slightly closer to isb, isb situated on Hand (with 0.35-0.40(3 - 1.52- retrolateral side ofthe finger,esbsituated slightlyan- pedicel) 0.419 1.60(5,$ terior to ib ib situated basally; movable finger with , Movable 0.46-0.48? - - trichobothrium st situated closer to sb than to /, sb finger 0.509 situated very close to b\ fixed fingerwith 14-23 sen- Legs Length Depth Ratio sory setae, 8-10 situated close to trichobothrium et LegI andfingertip on the distolateralface; fixed and mov- Femur 0.19-0.21(3 0.08(5 2.22-2.62(5 ablefingerswithequalnumbers ofteeth,bothfingers 0.219 0.085$ 2.33$ with 24-30 teeth; nodus ramosus present, situated Patella 0.14-0.16(3 0.08-0.09(5 1.55-2.00(5 anterior to trichobothrium etin fixed finger (Fig. 2) and distinctlycloserto tip offingerthan trichoboth- 0.169 0.09$ 1.70$ Tibia 0.20-0.22(3 0.05-0.06(5 3.50-4.40(5 rium tinmovablefinger(Fig.2);venomductsincon- spicuous,narrowand short inboth fingers. 0.229 0.06$ 3.66$ Legs:light brown; lighterin colour than carapace Metatarsus 0.10-0.12(3 0.04(5 2.50-3.00(5 and darker than first three tergites; not granulate; 0.119 0.04$ 2.75$ all setae simple and acute; claws symmetrical, stout Tarsus 0.11-0.12(3 0.03(5 3.66-4.00(5 and short; arolia simple and muchlongerthan claws, 0.129 0.03$ 4.00$ not divided; each coxa I with 4, coxa II with 4-5, LegIV coxa III with 4-5 and coxa IVwith 9-10 simple and Femur 0.12-0.14(3 0.09-0.11(5 1.09-1.55(5 acute setae (Fig. 6); leg I ratios of males femur L/ 0.149 0.11$ 1.27$ patella L 1.26-1.42 and offemales femur L patella / Patella 0.35-0.40(3 0.18-0.19(5 1.94-2.22(5 L 1.31;tarsusIVwithonetactile setasituatedbasally 0.409 0.18$ 2.22$ (Fig. 7). Femur+ 0.42-0.48(3 0.18-0.19(5 2.38-2.66(5 Remarks. The specimens examined for this stu- patella 0.479 0.18$ 2.61$ dy resemble in their pedipalpal dimensions Olpium Tibia 0.30-0.34(3 0.09(5 3.33-3.77(5 intermedium Beier, 1959 from Afghanistan (Beier 1959), O. lindbergi Beier, 1959 from Afghanistan, 0.349 0.09$ 3.77$ Pakistan, India and Kazakhstan (summarized in Metatarsus 0.14-0.15(3 0.05(5 2.80-3.00(5 Harvey2013), and O. omanenseMahnert, 1991 from 0.159 0.05$ 3.00$ Oman (Mahnert 1991) (seeTab.2).The female type Tarsus 0.15-0.16(3 0.04(5 3.75-4.00(5 specimen of O. omanense has four setae on the pos- 0.169 0.04$ 4.00$ terior margin ofthe carapace and three setae on ter- 1 Olpiidae(Pseudoscorpiones)fromIran 5 Figs 8-14: Cardiolpium bisetosum sp. nov., holotype male: 8. Body, dorsal view (showing chaetotaxy of carapace and tergites), 9.Basalsegmentsofpedipalp,dorsalview;10.Paratypemale,chela,dorsalaspect;1 .Chela,prolateralview;12a.Chelicera,dorsal view(serrulaomitted);12b.Rallum;13.MetatarsusandtarsusI;14.MetatarsusandtarsusIV 6 M.Nassirkhani Fig. 15:malegenitalia,ventralview:a.Olpiumomanense;b.Minnizobobylonica;c.Calocheiridiusironicus;d.Cardiolpiumbisetosum sp.nov.[holotype] gite I (Mahnert 1991); 0. intermediumhas four setae mination of a wide range of specimens across the ontheposteriormargin ofthe carapace andtergiteI; Middle East, so that intraspecific variation in this and O. lindbergi has only two setae on the posterior genus can be more fully assessed. It is most likely margin ofcarapace and tergite I. that the specimens from Pakistanwere misidentified Dashdamirov (2005) tentatively attributed se- as O. lindbergibyDashdamirov(2005) and should to veral specimens from Pakistan to O. lindbergi but be referred to O. omanense.The presence offine gra- , most had four setae on the posterior margin ofthe nules on the prolateral face ofthe chelal hand in the carapace (erroneously stated to be tergite I; and one Pakistani material is the only observable difference female had sixsuch setae),and two setae on tergite I. betweenthetype specimenofO. omanensewhichwas The validity of these species must rely on the exa- describedbyMahnert(1991) andthenewlycollected 01piidae(Pseudoscorpiones)fromIran 1 Tab.2: Measures, ratios and chaetotaxyofthe basic morphological characters ofthe species 0. omanense, 0.lindbergiand 0.in- termedium [L=Length;W=Width;Fix.= Fixedfinger;Mov.= Movablefinger;-=withoutpedicel;+=with pedicel] (basedonthe specimensexaminedbyBeier(1959),Mahnert(1991)andDashdamirov(2005)) Species Femur FeWmur Patella PatWella ChWela Hand Movable Chela Teeth Chaetotaxy L L (-) L fingerL (+) Fix. Mov. Cara- Tergite L/W pace I Opiumomanense 0.51? 0.17$ 0.47$ 0.20$ 0.33$ - 0.54$ 2.90$ 30$ 33$ 4; 6:4: 3$ (from Oman) 4:4$ Olpiumomanense 0.48$ 0.14$ 0.43$ 0.17$ 0.27$ 0.50$ 3.29- 24-30 24-30 4: 6:4: 2 [3!] (fromIran) 0.44- 0.13- 0.38- 0.15- 0.23- 0.46- 3.36$ 4:2: 0.48B 0.14B 0.42B 0.16B 0.25B 0.48B 3.26- 4[3!] 3.30B Olpiumomanense 0.50$ 0.152$ 0.46$ 0.18$ 0.29$ 0.53$ 3.14$ Pos- 2 (fromPakistan) 0.44B 0.13B 0.45B 0.16B 0.24B 0.46B 3.54B terior margin: 4 [6!] Olpiumlindbergi 0.51$ 0.16$ 0.49$ 0.18$ 0.27$ 0.46$ 0.47$ 3.30- 31-32 31-32 Pos- 2 (fromAfghanistan) 0.47B 0.14B 0.45B 0.16B 0.24B 0.42B 0.47B 3.50 terior margin: 2 Olpiumintermedium 0.55$ 0.15$ 0.52$ 0.18$ 0.32$ 0.50$ 0.53$ 3.20$ 34 30 Pos- 4 (fromAfghanistan) 0.49B 0.14B 0.48B 0.17B 0.27B 0.43B 0.49B 3.40B terior margin: 4 specimens from Iran. Given the similarityin dimen- Cardiolpiumbisetosumsp.nov. (Figs 8-14, 15d) sions, number ofchelal teeth, and the trichobothrial Materialexamined.IRAN:MarkaziProvince:holo- pattern,the newlycollectedspecimensfromIranand typeB,AlvandProtectedArea,mountainhabitat,soil the Pakistani material are attributed to O. omanense and litter aggregated between stones, [33°45,45”N, whichischaracterizedbythepresenceoffour(orsix) 49°43’30”E,H.undetermined],8June2013,M.Nas- setae on the posterior margin ofcarapace and two or sirkhani (IAUA).ParatypeB,collectedwithholotype three setae on tergite I (seeTab.2). (IAUA). Diagnosis. Cardiolpium bisetosum sp. nov. dif- SubfamilyHesperolpiinaeHoff, 1964 fers from the other two species ofthe genus by the Genus CardiolpiumMahnert, 1986 following combination ofcharacters: the presence of Type species. Apolpiolum stupidum Beier, 1963, by twoorthreesetaeontheposteriormarginofcarapace original designation (Mahnert 1986: 148-149). and tergite I (four setae in C. stupidum and C. aegi- Remarks. The genus Cardiolpium belongs to the nense)\ the morphometric characters especially the subfamily Hesperolpiinae, and resembles Calocheirus chelal hand (with pedicel) LAY is 0.20-0.26/0.14- Chamberlin, 1930, which is the only other genus of 0.17 mm (the chelal hand (without pedicel) L/W is mm mm Hesperolpiinae which is known from Asia.Theydif- 0.29/0.18 in C. stupidum and 0.34/0.24 in fer in the position oftrichobothria isb and ist (Mah- C. aeginense)\ the trichobothriotaxy e.g. the position nert 1986). All Hesperolpiinae possess long venom of trichobothrium st on the movable chelal finger ducts, generally situated distinctly proximal to et in which is located nearlymidwaybetween t and sb (si- the fixed chelalfinger and to itin the movable chelal tuateddistinctlycloserto sb thantotin C. stupidum). & fingerandthepatellaoflegIis distinctlyshorterthan Description. Males (Figs 8-14 15d) femur I (Hoff1964).This tribe ofthe family Olpii- Carapace: light reddish brown, lateral margins dae has been considered as a subfamilybyHarvey&. darker; entirely smooth; clearly longer than wide; Leng (2008). Cardiolpium comprises two described with 2 pairs ofwell-developed corneate eyes, both species, C. stupidum (Beier, 1963) from Greece, Isra- eyes equal in size (Fig. 8); transverse furrows absent; el,Turkey,Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and C. ae~ carapace with setae arranged: 4: 6: 4: 2: 4: 2 (paraty- ginense (Beier, 1966) from Greece (see Harvey2013). pe with 3 setae); setae simple, thin and acute; with 8 M.Nassirkhani Tab.3:Dimensions(inmm)andratiosofmorphologicalcharac- Sternites:yellowishbrown;poorlysclerotized;en- tersinCardiolpiumbisetosumsp.nov. tirelysmooth;without median suture line; sternite II Length Width Ratio with 11 simple setae; with genital sacs and slightly Body 1.27-1.55 - - long lateral ducts, with 2 pairs of internal glandu- Carapace 0.36-0.44 0.28-0.35 1.25-1.28 lar setae (Fig. 15d); setae narrower and longer than X tergal setae; sternite with 2 slightly setae; sternite Pedipalp XI with 4 long tactile setae; anterior tracheal trunk Trochanter 0.15-0.17 0.09-0.10 1.66-1.70 enlarged normally and posterior tracheal trunk en- Femur 0.33-0.40 0.09-0.10 3.66-4.00 larged in the basal zone, posterior tracheal trunk Patella 0.23-0.27 0.08-0.11 2.87-3.36 clearlythinnerthan anteriorone; sterniteswith setae Chela(withpedicel) 0.52-0.65 0.14-0.17 3.64-3.86 arranged: 11-12: (0)5-8(0): (0)5-6(0): 4-6: 4-6: 5-6: Chela(without 0.47-0.60 - 3.35-3.64 5-6: 6: 6-7: 6-8:2. Pleuralmembrane:longitudinallystriate. pedicel) Chelicera:brown;galeal seta situated sub-distally; Hand (withpedicel) 0.20-0.26 - 1.42-1.52 galeawith2terminalandonelateralrami;handwith Movablefinger 0.33-0.39 - - 5 setae (Fig. 23a); rallum with 3 blades (Fig. 12b), Legs Length Depth Ratio distalbladelongerandwiderwithshortlateraldenti- LegI culations; serrulaexteriorwith 14blades; fixedfinger Femur 0.16-0.20 0.05-0.06 3.16-3.33 with 6 teeth,two first teeth acute and small; movab- Patella 0.09-0.10 0.05-0.06 1.66-1.83 le fingerwith a small apical lobe and one sub-apical tooth. FemurL./patellaL. - - 1.77-2.00 Pedipalps: uniformly reddish brown, darker in Tibia 0.11-0.14 0.04 2.75-3.50 colour than carapace and chelicera; entirelysmooth; Metatarsus 0.11-0.12 0.03 3.66-4.00 setae simple and acute; femur with indistinct pedi- Tarsus 0.08-0.11 0.02 4.00-5.50 cel,with 1 tactile seta located in basal third (Fig. 9); LegIV patella with 5 lyrifissures, 4 lyrifissures situated ba- Femur 0.10-0.11 0.09 1.11-1.22 sally and one lyrifissure located distally; chela with shortpedicel(Figs 10, 11);prolateralmarginofchela Patella 0.24-0.26 0.12-0.14 2.00-2.16 distinctly curved distally (Fig. 10); movable finger Femur+patella 0.27-0.36 - 2.25-2.69 distinctly longer than hand (with pedicel); movab- Tibia 0.21-0.26 0.05-0.06 4.20-4.22 le finger 1.50-1.65 longer than hand (with pedicel); Metatarsus 0.14-0.16 0.03-0.04 4.00-4.66 fixedfingerwith 8 and movable fingerwith4tricho- Tarsus 0.11-0.14 0.02-0.03 4.66-5.50 bothria (Fig. 11); fixed fingerwith trichobothrium it situated slightly closer to trichobothrium et than ist, et situated closer to tip offinger than it; est situated 8 lyrifissures, first pair situated laterally on anterior closer to ib than ist; isb situated slightlyposterior to margin,secondpairsituatedclosetoterminalmargin ib on retrolateral side and isb, ib, esb and eb aggre- ofposterioreyes,thirdpairsituated mediallyandlast gated basally; movable finger with trichobothrium t pair situated onposterior margin. situated in distal third, st slightly closer to sb than t, Tergites: lightly sclerotized and entirely smooth; sb situatedveryclose to b; sensorysetae in the tip of without median suture line; slightly darker in colour fixed finger absent; each finger with a row ofsenso- than carapace except tergites I-IV slightlylighter in ry setae; fixed finger with large, acute and triangu- colourthan carapace and tergiteXII completelypale lar teeth; movable fingerwith small and blunt teeth; and membranous, most tergites commonly brown fixed finger with 32-34 teeth and movable finger with yellowish margins; with long acute and simple with 10-12 teeth; nodus ramosus present, situated X setae; tergite with two slightly long setae situated slightlyposteriorto tin movable fingerand nearto it laterally and two long tactile setae situated medially; in fixed finger (Fig. 11). tergiteXI with 2 long tactile setae situated latrome- Legs: yellowish brown; lighter in colour than dially (Fig. 8); tergiteswith setae arranged: 2: 4: 4-5: carapace; smooth; all setae simple and acute; claws 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 symmetrical, stout and short; arolia simple and Ion- : : : : : : : : . Olpiidae(Pseudoscorpiones)fromIran 9 Tab.4:Themeasures,ratiosandchaetotaxyofthebasicmorphologicalcharactersofthespeciesofCardiolpium [forabbreviations seeTab.2](incl.datafromBeier1963, 1966). Species Femur Femur Patella Patella Chela Hand Hand Movable Chela Chaetotaxy L. W. L. W. W. (-) L. M L. fingerL. (+) L/W Carapace TergiteI Cardiolpiumstupidum 0.43d O.lld 0.28c5 0.10(5 0.18(5 0.29(5 - 0.37(5 3.40<J Posterior 4 (Beier) margin:4 Cardiolpiumaeginense 0.46? 0.1159 0.349 0.1159 0.249 0.349 ' 0.439 3.10V Posterior 4 (Beier) margin: 4 Cardiolpiumbisetosa 0.33- 0.09- 0.23- 0.08- 0.14- - 0.20- 0.33- 3.64- Posterior 2 sp.nov. 0.40(5 0.10(5 0.27c5 0.11(5 0.17(5 0.26(5 0.39(5 3.86<J margin:2 [3!1 ger than claws (Figs 13, 14); coxae with setae ar- ReferMences ranged: 4-5:4-5:5:5-6; most setea simple and acute; Beier 1951ErgebnissederösterreichischenIran-Expedi- joint between femur and patella III and IV indis- tion1949/50,PseudoscorpioneundMantiden.-Annalen desNaturhistorischenMuseumsinWien58: 96-101 tinct; metatarsus IV with one tactile seta situated BeierM1959 ZurKenntnisderPseudoscorpioniden-Fauna basally; tarsus IVwith one tactile setalocated distad Afghanistans.- ZoologischeJahrbücher,Abteilungfür ofmiddle. Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 87: Remarks. Cardiolpium bisetosum sp. nov. can be 257-282 M distinguished from the two other species ofthe ge- Beier 1963 Die Pseudoscorpioniden-FaunaIsraels und nus, Cardiolpium stupidum (Beier, 1963) and C. ae- einigerangrenzenderGebiete.-IsraelJournalofZoology ginense (Beier, 1966), by the position oftrichoboth- 12:M183-212 Beier 1966 Zoologische Aufsammlungen auf Kreta. rium st in the movable chelal finger. In C. bisetosum Pseudoscorpionidea. - Annalen des Naturhistorischen sp. nov., trichobothrium st is located approximately MuseumsinWien 69: 343-346 M in the middle of distance between trichobothria sb Beier 1971 Pseudoscorpione aus dem Iran. - Annalen and t clearly distal to est in the fixed chelal finger desNaturhistorischenMuseumsinWien75:357-366 while,it is located distinctly closer to sb than to /, ChamberlinJC 1931 The arachnid order Chelonethida.- approximatelyat the same level as estin C. stupidum Stanford University Publications. Biological Sciences andsituatedclosertosbthanto b,slightlydistalto est; 7(1): 1-284 DashdamirovS2005Pseudoscorpionsfromthemountains in C. aeginense. Also, the chelal hand (with pedicel) — ofnorthern Pakistan (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). of the new species is shorter than the chelal hand ArthropodaSelecta 13(4)(20W04):225-261 (without pedicel) ofCardiolpium stupidum and Car- Dashdamirov S &c Schawaller 1993. Pseudoscorpions diolpium aeginense (see Tab. 4). According to Beier from Middle Asia, Part 2 (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpio- (1963, 1966), the other species of Cardiolpium have nes).-StuttgarterBeiträgezurNaturkundeA496:1-14 MS four setae on the posterior margin of the carapace Harvey 1992The phylogeny and classification ofthe and tergite I, so the presence oftwo or three setae Pseudoscorpionida(Chelicerata:Arachnida).-Inverte- brateTaxonomy6:1373-1435-doi:10.1071/IT9921373 on the posterior margin ofthe carapace and tergite MS Harvey 2013 Pseudoscorpions ofthe world, version I may be considered as another difference between 3.0 Western Australian Museum. - Internet: http:// the species, but larger numbers ofspecimens from a museum.wa.gov.au/catalogues-beta/pseudoscorpions varietyoflocations are required to assess the level of (December 15,2013) intraspecificvariation. HarveyMS&MCLeng2008Thefirsttroglomorphicpseu- Etymology. This species is named for the pre- doscorpion ofthe family Olpiidae (Pseudoscorpiones), sence of two setae on the posterior margin of the withremarksonthecompositionofthefamily.-Records oftheWesternAustralianMuseum24: 387-394 carapace and tergite I (bisetosum,bi + setose/setous, HarveyMS,RatnaweeraPB,RandeniyaPV&Wijesinghe Latin,havingtwobristles). MR 2012 A new species ofthe pseudoscorpion genus Megachernes (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae) associ- Acknowledgements ated with a threatened Sri Lankan rainforest rodent, The authorwishes to extremelythankDr.MarkS.Harvey with a review of host associations ofMegachernes. forencouragement,andMr.MahmoudNassirkhaniforhis - Journal ofNatural History 46: 2519-2535 - doi: assistance. 10.1080/00222933.2012.707251 10 M.Nassirkhani HoffCC 1964ThepseudoscorpionsofJamaica,part3,the Mahnert V 1986 Une nouvelle espece du genre Tyran- suborderDiplosphyronida.-BulletinoftheInstituteof nochthoniusChamb.desliesCanaries,avecremarquessur Jamaica,Science Series 10(3): 1-47 les genresApolpiolum Beier et Calocheirus Chamberlin International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (Arachnida,Pseudoscorpiones).-MemoiresdelaSociete 1987 Opinion 1423. Olpium Koch, 1873 (Arachnida): Royale Entomologique deBelgique 33: 143-153 ObisiumpallipesLucas,[1846]designatedastypespecies; Mahnert V 1991 Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from interpretationofthenominalspeciesOlpiumkochiSimon, the Arabian Peninsula. - Fauna of Saudi Arabia 12: 1881.-BulletinofZoologicalNomenclature44:53-54 171-199 Judson MLI 2007 A new and endangered species ofthe NassirkhaniM2014Anewpseudoscorpion speciesofthe pseudoscorpion genus Lagynochthonius from a cave in genus CalocheiridiusBeier&Turk(Arachnida:Pseudo- Vietnam, with notes on chelal morphology and the scorpiones:Olpiidae)fromIran.-ZoologyintheMiddle composition of the Tyrannochthoniini (Arachnida, East60:353-361-doi:10.1080/09397140.2014.966520 Chelonethi,Chthoniidae).-Zootaxa 1627: 1-56 Nassirkhani M &Vafai Shoushtari R2014 Redescription KochL1873UebersichtlicheDarstellungdereuropäischen andremarksonthespeciesMinnizapersica(Pseusoscor- Chernetiden (Pseudoscorpione) - Bauer & Raspe: piones:Olpiidae)fromIran.-ZoologyintheMiddleEast Nürnberg.68pp. 60:272-277-DOI: 10.1080/09397140.2014.939814

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