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Notes on Larval Growth and Efficiences in Antheraea: A. polyphemus and A. pernyi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) PDF

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Preview Notes on Larval Growth and Efficiences in Antheraea: A. polyphemus and A. pernyi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)

Vol. 3No.1 1996 SCRIBER: Antheraea Larval Growth 23 HOLARCTIC LEPIDOPTERA, 3(1): 23-30 NOTES ON LARVAL GROWTH AND EFFICIENCIES IN ANTHERAEA: A. POLYPHEMUS AND A. PERNYI (LEPIDOPTERA: SATURNIIDAE) J. MARK SCRIBER Dept. ofEntomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA ABSTRACT.- Larval growth rates and efficiencies were measured using standard gravimetric techniques for penultimate and final instar North AmericanAntheraeapolyphemusand AsianA. pernyisilkmoths to evaluateecological hypotheses about the physiological adaptations ofthese two species. Contrary to expectations, the oak-feeding specialist, A. pernyi did not grow more efficiently nor more rapidly than the polyphagous A. polyphemuswhen fed 5different Quercusspecies andPrunusserotina. Infact, theA. polyphemusgenerallygrew morerapidly inspiteofthe lower nutritional quality (leaf water and nitrogen content) of their food, than was the case for A. pernyi. Several potential explanations are discussed, including body sizeeffects. KEYWORDS: Alaska, Asia, behavior, British Columbia, Canada, China, Fagaceae, genetics, herbivory, hostplants, Hymenoptera, larvae, Mexico, Missouri,Nearctic, Noctuidae, NorthAmerica,nutrition, Papilio,Papilionidae,parasitoids,Pennsylvania,Rosaceae,Spodoptera,Trichogrammatidae, USA. Antheraeapolyphemus (Cramer), the polyphemus silkmoth, is 1954; Waldbauer, 1968; MacArthur, 1972; Scriber and Feeny, probably the most widely distributed species of the North 1979). This hypothesis must beexamined at both the physiologi American Satumiidae. Itoccurs across temperate North America cal (or metabolic) level and the genetic (or evolutionary) level from the Gaspe Peninsula and British Columbia southward into beforethesignificanceofnegativegenetictradeoffsorphysiolog Mexico (Ferguson, 1972). In addition to its wide geographical ical "costs" can be used to meaningfullyaddress suchan ecologi range, it also may contend for the title of the most polyphagous cal presumption (Scriber and Ayres, 1988). While a few studies of the North American silkmoths, with a reported food plant have attempted to specifically determine these assumptions, the range of at least 50 hosts from more than 30 genera (Ferguson, data remain sparse and with mixed results for both individual 1972). physiological (Schoonhoven and Meerman, 1978; Scriber, 1978, Antheraea pernyi (Guerin-Meneville), the Chinese oak (or 1981, 1986; Neal, 1987; Scriber and Dowell, 1991), and genetic tussah) silkmoth, is an Asian relative of the North American A. (heritable) costs (Jaenike, 1990; Via, 1990; Thompson, 1994). polyphemus.Thisspecies(A. pernyi)hasbeen bredandreared on Recently, studies of nicotine metabolism and detoxification cost oak (Quercus spp.) (Fagaceae) in China for centuries, and (measured both by respirometry and E.C.D.'s) in two species of recently has been used as the sourceofthe well-known Shantung Lepidoptera have shown that nicotine-adapted specialists have (tussah) silk. This silk has been traced back to the Han dynasty little or no costs directly related to detoxication (Appel and in China (206 B.C.-220 A.D.; Peigler, 1993). Martin, 1992) whereas the generalist Spodoptera eridania While the North American A. polyphemus is extremely (Cramer) (Noctuidae) polysubstrate monoxygenase detoxication polyphagous,itincludesatleast6-10oakspeciesas natural hosts. ofthis allelochemical does impose significantmetabolic costs on In fact, it was suggested that A. polyphemus may still be beha the larvae (Cresswell et al., 1992). viorally linked to theseancestral Quercus hostplants for success This study was conducted to determine if the physiological ful mating (Riddiford, 1967; Riddiford and Williams, 1967). efficienciesofdigesting andconvertingfood tolarval body tissue While often assumed that monophagy is the derived, and and/or the rate oflarval growth on a series ofhost plants would polyphagy the ancestral condition (Brues, 1920, 1924; Dethier, be greater for the more specialized silk moth, Antheraeapernyi, 1954; Fraenkel, 1959; Ehrlich and Raven, 1964; Feeny, 1995), it than its polyphagous congenor, A. polyphemus. Presumably, the appears that the generalist feeding behavior associated with the generalist A. polyphemus would exhibit greater metabolic loads geographic spread ofA. polyphemus across North America and and lower efficiencies than the specialists. Five different oak may have been derived from ancestral Asian oak-feeding (Quercus) species were included, since these are presumed to specialists (Michener, 1952; Ferguson, 1972). represent the ancestral host plant favorites. Black cherry, Prunus There has been a long-standing assumption that the efficiency seratina (Rosaceae), was included as a rosaceous outgroup yet a (E.C.D.)and/orrate ofgrowth for a generalized feeder, would be natural North American host plant. less on any given host plant compared to a specialist (Dethier, 24 SCRIBER: Antheraea Larval Growth HOLARCTIC LEPIDOPTERA METHODS slightly underestimate true efficiencies because a small fraction Cocoons of A. polyphemus were collected in Northhampton of nitrogen is excreted in the form of uric acid, allantoin, Co., Virginia. Emerging adults were mated and confined to allantoic acid, or perhaps other compounds (Bhattacharya and paperbags or plastic boxes with oak leaves for oviposition. We Waldbauer, 1972). obtainedeggsin asimilarway forA. pernyiwhich were obtained The concern about uncritical use of nutritional ratios for from captive cultures at Klingerstown, Pennsylvania, and St. interpretation of behavioral, physiological, and ecological Louis, Missouri. Eclosing larvae were allocated in 6-10 groups implicationshas resurfaced recently, emphasizing newpointsand into rearing containers each containing one of the foodplants several brought up as unresolved since earlier reviews (Wald underexamination.Tominimizeanyeffectstolarvalconditioning bauer, 1968; Scriber and SIansky, 1981). The largest source of (Jermy et ai., 1968) and host switching effects (Scriber, 1979, error in the gravimetric methodology for insects is generally in 1981, 1982; Stoyenoff et al., 1994) each group of larvae was estimating the food consumption: this can be due to difficulties reared to the molt preceding the penultimate instar on the plant measuring small amounts eaten by early instars, fresh weight species upon which the feeding experiment was to be conducted. variation among leaves and during the experiment, magnification We do not know the host plant of the parents nor the potential ofmeasurementerrors, too much ortoo littlefood presented, and maternal or paternal effects on offspring (Mousseau and Dingle, changes in foliage mass/composition during the experiment 1991). (AxelssonandAgren, 1979;GrabsteinandScriber, 1982;Schmidt Each caterpillar used in the feeding experiments was weighed and Reese, 1986; Bowers et al., 1991; Stamp, 1991). Other immediately after molting into the penultimate (and ultimate) complications remain even with the necessary use of dry mass instarand transferred into its own clear plastic petri dish (15 cm budgets, sinceenergy content varies with lipid, protein, carbohy diameter x 2.5 cm height), and provided a foodplant leaf of drates of insect and host plant (Gordon, 1968; Slansky and known fresh weight. Eight larvae per plant species were used as Scriber, 1985; van Loon, 1991, 1993). Volatile lipids and highly replicates in the penultimate instar, with 4-5 larvae used in the variable, or unrealistic caloric budgets can result from oven final instar. Leaf petioles were inserted into water-filled, drying rather than freeze-drying the samples to be weighed. rubber-capped plastic vials to maintain leaf turgor (see Scriber Comparisons of gravimetric and respirometric estimates of 1977). All dishes were then held in a large walk-in controlled metabolic efficiencies are useful and desirable (van Loon 1993), environment chamber, maintained at a 16:8 photo-scoto-phase however are not always possible, as was the case here. with corresponding day/night temperatures of 23°CII9°C and a Beyond some methodological sources of variation, one of the relative humidity of 75 ± 10%. Unfortunately, the silkmoth recentconcerns involving nutritionalecology is the uncritical use species were not available for precisely concurrent studies; of ratios and the statistical problems these may create. A series however, identical procedures and analyses were conducted with of excellent reviews (Raubenheimer, 1995; Raubenheimer and these slightly staggered bioassays during the same summer. Simpson, 1992, 1994; Simpson and Raubenheimer, 1995) has Atintervalsof24-48 hours, eachcaterpillarwasreweighedand been modelled directly on previous examples (Atchley, 1978; the feces and unconsumed leaf material were collected for Packard and Boardman, 1987, 1988) which were derived from freeze-drying. Each caterpillar was replaced in the dish with a earlier statistical evaluations (e.g., Cochran, 1957). Common new weighed leaf. A subset of 3-6 larvae were weighed live, terms in the "X" and "Y" variables (as in ratios) may lead to frozen and freeze-dried to determine dry weight ratios. A subset spurious self-correlations, among other problems (see discussion of 6-10 leaves for each experiment were similarly weighed at in Raubenheimer, 1995). each replacement and dried for dry weight determination. Larval These studies were analyzed by plotting the efficiences (AD, growth was measured as weight gained during the entire instar ECD, ECI)andrates (RCR, RGR) against themean larval weight andstandardgravimetric methods (Waldbauer, 1968;Scriberand during each instar (the initial and final weight data were not Slansky, 1981) were used to calculate the relative growth rates retained and were unavailable for using in the desirable analysis (R.G.R.), efficiency of conversion of ingested (E.C.I.) and ofcovariance; Packard and Boardman, 1987, Raubenheimer and digested food (E.C.D.), and approximate digestibility (A.D.). Simpson, 1992). Larvae were weighed and set up immediately after molting to avoid the incorrectattribution ofgutcontentto larval weightgain RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Bernays and Simpson, 1990; Barbehenn and Keddie, 1992). Theefficiency ofconverting digested food into larval biomass In addition to dry weight ratios, the freeze-dried larvae, feces, (E.C.D.) was not significantly greater for penultimate instar A. and leaves were stored in desiccators and later analyzed for pernyi (oak specialist)compared to the generalistA. polyphemus caloric values and total nitrogen. Caloric contents were deter on any host plant species (Table la). In the final instar, only the mined in triplicateinaPhillipson (1964) microbomb calorimeter. white oak treatment resulted in a significantly higher efficiency Total nitrogen was measured from triplicate samples by the (E.C.D.) for A. pernyi than A. polyphemus. The same basic micro-kjeldahl technique ofMcKenzie and Wallace (1954). This pattern is observed for E.C.I. (Table 1b). The mean relative determination allowed calculation of the relative nitrogen growth rates (R.G.R.) of penultimate instar A. polyphemus accumulation rate (RNAR; mg nitrogen gained per mg of larval generalists were also significantly greater than those of the weightperday)andthenitrogenutilizationefficiency(NUE;ratio specialized A. pernyi on chestnut oak (Quercus prinus), red oak of nitrogen gained to nitrogen ingested). These values for (Q. rubra), white oak (Q. alba), and black cherry (Prunus efficiency ofconversion ofingested nitrogen into larval biomass seratina), with no significantdifference on swamp white oak (Q. Vol. 3 No.1 1996 SCRIBER: Antheraea Larval Growth 25 TABLE la. Efficiencies of conversion of digested (E.C.D.) and lb. instars) was an explanatory correlation of relative growth rate ingested (E.C.L) food to larval growth for penultimate and final instars observed with total leafnitrogen (% ofdry mass), caloricdensity ofAntheraea moth species (data are presented as amean ± SE). (callmg), or leaf water content (% of fresh weight). In fact, the Species Chestnut Red Swamp White Pin Black faster growth rates of A. polyphemus larvae, compared to A. (andinstar) Oak Oak WhiteOak Oak Oak Cherry pemyi, were in spite ofgenerally lower leafwater contents (Fig. E.C.D.(penultimateinstar) 1-2), which is also contrary to general observations for immature insects (Scriberand Slansky, 1981) and tree-feeding Lepidoptera pernyi 74.4(4.4) 42..2(2.8) 41..2(3.8) 40..9(1.5) 29.3(3.2) 17.2(3.0) polyphemus 62.5 (2.9) 81.6(8.6) 63.5(4.8) 834(6.1) 33.0(29) 14.3(8.9) in particular (Mattson and Scriber, 1987). In addition, for most (F·ratio) (N.S.) ( ) ( ) ( ) (N.S.) (N.S.) hostplantpairstheleaves wereslightly lowerin total nitrogen for E.C.D.(finalinstar) thegeneralistA. polyphemusthan forA. pernyi(Fig. 1-2).Caloric pernyi 23..8(1.2) 11.7(1.6) 14.7(1.4) 23..4(0.4) 17.1 (4.7) density of plant leaves ranged from 4.8 to 5.2 callmg and were pol)phemus 54.7(11.8) 10.3(5.9) 34.7(8.6) 17.1 (1.7) 29.7(5.0) not correlated with any index oflarval growth or efficiency. (F-ratio) ( ) (N.S.) (N.S.) ( ) (N.S.) The poorer performance of A. pemyi on 5 Quercus species, TABLE lb. compared to A. polyphemus, was unexpected based on the assumption that a polyphagous "super-generalist" would be less Species Chestnut Red Swamp White Pin Black (andinstar) Oak Oak WhiteOak Oak Oak Cherry efficient than the oak specialized species. This exceptional performance of A. polyphemus larvae was not due to belter E.C.I.(penultimateinstar) nutritional leafquality, which was the case for A. pemyi larvae. pernyi 20..3 (0.6) 12..4(0.5) 15..4(0.5) 1.62(06) 8.7(0.4) 8.1 (08) In fact, the A. pernyi hosts were of higher nutritional quality. poLyphemus 14.1 (0.7) 22.2(1.4) 18.7(1.0) 18.5(0.6) 7.9(0.5) 7.4(2.6) (Fratio) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (N.S.) (N.S.) Perhapstheexplanationofpoorerlarvalconversionefficiencyand E.C.1.(finaiinstar) growth performance ofA. pernyi is simply that these particular pernyi 8..6(0.5) 3.6(0.5) 4..9(05) 10..8(0.4) 4.7 (1.0) host plant species are not their ancestral Quercus species. An polyphemus 11.5(0.5) 8.9(3.5) 10.7(2.0) 6.0(0.7) 6.9(1.0) apparent lack of specific physiological adaptations for efficient (Fratio) ( ) (N.S.) ( ) ( ) (N.S.) metabolic processing of North American trees may be due to •Significantdifferencesbetweenthemeansareindicated(.)althep=0.05level(Snedecor insufficient timesince therecentimportationofA. pemyiinto the andCochran, 1967).N.S. = non·signiticance. USA (brought in during the last couple of decades by lepidop terists, research physiologists, and biological control specialists TABLE2. Relativegrowth rates (mg. mg-I . d·l) oftwoAntheraea moth formass-rearingofTrichogramma (Hymenoptera:Trichogramma specieson six host plant species. tidae) egg parasitoids for use against forest pestspecies; Peigler, 1993). Host PlantSpecies While the efficiency of assimilating and converting tree leaf Species Chestnut Red Swamp White Pin Black biomass to insect herbivore biomass and the subsequent rate of (andin,tar) Oak Oak WhiteOak Oak Oak Cherry larval growthisdetermined primarily by the nutritional quality of R.G.R.(penultimate) the food (Scriber, 1984; Mattson and Scriber, 1987; Slansky, pernyi .1.6(.00) .1.8(.Ot) .18(.01) .1.6(.01) .16(.01) .0.4(.01) 1992, 1993), we did not observe this to be the case with these pol)phemus .19(.01) .23(.02) .18(.01) .22(.01) .14(.01) .07(.01) oak-feeding silk moths. In fact, a weak but negative correlation (Fratio) ( ) ( ) (N.S.) ( ) (N.S.) ( ) of penultimate instar growth rate (RGR) and leaf water content R.G.R.(finalinstar) was observed (Fig. la). Quercus leafnitrogen concentrations are perny; .0.5(.01) .0.3(.01) .0.5(.00) .05(.00) .0.3(.00) also less for the fast-growing generalists on every oak species in polyphemus .10(.01) .06(.01) .10(.00) .07(.01) .07(.01) both instars (Fig. Ib-2b). (Fratio) ( ) ( ) ( ) (N.S.) ( ) Metabolic costs ofdetoxification will depend on the specific •Significantdifferencesbetweenthemeansareindicated(.).p==0.05level. mechanisms involved and the affiliated evolutionary adaptations bicolor) or pin oak (Q. palustris; Table 2). The final instar A. ofeach herbivore in question. For example, one allelochemical, polyphemus larvae also grow faster than A. pemyi larvae on all nicotine, is metabolically costly for the polysubstrate oxygenase 5oakspecies, although this does notreach significance for white detoxication system of a generalist caterpillar (Cresswell et al., oak (Table 2). 1992) but specialist caterpillar species with rapid excretion abilities and target site insensitivity has insignificant metabolic These results indicate that the extremely polyphagous North costs for detoxification (Appel and Martin, 1992). Perhaps these American silkmoth, A. polyphemus, is both more efficient and differences in mechanisms of detoxication with differential morerapid in larval growth than theA.pernyioakspecialist.This associated metabolic costs explain the mixed results in past is precisely the opposite result that ecological theory might attempts to quantify differences for specialist insects and genera predictbased simply on the assumption thatthe morespecialized list insects since Krieger et al. (1971) and Whittaker and Feeny A.pemyilarvaewould bemoreefficientatconversionona given (1971) suggested that selection for detoxification energy effi host than would larvae of their generalized congenors, A. ciency would be expected in specialists compared to generalists polyphemus. To determine if the larval performance of A. (which were presumed to have agreater numberofdetoxification polyphemuswastheresultofhostnutritionaldifferences, analyses systems to maintain and operate as a "metabolic load"; Slansky, ofthe leaves were conducted independently for each species and 1993). While the North American generalistA. polyphemus is each instar on every host plant. In no case (penultimate or final 26 SCRffiER: Antheraea Larval Growth HOLARCTIC LEPIDOPTERA Final Instar Penultimate Instar .24 '0 .12 be wo co swo_______ RO swo 5\\10 CO .16 PO~ .08 "0 "0 po wo 00 00 E E '0 -- .08 co wo swo be .04 00 00 E BC E po RO ..C.l.J 58 62 66 70 r;: c:::: 54 58 62 66 70 Leaf Water Content (% ) .: Leaf Water Content (% ) .12 be ~ .24 .0... '0 wo co swo l? co ..;.C->.l.J .16 po Rq,wo SWO .08 - COWO po wo r;: Po ro ClJ c:::: co wo SWO .04 .08 po RO be BC 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Total Leaf Nitrogen (%) I~ 4~ Fig. 2. The relative growth rates of final instar Antheraea pernyi and A. polyphemus on various hosts as a function of leaf water (r = 0.12) and leaf Total Leaf Nitrogen (%) nitrogen content(r=0.06)(same codingas inFig. I). Fig. 1. The relative growth rates of penultimate instar larvae (mg·mg-'·d·') of forsizeinattemptingtoassessthetissuegrowthrates (Waldbauer Antheraeapernyi(largeletters)andA.polyphemus(smallletters)onChestnutoak 1968). This and related statistical problems described recently (co), Red oak(ro), Swamp whiteoak(swo), White oak(wo), Pinoak(po), and (Raubenheimer and Simpson, 1992, 1994; Raubenheimer, 1995) Blackcherry(be) as afunction ofleafwatercontent(percentfresh weight; top, led to an evaluation of raw data for all of the A. pemyi and A. r=0.40)andtotal nitrogen (percentdry weight; bottom, r=0.21). polyphemus comparisons with regard to their size differences. believed to be derived from the Asian oak specialists (e.g., a The A. polyphemus larvae were generally smaller than A. proto-pemyi; Ferguson, 1972), wesee no evidence that there has pemyi in both the penultimate and final instars. This was most been any loss of efficiency or growth rate in this polyphagous pronounced for larvae on chestnut oak and pin oak (Tables 3-4). derivative and ifanything, they do better on nutritionally poorer While mean size (B) is not included in the calculation of the 3 hosttissues. No simple explanation is availablefor such atypical efficiencies (AD, ECD, orECI), itcertainly could have an effect, results (Slansky and Scriber, 1985). due to a smaller gut surface area relative to body weight for BODY SIZE EFFECTS example. However, the increasedvolume ofgutepithelialcellsin Body size can have major significance in the feeding ecology larger larvae (rather than surface area of the lumen) may have ofLepidoptera (Scriberand Slanksy, 1981; Mattson and Scriber, equalizing effects on the assimilation efficiency (Reavy, 1993). 1987;Reavy, 1993).Theinitialsizecan beofprimaryimportance When plotted against the average size during the penultimate for establishment on the host plantand in successful completion and final instarsofbothspecies,thereis nosignificantinteraction ofa given generation in certain thermally constrained situations, ofmean weight with the approximatedigestibility (AD)and only as described for Papilio in Alaska (Ayres and Scriber, 1994). It a slight hint of an effect in the final instar for the conversion is clearthatbiggerlarvaeeatmore and analysis ofgeneral trends efficiency of digested food (ECD), but the overall conversion in nutritional indices indicate that with more food eaten, more efficiency of ingested food (ECI =AD X ECD) shows no size weight is gained, but lower relative consumption rates and effect for either instar (Fig. 3). relative growthrates existfor largerlarvae (laterinstars; Siansky In contrast, the relative consumption rates (RCR) and the and Scriber, 1985; Reavy, 1993). Use ofratios in calculating the relative growth rates (RGR) ofA. polyphemus and A. pemyi do RGR(weightgained/meanweight·d)may notadequatelycorrect show an effect ofaverage size in the final instar (but not the Vol. 3 No.1 1996 SCRIBER: Antheraea Larval Growth 27 2.00,------- ---, TABLE 3. Penultimate instar weight gain and mean weight during the instarfor different host species. Data are presented as a mean (±SE). • Biomassincrease(mgdry) Averageweight (mgdry) (n) polyphemus (n) pernyi polyphemus pernyi 1.50 ChestnutOak (6) 125± II (8) 452± 14 107±6 439± 14 RedOak (5) 360± 12 (8) 363± 18 292±4 313±9 • SwampWhileOak (6) 263± 15 (5) 301 ± 14 235± 11 256± 8 I:l:: PWinhiOteakOak ((65)) 213890±± 1174 ((88)) 331819±±2234 2t8092±± 1182 329239±±2107 UI:l:: •• 0 o BlackO1erry (2) 120± 29 (4) 167± 15 136±24 215±9 0 1.00 •• ~ 0@] @] TABLE4.Finalinstarweightgainandmeanweightsduringtheinstarfor 0 different host species. Data are presented as a mean (±SE). [QJ [QJ Biomassincrease(mgdry) Averageweight (mgdry) o.so+----I-"l'J,------,-----.,---4~Ql~------1 o 250 500 750 1000 1250 (n) polyphemus (n) pernyi polyphemus pernyi ChestnutOak (4) 505± 92 (4) 849± 28 460±60 1066±36 MEAN MASS RedOak (3) 557± 173 (4) 388± 36 770± 87 683± 32 SwampWhileOak (4) 557± 14 (4) 524±45 666±71 823±40 Fig.4.The relativeconsumptionrate (R.C.R.= mgingested/mg·d; dry weight WhiteOak (4) 342± 108 (4) 739±46 476±65 963± 60 basis)as a function ofaverageweightoflarvae ofA.polyphemusandA.pemyi PinOak (4) 560± 105 (4) 478± 35 695±96 836± 61 during the penultimate and final instars on 5 oak species and black cherry. ·BlackCherry (I) 441 (-) 376 Symbolsaredescribed in Fig. 3caption. *Poorsurvivalinthefinalinstar(onlyonelarvacompleteddevelopment). 0.25 penultimateinstar;seeFig. 4-5). Unfortunately, theinitial weights • • andfinal weights oflarvaeforeachinstarwere notretained (after the weight gained and the average weights were calculated), and 0.20- • therefore, it is not possible to do the desired analysis of covar ~OO iance(PackardandBoardman, 1987;RaubenheimerandSimpson, ~ 00 1992; Horton and Redak, 1993). Even if these values were 0.15 • available, they might not be useful since the instar weights for I:l:: each hostplanttreatment were influenced by previous feeding on ~ 0 I:l:: that host and not randomly assigned across host treatments. 0.10 0 0 What is clearis that ratio transformation ofconsumption rates • and growth rates by mean sizedo notentirely remove the effects 0 0 0 ofsize for the final instars. It appears that a general size-related 0.05· [QJ [QJ @] 00 25-,-------------- ----, [Q] @] • 0.00 , 20 00 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 •• MEAN MASS 0000 15 Fig.S.The relativegrowth rate (R.G.R.= mg gained/mg· d; dry weight basis) • as afunction ofaverageweightofthelarvaeduringeach instar(seecaptionFig. u 00 3). '" 0 10 0 @] difference between A. pernyi and A. polyphemus relative growth 00 0 0 @] .@1 rate and relative consumption rate (not efficiency) exists in the 0 0 final in5tar stage. This could indicate that for every host species 5- @ except red oak (where A. pernyi is smaller than A. polyphemus), @] the smallerA. polyphemus appear to consume food faster (RCR, Fig. 4) and grow faster (RGR, Fig. 5) simply because of their 0 . . 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 size, and not because of their adaptations for processing North American species of tree leaves. This conclusion might also be MEAN MASS reached in pairwise comparisons of penultimate instars for Fig.3.Theoverallefficiencyofconversionofingestedmassintolarvalbiomass chestnut oak, white oak, and black cherry (but not swamp white gain(E.c.I. =A.n. xE.c.n.)as a function ofaveragesizeoflarvae in penulti oak or pin oak; Fig. 5). However on red oak the mean size is the mateandfmal instars.Solidsymbolsrepresentpenultimateinstars.opensymbols same but the growth rate ofA. polyphemusis significantlyhigher arefinal instars. LargesquaresareA.pemyi; the small areA.polyphemus. than A. pernyi (see Tables 2-3). 28 SCRIBER: Antheraea Larval Growth HOLARCTIC LEPIDOPTERA WhyA. polyphemus is smaUer than A. pemyi may be ecologi REFERENCES cally more significant than the possibility that they are able to consumeandprocessNorthAmericanhosts forfastergrowththan Appel, H. M., and M. M. Martin are their Asian congenors. For example, if the seasonal degree 1992. The significance of metabolic load in the evolution of host day (thermal) accumulations for these A. polyphemus source specificityofManduca sexta(Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Ecol. (New York), 73:216-228. populations are restrictive, smaller size may allow completion of Atchley, W. R. thegeneration. Ithas previously beensuggested that small sizeof 1978. Ratios, regression intercepts. and the scaling of data. Syst. adults is selected for in such thermally constrained areas (Ayres Zool. (Washington), 27: 67-71. and Scriber, 1994; Scriber, 1994, 1996). It is also important to Axelsson, B.,and G. I. Agren understand the entire environment on the larval performance of 1979. Acorrectionfor food respiration in balancingenergy budgets. any species. Natural photoperiods or thermoperiods may cue a Ent. Exp. Appl. (Amsterdam), 25: 260-266. caterpillar's behaviorand affect its physiological performanceon Ayres, M. P., and S.F. MacLean different species with different allelochemicals (Scriber and 1987. Molt as a component of insect development: Galerucella Siansky, 1981; Slansky, 1992; Matsuki and MacLean, 1994; sagittarae (Chrysomelidae) and Epirrita autumna (Geometri Stamp, 1994a, 1994b). Other variables of potential ecological dae) Dikos (Copenhagen), 48: 273-279. significance that were not measured in this study include: I) the Ayres, M. P., and J. M. Scriber egg sizeofthe two silkrnoths, 2) the duration ofthe molt (which 1994. Local adaptations to regional climates in Papilio canadensis (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Ecol. Monog. (Durham, NC), 64: insometemperatures islongerthan theinstarduration; Ayresand 465-482. MacLean, 1987; Ayres and Scriber, 1994). Barbehenn,R. V., and A. Keddie Since solittleis known aboutthe ecology ofA.pernyi in Asia, 1992. Gut contents in molting lepidopteran larvae: asourceoferror it is with greatcaution thatcomparisons ofnutritional physiology innutritionalstudies. Ent. Exp. Appl.(Amsterdam),62: 87-91. must beconsidered. For example, ifAsian Quercus host species Bhattacharya, A. K., and G. P. Waldbauer are allelochemically very different as a group than the five North 1972. Theeffectofdietonthenitrogenous end-productsexcretedby American species used in thesecomparativebioassays,onemight larval Tribolium confusum: with notes on the correction of hypothesize that the biochemical detoxication mechanism ofthe A.D. andE.C.D. for fecal urine. Ent. Exp. Appl. (Amsterdam), Asian oak-feeding A. pemyi is inefficient on the American host 15:238-247. species; however, suchspeculationis notjustified.Weknowlittle Bowers,M. D., N. E. Stamp,and E. D. Fajer 1991. Factors affecting calculation of nutritional indices for fo aboutthephytochemistryofAsian oaksin regard toinsecttoxins, liage-fed insects; an experimental approach. Ent. Exp. Appl. deterrents and nutrients, or their interactions (butseeGavrilchik, (Amsterdam), 61:101-116. 1991). 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