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ON NOTES ERIOCHLOA WEBERBAUERI (POACEAE: PANICEAE) ROBERT WEBSTER D. United Department States Agriculture of & Systematic Botany Mycology Laboratory Bldg Rm. BARC-West 003, 253, MD USA 20705, Beltsville, PAUL PETERSON M. Department Botany of Museum National Natural History of Smithsonian Institution DC USA Washington, 20360, SHAW ROBERT B. CO USA 80326, Fort Collins, Ermh Recent collections -om Ecuador have uncovered the presetice of a species, loa fi weherbaueri]Vfez,forwhi,ch comparative taxonomic informati Previou little ion available. sly is umque reported on ly from Pert this species characterized by features within the gen is 1, morpholog ical description is presented and based 3n studies of all availalble . specimens. ps with other species are discussed and based on the presence of shared taxoiaomically nportant characters. Diagnostic features of£. weberbauen mcYud ir muticQus arid smooth u]pper floret, perennial habit, paired spikelets,spikelets 3.1-3.9 nim long, and absence o fa glume. rl.e first Recolecc,.nesrecient en Ecuador han descubierto presenci adeunaespecie,£..-Aba :es la muy Mez, de ue hay disponible poca informacion la q Citadapreviiamente solo de Peru, esta expecie presenta unas caract eristicas unicas dentro del c . genero.Sej descripcion morfologica completa en ba a estudios de todos Lse los disponible: Se discuten las relaciones con otras especies en base a la presen.cia i 5. de caractere compartid( taxonomicamente importantes. Los •acteresdiagnosricosdef. OS cat s weberbauen incluyen una flor superior mutica y habito pere:nne, espiguillas paread lisa, as. j u-3.9™. gk espiguilks de largas ausencia de primera ..a. y la la : , INTRODUCTION The Pa niceae tribe of grasses characterized by a paniculate is a inflore . cence, spi kelets wit h two florets, the lower floret ste rile, the upper flor mem- fertile and coarser in texture than the lower floret. Erwchloa Kunth, a ber of this tribe, consists of about 30 species and occurs throughout the warm subtropical, and temperate regions of the world. Presence of tropical, from a cup-like callus at the spikelet base differentiates Eriochloa the other 105 genera of the Paniceae. Additional significant characters used to differen- tiate Eriochloa within the tribe include an indurate upper floret, disarticula- tion at the spikelet base, inflorescence with racemose primary branches, and & the absence of a bristle (Webster Valdez 1988, Webster et 1989). al. Significant characters used to differentiate the species o^ Eriochloa include awn spikelet shape, presence of an on the upper spikelet length, floret, presence of hairs in the inflorescence, spikelet arrangement, longevity, and & the relative length of the (Webster 1987, Shaw Webster 1987). florets Recent collections by Peterson and others in Ecuador have revealed the presence of specimens which do not match the morphological characteristics commonly The of taxa associated with that area. characteristics of this taxon DELTA were recorded in format (Dallwitz 1980, Dallwitz 1993) and et al. compared against other recognized species of Eriochloa. This analysis all know indicated these specimens could not be differentiated from a poorly Peruvian species, E. weberbaueri Mez. Hitchcock (1927) states that this known species was only from the type specimen. Tovar (1993) only two list specimens, the type and Anderson 740, which was collected in the same area A Herbarium of Peru. survey of collections the U.S. National revealed the at Camp presence of three specimens {Anderson 740, Sanchez Vega 1031, E-2346) which possess the diagnostic characteristics of £. weberbaueri. In addition, G. MO & Davidse has identified two collections {Sanchez 3367 Smith 6190) etal. same of the species. Diagnostic features of Eriochloa weberbaueri include a muticous upper a smooth upper paired spikelets on the primary inflorescence floret, floret, mm glume branches, perennial habit, spikelet length (3.1-3-9 long), first absent, and the absence of elongate rhizomes Eriochloa distachya, E. michauxii, . E. polystacyha, E. sericea, and E. weberbaueri are the only species with a Of muticous upper and perennial subgroup, and floret habit. this E. distachya E. weberbaueri are the only species with long hairs associated with the pedicel. and Eriochloa michauxii, E. polystacyha, E. weberbaueri share the presence of paired spikelets. Therefore, the presence of hairs the pedicel apex and at paired spikelets distinguishes E. weberbaueri within this subgroup of mor- most phologically related species. Perhaps the diagnostic characteristic of £, weberbaueri the smooth and relatively shiny upper This characteris- is floret. tic appears to be unique for E. iveberbaueri within the genus. This species appears to be associated with drier environments at elevations between and 1,500 3,000 meters. fragments at US!). Plants perennial; stoloniferous; rhizomatous. Rhizomes with compacted dm nodes; with glabrous Flowering culms 3-8 not scales. caespitose; tall; from erect the base; not rooting the lower nodes; with hard knotty at a base; terminated by a solitary inflorescence; branched from the base; 2-5-noded. Nodes not swollen; pubescent. Internodes hollow; glabrous; smooth; neither viscid nor glaucous. Leaves cauline or basal; green; without Sheaths auricles. cm 6-1 3 long; overlapping or not overlapping; not inflated; smooth; glabrous; mm rounded; not keeled; not ciliate; closed. Ligule a fringe of hairs; 0.5-1.2 cm 7-20 long. Collar not differentiated; pubescent. Leaf blades long; 1.5- mm wide; 5 linear; flat, involute, or convolute; flexuous; spreading; lax; smooth on the lower and upper surfaces; glabrous on the lower surface; glabrous or hairy (minutely pubescent) on the upper surface; with a truncate base; with margins; with margins not thickened; with scabrous margins; flat with glabrous margins; with midrib the not obviously differentiated; lacking obvious transverse veins; acuminate. Prophyllum with scabrous mm nerves; with pronounced Peduncle 160-300 keels. long; glabrous. mm 10-35 Panicle wide; fully exserted maturity; oblong. Lowermost at mm node Main 60-150 inflorescence not differentiated; hairy. axis present; long; straight; stout; hairy; pubescent; with hairy with quaquaversal axils; mm mm primary branches. Primary branches 10-30 long; 0.3-0.5 wide; main appressed to the axis or spreading; with appressed secondary branches; with secund spikelets; not whorled; 8-13 on the main axis; straight; not winged; smooth; hairy; setose; with loosely arranged ciliate; spikelets. mm Rachis terminating in a spikelet. Pedicels present; 0.2-0.5 long; straight; scabrous; hairy; setose; with hairy apices; discoid the apex; at perpendicular with the spikelet base; concave. Disarticulation at the spike- let base. Callus differentiated; not prolonged into a stipe; not flared to form a discoid receptacle; not oblique; rounded; smooth; glabrous. Cleistoga- mous inflorescence absent. mm mm Spikelets 3.1-3.9 long; 0.9-1.1 wide; paired; densely overlap- ping; evenly distributed on the rachis; not divergent from the homo- axis; morphic; adaxial; green; dorsiventrally compressed; glume lanceolate. First absent. Rachilla pronounced below the second glume; not pronounced mm between the florets. Second glume 3.0-3.7 long; times spikelet 1 length; times the length of the lower membranous; lanceolate; 1 floret; rounded on smooth; the back; 5-nerved; hairy; pubescent; acute to acumi- nate; muticous. Fertile florets 1. Sterile florets 1. Lower floret lacking mm Lemmaof stamens. lower 2.8-3.7 membranous; floret long; lanceolate; smooth; with equal internerve spacing; 3-nerved; the nerves pronounced but not swollen; the nerves smooth; not keeled; with glabrous margins; lacking lemma Lower a central longitudinal groove; acute; muticous; hairy. hairs not forming a distinct horizontal line; shorter than the upper pubescent; floret; smooth and without terete; apical modifications; white. Palea of lower floret Lemma Upper absent. 0.9 times the length of the lower of upper floret floret. mm 2.3-2.8 floret long; lanceolate to ovate; cartilaginous; slightly convex; smooth; yellow; shiny; with involute margins; with margins of the same texture the body; glabrous; 3-nerved; the nerves not pronounced; with as smooth without nerves; basal modifications; not differentiated the apex; at entire; acute; muticous. Germination flap conspicuous. Palea of upper floret well-developed; enclosed the apex; cartilaginous; smooth; the base neither at swollen nor protruding; the nerves pronounced but not winged. Lodicules mm about 0.1 long; the nerves not pronounced. Stamens Anthers L5-1.7 5 3. mm & long; yellow. Stigmas yellow to orange. South America: Ecuador Peru. SOUTH AMERICA. Specimens Ex Ecuador. ProviriciadeAzuay:10.2km] amineci: H ofOnaonthePa wy n American the bridge crossing the Rio Leon, 1880 m, 24 Aj at elev. Anm ;3kmSofCuencaonroa 1990, P.M. C.R. tbleandM.-E.PostonS9in^^':)\^ Pe^etson, May CO Loja, crossing of Rio Leon,. 1800 m, 30 1990, P./W..Peterson and Judziewi. ;lev. E.J. 9378 (US!); vail..yofthenoPa ute, between Paute and Cuenca, 2 6 Apr 1945, Camp E-2 34 (US!). Peru. Sarua Cruz, Sa.«f^.z V.i« 03 (US!); 11 Apr 1948, Anderson 740 (US!). /. / i ma Gratitude extended Dr. Gerrit Davidse king valuable sugges to for IS i i mg )nomy tions concern the taxc of this group. ripcions.Taxon 29:41-46. DELTA de to the system: CSIRO Division ed. ol 1 The A.S. 1927. , HAW, R.B. and R.D. Webster. 1987. The genus Eriochloa (Poaceae: Panic Central America. Sida 12:165-207. qvar, O. 1993. Eriochloa in las gramineas (Poaceae) del Peru. Ruizia 1: Webster, R.D. 1987. The Australian Paniceae (Poaceae). Cramer, Ber J. and Valdes Reyna. 1988. Genera of Mesoamerican P J. New Woi J.H. Kirkbride and Valdes Reyna. 1989. J. ,

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