TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uetma T)"ansk.pidSlloc.Jkepan52(3):136-138,June2001 Notes on Chilasa agestor and I'azal ahoenei ,stat. noy. (Lepidoptera, Papilionidaef)rom SouthChina KazuyoshiYosHiNo Befu 770,Befucho,Kakogawa City,Hyogo PreS,675-Ol22Japan Abstract Type specimens of C7iild saagestor kuangtungens Miesll, 1935 and Popilio tamer- lanza shoenei Mell, 1935, both from Guangdong, China, are examined and illustrat edT.he fbrmer i sa senior synonym of enilas aagestor moritai Shinkai ,1996 from Guangxi, and the latte irs a ful lspecies and a senjor synonym of Ptuala sichuanica Koiwaya, 1993 from Sichuan Shaanxi. and Key vvords Lepidoptera ,Papilionida e,Chilas aagestor kuangtungensi s,Chilas aagestor moritai, Pczzal ahoenei ,Pazala sichuanica, 1ectotyp en,ew synonym. new status, South Chin4 taxonomy. (]:kila saagestor kuanginngensi s(Mel l()Fig 1s, 2) Papilib agestor kuangtungensi sMell, 1935 ,Mitt dt ent Ges .6: 36. Type localitie s,North Guangdong: Linping, Shuiyunshan ,Manzishan, Chilas aagestor ntoritai Shinkai ,]996 ,PP'ZilZ d2e: c4e3-44 ,fig s5, 6. Type localit y.Guangxi: Mt Dayao Shan. Syn.noy. thilas aagestor moritai Shinkai ,1996 from Guangxi does not diffe frrom C a. kuangtungen- sts (Mel l19,35), and is synonymized with it (syn n.oy.), I illustra at ernale syntype labeled "paratype ?" preserve din Zoologische sForschungsinstit uuntd Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn (ZFMK) (Fig 1s, 2) , Mell (l93 5de)scribe dkuangtungensi sbased on 16 or 2 9 from Linping, Shuiyunshan and Manzishan, all northern Guangdong, and stated that the type was in Mell's and paratype sin H6ne's colloctions. But, the holotype was not designate din his descriptio nan,d all the specimens befbre him should be regarded as syntypes, Distribution. Guangxi,Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang. Pazala hoenei(Mell), (Fig3s,4) stat. noy. Papili otamerlanus hoene iMell, 1935, Mitt dt ent, Ges. 6: 36. Type localiti esZ.hejiang: West- and East Tienmoshan, North Guangdong. Pazala sichuanica Koiwaya, 1993, Stud chin. Butteig7ie s2: 77, fig s138, 139, 144, 145,256, 263, 271,275, 284. Type localit y.Sichuan: Dujiang Yan. Syn. nov. I examined a male syntype of PupiZl otamerlanus hoene iMell, 1935 preserve din ZFMK, and confirmed that it is a senior synonym of Pczzala sichuanica Koiwaya 1993 (syn n.oy.). The taxonomic status of hoenei is not subspecies of Pazala tamerlana, but apparently a distinct species (sta tne.v.), as Koiwaya (199 3g)ave a detaile ddescripti onof this species as si- chuanica. He observed in the hil lbehin dDojiang Yan (1,3 om)o in Sichuan Prov, that both sexes of specimens of sichuanica came up around it stop together with C timur 4 and C tamehana di (Koiway 1a9,93) . In hoenei ,the outer ponion ofoutline ofthe hindwing cell (=the upper, middle and lower discocellul averins) is stained with black on both sides, NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Chilas aagestor kuangtungensi s(Mel la)nd Paiala hoenei (Mell) 137 Figs 1-2 . ChitL7 saagestor kuangtungenst s(Mell )s,yntype c7, ZFMK. I. Upperside, 2, Underside . (Courte soyfDrStUning). Figs 3-4. Pcz2ala hoenei (Mell )st,at. nov., syntype cr, ZFMK. 3. Upperside .4. Underside. (Courte soyf Dr StUning). especially sharply on the underside, This featur enever oocurs in similar R tamehana, R ince"ML A timur and R alebion. In my observation in Guangxi, only two species of Pczzala ,vin hoenei and eurous, appeared abundantly and no other Pazala species were seen. Mell (1935 )describe dReurous mendionads and R hoenei ,stat. nov., from North Guangdong. These fact smean that these two Pazala species are common in South China. Mell (1935 )degcribe dhoenei based on 31 6i 2 9 frem West- and East Tienmoshan, Zhejiang, and nonhern Guangdong, and stated that the type and paratypes were in H6ne's collection except 1 paratyp ewhich was in Mell' scollection. But the holotype was not designate din the text and al1 the specimens should be regarded as syntypes. From the current knowledge ofthe distribution paalttern of Pazala tamehana and R hoenei ,stat. nov., and from my collecting experience, syntypes of hoenei without doubt consist of one species. R tamehana is not distribut eidn Southeas tChina, and is syrnpatric with R hoenei only in a narrow area in western Sichuan . Because I think that there is no possibilit ythat the type series contains more than one species, I do not designat ea lectotyp eof RapZel otamehanus hoeneiMell,t935. Distributio n.Southern half of China: Guangdong, Ftljia n,Zhejiang ,Shaanxi ,Sichuan. The more it goes south, the more frequentl yit occurs, There is no geographical variation, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical SSoooiceityety ooff JJaapapnan 138 KazuyoshiYosHINo Acknowledgements Ithank Dr Dieter StUning of ZFMK , who klndly provided me With photographs of syntypes preserve din his museum References K Meoli lwb,a uyRta.t,, e]Sr9.H3,i51e. 仕9s9oNm3o, c hCDh eiusnncbare. sicphrtSiiteoubend efe htin hcr.h eiBen uentsetiwsecrh fega’ees nL e2erp:a,i 9de−lo2ep7vte,ne4r 3en−en. 1w1 1Is.Vpo. c−iMe s’a肱ndd tseθv砿en nGeews. 6su;b3sp6e−c3ie8s. of Shinkai, A .,1996. Descriptio nof one new subspecies of Chilasa agestor Gray,1831 (LepidQpter,a Papilionida)efrom Kanton, Guanxi, China. 〃’atlace 2:36−38. 摘 要 Chilas aagestor kuangtUngensis(Mell)とPαrala hoenei(Mell), stat. nov .につ い て (吉野和義) Chilasa agestor kuangrnngensis(Mell)(Figs i,2) PCaんp吻ili5oα agaegsetsotor厂 kmuoarintgaitun gSehnisntkSa iM,e1l9l9,61,9肱35, 〃Mαictθt. 2d:t.43θ−砿44,G幵θg乱s 65:,63.6 .Syn. nov . 基産地は広東北部の連平など3地点.本亜種は広西チワン 自治区 広東省 福建省 浙江省の中国南 部お よび東部に分布する.現在, ア レ キサ ンダーケーニ ッ ヒ博物, 館に保存, されて い, るヘ ーネコ レ ク シ ョ ン の syntype (ラベ ル には paratype? とされてい た)を図示する.広西チワ ン 自治区か ら記載され た Chilasa agestor moritai Shinkai,1996 は kuangtungensisと全 く区別で きない ので シノニ ム とした. Paiala hoenei (Mell), stat. nov .(Figs 3,4) P昭方o ’α〃rerlanus 乃oθηθ’Me11,1935, Mitt. dt.8砿 Cθ’ヱ 6;36. Pczaal asie加 anica Koiwaya,1993, Stud.酌加, ButterfeOs 2:77,且gs l 38,139,144,145,256,263,271,275, 284. SyI1. nov ・ ア レキサンダーケーニ ッ ヒ博物館 に保存 されるsyntype の♂ を調べ た ところ, Pazala sichuaniea Ko− iwaya,1993と同じもので あることが分かっ た. Mel1 (1935)は hoeneiをPapili otamertanus の亜種と して記載 したが,Koiwaya (1993)が扱っ た よ うに本タクソ ン は独立種で,四川省西部で は Ptzzala tamerlana と同所的に産する場所の ある ことが知られてい る.本種で は,後翅中室の外側 〔中室上脈 と中室端脈)が黒 く縁取 られるが,この特徴はよ く似た Pazala tamerlana , P. ineerta, P. timur, P. atebion で は見られない 標徴である. 基産地は浙江省の西 ・東天 目山と広東省北部.広東省,広西チ ワン自治区,福建省,浙江省,陝西省, 四川省の中国南半分に幅広 く分布する.私の観察で は広西チワ ンでは多産してい た.南に行 くほ ど個 体数が多 くな るようだ.地理的変異はない . Papilio tαmerlanus hoenei Mell,1935は 33頭の標本に基づい て記載され, holotypeもparatypeもある ように書かれてい るが,どの個体が holotypeなの か本文中で は指定 されてお らず,これらは syntypes と看做す しか ない .ただ し,中国東南部に は Ptzaata tamerlana が分布しない こ とや,私自身の採集経 験か らみて これ らが同一種で ある ことは まず違い な く (; 複数の種を含む とは考え難 く),lectotypのc 指定は行わない こ とにした. (Accepted February 7,2001) Pub 且ished by the Lepjdopterological Society of japan 5−20,Motoyokoyama 2,Hachioji,Tokyo,192−0063Ja,pan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service