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Notes on Alcis variegata (Moore), A. colorifera (Prout) (Geometridae, Ennominae), and their allies from the Sunda Islands, with descriptions of two new species PDF

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Preview Notes on Alcis variegata (Moore), A. colorifera (Prout) (Geometridae, Ennominae), and their allies from the Sunda Islands, with descriptions of two new species

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan eetva Z'ans.tepidS.oc.Jopan 59 (2):171-185,March 2008 Notes onAlcis variegata (Moore),A co.lorijlera (Prou t()Geometri Ednaneom,inae), and their allies from the Sunda Islands ,with description sof two new species RikioSATo 2-27-29,Shindori-nisNhiis,hi-ku,Niigata,950-2036Japan Abstrac tTwo species-groups ofAlcis from the Sunda Island asre revised. The A. variegata cum- plex :A, variegata (Moore )A,. com,ariata (Prou ts)ta,t. & comb. nov,, A. hemiphanes (Prou OA,. cockaynei (Prout )A,. Iuiz isp. nov. (Sumatra )A,. paukstadti sp. nov, (Flores >A., praevariegata (Prou OA.lci staiwanovariegata nom. nov. is proposed for Boarmia suhochrearia Wileman & South, 1917, currently assigned to Alcis and preeccupi ebdy Leech, IS97, The A. colorCfera com- plex :A. coloritlera (Prou tA). ,periphracta (Prout). Key words Geumetridae, Ennominae, Atcis variegata, Alcis color(fera, taxonomic notes, new species, Sunda Islands. In my previous paper (Sat o2,005), two species groups of the genus Atcis Cunis from Southeas tAsia, the pammicra and maculata cQmplexes, were revised. In this paper ,I will give a taxonomic account of two furthe rspecies groups of Alci sfrom the Sunda Islands (Borne oSu,matra ,Java ,Flores )in Southeas tAsia ,with descriptio nofs two new species, A, variegata andA. color(feva, and species allied to them will be named here the "variegata complex" and L`colorijleia complex" without strict definiti ofno,r the sake of convenience, No species belonging to the two complexes have been found from Sulawesi .For precise identifica otfi othne taxonomically more confusing species, I examined all available type specimens and their genital iaat the Natura ]Histor yMuseum, London, UK, when I visited therein2002. Detailed notes on the localiti oefs collecting sites in Sumatra were given by Diehl (1982, 1997), Kobes (1985 ,1992) and Schintlmeist (e1r994). The fo11owin gacronyms are used to indicate the location of the specimens, BMNH: The Natura lHistor yMuseum, London, UK. MS: Manfred Soinmerer collection, Munich, Germany. NIAES: NaturalResourcesInventoryCenter,National InstituteforAgro- EnvironmentalSciences,Tsukuba,Japan. NSMT: NationalScienceMuseum, rfokyo. ZFMK: ZoologischesForschungsinstitut Museum A]exanderKoenig,Bonn,Germany. und ZSM: Zoologische StaatssammulungM,unich,Germany. AlcisCurtis,1826 Type species: Phalaena repandata Linnaeus ,1758, Aicis variegata complex Alcis variegata (Moore )and six species allied to it ,includin gtwo new species, are distrib- uted in the Sunda lslands .They have very similar male and female genitali ato one another, and their superficial appearance is sometimes rather more usefu1 to identi feyach species, though there is considerable individu avulriation. Male genitali sao:cii undeveloped; valva with a digita tamepulla and a much smaller digitate NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 172 RikioSATo proces sarising basall yto it ;juxt waith paire dlong rod-Iike pro.iectio naesde;agus vesica with a single slender cornutus, which is tapered basall yand more or less swollen to one side near dista lend. Female genitali bau:rsa copulatrix lightl syclerotized posterior lcyol;licu- lumdeveloped, with paralle lsides. The fbllowin gseven species from the Philippin easre clearly members of the variegata complex (Sat o19,96): A. perplexa Sato (Mindana oA.) ,kitangtandens Siasto (Mindanao), A. mindanalis Sato (Mindanao A),, antincta Sato (Mindana oA.) s,uhtincta (Warren ()Luzon, Mindanao), A. diadela(West()LuzonA).,pissoconeta(West()Luzon), Albis variegata (Moore )(Fig s1-9) Psettdocoremia variegata Moore, 1888: 240. Cteor anebe{tosa Swinhoe ,1891 :488, Syn. nov. Alcis variegata: Sato, 1991: 285; Parsons et aL, 1999: 33. Cteora h}puopoecil aProut ,1928: 151, Syn. nov. Alci shypqpoecil aPa:rsons et aL, 1999: 29, Cleora h)lpqpoecil awas describe dby Prout (1928 o)n the basi sof fiv emales and one fe- male from Sumatr aas a close relative of Pseudocoremia variegata Moore from India (Daijeeli ngTh)e. male and female genitali aof both species are identical .Sumatran h>,- popoecila (Fig 3s-4) seems to be slightly ditfere nftrom India nvariegata in wing colour: the upperside ochreous or reddish shades are reduced, and the underside is more yellowish, as pointed out by Prout (1928 i)n the original descripti oofn h}popoecila .However, after close examination of many specimens collected from Sumatra ,Peninsula rMalaysia, Thailand, Vietnam (Fig 9,), Nepal (Sato 1,993, pl .34: 16) and S. China (Fig 7s-8),Icould find no constant geographica ldifferenc efsrom the Indian specimens (Fig s1-2, 5-6), Therefor eIhave come to the conclusion that all of them should be treated as the same species, and consequently h}popoecil ais newly synonymized with variegata. It is impossi- ble to separate this variable species int otwo or more subspecies. In order to avoid addition- al confusion, no subspecific name should be used for any population. Male (Fig 5s4-55) and female genital i(aFig s70-71) are illustra theedre for the firs ttime, [IYpe material examined. Syntype of Pseudocoremia variegata Moore. 1 g "IYpel , DatieelingLPseudocoremia variegata Moore, 8, type/Khasia Hs. 94-1891Moore Coll .94- 106/Geometrida egenitali aslide No. 16213", BMNH. Genitali achecked. Syntype of Cteona nebulosa Swinhoe. 1 g, "Cleora nebulosa Swinhoe, 8, typelKhasi Hills ,94-66", BMNH. Syntypes of Cleora h)lpopoeci lParout .1 8, "Cleora h)vopoecil aProut, g, type/ [Ilype172,2, North KorinljiValley,S.W. Sumatra5,OOOft.,Sept.-Oct1921, C.F.& J. PrattXPresentedbyJ.J.JoiceyEsq,Brit.Mus,1931-444",18,"Cteom h){popoecilaProut, e,paratype/72.2,North KorintiVialleyS,.Wl Sumatra5,OOOft,,Sept,-Oct.192C1.,F.& J. PrattiJoice yBequest Brit .Mus, 1934-120 ,Geometridae genital islaide No. 16211", BMNH. Genitaliachecked. Materia lexamined. Sumatra .9 r4?, Berastagi 1,500 m, 3 r, [Ile l1e,600 m, 4 8' ,Sitahoan 1,200 m, 1 8, Dair iMts, 1,600 m, 3 r, Bukit Subang 1,200 m, 2 r 1 9, Gunung [lalang 1,600 m, 1 8, Liwa 1,OOO m, 9 g 1 9, Holzweg III 1,200 m. I also examined many specimens collected from India, Siltkim N,epal, Myanmar, Laos, S. China, NHetnam, Thailan dand R Malaysia. Geographic aralnge. India ,Siklcim ,Nepal, Myamnar, Laos, S, China, N. Vietnam, Thailand,PeninsularMalaysia,Sumatra. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Alcis variegata, A. colorijlara and their A]lies 173 The foIIowing subspecies have been describe d(Parso nest al., 1999): nebulosa Swinhoe (Indi aKh,asi Hills )c,onvariata Prout (Jav aan)d subochrearia Wileman & South ([[letiwan). The taxon nebulosa cannot be distinguish efdrom other India nspecimens of variegata in external characters, which indicat etshat it sheuld be treated as a juni osyrnonym of varie- gata ,On th eother hand, s"bochrearia and convariata can be reliably separated from varie- gata by external and genital iccharacteristics, as describe dbelow .Therefbre t,hey should both be treated as a distinc tspecies. Alcis taiwanovariegata nom. nov. (Fig 1s3-16) Boarmia subochrearia Wileman & South, 1917: 53, nec Leech, 1897: 422 (ident iBtoayr:tnia subochrearia). Junio rprimary homonym. Alcis variegata: Prout ,1914: 269; Chang, 1990: 328. Alcis variegata subochrearia: Inoue ,1992 :114 ;Parsen set al., 1999: 33; Wang, 1998 :167 ;Fu & Tzuoo, 2002i 27. Boarmia suhochrearia was describe dby Wileman & South (1917 )from [[hiwa nbased on one male taken at "Arizan" (=Mt Alishan) .Previousl yA,lcis variegata (Moore h)ad been firs rtecorded by Prout (1914 )from Tiztiwan w,ith a short comment: `tslightly darke rthan the India nform". Later Chang (1990 r)edescribed and illustra tAe.d variegata from [Ibiwan, and Inoue (1992 d)owngraded subochrearia to be the [[biwanese subspecies of variegata, This taxonomic treatment was followe dby Wang (1998 )P,arsons et al, (199 9a)nd Fu & Tzuoo (2002 ),However, my comprehensive analysis of the variegata complex indicates tha tsubochrearia should be raised to specific level . The scientific name "Boarmia sub- ochrearia Wileman & South, 1917" is preoccupied by "Boarmia suhochrearia Leech, 1897" ,both species being currently assigned to Alcis .Therefbre, a new replacement name A. taiwanovariegata nom. nov, is proposed here for thejunior homonym. Boarmia subochrearia was describe dby Leech (1897 o)n the basi sof one female taken at "Omei-Shan" in W, China ,The female holetyp ewas redescribed by Sato (199 31:0) as Alcis ,with a genitali aillustrat i(ofni g1,35). No other specimens have hithert obeen record- ed since the original descriptio nb,ut Dr StUnin ghas kindly examined male and female specimens in the ZFMK collection, taken at Tsekou and Siao-Lou in SW. China, and in- fOrmed me that they belong to subochrearia, and that the latte irs a distinc tspecies closely related to A. albitinea Sato ,1993, from India .Male and female imagines of atbilinea and their genital iweare describe dand illustrat ebdy Sato (1993). A. taiwanovariegata is distinguish efdrom variegata by the fo11owi nchgaracteristics: vari- able in size, wing colour and intensi tofy markings, but generall y1arger and darker ,with les sdistin cmatculation, especially in the medial area, which is almost concolerous with the rest (usua lplalyer than the rest in variegata). Distinc dtilferenc earse found in the genitalia fbllowas, as Male genital i(aFig 5.6) .Simila rtQ those of variegata, but differi nfgrom them as fbl]ows: single cornutus slenderer, tapered distall nyo,t forming any projectio nva;lya and cucullus tending to be broader b,ut variable individually. Female genital i(aFig .72). Simila rto those of variegata, but differi nfgrom them as fo1- lows: posterio srclerotized part of bursa copulatrix longer ;colliculum narrower, Materia lexamined. Many males and females captured at various localitie isn Taiwan. [Ilyp ematerial examined. Holotype of Boannia subochrearia Wileman & South .8 , `tArizan, Formosa, 7,300 ft ,23. IM 1908, A, E. Wileman, rl[IYpelBoar msuiboachrearia sp. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 174 RikioSATo es ・p・f bygetwrrr '1 ,ieeeeii4i$i x 4 7 8 f1' t,{'eeNYn X, rc ' pt・ e e."as)' "vbael{g,i・/-ew.' 9 usc yee ,a g- .Sr;L12 'k l twtsf'' 7 ee 23 25 t' r1'kx,t,. igi tw・. y'・ ,l, E・ 27 8 Figs 1-29 ,Alci sspp. 1-9.A. variegatu (Moore ).1-2. r, lndia.3. g',Sumatr a.4. 9. Sumatra .5-6. C, India .7. r, S, China .8. \,S, China). 9. r, N. Vietnam. IO-12 ,A,convariata (Prou O.10-11, di", Java. 12. 4, Java .13-16. A. taimuanovariegata nom, nov. 13-14. X, Taiwan . 15-]6 .\, Taiwan. 17-25 .A. hemiphanes (Prou t)1,7-18 .if ,Java, 19-20, ?,Juva. 21-22, X, Sumatra ,23-24, S, Sumatra .25. ?, Surnatra .26-29.A,pruevarieg a(tParouO26,-27. 8,Borneo. 28-29. g,Borneo. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Alcis variegata, A. eotorijlera and their Allies 175 tig -fagL e,,. \ag31 35 36 37 tr 39 k 41 { ge igtttt 43 52 53 Figs 30-53 .Alci sspp. 30-33 .A, cockaynei (Prou t)30,-31 ,g' ,Java. 32-33. \,Java .34-37 ,A, paukstadti sp. nov. 34-35, di "h,olotype, Flore sIs ,36-37 .\. paratyp eF,lores Is .3841.A, lutz sip. nov, 38-39 .f, holotype, Sumatra. 40-4]. V.paratype, Sumatra .42-49 ,A, colorlflara (Prou t4)2.-43 .g, Sumatra .44. 9. Sumatra. 45-47, 8, Sumatra .48. X. P. Malaysia .49. g' ,C. Vietnam, 50-53.A. periphmecta (Prou t5)0.-51. o', Sumatra. 52-53. ?, Sumatra. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 176 Rikio SATo n. [Ilyp e8,11898FfWilem aCnoll. B. M, 1929-261" ,BMNH, Holotype of Boarmia sub- ochrearia Leech, g, "TYpelOmei-Shan, 3,620 ft .Native coll. July ,1890fLeech Coll ,1990- 64",BMNH. Geographical Thiwan, range, Aleis convan'ata (Prout s)ta,t. & comb. no- (Fig s1 0-12) Cteora variegata convariata Prout, 1935 :231. Alci svariegata convariata: Parsons et al., 1999: 33, This species was described as a subspecies of variegata by Prout (1935 )from Java based on `Can enormous series" taken at Nongkodjadjar ,Singolangoe ,Djoenggo, Ardjoeno and Kletak .External appearance and male genital iiandicat tehat it should be treated as a dis- tmct specles. This species is differe nftrom variegata as follows .Forewing :medial part pa]er ,often tinged with yellow ,contrasted with blackis hbasa land dista plarts .Hindwingi costal part more widely immaculate, Male genitali a(Fi g5.7) .Differ from those of variegata in the shape of cornutus, which has a more sharply pointe dprejection, Female genital i(aFi g7,5). No reliable discriminatin gcharacteristics from those of variega- ta, but posterio prart of bursa copulatrix tending to be less sclerotized than in variegata. 1>,p ematerial examined. Syntyp eosf Cleora variegata convariatci Prout ,t l, "Nongkodjadjarl E, Java ,4,OOe' ,March 1934, (A. M. R. Wegner)1'IlypelCZe voarriaegata coJzvariata Prout, r,type/Brit.Mus. 1939-1",18,"Nongkodjadjar, E Java,4,OOO',April 1934,(A.M. R, Wegner)ICIeora variegata convariata Prout ,iffBr iMtu.s. 1935-2011Geometrida geenitalia slide No. 16214", BMNH, Genitali cahecked. Materia lexarnined, Java .47 8 16 4, Mt Argapura ;1 8 1 ?, Mt Pangrange 2,OOO m. Geographica lrange, Java. Aicishemiphanes(Prout()Figs17-25) Cteorahemiphanes Prout,1925:56. Aleis hemiphanes: Parsons et ai., 1999: 29. CleorairritParout,1928:152,Syn. nov. Alcis irrit aP:arsons et at., 1999: 29. Cleora irrit af .obruta Prout ,1928: 152 (unavailab]e). Cleora hemiphanes was described as a close relative of variegata by Prout (1925 f)rom Java based on one male taken at Mount Gedeh. Cleora irrit awas described by Prout (1928) from Sumatra on the basi sof fourtee nmales and three females taken on the "slopes of Mount Korintii ,7,300 feet" a,nd one male taken at "North Korinij Via])ey 5,,OOO feet" ,The fbrm obruta was describe das a darkened form of irrit at,aken at the same localit yas the typical one, and is certainly jus atn example of individua lvariation. There are some inter- mediate specimens between the typical form and ohruta, Close examination of both taxa revealed that they were conspecific and that irrit sahould be sunk into hemiphanes. The genita sltmcture of both sexes indicate tshat thi sspecies is closely related to variegata, But many differenc ecasn be fbund between them: hemiphanes is larger in size; the male an- tennal pectinatio narse a litt lleonger ;the fovea is more developed, almost unscaled; the NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Alcis variegata,A, colorijlrra and their Allie s 177 forewin gis variable in colour and markjngs, and sometimes a distin cytellowish postmedial band is developed ;the hindwing is paler ,tinged with yellew. Individu avlariations are inFigs17-25. shown Male genital i(aFig 5s8-59), Almost identica lwith those of variegata. Paired precesse sof jux tshaorter; cornutus variable in shape individually a,s in Figs 58a-60, Female genital i(aFig 7s3-74) .Almest identic awilth those of variegata. Colliculu mwider, posterio prart of bursa copulatrix more sclerotized at lef tside. TYpe material examined. Holotype, 8, "rllype/E. A. Cockayne, 25. VI. 1910, Gedeh 8,OOO ft. J,ava/Cleor ahemiphanes Prout, g' ,typelL. B, Prout Coll .B. M, 1939-6431Geometridae genitali aslide No. 16210", BMNH. Genitali cahecked, Syntypes of Cleora irrit aProut ,1 r, "Cleona irrit aProut, g' ,typelrllype17 .22, Slopes of Mt, Korinlj iS,. W. Sumatra ,7,300 ft,A,ug,-Sept.1921,C,F.& J.Pratt,PresentedbyJ,J,JoiceyEsg.Brit.Mus. 1931-444"; 1 8, "7, 22, North Korinlj Vialley ,S. Wl Sumatra, 5,OOO ft. S,ept.-Oc t1.921, C. F. & J, Prattf Joice yBequest ,Brit .Mus. 1934-1201Geometrid aegenitali aslide No. 5120", BMNH. Genitali cahecked. I also examined one male of ohruta in the BMNH, which is labelled, "Cleora irrit af(? )obruta Prout ,8, typelrlly pHe, T.17 ,22, Slopes of Mt, Korinlj iS,. W. Sumatra,7300 ft,A,ug.-Sept,1.921,C.F,& J,PrattP,resentedby J.J,JoiceyEsq.Brit. Mus. 1931-444". Material examined. Sumatra ,6 o' 1 9, Berastagi 1,50e m; 2 8, Dairi-Ea s1t,800 m, 1 8 1 ?, Dairi-Berge 1,600 m; 3 X, Samosir 1,600 ml 6 8, Mt Talamau 1,800 m; 1 8, Gunung [Ialan g1; X, Kerinci 3,OOO m. Java .39 g 1 9, Mt Argapura ;1 S2 \, Mt Pangrange 2,OOO m;1 8, Mt Pangrange 1,625 m, Geographical range. Sumatra ,Java, Albis cockaynei (Prou t()Fig s30-33) Cleor acockavnei Preut ,1916 :53, Alci scockaynei: Parsons et al., 1999: 28, Prout (1916 )mentioned that Cleora cocka.vnei was described based on "a female" taken by E, A, Cockayne on July 5th in 1910 at 'Ibsari, [[bngger Crater in Java, But judgi nfgrom his descripti oofn the antenna ("pectinat iloonngs" )and hindtibi a("no tappreciably dilate dap,- parentl ywithout hair-pencil" )i,t is obvious that his original descriptio nwas based on a male. I did not find the male holotyp ein the BMNH, but examined another male specimen and it sgenitali athere .It was colJected at the type Jocali tbyy the same person the day after the holotyp ewas taken and should have been designate das apaTatype. The label sare as follows :"Cleona cockaynei Prout, rlE. A. Cockayne, 6. yii. 1910, [Ibsar iJ,ava, Tengger CraterlL B.. Prout Col!. B,. M. 1939-6431Geometrid ageenital isalide No, 16209". For the external characteristics, see the fbllowin gspecies. Male genital i(aFi g6.6) . Simila rto those of variegata, but juxt abroade rand it spaired processe sshorter and broader than the other species of the complex. Female genital i(aFi g6.9). Similar to those of variegata, but elliptica lscierotized median part of lamell apostvaginali swith several curved ridges; colliculurn shorter and broader. Materia lexamined, E. Java, Mt Argapura ,3 g 3 ?, iv .1995 (nati ycoellector). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 17S RikioSATo l .[xs:ck.t't'e,"tk ilix ・'/J- ne-e'kl" ju 56S'1ptt'":-'-Ia 57 (,('it.t. ... #fy 'uattptt '.t-$".v.-s yv v"tlxt.ort ' ' 61 62 63 Figs 54-63. Male genital iofaAlcis sp p . 54-55.A. variegata <Moore )5.4. India .RS-7104, 55. Sumatra. RS-7106. 56, A. tai iv a no va r ie ga t a n o m. n ov . Taiwan. RS-7107. 57,A.convari- ata (Prout ),Java. RS-5875. 58-60 .A. hemiphanes (Prou t)5.8, Java .RS-7078. 59. Sumatra. RS-7108. 60. Corn u t us ,g r ea t l yen la rg ed , Sumatra ,RS-2896. 61.A.praevarie- gata <Prou tB)o.rneo, RS-709 0 . 62,A. cotorijlera (Prou t)Su.matra .RS-1790. 63,A.pe- riphracta (Prout )T.hailand.RS-7e94, a: aedcagus, cornutus greatly enlargcd, Geographical range.Java. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Al(:i vsariegata, A. colorijlatz iand their Allies 179 i'f:yt .;ttttt:ttttt;・; 64 " ' ttl/ Xi.) 1i/ ,1 t・ ・/'・,'k LLi・LV. ttL,t , t:;1',/vl:';1tk lt,67 l6s C'i'i'l3,;,1 x ,69 Fis, s64-66. Male genitali aofAtcis spp. 64.A. t"t zsip. nov. Sumatra. RS-6 2 12 . 65. A. paukstadti sp. nov. Flores Is RS-7109, 66. A. cocka.vnei (Prou t)Ja.va .RS-4 4 9 3 .a: aedeagus, cor- nutu$ greatl yenlarged. Figs 67-69 .Female gemtali aofAtcis spp. 67 A. iutz isp. nov. Sumatra. RS-7089, 68, A. pauk- stadtisp. nQv. Flore sIs .RS-6223 .69,A,cockayne (iProu tJ)a,va. RS-7088. Altis lutz isp. nov. (Fig s38-41) Length of forewin g18-19 mm, wingspan 34-37 mm. Male: a cluster of spines on the third abdominal sternite and hind tibia lhair-penc idleveloped .Vairiabl ein wing colour and mac- ulation. Forewing reddish to blackis hbrown with inconspicuou gsrey lines and a distinct black discocellulu rspot, but sometimes line salmost disappearin gan;temedial line angled between veins A and CuA,; postmedia llin egently out-curved beyond cell; subterminal line narrow and zigzag. Hindwing much pale rthan fbrewing i,rrorat ewidth fuscous; a discocel- lular spot pale rand straighter postmedia llin eles sdefine dthan on forewing ;two black dashes developed on inner margin. Underside of both wings paler with les sdefine dmark- ings than upperside, but a discocellu lbalrack spot on hindwing more distin ctthan on upper- side, Female (base odn one specimen): forewing pale rthan male, whitish between anteme- dia land medial lines s;ubterminal zigzag lin ewhitish. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 1se IUkioSATo n {'f・・ , ....'', xv',,/u x. ,Y ,. ,},"; t,, ・it.g . ti- ?.t.I:,,, .t'J・7t0t, 7/ 1, . ,tti", ''1l"t,t・7r2 re.& 7 4 , eX;Xqi" '1l-' e・w'.n,y-('. es iiv ts, .v・ ' i・ 6t 78 Figs 70-78, Fema!e genitaliaofAlci fs f'p p. 70-71 .A, variegata (Moor e 7)0..India, RS-7105. 71. Sumatra. RS265g. 72.A. taiwanovariegata nom, nov, Tai wa n . RS-5127 .73-74 .A. hemiphane s(Prou t)7.3. Jav a . RS-5071. 74, Sumatra .RS- 5 1 23 . 75. A. convariata (Prou tj)av.a. RS-5070. 76 . A. praevariega i(aProut ).Borne o , RS-7091. 77. A. cot- orCfera (Prou tS)u.matra .RS- 2 6 6 8. 78. A. periphracta (ProutS)u.matra ,RS-2656, This new species is similar to cockaynei in appearance, but can be easjly distinguish ebdy smaller wing size (cockayn elie:ngth of fbrewin g21-23 mm, wingspan 35-38 mm), pres- ence of hind tibial hair-penci land the third sternite abdominal spines in male (i ncocka}'nei both absent) and the darker hindwing with straight postmedia l]ine ,which is absent or re- duced to vein-dots in cockaynei, Male genitali a(Fi g6.4) .Simila rto those of cockaynei, but cucullus slightly more dilated, juxt naot so broad and it spaire dprocesse slonger and slenderer. Female genital i(aFi g6,7), Simila rto those of cocka.vnei, but colliculum with broade rlater- al sides, posterio rsclerotized part of bursa copulatrix shorter. Holotype .X. "SUMArRA sept., (Ach e[Ilenggar Gau)n,ung Leuser, 3"46'20"N/ 97al1'19" E'1 Bewak Kaki Leuser, 3,100 m, 23124 ,ii .1997, leg .P16ssl & rllirrnann, coll. M. Sommerer'L NII-Electronic Library Service

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