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Notes on Alcis pammicra (Prout), A. maculata (Moore) (Geometridae, Ennominae) and their allies from Southeast Asia, with descriptions of three new species PDF

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Preview Notes on Alcis pammicra (Prout), A. maculata (Moore) (Geometridae, Ennominae) and their allies from Southeast Asia, with descriptions of three new species

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uetwa TrcinsI.epidS,oc.Japan 56(1):19-30,January2005 Notes on Alcis pammicra (Prout) ,maAcu.lata (Moore ()Geometri dEnaneo,minae) and their allies from Southeas tAsia, with descriptio nofs three new species RikioSATo 2-27-29Shindori-nishNii,iguta9,50-2036Japan Abstrac tTwo species-groups ofAlc/is from Southeas tAsia are revised. The A. pammicra-com- plex: A, parnmicra (Prout A)., eetpithecioides <West )A,, po4vstict a<Hampson )c,omb. nov., A, aagostigma (Prout a)nd A. ma4fredi sp, nov, (Sumatra J,ava) ,The A. mac,ulata-complex: A. maf:u- lata (Moore) ,A. micromaculata sp. nov. (Sumatra),A h.erbt{lot Oirhant ,A. bomemacalata sp. nov. <Borneo) ,A. nigriji:sciata (WaiTen a)nd A. nigrolineata (Wilema n& South). The lnst speeies is tentatively placed in Alcis ,because Lhe inale genitali aare atypical forAlcis. Key words Geometridae E,nnominae, Alcis t,axonemic notes, new gpecies, Southeast Asia. Atcis Curti sis a large genus inciuding many species distribute din the Palaearcti cand Oriental regions. Many Alc:i sspecies have been described from Southeast Asia alone, but some do not properl ybelong to Alcis, while some other species should be trans'ferred to Alcis from yarious other genera. In this paper ,as a part of my revisional study on Alcis from Southeas tAsia, taxonomic notes on the foIlowin gtwo species-groups are given with descriptio nosf three new species: A. pammicra andA, maculata, and thei rallie dspeeies, here named the "pammicra-complex" and the L`macL{lata-complex" without strict definition forthe sake of convenience. The fo11owing acronyms are used to indicate the location of the specimens. BMH; Bishop Museum, Honolulu. BMNH: The Natural History Museum, London, UK. MS: Manfred Sommerer collection, Munich, Germany. NIAES: Natura lResources Inventory Center, National Ingtitut efor Agro-Environmental Sciences ,Tsukuba, Japan. NSMT: N .ational ScienceMuseum, Tbkyo, Japan, ZFMK: Zoo]ogischesForschungsinstitut Museum und Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany. ZSM: Zoolegische Staatssainmulung,Munich, Germany. Unless stated otherwise, all the specimens including the type material recorded in this paper will be deposited in NIAES. Alcispammicra-complex Alcis pammicra (Prout a) ,small sized species, was describe das a member of Cteora Curtis, based on one male taken in the Cameron Highlands in Peninsula rMalaysia . Holloway (1994 )transferred pammicra to Agcis and 'included R Malaysia, Sumatra and Bomeo in the geographica lrange. My own research showed that some pammicra-lik especies were dis- tributed in Southeas tAsia. Tb confirm thei ridentificati Io nex,amined the type specimens and thei' rgenitaLi ian BMNH, partl ythrough Sir Anthony Galsworthy' skind help .In the fbllowingIines, its pammicra and allied species are redescribed with some notes and one species is describe das new to science from Sumatra and Java. Alcispammicra (Prout()Fig1s--4) Cteora pammicra Prout, 1925: 57. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society ooff JJaapapnan 20 SATo filil{lkkkro ee' al"ets igs .t 4t mee"/. tgE / nM''w.'piW r v " " ' /lsf' r"` , 'za envk "gt"t-ngt ' .lj s/) ' Lma #j #/ /t"t#svafia! "n t{ tes s.Irsw " -: t:/ ., li 17"e z l g ' ,2 i ' lde nys smz) //les l llY/ ".' "g ¢ st "; f i''fiS '/ iela rm Ivee wg 'it ' utvt za 9 t- r ' fiet".tt t:sg'#E /#t#en.E il, ldi ' l -2 lfi#eg1 } . ' xk ' eq St fvtt btr Figg 1-42 Alctsspp 1-4 pammtcia(Prout) t-2 if,Sumatra3-4 g,Sumatra 5-8 A man Jred tgp nov 5-6 Holetype r , Sumatra 7-8 Paratype 9,Java 9-12 A aagosngma (Prou t)9-10 X, T h a i la n d 11 - 1 2 ?, llhailand 13-20 A eaptthecioides (West )13-14 8, Sumatra 15-16 8, Mmdana e 17-18 ?, Thailand 19-20g, Mmdanao 21-24 A polysttet a(Hamps o n )21-22 if,SfiLank a23-24 ?,SrrLanka 25 Ho[otypeofCleora NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Alcis pammicra, A, macutata and their Allies 2] Alci spammicret: Holloway, 1994: 239; Parsons et aL, 1999: 31, Length of forewing 10-12 mm, wingspan 19-21 mm. Both wings white without ye]lowish tint, irrorated with blackish brown, especially in basal and dista lareas on forewing .Lines ill-define dI.n male, 1arge fovea developed on forewing, a cluster of spines on the third ab- dominal sternite and hind tibia lhair-penci ldeve]oped. Male genitalia (Fig 4.3). Uncus tapering to blunt apex. Paired processe sofjuxta broad and shert, Ampulla short, digitat ecu,rved ventrad. Aedeagus with a row of spines on vesica. Also byHolloway(1994f,ig.506). shown Female genital i(aFig 5.5), Colliculum shorter than broad, with paralle slides. [fype material examined, Holotype (Fi g2,5). 8, "TypelCleora pammicra Prout ,8, typel RAHANG F.M. S.,Cameron'sHighlands, light, 4 4,800ft.,Oct.12nd [sic.] at no camp, 1923,H. M. Pendlebury1911BriMtu.s. 1925-591Geomenidae No. 21635'i, geni'tal isalide BMNH. Genitaliachecked, Materia lexamined. Sumatra. Simalungun, Holzweg III 1,ISO m, 14 km NE Prapat, 1 8, 12. iii .1982, 19, 3. iv ,1984, 19, 20. ii .1985, Holzweg ll 1,050 m, 1\, 3. vj, 1986; Sitahoan 1,450 m, 1 X, 10. ix. 1981,1 g, 22. xi. 1981,2 8, 27. xt 1981, 1 8, 2-3. i. 1982, Tbba-See, [Iel e1,600 m, 1 8, 6, ix .1975, Dairi Mts, 1 g, 27, iv .1986, Dolok Merangir 1 80 m, 2 8, iv .1974, Nias-ins .L,awalo, 1 8, 22-26. ix. 1979 (E .W, Diehl), MS. Aceh, Singha, Mata 1,720 m, 2 if ,25-26. i .1989 (PIOs s&l [llirmann )M,S. Dairi Mts 1,600 m, l g, 28. viii. I979 (Dieh l& Schintlmeiste rL)i,wa 1,OOO m, 1 8, 11. x. 1981 (A. Schintlmeister), Berastagil,500 m, 1 g, 26-28, vii. 1985 (R. Sato). Geographical R Malaysia,Borneo,Sumatra. range. I (Sato ,1996) recorded pammicru from Thailand on ene male specimen taken at Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai, in the ZFMK collection, but it was a misidentification of the next species, eupithecioides, Thailand should be delete dfrom the geographica rlange efpammi- cra for the moment, Albis (West()Fig1s3-2e) eupithecioides Bearmia eupitheeieides West, 1 929: 1 21 . Atcis e"pithecioides: Parson set al., 1999: 29. Length of forewing 1 1-13 mm, wingspan 20-21 mm. Similar to pammicra, but diderent from it as follows .Variabl ein size, but generall ya littl learger b;oth wings having yellow- ish tint ,more strongly irrorat ewdith blackis hbrown in basal and dista lareas. In the holo- type (mal ef,ig .26), both wings "cartridge-buff, densely irrorat ewdith fuscous" (West, 1929), giving much darker appearance than the other specimens exasnined. In male, fbvea on fbrewing ,a cluster of spines on the third abdominal sternite and hind tibia lhair-penci las develeped in well as pammicva. Male genital i(aFig s47-48). Di'fferen tfrom those ofpammicTu. Uncus almost parallel- pammicra Prout .?, P. Malaysia .26. Holotype of Boanuia eupithecieides West. g' ,Luzon. 27-29. A. micromaculaia sp. nov. 27-28. Holotype. 8, Sumatra. 29. Paratype. 4, Sumatra .30-31 .A. nigrolineata (Wilema n& South), 8, Luzon. 32-36. A. mac"lata (Moore)3.2-33.g',ThaiLand3.4-35. g,Sumatra. 36. 8',Bomeo.37-38.A,nigr(lbsciata (Warren)S.,Su]awesi. 39-40.A.henbulotiOrhant,S,P.Malaysia,41-42.A,bornemacu- tata sp.nov. Holotype. r,Borneo, NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclleotygical Society oofJfap anJapan 22 Rlklo SAIo N eq'x fi - s 1 l y ' smatsuP$2.s '3 e・eIeil, 44' 4 5wn i ie l if 'f n e ee1"i: kSrei・lj,s e/1 47 8 ijs!Lj/ gi nnt a'ix, g yxl?ij ,ts vr f' di ten ' 1 :a.tjzg":/- 51 vafiTttnSdint ' l n i xdi ' ' l ': 1 g1 g,/i l' lii' w e it . ,, . ,, .,n Figs43-54 Ma3egenitaliaofAlusgpp 43 A pamm,cTu(Prout) Surnatra RS 6547 44 A man fie dgpi nev HoloLype Sumatra RS-6587 45 A pol}sncta (Hdinpso nS)ii Lanka RS- 583] 46 A aagosngTna(Prout) Thailand RS 3373 47-48 A eupithefimdes (Wegt ) 47 Mmdanae RS 6543 48 BurnLo RS 6549 49 A maculata (Moore) Sumatra RS-5128 50 A ntgrijtiyLtata (Warrcn )Sulawesi RS 4105 51 A mgroltneata (Wilemu n& South) Luzon RS 2739 52 A mitrontac"lata bp nov Paratype Sumatra RS-4107 53 A bornemaculat atsp nov Holotype RS-5829 54 A herbulo tOirhant P Malaygta RS 6589 NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Alcis pamnficra,A. macuJata und their Allie s 23 juxtalonger digitate dorsad; sided; pair of processes of and slenderer; ampulla curved spines on aedeagus vesica less developed. Femaie genitali CaFig s57-58). Colliculu mparallel-sid ealdmo,st equidistant from length to width,Type material examined. Holotype <Fi g2,6). 8' ,Philippine sL,uzon, Benguet, Sapiangao 5,800 ft, 15. xii. 1912, Geometridae genitali aslide Ne. 21636. BMNH, Genitali cahecked. Materia lexamined. Thailand. Chiangmai, Doi Suthep L325 m, Meo Village View Point ,1 {?, 22, xi-4, xii, 1989 (Schnitzl (eSra)to 1,996: 223, as pammicra), 1 ?, same data as male (Schnitzl eZrF)MK,. R Malaysia. Cameron Highlands 1,50e m, 1 S1 ?, 10-11. iv .1986 (K. Yazaki), Fraser's Hill ,3 6" ,29. iy-5. v, 1993 (T .Tanabe), Borneo. Sabah, Ranau, Kundasang,1f, 5.i,2000 (A.Sasaki).Sumatra.Aceh, Singha,Mata 1,720 25- ]n,3r, 26, i .1989 (PIOs s&l Tarmann), 'Ibba-See, Tele l,600 m,1?, 3. vi. 1983 (E ,W, Dieh]), MS. Sitahoa n1,450 m, 1r, 18. v. 1991 (E .W. Diehl), S. Padang, 2g, 18. x. 198{ (A. SchintlmeisterB)e,rastagi,2 8,27,iv4. 1988 (S.&A. Saite).Sulawesi,Puncak 1,OOO- v. 1,200 m, 1r 2-9, 10-19. v. 1984 (A. Schintlmeiste r)B,onthain ,Pefari gBintlo ,Mt Lornpobatang, 182 -?,3-4. 1993(S.& A. Saito),Nr Tondano,Mt Makaweiben 1,000 v. m,19,vii.1988. Philippine sL.uzon Is .Mountain Prov. ,Barli gl,55e m,19, 17, 19, vii. 1985, Sagada ],550 m, 1 9- ,21-23. vii. 1985 (M. Owada), NSMT. Abatan, Buguias 1,800- 2,OOO m, 1 S, 2. vi. 1964 (H .M. Ibrrevilla sL)i,wo 1,OeO-l,30 0m, 1 r, 9-le. vi. Ig67, BMH. Banaway,1o7, 28. i ,1986. Mindanao Is .Davao, Mt [falomo 1,100 m,18, 3-6. viii. t985 (M. Owada), Barucatan ,Davao City ,1 4, 27-29. vL 1977 (Y lKurosawa), NSMT. Mt Binansilang 1,200 m, 1 g, 2. x, 1988 (Cern y& Schintlmeiste rM)t, Dolang-dolang 1,500-1,700 m, 1 ci", 9-l7. viii. 1999, I gi ,2-7. xi. 1999, 2 5i ,4-9. ii .2000, Mt Ka}atungan 1,800 m, 1S, 29. vii-2. viii. 2000, Mt Matutum 1,420 m, 14, 25-28. xij. 2eOO, Mt Kitanglad1,400 684 Si 16-25. 2003(native m, , x. collector). Geographica lrange. Philippines (Luzen ,Mindanao), Thailand, P. Malaysia ,Borneo, Sumatra, Sulawesi ,These are the firs rtecords from place sother than Luzon. Alcis polystict (tHzampson) c,omb. nov. (Fig 2s1-24) Boarmia pob:stic tHaampsolt ,1902: 507, Ibveomecispo4)rstict aP:arsons et at., 1999: 475. Length of fbrewing 11-14 mm, wingspan 18-21 mm. More similar to e"pithecioides than to pammiera in size, colour and maculation, Easily distinguished from them by lack of a cluster of spines on the third abdominal sternite and hind tibial hair-penc" and by the smaller fovea in the male. Male genital i(aFi g4.5). Uncus broad, tapering to a blunt apex; pair of processes ofjuxta slender; digitat aempulla with wide base ,curved ventrally; aedeagus without spines on vesi- ca. Female genitali a(Fig 6.0). Colliculum apparently not developed. [[bip emateria] examined. Holotype. 8, Ceylon, Maturata, Geometridae genital isalide No. 16196,BMNH. Genitalia checked. Material examined, Sri Lanka. World's End, S-side 6e48'N 80"51'E ,primary rainfbrest 1,950 m, 5 8 1 4, 1-2. iv .1997 (Schintlme i&s Stieajraev). Geographical range. Sri Lanka. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 24 Rlklo SATo F{ 58 -ti lr.tfesl 3 Figt s55-63 Female gemtaliaotAtcts gpp 55 A pammtera (Prou tS)umatra RS 5148 56 A manfiedi sp nev Paratypc Java RS 5151 57-58 A euptthectotdes (West )57 Sumatra RS 6562 58 Mindanao RS 65Sl 59 A aagosngma (Prou tT)hdlldn dRS 6581 60 A pol>si{c t(aHamptso nS)mLanka RS 6563 61 A ma(ulata (Moor eS)umatra RS 6575 62 A mtcromaculata gp nei Paratype Sumaina RS 6574 63 A ntgnfLis"ata (Warren) Sulawes iRS 6576 a anLemorpdrtefbuibel Lopulatnx AJcis aagostigma (Prou t()Fig s9-1 2) Cleora aagostigma Prout ,l927 939 Alcis aagoyt!gma Sato ,1991 285,Parsonsetal,199 927 Length of fbrewtng 11-17 mm, wmgspan 17-18 mm Poste"or end ot thorax prominently black Both wmgs vaflablc in colour, but more or lesg tinged with brown, especially basad of antemedial 1inc and dLbtd dof postmcdidl hne In male, d clubter ot spines abbent on the third abdomina] stemite and hind tibia without hair-pencil Male (Fig46) Parr broad but genitalia of procegses ofJuxta as and short ds in pammicra, drgitate longer than ampulla and slcnderer mpammtcra NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Alcis pammicra, A. maculata and thei Arllies 25 Female genital i(aFi g5.9). Colliculum shortest among the congeners, weakly sclerotized laterally, T5rp ematerial examined. Holotype .8, "Upper Burma: Hpimaw Fort, Nr. Myitkvina 8,OOO ft. 9,-13. viii ,1923, Capt. A. E. SwannlCleova aagostigma Prout, X, type/Type lBL.. Prout Coll .B. M.1939-643, Brit .Mus. 1923-4881Geometrida egeni'tal silaide No. 5172", BMNH. 6enitalia checked. I recorded this species fi'o mThailand as Atcis with the illustrat ioofn a female specimen (Sato 1,991: 282, fig .16) ,Here it is newly recorded fromVietnam. Additiona lmaterial examined. N, Vietnarn ,Lao Cai Prov, ,Sa Pa 1,500 m, 1 8, 25-28. v. 1997(B.'Ilanaka). Geographica lrange. Burma, Vietnam (new record), Thailand. Alcis (Fig5s-8) manjrredi sp. noy Length of forewing 9-1l mm, wingspan 16-17 mm, Simila rto pammicra in small-sized whitish wings, but easi]y distinguish efdrom it by the fo11owing characters. Both wings al- most uniformly pale grey with les sdefine dmaculation. Forewing: antemedial lin ealmost straight, slanting outward to inner margin; postmedia lline gently excurved beyond cell; dis- cocellular marking faintl yreproduced as a streak, Hindwing: postmedia lline visible at half;discocellular developedthall forewing.In posterior marking more on male, a cluster of spines absent on the third abdominal stemite, hind tibia without hair-pencil. Male genitali (aFig .44). Most similar to those of polystic tian uncus andjuxta, but pair of processe sof. juxt staouter, digitat aempulla smaller, triangular, not curved, aedeagus broader with a row of spines on vesica. Female genitali a(Fi g5,6). Colliculum more widely sclerotized, parallel-sid ead ,little shorter than width. Holotype. 8,N. Sumatra, Dolok Merangir 180 m, iv ,1974 (E.W. Diehl), ZSM after further study, at presen tin MS. Paratypes. java, G. Muria, 1g, 9. x. 1996,1 8, 13. x. 1996, 18, 14. x. 1996, 1 9, 14. xi. 1996, Mt Merapi, 2 4, vi. 1996 (nati cvolelector). Geographical Stmiatra,Java. range. Etymology. The specific name is dedicate dto Mr Manfred Sominerer ,who enabled me to exarnine the holotype of this species. Alcis -complex maculata Atcis macutata (Moore )and it sallie shad long been treated as belonging te the genus Arichanna Meore before being transferred to Atcis by Inoue (1987 ).The male antenna, ve- nation of fOrewing and genitali aof both sexes clearly show them to be typical members of Alcis ,as pointed out by Jnoue (1987 )H,owever, A. nigrotineata (Wi]ema n& South) is dii ferep tfrom the other congeners in the male genitalia ,as mentioned below. In this paper two new species are describe dfrom Borneo and Sumatra with some taxonomic notes on the known species. The species of this complex can be easily distinguish efdrom each other by the maculation, though, apart from nigrolineata, they have a very homogenous genital structure. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 26 RikioS.aTu Aicis (Moore)(Fig3s2-36) maculata Ari(thann san.acutata Moorc, 1868: 658. Alcis fnaculata: Inoue, 1987: 264; Parsons et aL, 1999: 30, Arichanna Hampson,1902:S09, plagiogfamnza Af"ichanna macuiata negans Prout, t932: 109. Atcis macutata negans: Inoue, 1987: 264, Arichanna (Dictyod eparo)dictyota Wehrli, i933: S09. Alci smaculataprodictyota: Inoue, 1987: 264, Icterodes taiwanica Bastelbcrger ,1909: 33. Alci smaculata taiwana (misspelli Inngo)ue:, 1987: 264. The reticulate wing maculation makes this species easily distinguish efdrom the other con- geners, though there is some variation in size, colour and markings, geographically ,season- ally and individual ly,After mac"lata was describe dfrom India ,the followin gthree subspecies were segregated: negans (Prou tf)rom Borneo, pivdico'ota (Wehrl if)rom China and taiyvanica (Basteiber fgreorm )Taiwan, The las ttwo were originally describe das dis- tinct species. Furthe rstudy will be needed to clarify the status of the subspecies with con- sideration fbr individua viariation. In my previou spapers ,specimens from Thailand (Sato, 1991) and Nepal (Sat ol,993) were recorded as ssp. prodic4yot ab,ut both should have been treated as the nominotypical subspecies, The treatment of the Nepalese pepulatio nhas al- ready been corrected by me (Sato 1,994), Male and female genitalia are shown in Figs 49 and 61, TYpe material examined, Syntype of Arichanna mac"lata Moore, 9, Bengal Llndia], BMNH, Syntype of Arichanna plagiogramina Hampson, 9, Tibet, Yatong (Hobson), BMNH. Holotype Prout,r, Borneo,Sabah,Mt Kinabalu o'fArichanna macutata negans Lumu Lumu, 5,500feet,7-16.iv.1929,BMNH, Holotype ofArichanna maculata prodic- t);ota Wehrli ,8L `LChasseurs indigenes ,de Tti-tsien-l oRue,colte de 19101f! .prodictlv,ota Wehrli,TbJplex Wehrli,17f35/GenitalprapZ,FMK Nr. 785",ZFMK. Genitalia coll. checked. Material examined. Many specimens collected from Nepal, Thailand, Taiwan, Borneo and Sumatra. Geographica lrange. India, Nepal, Tibet, Thailtmd, China (pivdicty oTttiai)w,a n(taiwanicci), Bomeo (negans)S,umatra. Atbis (Fig2s7-29) micromaculata sp. noy. Length of forewing 13-14 mm, wingspan 23-26 mm, Simila rto mcicttlata in reticulate wing maculation, but can be distinguish efdrom it as follows. Smaller in size; in mac"lata (Sumatr aspnecimens), length of forewing 15-]7 mm and wingspan 24-32 mm, Both wings mere strongly tinged with yellow; black maculatjon more developed, especially on hindwing, where medial and postmedia llines broader, forming black bands; discocellular spot closer to or touching medial band. Male genitalia (Fi g5.2). Similar to those of maculata, but cucullus broader, paired broader;digitate processes ofjuxta shorter and ampulla stouter. Female genital i(aFig .62). Similar Lo those of mctc"lata, but the eighth abdominal tergum shorter; lamella antevaginalis broader posteriorly ;colliculum more weakly sclerotized later- ally. Holotype. 8, N, Sumatra, Holzweg Ilt 1,200 m, 18 krn to Prapat ,30-31. vii. 1985 (R. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 27 Alcis pammicra,A, maculata and theirAl]ies Sato).Paratypes.Sumatra,Ketttmbe,2 g, 16. 1972(Roesle&r Ktippers),ZFMK. N, vi. Sumatra, Strass eSiantar-Prap a1t4 km vor p. ,1,150 m, 1 8, 25. xii, 1975 (R. Bender & E. W. Diehl), Sumatra sept. Sima]ungun, Holzweg III 1,150 m, 14 km NE Prapat, 98"58' E 2"46'N, 2 8, 23, xii. 1975, l 8, 28. xii. 1975, 4 X, 25. xiL 1975 (Bende &r Diehl), t g, 15. vi, 1982, 1 8, 17. vii. 1982, 1 di '2L8,-30. xi. 1982, 1 r, 14. x. 1983 (E .W Diehl), Surnatra occ., ca 30 km Ostl. [,[leLp a1n,OOO m, 24. ii .1976 (M. Sommerer), Thlun Sunkit ,2 8, 22-26, vii. 1982, Batu Island, Tanah Masa, 1 X, v. 1983, Dairi Mts, 15 krn W Sidikalan g850 m, 2 g, 8. ii i1,981 (E .W. Diehl), Holzweg Il 1,050 rn,18, 24-27. viii. 1995 (M, Sommerer), MS, Berastagi 1,OOO m, 1 if ,4. vi, 1973 (E .W. Diehl), N. Sumatra ,10 km S Prapat ,Ainoli Forest 1,400 m, 2 r, 14. vii, 1979 (Turli nZ)S,M. N. Surnatr Hao,lzweg II 1,050 m, near Prapat, 1 ge ,18, vi. 1986 (E.W, Diehl), Sumatera Utara ,Aek Nauli 1,200 m, 1 g, 19-21. iii. 1994 (K,Matsumoto & K.Konishi). Geographical Sumatra. range. Etymology. This species resembles maculata in facie sbut is much smal]er. AlbisherbulotiOrhant(Fig3s9-40) AlcisherbulotOirhant,2000:4. Male. Length of forewing 13-15 mm, wingspan 22-26 mm, Simila rto maculata, Forewing: pale yellow ,suffused with reddish brown except medial area; line spartl yfused and short streaksjoining line sabsent. Hindwing: pale yellow, lightl ysuiifUsed with reddish brown distall yb;lack maculation les sdeveloped .Female unknown to me. Male genitali a(Fi g5.4). Simila rto those of macuZata. Cucullus a litt lnaerrower; digitate ampulla variable in shape, but tending to be slenderer, arising a bit farthe frrom costa. Also shown by Orhant (2000 ,fig .22), Female genitalia ,Shown by Orhant (200 07:, fig .26). The original descriptio n"cl:ose to butdistal Antrum macutata, ends of apophyses posteriore sand anteriores not spatulate, and ductus bursae narrower" (erigin ailf iFlryench ,translate dby Mr Sommerer). Not exam- inedby me. Material examined. P. Malaysia, Cameron Highlands, Gunung Brinchang, 1 8, 18. iv, 1990, 28,21.iv.1990, dittoR,inglet,1 8, 19. iv.1990, ditto,TanahRatah,18, 20,iv, 1990 (N. Bito), Gunung Bninchang 2,OOO m, 1 r, 10. iv .1999 (K .Nakao), Cameron Highlands, 1 8, x-xii. 1985 (ex K, C. Liew), Fraser' Hsill ,1 8' ,22-24, iv .1990 (N. Bito). This species was describe dfrom S. Vietnam (holoty paned two paratypes )and R Malaysia (on eparatype) by Orhant (2000 )I.t can be distinguished more e'ffectively by external ap- pearance than by the genitalia, Geographica lrange, S, Vietnam, R Malaysia. Alcis bornemaculat sap. noy. (Fig s41-42) Male. Length of forewing 14-15 mm, wingspan 24-25 mm. Similar to heffbulo tbiu,t dis- tinguishe dfrom it as follows .Forewing: pale rin colour, Ies sreticulate, especially in medial region. Hindwing: medial line almost vanished; pestmedial lin eabsent. Fernal eunknown. Male genitali a(Fig 5.3). Similar to those of hethulot ib,ut cucullus broader ,digita taempul- la closer to costa, indented irregularl yas a whole, The shape of ampulla is quite peculiar, being well separable from those of the other congeners. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 28 RikioSATo Holotype,r,Borneo,Sabah,Mt Kinabalu, ParkH. Q.1,560 28, 8-18. 1979 (T. m, xi. Hasegawa). Paratypes. Kinabalu, Crocker Range 500-1,500 m, lg, vi. 1992 (nati cvole]ec- tor),Sabah, Poring,1 8, 18.ii.1980 (H.Arimoto). Geographical Borneo. range. Etymology, The specific name, bomemacutata, means that the species is distribut eidn Bornee and similar to maculata. AICis (WarTen()Fig3s7-38) nigrijlaseiata Parasynegia nigrijZtsciata Warren, 1896: 393, Meclasina nigrijlr.sciat acircutmptexa Prout, 1935: 230. Alcis nigrijinsciata: Tnoue ,1987: 264; Parsons et al., 1999: 30. Length fOrewing14-18 27-29 This isdistincftromits of mm, wingspan mm. species allied by (less (pa]einr species wing maculation reticulate) and male antenna colour). Male genitali (aFi g5.0) .Simila rto those of macutata, but paired processe sofjuxta broad- er; digitat aempulla straLghter; aedeagus slenderer. Female genitalia (Fi g6.3). Simila rto those of macugata, but 1amella antevaginalis more laterallyb;ursa lightly strongly sclerotized copulatrix sclerotized near anterior extremity, bands. without minutely spined Tlype material examined. Holotype of Ptirusynegia nigrijlasciata Warren, 8, South Java 1,SOO feet, H. Fruhstorfer ,BMNH. Holotype ofMedasina nigrijitsciata cireumplexa Prout, 8,EastJava,Tengger 5,OOO feet,Singolangoe,May 1934,J,R A. Kalis,BMNH. Material Sumatra.Holzweg III1,150 14km NEPrapat,18,31. 1984,1 examined. m, xii. 8, 1-'1 6j.v .1985 (E .W. Diehl) ,MS. Sulawesi .Puncak Dingin 1,700 m, 2 8, ix-x .1985 (S .Nagai), Sampuraga, 4 8, vi. 1995 (nati cvolelector), Sampuraga 1,300 m, 1 8 1 9, 1. i. 1995 (S .& A. Saito) .WL Java, Mt Gede, Cibeureum W/dter fal1 1,700 m, 1 8, 11, ix. 1996 (T.Masui). Geographica lrange, Borneo, Sumatra, Java ,Sulawesi (new record). Nigrijixsci awtasa describe dfrom S. Java (meanin g"the southern part of West Java" accord- ing to Prout ,1935: 230) by Warren (1896) a,nd cireumplexa was fbunded as a subspecies of East Java by Prout (1935) .The characteristics of circumplexa pointed out by Prout (1935), i .e. fbrewing black spots more enlarged, and hindwing submarginal line obsolete, are not geographica blut individaa lC.ircunqplexa-li skpeecimens are mixed also in Sulawesian ma- terial. Albis nigrolineata (Wilema &n South) (Fig 3s0-31) Arichanna nigrolineata Wileman & South, 1917: 101. Atci snigrotineata: inoue ,1987: 264; Parsons et al.. 1999: ]O. Length of fbrewifi g18 mrri, wingspan 31 rnm (on emale). This species has reticulate macu- latio nlik emac"tata and it sallies, but is quit ediffere nftrom them in the male genital/ia. Male genital i(aFi g5.1). Medial part of gnathos much smaller; valva cucuilus broader with 1arg espined roundish process at it sproximal end, instead of digitat aempulla; juxt aless deeply divided ,making a pair of sclerotized short processes s;tick-like cornutus on aedea- gus veslca. NII-Electronic Library Service

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