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NOTES AND QUERIES for Readers and Writers Collectors and Librarians Volume CCLVI 2011 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Vol. celvi NOTES AND QUERIES Notes and Queries © Oxford University Press 2012; all rights reserved Volume CCLVI SUBJECT INDEX For classified articles, see Manuscripts, Periodicals and Series, Place-Names, Reviews, Words and Phrases Barrie, J. M., Alfred, King, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, 343 (Prose Psalm 7:16), Bartok, M. Béla Viktor Janos, bregn, 14 visit to Aberystwyth, 118 Anglo-Saxon, Beckett, Samuel, Essays in Anglo-Saxon studies, 606 and contemporary Irish writing Franks Casket, names of characters, 122 ‘fisc flodu ahof, 343 Benger, Sir Thomas, runes, 181] Master of the Revels, 207 Staffordshire Hoard, item 550, | Bennett, Arnold, widows, 299 letters to Eliot concerning Sweene} Apuleius, Lucius, Agonistes, 106 The Golden Ass, Beowulf, influence for Dekker, The Honest Whore, healgamen (1066a), fremu (192a), Sigemunde 272 (875a), 3 Arbuthnet, Alexander, Grendel’s two halls, 8 completed printing of Bible 1579, 210 mine (line 255b), 7 printed edition of Octosyllabic Alexander, brost (line 2176b), 347 210 Berenson, Bernard, Arnold, Matthew, influence for Eliot’s theory of impersonality ‘Empedocles on Etna’ in art, 112 influence of Goethe and Schiller, 89 Betjeman, John, Auden, Wystan Hugh, and Philip Larkin, 594 influence on Elizabeth Bishop, Bible, The, and ‘At the Fishhouses’, 597 1 Corinthians 11:10, 289 Austen, Jane, Arbuthnet, printed edition 1579, 210 and the Miss Curlings, 75 Genesis (3.24), ‘An Oxford smack’, 77 paraphrased by Milton in Paradise Lost, Emma and a stabbing in Chawton, 80 59 Axford, Isaac, Geneva translation, and Hannah Lightfoot, 408 and Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, 549 John XVII, cited by Blake in The Four Zoas, 61 B sources for Blake’s Jerusalem, 518 Barclay, Alexander, Bibliography, and Robert Pynson, 193 historical introduction, 336 translation of Sallust’s Jugurtha, Bishop, Elizabeth, sources, 196 influenced by Auden, 597 Barnes, Djuna, Blake, William, Nightwood, a fairy funeral, 65 as source for Dylan Thomas, 127 alluding to Milton’s Paradise Lost, 59 SUBJECT INDEX Vol. celvi and James Macpherson’s translation of Boyle, Robert, The Works of Ossian, 533 Experiments and Considerations touching and John Locke, Colours, and Hannah Woolley’s and ‘corporeal things’, 532 Supplement to the Queen-like Closet, 390 ‘Auguries of Innocence’, Brewing process, differing inclinations of robins and recorded by Dryden, Pope, and Hogarth, pigeons, 522 410 interpreting, 520 Bronté, Charlotte, complexity of allusions, 63 Jane Eyre, Enemies of Art, 537 and Nathan Drake’s Montchensey as familiarity with James Hervey’s Meditations, possible source for Bertha Mason, 88 523 Browne, Sir Thomas, illustrated edition of Edward Young’s Night and Samuel Johnson, Thoughts, 57 on living rich, 422 in the Ladies’ Cabinet of Fashion, Music and Christian Morals, Romance (1840), 73 recalling Donne’s Devotions upon Jerusalem, Emergent Occasions, 378 and the Ark of the Covenant, 518 Browning, Robert, anti-Rainbow, 507 poetical works, 324 ‘Night’ in Songs of Innocence, Buchan, John, influenced by Milton’s Paradise Lost, 509 ‘The New Age: What the Plain Man Poetical Sketches, Demands as his Share of the Fruits of and Milton’s precious tree of knowledge, Victory , 513 published in Daily Mail, 30 June 1919, 587 sexual furrows and Milton’s ‘labour’d ox’, Byrthferth of Ramsey, 511 discussion of barbarism and polysyndeton, Songs of Experience, 350 ‘A Little Girl Lost’, Lives of St Oswald and St Ecgwine, 149 sources, 516 The Birth of Los, influenced by Hervey’s Meditations and Ovid’s Metamorphoses, 525 The Book of Urizen, Chaucer, Geoffrey, unnoted iconographic allusion, 514 1807 edition of Poetical Works, 183 ‘The Fly’ in Songs of Experience, sources of his poetics, 150 influenced by Swedenborg’s The Divine Troilus and Criseyde, Love and Wisdom, 529 and Dante’s Paradiso: laughter and The Four Zoas, smiles, 358 citing John XVII and Plato’s Timaeus, 61 Chester, Robert, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Love's Martyr, influenced by Swedenborg and Dante, 527 and the hyphenated Shakespeare, 258 The Voice of the Ancient Bard, Chopin, Kate, attack on Lockian doctrines, 530 The Awakening, visions and conversations with spirits cited female self-sacrifice, 563 as evidence of madness, 66 Clarke, The Revd Richard, word-play and Winckelmann’s Reflections further details, 429 on the Painting and Sculpture of the Classical literature, companion to Horace, 296 Greeks, 535 Boswell, James, Jonson’s reading of Horace, 309 Hypochrondriack No. 47, Coetzee, J. M., mistaken saint, 425 writing and politics after Beckett, 626 personal papers, 423 Coleridge, Sara, Vol. celvi SUBJECT INDEX Pretty Lessons in Verse for Good Children, British Library Add. MS 41,846, 292 548 Donne, John, Collins, William, Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, and John Ragsdale, 427 source for Thomas Browne’s Christian Congreve, William, Morals, 378 works, 619 Drake, Nathan, Conrad, Joseph, Montchensey, Suspense and A Personal Record, 105 possible source for Bertha Mason in Cotton, Charles, Charlotte Bronté’s Jane Eyre, 88 ‘Evening Quatrains’, Drama, and Francesco Colonna’s contemporary Irish theatre, 166 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 379 documents of performance in Early Modern Cumming, Jane, England, 611 life, 79 secrets of the printed page in the age of Shakespeare, 446 Shakespearean stage 1574-1642, 475 D strangeness of tragedy, 153 Daniel, Augustin, tragedy: a short introduction, 153 letter to Henry Wallis 24-26 June 1856, transnational exchange in Early Modern Bodleian Library MS Eng. c. 7040, fos. Theater, 611 160-3, 557 Twentieth-century Irish drama, 166 Dante, Aligheri, Drayton, Michael, Paradiso: laughter and smiles, Pope writing to William Warburton, 431 and Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde, 358 Dryden, John, Darcy, Elizabeth, Marriage a-la-Mode, British Library MS Harley 1766 and MS James Shirley’s The Coronation as source, Additional 10304, 216 386 Dekker, Thomas, Dunster, Charles, Dead Tearme, variorum edition of Milton’s Paradise John Stow’s Survey of London, as Re Laile d. 434 principal source, 274 Old Fortunatus, and Henslowe’s inventory of properties E of the Admiral’s men, 270 Early Modern (English). The Honest Whore, Arcadia Restored, 446 and Apuleius’s The Golden Ass, 272 autobiography, 614 de la Mare, Walter, literature and popular culture, 613 Tales Told Again, Eighteenth-century, folk tales admired by C. S. Lewis, 581 childhood in English periodicals and prints, Dennistoun, James (1803-55), 1689-1789, 161 compiler of scrap-book of medieval English letter writers 1660—1800, 618 manuscript fragments, 104 Elegy, 465 Destruction of Troy, 304 Eliot, Thomas Stearns, Dickens, Charles, Ash Wednesday, erotics, families, masculinities, 321 Grimm brothers’ ‘Juniper Tree’ as source, Dickinson, Emily, 110 and hymn culture, 455 borrowing from Henry James’s The Princess Dictionaries, English, Casamassima, 117 history of lexicography, 298 Sweeney Agonistes, Digby, Sir Kenelm, and letters to Arnold Bennett, 106 manuscript corrections in “Concerning theory of impersonality in art, Spencer’, and the influence of Berenson, 112 - SUBJECT INDEX Vol. cclvi Englishwoman’s Journal, Grimm brothers, founded 1866, 99 ‘Juniper Tree’, as source for Eliot’s Ash Wednesday, 110 F Faulkner, William, H ‘Seeing through’ the South, 325 Harington, Sir John, Felici, Costanzo, The Metamorphosis of Ajax, Historia Coniurationis Catilinariae, and William Teshe, 230 source for Jonson’s Catiline, 278 Haskins, George, Felltham, Owen, correction to ‘Chronicle of the Civil Wars of ‘Against Ben Jonson’, Edward II’, 356 misquoted by Thomas Fuller, 380 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Finch, Robert (1783-1830), The Scarlet Letter, and Enrico Mayer and Galignani’s edition and the Geneva Bible, 549 of Wordsworth’s poems, 74 Henslowe, Philip, Fowles, John, inventory of properties of the Admiral’s The French Lieutenant’s Woman, men, missing epigraph, 138 and Dekker’s Old Fortunatus, 270 Fugard, Athol, Herbert, George, Master Harold...and the boys, ‘Affliction I’, misrepresentations, 138 alluded to in Traherne’s notebooks, 376 Hervey, James, Meditations among the Tombs, G and Blake’s familiarity with his works, 523 General Theological Seminar, Hoccleve, Thomas, Western 11, Letter of Cupid and ‘Martir Margarete’, addition of Protestant martyrs, 208 translated from Christine de Pizan’s Gerald of Wales, l’Epistre au dieu d'Amours, 186 and standard Old English, 19 Hopkins, Gerald Manley, Gissing, George, ‘The Windhover’, The Odd Women (1843), agricultural images, 568 Ladies’ Type-writing office, 27 Chancery Hume, David, Lane, Of the Populousness of Ancient Nations, as model, 99 error concerning Strabo and slavery in Gloucester, Richard Duke of, Athens, 503 petition 1478, 369 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, and Matthew Arnold’s ‘Empedocles on Etna’, 89 Indian English Novel, Golagros and Gawane, 305 nation, history, and narration, 467 Gore, Mrs, Inskip, Thomas, ‘The Scrap-Stall’, inspiration for character of Baxter in M. R. and Poe’s ‘The Murders in the rue James’s ‘A View from a Hill’, 576 Morgue’, 85 Gray, Thomas, ‘Elegy in a Country Church Yard’, adapted for King’s Bench Prison, 1816, James, Henry, 546 and the visual, 328 Greene, Robert, ‘Canon Alberic’s Scrap-book’, The Repentance of Robert Greene and and James Dennistoun, 104 Greene's Groatsworth of Wit, 223 ‘everyday’ in late novels, 328 Vol. ccelvi SUBJECT INDEX The Portrait of a Lady, Lewis, Clive Staples, used in newspaper advertisements, 98 and C. R. Maturin’s Melmoth the Wanderer, The Princess Casamassima, 130 influence of Eliot, 117 fairy tales and Walter de la Mare, 581 James, Montague Rhodes, Lightfoot, Hannah, ‘A View from a Hill’, and Isaac Axford, 408 and Thomas Inskip of Shefford as inspir- Locke, John, ation for character of Baxter, 576 influence on Blake, 530, 532 Johnson, Samuel, Lycophron, and Sir Thomas Browne, late 18th- and early 19th-century interest, on living rich, 422 496 Jonson, Ben, Lydgate, John, and envy, 312 Lives of Ss Edmund and Fremund and the Catiline, Extra Miracles of St Edmund, 152 unrecorded borrowings from Felici’s verses at Holy Trinity Church, Long Historia Coniurationis Catilinariae, 278 Melford, 364 dedicatory poem to Shakespeare’s First Folio, 287 M in context, 311 Macpherson, James, possible identity of ‘Love Lady’, 283 The Works of Ossian, Joseph plays, influence on Blake’s writing, 533 correction to number published before 1650, Manuscripts 377 London, Joyce, James, British Library, and cinema, 464 Addit. 10304, 216 Julian of Norwich, Addit. 10374, 28 Parable of the Lord and the Servant, Addit. 41253A, 75 and the Elucidarius of Honorius Addit. 41846, 292 Augustodunensis, 360 Cotton Domitian IX, 484 Egerton 3126, 28 K Harley 1766, 216 Harley 2064, 28 Keats, John, New York, reading of Bishop John Milner’s The General Theological Seminary, History, Civil and Ecclesiastical, and Western 11, 208 Survey of the Antiquities of Winchester, Oxford, 546 Bodleian Library, Bodley 264, 487 Eng. c. 7040, 557 L Eng. poet. C. 42, 376 Lackington, James, Eng. th. e. 51, 376 and the Honourable Artillery Company, Reading, 505 University Library, Larkin, Philip, Special Collections, unpublished letter to Anne Tibble revising RUL MS 1393, 71/1/148, date for first meeting with John Betjeman, Stanford, 594 University Libraries, Lawrence, David Herbert, Special Collections, Mornings in Mexico, 165 MSS CODEX 0086, 546 ‘Odour of Chrysanthemums’, Washington, floral symbolism, 120 Folger Shakespeare Library, Lesbian rule in Early Modern Europe, 293 MS X.d.390, MS X.d.391, 374 6 SUBJECT INDEX Vol. cclvi Mary Queen of Scots, Mirror for Magistrates, The, histories, and rhetoric, passions, and as source for The Winter’s Tale, 266 political literature, 448 Montaigne, Michel de, Maturin, Charles Robert, Essais, Melmoth the Wanderer, source for bourn in Hamlet, 254 and C. S. Lewis’s Perelandra, 130 Morgan, Thomas, Maugham, William Somerset, and Philalethes, 400 ‘A Really Nice Story’, Mownselowe, William, undocumented short story published in and ownership of Syon Library psalter, 202 the Hawera & Normanby Star, 20 May 1902, 590 Mayer, Enrico, and William Wordsworth and Robert Finch, Nabokov, Vladimir, 74 Lolita, 133 Medieval, Nashe, Thomas, an English reading public, 1150-1400, 608 and Two Dangerous Comets, 219 delight and persuasion in the arts of the Neele, Henry, Middle Ages, 605 The Literary Remains, Melville, Herman, source for Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘Pinakidia’ Redburn, and other writings, 552 and William Roscoe’s ‘Mount Pleasant’ Nineteenth-century, in The Picture of Liverpool, 555 companion to English literature, 1830-1914, Meredith, George, and their circle, 557 460 companion to Victorian culture, 319 Middle English, divinity and state, 609 companion to Medieval English literature English ethnicity, 164 1100—1500, 303 sympathy, 332 companion to Middle English literature, 301 taste in verbal and visual culture, 456 lay piety and religious discipline in Victorian literature, 318 Literature, 300 women’s diaries as narrative, 322 Sir Orfeo, and flatness of fairyland, 24 Milton, John, and the ineffable, 15 = O and angels, 449 Old English, handbook, 315 Christ and Satan, line 714a, 349 influence on Blake, 537 ‘God’ in Old English, 439 ‘Labour’d Ox’, historical representation in Old English and Blake’s sexual furrows, 511 verse, 142 Ovidian Eve, 157 Martyrology sources for St Agnes of Rome, Paradise Lost, 177 influence for Blake’s ‘Night’ in Songs of The Battle of Maldon, Innocence, 509 and Tacitus’s Germania, 475 Paradise Regained, Vercelli Book, 146 Dunster’s and Todd’s Variorum edition, weald and loca, 10 434 Oliphant, Margaret, paraphrasing Genesis 3:24, and The Cornhill in 1889, 567 alluded to by Blake, 59 Opie, Amelia Alderson, precious tree of knowledge, poems, 163 and Blake’s Poetical Sketches, 513 Ottley, William Young, source for Blake’s The Book of Urizen, 514 Italian School of Design, words, 449 and the Pre-Raphaelites, 561 Vol. celvi SUBJECT INDEX P Widows in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Periodicals and series Britain, 299 Daily Mail 30 June 1919, 587 Aplin, John, Hawera & Normandy Star 1902, 590 The Inheritance of Genius: A Ladies Cabinet 1840, 73 Thackeray Family Biography, The Germ 1860, 561 1798-1875, 623 US Periodicals 1890-1926, Armitage, David, Condren, Conal, and W. B. Yeats reprints, 578 FitzMaurice, Andrew (eds), Place-names, 14 Shakespeare and Early Modern Political of Leicestershire, 438 Thought, 442 Ringmere, 491 Bale, Anthony, and Edwards, A. S. G. (eds), Plato, John Lydgate’s Lives of Ss Edmund and Timaeus, Fremund and the Extra Miracles of and Blake’s The Four Zoas, 61 St Edmund, 152 Poe, Edgar Allan, Barrie J. M., The Assignation, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, 343 mottoes, 551 Bejoint, Henri, and The Literary Remains of the Late Henry The Lexicography of English: From Neele, Origins to Present, 298 source for other writings, 552 Bernstein, Susan David, and Michie, ‘The Murders in the rue Morgue’, Elsie B. (eds), and Mrs Gore’s ‘The Scrap-Stall’, 85 Victorian Vulgarity: Taste in Verbal and ‘The Pit and the Pendulum’, Visual Culture, 456 Boltwood, Scott (ed.), motto, 88 Poetry, Renegotiating and Resisting Nationalism in study of, 334 Twentieth-Century Irish Drama, 166 Pope, Alexander, Breen, Katharine, letter to William Warburton concerning Imagining an English Reading Public, The Dunciad and Michael Drayton, 431 1150—1400, 608 Browning, Robert, Pound, Ezra, ‘that roman’ in Canto 78, 584 The Poetical Works of Robert Browning, volume XV: ‘Parleyings With Certain Prince, Mary, People of Importance in Their Day’ new information, 82 and ‘Asolando’, edited by Stefan Hawlin Princess Caroline, and Michael Meredith, 324 monthly expenses, January—February Bushnell, Rebecca, 1727/8, 401 Pynson, Robert, Tragedy: A Short Introduction, 153 Butler, Martin, and Alexander Barclay, 193 The Stuart Court Masque and Political Culture, 314 Carruthers, Mary (ed.), R Rhetoric Beyond Words: Delight and Ragsdale, John, Persuasion in the Arts of the Middle and William Collins, 427 Ages, 605 Renaissance, Corrie, Marilyn (ed.), food from Rabelais to Shakespeare, 440 A Concise Companion to Middle English manuscript culture in Italy, 307 Literature, 301 Redman, Robert, Cox, Barrie, control and sale of Robert Pynson’s stock, The Place-Names of Leicestershire, 438 193 Currie, Gregory, Reviews Narratives and Narrators: A Philosophy of Alamichel, Marie-Francoise, Stories, 468 SUBJECT INDEX Vol. celvi Davis, Gregson (ed.), Jowett, John (ed.), A Companion to Horace, 296 Sir Thomas More, 445 Davis, Philip, Kendall, Tim, Why Victorian Literature Still Matters, Modern English War Poetry, 329 318 Kendall, Tim (ed.), Delafield, Catherine, The Oxford Handbook of British and Irish Women’s Diaries as Narrative in the War Poetry, 329 Nineteenth-Century Novel, 322 Kilpi6, Matti, Kahlas-Tarkka, Leena, Dimmock, Matthew, and Hadfield, Roberts, Jane, and Timofeeva, Olga (eds), Andrew (eds), Anglo-Saxons and the North, 606 Literature and Popular Culture in Early King, Shelley, and Pierce, John B. (eds), Modern England, 613 The Collected Poems of Amelia Alderson Fitzpatrick, Joan (ed.), Opie, 163 Renaissance Food from Rabelais to Lapidge, Michael (ed. and trans.), Shakespeare: Culinary Readings and Byrhtferth of Ramsey: The Lives of St Culinary Histories, 440 Oswald and St Ecgwine, 149 Furneaux, Holly, Loizeaux, Elizabeth Bergmann, Queer Dickens: Erotics, Families, Twentieth-Century Poetry and the Visual Masculinities, 321 Arts, 462 Gopal, Priyamvada, Lurcock, Tony, The Indian English Novel: Nation, History, ‘Not So Barren or Uncultivated’: and Narration, 467 British travellers in Finland 1760-1830, Green, Mandy, 454 Milton’s Ovidian Eve, 157 McCourt, John (ed.), Grene, Nicholas, Roll Away the Reel World: James Joyce Yeats’s Poetic Codes, 461 and Cinema, 464 Gurr, Andrew, McDowell, Nicholas, and Smith, Nigel The Shakespearean Stage 1574-1642, 475 (eds), Hammond, Paul, The Oxford Handbook of Milton, 315 The Strangeness of Tragedy, 153 McKenzie, D. F. (ed.), Hanna, Ralph (ed.), The Works of William Congreve, 619 The Knightly Tale of Golagros and Martin, John, Gawane, 305 The Man Himself: A life of Jonathan Hannay, Margaret P., Swift, 317 Mary Sidney, Lady Wroth, 616 Matsumoto, Hiroyuki (ed.), Hayes, Patrick, A Lemmatized Concordance to The J. M. Coetzee and the Novel: Writing and Destruction of Troy, 304 Politics After Beckett, 626 Matsumoto, Hiroyuki (ed.), Henke, Robert, and Nicholson, Eric (eds), John Clerk of Whalley: The Destruction of Transnational Exchange in Early Modern Troy. A Critical Edition, 304 Theater, 611 Matthews, John T., Holton, Amanda, William Faulkner: Seeing Through The The Sources of Chaucer’s Poetics, 150 South, 325 Hopkins, David, Meskill, Lynn S.., Conversing with Antiquity: English Poets Ben Jonson and Envy, 312 and the Classics, from Shakespeare to Morgan, Victoria N., Pope, 451 Emily Dickinson and Hymn Culture: Hyde, Virginia Crosswhite, Tradition and Experience, 455 Mornings in Mexico and other essays by Moul, Victoria, D. H. Lawrence, 165 Jonson, Horace and the Classical Johnson, Kendall, Tradition, 309 Henry James and The Visual, 328 Miiller, Anja,

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