Published online 29 January 2011 Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, Vol. 39, No. 10 4373–4386 doi:10.1093/nar/gkr011 Not1 mediates recruitment of the deadenylase Caf1 to mRNAs targeted for degradation by tristetraprolin Heike Sandler1, Jochen Kreth1, H. Th. Marc Timmers2 and Georg Stoecklin1,* 1Helmholtz Junior Research Group Posttranscriptional Control of Gene Expression, German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ-ZMBH Alliance, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany and 2Department of Molecular Cancer Research and Netherlands Proteomics Centre, University Medical Center Utrecht, Universiteitsweg 100, 3584 CG Utrecht, The Netherlands Received August 26, 2010; Revised December 22, 2010; Accepted January 3, 2011 ABSTRACT is located in the 30-untranslated region (UTR) of many The carbon catabolite repressor protein 4 (Ccr4)– short-lived mRNAs and mediates rapid mRNA degrad- Negative on TATA (Not) complex controls gene ation (3,4). Examples of mRNAs containing potent expression at two levels. In the nucleus, it regulates AREs include many cytokine transcripts such as tumor the basal transcription machinery, nuclear receptor- necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), granulocyte-macrophage mediated transcription and histone modifications. In colony-stimulating-factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin (IL)-3mRNAaswellasmRNAsencodingfortranscription thecytoplasm,thecomplexisrequiredformessenger factorssuchasc-myc,c-fosandIer3(5). RNA (mRNA) turnover through its two associated Tristetraprolin (TTP) is an RNA binding zinc-finger deadenylases, Ccr4 and Caf1. Not1 is the largest protein required for ARE-mediated mRNA decay protein of the Ccr4–Not complex and serves as a (AMD). The physiological role of TTP as an inhibitor scaffold for other subunits of the complex. Here, we of TNF-a expression was discovered by the analysis of provide evidence that human Not1 in the cytoplasm TTP knock out mice (6). TTP was found to act at the associates with the C-terminal domain of tristetra- post-transcriptional level by binding to the ARE of prolin (TTP), an RNA binding protein that mediates TNF-a mRNA and accelerating its degradation (7). TTP rapid degradation of mRNAs containing AU-rich recognizestheAREviaitstwocysteine–cysteine–cysteine– elements (AREs). Not1 shows extensive interaction histidine (CCCH) zinc-finger domains. In addition to through its central region with TTP, whereas binding TNF-a, TTP was shown to mediate rapid degradation of the mRNAs encoding GM-CSF (8), IL-2 (9), IL-3 ofCaf1isrestrictedtoasmallercentraldomainwithin (10), IL-10 (11) and Ier3 (12). The TTP family of Not1.Importantly,Not1isrequiredfortherapiddecay proteins comprises two additional paralogs, BRF1 and of ARE-mRNAs, and TTP can recruit the Caf1 dead- BRF2, which also promote AMD (13,14). enylase only in presence of Not1. Thus, cytoplasmic AREs destabilize mRNA by inducing a rapid short- Not1 provides a platform that allows a specific RNA ening of the poly(A) tail (15). Subsequent degradation binding protein to recruit the Caf1 deadenylase and of the mRNA body occurs either from the 30-end thereby trigger decay of its target mRNAs. through the exosome (16–18) or from the 50-end through decapping followed by Xrn1-mediated mRNA decay (19–21). Importantly, deadenylation is the first and INTRODUCTION rate-limiting step for both decay pathways. Several Cells maintain tight control of gene expression by poly(A)-specific exoribonucleases in the cytoplasm share regulating rates of transcription, messenger RNA the job of shortening poly(A) tails. Whereas the Pan2– (mRNA) stability, protein translation and protein stabil- Pan3 complex was found to hydrolyse poly(A) in a dis- ity. Genes that are rapidly turned on and off frequently tributivemanner,thecarboncataboliterepressorprotein4 achieve such dynamic expression patterns by synthesizing (Ccr4)–Negative on TATA (Not) complex hydrolyses short-livedmRNAs.Genome-widestudiesinstimulatedT poly(A) in a processive manner and is responsible for cells, macrophages and fibroblasts revealed that mRNA rapid deadenylation (22). According to an early yet still half-life is a major determinant of gene expression valid classification, the highly potent class II AREs of patterns (1,2). An adenosine/uridine-rich element (ARE) cytokine mRNAs cause asynchronous deadenylation *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel:+49 6221 546887; Fax:+49 6221 546891; Email: [email protected] (cid:2)TheAuthor(s)2011.PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPress. ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionNon-CommercialLicense( by-nc/2.5),whichpermitsunrestrictednon-commercialuse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. 4374 NucleicAcidsResearch,2011,Vol.39,No.10 that reflects the activity of a processive deadenylase, MATERIALS AND METHODS whereas class I AREs, found e.g. in the 30-UTR of the Plasmid construction c-fos and c-myc transcription factors, cause synchronous deadenylation as the result of a distributive deadenylase PlasmidspcDNA3-TTP-mycHis(p2115),pTet-7B(p2254) activity. TTP typically interacts with class II AREs of andpTet-7B-ARE(p2260)havebeendescribedpreviously TNFa, GM-CSF and IL-3 mRNA (7,8,23), and may (40). For pTet-7B-MS2bs (p2255), six repeats of the thus recruit a processive deadenylase. In vitro decay improved MS2-binding site were amplified by PCR with studies suggested involvement of the poly-A ribonuclease primers G37 and G38 (Supplementary Table S1) from (PARN) since recombinant TTP was found to stimulate plasmid b-6bs (41) and ligated as a BamHI—BglII PARN-induced deadenylation of an ARE-mRNA (24). fragment into the BglII site of pTet-7B. Given that a direct interaction of TTP with PARN The Tet-inducible TOPuro (p2433) vector was created could not be observed, it is not clear how TTP activates by cloning a PvuII—BamHI fragment from pPUR (Clontech) containing a puromycine resistence gene into or recruits PARN. In a different study, TTP was found the PvuII/BamHI sites of pcDNA4/TO (Invitrogen). For to interact through its N-terminal domain with the Ccr4 plasmid TOPuroGS (p2434) containing a protein-G and deadenylase (20), and more recently, TTP was shown streptavidin-binding peptide tag for N-terminal fusions, to interact with Caf1 (25). Functional studies on the theGStagwasamplifiedbyPCRfromplasmidpCeMM- relative importance of Ccr4 and Caf1 deadenylases NTAP(GS)-Gw (42) using primers G1050/G1051 and are challenging since multiple paralogs exist for both inserted into the KpnI/BamHI sites of TOPuro. For proteins in the human genome. Studies with dominant- TOPuroGS-TTP-wt (p2436), the mouse TTP cDNA was negative mutants of Ccr4 and Caf1 suggested that amplified by PCR using primers G1052/G1053 from Ccr4 may have a predominant role in the regular pcDNA3-TTPwt-mycHis (p2115) and ligated into the turnover of mRNAs lacking a dedicated destabilizing EcoRI/XhoI sites of TOPuroGS (p2434). To generate element (22,26). By knocking down simultaneously TOPuro-mycSG (p2484) for C-terminal fusions of a Ccr4a (CNOT6) and Ccr4b (CNOT6L) or Caf1a mycSG- tag, mycSG was amplified by PCR from (CNOT7) and Caf1b (CNOT8, also CALIF or POP2) pCeMM-CTAP(SG)-Gw (p2432) (42) using primers in human HT1080 cells, we could previously show that G1120/G1121thatcontainaSalIandXhoIlinker,respect- Caf1a/b are required for the degradation of a reporter ively, and cloned into the XhoI site of TOPuro (p2433). mRNA containing the ARE of GM-CSF (a typical Based on TOPuro-mycSG, TOPuro-Caf1a-mycSG class II ARE), whereas the knock down of Ccr4a/b had (p2485) encoding human wt Caf1a and TOPuro-Caf1a- no effect (27). In human, Ccr4 and Caf1 together are AA-mycSG(p2737)containingtheD40A/E42Amutation part of the large, 1.2 MDa Ccr4–Not complex that wereclonedasdescribedpreviously(43). comprises Not1 (CNOT1), Not2 (CNOT2), Not3 For pcDNA3-YFP-TTP (p2789), pcDNA3-YFP-TTP- (CNOT3), Caf40 (CNOT9 or Rcd1), CNOT10, TAB182 M1,2 (p2712), pcDNA3-YFP-TTP-N (p2790), pcDNA3- and C2ORF29 (28,29). In the nucleus, the Not1, Not2 YFP-TTP-NZ (p2791) and pcDNA3-YFP-TTP-C and Caf40 subunits of the human Ccr4–Not complex (p2792), the TTP cDNA fragments were taken out of play a role as regulators of transcription (30,31). Not1, the corresponding pcDNA3-TTP-mycHis plasmids (40) e.g. binds to oestrogen receptor and thereby represses and cloned into the EcoRI/XbaI sites of pcDNA3-YFP ligand-dependent transcriptional activation (31). In (p2168) described previously (43). The TTP-M1,2 mutant addition, studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed was kindly provided by Keith Blackwell (Joslin Diabetes that the Not subunits and Not4, in particular, are Center, Boston, USA). requiredtomaintainnormallevelsofhistonemethylation For pcDNA3-MS2cp-TTP-mycHis (p2200), the MS2cp (32,33). As for the cytoplasmic function of the Ccr4–Not was excised from pcNMS2 (41) using HindIII and ligated complex, early studies in yeast identified Ccr4 and Caf1 into the HindIII site of pcDNA3-mTTP-mycHis (p2115). (also termed Pop2) as major cytoplasmic deadenylases pcDNA3-MS2cp-TTP-M1,2-mycHis (p2203) was (34,35). In yeast, Ccr4 appears to be more active than generated in the same way using pcDNA3-TTP-M1,2- Caf1 (36,37), whereas Caf1 seems to be the major mycHis (p2117) as the vector. To clone pcDNA3-MS2cp- deadenylaseinDrosophila,trypanosomesandmammalian mycHis (p2205), pcDNA3-MS2cp-TTP-mycHis was cells (27,38,39). Yeast studies further found that Not2 opened with KpnI/XbaI to release TTP, and the vector and Not5 enhance the deadenylation rate of cytoplasmic was blunt-end religated. For pcDNA3-MS2cp-TTP- mRNAs and may thus serve as activators of Ccr4 or C-mycHis (p2808) and pcDNA3-MS2cp-TTP-N-mycHis Caf1 (36). A detailed analysis in Drosophila showed (p2806), TTP was replaced in the pcDNA3-MS2cp-TTP- that in addition to Caf1, Not1, Not2 and Not3 are mycHisvectorwiththeC-orN-terminusofTTP,respect- critical for rapid deadenylation of both bulk and Hsp70 ively, by swapping with a ClaI—XbaI fragment from mRNA (38). pcDNA3-TTP-C-mycHis (p2122) or pcDNA3-TTP-N- In this study, we purified proteins associated with TTP mycHis(p2123)(40). and found that TTP interacts with Not1. We show that pCMV-Flag-Not1 (p2556) encoding full-length Not1 Not1 is required for TTP-mediated mRNA decay, map has been described previously (31). For pCMV- the regions involved in the TTP–Not1 interaction and Flag-Not1:1-700 (p2594), pCMV-Flag-Not1 was digested provide evidence that TTP recruits the Caf1 deadenylase with NheI/XbaI and religated, thereby ejecting the region via its interaction with Not1. encoding amino acid 701–2376 of Not1. To generate NucleicAcidsResearch,2011,Vol.39,No.10 4375 pCMV-Flag-Not1:1-997, pCMV-Flag-Not1 was digested In-gel tryptic digestion and LC-MS/MS analysis with XbaI and religated, thereby ejecting the region Massspecanalyseswerecarriedoutatthecorefacilityfor encoding aa 998–2376 of Not1. The empty vector mass spectrometry and proteomics of the Center for pcDNA3-Flag (p2002) contains the sequence ACC ATG Molecular Biology at the University of Heidelberg GAC TAC AAG GAC GAT GAC GAC AAG between (ZMBH). Proteins in the gel were stained with colloidal the HindIII and BamHI sites of pcDNA3 (Invitrogen). Coomassie, and the entire lane was cut into five gel slices For pcDNA3-HA-Not1:727-1449 (p2642), pCMV- withascalpel.Gelslicesweretransferredtoa96-wellplate Flag-Not1 was digested with PvuII, and the 2172-bp and reduced, alkylated and digested with trypsin (44) fragment was ligated into the EcoRV site of pcDNA3- using a Digest pro MS liquid handling system (Intavis). HA (p2003) described previously (43). Subsequently the Following digestion, tryptic peptides were extracted from HA tag was replaced by the YFP tag from plasmid the gel pieces with 50% acetonitrile/0.1% trifluoroacetic pcDNA3-YFP by a HindIII/KpnI digest. From the same acid (TFA), concentrated nearly to dryness in a vacuum PvuII digest of pCMV-Flag-Not1, the 1911-bp fragment centrifugeanddilutedtoatotalvolumeof30mlwith0.1% was cloned into the EcoRV site of pcDNA3-HA TFA; 25ml of the sample was analyzed by a nano-HPLC to generate pcDNA3-HA-Not1:1880-2376 (p2657). For system(Eksigent1Dplus)coupledtoaESILTQOrbitrap pcDNA3-YFP-Not1:1880-2376 (p2693), the HA tag mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher). Sample was loaded was then replaced by YFP via an SpeI/BamHI digest. on a C18 trapping column (Inertsil, LC Packings) with a For pcDNA3-HA-Not1:1330-1601 (p2673), the Not1 flow rate of 10ml/min 0.1% TFA. Peptides were eluted fragment 1330–1601 was amplified by PCR using primers and separated on an analytical column (75mm(cid:4)150mm) G1653/G1654 and cloned into the BamHI/XhoI sites packed with Inertsil 3mm C18 material (LC Packings) of pcDNA3-HA. Subsequently the HA tag was replaced with a flow rate of 200 nl/min in a gradient of buffer A by YFP via an SpeI/BamHI digest to generate pcDNA3- (0.1%formicacid)andbufferB(0.1%formicacid,aceto- YFP-Not1:1330-1601 (p2694). For HA-tagged Ccr4a, nitrile): 0–6min: 3% B; 6–60min: 3–40% B; 60–65min: the CNOT6 cDNA was cloned into the pMT2MS-HA 60–90% B. The column was connected with a nano-ESI vector. emitter (New Objectives), and 1500 V was applied via liquid junction. One survey scan (resolution: 60000) was followedbyfiveinformation-dependentproductionscans Cell culture and transfection in the LTQ. Only doubly and triply charged ions were HeLa and HEK293T cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s selected for fragmentation. All MS/MS samples were modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM; Gibco) supplemented analyzed using Mascot (Matrix Science; version 2.2.03). with10%fetalcalfserum(FCS)(Gibco),2mML-glutam- The NCBInr database (taxonomy: homo sapiens, ine, 100 U/ml penicillin and 0.1mg/ml streptomycin 204932 entries) was used with the following search par- (all PAN). T-REx-HeLa- cells (Invitrogen) were cultured ameters: cleavage with trypsin, parent ion tolerance of inthesamemediumcontaining10%tetracycline-negative 4.0ppm and fragment ion mass tolerance of 0.20 Da. FCS (PAA). All cells were grown at 37(cid:2)C and 5% CO . Iodoacetamide derivative of cysteine was specified in 2 Cells were transfected with DNA using polyethyl- Mascot as a fixed modification. Deamidation of aspara- eneimine (PEI) (Polysciences Europe; 1mg/ml, pH 7.0) gine and oxidation of methionine were specified as at a ratio of 1:2 (DNA:PEI) in serum-free DMEM variable modifications. without antibiotics. For transfection of siRNAs, Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen) and Optimem (Gibco) Immunoprecipitation and western blot analysis were used according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Cells were transiently transfected 24–48h prior to lysis. Medium was changed to regular DMEM 4h after When Tet-inducible expression vectors were used, cells transfection of DNA or siRNA. were treated over night with 1mg/ml doxycycline (Sigma). Typically, cells from a 10-cm dish were solubilized in 400ml RNP lysis buffer and nuclei were TTP purification removed by centrifugation. YFP-tagged proteins were T-REx-HeLa cells stably transfected with TOPuroGS purified using the GFP-binder as described in Ref. (45). or TOPuroGS-TTP-wt were treated with doxycycline Cytoplasmiclysateswereallowedtobindaffinitymatrices (1mg/ml) for 16h to induce expression of the proteins. for 2–4h at 4(cid:2)C prior to washing. For IPs with specific Cytoplasmic lysates were prepared from (cid:3)2(cid:4)108 cells antibodies, cytoplasmic lysates were pre-cleared by the using RNP lysis buffer (1% NP40, 150mM NaCl, addition of 30ml protein A/G agarose beads (Thermo 50mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, 1mM MgCl , 10% glycerol, Scientific) for 1h at 4(cid:2)C, incubated with 1mg of 2 1mM dithiothreitol, 1mM Na VO , 50mM NaF and antibody for 2h and 30ml of protein A/G beads for add- 2 3 40nM okadaic acid), and tagged proteins were bound to itional 2h before washing. Three to five washes were streptavidin sepharose (GE Healthcare). The beads were carried out using RNP lysis buffer. From the GFP- washed five times with RNP buffer and eluted by the binder and the protein A/G agarose beads, proteins were addition of biotin (1mM, pH 5.0). The eluate was eluted with 1% SDS-containing sample buffer. Where concentrated by vacuum centrifugation, resolved on a indicated, RNase A (Genomed) was added during the IP 5–20% gradient polyacrylamide gel, and proteins were ataconcentrationof1mg/ml.RNaseI(Ambion)wasused visualized by colloidal Coomassie staining. ataconcentrationof500U/ml. RNA wasextracted from 4376 NucleicAcidsResearch,2011,Vol.39,No.10 theunbound fraction using TriFast (Peqlab) according to siRNAs manufacturer’s protocol. CellsweretransfectedtwicewithsiRNAatafinalconcen- Proteins were resolved on 5–20% gradient polyacryl- tration of 100nM over a period of 4 days using amide gels and transferred onto 0.2mm pore size nitrocel- Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen). The siRNA concen- lulose membranes (Peqlab) for western blotting. tration was 50 nm each in cases where two siRNAs were Horseradish peroxidase-coupled secondary antibodies transfected simultaneously. Where indicated, plasmid (Jackson Immunoresearch) in combination with Western DNA was added to the second siRNA transfection. Lightning-enhanced chemiluminescence substrate (Perkin siRNAs were synthesized by Ambion and correspond to Elmer)wereusedfordetectiononchemiluminescencefilm the following sequences (sense strand): from GE Healthcare. D0/S015 (control), 50-GCAUUCACUUGGAUAGUA AdTdT-30; C2/S014 (control), 50-GCAUUCACUUGGA Antibodies UAGUAAdTdT-30; U0 (control), 50-GAAUGCUCAUG The following antibodies were used for IP and western UUGAAUCAdTdT-30 S021 (Not1), 50-GGAACUUGU blot analysis: Mouse monoclonal anti-HA (HA.11, UUGAAGAAUAdTdT-30; S034 (Not1), 50-GAGGAUG Covance), anti-myc 9E10 (MMS-150P, Covance), ACAAUCGAGAAAdTdT-30. anti-Flag (M2, Sigma Aldrich), rabbit polyclonal anti-GFP (Abcam ab290) and anti-14-3-3 K-19 (Sant Cruz, sc-629). Anti-Caf1a antibody was kindly provided RESULTS by Ann-Bin Shyu (University of Texas, Houston, TX, Not1 interacts with TTP USA). In order to identify proteins that associate with TTP, we Northern blot analysis generated a Tet-inducible vector expressing GS-tagged TTP. This tag encodes for protein G and a streptavidin- For RNA decay experiments, HeLa cells were transiently bindingpeptide(42).StablytransfectedHeLaT-RExcells transfected with pTet-Off (Clontech) and a pTet-7B weregeneratedwithinducibleexpressionofGS-TTP,and reporter plasmid; 1mg/ml doxycycline (Sigma) was added the fusion protein was affinity-purified on streptavidin to cell cultures for indicated time periods and total RNA sepharose. Due to difficulties with TEV cleavage, we was extracted using the Genematrix RNA purification kit could not perform a two-step purification as intended ini- (Eurx, Roboklon). To generate deadenylated mRNA, the tially. Upon elution with biotin, co-purifying proteins 20mg of total RNA was annealed with 1nmol/ml oligo were visualized by Coomassie staining and compared to dT in presence of 1mM EDTA for 15min at 26(cid:2)C. 18 proteins co-purifying with the GS tag alone (Figure 1A). RNA:DNA hybrids were digested using 5 U/ml RNase Proteins from both purifications were identified by mass H (NEB) for additional 15min at 37(cid:2)C. RNA was ex- spectrometry. If a protein was identified by three or more tracted with phenol:chloroform:isoamylalcohol (50:50:1) peptides, and if the peptide number was (cid:5)3-fold higher and precipitated; 5–15mg of RNA was resolved by 1.1% in the GS-TTP purification compared with the GS purifi- agarose/2% formaldehyde/MOPS gel electrophoresis and cation, it was considered a potential candidate associated blotted over night with 8(cid:4)saline-sodium citrate (SSC) with TTP (Supplemental Table S2). Among previ- buffer onto Hybond-N+ Nylon membranes (GE ously known interacting partners (46), we found 14-3-3 Healthcare). Membranes were hybridized overnight at adaptor proteins (40,47) to co-purify with wild-type TTP 55(cid:2)C with digoxigenin-labeled RNA probes synthesized (Figure 1A), but not with a non-phosphorylatable S52A/ in vitro using Sp6 polymerase (Fermentas). Membranes S178AmutantofTTP(datanotshown).Interestingly,five were washed twice with 2(cid:4) SSC/0.1% SDS for 5min, of the seven isoforms of 14-3-3 could be identified in our and twice with 0.5(cid:4) SSC/0.1% SDS for 20min at 65(cid:2)C. mass spec analysis, suggesting that the interaction of Alkaline phosphatase-coupled anti-digoxigenin Fab frag- phospho-TTP with 14-3-3 is not isoform-specific. mentsandCDP-Starsubstrate(bothRoche)wereusedfor Wefurthernoticedthatalargeprotein>200kDainsize detection according to the manufacturer’s instructions. co-purified with GS-TTP (Figure 1A), and this protein The following primers were used to generate templates was identified as Not1 (Supplementary Table S2). Not1 for Sp6 probes by PCR: G1000 and G1001 for the isthescaffoldproteinoftheCcr4–Notcomplexthatregu- probe against exons 1 and 2 of rabbit b-globin; G83 and lates transcription in the nucleus and contains two major G1009 for the probe against human nucleolin. cytoplasmicdeadenylases,Ccr4andCaf1(48).SinceCcr4 andCaf1arerequiredforturnoverofeukaryoticmRNAs Real-time PCR (27,34,35,39,49), we further explored the interaction of cDNA was synthesized from 5mg of total RNA using Not1 with TTP. By transient transfection in HEK293 oligo-dT (Invitrogen) and M-MLV H(–) reverse tran- cells, we found that yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)- 18 scriptase (Promega). PCRs were carried out with 1:40 of tagged TTP co-IPs with Flag-tagged Not1, whereas YFP a cDNA reaction, 200nM target-specific primers and alonedidnot(Figure1B,lanes3and4).ByinverseIPwe SYBR Green Mastermix (Roche) in a total volume of confirmed that Flag-Not1 co-IPs with myc-tagged TTP, 10ml on a Lightcycler 480 (Roche). The following whereas the Flag tag alone does not (Figure 1C, lanes 3 primers were used: G1578/G1579 for Not1, and G1576/ and 4). We then expressed the TTP mutant M1,2 (50), G1577 for nucleolin as internal control. which does not bind RNA because of CCCH to SSCH NucleicAcidsResearch,2011,Vol.39,No.10 4377 A B Input IP: YFP C Input IP: Flag kDa TTP P P-TTP P P-TTP g g-Not1 g g-Not1 210500 GS GS- YF YF YF YF Fla Fla Fla Fla 110200 Not1 Flag-Not1 Flag-Not1 TTP-myc TTP-myc 85 kDa kDa 657000 5750 YFP-TTP 250 Flag-Not1 432005 14-3-3 3257 YFP 5355 TTP-myc 15+1200 1 2 250 Flag-Not1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 D Input IP:YFP E Input IP: YFP 2 22 2 2 1, 1,1, 1, 1, M MM M M PP- PPP-P- P P- P P- TT TTTT T T T T TT TTTT T T T T PP-P- PPP-P-P-P- P P- P- P P- P- FFF FFFFFF F F F F F F YYY YYYYYY Y Y Y Y Y Y kDa RNase A – – – – + – + – + 70 Flag-Not1 YFP-TTP 55 35 kDa YFP 27 YFP-TTP 70 55 globin-ARE mRNA 35 YFP 27 nucleolin mRNA Flag-Not1 250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 1. TTP interacts with Not1 independently of RNA. (A) T-REx-Hela cells were stably transfected with either the GS tag alone or GS-TTP, andtreatedwithdoxycyclinefor16htoinduceexpressionofthetaggedproteins.Cytoplasmiclysateswerepreparedfrom(cid:3)2(cid:4)108cells,andtagged proteinswerepurifiedusingstreptavidinsepharose.Proteinswereelutedwithbiotin,resolvedona5–20%gradientpolyacrylamidegelandvisualized bycolloidalCoomassiestaining.(B)HEK293cellsweretransientlytransfectedwithFlag-Not1togetherwitheitherYFPorYFP–TTP.After1day, cytoplasmiclysates(input)werepreparedforIPwithGFP-binder.WesternblotanalysiswascarriedoutwithantibodiesagainsttheFlagandYFP tags.(C)HEK293cellsweretransientlytransfectedwithTTP-myctogetherwitheitherFlagaloneorFlag-Not1.CytoplasmiclysateswereusedforIP with Flag antibody, and western blots analysis was carried out with antibodies against the myc and Flag tags. (D) HEK293 cells were transiently transfectedwithFlag-Not1togetherwithYFP,YFP–TTPorthezinc-fingermutantYFP–TTP-M1,2.IPandwesternblotanalysiswascarriedoutas in panel B, except that RNase A was added during IP where indicated. (E) HeLa cells were transiently transfected with a b-globin reporter gene containing the ARE of TNFa in its 30-UTR. In addition, cells were transfected with YFP, YFP–TTP or the zinc-finger mutant YFP–TTP–M1,2. RNA and protein were extracted from both the input and IP samples. Western blot analysis was carried out with an antibody against YFP, and globin-ARE as well as nucleolin mRNA were detected by northern blot analysis. mutations in both of its zinc fingers. IP analysis showed transcriptionwithdoxycycline.Inthepresenceoftwodif- that Flag-Not1 was efficiently co-immunoprecipitated ferent control siRNAs, the globin-ARE mRNA showed with both wt and mutant TTP (Figure 1D, lanes 6 and very rapid deadenylation and subsequent degradation 8). Likewise, addition of RNase A during the IP did not (Figure 2A, left panels). In contrast, both siRNAs abolish the interaction between YFP-TTP and Flag-Not1 directed against Not1 caused a strong stabilization of (Figure1D,lanes7and9),suggestingthattheinteraction the globin-ARE mRNA (right panels). By analyzing the between TTP and Not1 is RNA-independent. Lack of reporter mRNA size, we noticed that the globin-ARE RNA binding by TTP-M1,2 was confirmed by RNA-IP: mRNA remained above the 800nt mark after Not1 whereaswtTTPefficientlyco-purifiedwithaglobin-ARE knock down, whereas it was shortened to (cid:3)700nt in the reporter mRNA (Figure 1E, lane 5) and the zinc-finger control conditions. A lower exposure of the globin-ARE mutant TTP-M1,2 did not (lane 6). mRNA signal in the second panel of Figure 2A clearly shows the deadenylated mRNA species that is present in Not1 is required for TTP-mediated mRNA deadenylation the control knock downs, but absent in the Not1 knock and decay downs.Thedifferencewasvisualizedbyplottingthesignal Next, we determined whether Not1 is required for AMD. intensity as a function of mRNA size in the panels below We first reduced Not1 expression by transfection of two of the northern blots of Figure 2A. This result indicated different siRNAs in HeLa cells, and subsequently trans- that Not1 is primarily required for full deadenylation of fected TTP together with a b-globin reporter gene that thereportermRNA. QuantificationoftheoverallmRNA contains the ARE of TNFa in its 30-UTR and is driven signals in three biological repeat experiments showed that by a tetracycline-sensitive promoter. Degradation of the knockingdownNot1increasesthehalf-lifeofglobin-ARE reporter mRNA was measured after blocking its mRNA from 0.5 to 1.2h (Figure 2B). By quantitative 4378 NucleicAcidsResearch,2011,Vol.39,No.10 A TTP si-control si-control si-Not1 si-Not1 (U0) (C2) (S021) (S034) nt 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 dox. (hrs) 1000 globin-ARE 800 (high exp.) 600 1000 globin-ARE 800 (low exp.) 600 nucleolin 1000 e z si A 800 dox. N R 0 m 1 hrs 2 hrs 600 signal intensity (A.U.) signal intensity (A.U.) signal intensity (A.U.) signal intensity (A.U.) B si-control t = 0.5 hrs ± 0.1 C D 1/2 (combined) 2) 1) 4) C 2 3 %)120 s(cio-Nmobitn1e d ) t1/2 = 1.2 hrs ± 0.3 A (%)110200 si-contsri-olN(ots1i-(NS0ot1(S0 A (100 RN 80 N m mR 80 ncl 4600 Flag-Not1 ncl 60 1 / 20 14-3-3 E / Not 0 R 40 O) 2) 1) 4) globin-A 200 contrsiol-c(oHns2tir-olNo(tsCi1-(NSo0t21(S03 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 dox.(hours) Figure 2. Not1 is required for ARE-mediated mRNA deadenylation and decay. (A) HeLa cells were transfected with two independent control siRNAs or two siRNAs targeting Not1. After 48h, cells were transfected again with the same siRNAs together with a plasmid encoding TTP, a pTet-Off-drivenb-globinreportergenecontainingtheAREofTNF-ainits30 UTR,andtheTet-Offtransactivator.Reportergenetranscriptionwas blocked specifically by addition of doxycycline 24h after the second transfection, and RNA was isolated after the time intervals indicated. Globin-ARE and nucleolin mRNA were detected by northern blot analysis; a high and low exposure is provided for the globin-ARE signal. The sizeofthemRNAwasdeterminedbycomparisontoanRNAmarker.Inthebottompanel,deadenylationwasvisualizedbyquantifyingthesignal intensity of globin-ARE mRNA along the length of the signal and plotting it as a function of mRNA size. (B) Quantification of the globin-ARE reporter mRNA decay in panel A and repeat experiments. Signal intensities of globin-ARE mRNA were normalized to nucleolin mRNA and representedas%oftheinitialvalue.ResultsfromthetwocontrolandthetwoNot1siRNAtransfectionswerecombined.Thegraphshowsaverage values±SEfromeight(si-control)andsix(si-Not1)biologicalrepeatexperiments.(C)HeLacellsweretransfectedtwicewithsiRNAsasinpanelA. Not1 mRNA levels were quantified by real-time PCR using nucleolin mRNA for normalization. (D) HEK293 cells were first transfected with Flag-Not1,and1daylaterwiththesiRNAsindicated.Afteroneadditionalday,cytoplasmiclysateswerepreparedandanalyzedbywesternblotting using antibodies against Flag and 14-3-3. PCR, we determined that the two siRNAs reduced Not1 analysis (Figure 2D). Taken together, we concluded mRNA expression levels to (cid:3)10% and 30%, respectively from these experiments that Not1 is required for AMD (Figure2C).Knockdownefficiencywasalsoconfirmedat of a reporter mRNA containing a class II ARE. the protein level, as both siRNAs reduced Flag-Not1 Since several ARE-binding proteins including TTP, levels below the detection limit of our western blot BRF1, KSRP and AUF1 participate in AMD (51), we NucleicAcidsResearch,2011,Vol.39,No.10 4379 thentestedwhetheranmRNAwhosedecayismediatedby predominant deadenylase (27,49). Previously, we have TTP alone would also require Not1 for degradation. For shown that in human HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells, Caf1 thispurpose,wechoseatetheringapproachwherebyTTP is of particular importance for the rapid degradation of is forced to bind an mRNA lacking an ARE through the an ARE-containing mRNA (27). To further establish the tight interaction of the MS2 bacteriophage coat protein link between Caf1 and AMD, we examined whether TTP (cp) with its cognate binding site (bs) in the MS2 RNA. could co-IP with endogenous Caf1a in HEK293 cells. MS2cp-TTP fusion proteins were expressed in HeLa cells Indeed, we found that YFP-tagged TTP associates with together with a b-globin reporter mRNA containing six Caf1a (Figure 4A, lane 6), whereas YFP alone did not repeatsoftheMS2bsinits30-UTR.Figure3Ashowsthat (lane 4). Importantly, addition of RNase A to the IP did tethering of MS2cp-TTP causes rapid degradation of the not reduce the interaction of YFP-TTP with Caf1a (lane mRNA,whereasthemRNAremainsstableaftertethering 7). Given that YFP-TTP-M1,2 also co-IPs with Caf1a of MS2cp alone. Tethering of the TTP-M1,2 mutant, (lanes 8 and 9), we concluded that TTP associates with which does not bind RNA, was as efficient as tethering the Caf1 deadenylase in an RNA-independent manner. of wt TTP(Figure 3A). Thisconfirms that TTP functions We then tested whether Caf1 is important for byrecruitingcomponentsoftheRNAdecaymachineryto TTP-induced mRNA degradation. Since knocking down the bound RNA (16,20). We then tested the effect of both Caf1a and Caf1b together is not very efficient (27), knocking down Not1 by transfecting two siRNAs (S021 we made use of a dominant-negative mutant of Caf1a, and S034) simultaneously. As seen with the Caf1a-AA (D40A/E42A), which can efficiently prevent ARE-containing mRNA above, we observed that the deadenylation (43). TTP was expressed together with mRNA tethered to MS2cp-TTP-M1,2 was stabilized by a globin-ARE reporter mRNA in order to accelerate knock down of Not1 (Figure 3B). Quantification of four AMD (Figure 4B). Compared with vector control, biological repeat experiments showed an increase in the co-expression of Caf1a-wt had only a small effect on the mRNA half-life from 1.6h to >6h. Thus, mRNA decay deadenylation pattern and decay rate of globin-ARE mediatedbybindingofTTPaloneisclearlydependenton mRNA. Conversely, co-expression of dominant-negative the deadenylase scaffold protein Not1. Caf1a-AAstronglyreducedbothdeadenylationanddecay oftheARE-containingreportermRNA.Figure4Bshows Caf1 is required for TTP-induced mRNA deadenylation that only about half of the poly(A) tail is removed in the In yeast, Ccr4 and Caf1 were found tobe themajor cyto- presenceofCaf1a-AA. Thisisinline withthenotion that plasmic deadenylases (35), whereas in trypanosomes, Caf1 takes part in the second, rapid phase of Drosophila and human cells, Caf1 appears to be the deadenylation, as pointed out by Yamashita et al. (22). Figure 3. Not1isrequiredformRNAdecayinducedbytetheringofTTP.(A)HeLacellsweretransientlytransfectedwithMS2cp,MS2cp-TTPor thezinc-fingermutantMS2cp-TTP-M1,2thatdoesnotbindmRNAbyitself.Inaddition,apTet-Off-drivenb-globinreportergenethatcontainssix MS2-bindingsites(bs)inits 30 UTRtogetherwiththeTet-Offtransactivator weretransfected intoallcells. Transcription ofthereportergenewas turned offby treating cells with doxycycline. RNA was isolated after the indicated time intervals. Globin-MS2bs and nucleolin mRNA levels were detectedbynorthernblotanalysis.Thebottomgraphshowsquantificationoftheglobin-MS2bsmRNA.Averagevalues±SEfromthreebiological repeatexperimentsarerepresented.(B)HeLacells weretransfectedsimultaneously witheithertwocontrolsiRNAsortwosiRNAstargetingNot1. After 48h, cells were transfected with the same siRNAs again together with MS2cp-TTP-M1,2, the pTet-Off-globin-MS2bs reporter gene and the Tet-Off transactivator; 24h later, cells were treated with doxycycline and total RNA was isolated after the indicated time intervals. Globin-MS2bs andnucleolinmRNAlevelsweredetectedbynorthernblotanalysis.Forquantification,signalintensitiesofglobin-MS2bsmRNAwerenormalized to nucleolin mRNA and represented as percentage of the initial value. The bottom graph shows average values±SE from four biological repeat experiments. 4380 NucleicAcidsResearch,2011,Vol.39,No.10 A Input IP:YFP 2 2 2 1, 1, 1, M M M - - - P P P P P P T T T T T T T T T T T T - - - - - - P P P P P P P P P F F F F F F F F F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y – – – – + – + – + RNase A 70 YFP-TTP 55 35 27 YFP 35 Caf1a 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B TTP dT vector dT Caf1a-wt dT Caf1a-AA A+ globin- ARE A– nucleolin 0 0 1 2 4 0 0 1 2 4 0 0 1 2 4 dox. (hrs) A+ e A siz dox.0 N R 1 hr m 2 hrs A– 4 hrs signal intensity (A.U.) signal intensity (A.U.) signal intensity (A.U.) t1/2 = 1.2 hrs ± 0.2 t1/2 = 0.9 hrs ± 0.05 t1/2 = 2.6 hrs ± 1.1 120 100 %) 80 NA ( 60 R 40 m 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 dox. (hrs) dox. (hrs) dox. (hrs) Figure 4. Caf1interactswithTTPandmediatesdeadenylationofglobin-ARE-mRNA.(A)HeLacellsweretransientlytransfectedwithYFP,YFP– TTPorTTP–M1,2.Cytoplasmiclysates(input)werepreparedafter24hforIPwithGFP-binder.Inputsweredividedandonehalfwastreatedwith RNase A during IP. Western blot analysis was carried out with antibodies against YFP and endogenous Caf1a. (B) HeLa cells were transiently transfected with TTP, the Tet-Off transactivator and a pTet-Off-driven b-globin reporter gene containing the ARE of TNF-a in its 30-UTR. Cells were co-transfected with either empty vector, Caf1a-wt or dominant negative Caf1a-AA. Reporter gene transcription was blocked specifically by addition of doxycycline 20h after transfection, and total RNA was isolated after the indicated time intervals. Globin-ARE and nucleolin mRNA weredetectedbynorthernblotanalysis.dTindicatesthattheRNAwastreatedwitholigo-dTandRNaseHtogeneratedeadenylatedmRNA.Inthe middlepanel,deadenylationwasvisualizedbyquantifyingthesignalintensityofglobin-AREmRNAalongthelengthofthesignalandplottingitas a function of mRNA size. In the bottom panel, the overall signal intensity of globin-ARE mRNA was quantified and normalized to nucleolin mRNA. Average values±SE were obtained from three biological repeat experiments and plotted as % of the initial time point. The C-terminal domain of TTP is critical for recruitment The effect on deadenylation was visualized by plotting of Not1 and Caf1 the mRNA signal intensity along the length of the mRNA signal (Figure 4B, middle panel). Quantification TTP contains in its central part a tandem CCCH of the mRNA decay rate from three biological repeat zinc-finger domain that is required for binding of AREs experiments (Figure 4B, bottom panel) showed that (13),whereastheN-terminaldomainofTTPwasfoundto Caf1a-AA increased the mRNA half-life by >2-fold. stimulate mRNA decay by recruiting components of the NucleicAcidsResearch,2011,Vol.39,No.10 4381 general mRNA decay machinery (20). To further under- importantfortheinteractionwithTTP,andthatTTPcan stand the interaction of TTP with Not1 and Caf1, we ex- associate with Not1 independently of Caf1. pressed the N- and C-terminal domains of TTP, Our previous yeast two-hybrid experiments mapping schematically depicted in Figure 5A, in HEK293 cells. the interactions between human Ccr4-Not subunits By co-IP analysis we found that the N-terminal domain indicated that Caf1a/CNOT7 interacts with amino acid of TTP (amino acid 1–94) does not interact with either 648–2376 of Not1 (28). We further examined the middle Caf1a or Flag-Not1 (Figure 5B, lane 10). The NZ region of Not1 using a fragment that spans amino acid fragment (amino acid 1–176) comprising the N-terminus, 727–1449.Thisfragmentwasabletoco-IPwithbothTTP the zing-finger domain and a small part of the C-terminal and Caf1a (Figure 6C, lane 6). Interestingly, a smaller domain showed only a very weak interaction with Not1:1330–1601 fragment shifted slightly toward the Flag-Not1 or Caf1a (lane 12). In contrast, the C-terminus interacted efficiently with TTP, but not with C-terminal domain (amino acid 152–319) was able to Caf1a (lane 7). The last fragment we tested contains the co-IP Flag-Not1 and Caf1a as efficiently as full-length C-terminus of Not1 (amino acid 1880–2373), and did not TTP (compare lanes 8 and 14). Treatment of the interactwitheitherTTPorCaf1a(lane8).Takentogether, samples during IP with RNase I, which also cleaves it is evident that TTP and Caf1a interact with different RNA within a poly(A) tail, did not abrogate the inter- though overlapping regions of Not1. TTP shows a more action with either Flag-Not1 or Caf1a (lanes 9 and 15). extensive interaction with Not1 in the region between Efficient degradation of RNA is shown in the bottom amino acid 700 and 1601, whereas the interaction panels of Figure 5B for rRNA and nucleolin as an with Caf1 is restricted to the region between amino acid abundant mRNA. Since TTP–Not1/Caf1a interactions 727–1499 of human Not1. are technically challenging to detect, a repeat IP is Finally, we wanted to test if the interaction between shown in Supplementary Figure S1A and B. From these TTP and Caf1 is dependent on Not1. To this end, we results we concluded that Not1 and Caf1a primarily knocked down Not1 expression in HeLa cells. Co-IP ex- interact with the C-terminal domain of TTP in an RNA- periments clearly showed that the interaction between independent manner. We further tested the interaction of YFP-TTP and endogenous Caf1a is lost after knock TTP with Ccr4a and again found the C-terminal domain downofNot1,whereasinacontrolknockdowntheinter- of TTP to associate with HA-Ccr4a (Supplementary action was unaffected (Figure 6D, lanes 6 and 8). Taken Figure S1C). together, these results provide compelling evidence that To functionally compare the N- and C-terminal Not1 provides a platform on which TTP recruits the domains of TTP, we again made use of the tethering Caf1 deadenylase to its target mRNAs. assay. TTP-N and TTP-C were fused to the MS2cp, and both fragments were found to induce very rapid deadenylation and decay of the globin-M2bs mRNA DISCUSSION (Figure 5C). Co-expression of the dominant-negative Initially, the Not proteins were identified by genetic Caf1a-AA mutant efficiently prevented deadenylation of studies in S. cerevisiae as general repressors of transcrip- the tethered reporter mRNA and reduced its decay rate tion that preferentially acton promoters lackinga canon- (Figure 5C, bottom panels). Taken together, these results ical TATA box (Negative on TATA, Not). This function provide strong evidence that the interaction of the TTP ismediatedthroughregulationoftheTFIIDtranscription C-terminal domain with Not1–Caf1a is functionally complex and histone modification by the Not proteins relevant for the destabilizing activity of TTP. However, (48,52). In parallel, catabolite repressor protein 4 (Ccr4) it is interesting to note that the N-terminal domain can was identified as a factor required for the expression of also activate deadenylation and mRNA decay, although genesthatareinducedundernon-fermentativeconditions. we do not detect an interaction with Not1/Caf1a. Biochemical studies then revealed that Ccr4 and Not Similarly, a previous study by Lykke-Andersen and proteins are actually part of the same complex (53). In Wagner (2005) had found that both the N- and addition to its functions in the nucleus, the yeast Ccr4– C-terminal domains of TTP mediate mRNA degradation Not complex was found to play an important role in the (20). cytoplasm where Ccr4 and Caf1 represent the two major exoribonucleases responsible for cytoplasmic mRNA Interaction of TTP with Not1 is extensive and required deadenylation (34,35,37). for Caf1 recruitment In metazoa, the Ccr4–Not complex shares many of To further examine the interactions between TTP, Not1 its characteristics with the yeast complex. In the nucleus, and Caf1a, we divided the human Not1 cDNA, which the human complex serves as a negative regulator of encodes for a 2376-amino acid long protein, into several transcription through its subunits Not1, Not2 and fragments (Figure 6A). The most N-terminal fragment of Caf40 (30,31). Moreover, Not1 interacts with the ligand- Not1 encompassing amino acid 1–700 did not co-IP with binding domain of estrogen receptor alpha and represses TTP, whereas a longer N-terminal fragment covering estrogen receptor-mediated transcription (31). The gen- amino acid 1–997 did interact with TTP (Figure 6B, eral role of the cytoplasmic Ccr4–Not complex in lanes7and8).Importantly,neitherofthesetwofragments mRNA deadenylation is also conserved in metazoa showed an interaction with Caf1a. This result suggests (22,49). In contrast to yeast, however, Caf1 was found that the Not1 region between amino acid 700 and 997 is to be the major deadenylase in trypanosomes as well as 4382 NucleicAcidsResearch,2011,Vol.39,No.10 A 1 100 200 300 aa TTP 2x CCCH 1-319 TTP-N 1-94 TTP-NZ 2x CCCH 1-176 TTP-C 152-319 B Input IP:YFP Z ZZ NNC NNNNCC PP-P-P- PPP-P-P-P-P-P- TTTT TTTTTTTT TTTT TTTTTTTT PP-P-P-P- PPP-P-P-P-P-P-P-P- FFFFF FFFFFFFFFF YYYYY YYYYYYYYYY – – – – – – + – + – + – + – + RNase I 70 YFP-TTP 55 35 27 YFP 250 Flag-Not1 35 Caf1a 27 1 2 3 4 5 28S 18S tRNA nucleolin mRNA 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 C MS2cp-TTP-N MS2cp-TTP-C dT vector dT Caf1a-AA dT vector dT Caf1a-AA A+ globin- MS2bs A– nucleolin 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 dox. (hours) A+ A+ A+ A+ A size dox0. N 2 hrs R m 4 hrs A– A– A– A– 6 hrs signal intensity (A.U.) signal intensity (A.U.) signal intensity (A.U.) signal intensity (A.U.) t1/2 = 1.6 hrs ± 0.4 t1/2 = 3.9 hrs ± 0.5 t1/2 = 1.4 hrs ± 0.3 t1/2 = 3.7 hrs ± 0.4 120 %)100 NA ( 6800 R 40 m 20 0 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 dox.(hrs) dox.(hrs) dox.(hrs) dox.(hrs) Figure 5. TTP C-terminal domain interacts with Not1–Caf1a and induces mRNA deadenylation. (A) Schematic representation of the murine TTP fragments used in this study. N, N-terminal domain; Z, zinc-finger domain; C, C-terminal domain; aa, amino acids. (B) HEK293 cells were transiently transfected with YFP-tagged TTP constructs as indicated together with Flag-Not1. Cytoplasmic lysates (input) were prepared after 24h for IP with GFP-binder. Inputs were divided and one half was treated with RNase I during IP. Western blot analysis was carried out with antibodies against YFP, Flag and endogenous Caf1a. To control RNase I efficiency, RNA was isolated from unbound fractions. Ribosomal and tRNAwasvisualizedbyethidiumbromidestaining,nucleolinmRNAwasvisualizedonanorthernblot.(C)HeLacellsweretransientlytransfected with MS2cp-TTP-C or MS2cp-TTP-N together with the Tet-Off transactivator and a pTet-Off-driven b-globin reporter gene that contains six MS2-binding sites (bs) in its 30 UTR. In addition, empty vector or dominant negative Caf1a-AA was co-transfected. Reporter gene transcription was blocked specifically by addition of doxycycline 20h after transfection, and total RNA was isolated after the time intervals indicated. Globin-MS2bs and nucleolin mRNA were detected by northern blot analysis. dT indicates that the RNA was treated with oligo-dT and RNase HtogeneratedeadenylatedmRNA. Inthe middlepanel,deadenylation wasvisualized byquantifying thesignalintensity ofglobin-MS2bsmRNA alongthelengthofthesignalandplottingitasafunctionofmRNAsize.Inthebottompanel,theoverallsignalintensityofglobin-MS2bsmRNA was quantified and normalized to nucleolin mRNA. Average values±SE were obtained from three biological repeat experiments and plotted as percentage of the initial time point. in Drosophila and human cells, whereas Ccr4 is either mRNA (38). The exact role of these proteins in mRNA lacking (in trypanosomes) or of minor importance for deadenylation, however, is not known. deadenylation (25,27,49). Aside from Caf1 that carries In this study, we provide evidence through biochemical the exoribonucleolytic activity, a detailed analysis in purification and co-IP experiments that TTP associates Drosophila cells showed that Not1, Not2 and Not3 are with Not1 (Figure 1). TTP binds to mRNAs also essential for deadenylation of both bulk and Hsp70 containing AREs and mediates their rapid degradation,