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NoSQL Database Administrator's Guide PDF

232 Pages·2016·1.42 MB·English
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Oracle® NoSQL Database Administrator’s Guide Release E85373-01 February 2018 Oracle NoSQL Database Administrator’s Guide, Release E85373-01 Copyright © 2011, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. 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This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Contents Preface Conventions Used in This Book xii 1 Installing Oracle NoSQL Database Installation Prerequisites 1-1 Installation 1-2 Installation Configuration 1-3 Configuring your KVStore Installation 1-5 Configuring the Firewall 1-8 2 Plans Using Plans 2-1 Feedback While a Plan is Running 2-1 Plan States 2-2 Reviewing Plans 2-2 Plan Ownership 2-3 3 Configuring the KVStore Configuration Overview 3-1 Start the Administration CLI 3-2 The plan Commands 3-3 Configure and Start a Set of Storage Nodes 3-3 Name your KVStore 3-3 Create a Zone 3-3 Create an Administration Process on a Specific Host 3-5 Create a Storage Node Pool 3-6 Create the Remainder of your Storage Nodes 3-7 Create and Deploy Replication Nodes 3-8 Configuring Security with Remote Access 3-8 Configuring with Multiple Zones 3-9 iii Using a Script to Configure the Store 3-15 Smoke Testing the System 3-16 Troubleshooting 3-17 Where to Find Error Information 3-18 Service States 3-19 Useful Commands 3-20 4 Determining Your Store's Configuration Steps for Changing the Store's Topology 4-2 Make the Topology Candidate 4-2 Transform the Topology Candidate 4-3 Increase Data Distribution 4-4 Increase Replication Factor 4-5 Balance a Non-Compliant Topology 4-5 Contracting a Topology 4-6 View the Topology Candidate 4-7 Validate the Topology Candidate 4-7 Preview the Topology Candidate 4-8 Deploy the Topology Candidate 4-8 Verify the Store's Current Topology 4-10 Deploying an Arbiter Node Enabled Topology 4-11 5 Upgrading an Existing Oracle NoSQL Database Deployment Preparing to Upgrade 5-1 General Upgrade Notes 5-1 Upgrade to This Release from Release 3.0 or Later 5-3 Using a Script to Upgrade to Release 4 5-8 6 Administrative Procedures Backing Up the Store 6-1 Taking a Snapshot 6-1 Snapshot Management 6-2 Recovering the Store 6-4 Using the Load Program 6-4 Load Program and Metadata 6-6 Restoring Directly from a Snapshot 6-8 Recovering from Data Corruption 6-8 Detecting Data Corruption 6-8 Data Corruption Recovery Procedure 6-9 iv Using the Export and Import Utilities 6-11 Exporting Data 6-11 Importing Data 6-12 Installing the Cloud Storage JARs 6-13 Managing Avro Schema 6-14 Adding Schema 6-14 Changing Schema 6-14 Disabling and Enabling Schema 6-15 Showing Schema 6-15 Increasing the capacity of a Storage Node 6-15 Managing Storage Directory Sizes 6-18 Managing Disk Thresholds 6-18 Specifying Differing Disk Capacities 6-19 Specifying Storage Directory Sizes 6-19 Monitoring Disk Usage 6-21 Managing Admin Directory Size 6-22 Admin is Working 6-22 Admin is not Working 6-23 Replacing a Failed Storage Node 6-23 Replacing a Failed Disk 6-26 Repairing a Failed Zone by Replacing Hardware 6-28 Disabling Storage Node Agent Hosted Services 6-28 Verifying the Store 6-28 Monitoring the Store 6-32 Events 6-33 Other Events 6-33 Setting Store Parameters 6-34 Changing Parameters 6-34 Setting Store Wide Policy Parameters 6-35 Admin Parameters 6-36 Storage Node Parameters 6-36 Replication Node Parameters 6-40 Global Parameters 6-40 Security Parameters 6-41 Admin Restart 6-42 Replication Node Restart 6-43 Removing an Oracle NoSQL Database Deployment 6-44 Modifying Storage Node HA Port Ranges 6-44 Modifying Storage Node Service Port Ranges 6-45 Storage Node Not Deployed 6-45 v Storage Node Deployed 6-46 7 Failover and Switchover Operations Repairing a Failed Zone 7-1 Performing a failover 7-2 Performing a Switchover 7-5 8 Standardized Monitoring Interfaces Java Management Extensions (JMX) 8-1 Enabling Monitoring 8-1 In the Bootfile 8-2 By Changing Storage Node Parameters 8-2 Displaying the NoSQL DB MBeans 8-2 9 Integrating Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) with Oracle NoSQL Database Importing and Deploying the EM Plug-in 9-1 Deploying Agent 9-2 Adding NoSQL Database Targets 9-4 Components of a NoSQL Store 9-9 Store Targets 9-9 Store Page 9-9 Storage Node Page 9-12 Shard Page 9-12 Replication Node Page 9-13 A Installing and Configuring a Non-secure Store Installation Configuration A-1 B CLI Command Reference aggregate B-2 aggregate kv B-3 aggregate table B-4 await-consistent B-5 change-policy B-6 configure B-6 connect B-6 vi connect admin B-7 connect store B-7 delete B-8 delete kv B-8 delete table B-8 ddl B-9 ddl add-schema B-9 ddl enable-schema B-9 ddl disable-schema B-9 execute B-9 exit B-10 get B-10 get kv B-10 get table B-13 help B-13 hidden B-14 history B-14 load B-14 logtail B-16 page B-16 ping B-17 plan B-17 plan add-index B-19 plan add-table B-19 plan register-es B-21 plan deregister-es B-21 plan cancel B-22 plan change-parameters B-22 plan change-storagedir B-22 plan change-user B-23 plan create-user B-23 plan deploy-admin B-24 plan deploy-datacenter B-24 plan deploy-sn B-24 plan deploy-topology B-24 plan deploy-zone B-25 plan drop-user B-25 plan evolve-table B-25 plan execute B-26 plan failover B-27 plan grant B-27 vii plan interrupt B-28 plan migrate-sn B-28 plan remove-admin B-28 plan remove-index B-29 plan remove-datacenter B-29 plan remove-sn B-29 plan remove-table B-29 plan remove-zone B-30 plan repair-topology B-30 plan revoke B-30 plan start-service B-30 plan stop-service B-31 plan wait B-32 pool B-32 pool clone B-32 pool create B-32 pool join B-33 pool leave B-33 pool remove B-33 put B-33 put kv B-33 put table B-34 repair-admin-quorum B-35 show B-35 show admins B-36 show datacenters B-36 show events B-36 show faults B-37 show indexes B-37 show parameters B-37 show perf B-38 show plans B-38 show pools B-38 show schemas B-39 show snapshots B-39 show tables B-39 show topology B-39 show upgrade-order B-39 show users B-40 show versions B-40 show zones B-40 viii snapshot B-40 snapshot create B-40 snapshot remove B-41 table B-41 table-size B-41 timer B-44 topology B-44 topology change-repfactor B-45 topology change-zone-arbiters B-45 topology change-zone-type B-45 topology clone B-46 topology contract B-46 topology create B-46 topology delete B-46 topology list B-46 topology preview B-47 topology rebalance B-47 topology redistribute B-47 topology validate B-47 topology view B-47 verbose B-48 verify B-48 verify configuration B-48 verify prerequisite B-48 verify upgrade B-49 C Utility Command Reference export C-1 Export Utility Command Line Parameters C-2 Export Utility Configuration File C-3 Schema Management C-4 Export Exit Codes C-4 generateconfig C-5 help C-5 import C-5 Import Utility Command Line Parameters C-6 Import Utility Configuration File C-7 Import Exit Codes C-9 load admin metadata C-9 load store data C-10 ix makebootconfig C-11 ping C-15 Ping Command Line Parameters C-15 Ping Exit Codes C-16 Ping Report Text Output C-18 Ping Report JSON Output C-18 restart C-21 runadmin C-21 start C-22 status C-22 stop C-22 version C-22 D Initial Capacity Planning Shard Capacity D-1 Application Characteristics D-2 Replication Factor D-2 Average Key Size D-2 Average Value Size D-2 Read and Write Operation Percentages D-3 Hardware Characteristics D-3 Shard Storage and Throughput Capacities D-3 Shard Storage Capacity D-3 Shard I/O Throughput capacity D-4 Memory and Network Configuration D-4 Machine Physical Memory D-5 Sizing Advice D-5 Determine JE Cache Size D-6 Machine Network Throughput D-7 Estimate total Shards and Machines D-8 Number of Partitions D-9 E Tuning Turn off the swap E-1 Linux Page Cache Tuning E-2 OS User Limits E-2 File Descriptor Limits E-3 Process and Thread Limits E-3 Linux Network Configuration Settings E-3 x

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