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Norton Anthology Of Western Music: Ancient To Baroque PDF

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NORTON ANTHOLOGY OF WESTERN MUSIC VOLUME 1: ANCIENT TO BAROQUE FIFTH EDITION ■ NORTON ANTHOLOGY OF WESTERN MUSIC VOLUME 1: ANCIENT TO BAROQUE FIFTH EDITION NORTON ANTHOLOGY OF WESTERN MUSIC VOLUME 1: ANCIENT TO BAROQUE FIFTH EDITION Edited by J. Peter Burkholder and Claude V. Palisca W. W. NORTON & COMPANY NEW YORK LONDON Copyright © 2006, 2001,1996,1988,1980 by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America ISBN 0-393-97990-3 (pbk.) W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110 www.wwnorton.com W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London WiT 3QT 3456789° CONTENTS Making Connections: How to Use This Anthology xi Acknowledgments xix Recordings xxi The Ancient and Medieval Worlds Music in Antiquity 1 Epitaph of Seikilos, song (epigram) 1 2 Euripides: Orestes, Greek tragedy, excerpt: Stasimon chorus 4 Roman Liturgy and Chant 3 Mass for Christmas Day, Gregorian chant Mass 7 (a) Introit: Puer natus est nobis 8 (b) Kyrie 11 (c) Gloria 12 (d) Gradual: Viderunt omnes 14 (e) Alleluia: Dies sanctificatus 16 (f) Credo 17 (g) Offertory: Tui sunt caeli 20 (h) Sanctus %% (i) Agnus Dei (j) Communion: Viderunt omnes 554 (k) Ite, missa est 35 4 Chants from Vespers for Christmas Day, Gregorian chant Office (a) First Antiphon: Tecum principium, with psalm Dixit Dominus %6 (b) Hymn: Christe Redemptor omnium 37 5 Ascribed to Wipo of Burgundy: Victimaepaschali laudes, sequence 3o 6 Tropes on Puer natusQuern queritis inpresepe and Melisma 3? 7 Hildegard of Bingen: Ordo virtutum, sacred music drama: Chorus, Inprincipio omnes 36 Song and Dance Music in the Middle Ages 8 Bernart de Ventadorn: Can vei la lauzeta mover, canso (troubadour song) 39 9 Comtessa de Dia-.A chantar, canso (troubadour song) 43 10 Adam de la Halle: Jeu de Robin et de Marion-. Rondeau, Robins m’aime 46 11 Walther von der Vogelweide: Palastinalied (Nu air est lebe ich mir werde), Minnelied 48 12 Cantiga 159: Non sofre Santa Maria, from Cantigas de Santa Maria 51 13 La quarte estampie royal, from Le manuscrit du roi 55 v Contents VI Polyphony through the Thirteenth Centuiy 14 Organa from Musica enchiriadis (a) Tu patris sempitemus es filius 58 (b) Sit gloria domini 58 (c) Rex caeli domine 59 15 Alleluia Justus utpalma, free organum, from Ad organum faciendum 61 16 Jubilemus, exultemus, versus in Aquitanian polyphony 63 17 Leonin: Viderunt omnes, organum duplum 67 18 Clausulae on Dominus from Viderunt omnes (a) Dominus, clausula No. 36 76 (b) Dominus, clausula No. 29 77 19 Perotim Viderunt omnes, organum quadruplum 79 20 Ave virgo virginum, conductus 95 21 Motets on Tenor Dominus (a) Factum est salutare/Dominus 98 (b) Foie acostumance/Dominus 100 (c) Super te/Sed fulsit/Primus tenor/Dominus 104 22 Adam de la Halle: De ma dame vient/Dieus, commentporroie/Omnes, motet 109 23 Sumer is icumen in, rota 116 French and Italian Music in the Fourteenth Centuiy 24 Philippe de Vitry: In arboris/Tuba sacre fidei/Virgo sum, motet 121 25 Guillaume de Machaut: La Messe de Nostre Dame, mass: Kyrie 1257 26 Guillaume de Machaut: Rose, liz, printemps, verdure, rondeau i33 27 Johannes Ciconia: Sus unefontayne, virelai 137 28 Jacopo da Bologna: Fenicefii, madrigal 144 29 Gherardello da Firenze: Tosto che I’alba, caccia 146 30 Francesco Landini: Non avra ma’pieta. ballata 153 The Renaissance England and Burgundy in the Fifteenth Centuiy 31 Alleluia, A newe work, carol *56 32 John Dunstable: Quampulchra es, motet or cantilena 159 33 Binchois (Gilles de Bins): Deplus enplus, rondeau i63 34 Guillaume Du Fay: Resvellies vous, ballade 166 35 Guillaume Du Fay: Conditor alme siderum, hymn in fauxbourdon style 170 36 Guillaume Du Fay: Se la face ay pale (a) Se la face ay pale, ballade 173 (b) Missa Se la face ay pale, cantus-firmus mass: Gloria 174 Franco-Flemish Composers, 1450—11530 37 Jean de Ockeghem: Missa De plus enplus, cantus-firmus mass: Agnus Dei 187 38 Henricus Isaac: Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen, Lied 194 39 Josquin des Prez:Ave Maria . . . virgo serena, motet 198 40 Josquin des Prez: Missa Pange lingua, paraphrase mass: Excerpts (a) Kyrie 307 (b) Credo, excerpt: Et incarnatus est and Crucifixus 311 41 Josquin des Prez (?): Mille regretz, chanson 317 Contents vii Sacred Music in the Era of the Reformation 42 Martin Luther: Nun komm, derHeiden Heiland and Ein’feste Burg, chorales (a) Attributed to St. Ambrose: Veni redemptorgentium, hymn 331 (b) Martin Luther: Nun komm, derHeiden Heiland 333 (c) Martin Luther: Ein’feste Burg 333 (d) Johann Walter: Ein’feste Burg, setting for four voices 335 43 Loys Bourgeois: Psalm 184, Orsus, serviteurs du Seigneur, metrical psalm (a) Psalm 184, Orsus, serviteurs du Seigneur 3218 (b) William Kethe: Psalm 100, All people that on earth do dwell 339 44 William Byrd: Sing joyfully unto God, full anthem 33i 45 Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Pope Marcellus Mass, mass: Excerpts (a) Credo 343 (b) Agnus Dei I 3^3 46 Tomas Luis de Victoria: 0 magnum mpsterium (a) 0 magnum mpsterium, motet 359 (b) Missa 0 magnum mpsterium, imitation mass: Kyrie 363 47 Orlando di Lasso: Tristis est anima mea, motet 367 Madrigal and Secular Song in the Sixteenth Century 48 Juan del Encina: Op comamos pbebamos, villancico 3?3 49 Marco Cara: Io non compropiu speranza, frottola 376 50 Jacques Arcadelt: II bianco e dolce cigno, madrigal 379 51 Cipriano de Rore: Da le belle contrade d’oriente, madrigal s83 52 Luca Marenzio: Solo epensoso, madrigal 389 53 Carlo Gesualdo: "Ioparto” e nonpiii dissi, madrigal 3o3 54 Claudin de Sermisy: Tant que vivrap, chanson 3o8 55 Claude le Jeune: Revecp venir duprintans, chanson 3i3 56 Thomas Morley: Mp bonnp lass she smileth, ballett 330 57 Thomas Weelkes: As Vesta was, madrigal 334 58 John Dowland: Row, mp tears, air or lute song 339 The Rise of Instrumental Music 59 Pierre Attaingnant (publisher): Dances from Danseries a 4 parties, second livre (a) No. i: Basse danse 344 (b) No. 36: Branle gay, Queje chatoulle tafossette 345 60 Luis de Narvaez: From Los seps libros del Delphin, intabulation and variations for vihuela (a) Cancion Mille regres, intabulation of Josquin’s Mille regretz 349 (b) Cuatro diferencias sobre "Guardame las vacas, ” variations 351 61 William Byrd: Pavana Lachrpmae, pavane variations 3^5 62 Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon septimi toni a 8, from Sacrae spmphoniae, ensemble canzona 36i The Seventeenth Century New Styles in the Seventeenth Century 63 Claudio Monteverdi: Cruda Amarilli, madrigal 374 64 Giulio Caccini: Vedro ’l mio sol, solo madrigal 38o VIII Contents The Invention of Opera 65 Jacopo Peri: Le musiche sopra VEuridice, opera: Excerpts (a) Prologue: Io, ched’alti sospir, strophic aria 386 (b) Aria: Nel pur ardor 387 (c) Dialogue in recitative: Per quel vago boschetto 389 66 Claudio Monteverdi: L'Orfeo, opera: Excerpt from Act II (a) Aria/canzonetta: Vi ricorda 0 boschi ombrosi 397 (b) Song: Mira, deh mira Orfeo 405 (c) Dialogue in recitative: Ahi, caso acerbo 406 (d) Recitative: Tu se' morta 41? (e) Choral madrigal: Ahi, caso acerbo 414 67 Claudio Monteverdi: L’incoronazione di Poppea, opera: Act I, Scene 3 431 68 Antonio Cesti: Orontea, opera: Excerpt from Act II (a) Scene 16: E che si fa? 434 (b) Scene 17, opening aria: Intomo all’ idol mio 435 Music for Chamber and Church in the Early Seventeenth Century 69 Barbara Strozzi: Lagrime mie, cantata 442 70 Alessandro Grandi: 0 quam tupulchra es, solo motet (sacred concerto) 45? 71 Giacomo Carissimi: Historia dijephte, oratorio: Excerpt (a) Recitative: Plorate colies 457 (b) Chorus: Plorate filii Israel 463 72 Heinrich Schtitz: 0 lieber Herre Gott, SWV 387, sacred concerto, from Kleine geistliche Konzerte I 471 73 Heinrich Schtitz: Saul, was verfolgst du mich, SWV 415, sacred concerto, from Symphoniae sacrae III 477 74 Girolamo Frescobaldi: Toccata No. 3 495 75 Girolamo Frescobaldi: Ricercare after the Credo, from Mass for the Madonna, in Fiori musicali 498 76 Biagio Marini: Sonata IVper il violino per sonar con due corde, sonata for violin and continuo 50? France, England, Spain, and the New World in the Seventeenth Centuiy 77 Jean-Baptiste Lully-.Armide, opera: Excerpts (a) Overture 511 (b) Act II, Scene 5: Enfin il est en mapuissance ^i3 78 Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre: Suite in A Minor, keyboard suite, from Pieces de clavecin (a) Prelude 522 (b) Allemande 535 (c) Courante I and II 5556 (d) Sarabande 538 (e) Gigue 539 (f) Chaconne ^3o (g) Gavotte 53? (h) Menuet 533

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