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NORTHWEST ADVENTISTS IINN AAACCTTIIOONN MARCH 2011 Vol. 106, No. 3 IMAGES OF CREATION S o then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him. Colossians 2:6 (NIV) “Candle in the Wind” taken in Woodland, Washington, by Albert H. Russell of Lebanon, Oregon. EDITORIAL A Very Present Gift H ave you ever been so anxious to share a gift So, how do we receive the Holy Spirit in our lives? with someone you love you just couldn’t wait? Here’s an illustration that helps me. Many years ago, I was pastor of a church with a One day a tourist in New York City wanted to “Th e wonderful Sabbath School kindergarten program. make a phone call. Finding a telephone booth, he One of the songs they sang was meant to help the stepped inside to make his call. Now understand this children learn to be unselfi sh. A regular partner to was a few years ago when phone books were chained electricity that song was a plastic rocking horse mounted on to the inside of such booths. Th e sun was setting, springs. Each child had a chance to sit on the rocking the light was bad, so the tourist tried to take the had always horse and rock as everyone sang, “I’ll share my rock- phone directory outside. Th at didn’t work because ing horse.” Our little daughter loved to ride that horse the directory was chained to the booth. Noticing a been there.” and could hardly wait for her turn each Sabbath. Boy, light bulb in the booth, the tourist tried to turn it on. could she ride! She didn’t just sit on the horse, she He couldn’t fi nd a switch and thought perhaps the made the springs stretch as far as they would go. light bulb needed to be tightened. When that was When we saw how much she loved rocking on unsuccessful, he started to get frustrated. A New that horse, my wife and I decided to purchase a rock- Yorker passing by noticed the tourist’s plight and ing horse to give to her for Christmas. We were so said, “If you want to turn on the light, you need eager to give her that gift — we could hardly wait for to close the door.” Th e tourist closed the door, Christmas to come. and the light came on. Th e electricity had Jesus told His disciples that His heavenly Father always been there. Th e tourist just needed to was eager to give them the Holy Spirit to fi ll their connect the power by shutting the door. lives. “I will talk to the Father, and He’ll provide you Like that light bulb, the Holy Spirit is al- another Friend so that you will always have someone ways there for each one of us. We need to fi nd with you. Th is Friend is the Spirit of Truth,” (John time each day to “close the door” to all distrac- 14:16 Th e Message). Christ loved His disciples so tions and spend that precious interlude with much, He couldn’t wait to give them the Holy Spirit. Jesus. When we do that, we’ll see the Light In order to give his followers that Gift , He told come on. We will see the Holy them He must go so they could receive the Com- Spirit do marvelous things in forter. “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your each of our lives. Th ank you advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Lord, for the Holy Spirit that is Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will available to us right now. send Him to you,” (John 16:7 NKJ). It was a divine commitment. When Jesus returned to heaven He fulfi lled His promise by pouring out the Holy Spirit on that little band of believers (Acts 2). JOHN LOOR JR. North Pacific Union Conference vice president for administration March 2011 • GLEANER 3 NEWS AND NOTES Dodge and Hastings Accept New Roles Gary Dodge, North Pacific Union The DVD series Breakthrough by José Rojas is available online. Conference Planned Giving and Trust Services director, will now fill the same Video Resources Online responsibilities on a worldwide level Go to www.npuc.org to find an updated selection of video for the General Conference. Dodge has resources for viewing or downloading. The latest series from worked within the NPUC office since José Rojas is available in both English and Spanish. You will find 2001. Before that he served the Idaho additional videos from the Momentum series, a 12-part video Conference as treasurer for nine years. seminar on Christian stewardship with Dick Hanson and a selec- Gary Dodge He will continue to be based in the tion of constituency videos and other resources. Use the mobile Vancouver, Washington, area. media code here to connect to the José Rojas series via your mobile device. Robert Hastings has accepted the call to become the Arizona Confer- ence treasurer. Most recently the O MOBILE MEDIA ACCESS G North Pacific Union Conference E Association treasurer, Hastings has H T worked at the NPUC for the past 23 N years. Hastings was instrumental in O R updating investment processes for E N the Revolving Fund, which serves A the financial needs of Northwest E L churches and schools. Robert Hastings G Words, Words, Words The GLEANER annually edits more than 250,000 worrddss ooff nneewwss aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiiooonnn ffoorr NNoorrtthhwweesstt mmeeemmbbeerrrss.. More than 2 million words from past GLEANERs are aarrcchhiivveedd aatt gglleeaanneerroonnlliinnee..ooorrrrgg.. SSiinnccee tthhee ffiirrsstt iisssssuuee in 1906, the GLEANER has published more than 30 mmiilllliioonn wwoorrddss ttoo ccoonnnneecctt AAdddvvveennttiissttss aarroouunndd tthheee Northwest with the mission of their church. 4 GLEANER • March 2011 Land of Beginning Again On the same day my husband and I received the February GLEANER, I started reading “Land of Beginning Again” (editorial) as I ate my GLE A lwnuihnoerc nhG .L uAoid wmee eelldm Litoiotrtrye antna, pdfop mremde meinrb Joeurf- tSoe tnadlk l@etgteleras,n setroornielisn,ep.ohrogt.os R5i7d0g9efi N e.l d2,0 WthA NS 9t.8E64R2 of our church in Vienna, Vir- ginia, in the 1980s, read that poem for a special Thanksgiv- ing worship. Coincidentally, Imitation Hits the Mark still on the same day, I was lis- I was once very quick to tening to an old cassette tape criticize you for your writing as I was resting. I knew it was of an article and what the reality show we are going to an old Thanksgiving tape, but impact of it might have on learn nothing except self is I didn’t remember that Lowell some minds. We might not the most important thing to news selection! Who does it? Litten was going to read “Land agree on all points, but on be gleaned, and the less time Lynetta Murdoch, of Beginning Again.” I love the article “Imitation” (Let’s we will have to communicate North American Division God’s serendipities. Curious, Talk, January 2011) I do with our Lord and Master, GLEANER responds: Thanks, I looked online and found that believe we are on the same and have the desire to imitate Lynetta. Our weekly e-newsletter Louise Fletcher Tarkington is page. It is well written and Him. Thank you for your is a collaborative effort of our the author. May the practical so true. We, on an individual timely message. communication team. It summa- applications extrapolated basis, need to do more study Bill Gillaspy, rizes the latest news around the by Max Torkelsen II find of our Bibles and of the writ- White City, Oregon Northwest and the world church fulfillment in our daily lives ings of E. G. White, or else and is distributed via e-mail ev- this year. how are we going to know High Marks for GleanerNOW! ery Thursday. Those who aren’t Tina Th omsen, whom we are imitating? You have a terrific newslet- already signed up to receive it can Silverdale, Washington From the latest TV show or ter! Great layout – high quality do so at gleaneronline.org. FROM THE GLEANER ARCHIVES Can You Tell Us Where This Is? If you can tell us anything about this photo, including who, when and where, let us know. Go to the GLEANER blog site at gleaneronline.org and add your comments to the discussion under the March photo in the Monthly Archival Photo section or e-mail us at [email protected]. NOTE: LAST MONTH’S PHOTO FEATURED A GROUP OF FACULTY AND STUDENTS AT YAKIMA VALLEY ACADEMY. THE SCHOOL WAS OPERATED IN GRANGER, WASHINGTON, FROM 1921 UNTIL 1945, AND THEN THE ACADEMY PORTION OF THE SCHOOL MOVED TO SPANGLE, WASHINGTON, AS THE UPPER COLUMBIA ACADEMY. VISIT THE FEBRUARY ARCHIVAL PHOTO AT THE GLEANER BLOG SITE FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND COMMENTS. March 2011 • GLEANER 55 FEATURE A Plan to Reach North America believe we are living in on His will and His plan for us EDITORS’ NOTE: Revival, a segment of time the and the world around us. reformation and a renewed Bible describes as “the As division president, I emphasis to reclaim end of the age.” For appeal to each layperson and missing members and Seventh-day Adventists to every employee to take this reach communities with of all generations, the matter personally and seriously. the gospel was a signifi cant resounding message of Th is kind of commitment alone message presented during the Scriptures is: Jesus is will move the church into the General Conference coming soon! However, future God has in mind for our Autumn Council and the as I consider the scope division. North American Division Year-end Meeting in late of the task God has given us, it In preparation for the 2010 2010. Dan Jackson, NAD is not diffi cult to see the mission year-end meeting, the NAD president, introduced is far more extensive than can leadership team engaged in the documents that were read be accomplished through hu- process of strategic planning for and voted on. Summarized man energy and means. the next fi ve years. We resolve here are his thoughts As never before, you and I by 2015 the church in North intended to impact church must have the power of God’s America will have become life and its mission during Spirit take control of us person- transformed by the Holy Spirit the next fi ve years. ally and corporately. It is not and moved to action in the fol- acceptable for us to think we lowing fi ve ways: can continue to carry out God’s work as we’re doing now or REACH UP (Revival and have in the past. Reformation) We are in desperate need of • Churches experience a spiritual renewal. As individu- revival and reformation als and as a North American that results in life-changing Division-wide family, we must transformations. appeal to God to gift us with • Members enjoy a vibrant His Spirit to such an extent that and joyful relationship with our hearts will continually focus Christ. 6 GLEANER • March 2011 FFFFEEEEAAAATTTURE REACH ACROSS (Unity in cation center for members God on earth will be fi nished Diversity) of all ages — combining and Jesus will come. Please join with the school to serve the NAD family in experiencing • New members’ love for and evangelize children God’s blessing and direction in Christ is a catalyst to and youth within church the fi nal moments prior to His reinvigorate their congre- and the community. return. gations. New members are • Th rough NAD resources, oriented to and inspired by the church makes distinc- the life-affi rming culture tive Adventist education of Adventism and are available to every Adventist integrated into the church child. fabric. • Th e church fi nds a way to • Each member is actively help strengthen and build a involved in church life system of Adventist higher and ministry. Discipleship education. training and compelling leadership opportunities REACH FORWARD (A Focus are provided for children, on Leadership) youth, young adults, stu- dents in public education, • Th e NAD, unions, local seniors and members with conferences and institu- disabilities. tions collaborate to support • Adventists disengaged mission and strategy from church life are recog- through responsible stew- nized as valued members ardship and a culture of of our family. Congrega- inclusive participation. Th e initiative, “REACH North tions implement ways to • Organizations and insti- America,” was adopted as a actively reconnect with tutions have in place a guideline and measuring device them. well-designed and active both for personal revival and for • Congregations embrace program to cultivate and corporate nurturing and out- and practice the concept of develop leaders. reach. Th e full document is avail- unity in diversity in such • Th e NAD signifi cantly in- able at www.nadadventist.org. matters as age, gender, race creases member donations. Watch the latest video pre- and socioeconomic status; • Th e NAD and at least four sentation on revival by Dwight congregations are inten- unions implement As- Nelson at http://www.revival tional in planning ways to sessment for Excellence andreformation.org/seeking- educate members. programs that promote and nelson or by using the document levels of fi nan- REACH OUT (Evangelism, GLEANER mobile media cial integrity, operational Community, Discipleship) access code here. effi ciency, program quality Dan Jackson is the president • NAD organizations of and staff eff ectiveness. of the Seventh-day Adventist every type combine their I challenge every pastor, Church in North America. eff orts in communicat- laymember, church administra- ing Adventism’s distinc- tor, departmental leader, insti- tive message of hope and tutional worker, health worker, wholeness to every person within the NAD territory, literature evangelist, chaplain O MOBILE MEDIA ACCESS and educator to make revival, G with a focus on big cities. reformation, discipleship and E H REACH IN (Growing Disciples/ evangelism the most important T N Adventist Education) and urgent priorities of our per- O sonal lives and areas of ministry. R • Because Adventist educa- E As we seek Him together, God N tion is a core church value, A the local church is an edu- will pour out His Holy Spirit in E L abundant measure, the work of G March 2011 • GLEANER 7 E rika no se sentía digna de y triste. Abandonada por su qué Dios nunca escuchaba En mi egoísmo no escuchaba venir a Jesús. Su pasado padre y separada de su madre. sus súplicas? Sin embargo, su voz que me decía, ‘’ese era tan triste y tan feo que Buscando el amor que no ella estaba equivocada. Dios motivo soy yo, ámame, yo no te ella pensaba que Dios no la encontró en su hogar, Erika siempre escucha a sus hijos. decepcionaré. No te traicionaré, amaba. Erika nació en un trató de entablar una buena Erika empezó a estudiar no te dejaré sola. Yo te daré hogar disfuncional. Desde relación amorosa con su novio. la Biblia y se enamoró de el hogar que tanto deseas, te pequeña su vida había sido Pero esa relación tampoco Jesús. Ella fue una de las daré vida eterna. Sólo abre la muy complicada. Tan pronto su funcionó. Cuenta Erika, “Mi primeras personas que fueron puerta y confía en mí.” Y desde padre supo que su madre estaba vida fue tan triste que desde bautizadas en la campaña de que le abrí la puerta a Jesús, he embarazada, la abandonó y niña tenía pensamientos evangelización realizada en la comenzado a sentir una alegría no volvió a verla hasta que suicidas. Después de sentir que Iglesia de Tacoma durante el y una felicidad que nunca antes Erika cumplió los 12 años de no valía nada y que ninguna mes de Septiembre. Erika nos había sentido. Estoy feliz por edad. No solamente se sintió de mis relaciones funcionaba, cuenta, “En mis momentos de haberme bautizado.” abandonada por su padre solo quería morir. Ese era un desesperación yo le preguntaba sino que también se sintió secreto que mantenía en mi a Dios, ¿Por qué me permites Escrito por el Pastor Ramon abandonada por su propia corazón. Yo solo quería estar vivir? Yo no quiero vivir. No Canals, Vice Presidente del madre pues ella tuvo que viajar muerta. Pensé en muchas tengo las fuerzas, ni el deseo Ministerio Hispano en la NPUC a los Estados Unidos para maneras de quitarme la vida.” de seguir viviendo. Si es que trabajar y ganar el sustento de Erika sabía que existía un quieres que siga viviendo su familia. Erika se sentía sola Dios, pero no entendía ¿por dame un motivo para seguir. El pastor Jim León bautizando a Erika Muñoz en la campaña Karina Medrano, quien fue instrumental en invitar a su hermana evangelistica que se llevó a cabo en la iglesia Adventista Erika a las conferencias, le da la bienvenida entregándole una Hispana de Tacoma. Biblia y una copia del audio libro Secretos de la vida. 8 GLEANER • March 2011 ALASKA CONFERENCE NEWS Kairos Prison Ministry T he Kairos Prison Ministry is a structured week- end with talks, chapel visits, prayer, singing, laughing and home-cooked meals. Adventist women, along with women of other denominations, went into Hiland Mountain Correc- tional Center in Eagle River, just north of Anchorage, Alaska, to encourage and lead 24 inmates to Christ. Volunteers prepared meals, transported food to and from the institution, and separated cookies into bags to be deliv- Pictured here are the November 2010 Kairos Hiland Mountain participants. ered to inmates. Four Adventists were on the to show how God works in that unconditional love is real.” Nan Peters, Northside Church team — two for the first time. Adventists’ lives and their un- An Adventist Bible study is member The new members were great derstanding of the Bible. also given each Thursday night additions and such witnesses. One prison guests puts it this at the correctional center. Kai- Some said it was an opportu- way: “I learned what true Chris- ros alumni have attended these nity for the church members tian fellowship looks like and Bible studies. Alaska Conference Changes T he Alaska Conference executive secretary by creating in southeast Alaska, executive committee voted two half-time positions. recently moved back to draw conference and church Kevin Miller continues to from the Michigan leadership closer and align ad- pastor the Northside and The Conference, where ministration with ministry. Two Second Mile churches as he he served as district pastors were appointed to fi ll assumes his new role as half- supervisor for 15 years the recently vacated position of time ministerial vice president. and was on the ex- Miller was formerly ecutive committee. He a pastor and district was the senior pastor supervisor in northern of the Lansing Church EPHRAIM PALMERO Michigan before mov- when he accepted the Pictured here, from left are: Josh, ing to Alaska in 2008. call to Alaska. In addi- Kara, Kevin, Paula and A.J. Miller. He and his wife, Paula, tion to his conference a nurse, have three responsibilities, he assists Miller call to teach grades 1–4 at An- children: Kara, A.J. and as the pastor of evangelism for chorage (Alaska) Junior Acad- Josh. the Northside and The Second emy. They have two daughters: Quentin Purvis is Mile churches. Purvis is mar- Kaila and Katie. the new half-time sec- ried to Kim, former Michigan retariat vice president. Conference women’s ministries Ken Crawford, Alaska Pictured here, from left are: Katie, Quentin, Kim and Kaila Purvis. Purvis, born and raised director. Kim has accepted the Conference president March 2011 • GLEANER 9 IDAHO CONFERENCE NEWS God’s Miracle Playground Desert View Christian School A dedication ceremony for set and jungle gym gave a $960 “God’s Miracle Play- discount. ground” was held on Dec. 18, Students planned, measured, 2010, at 12:30 p.m. at Desert marked, shoveled dirt, and View Christian School in moved rock and gravel in prepa- Mountain Home, Idaho, for ration for the dedication. Dur- new playground equipment. ing the 10 months students said Paulette Jackson, Idaho Confer- a lot of prayers for items needed ence education superintendent, and prayers of thanksgiving. helped cut the ribbon with Carrie Tow, DVCS teacher, students and staff . acknowledges she used the ex- The playground is truly a perience to teach math, science, miracle. Four students raised physics and, most of all, God. more than $1,700 dollars. Students would like to say They received donations from thank you to all who helped many people totaling more make this playground a reality. than $8,500, with the largest And, above all, they praise the single donation being $4,000. Lord. DVCS is a one-room Equipment was donated and Adventist School with seven stu- people volunteered time and dents located in the basement of Desert View Christian School playground is dedicated on Dec. 18, 2010. Front row, from left are: Byron Fesler, Home and talents to make this happen. The Mountain Home Church. School coordinator; Anthony; and Paulette Jackson, Idaho company providing p-gravel Conference education superintendent. Back row, from left: gave a 40 percent discount. The Byron Fesler, Home and School Isaac; Cody; Carrie Tow, DVCS teacher, Devin (hiding behind Mr. Fesler); Trevor; and Hayden. company providing the swing coordinator McPherson Retires After 22 Years as Idaho Conference President T he Idaho Conference hosted and especially for 22 years to establish an operating endow- DEBBIE WOOD a retirement celebration for presiding in the Idaho Confer- ment. McPherson’s wife, Sharon, Steve McPherson, Idaho Confer- ence. Prior to his service in Idaho, was recognized by the Idaho ence president since 1988. More McPherson was a pastor and then Conference Shepherdess leader than 225 people attended, show- president in Alaska and a confer- for her many years of support to ing support and appreciation. Th e ence evangelist and personal pastors’ wives. Peter McPherson, festivities began with Erv Furne, ministries director and pastor in principal at GSAA, presented his Nampa (Idaho) Church pas- Minnesota and Arizona. father with an honorary diploma tor and emcee for the program, Among the accolades were from the academy — making him presenting McPherson with the congratulations for 25 years an official alumnus. “Methuselah Award,” an hourglass of service on the Walla Walla The McPhersons plan to stay that Furne asserted was the time- University Board, establishing a in Idaho. McPherson will con- piece in use when McPherson media ministry in the conference, tinue to do public presentations began his ministry in Idaho. improvements at Camp Ida–Ha- in evangelism. Steve and Sharon McPherson While there was a lot of roast- ven to make it one of the best celebrate more than 44 years of service to the Adventist ing, there were also many words camps in the country and contin- Don Klinger, Idaho Conference Church, having spent the of appreciation for 44 years of ued support for Gem State Ad- communication director last 22 years in the Idaho service to the Adventist Church ventist Academy, including plans Conference. 10 GLEANER • March 2011

light bulb in the booth, the tourist tried to turn it on. He couldn't . Louise Fletcher Tarkington is the author training and compelling leadership .. ShareHim boot camp attendees in Montana enjoy a lunch of haystacks. ARCHIE
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